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MJC Gala Dinner Journal 2025

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Message Celebrating Leaders that Inspire Our CommunityCelebrating Leaders that Inspire Our CommunityGala Dinner JournalMarch 1, 2025

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Meet Our HonoreesMark has served on our Executive Boardin different capacities over the past 10+years, including treasurer, executive vicepresident, and most recently, president.Mark focused on unity and inspired usall with the sentiment of תחא הליהק ונחנא,we are one community, we are one MJC.Jamie and Ross have always beenincredibly generous, both financiallybut with their time. They rally theirfriends and colleagues to support thesynagogue, Israel, and to standagainst antisemitism.JAMIE & ROSS ALBERTSheila and Stanley joined MJC in 1971,making them among the first members.For 50+ years, they have truly giventheir heart and soul to MJC. bothserved on the Board of Trustees fordecades and left their mark on it withtheir humility, passion, & good humor. SHELIA & STANLEY MANDELMARK EIGER

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Event Chair: Rhonda EigerRabbi Michael PontCantor Michelle TeplitzDara Winston, Executive DirectorAllen Basis, PresidentThank you to our committeeJamie AlbertRoss AlbertMark EigerSharon GellerSusan GoldmanMindy GrafsteinIris KatzBarry LurieIris LurieShelia MandelStanley MandelNicole Nadel Eileen NewmanPhyllis SolomonAri TeplitzJulie Lurie WarrenDara Winston Janine Zaslavsky

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Fellow Congregants, Family and Friends,At a Board of Trustees meeting a year or so ago, Rabbi Pont had us perform an exercise, break into pairs andtalk about the first experience in our lives that connected us to Judaism. For me, it was easy. When I thinkabout what Judaism means to me, I always go straight back to the homes of my grandmothers, and my greataunts. These were all warm, wonderful women, each one welcoming us with open arms, and then feeding usuntil we were stuffed. My maternal grandmother was fond of the saying, “The more the merrier!” While that isnot a Jewish saying, I believe it’s a Jewish sentiment; in a Jewish home, in a Jewish community, there’s alwaysroom at the table.When Rabbi Pont asked me what my goals were for MJC presidency, I told him that I wanted to buildcommunity, to bring together various groups within the temple, be they the Hebrew School families, Shabbatregulars, Prime Timers, everyone. I hope I was able to bring our congregants a little bit closer, adding a few“leaves” to the table.While it has been the honor of my life to serve as synagogue president, it was only possible with thecollaboration and dedication of so many in our synagogue community. I am deeply indebted to everyone whoserved on the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees, and each and every synagogue committee (andthere are many of these!!). When Rhonda was MJC president, she often quoted the nursery rhyme “This is theHouse That Jack Built.” Well, this is the house that the MJC congregation built, and it continues to thrivethanks to all your efforts.Thank you to Allen Basis, who was the Executive Vice President during my term, for his partnership andcollaboration.Allen, you were indispensable to me, and you’re doing a great job at the helm!Thank you to Rabbi Pont and Cantor Teplitz, for encouraging me to participate religiously to the extent of mycomfort zone and beyond! Thank you to Dara Winston, our Executive Director, for running everything sosmoothly and with so much wisdom and compassion. Thank you to Dina Delacruz and the staff of Kleenrite.From painting to snow plowing, to preparing Shabbat Kiddush lunch, you do it all! Thank you, Steve Solomon, for putting your faith in me and popping the question: “Would you considerExecutive Vice President?”Mazel Tov and Yascher Koach to my fellow honorees, Jamie & Ross Albert and Sheila & Stanley Mandel. Yourdedication and generosity to MJC know no bounds. You are great role models, and I’m humbled to be honoredwith you.To my family, Danielle, Joshua, Hannah, my great niece Sofia who joined our family 6 months ago, and mymother-in-law Zelda Cohen, I love you all so much. I am so proud to be your dad, great uncle and son-in-law.Rhonda, I have been unbelievably lucky to be with you on this journey for the past 32 years. It is yourleadership that raised our family and brought us to this wonderful community. Thank you for your patience,guidance, and unconditional support while letting me find my own way as MJC president. I love you.Thank you to the Journal Committee for making tonight a success and for helping us reach our fundraisinggoal. Kol Hakavod on a job truly well done!MJC, we are one community! Anachnu Kehilah Echat!Mark Eiger

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Dear Family, Friends, and Fellow Congregants,We are honored to be chosen as one of the recipients of this year's Ohev Shalom Award. Thank you. To becelebrating this honor with Mark Eiger and Stanley & Sheila Mandel, cornerstones in the local Jewishcommunity, fills us with gratitude. You have all undoubtedly shaped numerous events and affairs for ourtemple. Thank you for all you have done. Congratulations. This award has given us a moment to reflect on the different roles we have played in the local Jewishcommunity and specifically at Marlboro Jewish. I myself have been a member of the synagogue since birth. Igrew up going to MJC Hebrew school, high holiday services, and many shabbats and events. I had my BarMitzvah at MJC. Marlboro Jewish was the foundation of my Jewish identity. As it came time to start a family, itwas important to me that MJC would serve as my family’s Jewish foundation as well. Jamie embraced thatopportunity, coming from a strong Jewish community herself. We celebrated our Aufruf, baby namings, andboth mitzvahs of our children Evan and Hayley at MJC.Raising a Jewish family in the current environment comes with many questions and struggles. With theleadership of our Rabbi, Cantor, and members, our family has been given a gift. Knowing that we will alwayshave a home and belong in the Jewish Community of Monmouth County has given us stability and strength inour religion. What’s more? We have made lifelong friends that have made coming to temple special andwelcoming. It is important that as Jews, we continue to support MJC and allow it to be a homecoming forgenerations to come. My family is confident that with leaders like the ones we have here, Marlboro JewishCenter has much more to come. It has been our pleasure participating in this event. We look forward to many more years of communitygatherings, celebrations, and holidays at Marlboro Jewish Center. Thank you again for this honor; we have theutmost appreciation for being recognized from a temple filled with givers. I am so glad we could all celebratetonight together as a united community.Ross and Jamie Albert

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We are Sheila and Stanley Mandel and are long-time members of MJC. Although we grew up in the sameBrooklyn neighborhood and attended the same high school, we met at a Barnard-Columbia event on Sheila’sfirst night of college. Four years later, we were married and began teaching careers and graduate schoolprograms in Latin American politics and Early Childhood Education. In 1968, we were pioneers moving to a mostly undeveloped Marlboro with two babies – Barry and Robin – andjust one car. We joined Marlboro Jewish Center shortly after it was formed and began a more than 50- yearinvolvement with Jewish life in our community.Eventually Stanley went on to earn two more masters degrees and a doctorate and became a psychologist.Sheila founded Corner Playhouse Nursery School in Wickatunk, earned a degree as a paralegal and laterbecame a preschool music specialist.Strongly believing in the value of continuing education, we take courses in Torah study, adult ed, Talmud, shortstories and Irish literature and study piano. Sheila was one of the founders of Brookdale’s Friends of LifelongLearning Committee and became an adult Bat Mitzvah at MJC. Stanley continues to attend professionalworkshops in psychology and is keenly interested in current events and politics.Temple members for more than 50 years, we remember the first weekend rabbis and everyone who cameafter. We attended the synagogue ground-breaking ceremony and the opening of the Chai Building. Both of usare long-time members of the Board of Trustees, Ritual and House Committees, and Adult Choir. We regularlyattend services and serve as ritual ushers and gabbaim and distribute High Holiday honors in the Chai.We were officers in the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities and have presented many lecturesand musical programs. Sheila played the piano for the Women’s Seders and led a weekly sing-along at SummerHill Nursing Home for 8 years. Stanley interviewed countless applicants to Columbia College and only recentlyretired from his practice as a psychologist.Thank you to Rabbi Pont, Cantor Teplitz, the Gala Committee and the Board of Trustees for honoring us. Ourmany friends and fellow congregants have been a source of wonderful support. It has been our honor and privilege to actively participate in our synagogue’s life and work and see MJCbecome a strong and vibrant center for Jewish life.With love,Shelia & Stanley Mandel

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All the honorees have and still volunteer tirelessly for MJC, and for the community at large. Mark Eiger and his family joined the synagogue in 2013, in time for Hannah and Josh’s B’nai Mitzvah.While others might fade into the background of Jewish life after a simcha, Mark did the opposite. Heserved on our Executive Board in different capacities, including as treasurer, executive vicepresident, and president. Mark is not the typical synagogue leader in that he embraced it onlyrelatively recently. Yet this is what makes him so effective; on the holidays he spoke about thisopenly, proving that one need not be steeped in Jewish experiences since childhood to make animpact. During his term and since, he has emphasized unity with the catchphrase תחא הליהק ונחנא, weare one community. He is correct – we are stronger when we focus on commonalities. Mark is also apassionate advocate for our youth. In all these ways, Mark inspires me and makes me a better rabbi. I have known Jamie and Ross Albert since I started at MJC. In fact, blessing their daughter Haileywith a Hebrew name was one of the first life cycle events I performed in my tenure here, and it wasjoyous! Hailey was adorable, decked out in pink with sparkling shoes. As she and her older brotherEvan grew up going to our Preschool and Hebrew School, I’ve gotten much closer to the Alberts. Andofficiating at their B’nai Mitzvah will always be a highlight! Over our thirteen years of friendship, Jamie and Ross have always been incredibly generous, not justfinancially but with their time. They rally their friends and colleagues to support the synagogue,Israel, and to stand against antisemitism. I am so honored to be their rabbi and know that ourrelationship will continue to grow. Sheila and Stanley Mandel joined MJC in 1971, making them among the first members. In over fiftyyears, they have truly given their heart and soul to Jewish life in Marlboro. Sheila served in variousexecutive capacities, including as ritual, education, and house vice presidents. Both she and Stanserved on the Board of Trustees for decades, and Stan volunteered as a teacher for adult educationclasses. During my tenure they have attended Shabbat and holiday services almost every week, andthey rarely miss a program; in our tradition they are called םידימתמ, those who are ever present, thehighest compliment one can give. I have turned to them often for advice about the synagogue, andin each instance, they gave constructive feedback and suggestions to move forward. Although theyretired from the Board a year ago, they left their mark on it with their humility, passion, and goodhumor. The Talmud teaches, “And all who work for the community, should do so for the sake of Heaven…”(Pirkei Avot 2:2) All the honorees give generously of themselves, benefiting themselves but muchmore to further the synagogue’s mission. May they be well and continue to be positive role models,inspiring all of us to volunteer for MJC and for the sake of Heaven. Shalom, Rabbi Pont

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In the Jewish tradition, leadership is not simply about holding a position— it is about service, vision, andcommitment to the greater good. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l said, “Leadership is not about power, but aboutinfluence, responsibility, and service.” These words perfectly capture the essence of Mark Eiger’s leadership as President of the Marlboro JewishCenter, as well as the invaluable contributions of Ross and Jamie Albert and Dr. Stanley and Sheila Mandel. As MJC President, Mark devoted countless hours to ensuring that our synagogue remains not only a place ofworship but a true home for Jewish life, learning, and community. His vision guided us all toward building astronger, more vibrant congregation. His tireless dedication, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to Jewishvalues have left an indelible mark on our community. He leads with kindness, strength, and an unshakablebelief in the power of community.Pirkei Avot teaches us, “In a place where there are no leaders, strive to be one.” We are lucky to have acommunity of leaders at MJC, and the Alberts and Mandels are two excellent examples of this. Through theircommitment and generosity, their collective efforts have strengthened our programs, enhanced our spiritualand educational offerings, fortified our facilities, and deepened the bonds that connect us all. Thank you, Mark, Ross, Jamie, Stanley, and Sheila for all that you have done and continue to do. May you gofrom strength to strength!With appreciation and admiration,Dara WinstonExecutive DirectorMarlboro Jewish Center

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Dear Congregants and Guests,Thank you for joining us in honoring those who have given so much to the Marlboro Jewish Center. Yourattendance, advertisements, and donations for our bi-annual gala help keep MJC a vibrant and thriving Jewishcommunity.Honoring Sheila and Stanley Mandel Sheila and Stanley Mandel are among the founding members who started Ohev Shalom even before ourbuilding opened 55 years ago in 1970. To this day, they generously volunteer their time on committees and areregular attendees at services and programs. Their unwavering commitment to MJC is evident through theircontinued guidance and support. Mazel Tov to the Mandels on receiving the Ohev Shalom Award!Celebrating Ross and Jamie Albert A hearty Mazel Tov to Ross and Jamie Albert. Ross’ parents, Howard and Paulette, also belong to MJC, makingthe Alberts one of our many multi-generational families. Their generous donations, including HVAC units forboth of our buildings, and their support for programs like bringing Amare Stoudemire to speak with ourHebrew School students, have been invaluable. We honor Ross and Jamie for their tireless work in keeping ourfacilities comfortable and welcoming for all.Recognizing Mark Eiger Last but certainly not least, we honor Mark Eiger. As our immediate past president, Mark has shared hisincredible Jewish journey, which reignited after meeting his wife, Rhonda, also a past president. With modestyand wisdom, Mark has led our synagogue, and his children have been active officers of our award-winning USY.While we may not see much of Mark during tax season, we are thrilled to honor him tonight. Mazel Tov, Mark!Special Thanks We can't forget the incredible efforts of those who made this event possible. Thank you to Dina and herKleanrite crew, Ira at IZ Events, and the Gala and Journal Committee for their months of hard work. From thebeautiful journal to the meticulously planned food and decorations, every detail has been thoughtfullyexecuted to make this event the best it can be.Shalom,Allen BasisPresidentBoard of Trustees

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The Albert Family is filled with gratitude.Thank you to the Journal Gala committee for tirelessly working to hit our fundraising goal and make this event a success!Mark Eiger and Sheila & Stanley Mandel,Congratulations! Thank you for your leadership in our temple.Thank you Marlboro Jewish Center for your support for the Gala. It is our honor to be part of this community.Ross, Jamie, Evan & Hayley Alberthost sponsor

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The Eiger family thanks the MJCcommunity for its support andparticipation in tonight’s gala. Thank you to the Journal Gala Committee for itsunparalleled efforts, and for surpassing ourfundraising goal. Mazel Tov and Yascher Koach to co-honorees Jamie & Ross Albert, and Sheila & Stanley Mandel. MJC, we are one community! תחא הליהק ונחנא Rhonda, Mark, Danielle, Hannah & Joshua EigerZelda Cohenhost sponsor

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platinum sponsorMazel Tov to Jamie and Ross Alberton the positive impact you continue to make on your community. We are inspired by your commitment tofamily, faith and people. Thanks for allowing us to be a small part of your professional and personal journey. L’Chaim!!!!!!Your friends at Lennox International

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platinum sponsorMark Eiger, Past President Ross and Jamie Albert, Ohev Shalom Award Stanley and Sheila Mandel, Ohev Shalom Award

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Mark Eiger, Past President Ross and Jamie Albert, Ohev Shalom Award Stanley and Sheila Mandel, Ohev Shalom AwardCongratulationsto all of theDedicated Honorees!diamond sponsorIris & Barry LurieJulie & Scott Warren

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gold sponsor TO OUR GOOD FRIEND MARK THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK, LEADERSHIP, AND DEDICATION TO OUR MJC COMMUNITY! Congratulations to the Ohev Shalom Honorees:Stanley and Sheila MandelRoss and Jamie Albert Jeff and Iris Katz and Family

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gold sponsorHardwood Flooring Installation & Refinishing in NJFamily Owned & Operated Since 1951Call 732-291-SAND (7263) or Text (732) 808-2224www.gorsegnerbrothers.comCONGRATULATIONS TO THE HONOREES!Mark Eiger, Past President Ross and Jamie Albert, Ohev Shalom Award Stanley and Sheila Mandel, Ohev Shalom Award

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silver sponsorMazel tov to the honorees!

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silver sponsorRoss and Jamie Albert&all of the honorees!THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION!MAZEL TOV The Bernstein Family &RoundAngle Advisors

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silver sponsorCustom Shore Home Building.We create spaces for families and friends to gather by providing an exceptional design-build experience.Christopher AmatoCMM Custom | (732) 455-3650 | 1551 NJ-138, Wall Township, NJ 07719Mark Eiger, Past President Ross and Jamie Albert, Ohev Shalom Award Stanley and Sheila Mandel, Ohev Shalom Award

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silver sponsorsilver sponsorMark Eiger, Past President Ross and Jamie Albert, Ohev Shalom Award Stanley and Sheila Mandel, Ohev Shalom AwardCongratulations to the honorees!1151 W. Main StreetFreehold, NJ 07728(732)

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ruby sponsorThe Ray Catena® Family of Dealerships Proud to SupportMarlboro Jewish Center2025 Gala • 1-800-New-AutoIn honor ofMark Eiger, Past PresidentRoss and Jamie Albert, Ohev Shalom AwardStanley and Sheila Mandel, Ohev Shalom Award

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ruby sponsorJamie & Ross, Best wishes for two amazing people!From your family at Elge, David and Maria

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Assurance | Tax | Consultingfor vismazars .usHonoring boldheroes.Congratulations, Ross andJamie Albert, on receivingthe Ohev Shalom Award!bronze sponsor

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10% OffAny Order(Max $10.00 when mentioning CNJ+)Kosher Caterers "Quality Food and ServiceLike The Good Old Days"Pond Road Shopping Center 4345 Hwy. 9 Freehold, NJwww.fredandmurrysdeli.com732.462.3343Visit Us!We Are Open For Lunch & Dinner!bronze sponsor

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CLEARY | GIACOBBE | ALFIER | JACOBS ATTORNEYS AT LAWFour Offices Serving The Garden State(732) 583-7474www.cgajlaw.comMatawan Office955 State Route 34 Matawan, New Jersey 07747Haddonfield Office255 Kings Highway EastHaddonfield, New Jersey 08033Oakland Office 169 Ramapo Valley Road Upper Level 105 Suite 200Oakland, New Jersey 07436Somerville Office50 Division Street, Suite 501Somerville, New Jersey 08876LLC

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“One person caring aboutanother represents life’s greatest value.”–Jim RohnConnect With Us: thehamiltongroup1958 |  company/thehamiltongrp  thehamiltongrp |  thehamiltongrp_THE HAMILTON GROUP is proud to support the MarlboroJewish Center and its members. As one of the mosttrusted independent insurance agencies in New Jersey,THE HAMILTON GROUP has insured tri-state residents and businesses for over 60 years.Let Hamilton care for your future well-being – Call for a quote today:

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Life is better with a friend -Snoopy We are lucky to call Mark Eiger our friend.Mazel Tov on a job well done. From one has-been to another, welcome to the Past President’s Club. L’chaim from JW and may your cup always be golden! Yasher Koach to Sheila and Stan Mandel! Thank you for your many years of dedication to MJC. Mazel Tov! Lori, Jay, Matt and Chance

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732-616-4040 | |

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Aberdeen Bayville Belmar Bordentown Bound Brook Branchburg Brick Twp.East Brunswick East Windsor Edison Ewing Fischer Blvd., Toms RiverFreeholdHadley Commons, S. PlainfieldHamilton Marketplace Hamilton Square Hazlet Howell Jackson Lacey Twp. Lawrenceville Manahawkin Manchester Marlboro Twp. Middletown Montgomery Twp.Neptune North Brunswick Pennington Rt. 37, Toms River Sayreville Shrewsbury Somerville South Brunswick Twp. South Plainfield Wall Twp. Waretown West Long BranchWoodbridge

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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, domore and become more, you are a leader.”-John Quincy Adams Mazel Tov to all of the Marlboro Jewish Center Honorees! Mark Eiger Past President Dr. Stanley and Sheila Mandel Ohev Shalom Award Recipient Ross and Jamie Albert Ohev Shalom Award Recipient Thank you for the many years of hard work and dedication. Ellen and Ian BlumenLori and Steven HerschmanSharon and Arthur GellerAmy and Andrew Wildstein

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Provident.Bank | 800.448.7768PROUD SUPPORTERSWE ARE PROUD TO SUPPORTMark EigerJamie & Ross AlbertSheila & Stanley Mandel

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• Annuities•Individual Retirement Accounts•Workplace retirement plans, including a 403(b), 401(k) and 457(b)Christopher Warenkiewicz - PartnerRetirement Planning SpecialistChristopher.warenkiewicz@equitable.com732-326-5293www. bea c on wea lt h pa rt n ers . c omCA Insurance License # 4064893Equitable Advisors, LLC 90 Woodbridge Center Drive – 7th floor – Woodbridge, NJ 07095•Permanent life insurance•Term life insurance•Long-term care insuranceInvestments and wealth managementOur financial professionals know the path to fulfillment begins with getting to know who you are, what matters to you and how you’ve made decisionsso far. From there, we guide you toward a personalized strategy to help you make smart choices and a financial portfolio designed to give you a level ofconfidence that comes with knowing you’re addressing a long-term financial strategy. As experienced financial professionals alongside you, we’ll beready with answers about options that can help you make the most of what you’ve earned and saved, including:•Employee benefits•A good financial strategy starts with knowing who you really are.Securities offered through Equitable Advisors, LLC (NY, NY (212) 554-1234), member FINRA, SIPC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN). Investment advisory products and services offered through Equitable Advisors,LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser. Annuity and insurance products offered through Equitable Network, LLC (Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California, LLC; Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah, LLC;Equitable Network of Puerto Rico, Inc.) Equitable Advisors and Equitable Network do not provide tax or legal advice. © 2023 Equitable Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. GE-5682444.1 (5/23) (Exp. 5/25) | G2243010 . BeaconWealth Partners is not a registered investment advisor and is not owned or operated by Equitable Advisors or Equitable Network CA insurance lic# 4064893Take the next step today!.

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Congratulations to tonight’s honorees! Mark Eiger Jamie & Ross AlbertSheila & Stanley Mandel

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Mark EigerPast President Ross and Jamie AlbertOhev Shalom Award Stanley and Sheila MandelOhev Shalom AwardADVANCED HOME SOLUTIONS

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We Keep You On The Right PathStaten Island, NY & East Brunswick, NJ718.682.7015realestateplanninglaw.comCongratulations to tonight’s honorees! Mark Eiger Jamie & Ross AlbertSheila & Stanley Mandel

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RE/MAX Homeland REALTORS83 South Street, Suite 302Freehold NJ, 07728Phone: (732) 462-2222Email: DrewRobustelli@gmail.comWeb:

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COUNSELLORS AT LAW516 State Highway 33, Suite 101Millstone Township, NJ 08535kpape@hpnjlaw.comdirect fax: 732-679-6554phone: 732-679-8844

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198 Route 9 North, Suite 200 | Manalapan, NJ 07726 | 732.405.3035 |

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Congrats Ross and Jamie Albert! ה ָרֹו ּתַל ן ָב ְר ָק ְמּו תֹוּי ִר ְּב ַה ת ֶא ב ֵהֹוא ,םֹול ָ ׁש ף ֵדֹורְו םֹול ָ ׁש ב ֵהֹוא ,ןֹר ֲה ַא ל ֶ ׁש וי ָדי ִמ ְל ַּת ִמ יֵו ֱה ,ר ֵמֹוא לֵּל ִהHillel taught: be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving.humankind and drawing them close to the Torah________________________ Sheila and Stanley, in your commitment to Marlboro Jewish Center and the entireJewish world, you embody the essence of being conscientious students of Aaron –you love and embrace peace, you show deep respect to all of God’s creations, and !you bring all of us closer to Torah. We rejoice in your well-deserved honor!Mazal Tov ________________________,With love and in friendshipRita and David & the entire Berkowitz Family

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Our Congratulations and Best Wishes to Mark Eiger For his Outstanding Commitment andDedication as President of The Marlboro Jewish Center~~~~~~~~~~~ David Edelblum, Esq. and Lisa Edelblum, Esq. Feingold & Edelblum, LLC Two University PlazaHackensack, New Jersey 07601 Phone: 201-880-6640 Fax: 201-880-6641 Right at Home of Central New & Light HousekeepingAssist with Personal Care & Hygiene Meal Planning & Preparation Transitional Care After HospitalizationDaily Health Reminders Assist with Errands & Transportation Ambulation & Dressing Assistance Safety Supervision & AssistanceLicense#: HP0052100

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Every House Has a Story to Tell...Open Book Home Inspections, LLCEric GulottaNJ Home Inspector(732) 414 - 7798License #24GI00106100

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JASON I. STEINFELD, M.D.733 N. BEERS STREET, HOLMDEL, NJ 07733 732-739-0707 *Specializing in Medical and Surgical Ophthalmology Mark Eiger, Past PresidentRoss and Jamie AlbertStanley and Sheila Mandel

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THE P I CKLE B A LL& PA D E L CL U B AT M O NROET HEPICKL E B A L L C LUBNJ.C O M@ THEPI C K L E BALLC L U B A T MONRO E4 Farrington Blvd.Monroe, New Jersey info@thepickleballclubnj.com732-400-1755Open Weekdays 6am-11pm – Weekends 8am-8pmClinics • Open Plays • Leagues • Tournaments s• Lessons • Private Events DUPR • Court Rentals • Junior Programs • Adult Camps...and so much more!At THE PICKLEBALL CLUBAT MONROE,you will have the opportunity toparticipate in many EXCITING PROGRAMS!****** NEW!!! Padel & Golf Simulators Opening Winter 2025!

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Mazel tov to our wonderful honorees: Mark Eiger, Jamie & Ross Albert, and Sheila & Stanley Mandelליחל ליחמ – may you all go from strength to strengthYOUR BUTCHER, DELI & SHIVA SPECIALIST!Millburn Mall2993 Vauxhall RdVauxhall, NJ 07088 (908) 688-2080

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Dr. William Moskowitz and Dr. Matthew Penner1323 State Route 34 Aberdeen, New Jersey;

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Congratulations to all the honorees for their hard work and dedication to Marlboro Jewish Center. Shelley & Neil Edelman

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Personalized Medicine for Healthier Healing Jessica Miller, MDBoard Certified inIntegrative & Functional MedicinePhysical Medicine & RehabilitationP: 732.631.4410 F: 844.350.545128 N. Main St., Suite 101, Marlboro, NJ 07746drmiller@fusionifm.comfusionifm.comMazel tov to all of the honorees! Jason & Jessica Miller

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Congratulations MarK Eiger!You are a true Prince among men!We are thrilled that the MJC is honoring you. It has been our privilegeto know you, Rhonda and the entire Eiger family. We are honored tocelebrate tonight with you, your community and all the Eigers! Love, The Wisnudels

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87 S Main Street, Marlboro, NJ 07746732-587-5383 www.brighterdaysco.comMarlboro, NJ & surrounding areas(732) 201-9364wecollectjunk.comCONGRATULATIONS TO THE HONOREES!CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HONOREES!

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268 Park Ave, Old Bridge, NJ 08857732-595-2254 www.caliber-electric.comCONGRATULATIONS TO THE HONOREES!

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Discover VibrantSenior LivingAt Sunrise, our priority is your careand well-being so you can spendyour days doing what you love. M A R L B O R O© 2024 Sunrise Senior LivingLearn more by or calling 732-409-6665.Mazel TovThank you Marlboro Jewish Center for yourunwavering support for the land and people of Israel through Jewish National Fund-USAto all of the honorees on your well-deserved recognition!

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17 Beaverson BoulevardPO Box 220Brick, NJ

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Congratulations to the honorees!

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Congratulationsto the honorees!Mark EigerJamie & Ross AlbertShelia & Stanley Mandel

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711 Tennent Road • Manalapan, NJCare and comfort at a moment’s notice.• RN Supervised• Companionship• Bathing & Grooming• Meal Prep & Cleanup• Light Housekeeping• Medication Reminders• Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care• Errands & Transportation– UP TO 24 HOURS CARE –*- Insured & Bonded

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ads-1374bThank you for votingus the best of thebest again! BEST BOUTIQUEBEST GIFT SHOPBEST JUDAICAYOUR PERFECT GIFT ISWAITING FOR YOU

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ads-1374bCongratulationsto the Honorees!

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ads-1374bMARKEIGER As one wise woman oncesaid, “He’s such a doll!” Mazel Tov to you and theequally impressive Event Chair.Your loyal fans, Hun and C.P.

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Congratulationsto the Honorees!

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ads-1374bTo Our Dear Friend Mark…Gut Gemacht! You were a fabulous MJC president so here area few tunes to honor your presidency…withsome slight modifications! You’re only one call away…you’ll be there to save the day! Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s synagogue from work you go You’ve been taking care of business every day, Taking care of business every way, You’ve been taking care of business it’s all yours, Taking care of business and working overtime! It’s been a hard day’s night, you should be sleepinglike a log And finally… Take this job and shove it…You ain’t working there no more! Congratulations to Sheila & Stanley and Jamie & Ross on being inspirations to us all. Michele & Marc Herling Congratulations to theHonorees, who haveenriched the synagogue in countless ways, as well as the greater community.Rhoda & Michael Danzigeravantidayresort.comCongratulationsto the honorees!

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Mazel Tov to Jamie & Ross Albert!Thank you for your years ofgenerous dedication to MJC and for your years of friendship.601 Branch AvenueLittle Silver, NJ

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274 Watchogue RdStaten Island, NY 10314718-979-7114info@mlattorneys.comCongratulationsto the Honorees!

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Celebrating Leaders that Inspire Our CommunityCelebrating Leaders that Inspire Our CommunityGala Dinner JournalMarch 1, 2025