Service compiled and arranged by Rabbi Jaqueline Mates Muchin and Rabbi Yoni Regev Special Thanks to Cantor Ilene Keys Rabbi Andrew Staus Rabbi Steven Chester Rabbi Andrea Berlin Betsy Bigelow Teller Ophira Druch Maureen Logan Gabby Kozak Robert Unger and Dan Fendel All side bar explanations with no author listed were written by Rabbi Mates Muchin except for the explanation of Mizmor Shir and the Niggun on page 1 which were adapted from articles by Cantor Keys
To pray is to take notice of the wonder to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings the divine margin in all attainments Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
oebip ic ic i i cqg mler ic ic i i d pA i c qg m lFr elld 6X El ld D iEl ld El ld 2X D iEl ld dppxp ekl i i l 3X d p Px p Ek l i i l 3X d p Px p Ek l Ep rW i xEv l d rix p d rix p dcFz A ei pt d nC w p Ep rW i xEv l d rix p d rix p Fl rix p zFxi n fA vvv zexpd zwlcd x W m lFr d K ln Epi d Fl i i d Y KEx A z AW l W x p wi lc dl Ep Ev e ei zF vn A Ep W C w Sing Dance Let the spirit of Shabbat wash over you We come together tonight to pray to celebrate and to comfort one another through community and tradition Take a breath and allow the worries and difficulties of the past week to leave you if only for the brief moments of song and prayer that we share together this Shabbat Mizmor Shir is a popular phrase found in the Book of Psalms that means Sing a Song and was used during ancient times to direct the Levites who were the musicians at the Temple in Jerusalem We know that the Levites in the Temple played many instruments during worship as they sang the liturgy In the spirit of the Levites and our ancient heritage we add extra instruments to our worship service tonight guitar percussion piano mandolin clarinet and flute May the beauty of the music inspire our prayer and add to the joy of Shabbat The Niggun We begin our service with songs of praise and niggunim The word niggun comes from the Hebrew root that means to make music or to play an instrument and simply refers to a melody Often niggunim are sung without words Indeed the most important characteristic of the niggun is feeling the feeling of the heart and the mystical uplifting of the soul thus it has no need for words The niggun is on a higher spiritual level than speech When singing a niggun we cast out sadness and bring in joy 1
Eternal God We have come together to pray as a congregation Yet each of us is strangely solitary in Your presence Each of us comes before You with special hopes and dreams Each of us has personal worries and concerns Each of us has a prayer no one else can utter Each of us brings praise no one else can offer Each of us feels a joy no one else can share Each of us has regrets which others cannot know Opening Niggun Yai dai dai Olam Chesed Yibaneh Olam chesed yibaneh yai dai dai 4x I will build this world from love yai dai dai And you must build this world from love yai dai dai And if we build this world from love yai dai dai Then God will build this world from love yai dai dai Hal lu Hal lu 6X Hal luyah 2X hal lu hal luyah Let us praise God And so we pray If we are weary give us strength If we are discouraged give us hope If we have forgotten how to pray remind us If we have been careless of time forgive us If our hearts have been chilled by indifference Warm them with Your mercy and inspire us With being together in the spirit of Your Holy Shabbat L chu N ran na I L chu n ran na 3X lAdonai L chu n ran na 3X lAdonai L chu N ran na II L chu n ran na yai lai lai L Adonai yai lai lai Naria yai lai lai L tzur yisheinu yai lai lai Naria naria l tzur yisheinu N kadma fanav b todah Naria naria l tzur yisheinu Bizmirot naria lo Let us sing out to God the Make of all sure and strong Let all of creation from mountain to sea hear our song Come let us sing to God Let our song ring out to our sheltering Rock Amen Rabbi Sidney Greenberg For all of the wonders in all of God s light we rejoice So now let us listen with all of our hearts to hear God s voice vvv vvv The Rebbe of Tsanz was asked by a Chasid What does the Rabbi do before praying I pray was the reply that I may be able to pray properly Lighting the Shabbat Candles Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha olam asher kidshanu b mitzvotav v tzivanu l hadlik ner shel Shabbat Gates of Prayer Blessed is the Eternal our God Ruler of the universe who hallows us with mitzvot and commands us to kindle the lights of Shabbat 2
zay lill Wecw xFA m lFr d K ln Epi d l i i d Y KEx A o t Bd ix R x W m lFr d K ln Epi d l i i d Y KEx A FWc w z AW e Ep a d vx e ei zF vn A Ep W C w d U rn l oFx M f Ep li g pd oFvx aE d ad A Wc w i x wn l d Ng Y mFi Ed i M zi W x a Ep z F e Y x g a Ep a i M m ix vn z i vi l x k f d ad A LW c w z AW e mi Or d l Mn Y W C w WC wn i i d Y KEx A Ep Y lg pd oFvx aE z AX d aeh dn dpd mi r P d nE aFH d n d Pd c g i m B mi g z aW a il icec il icec Fl i p e i l icFC Fl i p e i l icFC mi PW FX A d r xd mi PW FX A d r xd i z i rx d t i K Pd x Ac Od o n d l r z f i n mi p ei K i pi r d pFa lE x n zx Hw n Fl i p e i l icFC d Nk i z g i pY a A l mi PW FX A d r xd o ni z i FaE oFt v ixEr eycwl zayd mei z xekf Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy the fourth commandment eycwl here translated as keep it holy can also be translated as sanctify it And so tradition commands that we say special sanctification prayers for Shabbat The prayer for the sanctification of Shabbat is juxtaposed with the blessing for wine As a symbol of celebration wine at least in earlier generations was often reserved for entertaining guests and other special occasions Within Jewish tradition nothing could be considered more significant and special than Shabbat Thus every Shabbat we sanctify and celebrate the day with wine Blessing of the soul In the presence of the Inexplicable Energy that binds my soul with all that is living with the Life Source embodied in the human spiritI stand in awe of the genius of creation Holy Spark within I open myself to You to all that illuminates life and infuses it with fire and magic and the movement of the heart Amen Patricia Cohn minWd egnyi ux d l bz e m in X d Eg nU i F Fl nE m Id m rx i 3
Praying the Sunset Prayer I ll let you in on a secret about how one should pray the sunset prayer It s a juicy bit of praying like strolling on grass nobody s chasing you nobody hurries you You walk toward your Creator with gifts in pure empty hands The words are golden their meaning is transparent It s as though you re saying them for the first time If you don t catch on that you should feel a little elevated you re not praying the sunset prayer The tune is sheer simplicity You re just lending a helping hand to the sinking day It s a heavy responsibility You take a created day and you slip it into the archives of life where all our lived out days are lying together The day is departing with a quite kiss It lies at your feel while you stand saying the blessings You can t create anything yourself but you can lead the day to its end and see clearly the smile of its going down See how whole it all is not diminished for a second how you age with the days that keep dawning how you bring your lived out day as a gift to eternity Jacob Gladstein translated by Ruth Whitman Kiddush Leil Shabbat Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha olam borei p ri hagafen Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha olam asher kidshanu b mitzvotav v ratza vanu v Shabbat kodsho b ahava u v ratzon hinchilanu zikaron l ma aseh v reishit Ki hu yom t chila l mikra ei kodesh zeicher litzi at mitzrayim Ki vanu vacharta v otanu kidashta mikol ha amim v Shabbat kodsh cha b ahava uv ratzon hinchaltanu Baruch Atah Adonai m kadesh haShabbat Blessed is Adonai our God Ruler of the universe Creator of the fruit of the vine Blessed is Adonai our God Ruler of the universe You hallow us with Your mitzvot and take delight in us In God s love and favor God has made the holy Sabbath our heritage as a reminder of the work of Creation It is first among our sacred days and a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt O God You have chosen us and set us apart from all the peoples and in love and favor have given us the Sabbath day as a sacred inheritance Blessed is the Eternal for the Sabbath and its holiness Hinei Mah Tov Hinei mah tov u mah na im shevet achim gam yachad How good it is how sweet it is to be together on this day Shalom aleichem Salaam aleykum Dodi Li I Dodi li vaani lo haro eh bashoshanim Mi zot olah min hamidbar m kuteret mor u lvonah Libavtini achoti chalah uri tzafon uvo i teiman Dodi Li II Dodi li vaani lo haro eh bashoshanim Hinach yafah ra yati hinach yafah einayich yonim Dodi li vaani lo haro eh bashoshanim Yism chu Hashamayim Yism chu hashamayim v tageil ha aretz Yiram hayam umlo o Let the heavens be glad and the sea rejoice Let the sea roar and all that fills it 4
l xUil df mei d gEp n z AW d gn U e dxF l x U il d f mFi elcb dn Li z aW g n Ew n r c n D i Li U rn Elc B d n mkilr melW oFi l r i k l n zx Xd i k l n m ki l r mFl W Ed KEx A WFc Td mi k lO d i kl n K lO n mFl Xd i k l n mFl Wl m k FA mi k lO d i kl n K lO n oFi l r i k l n Ed KEx A WFc Td mFl Xd i k l n mFl Wl i pEk x A mi k lO d i kl n K lO n oFi l r i k l n Ed KEx A WFc Td May the door of this synagogue be wide enough to receive all who hunger for love all who are lonely for fellowship May it welcome all who have cares to unburden thanks to express hopes to nurture May the door of this synagogue be narrow enough to shut out pettiness and pride envy and enmity May its threshold be no stumbling block to young and straying feet May it be too high to admit complacency selfishness and harshness May this synagogue be for all who enter Rabbi Sidney Greenberg mFl Xd i k l n mFl Wl m kz v mi k lO d i kl n K lO n oFi l r i k l n Ed KEx A WFc Td Wtp cici o ng x d a W t p cic i L p Fvx l LC ar KFW n l I FnM LC ar uEx i Lx c d lEn l d eg Y W i 5
Yom Zeh L Yisrael Yom zeh l Yisrael ora v simcha Shabbat menucha This is Israel s day of light and joy a Sabbath of rest Mah Gadlu Mah gadlu maasecha Yah m od amku machsh votecha How great are Your works O God how very profound your design Peace be to you O ministering angels messengers of the Most High Majesty of magesties Holy One of Blessing Enter in peace O messengers of peace angels of the Most High Majesty of majesties Holy One of Blessing Bless me with peace O messengers of peace angels of the Most High Majesty of majesties Holy One of Blessing Depart in peace O messengers of peace angels of the Most High Majesty of majesties Holy One of Blessing vvv Alone I can not lift my voice in song Then you come near and sing with me Our prayers fuse and a new voice soars Our bond is beyond voice and voice Our bond is one of spirit and spirit Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz 6 Shalom Aleichem Shalom aleichem malachei hashareit malachei elyon mimelech mal chei hamlachim HaKadosh Baruch Hu Bo achem l shalom malachei hashalom malachei elyon mimelech mal chei hamlachim HaKadosh Baruch Hu Bar chuni l shalom malachei hashalom malachei elyon mimelech mal chei hamlachim HaKadosh Baruch Hu Tzeitchem l shalom malachei hashalom malachei elyon mimelech mal chei hamlachim HaKadosh Baruch Hu Y did Nefesh Y did nefesh av harachaman m shoch avd cha el r tzonecha Yarutz avd cha k mo ayal yishtachaveh el mul hadarecha Heart s delight Source of mercy draw Your servant into Your arms I leap like a deer to stand in awe before You
icec dkl d NM z x w l icFc d kl d lA w p z AW i pR c g xEAc A xFk fe xFn W c g iO d l Ep ri ny d c g Fn WE c g i i d Nd z le zx t z l E m Wl d kl pe Ek l z AW z x w l d kx Ad xFw n i d i M d kEq p mc T n W xn d Ng Y d aW g n A d U rn sFq ix xFr zd ix xFr zd ixF i nEw KxF a i M ix A C xi W ixE r ixE r d l b p K i l r i i cFa M L cha Dodi was composed by Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz a 16th century kabbalist of Safed While it is thought that there were numerous versions of poetry liturgy known by this title this was the one adopted by Rabbi Isaac Luria the foremost authority amongst the kabbalists The personification of the Sabbath as a Bride and as a Queen both of which convey the imagery of beauty and radiance testifies to the tremendous affection that the Sabbath enjoyed among the people Bereshit Rabbah 11 9 a midrashic text offers the basis for the idea that God mated the Jewish people with the Sabbath Hence the notion of a beloved bride whose arrival is eagerly awaited and joyously welcomed Hayim Halevy Donin To Pray As a Jew vvv PLEASE RISE D l rA zx h r mFl Wa i FA d ld v a E d gn U A m B d Nb q m r i pEn KFY d Nk i FA d Nk i FA We stand for the final verse of L cha Dodi and face the entrance of the sanctuary or chapel as a sign of respect for the Sabbath Bride who now enters 7
I am a Jew because the faith of Israel requires no abdication of my mind I am a Jew because the faith of Israel requires all the devotion of my heart I am a Jew because the word of Israel is the oldest and the newest I am a Jew because Israel s promise is the universal promise I am a Jew because for Israel the world is not completed we are completing it I am a Jew because for Israel humanity is not created we are creating it I am a Jew because Israel places humanity and its unity above the nations and above Israel itself I am a Jew because above humanity image of the divine Unity Israel places the unity which is divine Edmund Fleg vvv Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask but when we are challenged to be what we can be Rabbi Morris Adler vvv What Prayer Can Do Prayer cannot mend a broken bridge rebuild a ruined city or bring water to parched fields Prayer can mend a broken heart lift up a discouraged soul and strengthen a weakened will Ferdinand Isserman 8 L cha Dodi L cha dodi likrat kalah p nei Shabbat n kab lah Shamor v zachor b dibur echad hishmianu El hamyuchad Adonai echad ush mo echad l shem ul tiferet v lit hilah Likrat Shabbat l chu v nelcha ki hi m kor hab rachah meirosh mikedem n sucha sof ma aseh b machshava t chilah Hitor ri hitor ri ki va oreich kumi ori uri uri shir dabeiri k vod Adonai alayich niglah PLEASE RISE Bo i v shalom ateret ba alah gam b simchah uv tzoholah toch emunei am s gulah bo i chalah bo i chalah Beloved come to meet the bride beloved to greet Shabbat Keep and remember a single command the Only God caused us to hear the Eternal is One God s Name is One glory and praise are God s Come with me to meet Shabbat forever a fountain of blessing Still it flows as from the start the last of days for which the first was made Awake awake your light has come Arise shine awake and sing the Eternal s glory dawns upon you Enter in peace O crown of your husband enter in gladness enter in joy Come to the people that keeps its faith Enter O bride
zecedl aeh oFi l r L nW l x O fl E i i l zFc dl aFh Tov L hodot Psalm 92 2 Tov l hodot lAdonai ulzameir l shimcha Elyon On this the day of days My lips shall sing your praise For I know that you ll always be Here surrounding me My spirit takes release I close my eyes in peace And from my soul heard far above Springs a song of love I wish to understand The wonders of Your hand For all the blessings that are mine Rise from Your design Rabbi Ken Chasen vvv yicw ivg x a iC nl rA Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i oFki nFi aE oFki Ig A D zEk ln Ki ln ie D zErx k l br A l x U i zi A l kc i Ig a E o n Ex n e aix w on fa E i n lr lE m lr l Kx an Ax D nW d i In lr V pz ie m nFx z ie x R z ie g AY W ie Kx Az i Kix A Wc wC D nW l Nd z ie d N rz ie xC dz ie zxi We zk x A l M o n N rl Ed n lr A oxi n C zn g pe zg A W Y o n Ex n e The Kaddish acts as a point of separation between different pieces of the prayer service In Reform siddurim we say the Kaddish twice the Chatzi Kaddish also known as the Reader s Kaddish here and then the Mourner s Kaddish at the end of the service Here the liturgy makes a separation between the opening songs and niggunim and the Shema and its blessings the first of the fixed rubrics of the Shabbat evening service The Mourner s Kaddish will mark the end of the fixed concluding prayers The word kaddish comes from the word kadosh meaning holy The kaddish speaks of our desire to exalt and praise God for God s holiness and might Because the kaddish focuses on the liturgical view of God as the central aspect of Jewish prayer it serves as a beautiful connection between the various themes and expressions included in the prayer service Through the use of the kaddish in multiple places throughout the service tradition teaches us that God and our relationship with God is ever present in our lives God serves as the foundation for the varying aspects of our existence we address through prayer vvv Holy holy holy is the God of Hosts The whole earth is filled with God s glory Isaiah 6 3 9
Why fixed prayer To learn what we should value what we should pray for To be at one with our people the household of Israel To ensure that the ideals painfully learned and purified and for which many have lived and died shall not perish from the community and shall have a saving influence upon the individual Gates of Prayer Praise God for the breath of life Praise God for the gift of song Praise God for the open eye Praise God for the world to see Praise God for the beating heart Praise God for the heart to love Praise God for the hands to hold Praise God for the hands to give Praise God for the feet to dance Praise God for the path to walk Praise God for the words to praise Halleluyah halleluyah Barbara Holender vvv Kaddish vvv Magnify Magnify God of many names God of everywhere God of worlds beyond us God of worlds inside us God of hidden places Magnify amen Magnify amen God of everyone the highest and the lowest God of little people make peace within us make peace among us And let us say Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Chatzi Kaddish Yitgadal v yitkadash sh mei raba b alma div ra chirutei v yamlich malchutei b chayyeichon u v yomeichon u v chayei d chol beit Yisrael ba agala u vizman kariv v im ru Amen Y hei sh mei raba m varach l alam ul almei almaya Yitbarach v yishtabach v yitpa ar v yitromam v yitnasei v yit hadar v yit aleh v yit halal sh mei d kudsha b rich hu l eila min kol birchatah v shiratah tushb chatah v nehchematah da amiran b alma v im ru Amen Barbara Holender Let the glory of God be extolled let God s great name be hallowed in the world whose creation God willed May God s world soon prevail in our own day our own lives and the life of all Israel and let us say Amen Let God s great name be blessed for ever and ever Let the name of the Holy One blessed be God be glorified exalted and honored though God is beyond all the praises songs and adorations that we can utter and let us say Amen 10
PLEASE RISE dizekxae rnW ekxa Kx an d i i z Ekx A c r e m lFr l Kx an d i i KEx A miaxr aixrn x W m lFr d K ln Epi d l i i d Y KEx A g z FR d nk g A mi ax r aix rn Fx ac A z si lg n E mi Y r d PW n d pEa za E mix rW m di zFx nW n A mi ak FM d z xC qn E mi Pn Gd xF l lFB d l i l e mFi xFA FpFvx M ri w x A mFi xi a rn E xF i pR n K Wg e K Wg i pR n i i d l i l oi aE mFi oi A liC an E d l i l i an E Epi l r KFl n i ci nY m Iw e i g l Fn W zF av mi ax r aix rn d i i d Y KEx A c r e m lFr l The Sh ma and Its Blessings This rubric begins with the Bar chu the call to worship and then continues with three central themes creation revelation and redemption Included in the theme of revelation comes the Shema taken directly from the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy Thus within this set of prayers we restate our central beliefs God created the world God revealed the Torah to us promising to love and care for us if we love and care for God and God s law and just as God redeemed us from Egypt so too will God grant to us everlasting salvation Blessed is the Eternal One the Holy One of blessing Prayer can be solitary but the community possesses a special power The Barchu bids us all to rise and join together Said Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz When a person is singing whose voice cannot be lifted and another comes and sings along whose voice can be lifted then the first voice will be lifted as well That is the secret of the bond between spirit and spirit Rabbi David Wolpe Friday Night Live vvv Do not think that the words of prayer as you say them go up to God It is not the words themselves that ascend it is rather the burning desire of your heart that rises like smoke toward heaven If your prayer consists only of words and letters and does not contain your heart s desire how can it rise up to God Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav 11
PLEASE RISE A Single Person Was Created Only a single person was created in the beginning to teach that if any individual causes a single person to perish Scripture considers it as though an entire world had been destroyed and if anyone saves even a single person Scripture considers it as though a whole world had been saved Again just a single person was created for the sake of peace so that no one could say to another My father was greater than yours Moreover only a single person was created in order to emphasize the greatness of God For whenever a mortal stamps many coins using one die all the coins are alike but when God stamps all human beings with the die of the first person created each one of them is nevertheless unique Therefore every individual must say For my sake was the world created Mishnah Sanhedrin 4 5 vvv A legend When God decided to create human beings the angels were jealous for angels had not been created in the Divine Image The angels plotted to hide the Divine Image from human beings One suggested burying it in the depths of the sea another in the crag of a jagged mountain peak But the most clever of the angels suggested No Let us hide the Divine Image within each person It s the last place they ll ever look Rabbi Harvey J Fields Bechol Levavch 12 Sh ma U Virchotecha Bar chu Bar chu et Adonai ham vorach Baruch Adonai ham vorach l olam va ed Praise the One to whom praise is due Praised be the One to whom praise is due now and forever Ma ariv Aravim Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha olam asher bidvaro ma ariv aravim B chochma poteiach sh arim u vitvunah m shaneh itim umachalif et hazmanim um sader et hakochavim b mishm roteihem baraki a kirtzono Borei yom valaila goleil or mipnei choshech v choshech mipnei or u ma avir yom u meivi laila u mavdil bein yom u vein laila Adonai tz va ot sh mo Eil chai v kayam tamid yimloch aleinu l olam va ed Baruch Atah Adonai hama ariv aravim We praise You Eternal God Sovereign of the universe whose word brings on the evening With wisdom You open heaven s gates and with understanding You make the ages pass and the seasons alternate Your will controls the stars as they travel through the skies You are Creator of day and night rolling light away from darkness and darkness from light You cause day to pass and bring on the night separating day from night You command the hosts of heaven May the living and eternal God rule us always to the end of time We praise You O God whose word makes evening fall
Source of all Fill my heart with joy and thanksgiving My eyes with vision and hope My limbs with strength and vigor Fill my breath with kindness and grace So that the wonder of Your blessings never leaves me Then my lips will remember to sing in holy praise To sing of beauty and glory and love Rock of Israel We pray for the gift of prayer For song and music For silence and devotion For steadfast love of You With prayer we bless You With song we bless You With music we extoll You With silence we hear You With devotion we follow You In love we declare Your holy name Strange is our situation here on earth Each of us has come for a short visit not knowing why yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose From the standpoint of daily life however there s one thing we do know that we are here for the sake of humanity for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy Many times a day I realize how my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors of my fellow human beings both living and dead and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received and am still receiving Albert Einstein Alden Solovy in Moments of Transcendence edited by Dov Peretz Elkins vvv mler zad dxFY Ya d L O r l x W i zi A m lFr z ad o M l r Yc O l Ep z F mi hR W n E mi Tg zF vn E Li T g A g i U p Ep n Ew aE Ep A k W A Epi d l i i c r e m lFr l Li z ev n a E L z xFz ix ac A g nU pe m nFi d Bd p m da E Epi n i Kx e Epi Ig m d i M mi n lFr l Ep O n xi qY l L za d e d l i l e l x U i FO r a dF i i d Y KEx A You love the house of Israel Your people with endless love Judaism teaches of the love of God and of God s love In our prayer we sing of an eternal love one that transcends time For a moment we recall that we were given the inestimable gift of life and our gratitude and prayer is the only return for this act of God s love Rabbi David Wolpe Friday Night Live 13
A guest comes to the king to test the knowledge of the king s son and the young child is unable even to understand the halakhah because of its deep and complicated logic But because of the father s great affection for his son he can t bear the distress his beloved son experiences in encountering such difficulty and in his incapability to comprehend What does the father do He finds a way to help his son begin to understand the halakhah and he shows him a path that might allow him to converse on that passage virtually telling him the actual content of that legal passage The guest poses questions and when the young boy is able to respond and engage in dialogue with a clarity of thought the father rejoices feeling delight and pride in his son even though the latter s very ability to answer and discuss the passage is admittedly the doing of his father Cognizant of the father s delight the guest goes on to raise further questions and relying on his father s prodding the son s understanding awakens and he proceeds to answer the difficulties posed by the guest We find that everything is of You and from You and our own doing and endeavor is from You of Your own power and nevertheless You have great delight from this And You feel pride in us as though we ourselves have really accomplished what we have done And in this condition one can recognize the force of Your love and Your overflowing affection Dov Baer of Mezherich as recorded in Or Torah translated by Aryeh Wineman 14 In each age we receive and transmit Torah At each moment we are addressed by the World In each age we are challenged by our ancient teaching At each moment we stand face to ace with Truth In each age we add our wisdom to that which has gone before At each moment the knowing heart is filled with wonder In each age the children of Torah become its builders and seek to set the world firm on a foundation of Truth Rami Shapiro vvv Ahavat Olam Ahavat olam beit Yisrael amcha ahavta Torah u mitzvot chukim u mishpatim otanu limad ta Al kein Adonai Eloheinu b shochbeinu u v kumeinu nasiach b chukecha v nismach b divrei Toratecha u v mitzvotecha l olam va ed Ki heim chayeinu v orech yameinu u vahem nehgeh yomam valailah V ahavat cha al tasir mimenu l olamim Baruch Atah Adonai ohev amo Yisrael With an eternal love have You loved Your people Israel Torah and commandments decrees and ordinances have You taught us Therefore Eternal our God upon our lying down and our rising up we will speak of Your decrees and will rejoice with the words of Your Torah and with Your commandments for all eternity For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will will meditate day and night May You not remove Your love from us forever Blessed are You Eternal One Who loves Your people Israel
c g i i Epi d l i i l x U i r nW c r e m lFr l FzEk ln cFa M mW KEx A PLEASE BE SEATED zad e L a a l l kA Li d l i i z Y a d e mix aC d Ei de L c n l ka E L Wt p l ka E L a a l l r mFI d L Ev n i k p x W d N d L zi aA L Ya W A m A Y x Ac e Li pa l m Y p PW e m Yx Ww E L n Ew aE L Ak W a E Kx C a L Yk la E Li pi r oi A z th hl Ei de Lc i l r zF l Lix rW a E L zi A z f fn l r m Ya z k E i zF vn l M z m zi U r e Ex M fY o rn l m ki d l i i i p m k id l l mi y cw m zi id e zFi d l m ix vn ux n m kz i z vFd x W m ki d l i i i p mi d l l m k l z n m ki d l i i What do we teach our children Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe a moment that never was before and never will be again And what do we teach our children in school Two plus two is four and that Paris is the capital of France When will we also teach them what they are We should say to each of them Do you know what you are You are a marvel You are unique In all the world there is no other child exactly like you In the millions of years that have passed there has never been another child like you And look at your body what a wonder it is your legs your arms your cunning fingers the way you move You may become a Shakespeare a Michelangelo a Beethoven You have the capacity for anything Yes you are a marvel And when you grow up can you then harm another who is like you a marvel You must work we must all work to make this world worthy of its children Rabbi Chaim Stern 15
Sh ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Baruch Shem k vod malchuto l olam va ed Hear O Israel the Eternal One is our God the Eternal God alone Blessed is God s glorious majesty forever and ever PLEASE BE SEATED Prayer is speech but not mere speech The word is not to be despised Words have power over the soul Hear O Israel is a cry and affirmation a reminder of glory and martyrdom a part of the very essence of our people s history Our prayerbooks are but words on paper they can mean little or nothing Yet the searching spirit and questing heart may find great power in their words Through them we link ourselves to all the generations of our people pouring out our souls in prayer with those of our brothers and sisters These words laden with the tears and joys of centuries have the power to bring us into the very presence of God Not easily not all at once not every time but somehow sometimes the worshipers who offer up their hearts and minds without reservation will know that they have touched the Throne of Glory Gates of Prayer 16 V ahavta V ahavta et Adonai Elohecha b chol l vav cha uv chol nafsh cha uv chol m odecha V hayu had varim haeileh asher Anochi m tzav cha hayom al l vavecha V shinantam l vanecha v dibarta bam b shivt cha bveitecha uv lecht cha vaderech u v shochb cha u v kumehcha Uk shartam l ot al yadecha v hayu l totafot bein einecha u ch tavtam al m zuzot beitecha u vish arecha L ma an tizk ru va asitem et kol mitzvotai vih yitem k doshim lEiloheichem Ani Adonai Eloheichem asher hotzeiti etchem meieretz mitzrayim lih yot lachem lEilohim Ani Adonai Eloheichem Adonai Eloheichem emet Love the Eternal your God with all your heart and mind with all your spirit with all the force of your being Be mindful of the words I command you this day and take them to heart Instill them in your children recite them when you sit in your home and when you go on your way when you lie down and when you stand up Bind yourselves to them set them before your inward eye Inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates so that you remember and do all My Mitzvot and consecrate yourselves to your God I am the Eternal your God who brought you out of Egypt to be your God I am the Eternal your God Deut 6 5 9 Num 40 41 translated by Barbara Holender
When the people of Israel left Egypt God sought to impress them with a miracle so spectacular that no one who experienced it would ever doubt God s power or God s providence again God caused the waters of the Red Sea to part letting the Israelites pass through in safety and releasing the waters to drown the Egyptian pursuers Safely across the sea the people were suitably impressed and sang God s praise pledging their undying loyalty The Eternal will be our Ruler forever and ever God s plan worked for about fourty eight hours By the third day after the crossing the people were hot tired and thirsty They complained to Moses about the lack of food and water and wondered why they ever let themselves be led out of Egypt in the first place God realized that no matter how impressive a miracle might be it does not solve the problem of faith for more than a day or two any more than the finest meal saves the problem of being hungry for very long A few small experiences of the meaningfulness of life every day will do more for our souls than a single overwhelming religious experience Rabbi Harold Kushner adapted from When Everything You ve Ever Wanted Isn t Enough dknk in Wc T A xC p d k n M i n i i mi l A d k n k i n l t d U r z Ni dz xFp d f d Wn i pt l m i rwFA Li pa E x L zEk ln c r e m lFr l KFl n i i i Ex n e Ep r i l w fg c In Fl bE a w r i z i i dc t i M x n pe l x U i l B i i d Y KEx A EP O n Then Miriam the Prophetess Aaron s sister took a drum in her hand and all the women followed her with music and dancing And this is the song that Miriam led I sing to the Eternal for You have truly triumphed God is my might my song and my salvation This is my God whom I praise my ancestor s God whom I acclaim O Eternal Your right hand is majestic with power With a blast of your breath the water heaped up The flow stood like a wall The depths held firm in the heart of the sea My foe has said I ll chase I ll catch I ll share the spoil I ll have my fill Then You took in your breath and the sea covered them The peoples heard and trembled As Your people crossed O Eternal As this people crossed in Your embrace Exodus 15 as interpreted in Shabbat M nucha Temple Beth Zion 17
In the G ulah we recall the miraculous redemption at the Red Sea and pray for the redemption of all peoples in the future vvv Standing on the parted shores of history we still believe what we were taught before ever we stood at Sinai s foot that wherever we go it is eternally Egypt that there is a better place a promised land that the winding way to that promise passes through the wilderness That there is no way to get from here to there except by joining hands and marching together vvv G ulah Redemption When will redemption come When we master the violence that fills our world When we look upon others as we would have them look upon us When we grant to every person the rights we claim for ourselves Once we were in bondage then we were free In that first liberation our people perceived that God redeems time and event from the hands of tyrants Now we too acclaim God s power that makes for freedom We sing the song that celebrates our deliverance from Egypt and all bondage Gates of Prayer adapted vvv Mi Chamocha Mi chamocha ba eilim Adonai Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh nora t hiloht osei feleh Oneness Eternal watch over my small domain Of light and shadow Those few people who share my love And all others upon this earth That sometimes shakes with thunder And reverberates with lightning Help us to live with fear And conquer rage Heal the hate that makes us kill And covers the ground With this red sea That only You can part So we may all walk through the wilderness To Your realm of peace Where all men and women are one And sing Your blessed name Rabbi Dayle A Friedman 18 Who is like You Who is like You Adonai 2X When Moses and the children crossed the sea they sang to You with songs of joy Who is like You Adonai Malchut cha ra u vanecha bokei a yam lifnei Moshe Zeh Eli anu v amru Adonai yimloch l olam va ed V ne emar ki fadah Adonai et Ya akov u g alo miyad chazak mimenu Baruch Atah Adonai ga al Yisrael Who is like you among the gods O Eternal Who is like You majestic in holiness revered by praise the source of wonder Your children saw Your majesty as the sea split before Moses This is my God they recited May the Eternal reign forever and ever And it has been said The Eternal One delivered Jacob and redeemed us from the hand of one stronger than ourselves Blessed are You Eternal redeemer of Israel
epaikyd mFl Wl Epi d l i i Ep a i MW d mi Ig l Epx nFW Epci n rd e L n Fl W z Mq Epi l r UFx tE mFl W z Mq UxFR d i i d Y KEx A m i lW Ex i l re l x U i FO r l M l re Epi l r mFl W m i lW Ex i l re FO r l M l re a epaikyd Epci n rd e mFl Wl Epi d l i i Ep a i MW d L n Fl W z Mq Epi l r UFx tE mi Ig l Epx nFW UxFR d i i d Y KEx A Ep FaE Ep z v xFn WE l re l x U i FO r l M l re Epi l r mFl W z Mq o n m i lW Ex i Day is Done Tell me why you re crying my son I know you re frightened like everyone Is it the thunder in the distance you fear Will it help if I stay very near And if you take my hand my son All will be well when the day is done And if you take my hand my son All will be well when the day is done Day is done Day is done Day is done Day is done Do you ask why I m sighing my son You shall inherit what humans have done In a world filled with sorrow and woe If you ask why this is so I really don t know And if you take my hand my son All will be well when the day is done And if you take my hand my son All will be well when the day is done Day is done Day is done Day is done Day is done Tell me why you re smiling my son Is there a secret you can tell everyone Do you know more than those who are wise Can you see what we all must disguise Through your loving eyes And if you take my hand my son All will be well when the day is done And if you take my hand my son All will be well when the day is done Day is done Day is done Day is done Day is done Peter Yarrow adapted 19
When the darkness is too dark for me give me light O source of light Renew my vision my hope my dream my faith that the darkness does not last the sense that despair will not be the last word and the courage to go on believing Rabbi Chaim Stern vvv When I call be my answer O God my Champion In my times of trouble You have set me free Be gracious to me now and hear my prayer Great ones of the world How long will you put me to shame How long will you love illusions and run after lies See how the Eternal One shows me marvelous love How the Eternal One hears my every prayer Tremble then and sin no more Look into your heart as you lie abed And hold your peace Let your offering be justice And trust in the Eternal One There are many who say Oh that we could see some good But the light of Your presence O God has fled from us Yet You have put joy in my heart More than some have From a rich crop of grain and wine Now I will lie down in peace and sleep For You alone Eternal One make me live unafraid Psalm 4 2 9 20 Hashkivenu I Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l shalom V ha amideinu Shomreinu l chayim Ufros aleinu sukkat sh lomecha Amen Baruch Atah Adonai hapores sukkat shalom aleinu v al kol amo Yisrael v al Yirushalayim v al kol amo v al Yirushalayim Shalom Shelter us beneath Thy wings O Adonai Guard us from all harmful things O Adonai Keep us safe throughout the night Till we wake with morning s light Teach us God wrong from right Amen vvv Hashkiveinu II Let there be love and understanding among us Let peace and friendship be our shelter from life s storms Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l shalom V ha amideinu Shomreinu l chayim Ufros aleinu sukkat sh lomecha vvv Hashkiveinu III Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l shalom V ha amideinu Shomreinu l chayim Ufros aleinu sukkat sh lomecha May you shelter us in peace until the morning comes May you lay us down in love and may you raise us up vvv Hashkiveinu IV Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu l shalom V ha amideinu Shomreinu l chayim Spread the shelter of Your peace over us Guide us in wisdom compassion and trust Save us for the sake of Your name Shield us from hatered sorrow and pain
egnyi b p r i xF w e z AW ix nFW L zEk ln a Eg nU i Eb P rz ie Er AU i m NM i ri aW i WC wn m r zC ng FY WC we FA z i v x i ri aX d e L a EH n zi W x a d U rn l x k f z x w FzF mi n i exnye zFU r l z AV d z l x U i i pa Ex nW e i pA oi aE i pi A m lFr zix A m z x cl z AX d z d U r mi n i z WW i M m l rl i d zF l x U i i ri aX d mFI aE ux d z e m in X d z i i W t p I e z aW Exodus 31 16 17 PLEASE RISE dlitz L z Nd Y ci B i i tE g Yt Y i zt U i p c zedn e zea Epi z Fa i d l e Epi d l i i d Y KEx A i d l e w gv i i d l m dx a i d l Epi zFn e l gx i d l d wax i d l dx U i d l a w r i l xFP de xFA Bd lFc Bd l d d l i d l e x kFf e l Md d pFw e mi aFh mic qg l nFB oFi l r i pa l d lE B i an E zFd n e zFa ic qg x fFr K ln d ad A Fn W o rn l m di pa o bn E ri W FnE dx U zx f re m dx a o bn i i d Y KEx A T fillah T fillah prayer also known as the Amidah standing prayer and Shemona Esrei 18 for the original 18 benedictions that comprise it has three basic parts praise petition and thanks In the first three blessings we praise God for all that God did for our ancestors we praise God for God s power and might and we praise God for God s holiness The petitionary section consists of 12 13 separate blessings that we pray during the week However on Shabbat we do not make such lengthy requests of God Just as it is forbidden to ask others to work for us as we rest all the more so do we not ask God to work on our behalf On Shabbat we live as though all our needs are met experiencing this time as a taste of the world to come In place of those middle blessings we say k dushat hayom a blessing that speaks to the holiness of the day in parallel with God s holiness The final three blessings address worship thanksgiving and peace The structure of the Amidah mirrors that of the way in which one might approach royalty we identify ourselves and offer praise we make our petition and then we depart with words of gratitude While it is believed that the themes of the Amidah were established relatively early 1st century BCE the exact words themselves were not fixed for some time Thus we can both pray the words in the siddur to connect with the expressions of generations past and we have the opportunity to offer the praise the petition and the gratitude of the heart 21
About Shabbat Majestic Sovereign Well of blessings How did You decide To create heaven and earth Was this Your purpose To make a world of work For us to toil in service Did You bring forth a day of rest As a gift to Your Creation Or was this Your only option After first conceiving The glory of Shabbat Was the Sabbath itself Your only intention Perhaps You summoned Time and space Solely to bring forth The magnificent splendor Of Shabbat Alden Solovy vvv Prayer gives us the guidance we need It opens the mind to the illumination of God The prophets made their whole life an act of prayer so they received the inspiration of God Our humbler minds standing much below the heights in which they stood receiving for the most part only a reflected illumination may now and then by climbing a little higher catch a glimpse of the direct light Through prayer we can receive the guidance of God to strengthen our hold on truth goodness righteousness and purity which are the laws for humanity emanating from the nature of God Gates of Prayer vvv Shechinah how shall we mend our world With the wisdom of Sarah the courage of Rebekah the patience of Leah the love of Rachel the humility of Bilhah and Zilpah with the strength of our mothers and the hope of our children and by Your grace our Guardian and Comforter Bless us Shechinah as You blessed our mothers and guide us heart whole on the path of peace Barbara Holender 22 Yism chu Yism chu v mal chut cha shomrei Shabbat v kor ei oneg Am m kad shei shevi i kulam yisb u v yit angu mituvecha V hashvi i ratzita bo v kidashto Chemdat yamim oto karatah zeicher l ma asei v reishit Those who keep Shabbat by calling it a delight will rejoice in God s realm All who hallow the seventh day shall be gladdened by God s goodness Shabbat is a festival of the spirit the most precious of days symbol of the joy of creation V Shamru V shamru v nei Yisrael et haShabbat la asot et haShabbat l dorotam b rit olam Beini uvein b nei Yisrael ot hi l olam Ki sheishet yamim asa Adonai et hashamayim v et ha aretz u vayom hash vi i shavat vayinafash We shall keep Shabbat observing it throughout the ages as a covenant for all time On the seventh day God ceased from work and was refreshed Exodus 31 16 17 PLEASE RISE T filah Adonai s fatai tiftach u fi yagid t hilatecha Eternal God open my lips that my mouth may declare your glory Avot v Imahot Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu Elohei Avraham Elohei Yitzchak v Elohei Ya akov Elohei Sarah Elohei Rivka Elohei Rachel v Elohei Leah HaEil hagadol hagibor v hanorah Eil elyon Gomeil chasadim tovim v konei hakol v zocheir chasdei avot v imahot umeivi g ula livnei v neihem l ma an sh mo b ahava Melech ozeir u moshiah u magein Baruch Atah Adonai magein Avraham v ezrat Sarah Blessed is the Eternal our God and God of all generations God of Abraham God of Isaac and the God of Jacob God of Sarah God of Rebekah God of Rachel and God of Leah great mighty and exalted God bestows love and kindness on all God s children God remembers the devotion of ages past In God s love God brings redemption to their descendants for the sake of God s name God is our Ruler and Helper our Savior and Protector Blessed is the Eternal God the Shield of Abraham and Protector of Sarah
zexeab d Y l Md d Ig n i p c m lFr l xFA B d Y ri W Fd l ax m W Bd cixFnE gEx d ai Xn Simchat Torah to Pesach l hd cixFn Pesach to Simchat Torah mi ng x A l Md d Ig n c q g A mi Ig l Ml k n xi Yn E mi lFg tFx e mi lt Fp K nFq mi Ax LFn k i n x t r i pW i l Fz pEn m Iw n E mixEq zi nn K ln K N d nFc i nE zFxEa B l r A zFi gd l d Y o n pe d rEW i g i n v n E d Ig n E l Md d Ig n i i d Y KEx A l Md myd zyecw mFi l kA mi WFc wE WFc w L nW e WFc w d Y WFc wd l d i i d Y KEx A d l Q LEl ld i In the G vurot we say Blessed are you Eternal One who gives life to all lkd ha kol The original wording of the prayer praised God for giving life to the dead miznd ha may tim The change reflects the Reform Movement s rejection of the notion of resurrection of the dead a belief that dates back thousands of years to the early Rabbis However many communities within the Reform movement are now reclaiming the use of miznd Many see its inclusion as a means of reconnecting with lost traditions yet they do not necessarily understand the reclamation as a statement of belief in resurrection Rather many interpret the words to suggest that God animates that which otherwise would be inanimate God infuses matter with life Thus our existence is the absolute proof of God s might and power vvv PLEASE BE SEATED God of eternal might through us send help to the falling healing to the sick freedom to the captive confirm Your faithfulness to those who sleep in the dust We praise You the Source of life Gates of Prayer 23
A person reaches in three directions inward to oneself up to God out to others G vurot Atah gibor l olam Adonai m chayei hakol Atah rav l hoshia The miracle of life is that in truly reaching in any one direction one embraces all three Mashiv haruach u morid hagashem Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav vvv Simchat Torah to Pesach Pesach to Simchat Torah Morid hatal M chalkeil chayim b chesed m chayei hakol b rachamim rabim Someich noflim v rofei cholim u matir asurim um kayem emunato lisheinei afar Mi chamocha ba al g vurot umi domeh lach Melech meimit um chayei u matzmiach yeshua V ne eman Atah l hachayot hakol Baruch Atah Adonai m chayei hakol Eternal is Your might O God and great is Your saving power It is indeed a unique occasion at which the word kadosh is used for the first time in the book of Genesis at the end of the story of creation How extremely significant is the fact that it is applied to time And God blessed the seventh day and made it kadosh holy There is no reference in the record of creation to any object in space that would be endowed with the quality of kedushah holiness Simchat Torah to Pesach Who makes the wind blow and the rain fall Pesach to Simchat Torah Who makes the dew fall In love you sustain the living in Your great mercy You sustain us all You uphold the falling and heal the sick free the captives and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust Who is like You Almighty God Author of life and death Source of salvation Blessed is the Eternal God Who gives life to all Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel K dushat Hashem Atah kadosh v shimcha kadosh u k doshim b chol yom y hal lucha sela Baruch Atah Adonai haEil hakadosh You are holy Your Name is Holy and those who are holy praise You every day Blessed are You Eternal the Holy God PLEASE BE SEATED 24
meid zyecw Ep z g Ep na d vx Epi z Fa i d l e Epi d l L z xFz A Ep w lg o ze Li z ev n A Ep W C w L z rEWi A Ep g O U e L a EH n Ep rA U i i Ep li g pd e z n A LC a rl Ep A l x dh e L W c w z AW oFvx aE d ad A Epi d l L n W i WC wn l x U i D a EgE p ie z AX d WC wn i i d Y KEx A dcear m z Nt z E l x U i L O rA Epi d l i i d vx zcFa r ci nY oFvx l i dz E l Aw z d ad A l d pR ei x w l kl aFx w l L O r l x U i d pi fg z e Epi l r L gEx KFt W Ep Pg e L ic a r mi ng x A oFI vl L aEW A Epi pi r oFI vl Fz pi kW xi fg O d i i d Y KEx A In the Kedushat Hayom the service includes several blessings that speak to the holiness of Shabbat literally the holiness of the day The original source for Shabbat s holiness is found in the story of creation itself l ke ux d e m in X d ENk ie mFIA mid l lk ie m av dU r xW FYk ln iri a X d l Mn iri a X d mFIA z AW Ie Kx a i e dU r xW FYk ln WC w ie iri a X d mFi z mid l FYk ln l Mn za W Fa iM Fz zFU r l mid l x A xy The heaven and the earth were finished and all their array On the seventh day God had completed the work that had been done ceasing then on the seventh day from all the work that God had done Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy for on that day God rested from all the work of creation that God had done Genesis 2 1 3 25
To set apart one day a week for freedom a day on which we would not use the instruments which have been so easily turned into weapons of destruction a day of detachment from the vulgar of independence of external obligations a day on which we stop worshipping the idols of technical civilization a day on which we use no money a day of armistice in the economic struggle with our fellow humans and the forces of nature is there any institution that holds out greater hope for our progress than the Sabbath Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel vvv K dushat Hayom R tzeih Vim nuchateinu Eloheinu v Elohei avoteinu v imoteinu r tzeih vim nuchateinu Kad sheinu b mitzvotecha v tein chelkeinu b toratecha Sab einu mituvecha v samcheinu bishu atecha v taheir libeinu l ovd cha be emet v hanchileinu Adonai Eloheinu b ahavah u v ratzon Shabbat kodshecha v yanuchu vah Yisrael m kadshei sh mecha Baruch Atah Adonai m kadeish haShabbat Our God and God of ages past may our rest on this day be pleasing in Your sight Sanctify us with Your mitzvot and let Your Torah be our way of life Sanctify us with Your goodness gladden us with Your salvation and purify our hearts to serve You in truth In Your gracious love Eternal One let Your Holy Sabbath remain our heritage that all Israel hallowing Your name may find rest and peace Blessed is the Eternal God for the Sabbath and its holiness Avodah R tzei Adonai Eloheinu b amcha Yisrael u tefilatam b ahavah t kabeil ut hi l ratzon tamid avodat Yisrael amecha El karov l chol korav p nei el avadecha v choneinu sh foch ruchacha aleinu V techezenah eineinu b shuv cha l Tzion b rachamim Baruch Atah Adonai hamachazir Shechinato l Tzion By the rivers of Babylon there we sat sat and wept as we thought of Zion If I forget you O Jerusalem let my right hand wither let my tongue stick to my palate if I cease to think of you if I do not keep Jerusalem in memory even at my happiest hour Psalm 137 Be gracious Eternal God to Your people Israel and receive our prayers with love O may our worship always be acceptable to You Fill us with the knowledge that You are near to all who seek You in truth Let our eyes behold Your presence in our midst and in the midst of our people in Zion We praise You O God whose presence gives life to Zion and all Israel Gates of Prayer 26
micen d ced Epi d l i i Ed d Y W K l Ep g p micFn xEv c r e m lFr l Epi zFn e Epi z Fa i d l e xFc e xFc l Ed d Y Ep rW i o bn Epi Ig mixEq Od Epi Ig l r L z Nd Y x Rq pE L N dcF p Li Q p l re K l zFcEw Rd Epi z Fn W p l re L c iA Li z FaFh e Li z F lt p l re Ep O r mFi l kA W l i M aFH d m ix dv e x w a e ax r z r l kA W Li c qg EO z l i M m gx nd e Li n g x El k K l Epi Ew m lFr n ci nY Ep M l n L nW m nFx z ie Kx Az i m NM l re El ld i e d l Q LEcFi mi Ig d l ke c r e m lFr l Ep z x f re Ep z rEW i l d z n A L nW z d p L lE L nW aFH d i i d Y KEx A d l q zFcFd l Miracles We look for miracles in the extraordinary while too often we remain oblivious to the miracles which abound in the ordinary moments of our lives Our lives are drenched in miracles Miracles are all around us and within us We are each walking miracles When we are bruised what miracle heals us When we sleep what miracle restores us When we see beauty what miracle elevates us When we hear music what miracle moves us When we see suffering what miracle saddens us When we give and receive love what miracle warms us When we pray what miracle renews us Every springtime is a miracle every snowflake is a miracle every newborn is a miracle The thoughts we think the words we utter the hopes we cherish each is a miracle We live from miracle to miracle That is why the Modim reminds us be thankful for God s miracles which are daily with us Rabbi Sidney Greenberg 27
For the blessings which You lavish upon us in forest and sea in mountain and meadow in rain and sun we thank You For the blessings You implant within us joy and peace meditation and laughter we are grateful to You For the blessings of friendship and love of family and community For the blessings we ask of You and those we cannot ask For the blessings You bestow upon us openly and those You give us in secret For all these blessings Adonai we thank You and are grateful to You For all these blessings we recognize and those we fail to recognize For the blessings of our tradition and of our holy days For the blessings of return and forgiveness of memory of vision and of hope For all these blessings which surround us on every side Adonai hear our thanks and accept our gratitude Ruth Brin Hoda ah Modim Modim anachnu lach sheAtah hu Adonai Eloheinu v Elohei avoteinu v imoteinu l olam va ed Tzur chayenu magein yisheinu Atah hu l dor vador Nodeh l cha u n sapeir t hilatecha al chayeinu ham surim b yadecha v al nishmoteinu hap kudot lach v al nisecha sheb chol yom imanu v al niflotecha v tovotecha sheb chol eit erev vavoker v tzohorayim Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha v ham racheim ki lo tamu chasadecha mei olam kivinu lach V al kulam yitbarach v yitromam shimcha Malkeinu tamid l olam va ed V chol hachayim yoducha selah vihal lu et shimcha b emet haEil y shuateinu v ezrateinu selah Baruch Atah Adonai hatov shimcha ul cha na eh l hodot We acknowledge with thanks that you are the Eternal our God and the God of our ancestors forever You are the Rock of our lives and the Shield of our salvation in every generation Let us thank You and praise You for our lives which are in Your hand for our souls which are in Your care and for Your miracles that we experience every day and for Your wondrous deeds and favors at every time of day evening morning and noon O Good One whose mercies never end O Compassionate One whose kindness never fails we forever put our hope in You For all these things O Sovereign let Your Name be forever praised and blessed O God our Redeemer and Helper let all who live affirm You and praise Your Name in truth Blessed are You Eternal Your Name is Goodness and You are worthy of thanksgiving Eternal God We give thanks for the gift of life Wonder beyond words The awareness of soul our light within The world around us so filled with beauty And the richness of the earth which day by day sustains us For all these gifts and more We thank and bless You The Source of all goodness Judith Z Abrams adapted 28
Silent Prayer May we find the world in our lifetime our completion in the World to Come and our hopes realized in those who follow us May our hearts meditate in understanding our mouths speak wisdom our tongues sing songs of jubilation May our eyes look straight before us afire with the light of Torah our faces shining with a heavenly light May our lips utter knowledge and our inward parts rejoice May our footsteps hasten towards the words of the Ancient Days Talmud Berachot 17a adapted by Rabbi Chaim Stern vvv Doubt Cherish your doubts for doubt is the handmaiden of truth Doubt is the key to the door of knowledge it is the servant of discovery A belief which may not be questioned binds us to error for there is incompleteness and imperfection in every belief Doubt is the touchstone of truth it is an acid which eats away the false Let none fear for the truth that doubt may consume it for doubt is a testing of belief For truth if it be truth arises from each testing stronger more secure Those who would silence doubt are filled with fear the house of their spirit is built on shifting sands But they that fear not doubt and know its use are founded on a rock Let us live in peace God Let children live in peace in homes free from brutality and abuse Let them go to school in peace free from violence and fear Let them play in peace God in safe parks in safe neighborhoods watch over them Let partners love in peace in marriages free from cruelty Let men and women go to work in peace with no fears of terror or bloodshed Let us travel in peace Protect us God in the air on the seas along whatever road we take Let nations dwell together in peace without the threat of war hovering over them Help us God Teach all people of all races and faiths in all countries all over the world to believe that the peace that seems so far off is in fact within our reach Let us live in peace God Amen Rosh Hashanah Sanctuary Service Temple Sinai They shall walk in the light of growing knowledge the work of their hands shall endure Therefore let us not fear doubt but let us rejoice in its help It is to the wise as a staff to the blind doubt is the handmaid of truth Robert T Weston Gates of Prayer 29
Silent Prayer Share everything Play fair Don t hit people Put things back where you found them Clean up your own mess Don t take things that aren t yours Say you re sorry when you hurt somebody Wash your hands before you eat Flush Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you Live a balanced life learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some Take a nap every afternoon When you go out into the world watch out for traffic hold hands and stick together Be aware of wonder LOOK Robert Fulghum All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten Grant me the ability to be alone may it be my custom to go outdoors each day among the trees and the grasses among all growing things there to be alone and enter into prayer talking to the One to whom I belong May all grasses trees and plants awake at my coming Send the power of their lives into my prayer making whole my heart and my speech through the life and the spirit of growing things Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav vvv xevp idel x AC n i zt U E rx n i pFW l xFv p i d l x t rM i Wt pe m Cz i Wt p i ll w n le d nx n Li z Fv na E L z xFz A i A l g zR d id Y l M l d rx i l r mi ay Fg d l ke i Ut p sFCx Y d U r m Ya W g n l wl w e m zv r x td dx dn o rn l d U r L pi n i o rn l d U r L n W o rn l oEv lg i o rn l L z xFY o rn l d U r L z X c w i p p r e L pi n i d ri W Fd L ci c i Elohai N tzor Elohai n tzor l shoni meira us fatai midabeir mirmah v limkal lai nafshi tidom v nafshi ke afar lakol tih yeh P tach libi b Toratecha uv mitzvotecha tirdof nafshi V chol hachoshvim alai raah m heirah hafeir atzatam v kalkeil machashavtam Aseih l maan sh mecha aseih l maan y minecha aseih l maan k dushatecha aseih l maan Toratecha L maan yeichaltzun y didecha hoshiah y mincha vaaneini My God guard my speech from evil and my lips from deception Before those who slander me I will hold my tongue I will practice humility Open my heart to Your Torah that I may pursue Your mitzvot As for all who think evil of me cancel their designs and frustrate their schemes Act for your own sake for the sake of Your Power for the sake of Your Holiness for the sake of Your Torah so that Your loved ones may be rescued Save with Your power and answer me 30
ax mely m lFr l mi UY L O r l x U i l r ax mFl W mFl Xd l kl oFc K ln Ed d Y i M z r l kA l x U i L O r z Kx al Li pi rA aFh e L n Fl WA d rW l ka E oevxl eidi i i Li pt l i A l oFi bd e i t ix n oFvx l Ei d i i l Fb e ixEv melW dUr Epi l r mFl W d U r i Ed ei nFx nA mFl W d U r o n Ex n e l x U i l M l re jxaW in a w r ie w gv i m dx a Epi z Fa Kx AW i n Rxi e Kx a i Ed d le l gx d wax dx U D l p tx p l mi lFg d z vvv a jxaW in Epi z FO l d kx Ad xFw n Epi z Fa Kx AW i n Epi z Fa l d kx Ad xFw n Epi z FO Kx AW i n May it be Your will Eternal God that love and harmony peace and friendship may dwell among us Help us to look forward with confidence and hope Guide us in the world with good companions and good intentions When we rise up in the morning may we find our hearts ready to revere You and may our deepest longings be fulfilled for our good Rabbi Eliezar Berachot 16 vvv Healing Heal me O God That is a plea I cannot make I do not believe it is possible For God to do that Instead I pray Empower me God give me the strength To fight so that I may Do whatever I must to heal God give me the courage To endure what I must to heal God give me the time I must have to gain the knowledge I need in order to make The right choices God give me the ability To continue to live my life and grow In the face of adversity God give me peace So that I may enjoy My family my friends Music nature all that I love O God empower me Janet Pransky 31
When Miriam was sick her brother Moses prayed O God pray heal her please We pray for those who are now ill Source of Life we pray Heal them We pray for those who are affected by illness anguish and pain Comfort them Grant courage to those whose bodies holy proof of Your creative goodness are violated by illness and the pain of illness Encourage them Grant strength and compassion to families and friends who give their loving care and support and help them to overcome despair Strengthen them Grant wisdom to those who probe the deepest complexities of Your world as they labor in the search for treatment and cures Shalom Rav Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha tasim l olam Ki Atah hu Melech adon l chol hashalom V tov b einecha l varech et amcha Yisrael b chol eit uv chol sha a bishlomecha O Sovereign God of peace let Israel Your people know enduring peace May it be good in Your sight to bless Your people Israel in every season in every hour with Your peace Yi hiyu L ratzon Yi hiyu l ratzon imray fi v heg yon libi l fanecha Adonai tzuri v go ali May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You O Eternal my Rock and my Redeemer Psalm 19 15 Oseh Shalom Oseh shalom bimromav Hu ya aseh shalom aleinu v al kol Yisrael v imru Amen May the One who makes peace above make peace descend on all of us and Yisrael And let us say Amen Inspire them Grant clarity of vision and strength of purpose to the leaders of our institutions and our government May they be moved to act with justice and compassion and find the courage to overcome fear and hatred Guide them Grant insight to us that we may understand that whenever death comes we must accept it but before it comes we must resist it by prolonging life and by making our life worthy as long as it is lived Bless and heal us all Rabbi Eric Weiss Mi Shebeirach I Mi shebeirach avoteinu Avraham Yitzchak v Ya akov Sarah Rivka Rachel v Le ah Hu y varech virapei et hacholim El na r fa na la May the One who blessed our fathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob and our mothers Sarah Rebekah Rachel and Leah bless and heal the sick Please God heal them vvv Mi Shebeirach II Mi shebeirach avoteinu m kor hab rachah l imoteinu May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us say Amen Mi shebeirach imoteinu m kor hab rachah l imoteinu Bless those in need of healing with r fuah sh leimah the renewal of body the renewal of spirit and let us say Amen 32
PLEASE RISE epilr x vFi l d Nc B z z l l Md oFc l g A W l Epi l r l e zFvx d i iFb M Ep U r N W zi W x A Ep wl g m U N W d nc d zFg RW n M Ep n U m pFn d l kM Ep lx be m dM j ln i pt l micFnE mi eg Y W n E mi rxFM Ep g p e Ed KEx A WFc Td mi k lO d i kl n PLEASE BE SEATED ux d l M l r K ln l i i d id e x n pe c g Fn WE c g i i d id i Ed d mFI A Hope The last word has not been spoken The last sentence has not been written The final verdict is not in It is never too late To change my mind my direction To say no to the past And yes to the future To offer remorse To ask for forgiveness It is never too late To start over again To feel again To love again To hope again Rabbi Harold Schulweiss vvv Don t stop after beating swords into plowshares Don t stop Go on beating them and make musical instruments out of them Whoever wants to make war again will have to turn them into plowshares first Yehudah Amichai 33
PLEASE RISE And then all that has divided us will merge And then compassion will be wedded to power And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind And then both men and women will be gentle And then both women and men will be strong And then no person will be subject to another s will And then all will be rich and free and varied And then the greed of some will give way to the needs of many And then all will share equally in the Earth s abundance And then all will care for the sick and the weak and the old And then all will nourish the young And then all will cherish life s creatures And then all will live in harmony with one another and the Earth And then everywhere will be called Eden once again Judy Chicago vvv Va anachnu kor im u mishtachavim u modim lifnei Melech mal chei ham lachim Hakadosh baruch Hu We must praise the God of all the Maker of heaven and earth who has set us apart from the other families of earth giving us a destiny unique among the nations We therefore bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is Sovereign over all the Holy One blessed be God PLEASE BE SEATED May we gain wisdom in our lives overflowing like a river with understanding Loved each of us for the peace we bring to others May our deeds exceed our speech and may we never lift up our hand but to conquer fear and doubt and despair Rise up like the sun O God over all humanity Cause light to go forth over all the lands between the seas and light up the universe with the joy of wholeness of freedom and of peace Hope Hope is an orientation of the spirit an orientation of the heart It is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out Vaclav Havel 34 Aleinu Aleinu l shabei ach la Adon hakol lateit g dulah l yotzeir b reishit shelo asanu k goyei ha aratzot v lo samanu k mishp chot ha adamah shelo sam chelkeinu kahem v goraleinu k chol hamonam Thus it has been said the Eternal will become Sovereign on the earth on that day God shall be One and God s name shall be One V ne emar v haya Adonai l Melech al kol ha aretz Bayom hahu yih yeh Adonai echad u Sh mo echad
Our thoughts turn to those who have departed this earth our own loved ones those whom our friends and neighbors have lost the martyrs of our people whose graves are unmarked and those of every race and nation whose lives have been a blessing to humanity As we remember them let us silently meditate on the meaning of love and loss of life and death Meditations on Kaddish Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i This the profound praise of the living Praise for the generous gift of life Praise for the presence of loved ones the bonds of friendship the link of memory Praise for the toil and searching the dedication and vision the ennobling aspirations Praise for the precious moorings of faith for courageous souls for prophets psalmists and sages Praise for those who walked before us the sufferers in the valley of shadows the steadfast in the furnace of hate Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i Praise for the God of our people the Source of all growth and goodness the Promise on which we build tomorrow il il i l i l m lFr l x n B i N W m Id e lFg d m iO d l W WEx Wx m in X d wx A mc d z Nt Y Eili My God I pray that these things never end the sand and the sea the rush of the waters the crash of the heavens the prayer of the heart Hannah Senesh vvv All You ve Got Live and love and give it all you have got Indeed give it more Forget the pain of it because as you face your death Only the love you have given and received Will count All the rest the successes the struggles the fights Will be forgotten But if you have loved well Then l chaim it will have been worth it And the simcha will last you Through the end But if you have not The angel of death will always come too soon Gates of Prayer The Tragedy of Death is not that people die The Tragedy of Death is what dies in people while they are still alive Rabbi Allen S Maller 35
In the rising of the sun and in its going down we remember them In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter we remember them In the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring we remember them In the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn we remember them In the beginning of the year and when it ends we remember them When we are weary and in need of strength we remember them When we are lost and sick at heart we remember them When we have joys we yearn to share we remember them Past and Future Death and dying two words in ordinary language An abstract noun and a present participle Death a permanent cessation of all vital functions Dying the cause of occasion of loss of life How concise is the dictionary How exact its definitions But death for us is a mixture of moods Tears salt of self pity brine of resentment Anguish over things that never will be again Regret over things that could have been Bittersweet nostalgia Remembrance of that grey day A tear in the cloth a handful of earth And now this moment When together we cling to courage We who have the right to mourn It is the dignity of the soul To hold on to the past It is the dignity of the spirit To take hold of the future To love and to forgive Others and ourselves To rise from grief To sew the torn garment To live to love to laugh And to remember Always to remember Rabbi Harold M Schulweis So long as we live they too shall live For they are now a part of us as we remember them Gates of Prayer 36 Days are scrolls Write on them what you want to be remembered Bachya ibn Pakuda
PLEASE RISE mezi yicw x a iC nl rA Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i oFki nFi aE oFki Ig A D zEk ln Ki ln ie D zErx k aix w on fa E l b rA l x U i zi A l kc i Ig a E o n Ex n e In l r i nl rl E m l rl Kx an Ax D nW d i V pz ie m nFx z ie x R z ie g AY W ie Kx Az i Kix A Wc wC D nW l Nd z ie d N rz ie xC dz ie zxi We zk x A l M o n N rl Ed Ex n e nl rA oxi n C zn g pe zg A W Y o n Epi l r mi Ig e In W o n Ax n lW d i o n Ex n e l x U i l M l re mFl y d y r i Ed ei nFx na mFl y d yFr o n Ex n e l x y i l M l re Epi l r To open eyes when others close them to hear when others do not wish to listen to look when others turn away to seek to understand when others give up to rouse oneself when others accept to continue to struggle even when one is not the strongest to cry out when others keep silent to be a Jew it is that it is first of all that and further to live when others are dead and to remember when others have forgotten Emmanuel Eydoux trans J Magonet vvv When you lose someone you love It hurts Even after time passes and grief recedes The loneliness and the empty place remain There are those who wish to avoid the pain of separation So they refuse to get involved The are afraid to commit themselves Poor souls We who have loved and lost Know how much of life they will miss This is why Jewish tradition teaches us to recite Kaddish Directly in the face of death We sanctify life and the value of living and loving Precisely when we confront death and the pain of losing Rabbi Allen S Maller 37
PLEASE RISE Epitaph Mourner s Kaddish When I die Give what s left of me away To children And old men who wait to die And if you need to cry Cry for your brother Walking the street beside you And when you need me Put your arms Around anyone And give them What you need to give me Yitgadal v yitkadash sh mei raba b alma div ra chirutei v yamlich malchutei b chayeichon u v yomeichon u v chayei d chol beit Yisrael ba agala u vizman kariv v im ru Amen I want to leave you something Something better Than words Or sounds Look for me In the people I ve known Or loved And if you cannot give me away At least let me live on your eyes And not on your mind You can love me most By letting Hands touch hands By letting Bodies touch bodies And by letting go Of children That need to be free Yitbarach v yishtabach v yitpa ar v yitromam v yitnasei v yit hadar v yit aleh v yit halal sh mei d kudsha b rich hu l eila min kol birchatah v shiratah tushb chatah v nechematah da amiran b alma v im ru Amen Y hei sh lama raba min sh maya v chayim aleinu v al kol Yisrael v im ru Amen Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya aseh shalom aleinu v al kol Yisrael v im ru Amen Let the glory of God be extolled let God s great name be hallowed in the world whose creation God willed My God s sovereignty soon prevail in our own day our own lives and the life of all Israel and let us say Amen Let God s great name be blessed for ever and ever Let the name of the Holy One blessed be God be glorified exalted and honored though God is beyond all the praises songs and adorations that we can utter and let us say Amen Love doesn t die People do So when all that s left of me Is love Give me away Merrit Malloy For us and for all Israel may the blessing of peace and the promise of life come true and let us say Amen May God who causes peace to reign in the high heavens let peace descend on us on all Israel and all the world and let us say Amen May the Source of peace send peace to all who mourn and comfort to all who are bereaved And let us say Amen vvv It is because things happen but once that the individual partakes in eternity Martin Buber 38 Y hei sh mei raba m varach l alam u l almei almaya
mler oec K ln x W m lFr oFc x a p xi v i l M mx h A l M Fv tg a d U r p z rl x w p Fn W K ln i f l Md zFl kM ix g e xFp KFl n i FC al d e d Ed e d id Ed e dx t z A d id i Ed e i pW oi e c g Ed e dxi A g d l Fl li Wn d l zi lk z i lA zi W x i lA dx UO d e f rd Fl e i l B i ge i l Ed e dx v z rA i la g xEv e i l qFp nE i Q p Ed e x w mFi A i qFM z pn ecia i gEx ci wt Fc iA dxi r e o Wi z rA i z I e B i gEx m re xi l e i l i i B yado afkid ruchi b eit ishan v a irah V im ruchi g viyati Adonai li v lo ira My soul I give to you my spirit in your care Draw me near I shall not fear hold me in your hand Draw me near I shall not fear safely in your hand i gEx ci wt Fc iA dxi r e o Wi z rA i z I e B i gEx m re xi l e i l i i 39
Non Komo Muestro Dio Ep pFc M oi Epi d l M oi Ep ri WFn M oi Ep M l n M oi Ein k Eloheinu ein k Adoneinu Ein k Malkeinu ein k Moshi einu Non komo muestro Dio non komo muestro Senor non komo muestro Rei non komo muestro Salvador Ep pFc k i n Epi d l k i n Ep ri WFn k i n Ep M l n k i n Mi ch Eloheinu mi ch Adoneinu mi ch Malkeinu mi ch Moshi einu Ken komo muestro Dio ken komo muestro Senor ken komo muestro Rei ken komo muestro Salvador Ep pFc l dcFp Epi d l l dcFp Ep ri WFn l dcFp Ep M l n l dcFp Nodeh l Eloheinu nodeh l Adoneinu nodeh l Malkeinu nodeh l Moshi einu Loaremos a muestro Dio loaremos a muestro Senor loaremos a muestro Rei loaremos a muestro Salvador KEx A Ep pFc KEx A Epi d l KEx A Ep ri WFn KEx A Ep M l n Baruch Eloheinu baruch Adoneinu baruch Malkeinu baruch Moshi enu Benidicho muestro Dio bendicho muestro Senor bendicho muestro Rei bendicho muestro Salvador Ed d Y Epi d l Ed d Y d Y Ep M l n Ed d Y Ep pFc Ep ri WFn Ed Atah hu Eloheinu Atah hu Adoneinu Atah hu Malkeinu Atah hu Moshi enu Tu sos muestro Dio Tu sos muestro Senor Tu sos muestro Rei Tu sos muestro Salvador 40 Adon Olam Adon olam asher malach b terem kol y tzir nivra L eit na asah v cheftzo kol azai Melech sh mo nikra V acharei kichlot hakol l vado yimloch nora V hu hayah v hu hoveh v hu yih yeh b tifarah V hu echad v ein sheini l hamshil lo l hachbirah B li reishit b li tachlit v lo ha oz v hamisrah V hu Eli v chai go ali v tzur chevli b eit tzarah V hu nisi umanos li m nat kosi b yom ekra B yado afkid ruchi b eit ishan v a irah V im ruchi g viyati Adonai li v lo ira You are our Eternal God who reigned before any being had been created when all was done according to Your will then You were called Ruler And after all ceases to be You alone will rule in majesty You have been are yet and will be in glory And You are One none other can compare to or consort with You You are without beginning without end To You belong power and dominion And You are my God my living Redeemer my Rock in times of trouble and distress You are my standard bearer and my refuge my benefactor when I call on You Into Your hands I entrust my spirit when I sleep and when I wake and with my spirit my body also Adonai is with me and I shall not fear
mely eai cer m NM l re 3X Epi l r mFl W Fa i cFr m lFr d l M l re Epi l r m lq 2X m lq m lq l xUil df mei 2X d gn U e dxF l x U il d f mFi 2X d gn U e dxF d gn U e dxF d gEp n z AW l x U il d f mFi 2X d gEp n z AW z AW z AW Wcg xiW ux d l M i i l Exi W Wc g xi W Exi W i i l Exi W 2X i i l Exi W Exi W ennex FWc w x dl Ee gY W d e Epi d l i i En nFx En nFx Epi d l i i WFc w i M dxiyp dad d iEl ld xi W dxi W p d ad d iEl ld xi W Eternal God grant us long life a life of peace a life of good a life of blessing a life of prosperity a life of health a life guided by fear of sin a life lived without shame a life rich and honorable a life quickened by love of Torah and fear of Heaven a life in which our hearts desires are fulfilled for our good Rav Talmud Berachot 16b dielld D iEl ld D i Kx a p Ep g p e m lFr c re d Y rn D iEl ld Hal luyah Hal luyah 4X Va anachnu n varech Ya M atah v ad olam Hal luyah We will bless God now and always Hal luyah melW dUr 2X ei nFx nA mFl W d U r Epi l r 3X mFl W d U r i Ed mFlW z AW 41
Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu Od yavo shalom aleinu 3X v al kulam Salaam aleinu v al kol ha olam Salaam Salaam Peace will yet come to us Peace for us and for all the world Peace Peace Let the new week begin With our lungs filled with sweet smelling life Let our eyes see each day As its own reward sunset to sunset Let us taste truth and pass hope along As we feed others our words Let us touch that which is solid While remembering the intangible spirit Let us hear and practice our lessons of peace Listening carefully as emotions ebb and flow Let us live in freedom until once again We can return to the Shalom of Shabbat Yom Zeh L Yisrael Yom zeh l Yisrael ora v simcha 2X Ora v simcha ora v simcha 2X Yom zeh l Yisrael Shabbat menucha Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat menucha 2X This is Israel s day of light and joy a Sabbath of rest Shir Chadash Shiru lAdonai kol ha aretz Shiru lAdonai shir chadash Shiru Shiru lAdonai 2X Sing unto God all the earth a new song I will sing unto God a new song Sing unto God and we ll all sing along All the earth a new song unto God I will sing unto God a new song Rom mu Rom mu Adonai Eloheinu v hishtachavu l har kodsho Ki ki ki kadosh Adonai Eloheinu rom mu D A Volpe Herskowitz Let us praise God at God s holy mountain Hava Nashira Havah nashira shir halleluya shir halleluya Come let us sing a song of praise Halleluya Oseh Shalom Oseh shalom bimromav Hu ya aseh shalom aleinu v al kol Yisrael v imru Amen May the One may the One who makes peace bring peace down bring peace down SHABBAT SHALOM 42