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Miskwaadesi - North Bay, Ontario

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2Miskwaadesi maa madbid nishnaabekiing, maaNbisiing nishnaabeg gaa-daawaad ngoding.Naanind gnokaajganan minwa siniin minwa ge amiskwaadesi,maa endaawaad dibendaagsiwag.Nishnaabe kiwewin wewebaasin enso -dboon,wewena, nji-mno-maadzid nishnaabewid.Miskwaadesi sits on the traditional territory ofthe Nbiising Anishinabeg, who have lived heresince time immemorial. Most materials,including the granite for Miskwaadesi, weresourced from this territory. The flagpole on-site is where an Indigenous flag will be flownyear-round, emphasizing the importance ofcreating urban Indigenous spaces, learning,and reconciliation in our cities. Miskwaadesi se trouve sur le territoiretraditionnel des Nbiising Anishinabeg, qui yvivent depuis des temps immémoriaux. Laplupart des matériaux, y compris le granit deMiskwaadesi, proviennent de ce territoire. Undrapeau Autochtone flottera toute l'année surle mât situé sur le site, soulignant l'importancede créer des espaces urbains autochtones, defavoriser l'apprentissage et la réconciliationdans nos villes.This hand-colored print datingfrom 1717 shows a Nipissingwarrior, armed with bow andarrows, wearing moccasins,clothed in a tunic and capeobtained from the Europeans,and covered in tattoos. Library of Congress

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Newin mtigoog (giizhik) ebiwaad miskwaadesi bid kiishbaayiing enso shkwaandengnibiingeng waabnong (zaawaa). Shkwaandem zhaawnong, waabnong, gaawbiiwnong,mina giiwedmong. Miskwaadesi kinoomage nishnaabe naadzwin. The 4 cedar poles around Miskwaadesi mark each doorway of the medicine wheel (East,South, West and North). Entering through the Eastern quadrant (yellow), Miskwaadesireveals teachings reflective of Anishinaabe life. Walking clockwise, you can see themedicine wheel cycle it teaches, seasons, a day's course, well-being and balance, sacredmedicines, life cycles, and more. Found across Turtle Island, teachings of the medicinewheel are as varied as the nation they come from, even the colours may be different, but allare fitting for where they come from, none are wrong, just different. Les quatre poteaux de cèdre autour Miskwaadesi marquent chaque porte de la rouemédicinale (Est, Sud, Ouest et Nord). En entrant par le quadrant Est (jaune), Miskwaadesirévèle des enseignements reflétant la vie Anishinaabe. En marchant dans le sens des aiguillesd'une montre, vous pouvez voir le cycle de la roue médicinale qu’il enseigne. Il enseigne lessaisons, le déroulement d'une journée, le bien-être et l'équilibre, les médecines sacrées, lescycles de la vie et plus encore. Présents sur l'île de la Tortue, les enseignements de la rouede la médecine sont aussi variés que les nations dont ils sont issus, même les couleurspeuvent être différentes, mais toutes sont adaptées à l'endroit d'où elles viennent, aucunen'est mauvaise, juste différente.3

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Mkinaak e-piitendaazid mina nishnaabe aansookaanan ge. Zhaashk dash eta gaa-googiidnaambiing gii bi dgonang ngo ninj-zhashkii gaa bii-tood maa mkinaakong nji-maajiishkaagmnis.Aabchi go ndoo-miigwechwenmaag , mkinaak, zhaashk. Mkinaak kinoomaagenishinaabe giisoon ntaaswi shi-nswi waawyesnoon maa mkinaak esan. Enso giizis giiwiinaan Miini giizis, Maanido giizis, Mkwa giizis......The turtle is central to one of the Anishinabek creation stories. The muskrat sacrificeditself to bring the first handful of earth to form Turtle Island, and the turtle sacrificedhimself to bear the weight of a new island to live on. We are forever grateful to thesetwo heroes for this beautiful place to call home. The turtle also teaches about thelunar cycle. The 13 large scutes on her shell represent the 13 moons of theAnishnaabe calendar, while the 28 small scutes around the edge depict the 28 daysbetween each moon. Each moon is named for its significance, such as Berry Moon,Spirit Moon, Bear Moon, and more. La tortue est au cœur de l'un des récits de création des Anishinabek. Le rat musqués'est sacrifié pour apporter la première poignée de terre qui a formé l'île de la Tortue, etla tortue s'est sacrifiée pour supporter le poids d'une nouvelle île où vivre. Noussommes éternellement reconnaissants à ces deux héros d'avoir créé ce magnifiqueendroit que nous appelons notre maison. La tortue enseigne également le cycle lunaire. Les 13 grandes scutelles de sa carapacereprésentent les 13 lunes du calendrier Anishnaabe, tandis que les 28 petites scutellesen bordure représentent les 28 jours entre chaque lune. Chaque lune est nommée enfonction de sa signification, par exemple la Lune de Baie, la Lune de l’Esprit, la Lune del’Ours, et bien d’autres.4Don ChretienThe Brave Little Muskrat

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Zaagi’dwin - Love - L’amour Gchi piitenim- Respect -Le RespecGwekwaadziwin - Honesty - L’Honnêteté Zoongde’ewin - Courage - La Bravoure Chi-kenaaswin - Wisdom - La Sagesse Debwewin - Truth - La Verité Dbasendmowin - Humility - L’Humilité 5Niizhwaaswi sinii-waawanoon gii mkaanaawaa maa pi-me'ii,ziibiising, mii ni niizhwaaswi kinoomaagewnan, e-niniigaansidoomin,mno-bimaadziwin. Enso wensiinh kinoomaagewin miwdoonaawaa. The seven stone eggs found at the edge of the creek, representthe Seven Teachings, which are the guiding principles for havinga good life, or mino-biimadzwin. Each teaching has an animalwho embodies that principle. Les sept œufs de pierre trouvés au bord du ruisseau représententles Sept Enseignements, qui sont les principes directeursAnishinaabe pour mener une bonne vie, ou « mino-biimadzwin ».Chaque enseignement est associé à un animal qui incarne leprincipe en question. SEPT OEUFS DE PIERRESEVEN STONE EGGS

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Mtigoog, waabgowaniin gii gtigewag maa Miskwaadesi edaad mina wewena giitoonaawaa ni nishinaabe mshkikiin, nji-wiidookwinwaa bwaji-wesiiyag minwa geMtakmikwe.The planted trees, shrubs and flowers within Miskwaadsi’s home space have beencarefully selected to restore native plants to the area, to support wildlife and helpimprove the well being of Shkagamkwe (Mother Earth). Les arbres, arbustes et fleurs plantés dans l’espace de Miskwaadsi ont étésoigneusement sélectionnés pour restaurer les plantes indigènes de la région,soutenir la faune et la flore et contribuer à améliorer le bien-être de « Shkagamkwe »(notre Terre Mère). 6

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7CedarRed Oak=======Quercus rubraBlack Chokeberry=======Aronia melanocarpaAmerican Plum=======Prunus americanaSweetgrass=======Hierochloe odorataLittle Bluestem Grass=======Schizachyrium scopariumSideoats Grama=======Bouteloua curtipendulaBlack-eyed Susan=======Rudbeckia hirtaWild Columbine=======Aquilegia canadensisWild Bergamot=======Monarda fistulosaPrairie Smoke=======Geum triflorumAnise Hyssop=======Agastache foeniculumFoxglove Beardtongue=======Penstemon digitalisHairy Beardtongue=======Penstemon hirsutusYarrow=======Achillea millefoliumPale Purple Coneflower=======Echinacea pallidaSunchoke=======Helianthus tuberosusMad Dog Skullcap=======Scutellaria laterifloraCardinal Flower=======Lobelia cardinalisBlanket Flower=======Gaillardia aristataDense Blazing Star=======Liatris spicataCommon Milkweed=======Asclepias syriacaOrange Milkweed=======Asclepias tuberosaPink Milkweed=======Asclepis incarnataSpotted Joe Pye Weed=======Eupatorium maculatumJewelweed=======Impatiens capensisNew England Aster=======Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeSundrops=======Oenothera fruticosaCulver's Root=======Veronicastrum virginicumSneezeweed=======Helenium autumnaleGoldenrod=======SolidagoMore species to be planted soon!Miskwaadesi Restoration Plant List

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CHI-MIIGWETCH THANK YOU MERCIThis project would not have been possible without the help of an incredibly dedicated group of volunteers,donors and community partners who put their energy and heart into Miskwaadesi. The groups and peoplelisted below all contributed to the plantings and beautiful touches to the landscape you see. Miskwaadesishows that when you do things with good intentions and with heart, it all comes together in incredible ways. We would like to extend a special chi-miigwetch, to the Elders, and the knowledge keepers whohelped guide Miskwaadesi. As always, good intentions, and good thoughts, really do makeincredible things happen. Chi-miigwetch to Leo deLoyde for donating so much time to help ensure that Miskwaadesi was finished theway it was envisioned. Chi-Miigwetch to the Heritage Gardeners and Trees for Nipissing, Eagle Tree, Sustainable Canadore and allthe tree planters, the cedars are beautiful and watching them grow in a space like this is a wonderful gift forthe residents of the city. Chi-miigwetch to Shanan King of the Butterflyway Project for the incredible amount of energy and countlesshours of hard work of making the garden come together. Her wealth of knowledge and connections were abig part of ensuring that missing plants be returned to their original landscape. Chi-Miigwetch to Evelyn McLeod of Nipissing First Nation for translating and explaining many ofthe nuances of Anishinaabemowin that ties the language to land, and the people. Chi-Miigwetch to Don Chretien, of Nipissing First Nation for providing our Miskwaadesi logo, and allowingus to use various pieces of his artwork found in this booklet.8This is not a ‘medicine garden’ thisis a reconciliation garden, as weensure that space is made for theplants and beings which are meantto be here. That IS the medicine, forall of us, being able to see andexperience this space, and worktogether to create somethingspecial. All of the flowers, shrubs,grasses and trees planted in thisspace have been generouslydonated by community members.