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MiFOP Member Benefits Guide

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MICHIGAN STATE LODGE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 3474 Alaiedon Pkwy Suite 500 Okemos Michigan 48864 Phone 517 367 8000 Web www mifop com Michael Sauger John Ousnamer PRESIDENT SECRETARY Greetings Brothers Sisters The National Fraternal Order of Police was founded on May 15 1915 in Pittsburgh and is the Nation s largest law enforcement organization with nearly 340 000 members The Michigan FOP was founded in 1939 and has been representing Michigan s Police Officers for 80 years Today the Michigan FOP has over 10 000 members Legal Defense Plan For only 68 per year FOP members can be protected by the Nation s Largest and Strongest Legal Defense Plan providing police officers with civil and criminal coverage Free College Program You can earn an associate s degree with no cost at all No application fee No cost for books This program is also open to your family as well Visit www fopfreecollege org for more details or to sign up Already have your degree The National Fraternal Order of Police University NFOPU is a consortium of colleges and universities that provides members of the National FOP with multi varied learning programs and scholarships are available to members National Police Credit Union The National Police Credit Union has over 80 years of serving law enforcement personnel offering loans below average rates competitive interest on accounts and offering special features such as killed in the line of duty loan protection Life Insurance members of the FOP receive a 2 000 insurance plan at no additional cost Looking for a mortgage travel planning auto or homeowners insurance pension protection or dental or vision insurance You can go to www fop benefits com to get rates and discounts on these services and more Many of these rates are lower than you can find locally as there is strength in numbers Looking for a Michigan Fraternal Order of Police License Plate Our license plates are only available to FOP members We do NOT charge a fee for the plate however the Secretary of State charges a 25 for processing of each plate To learn more visit our website at www mifop com In addition to just some of the benefits listed the Michigan FOP also plays a crucial role in legislative efforts in Lansing with seats on MCOLES State 911 Commission and the Michigan Law Enforcement Officers Memorial The Michigan FOP held two seats on the Governor s Task Force on Responsible Retirement Reform and was instrumental on PA 195 of 1996 Police Officer s and Firefighter s Survivor Tuition Act which provides an educational benefit to the spouse and children of police officers who are killed in the line of duty The Voice of Michigan s Law Enforcement Officers since 1939

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The Michigan FOP was also the driving force behind several major bills that effected law enforcement officers including PA 322 of 2014 retro activity for collective bargaining Instrumental on getting PA 312 groups carved out of the RIGHT TO WORK legislation PA 212 of 1999 which removed residency requirements for public employees PA 167 of 2015 Blue Alert Law protecting police officers and HB 6074 of 2016 which was a lame duck bill to change retiree health care effectively thwarted by an FOP led rally at the Capitol As part of the NFOP Foundation the Fraternal Order of Police Disaster Relief fund non profit 501c3 organization relies on the generosity of individuals organizations and corporations and is always prepared to assist our members in distress i e Hurricane Katrina Sandy Joplin Isaac Ferguson Oklahoma City and wildfires out west Currently disaster relief is working in Texas and Florida rendering aid to those brothers and sisters recovering from hurricane Harvey and hurricane Irma The Michigan FOP is also an outstanding leader in the community through partnerships with Easter Seals Helping children and Adults with disabilities live better lives MI Special Olympics Providing both time and donations to 20 797 athletes Torch Run FOP is 1 of 3 teams that participate MI Police Memorial MI FOP is the Top donor for the memorial of over 100 000 COPS KIDS formerly Shop With A Cop Again I want to welcome each of you to the Michigan Fraternal Order of Police If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at our office 517 367 8000 email us at info mifop com or visit our website at www mifop com Fraternally Michael Sauger State President

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Legal defense coverage has become a necessity as the frequency and cost of allegations against peace officers continue to rise The Fraternal Order of Police Legal Defense Plan Inc offers you and your lodge members a very affordable comprehensive plan The FOP Legal Defense Plan created by the National FOP is a self funded plan that is available to eligible FOP groups and individual members to cover law enforcement exposures for legal defense of certain administrative civil and criminal proceedings against plan participants Our experienced attorneys have defended thousands of cases and saved members tens of millions of dollars in legal fees The FOP Legal Defense Plan is financially secure and offers you and your lodge members very affordable and comprehensive coverage The plan is sponsored by the National FOP and is managed and administered by a board of trustees appointed by the National FOP President and Vice President Enrollment is administered by Hylant on behalf of the FOP Legal Plan Inc

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Protecting Your Future TODAY Featured Benefits Include FOP sponsored and operated since 1995 Job and financial protection Administered and managed by the Legal Plan Expert claim and enrollment administration dedicated to the plan board of trustees Right to choose your own defense attorney HR 218 coverage Coverage for Available to FOP groups and individuals Administrative disciplinary proceedings including on duty and off duty conduct Civil lawsuits duty related conduct Criminal investigations grand jury proceedings and prosecutions dutyrelated conduct

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FOP Legal Defense Plan Pricing Full Coverage Group Rate Full Coverage Individual Rate Two Coverage Group Rate Two Coverage Individual Rate 264 282 64 68 Administrative Administrative Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal Civil Civil Civil Civil Payment Options LODGES May elect to pay annually semi annually or quarterly Lodges may also have their payments automatically deducted from their checking account INDIVIDUALS For enrollment and May pay either annually or semi annually marketing information please contact Hylant at Payment may be made by check money order or PayPal Credit debit are only 1 800 341 6038 or accepted through PayPal Please make checks payable to FOP Legal Plan Inc www foplegal com

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Worried about the cost of college Free college for FOP members and their families The Fraternal Order of Police has partnered with Eastern Gateway Community College so FOP Members and their families can earn an Associate degree from a regionally accredited school with no out of pocket expense and no need for loans A college degree is your pathway to more opportunity and greater security The FOP Free College Benefit covers the cost of tuition fees and books for participating degree programs at EGCC This is possible through a combination of grants employer reimbursements and scholarships Even if you are not eligible for finacial aid the FOP Free College Benefit has you covered A scholarship will be applied to your outstanding balance for tuition fees and books Eastern Gateway Community College is a public college regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and governed by the Ohio Board of Higher Education as part of the University System of Ohio Credits earned at EGCC are transferable to most other colleges and universities Peace Office Training counts for up to 33 credits over half of the Criminal Justice Degree This benefit for members of the FOP can save you and your family members thousands of dollars There is no age limit and family members do not have to live in your house In Partnership With Part of the University System of Ohio For more information call 888 590 9009 or visit www FOPFreeCollege org

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MiFOP Mobile App Designed for Fraternal and Labor Members Download At mifop com app

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Workplace Assault and Hazard Insurance Providing emergency services to the public carries an inherent risk that all emergency responders accept in order to care for people in their communities and do their jobs We want to help protect you Benefits Include Please see Certificate of Insurance for full benefit details Violent Assault Injury Receive up to 100 000 or 200 000 in tax free cash payments if an injury or fatality is sustained as a result of a workplace assault Needle stick Injury and Infection Up to 100 000 or 200 000 in tax free cash payments in the event you miss work because you contracted an infectious disease in the workplace including HIV Hep B C and Ebola Accidental Death Benefit In the event of accidental death whether on or off duty beneficiaries will receive a tax free lump sum cash payment of 100 000 or 200 000 in addition to any other life insurance benefits you already have Accidental Dismemberment Offers up to 100 000 or 200 000 in tax free lump sum cash payment in addition to other insurance benefits you may have Plan Options Aggregate Benefit Felonious Assault Violent Crime Monthly Benefit Monthly Premium per insured life Plan Option 1 100 000 5 000 first month 2 500 months 2 38 Plan Option 2 200 000 10 000 first month 5 000 months 2 38 10 92 18 75 Underwritten by Lloyd s of London Inclusive of state surplus lines taxes fees Premium is subject to increase in policy year 3 based upon the loss ratio but any increase shall not be greater than 3 in any Policy Year Printed in house USA 1

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Benefit Summary Policy Specifics This is a brief description of the insurance provided by this plan to emergency responders The Certificate of Insurance is the complete description of coverage and will be made available by FOP Benefits to the Insured Persons Felonious Assault Violent Crime Loss occurs while on business for or on the premises of the employer Benefit Period 38 months or the date the Insured returns to work whichever first occurs Plan Options Plan Option 1 Plan Option 2 5 000 first month 10 000 first month Benefit Amount 2 500 months 2 38 5 000 months 2 38 Occupational HIV or Hepatitis B C If during the Period of Coverage the INSURED PERSON suffers an ACCIDENT which directly results in the INSURED PERSON being first DIAGNOSED as HIV POSITIVE POSITIVE FOR HEPATITIS B and or HEPATITIS C as defined below as a direct result of BODILY INJURY occurring whilst the INSURED PERSON is carrying out his her duties in connection with his her occupation than Underwriters agree to pay to the INSURED PERSON the compensation stated in the Schedule of Compensation after the total claim has been substantiated Occupational HIV Plan Options Plan Option 1 Plan Option 2 Benefit Amount 100 000 200 000 Hepatitis B C Plan Options Benefit Amount Plan Option 1 500 per month Plan Option 2 1 000 per month Benefit Period Payable for 12 consecutive months once diagnosed subject to policy maximums Ebola Virus Disease If during the Period of Coverage the INSURED PERSON suffers an ACCIDENT which directly results in the INSURED PERSON being first DIAGNOSED as testing positive for the Ebola Virus Disease as a direct result of BODILY INJURY occurring whilst the INSURED PERSON is carrying out his her duties in connection with the INSURED while on the premises of the INSURED in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA then Underwriters agree to pay to the INSURED PERSON the compensation stated in the SCHEDULE after the total claim has been substantiated It is conditional precedent to liability hereon that the INSURED PERSON must comply with all OSHA directives and protective standards The INSURED PERSON must be accidentally exposed and diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner in accordance with laboratory and clinical criteria the results of which must prove positive Plan Options Plan Option 1 Plan Option 2 Benefit Amount 10 000 per month 20 000 per month Benefit Period 10 months or the date the Insured returns to work whichever first occurs Printed in house USA 2

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Benefit Summary Psychological Therapy The company will pay this additional benefit when the Insured Person suffers one or more losses for which benefits are payable under the Accidental Dismemberment benefit Paralysis benefit Coma benefit Felonious Assault benefit or In Hospital Indemnity benefit provided by the Policy Plan Options Plan Option 1 Plan Option 2 The lesser of 2 500 or 5 of the The lesser of 5 000 or 5 of the Benefit Amount Insured Person s Principal Sum Insured Person s Principal Sum Bereavement and Trauma Counseling The company will pay this additional benefit when the Insured Person suffers one or more losses for which benefits are payable under the Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit Paralysis benefit Coma benefit Felonious Assault benefit or In Hospital Indemnity benefit provided by the Policy for the Insured Person all of his her Immediate Family Members and employees of the Insured Person s Employer who are victimized personally or may be traumatized by witnessing a workplace violence incident with respect to all such losses caused by the same accident Plan Options Plan Option 1 Plan Option 2 75 per session for 150 per session for Benefit Amount up to 10 sessions up to 10 sessions Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan Options Plan Option 1 Benefit Amount 100 000 Plan Option 2 200 000 Coverage Worldwide full twenty four hour This coverage applies to those benefits for which a Benefit Amount is shown Coverage Benefit Amount Loss of Life 100 Loss of Both Hands or Both Feet or Entire Sight of Both Eyes 100 Loss of One Hand and One Foot 100 Loss of Speech and Hearing in Both Ears 100 Quadriplegia Total paralysis of upper and lower limbs 100 Paraplegia Total paralysis of both lower limbs 75 Hemiplegia Total paralysis of upper and lower limbs on one side of the body 50 Uniplegia Total paralysis of one upper or lower limb 25 Loss of One Hand or Foot 50 Loss of Sight in One Eye 50 Severance and Reattachment of One Hand or Foot 50 Loss of Speech 50 Loss of Hearing in both ears 50 Loss of Hearing in one ear 25 Loss of Thumb and Index Finger of the Same Hand 25 Coma 100 1 of the Principal Sum is payable monthly for 11 months during which the Covered Person remains comatose The remaining balance of 100 of the Principal Sum is payable at the beginning of the 12th month Printed in house USA 3

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Benefit Summary Coma Benefits If during the Period of Coverage the Insured sustains injury caused by an Accident which directly or independently of any other cause and within one 1 year from the date of the Accident resulting in a Coma the benefit will be payable according to the Statement of Benefits Waiver of Premium None Waiting Period None Exclusions This policy does not cover loss directly or indirectly arising out of contributed to or caused by or resulting from any of the following 1 Intentionally self inflicted Injury suicide or attempted suicide whether attempted or inflicted while sane or insane 2 Any act of war whether declared or not Declared or undeclared War does not include acts of terrorism War is used to mean a hostilities following a declaration of War by a governmental authority b if there is no declaration of War then armed open and continuous hostilities between two countries 3 Any Accident occurring while riding on boarding or alighting from any aircraft a as a pilot crew member or student pilot b being used for stunt flying racing or endurance tests fire fighting exploration This exclusion does not apply to passengers who temporarily perform pilot or crew functions in a life threatening emergency 4 Commission or attempted commission of a felonious act as defined by the laws of the jurisdiction where the crime takes place which results in a conviction of the Insured Person 5 The Insured being under the influence of an intoxicant or any drugs or narcotics not legally available unless used as prescribed by a licensed Physician for a medical condition other than drug addiction 6 Insured s Mental or Nervous Disorder 7 Any activity or condition specifically excluded by name on an Endorsement or Specific Activity Rider forming a part of the Insured Person s Policy 8 Riding or driving in any kind of motorized race 9 While the Insured is engaging or participating in naval military or air force service or operation 10 The Insured s Intoxication as defined herein 11 Illness disease sickness or bacterial infection except bacterial infection of an Accidental bodily injury or Accidental ingestion of a substance contaminated by bacteria unless specifically stated to be included 12 Any activity specifically prohibited under the terms and conditions of the Insured s Employment Contract 13 An Act of Force or Violence as defined which involves the use release or escape of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials or of nuclear materials or which involves directly or indirectly nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination 14 An Act of Terrorism as defined and outlined in Endorsement Number 1 Nuclear Reaction nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this insurance or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this insurance is extended to include any bodily injury directly or indirectly caused by resulting from or in connection with any of the following a Murder or Assault subsequently proved beyond reasonable doubt to have been the act of agents of a state foreign to the nationality of the insured person whether war be declared with that state or not b Terrorist activity always provided that the Insured person s are not actively participating in any or all of 1 to 2 above and further provided that neither 1 nor 2 above are the result of the utilization of Nuclear Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction howsoever these may be distributed or combined Printed in house USA 4

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MEMBER DENTAL VISION BENEFITS Members have access to dental and vision benefits through Dominion National DENTAL BENEFITS Choice between several high value dental options Competitive rates Use a network dentist or any licensed dentist Coverage for over 250 services including fillings crowns root canals orthodontia and more VISION BENEFITS Extensive coverage for eye exams eyeglass lenses frames and contact lenses Discounts on LASIK laser vision correction Access to over 60 000 vision providers nationwide through National Vision Administrators1 WHO CAN PARTICIPATE Association members and active and retired union members their spouses and their dependents Individuals can sign up online over the phone or through mail Monthly payments debited from checking account or credit card TO LEARN MORE OR TO ENROLL TODAY VISIT FOP Benefits com or call 888 834 8070 1 Participating providers are subject to change The Dominion National group of companies includes Dominion Dental Services Inc a licensed issuer of dental plans and Dominion Dental Services USA Inc a licensed administrator of dental and vision benefits Vision plans are underwritten by Avalon Insurance Company This policy includes limitations exclusions and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued

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Enroll in LifeLock Identity Theft Protection You have a home security system that alerts you if someone tries to rob your house To be protected you need an alert system for your identity When LifeLock detects suspicious activity within their network they notify members LifeLock detection is different than traditional credit monitoring and offers a set of features to help protect against identity theft As an industry leader LifeLock provides identity theft protection In 2014 alone identity theft cost 1 CONSUMER COMPLAINT CATEGORY REPORTED to Federal Trade Commission in 20131 16 BILLION 2 12 7 MILLION PEOPLE Fastest growing segment IS CHILDREN3 in the US were IDENTITY THEFT VICTIMS in 20142 How to enroll 1 Enroll by going to LifeLock com or calling 1 800 LIFELOCK and use promo code FOPWEB 2 Provide the name Social Security number date of birth address email and phone number for you and each dependent you wish to enroll 3 Your LifeLock coverage will begin immediately 4 You will receive a welcome email from LifeLock with instructions on how to take full advantage of your LifeLock membership b When a threat is detected LifeLock notifies members phone text or email Network does not cover all transactions Fastest alerts require member s current email address 1 Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book 2014 Federal Trade Commission February 2015 2 2015 Identity Fraud Javelin Strategy Research 2015 3 Source http www businessweek com ap financialnews D9LNB7701 htm 2015 LifeLock Inc All Rights Reserved LifeLock the LockMan Icon and LifeLock Ultimate are registered trademarks of LifeLock Inc

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The necessary voluntary benefit Choose the LifeLock service that s right for you LifeLock service pricing monthly Plan Options price per person enrolled LifeLock Standard identity theft protection uses innovative monitoring technology and alert FOP Members and Family 18 and over tools to help proactively safeguard your credit LifeLock Standard LifeLock Advantage LifeLock Ultimate Plus 8 49 16 99 25 49 LifeLock Standard LifeLock Advantage LifeLock Ultimate Plus and finances LifeLock Junior protection helps safeguard your child s Social Security number and good name with proactive identity theft protection designed specifically for children LifeLock Advantage service provides enhanced identity theft protection including important notifications beyond financial and Service Features LifeLock Identity Alert System Lost Wallet Protection credit fraud Address Change Verification LifeLock Ultimate Plus service provides some peace of mind knowing you have Black Market Website Surveillance Reduced Pre Approved Credit Card Offers Live Member Support LifeLock s most comprehensive identity theft Certified Resolution Support protection Enhanced services include bank 1 Million Total Service Guarantee account application and takeover alerts online Fictitious Identity Monitoring credit reports and credit scores Court Records Scanning Data Breach Notification Credit Card Checking Savings Account Activity Alerts Online Annual Credit Report Online Annual Credit Score Checking Savings Account Application Alerts Bank Account Takeover Alerts Investment Account Activity Alerts Special employee benefit rate starting as low as 8 49 monthly Credit Inquiry Alerts Monthly Credit Score Tracking File Sharing Network Searches Sex Offender Registry Reports Priority Live Member Support Must agree to the terms and conditions at LifeLock com terms As LifeLock identity theft protection and LifeLock Ultimate service are available for adults 18 years of age and older children under the age of 18 will receive a product designed specifically for minors LifeLock Junior service Enrollment in LifeLock service is limited to employees and their eligible dependents Based on monthly deductions for standard LifeLock service employee only Network does not cover all transactions Must be enrolled with an adult member Service Guarantee benefits are provided under a master policy issued by State National Insurance Company Under the Service Guarantee LifeLock will spend up to 1 million to hire experts to help your recovery Please see the policy for terms conditions and exclusions at lifelock com legal 2015 LifeLock Inc All Rights Reserved LifeLock the LockMan Icon and LifeLock Ultimate are registered trademarks of LifeLock Inc

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United States Concealed Carry Association For over one hundred years the Fraternal Order of Police has been dedicated to supporting the improvement of the standard of living and working conditions of the law enforcement profession through every legal and ethical means available In honor of this great tradition we are proud to announce our new partnership with the United States Concealed Carry Association and offer you an exclusive discount of 15 off any USCCA Membership The USSCA provides industry leading self defense training education and powerful legal protection and we want to make sure every FOP member has access to this lifesaving resource Your USCCA Membership will give you the legal and financial support you need to prepare for face and survive a self defense incident with Up to 2 250 000 in up front Self Defense SHIELD protection Pay your bail secure a pro2nd Amendment attorney and get your legal bases covered if you re ever forced to act in selfdefense All Legal Weapons Covered Guns knives and hand to hand combat they cover it all 24 7 365 Critical Response Team Access They will be your second phone call after 9 1 1 to walk you through the aftermath of a self defense incident Training Education Access to 1 400 certified trainers nationwide 100s of exclusive training videos articles and your included subscription to the award winning Concealed Carry Magazine And much much more As a law enforcement professional you know that simply having a firearm in your home makes you vulnerable to legal and financial ruin in the aftermath of a self defense incident Experience what complete peace of mind feels like when you activate your USCCA Membership at any level with savings of 15 today Activate the Protection of USCCA Membership and Save 15 Exclusions Residents of NY and WA State The USCCA is diligently working to come up with a NY and WA State friendly solution

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National Police Credit Union Did you know that your membership with the National FOP allows you to join the National Police Credit Union NPCU is a division of Chicago Patrolmen s Federal Credit Union serving Chicago Police Officers since 1938 The Grand Lodge Board is excited to provide you access to the NPCU Auto Loan Program which offers the following benefits Rates as low as 1 49 APR Covers new and currently owned vehicles Reduced documentation Offers loan pre approval so you can negotiate like a cash buyer Can be combined with manufacturer rebates to maximize member value They don t just offer amazing Auto Loans they are a full service financial institution Their 77 years of experience combined with modern conveniences such as Online Banking Bill Pay and the Shared Branch network make them your first stop for any and all financial needs You ll gain access to low rateson everything from new and used autos and motorcycles to signature loans They also have a full suite of products and services to help you save money and plan for your future It s easier than ever to get started Simply complete the Online Membership Application to join the financial institution that specializes in serving those who serve and protect Rates subject to change without notice and vary based on term and credit score Additional restrictions may apply APR Annual Percentage Rate

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Auto and Home Insurance for FOP Members At Liberty Mutual Insurance we take the time to get to know you You can rely on our licensed sales representatives and highly trained service agents to support you with expert advice at every step of the process from the purchase and review of your policy to claims assistance and safety education We consider your unique needs and speci c situation when recommending coverage and services so you can make con dent decisions that are right for you And we also consult with you to ensure you ll receive the money saving bene ts you qualify for including discounts tailored to important life events and exclusive group savings for FOP members

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Quality Coverage Expert Advice and Caring Service at a Fair Price QUALITY COVERAGE TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS At Liberty Mutual we take a personal approach to customizing your insurance policy We consult with you to recommend coverage levels and options based on your speci c driving and living situations so that your family your car your motorcycle and your home are properly protected Our insurance bene ts include Accident Forgiveness We won t raise your price due to your rst accident if your driving record is accident free and violation free for ve years whether you ve been with Liberty Mutual or another carrier If you qualify you ll receive this bene t at no extra cost 1 New Car Replacement You ll get the money for a brand new car if your new car gets totaled 2 Motorcycle Insurance You get a 12 month guaranteed rate3 on full protection with optional Accessory Coverage Towing Labor Services and 24 Hour Roadside Assistance EXPERT ADVICE FROM SALES AND SERVICE AGENTS Liberty Mutual agents are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week We explain our coverage and services clearly in language that s easy to understand Doing Business Your Way You can contact a sales or service agent by phone or online anytime or schedule a meeting with one of our 2 100 sales representatives at more than 360 local of ces across the country 24 Hour Claims Assistance Our highly trained professionals handle claims promptly and with the least amount of hassle so that you can move on with your life One contact puts the claims process in motion followed up by regular status reports to keep you informed SAVINGS THAT KEEP PACE WITH YOUR LIFE We re dedicated to providing you with multiple savings opportunities that make our quality coverage expert advice and caring service an even greater value 4 Exclusive Group Savings As an FOP member you could save up to 10 off your auto and home insurance just by belonging 5 Multi Policy Discount The more you insure with us the more you save That s the bene t of combining your auto insurance with another Liberty Mutual policy such as Home Condo Renters or Umbrella Life Event Discounts We offer a variety of discounts to support you during important events in your life including New Move Discount We ll reward you with special savings just for updating your policy with your new address Newly Married Discount Just for newly married couples get the right coverage with special savings New Teen Driver Discount You get special savings when you add a teenage operator licensed in the last year to your policy For more information or to get a free quote call 800 524 9400 or visit www libertymutual com fop Refer to FOP client 120824 Accident Forgiveness coverage is subject to terms and conditions of Liberty Mutual s underwriting guidelines and is not available in CA or NC Applies to a covered total loss Your car must be less than one year old have fewer than 15 000 miles and have had no previous owner This program does not apply to leased vehicles or motorcycles Subject to applicable deductible Not available in NC or WY 3 Arkansas rate guaranteed for six months 4 Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow are subject to eligibility requirements and may vary by state 5 Average savings fi gure based on a February 2013 sample comparing premium of those in Liberty Mutual s group auto and home program with premium of prior carrier Individual premiums and savings will vary To the extent permitted by law applicants are individually underwritten not all applicants may qualify Coverage provided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company and its affi liates 175 Berkeley St Boston MA 02116 2016 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company All rights reserved 1 2 800 524 9400

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Michigan Fraternal Order of Police 517 367 8000 www mifop com to join the fop text mifop to 31996