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Mixology & Rituals

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HEALING OILSIntroduction for Chakra Rituals E S T . 2 0 2 1

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The word Samskrit means “ the wheel of a Chakra “ The Samskrit can be visualized as a wheel spinning in acircular motion of water, your cells, your molecules, youratoms...Chakras are involved in this water flow of your higherenergy, twirling up the frequency, via these 7 energeticchannels to the cellular structure of your physical body. This constant moving energy field is influenced andstimulated by your personality traits, your intentions,routines and behavioral patterns, your emotions that comefrom your state of mind. This state of your spiritual beingand consciousness alters your development and capabilityin life and therefore should be kept aligned. The Chakras are considered “the center of our energy force ” also known as Qi in Chinese healing.SAMSKRITThe seven Chakras

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The Alignment of your 7 Chakras is responsiblefor positive thoughts, emotional response andhealthy psychological function, and physicalfunction.I encourage you to explore more about yourown alignment. There are some very fine-tunedteachers out there who could guide you throughthe self-healing activation of a particularsickness mental or physical. If our Chakras are not aligned, we will attract orunintentionally create our own challenges,physical dysfunction and disrupt our emotionalcapability and function. We are not able to master or dominate ourinteraction with our close environment, ourfamily, our career, or any form of socialintegration.Each Chakra reflects our health conditions,particular functions such as glands, organs.Most commonly related: Adrenals, Hormones,Digestions, Detoxification, Thymus, Thyroid,Pituitary, and Pineal glands.

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Essential Oils; Sandalwood, Frankincense, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Myrtle,Eucalyptus, Lemon, Cedarwood, Black Pepper.Colour: RedEmotion: PassionBody parts: Spine, large intestines, prostate,bladder, circulation, bonesPsychological function: Survival, vitality, security,sexuality, carriage, stability Physical dysfunction: Fatigue, constipation,colds, numbness, anemia, obesity, bladderinfections, or prostate issuesThe Root Chakra / MuladharaReality, Foundation, Balance, Vitality, Survival and Safety.

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Known as the root or the base chakra is allabout physical activities,Our ability to love Our ambitions and intentions, goals, andsuccessful life.Our relationship with money and powerOur feeling of safety and securityeverything from our tribal circle of life, ourhome, our business, and big decisions, isrepresented in the Root chakra.I am responsible for my own lifeI am able to cope with any situationI deserve the best that life can offer meMy needs and my desires are always achievedMy body is important and I nurture it constantlyI am safe I am strong in my foundationAFFIRMATIONSR O O T C H A K R A

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The Sacral Chakra / SvadhisthanaStimulation, Ambition, Sexuality, Freedom,Confidence, ProcreationEssential Oils; Ginger, Myrtle, Lemon, YlangYlang, Rose, Patchouli, Geranium, Jasmin,Sandalwood, Orange , Grapefruit , Colour: OrangeEmotions: DesireBody parts: Ovaries, prostate, kidneys, urinetract, spleen, and gall bladderPsychological functions : Feelings ,emotions,intimacy ,ability ,freedom, procreationPhysical dysfunction: Impotence, drug abuse,general addictions, depression, allergies, eatingdisorders, and disorientation

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This orange Chakra is often described as ” thesweetness of harmony “Yes, its is indeed all about our pleasure,sexuality, overindulgence, and let the rest be toyour imagination..A healthy Sacral Chakra brings out thenurturing, caring tribal king or queen masteringeverything with ease and harmony. Life can bring up constant changes, challenges,or new chapters, these are easier dealt withand evolved with a strong Sacral Chakra.Our entire sensual well-being, also sexualdesire, and needs is related to all ourreproductive organs male and female. In orderto be fertile as an example, the Root Chakraand the Sacral Chakra must be vibrant at theirbest. In order to have great sex, our SacralChakra and preferably the Third + CrownChakra is in charge to completely aligning out 7Chakra twirls with the other person.

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Solar Plexus / ManipuraPersonal Growth, Ambition, Purpose, Kindness,and Compassion. Essential Oils: Frankincense, Blue Lotus,Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lemon, Orange, Ylang Ylang,Manuka, Lavender, Colour: YellowEmotion: PurposeBody parts : Digestion ,liver ,nervous system,pancreas ,metabolismPsychological functions: Personal power, mentalclarity, optimism, curiosity, harmony, self-awareness, truth and trust, creative expression,and organizationPhysical dysfunction: Nervousness, filteringsystems, poor memory blood, sugar disorderstimidity.

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Waking up to a celebrating vibrant yellow sunshine.This Chakra is in charge of boosting:The power and being individual, unique, andconfident. Being proud of your “ unique identity “Good morals and ethics, the desire to connect withyour circle of life, close family, tribe, workcolleagues, …Activating your personal power, trust, self-esteem,self-confidence, and most of all self-respect. An unhealthy solar plexus can create sensoryoverloud issues. By strengthening and stimulatingyour solar plexus you will maintain a state ofstrength rejecting all fear, addictions, hate ordarkness.I am proud to be uniqueI accept and value myself exactly the way I amI take responsibility for my actionsI am in control of my thoughtsI have discipline and l take care of my healthAFFIRMATIONSS O L A R P L E X U S

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The Heart Chakra / AnahataLove, Self Healing, Gratefulness, Essential Oils: Blue Lotus, Rose, Bergamot,Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Magnolia, Sandalwood,Ginger, Eucalyptus, Rosemary. Colour: GreenEmotions: LoveBody parts: Lungs, respiratory system, thymus,glands, and heartPsychological function: Human connection, love,acceptance, harmony, forgiveness, guilt self-control, self-love.Physical dysfunction: High blood pressure,immune system, heart problems, chest painAsthma

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We live in a difficult world, often a low-energyenvironment, it's not easy to always forgive andbe compassionate or handle situations. Toconstantly give unconditional love, the heartchakra is the most important spinning wheel.First, we have to master to love ourselves..and then we can develop our emotionalrecognition and ability to love others.From family, tribe, to brotherly hood,neighborhood, friends or love relationships, theheart chakra determines what kind of personyou are. evil or good I send my love to everyoneMy heart is open to receiving loveI accept and value myself exactly the way I amI have the potential for my purposeI am grateful for everything that I have in my life.AFFIRMATIONH E A R T C H A K R A

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Throat Chakra./ VishuddhaCommunication, Creativity, Power,Authenticity. Essential Oils: Frankincense, Rosemary, Lemon,Myrtle, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, BlackPepper, Ginger, Sage.Colour: Light BlueEmotion: Expression and healingBody parts: Throat, thyroids, mouth,jaw , neckand shoulders, hormone problems Psychological functions: Communication,wisdom, truth and trust, creative expression andorganization, social function.Physical dysfunction: Thyroid, tonsils, speechdisorder, mood swings, hormonal problems

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In Charge of:Freedom of speechHumanity RightsSpeaking the truth Speaking loud slow and clearConfirmation of your grounds, power, andauthenticityOrganization and Leadership Also acts as a protection from sickness. ( keeping your mouth and throat hygiene ) No more filter, practice daily affirmations speakingout loud and clear, speak the truth to others at alltimes under any condition, and your life willexpand into rewards and bliss.I am speaking loud and clearI speak for myselfI speak from my heartI speak the truth My words are worthy and being listened to I embrace and bless my self-expressionI am powerful and deserve this positionAFFIRMATIONST H R O A T C H A K R A

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The Third Eye Chakra / Ajna Spirituality, Intuition, Intentions, Goals, Self Awareness. Essential Oils: Blue Lotus, Rosemary, Myrtle,Lemon, Ginger, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, BlackPepper, Peppermint, Jasmin, Black Pepper,Colour: IndigoEmotion: Imagination and intuition Body parts: Eyes, nose, ears, sinus, pineal gland,automatic nervous system, cerebellumPsychological function: Psychic abilities, self-realization, perception, fearlessness, memoryPhysical dysfunction: Headaches, nightmares,sleeping disorders, depression, anxiety, and allof the above, permanent mental health issues,such as schizophrenia paranoia, narcissism,addiction

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Well, the sad thing is not many people will everdiscover the highest two Chakras. You canexperience highly intelligent, educated andsuccessful people, world-traveled, yet they onlylive throughout there below chakras. Un tunedin their frequency on a quantum level. The third eye Chakra represents deeperknowledge on a quantum level, it is the tool ofthe ability to be transparent with everythingaround us and yet live amongst and connectand deal with it day in day out.The psychic tool to see smell touch taste andactivate your 6th sense. When misaligned orignored, sensory-overloud is often accurses,followed by possible mental health issues. Most Masters say these last two Chakra canonly be opened and developed throughmeditation. Daily Affirmations, prayer, and chanting issuggested to be done with routine anddiscipline.

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The Crown Chakra / SahasraraQuantum Consciousness, Purpose, Existence,Self-development, Clarity. Essential Oils: Blue Lotus, Rose, Lavender,Frankincense, Rosemary, Black Pepper,Sandalwood, Patchouli, Lemon and Myrtle,Eucalyptus, Jasmin.Colour: VioletEmotion: Spirituality Body part: Brain, cerebral fluids, pituitarygland central nervous systemPsychological function: Wisdom, higher self,self-sacrificing, visionary and inspirationPhysical dysfunction: Depression, anxiety, andagain all the mental health illnesses as in thelower third eye Chakra.

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The Crown - the ultimate goal.This is where everyone speaks aboutenlightenment self-realization andfulfillment and the divine self.People / wise souls that have apowerful crown chakra a peoplewho exercise spiritual rituals on aregular basis, practices discipline,and all intentions are with harmony.Opening endless possibilities ofInfinity space, the control of time,and living by the divine wisdom ofhumanity. Selflessness and devotion,

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Anointing:This means placing a few drops of the oil directly ontoyour skin, the oldest ancient practice, religions, andspiritual traditions. Placing The oil on the area of your suffering.On your chest for breathing exercises, onto yourstomach for digestionNurture your muscles recovery, heal internalinflammation, headache, swollen tonsils and throat,menstrual pains, wound healing, ..The list has no end, as we all have a unique body ……mind, and soul.Personal Note;Depending on your personal response to themixology/ingredient, you can place some oils on yourforehead, or your side temples. Commonly for safetyreasons, it is advertised not to use essential oils onyour face, yet it is used for usual rituals or ceremonies. ESSENTIAL OILS Rituals, Meditation, Yoga , Pleasure , Consciouss Space.A C T I V A T I O N O F

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Inhaling:Besides the powerful influence of diffusers in amediation venue, simply inhaling a strong blendis one of the most effective ways for a “ quick fix“ . An instant release of panic or fear enduresthe feeling of relaxation or joy. Depending onyour blend/mixology you can truly spark aninstant change in your neurotransmitters. The quick fixPlease do not misunderstand, I am never abouta quick fix. However, we have to encounter andbe aware of how dark this world can be andsome people desperately gasping for a spiritual“ taking a deep breath “. Inhalation helps you toreplace/reset and recenter your realityperception. Supports focus of emotionalresponse and your capabilities.Most known for; meditation, visualization, aneeded quick fix, and strengthening your dailyaffirmations.

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Discipline of daily affirmationsDuring your daily loud vocal affirmations, frequencymusic, I personally inspire to add the inhalation of oilsto enhance your neurotransmitters - creating anintention -into your reality. Daily Affirmation are verypowerful when spoke out loud each day.PURE NATURAL ENVIROMENTAL Y O U R C H E C K L I S T F O R C H O O S I N G + B U Y I N G O I L S 1: Natural, Organic VS Synthetic, Plant farming 2: Sustainability, protecting natural habitat (extinction) Research where the oil is grown and harvested. 3: Supporting fair trade to the farmers & landowners Advocating Human Rights 4: Check the label of the oil bottle, for the ingredient, Company credentials, GMO.Keep in the mind the shelf life.Based blended, not pure oils generally only 12-18months. Absolutely pure oils can be kept andused for up to 6-8 years.

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The glands of the leave, the petal of a plant, is wherewe receive the essential oil liquid/aroma. The surface of the leave, contains globular oil glands,small shaped bubbles. These glands are broken openduring the process of distillation and realize theessential oil. The main method of production is steamdistillation. Additionally, the second most commonmethod is using gas instead of heat. CO2 Extraction. G L O B A L W H O L E S A L E A N D F A R M I N GAustralia; Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Manuka.Africa: Frankincense, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Geranium,Ylang Ylang, Basil, Tea Tree, Vanilla, Jasmin, North & South America: Pine, Rosemary, Lemon,Grapefruit, Mandarin, Orange, Peppermint.Asia: Patchouli, Sandalwood, Rose, Ginger,Frankincense, Black Pepper.Germany is famous for its quality Chamomille.France - literally grows everything, they are passionate.Just as the Bulgarians are with Rose farming.Choose fruits like Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit fromItaly. Spain has blissful rosemary, eucalyptus, Sage,Lemon. And if you ever end up in Bosnia, it's one of thehighest worldwide providers of helichrysum. So how do we receive the oil ?B U B B L E S F I L L E D W I T H O I L S

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1; Blue Lotus; Entering the Quantum Energy field,enhanced spiritual channeling and of wisdom andconsciousness. 2; Frankincense: Is one of the most precious medicinaloils on this beautiful planet Mother Nature. Even goinginto ancient wisdom from Horus to Jesus, when all theprophets were born under the three stars aligned tothe East, the three wise Kings brought Myrtle, Gold,and Frankincense! Same as Rosemary, powerfulantiseptic, anti-inflammatory, acts detoxifying, andantiviral.3: Rosemary: Clarity, memory, and focus, opens uplungs, chest, breathing capability.Breathing in Rosemary will instantly clear your mind. Itis most known for improving focus, fine-tuning yourspiritual awareness, stimulating the nervous systemand increasing circulation to your brain, and activatingneurotransmitters. Taking a deep breath from fresh rosemary invites youto re-set and take the next step slowly and withpurpose. MENTAL CLARITY M Y T O P P E R S O N A L 6 O I L S

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4; Rose: Clarity, Hormones, Compassion andGenerosity, Leadership.Roses have been used as medicinal plants sinceancient years and celebrated for their calmingspiritual aroma. The reason it is good to use forChakra alignment/activation is that it enhanceswell-being and the emotions of self-love and self-healing. It relieves digestive issues, it is detoxifying,and Rose is also known for its microbial propertiesthat fight many different strains of bacteria. Actingas a strong anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral.5; Lavender: Endorses Sleep, the feeling ofharmony, calmness, and gratitude. I believe that lavender is still very underestimatedin its versatile effects such as calming and stressrelief yet also act as a painkiller lavender will alwaysbe the very first remedy for inflammationheadaches muscular or nerve pain but most of allwill instantly relieve an anxiety attack or a simplesensory overload also used for anger issues andaggression for its powerful sedative effect andhealing the body from any form of pain, as oftenthis can cause the temperament in the first place.

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6: Black Pepper, the self-healing/self-love activator. the warming, earthy, mysteriously spicy oil-smelling oil.Most known for its very strong antiseptic effect. Self-healing. This oil encourages all circulations, fromcellular, muscles, to limbs, and stimulates a healthylymphatic system. Black pepper will also instantlyprovide clarity of your thoughts, calm down a sensoryoverload assist you to re-set and boost confidenceand self-awareness.Lemon, Myrtle, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Peppermint and Rosemary These are all very easy to blend and create your ownmixology. All of these five above have many healingtreats in common. Firstly, they support focus,concentration and provoke mental clarity. Secondly, they act antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,antibacterial, and more. Thirdly, the aroma stimulateshappiness and refreshes your emotionalresponse/interaction with harmony. The more youexplore each of them you will start using them daily,especially for your home natural first aid box.EASY MIXOLOGY

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Ylang Ylang, Rose, Ginger, Lavender , Sage ,Patchouli . For sensual massage blends useJojoba Oil.By the way, it’s not always about “ sex “ ;-)Most aphrodisiac oils are simply moodelevators , desire and pleasure , support offocus and mental clarity . The feeling ofcuriosity , interest, passion, and determination. Anyone who seeks excitement, better moods,more energy, desiring more stimulation of life ,and having more fun, these typical oilsmentioned above will enhance this in the bodymind, and soul.Ps; and here a list for the actual sexual effect:Sage, Sandalwood , Ylang Ylang , Ginseng,Patchouli and. Blend an earthy aroma with atouch of a floral for an aphrodisiac,it’s a clevermastery of mixology. AFFRODISIACSO H H H E L L O

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Peppermint Lavender Rosemary : Digestion issues, bloating, sore throat, muscle pain,headache, breathing assistance, respiratory system, Lemon & Myrtle; Sore throat, wound healing,headache, fatigue, bytes and stings recovery,breathing assistance, respiratory system.Lavender: sleep and destress Lemon, Myrtle, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, andRosemary; refer back to all necessary anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral.Hot or Cold usage of the oils.The conditions will either require heat or cooling torecover, for example - bruised knee cooling, muscularrelaxation arthritis thrives of heat.Good Heat Oils: Ginger, Lavender, Pine, Cooling Oils: Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Mouth Teeth and Throat Hygiene: Lemon, Ginger,Peppermint, Fennel, Sage, Clove.Sedatives and Painkillers: Mistletoe, Lavender, and Valerian.HOME REMIDIES