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Mitzvah Day 2023

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MITZVAHDAYWe thank the Wachenheim Familyfor starting the WachenheimMitzvah Fund. The fund wasestablished in 2015 by theWachenheim Family as a way toremember their loved ones and tosupport CGOH Social ActionPrograms, like Mitzvah Day. Therewill be a box at the registrationtable as we continue to collectdonations for this fund.1AS WE ENGAGE IN THE WORK OF MAKING OUR WORLD ABETTER PLACE, TIKKUN OLAM, LET US RECITE THIS PRAYER:,וי ָתֹו ְצ ִמ ְּב וּנֽ ָ ׁש ְּד ִק ר ֶ ׁש ֲא ,םָלוֹע ָה ְךֶלֽ ֶמ וּניֽ ֵהֹ ל ֱא ָיְי ה ָּת ַא ְךוּר ָּב.ק ֶד ֶצ ףֹ ּד ְר ִל וּנָּֽו ִצְוBARUCH ATAH ADONAI, ELOHEINU MELEKH HAOLAM, ASHERKID’SHANU B’MITZVOTAV V’TZIVANU LIRDOF TZEDEK.WE PRAISE YOU ADONAI, SOVEREIGN OF THE UNIVERSE, WHOCALLS USTO HOLINESS THROUGH MITZVOT COMMANDING USTO PURSUE TZEDEK/JUSTICE.Many people have helped put thisyear’s Mitzvah Day together.Starting from our intitial planningmeeting which included: PaulaMetzner, Gay Griffith, AnyaGustafson, Victoria Geiger, andJosh Cooper-Ginsburg, manyothers have contributed ideas,contacts, and time. We are gratefulfor all your efforts to make thisMitzvah Day successful.

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MITZVAH DAYWHAT’S HAPPENING?Review the list of Mitzvah Daysites. Complete the onlineregistration form or call the officeto register for a Mitzvah. We willconfirm the site of your choice.Please read the description of thework to be done as well as thesupplies/tools needed, if any.We will eat lunch together at 12:00noon and go to our Mitzvah Daychoices. Please check the worktimes and material/suppliesneeded for your choice. Most ofour activities can be done as afamily with children of all agesunless specified otherwise.Food DonationsMonetary donations to theWachenheim FundDonations for the ZumbafundraiserElectronics RecyclingCoat DriveThere are collection sitesthroughout CGOH for bothmonetary donations and assorteditems. There will be people aroundwho can guide you to the rightlocation.Collections include:Check inside for specific requests.2

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3Volunteers are needed to prepare food, set tables,and help with serving lunch.Work starts at 10:00 am. Volunteers are also neededto clean up after lunch.852 ASHMORE AVE.CGOH LUNCH PREP AND SERVE 1MITZVAHDAY965 ALBANY-SHAKER ROAD, LATHAMREGIONAL FOOD BANK--SHIFT 1:00-3:00 ON NOV. 5215 volunteers are needed to work on November 5.Come to the back of thebuilding and enter via theramp with the green awningthat says “WELCOMEVOLUNTEERS.” Masks areoptional, gloves areprovided, and closed shoesare required.RAIN DATE: NOVEMBER 19UMBRELLA--1:00 PM - 4:00 PM3Assist home-bound eldersby doing leaf cleanup andlight yard work. Bring rakes,leaf blowers (if you haveone), and tarps.This is a great activity forfor families with kids. Onceyou sign up, Umbrella willlet us know what yourlocation will be, all within 10miles of downtownSchenectady.

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4We are collecting electronic waste for recycling.Volunteers are needed to assist congregants placingitems in large boxes located inside the main entrancestarting at 9:00 am. There may be some heavy liftinginvolved. Acceptable items list is found in this brochure.EWASTE+ 9:00 AM 4MITZVAHDAY1:00 PM - 3:00 PMAPPLE PIE BAKING IN THE CGOH KITCHEN5Volunteers will bake pies inour kitchen, with PaulaMetzner, Ed Bein, and LeeBrice, to be donated toshelters & groupresidences Thanks to Mona Golub fordonating the apples! MOON CATCHERS--1:00 - 4:00 PM6Help cut, sew, and ironcloth sanitary pads forwomen in six homelessshelters in our community.All parts are provided, ifyou sew and have aportable sewing machine,please bring that. Scissorsare also welcomed.

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5The JCC has asked for volunteers to helpwith the following: 1:00 - 3:00 PMSCHENECTADY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER7MITZVAHDAYTRICYCLE REPAIRWe have a number of tricycles that needtires inflated, handlebars mended, seatsmended. We will supply the materials. SENSORY TABLES (WOODEN)We are in need of sensory tables built to replacethe old ones currently on Teva. We will supply thematerials if someone expresses interest in thisproject.

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6On teva and in the tires near Tik TrakGARDEN CLEAN UP7MITZVAHDAYLeaves raked-please bring rakes and gardeningglovesWoodchip distribution- please bring rakes,gardening gloves and shovels All these activities are great for families with kids ofall ages.

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78MITZVAHDAY:FAMILYPLAYDATECONGREGATION GATES OF HEAVENPOWER FOR PURPOSE: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PMAccording to a Jewish rabbinic teaching, after creating theGarden of Eden, God says, “Behold my works, how pleasantand how beautiful they are. And I created it all for you! Beaware and don’t ruin or destroy my world, for if you ruin it,there is no one to come and fix it up after you.”(Ecclesiastes Rabbah, 7:13)For families/groups that would like to stay at CGOH,you may choose to participate in Beautiful Works, aproject which teaches about the environment, climatechange, and advocacy for all ages. DOORS OPEN AT 1:30 PMZUMBA-THON: JCC--2:00 PM - 4:00 PMParticipate in a two-hour Zumbathon to raise funds insupport of our brothers and sisters in Israel. Proceeds willbe donated to the Jewish Federation of Northeast NYEmergency Israel Fund. Donations of $20 is requested topartipate. 9

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The Tzedek Box is a new ritualsupporting Jews and their allies in theancient pursuit of a more just society.Every time you strive to build a betterworld, add a note to your box. Once ayear, open the box.INTRODUCING TZEDEK BOXThrough creating a Tzedek Box and committingto its use, participants will build renewed visionand accountability for sustained and reflectiverighteous action.MAIN GOALMITZVAH DAY10

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As a reframing of the traditional tzedakahbox, we use a Tzedek Box throughout theyear to deposit slips of paper on which we’vewritten the latest act of justice that we havecompleted ("I called my senator," "I attendedthis protest," "I hosted a screening of thedocumentary "13th" to raise awareness), aswell as our observations and feelings. OnYom HaTzedek (on Pesach Sheini, May 21,2024), we open the box--and reflect on thework that we did all year long to improve oursociety through our advocacy and activism.This gathering will involve all of us who have created boxes--either digitally (bydownloading an app) or physically. We willreflect collectively on the work we’ve doneand the work still to do.EXPLANATION AND BACKGROUNDMITZVAH DAY11

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