W W W . M O D E R N E . C O MWe're here foryou! MLG will work with you topropose risk avoidancemeasures and avoid potentiallegal issues through strategicplanning with District staff.Running a school or school district is a difficult anddemanding job. Let us handle your day to daylegal issues so you can getback to what really matters--supporting the students!S C H O O L D I S T R I C TG E N E R A L C O U N S E LC O N T A C TU S509-754-2356PO BOX 130238 W Division Ave Ephrata, WA 98823WWW.MOBERGLAWGROUP.COM
Experience: Our firm has over 40cumulative years of representing schooldistricts across the state of Washington.Knowledge: School district legal issues arecomplicated. The attorneys at MRKunderstand public school legal needs andhave assisted school districts with avariety of legal issues.Accessibility: No long waits, no phonetrees. If you have a problem and needimmediate support, our attorneys arethere for you.Affordability: LItitgation is costly. Byhaving a general counsel on standby, youcan help avoid expensive litigation costsfor your district. G E N E R A L C O U N S E LS U P P O R TPROACTIVE SCHOOL COUNSELAs experienced school counsel, weadvise school districts on legislativeand other legal matters that couldaffect school operations. TIMELY ADVICE ON URGENTMATTERSSchool administrators regularly faceissues that can have immediate legalconsequences. We develop closerelationships with schooladministrators so we can provide legalservices when urgent matters arise.IN-SERVICE TRAININGIn-service training is available for awide variety of legal issues.Contracts & Business MattersSchool Policies & ProceduresPublic Records ActAdministrative Disputes &AppealsBoard Responsibilities &ProceduresProfessional Misconduct IssuesPublic Entity ComplianceWWW.MOBERGLAWGROUP.COM
Experience: Our firm has over 40cumulative years of representing schooldistricts across the state of Washington.Knowledge: School district legal issues arecomplicated. The attorneys at MRKunderstand public school legal needs andhave assisted school districts with avariety of legal issues.Accessibility: No long waits, no phonetrees. If you have a problem and needimmediate support, our attorneys arethere for you.Affordability: LItitgation is costly. Byhaving a general counsel on standby, youcan help avoid expensive litigation costsfor your district. G E N E R A L C O U N S E LS U P P O R TPROACTIVE SCHOOL COUNSELAs experienced school counsel, weadvise school districts on legislativeand other legal matters that couldaffect school operations. TIMELY ADVICE ON URGENTMATTERSSchool administrators regularly faceissues that can have immediate legalconsequences. We develop closerelationships with schooladministrators so we can provide legalservices when urgent matters arise.IN-SERVICE TRAININGIn-service training is available for awide variety of legal issues.Contracts & Business MattersSchool Policies & ProceduresPublic Records ActAdministrative Disputes &AppealsBoard Responsibilities &ProceduresProfessional Misconduct IssuesPublic Entity ComplianceWWW.MOBERGLAWGROUP.COM
Experience: Our firm has over 40cumulative years of representing schooldistricts across the state of Washington.Knowledge: School district legal issues arecomplicated. The attorneys at MRKunderstand public school legal needs andhave assisted school districts with avariety of legal issues.Accessibility: No long waits, no phonetrees. If you have a problem and needimmediate support, our attorneys arethere for you.Affordability: LItitgation is costly. Byhaving a general counsel on standby, youcan help avoid expensive litigation costsfor your district. G E N E R A L C O U N S E LS U P P O R TPROACTIVE SCHOOL COUNSELAs experienced school counsel, weadvise school districts on legislativeand other legal matters that couldaffect school operations. TIMELY ADVICE ON URGENTMATTERSSchool administrators regularly faceissues that can have immediate legalconsequences. We develop closerelationships with schooladministrators so we can provide legalservices when urgent matters arise.IN-SERVICE TRAININGIn-service training is available for awide variety of legal issues.Contracts & Business MattersSchool Policies & ProceduresPublic Records ActAdministrative Disputes &AppealsBoard Responsibilities &ProceduresProfessional Misconduct IssuesPublic Entity ComplianceWWW.MOBERGLAWGROUP.COM
W W W . M O D E R N E . C O MWe're here foryou! MLG will work with you topropose risk avoidancemeasures and avoid potentiallegal issues through strategicplanning with District staff.Running a school or school district is a difficult anddemanding job. Let us handle your day to daylegal issues so you can getback to what really matters--supporting the students!S C H O O L D I S T R I C TG E N E R A L C O U N S E LC O N T A C TU S509-754-2356PO BOX 130238 W Division Ave Ephrata, WA 98823WWW.MOBERGLAWGROUP.COM
W W W . M O D E R N E . C O MWe're here foryou! MLG will work with you topropose risk avoidancemeasures and avoid potentiallegal issues through strategicplanning with District staff.Running a school or school district is a difficult anddemanding job. Let us handle your day to daylegal issues so you can getback to what really matters--supporting the students!S C H O O L D I S T R I C TG E N E R A L C O U N S E LC O N T A C TU S509-754-2356PO BOX 130238 W Division Ave Ephrata, WA 98823WWW.MOBERGLAWGROUP.COM