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MIKESCAPESW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O MNEWSLETTERVOLUME 1DECEMBER 2024B Y M I C H A E L C H O O N GFaroeIslandsA Photographer's Paradise5 Tips for CapturingStunning WinterLandscapes

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Welcome to the very first issue of Mikescape!This newsletter is my first attempt to bringtogether my love for photography and mydesire to stay connected with all of you. My goal is to release Mikescape on a monthlybasis, sharing updates about what I’ve beenup to, tips and tricks to improve yourphotography, and insights from my creativejourney.If you find this newsletter helpful or inspiring,I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to leave mea message or send me an email. Better yet,share it with your friends who might enjoy orbenefit from it.Thank you for being part of this journey. Let’sdive in and create something beautifultogether! Happy New Year 2025! Warm regards,Michael ChoongW E L C O M E T OM I K E S C A P E !HELLO FRIENDS,

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PAGE 1 - 2PAGE 3 - 9PAGE 10 - 11Faroe Islands - aPhotographer'sParadiseFaroe Islands - aPhotographer'sParadise5 Tips for Capturing StunningWinter LandscapesCONTENTSPAGE 15Recently published YoutubeEducational VideosPAGE 17Workshop and EventsUpdatesPAGE 18Upcoming Outings &Events

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The Faroe Islands, a remotearchipelago nestled in the NorthAtlantic Ocean, have long been acoveted destination forlandscape photographers. Withits dramatic cliffs, cascadingwaterfalls, and ever-changingweather, it’s a place wherenature’s raw power and serenebeauty come together in perfectharmony. As a landscapephotographer, I had the privilegeof experiencing this captivatinglocation firsthand, and it left alasting impression on mycreative journey.FaroeIslandsP A G E 3 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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FAROE ISLANDSP A G E 4 | M I K E S C A P E SA Photographer'sParadiseW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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Arrival in a LandUntouched by TimeFrom the moment I arrived, the FaroeIslands felt like a world apart—wild,unspoiled, and utterly breathtaking.Each of the 18 islands has its ownunique character, but they all share acommon thread: a rugged, untamedbeauty that begs to be capturedthrough the lens.The first few days were spentexploring the iconic landscapes ofStreymoy and Eysturoy, the largestislands in the archipelago. The towering cliffs of Eiðiskollur andthe ethereal waterfalls of Fossáprovided the perfect introduction tothe raw, unspoilt nature of theFaroes. The weather, asunpredictable as it was, only addedto the allure—thick fog would roll in,only to be pierced by shafts ofgolden sunlight moments later,creating a dramatic interplay of lightand shadow.Imagine waking up every day to thebreathtaking of the Faroe Islands, wheresod-roofed houses blend harmoniouslywith the nature. P A G E 5 | M I K E S C A P E S W W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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IN PURSUIT OF THEPERFECT LIGHTOne of the most unforgettableexperiences of my trip wasphotographing the sea stacks ofDrangarnir. These towering rockformations rise majestically from theocean, like ancient sentinelsguarding the islands. The journey toreach Drangarnir was as demandingas it was exhilarating, with narrow,winding paths leading to a viewpointthat seemed to hover on the edge ofthe world.As I set up my camera, the Faroeseweather lived up to its reputation—thick clouds loomed overhead,threatening to obscure the sceneentirely. But, just as I was beginning to losehope, the sky began to clear, andthe setting sun cast a soft, goldenlight over the sea stacks. Thecontrast between the dark,foreboding cliffs and the warm glowof the sunset was nothing short ofmagical. It was a moment where allthe elements aligned perfectly, and Ifelt an overwhelming sense ofconnection to this wild, untamedlandscape.P A G E 6 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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One of the highlights of my trip wasa day spent on Mykines Island, thewesternmost of the Faroes and asanctuary for wildlife, particularlypuffins. The adventure began with aferry ride from the mainland, which initself was an experience toremember. As the boat cut throughthe Atlantic waters, we weresurrounded by dramatic cliffs thatseemed to rise straight out of thesea. The rolling waves and bracingsea breeze set the tone for the wildbeauty that awaited on Mykines.Upon arriving at Mykines, I wasimmediately struck by the island’srugged charm. As I approached thepuffin colonies, the sight of hundredsof these colourful birds, with theirdistinctive orange beaks, was aphotographer’s dream. Capturing thepuffins in their natural habitat—whether perched on the cliffs orsoaring through the air—was anabsolute joy. The interplay betweenthe vibrant puffins and the dramaticlandscape of Mykines created someof my favourite images from theentire trip.PHOTOGRAPHINGPUFFINSP A G E 7 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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PUFFIN FUN FACTSPuffins are fascinating creatures, and Mykines is one of the bestplaces to observe them in their natural habitat. These charmingseabirds are often called "sea parrots" due to their vibrantbeaks, which actually change colour throughout the year—becoming brighter during the breeding season to attract mates.Puffins are also remarkable fliers, despite their small wings,beating them up to 400 times per minute to stay airborne.What’s more, they are expert divers, using their wings to ‘fly’underwater in search of fish, sometimes diving as deep as 60metres!P A G E 8 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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REGISTERTODAY@michaelchoongcom | +65-84041131

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5 tipsCAPTURING STUNNINGWINTER LANDSCAPESYou: Layer up to stay warm andYou: Layer up to stay warm andagile. Don’t forget insulated glovesagile. Don’t forget insulated glovesthat allow you to operate yourthat allow you to operate Gear: Keep extra batteries inYour Gear: Keep extra batteries ina warm pocket—colda warm pocket—coldtemperatures drain them quickly.temperatures drain them quickly.Use a weather-sealed camera or aUse a weather-sealed camera or arain cover to protect against snowrain cover to protect against snowand condensation.and condensation.1 . D R E S S F O R T H E C O L D( Y O U A N D Y O U R G E A R ! )2 . S E E K T H E G O L D E N H O U R SWinter’s soft, low-angled sunlightWinter’s soft, low-angled sunlightcreates dramatic shadows andcreates dramatic shadows andgolden hues. Plan your shootsgolden hues. Plan your shootsaround sunrise and sunset for thearound sunrise and sunset for thebest light. The longer twilightbest light. The longer twilighthours in winter are also perfect forhours in winter are also perfect forcapturing subtle tones.capturing subtle tones.3 . E M B R A C E S N O W ’ SR E F L E C T I V E P O W E RSnow acts like a natural reflector,Snow acts like a natural reflector,brightening your scene. Use thisbrightening your scene. Use thisto your advantage but watch yourto your advantage but watch yourexposure settings—snow can trickexposure settings—snow can trickyour camera into underexposing.your camera into underexposing.Pro Tip: Dial in +1 to +2 exposurePro Tip: Dial in +1 to +2 exposurecompensation to ensure the snowcompensation to ensure the snowlooks crisp and white, not dulllooks crisp and white, not dullgray.gray.P A G E 1 0 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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5 tipsCAPTURING STUNNINGWINTER LANDSCAPES4 . F O C U S O N T E X T U R E S A N D D E T A I L SLook for frost patterns, icicles, frozen waterfalls, or snow-Look for frost patterns, icicles, frozen waterfalls, or snow-covered trees. These details add a sense of wonder andcovered trees. These details add a sense of wonder andvariety to your compositions.variety to your compositions.Use a macro lens to capture the intricate beauty ofUse a macro lens to capture the intricate beauty ofsnowflakes or close-ups of frosty surfaces.snowflakes or close-ups of frosty surfaces.5 . P L A Y W I T H C O N T R A S T A N D C O L O RCombine the stark white of snow with pops of color, like a redCombine the stark white of snow with pops of color, like a redbarn, evergreen trees, or a warm-toned sunset.barn, evergreen trees, or a warm-toned sunset.Black-and-white conversions can also create dramatic andBlack-and-white conversions can also create dramatic andtimeless winter images by highlighting textures and contrasts.timeless winter images by highlighting textures and contrasts.P A G E 1 1 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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Milky wayW A E R E B OV I L L A G EP A G E 1 3 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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SunriseS U M B AT I M U RP A G E 1 4 | M I K E S C A P E SW W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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PHOTOWORKSHOPPhotography workshops offer an extraordinary opportunity to immerseyourself in the world’s most breathtaking destinations while honing yourphotographic skills. Every year, I lead meticulously crafted tours incollaboration with seasoned local photographers, leading a small group ofenthusiasts to awe-inspiring locations across the globe.P A G E 1 6 | M I K E S C A P E S W W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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T h a n k Y o u f o r R e a d i n g !I h o p e y o u e n j o y e d t h i s f i r s t i s s u eo f M i k e s c a p e ! I f y o u f o u n d i th e l p f u l o r i n s p i r i n g , p l e a s e d o n ’ tf o r g e t t o :L i k e t h i s n e w s l e t t e r ,S h a r e i t w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s w h om i g h t e n j o y o r b e n e f i t f r o m i t ,a n dS u b s c r i b e t o s t a y u p d a t e d w i t hf u t u r e i s s u e s .Y o u r s u p p o r t m e a n s t h e w o r l d t om e a n d h e l p s k e e p t h i s j o u r n e ya l i v e !I n t h e n e x t i s s u e , w e ’ l l d i v e i n t o :E x p o s u r e B l e n d i n g T e c h n i q u e s :A s t e p - b y - s t e p g u i d e t o m e r g i n gm u l t i p l e e x p o s u r e s f o r s t u n n i n gi m a g e s .M u s t - V i s i t P h o t o g r a p h yL o c a t i o n s i n I n d o n e s i a :D i s c o v e r t h e t o p s p o t s e v e r yp h o t o g r a p h e r s h o u l d e x p l o r ea n d c a p t u r e .P A G E 1 9 | M I K E S C A P E S W W W . M I C H A E L C H O O N G . C O M

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MICHAEL CHOONGSharing insights and techniques for mastering photography.Like Comment SubscribeS t a y t u n e d , a n d u n t i lt h e n , k e e p c r e a t i n ga n d c a p t u r i n g a m a z i n gm o m e n t s !

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