MISSING MIDDLE HOUSING FOR RALEIGHThomas Barrie FAIA | Professor of ArchitectureAn NC State College of Design Publication2024
StudentsCeCe BoudwinKatherine BrooksDanytza CisnerosJack DaltonLakkshita IndrabanuEmily LewisPaige KanipeChelsea LelandJennifer MacDonaldShruthi ManivannanLindsay MedburyPurvij MunshiAlankrit Ganesh RajagopalanRoozbeh SalehiVeronica WyaResearch AssistantMarina MustakovaNC State University College of DesignCampus Box 7701, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27695-7701©2024 An NC State University College of Design PublicaonThomas Barrie FAIAMissing Middle Housing for RaleighThomas Barrie reserves all rights to this material in conjuncon with the College of Design at NC State University
ContentsIntroduconMissing Middle Housing TypesDemonstraon Projects• Duplexes, triplexes, quads, and townhouses• Mulplexes• Coage Courts• Live work and shop houses• Accessory Dwelling UnitsConclusionAppendix• Research
IntroduconRaleigh has recently updated the zoning code to allow for more missing middle housing. The “missing” in missing middle housing refers to the fact that zoning laws typically prohibit this type of housing. It includes historic housing types that provide choices between single family houses and large apartment buildings including duplexes, triplexes, quads, townhouses, mulplexes, coage courts, live work and shop houses, and accessory dwelling units. Missing-middle housing responds to the need for diverse housing preferences, ages, household sizes, and income levels. It can also create gentle density where it is most needed: in inner city and rst ring suburbs. Missing middle housing does not eliminate single family houses but simply provides a broader range of housing types in residenal districts. It can provide aordable housing opons to address a worsening naonal housing crisis. It also supports social stability and diversity and can increase the economic diversity of a community by allowing people to age in place and trade down without moving out. Duplexes, triplex-es, quads, and coage courts provide ownership and equity opons – live-work and shop-house units can support home employment. Missing middle housing is also essenal to a sustainable future. It is well estab-lished that buildings and transportaon are the most signicant contributors of CO2 emissions associated with global climate change. Housing density can migate sprawl and support public transportaon which, along with reducing household transportaon costs, can lessen an area’s carbon footprint. Smaller units and ones with shared party walls use less materials and require less energy to heat and cool, reducing ulity costs and carbon emissions. Missing middle housing is part of a naonal movement of zoning reform to create “complete communi-es” that are equitable, aordable, sustainable, and walkable. Proponents argue that reforms are needed to create diverse housing and transit-supporve, sustainable development. However, opponents cite fears of a loss of character and control of their communies. The ercest bales are oen in neighborhoods of single-family houses on large lots close to city centers, services, and public transportaon. This has rounely been the case in Raleigh.The studio focused on the research and design of missing middle housing for inner city neighborhoods in Raleigh. Inner city residenal neighborhoods are oen losing character, the result of the market economics of housing development. As land prices rise the only way developers can secure a return on investment is to build either a large house (if that is the only opon permied by zoning), or mulple missing middle hous-ing. Because missing middle units are smaller they can be the most eecve way to ensure development compable with neighborhood character. Team work included research on missing middle housing histories, policies, and precedents, and sustain-able, equitable development and community capacity building. Students worked individually to comprehen-sively design prototypical housing on a range of sites. The studio as a whole assembled a diverse knowledge base of housing choices that best serve 21st century Raleigh. A studio research assistant provided addional research and documentaon. The studio discovered that missing middle housing can capitalize on dicult sites. The students idened vacant inner-city sites, close to services, schools, and planned or exisng pub-lic transit and services. The studio collaboravely mapped all potenal sites to idenfy a diversity of sites appropriate to a full range of missing middle housing. The nal choices, all of which were in zoning types included in the enabling ordinances, provided specic planning and design challenges. The demonstraon projects that follow illustrate the power of design to solve complex planning and design issues and achieve diverse, equitable housing and communies that support transit and local businesses. The results also demonstrated that missing middle housing can also capitalize on sites in crical locaons that are missing housing choices necessary for a rapidly growing 21st century city.
Missing Middle Housing TypesDuplexes, triplexes, quads, and townhouses provide opons for smaller units with limited maintenance and landscaping tasks that are aracve to the young and old. They can also create gentle density that supports public transportaon and local businesses. They can be designed to be compable with residen-al communies through form-based codes. They can also provide equity opons. For example, a duplex can be owned by one family who rent the second unit to supplement their mortgage or household costs. Mulplexes are housing with up to twenty units that can maximize sites too big for other missing middle housing but too small for the ubiquitous mulfamily housing wrapped around parking. They can also be the most appropriate housing for small or challenging sites that are in higher density and mixed-use dis-tricts. Coage Courts are mulple units clustered around common green spaces, typically with parking located at the perimeter. They are an increasingly popular means to achieve gentle density, which can support neighborhood retail and services and public transportaon. They are also aracve to those who want to live in car free environments. Coage courts can make use of innovave equity and ownership opons to reduce housing costs, such as Community Land Trusts (CLT). A CLT owns the land of the coage court and residents either buy or rent the units. Because CLTs are always the result of community organizing they oen retain their advocacy roles and communitarian framework. They can reduce the price of housing because one only buys or rents the unit itself, not the land. (There is typically a minimal maintenance fee.) Housing aordability of CLTs is maintained through deed restricons that limit sale prices while owners of a house in a CLT can sll build equity.Live work and shop houses are another ownership and use model that has enjoyed a long history in US cies and towns. A tradional shop house has a street-level retail space with a living unit above. Contem-porary uses include home businesses such as beauty salons, accountants, or small retail, and also creave spaces for arsts and crasmen. The building is typically owned by one family, who either uses or rents the shop space. They can reintroduce neighborhood businesses that were once prevalent and create in-come for homeowners.Accessory Dwelling Units (also known as backyard coages, granny ats, etc.) are a historical housing type that used to be common but beginning in the mid-20th c. increasingly were zoned out and thus in many cies are illegal. They are second, smaller living units typically placed in the backyards of single-fam-ily homes. Like other forms of missing middle housing, ADU’s can be a low-impact means of creang housing diversity, parcularly in inner city and rst ring suburbs. ADU’s can also provide rental income to homeowners to subsidize their household costs making housing they might have been priced out of af-fordable. ADU’s can also provide stable adaptable housing as family needs and make-up change over me, including: rental income when starng out, housing for a parent or boomerang kid, or a unit for a caregiv-er allowing the homeowner to age in place. The homeowner can also live in the ADU as empty nesters, and rent the primary unit, allowing them to trade down without moving out.
Duplexes Jack DaltonThe site is adjacent to the Tarboro Recreaon Center and the future New Bern Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Line. The project opmizes the small site by a compact plan of duplexes and Accessory Dwelling Units. Even though there is a densiity of housing the project also in-cludes community spaces and a common building. The laer includes a bike shelter for BRT riders.
Site context and plansAerial View
Accessory Dwelling Unit
Duplexes + TriplexesLakkshita IndrabanuThis project transforms a dicult site in the Mordecai neighborhood into a community of duplexes, triplexes and live-work units, and a welcoming courtyard on the street. The site plan retains sucient open space to qualify as Conservaon Development, thus maximizing the number of units allowed on the site.
Duplexes + Accessory Dwelling UnitsPurvij MunshiIn the Mordecai neighborhood most undeveloped propores are small or challenging sites. More oen, older, smaller houses are being replaced by larger ones, This project joins two small sites and demonstrates how missing middle housing can eecvely add gentle density in residenal areas. The outcome is 6 units in an R-10 zone. An array of sustainability strategies increase their aordability.
Interior of ADU
TownhousesRoozbeh SalehiThis 1.1 acre ag lot on Oberlin Road provides a potent opportunity for inl housing in a rapidly growing area of Raleigh. Clusters of townhouses create an urban street and green courtyards. Parking is limited and located at the periphery. The compact units open to the exterior and include rooop paos.
Townhouses + Aached Accessory Dwelling UnitsDanytza CisnerosThis site on Church Street behind Ligon MIddle School is in an area that tradionally had a diversity of housing types. The design transforms convenonal townhouse planning to create expressive forms and residenal scale. The spaally-complex units include townhouses and aached accessory dwelling units and mulple rooop terraces.
Site Context
Site Plan
Adaptable Duplex + Accessory Dwelling UnitVeronica WyaThis ag lot on Harge Street adjacent to New Bern Avenue provides adaptable housing close to public transit. The panelized construcon system is designed to be incrementally built and adaptable to respond to changing family needs. The assembly systems would be premanufac-tured reducing construcon me, costs and waste.
Incremental ConstruconPanelized System
TownhousesJennifer MacDonaldThis 1.17 acre site on East Lane Street at Idlewild Avenue is in the New Bern - Idlewild NCOD district. It deploys convenonal townhouse organizaon and site planning while providing generous, light-lled interior spaces with rooop terraces. The compact townhouses line the streets of the corner lot to crerate ample community spaces. Parking is on the interior and city streets.
The steeply-sloped site at 416 East Cabarrus Street is zoned RX3-UL, commercial mixed use. This project demonstrates the suitability of mulplexs for challenging sites in higher density ar-eas. It also illustrates how neighborhood retail, social spaces, and sustainability strategies can be eecvely incorporated into this type of housing.MulplexLIndsay MedburySite and Context
MulplexPaige KanipeThe site at 115 Wakeeld Avenue is zoned RX-3 and located between large scale apartment buildings and a single family neighborhood. Four clusters of housing are arranged around courtyards. The project demonstrates the advantages of mulplex housing including a variety of unit types, gentle density, community and retails spaces, and a range of sustainability strate-gies. Site and Context
Site Plan
The .96 acre site at 606 Rock Quarry Road is zoned R-10 and is located on a frequent transit corridor adjacent to a small-scale residenal neighborhood. 30 duplex and tripex units ring a central courtyard. The coage court housing type was chosen for its capacity to provide social spaces, including a community house, and a range of housing types. A community land trust is also propsed as a means to achieve aordability while providing gracious, generous living.Coage CourtCeCe Boudwin
Coage CourtChelsea LelandTwo deep lots that together comprise 1.49 acres is adjacent to the Lile Rock greenway and Chavis Park and on a frequent transit corridor. The project demonstrates how coage courts can eecvely ulize dicult sites to achieve transit-supporve density and create local iden-ty and sense of place. Twenty stacked or side-by-side duplex units with porches line a central street allowing the rest of the site to be preserved as greenspace.
Transverse secon showing stacked and side-by-side units.
Longitudinal secon showing connecon to the greenway.
This project illustrates how parcular sites can oer unique opportunies for missing middle housing. The .5 acre site is zoned R-10 and located at 310 East South Street adjacent to Shaw University. Four two bedroom units are located above a variety of retail and work spaces that form a series of community courtyards. The mix of uses and community spaces are designed to serve the Shaw University and neighboring communies. Live Work + Shop HousesAlankrit Ganesh Rajagopalan
Material Palee
Live Work + Shop HousesShruthi ManivannanThe site on South Wilmington Street is located in a transional zone between downtown and residenal neighborhoods. It responds to this condion by providing a variety of housing and retail and work spaces. Four live work units create a series of public community spaces and private courtyards and roof terraces and are designed to provide services to an area severed by busy roads and infrastructure. View from Wilmington Street showing retail and co-working spaces.
Accessory Dwelling UnitsEmily LewisAccessory dwelling units provide housing opons and transit-supporve density where it is oen most needed – in inner city and rst ring residenal neighborhoods. Too oen, however, design and construcon costs and lengthy, complicated approval processes have been imped-iments. This project proposes to solve this problem by preapproved kit houses that oer a full range of living space, levels, materials and nishes.
Unit TypesStudio One Bedroom Two Bedroom
Accessory Dwelling UnitsKatherine BrooksHousing is well-suited for modular or panelized pre-manufactured construcon systems. Con-temporary architects and builders have demonstrated that Accessory Dwellings units provide potent opportunies for standardized, aordable, and sustainable units. This project proposes panelized systems that provide a range of unit types, material choices, and sustainability strat-egies.