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MILLSBURG LIBERIA Dev Project 1 (Int'l Project)

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NEWSLETTER Aug 24, 2024 MILLSBURG LIBERIA DEVELOPMENT PROJECT S T A R T I N G - W A R E H O U S E O F F I C E M I D D L E - W A R E H O U S E O F F I C E P R O G R E S S I N G D A I L Y DEVELOPING & SERVING We have embarked on building a service warehouse in the Township using local products. This project has become a success so far. The community participation has helped the project to progress speedily. B E G I N N I N G - S E R V I C E W A R E H O U S E MIDDLE TO FINISH

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NEWSLETTER Aug 24, 2024 The Process continues Cook Food for the –The Abandone This program was established to feed those who are totally abandone by family members or have no means to provide for themselves. This program provide cook food daily, except on Sundays. Meet The Cook. She is a hard working lady. She ensures that participants gets their food on time. Bendu is a remarkable lady. Bicycle: A bicycle was made available for this program because of the rain. The participants comes from far, and the rain makes it difficult for them. I must say that these participants are resilent. They will not wait but rather come to the site and pick up their food. Participants

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NEWSLETTER Aug 24, 2024 IT IS GOOD TO SERVE One of the participant roof that is open. When it rains, it falls into the house . Her room is nearby, so she is up all night trying to empty large pans with rain water. Join us on facebook and