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Midlife Gratitude Journal

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Welcome to Midlife Awakening Unleash Your True Potential Congratulations By joining this course you ve taken a bold step towards your own transformation and the life you re meant to live Together we will embark on an incredible journey of selfdiscovery growth and empowerment Are you ready to awaken the best version of yourself and embrace the life of your dreams Let s begin In our first module we will dive deep into the visualization of who you are truly meant to be You ll uncover your North Star that guiding light that illuminates your path towards purpose and fulfillment With clarity and focus you will embrace a mindset of discovery unlocking the unlimited potential within you Embrace this opportunity to transform your life and remember you are not alone We are here with you every step of the way supporting you guiding you and cheering you on Together we will create the life you ve always wanted Your journey begins now Welcome to Midlife Awakening

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SHAHEEN PLUNIER BUSINESS COACH MODULE ONE AWAKENING WITHIN Navigating Societal Influences Embracing Midlife and Cultivating Mindfulness

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In this module we will explore how society s obsession with youth and beauty affects our perception of aging and how it can negatively impact our self worth and sense of purpose Our culture places an enormous value on youthfulness beauty and physical attractiveness We see it in the media in advertising and even in our everyday conversations Society tells us that we are at our best in our youth and that as we age we become less desirable and less valuable This perspective can be damaging leaving many individuals feeling like they have lost their significance It can lead to feelings of inadequacy social isolation and even depression It can make us doubt ourselves and our abilities causing us to second guess our decisions and our purpose in life But here s the good news our worth and value are not determined by our age or our appearance They come from within from our life experiences our knowledge and our unique perspectives As a society we need to recognize the value of experience and the wisdom that comes with age We need to embrace the full range of human diversity including age and celebrate all stages of life

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So what can we do to overcome this societal pressure and embrace the possibilities of midlife First we need to reject the idea that our worth is based on our age We must focus on the things that give our lives purpose and meaning from our passions and hobbies to our careers and relationships Second we need to recognize and celebrate the wisdom we have gained through our life experiences We were not meant to stay stagnant or stop growing as we age Life is an ongoing journey of self discovery and personal growth no matter how old we are This course on Midlife Awakening is designed to help you break free from the chains of societal pressure and embrace the possibilities of midlife Through a series of engaging sessions we will explore strategies for personal growth empowerment and transformation You will gain new perspectives insights and actionable steps to help you achieve your goals and live your most vibrant and fulfilling life So are you ready to embrace the possibilities of midlife Are you ready to break free from the constraints of societal pressure Are you ready to unlock your full potential and achieve personal growth and selfimprovement

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THE ROLE OF SOCIETY IN PROMOTING LIMITING BELIEFS IN MIDLIFE Society has a huge influence on the way we perceive ourselves as women approaching midlife From the media we consume to the cultural norms that surround us we are bombarded with messages that reinforce limiting beliefs about what we can achieve and who we can be We are constantly told that aging is something to be feared that wrinkles and gray hair are signs of decline and that our worth decreases as we get older This narrative is not only limiting but harmful as it undermines the true potential and value of women during midlife The media is especially guilty of perpetuating these harmful messages We are bombarded with images of young flawless models and airbrushed celebrities giving us unrealistic expectations of beauty and success This creates a culture of comparison where we are left feeling like we fall short

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THE ROLE OF SOCIETY IN PROMOTING LIMITING BELIEFS IN MIDLIFE But we must remember that these messages are not the truth Age is not a limitation but a source of wisdom experience and growth It s time to reject the harmful narrative and create a new paradigm of empowerment strength and possibilities during midlife So let s be intentional about the media we consume Let s seek out content that empowers and inspires us and surround ourselves with positive people who uplift us Let s reframe our mindset from one of limitations to one of possibilities and limitless potential It s time to take back control of the narrative and rewrite the story of midlife We deserve to thrive and pursue our passions no matter our age Let s embrace the power of midlife and all the opportunities that come with it

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DEALING WITH SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS AND PRESSURES QUESTION 1 Take a moment to think about all the societal pressures and expectations that you currently feel around midlife Write them below How do you feel when you think about it www shaheenplunier com

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DEALING WITH SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS AND PRESSURES QUESTION 2 Identify one societal expectation or pressure that you can let go of Write down why you no longer need to conform to it wwwwww y sohuarhweeebnspitluehneierre c coomm

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DEALING WITH SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS AND PRESSURES QUESTION 3 How does letting go of this expectation align with your personal values What s one thing you can do today to start letting go of it wwwwww y sohuarhweeebnspitluehneierre c coomm

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DEALING WITH SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS AND PRESSURES QUESTION 4 Visualize yourself six months from now living your life without any of these expectations How do you feel Capture below wwwwww y sohuarhweeebnspitluehneierre c coomm

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IT S TIME TO BE FREE By recognizing and addressing societal expectations and pressures around midlife we can understand why women often feel depressed about this life changing period But it doesn t have to be this way By letting go of these expectations and societal pressures we can open ourselves up to new beginnings new challenges and a more fulfilling life Don t let society hold you back transform midlife into a period of personal growth and awakening www shaheenplunier com

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ADDITIONAL DEEP JOURNAL PROMPTS TO HELP YOU DECONDITION What are your core values and how do they align with your current life choices What are your biggest fears and how do they hold you back from loving yourself fully What are some things you appreciate about yourself

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CELEBRATING THE OPPORTUNITIES BENEFITS OF MIDLIFE Why Celebrating Midlife is Important Congratulations on taking the first step towards celebrating the opportunities and benefits of midlife This is an exciting time in our lives full of new experiences growth and self discovery It s time to shift our mindset and see midlife as an opportunity for fulfillment purpose and empowerment Let s get to work Why we celebrate It acknowledges the value and potential of women during this phase of life It encourages a mindset of growth empowerment and self discovery It helps break free from limiting beliefs and societal pressures It creates a sense of purpose and meaning in this phase of life Remember midlife is not a time of decline but an opportunity for growth empowerment and self discovery It s time to embrace this phase of life and celebrate the endless possibilities before us Use these activities and journal prompts to create a new narrative for midlife one of celebration fulfillment and purpose Let s make the most of this phase of life and celebrate all that it has to offer www shaheenplunier com

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THE OPPORTUNITIES PERSONAL GROWTH AND SELF IMPROVEMENT Mimidplirfoevpermoveindte sWaeuhnaiqvueethoeppboenrteu fnititoyf for personal growth and selfexperience and perspective which allows us to identify areas for improvement and take actionable steps towards becoming our best selves This can mean investing in self care practicing mindfulness or seeking out therapy or coaching PURSUE YOUR PASSIONS For many women midlife provid es an opportunity to rediscover passions and interests that may have been put aside earlier in life This newfound freedom and time can be used to explore new hobbies pursue creative endeavors or take on new challenges Embrace your passions and talents and bring your unique strengths to the forefront REINVENT YOUR RELATIONSHIPS Midlife can also be a time to reflect on our relationships and make changes to improve our connections with others This can mean deepening existing relationships letting go of toxic ones or pursuing new friendships that align with our values and passions REIMAGINE YOUR CAREER Now is the chance to reevaluate your career path realign your goals and become empowered to make the changes you ve always wanted Instead of feeling disheartened dust off your ambitions and reimagine what could be a truly fulfilling career path Consider taking courses or training to acquire new skills networking with peers in your field Maybe you have always dreamed of starting your own business or non profit www shaheenplunier com SP

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ACTIVITIES TO CELEBRATE MIDLIFE Ready to celebrate midlife Here are some activities you can do to embrace the opportunities and benefits of this phase of life Create a midlife bucket list write down all the things you want to accomplish experience and achieve during this phase of life Reflect on your achievements so far take stock of all the experiences lessons and milestones that have brought you to where you are today Connect with others in the same phase of life seek out a community of women who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of midlife Embrace your passions pursue hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment Practice gratitude shift your mindset towards what you have and what you re grateful for instead of what you lack Reconnect with yourself take time for self reflection and introspection and listen to your inner voice www shaheenplunier com

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JOURNAL PROMPTS TO HELP YOU CELEBRATE MIDLFE What excites me about midlife What opportunities do I have now that I didn t have earlier in my life What positive changes can I make in my life right now to celebrate midlife www shaheenplunier com

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MIDFULNESS PRACTICES become more mindful of how society influences how you view yourself by incorporating these daily practices Self Reflection Take time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions Ask yourself why you feel a certain way when you see or certain things and challenge those beliefs if they re limiting or unhelpful Use journaling as a tool to process your thoughts and gain perspective Limit Exposure to Negative Media The media we consume has a powerful impact on our beliefs and self perception Limit your exposure to media that reinforces limiting beliefs or negative self talk Seek out content that empowers and inspires you As you become more mindful of society s impact on your self perception you can start to challenge those beliefs and rewrite the narrative Remember your selfworth is not determined by society s expectations it s inherent and it s up to you to recognize and embrace it So let s take action towards a positive self perception Incorporate these mindful practices into your daily routine and create a new narrative for your midlife You deserve to feel empowered inspired and full of purpose let s make it happen www shaheenplunier com

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MINDFULNESS PRACTICES become more mindful of how society influences how you view yourself by incorporating these daily practices Mindful Breathing Take a moment to focus on your breath Inhale deeply and exhale slowly Imagine inhaling new beliefs new energy On the exhale let go of all the stories about how aging is negative Breathe it out the old Breathe in the new This simple practice can help center you and bring awareness to the present moment Affirmations Affirmations are powerful statements that reinforce positive beliefs about ourselves Create affirmations that combat limiting beliefs and reinforce your self worth Repeat the follwong to yourself throughout the day and whenever you encounter negative self talk See next page www shaheenplunier com

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POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS for embracing and celebrating aging and midlife 1 I embrace my age as a symbol of wisdom grace and growth 2 My self worth is inherent and it s not tied to my age or society s expectations 3 I choose to celebrate all the opportunities and benefits of midlife 4 I am deserving of success fulfillment and purpose at any age 5 I reject the limiting beliefs and cultural norms that hold me back from living my best life 6 I am empowered to create a new narrative for midlife one that celebrates growth possibility and purpose 7 My age does not define me or limit my potential it s a source of strength and vitality 8 Aging is a positive experience that brings new perspectives opportunities and growth 9 I honor my experiences and achievements so far and look forward to all the possibilities that lie ahead 10 My midlife is an opportunity for me to realize my dreams embrace my passions and live a life of purpose www shaheenplunier com

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JOURNAL PROMPTS TO HELP YOU EMBODY THE WOMAN IN YOU YOUR HIGHER SELF What does she do first thing in the morning How does she walk How does she talk What does she believe about herself How does she respond to negativity What does she tolerate What does she not tolerate www shaheenplunier com

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JOURNAL PROMPTS TO HELP YOU EMBODY THE WOMAN IN YOU YOUR HIGHER SELF How does she handle taking action when she s afraid What kind of energy does she emit when she enters a room What does she believe about prioritizing herself www shaheenplunier com

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JOURNAL PROMPTS TO HELP YOU EMBODY THE WOMAN IN YOU YOUR HIGHER SELF How does she fuel herself How does she handle taking action when she s afraid What does she know about her worth and abundance www shaheenplunier com

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SHAHEEN PLUNIER BUSINESS COACH WELCOME TO YOUR NORTH STAR MINDSET Your module to your deepest dreams and desires www shaheenplunier com

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WHAT IS A NORTH STAR Imagine standing under the vast night sky gazing up at the constellations Among these celestial bodies there is one that stands out your North Star This star represents your guiding light your purpose and your ultimate destination in life Your North Star is the unwavering beacon that leads you through the darkest nights and the fiercest storms It illuminates the path towards your dreams passions and true calling Having a North Star is crucial because it provides direction clarity and focus amidst the chaos and uncertainty of life WHY IS YOUR NORTH STAR IMPORTANT Imagine standing under the vast night sky gazing up at the constellations Among these celestial bodies there is one that stands out your North Star This star represents your guiding light your purpose and your ultimate destination in life Your North Star is the unwavering beacon that leads you through the darkest nights and the fiercest storms It illuminates the path towards your dreams passions and true calling Having a North Star is crucial because it provides direction clarity and focus amidst the chaos and uncertainty of life shaheenplunier com

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HOW DO YOU FIND YOUR NORTH STAR 01 Reflect Take a moment to ponder your passions talents and the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment Remember the times when you felt most alive invigorated and connected to your purpose 02 Identify Your Core Values Your core values are the foundation upon which your North Star stands Reflect on the principles that resonate deeply within you such as integrity compassion or creativity Make a list of your top 5 10 core values 03 Connect the Dots Look for patterns and themes that emerge from your reflections and core values How do these elements intertwine to form the essence of your North Star Consider how you can weave these threads together to create a purpose driven life 04 Set Goals With your North Star in sight establish specific achievable goals that align with your passions and values Break down these goals into smaller steps and create a roadmap to success 05 Take Inspired Action Begin taking small consistent steps towards your goals trusting that your North Star is guiding you on the right path Embrace the journey celebrate your progress and stay committed to your purpose shaheenplunier com

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WHAT IS NORTH STAR MINDSET NORTH STAR MINDSET At its core the North Star Mindset is all about having a clear sense of direction and purpose It s the compass that guides us towards our deepest dreams and desires and helps us 1 navigate through life s challenges and opportunities A person with a North Star Mindset has a resolute focus on the bigger picture a strong intention to achieve their goals and a firm belief in their ability to do so THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING A GUIDING STAR Having a guiding star provides us with a sense of direction and clarity which is particularly important in midlife As we 2 navigate the challenges of aging responsibilities and societal expectations having a clear sense of purpose can help us stay motivated and grounded It s the North Star that helps us prioritize the things that truly matter and make choices aligned with our values IDENTIFYING YOUR NORTH STAR The first step towards embracing a North Star Mindset is to identify your guiding star This may sound daunting but it s easier than you think 3 Start by asking yourself what you want to achieve in your life what truly brings you joy and fulfillment and what legacy you want to leave behind Reflect on your passions strengths and values and look for patterns or themes that emerge Your North Star may take many forms it could be a career goal a personal dream a cause you re passionate about or even a way of life

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REKINDLING YOUR INNER FIRE Once you ve identified your North Star the next step is to rekindle your inner fire and fuel your passion 4 This involves engaging in activities that inspire and energize you prioritizing self care and cultivating a growth mindset Don t be afraid to take risks try new things and step outside your comfort zone Pushing yourself beyond your limits is where growth and transformation happen UNLEASHING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL To fully embrace a North Star Mindset we must unleash our full potential This means taking actionable steps towards 5 our goals staying committed and disciplined and building a supportive network Some practical strategies to unleash your potential include creating a vision board setting achievable goals practicing mindfulness and seeking guidance from mentors and coaches AS WE GO THROUGH THE COURSE I WANT YOU TO HOLD ONTO YOUR NORTH STAR MINDSET IT WILL GUIDE YOU ALONG THE WAY WE WILL LOOK AT YOUR FEARS RESISTANCE NEGATIVE SELFTALK SOON AND THIS WILL HELP YOU RELEASE ALL THAT IS BLOCKING YOU FROM BELIEVING THAT IT CAN BECOME YOUR REALITY AND FROM TAKING ACTION TOWARDS YOUR DREAMS SO FOR NOW HOLD TIGHT AND KEEP YOUR GUIDING NORTH STAR IN SIGHT

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FIND YOUR NORTH STAR JOURNAL PROMPTS Deep in my soul I know I am supposed to be When I close my eyes and paint a vision of my ideal life it I completely lose track of time when I am

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FIND YOUR NORTH STAR JOURNAL PROMPTS If I were free of all my responsibilities I would spend my days What gets me excited just thinking about it I feel most like myself when I am

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FIND YOUR NORTH STAR JOURNAL PROMPTS My deepest truest passion s are If money were not a concern I would If I were given an entire day to do nothing but think I would be thinking about

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your north star vision board A vision board is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform your life in many ways It s not just a collage of pretty pictures but a tangible representation of your aspirations goals and dreams www shaheenplunier com

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YOUR NORTH STAR VISION BOARD More on the vision board A vision board helps you gain clarity in your purpose and boost your creativity Having a clear understanding of your purpose helps you stay focused when things get tough It boosts your motivation enabling you to make better decisions take more risks and pursue more significantopportunities Additionally creating a vision board requires you to tap into your creativity which can also boost your productivity Pro Tip Use your vision board as a daily reminder of your dreams and take actionable steps towards achieving them The universe is listening so trust in the process and remember you have the power to create the life you want A vision board keeps negative thoughts and self doubt at bay Self doubt and negative thoughts can be incredibly detrimental to achieving your goals and pursuing your dreams By creating a vision board you are actively reminding yourself of your aspirations and it helps you maintain a positive outlook towards life Ladies creating a powerful vision board is a transformative tool that can help you manifest your dreams into reality So take these steps to heart tap into your creativity set your intentions and create a visual representation of your ideal life www yourwebsitehere com

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HOW TO MAKE A VISION BOARD 01 the Basics Creating a vision board is easy and it doesn t require any artistic talent All you need is some time space and supplies Start by setting aside a few hours for yourself find a quiet place where you can focus and gather the materials you need such as a poster board magazines scissors and glue You can also do this on Canva com One of my favorite things to do is make a small photo book with my vision board I call it my dream book and I look at it everynight before bed 02 reflect on your goals dreams Before you start gathering images for your vision board reflect on your goals and desires What do you want to achieve in your life What are your passions and dreams Reflecting on these questions will help you identify the most important goals to include on your vision board www shaheenplunier com

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HOW TO MAKE A VISION BOARD 03 gather inspiration Creating a vision board is easy and it doesn t require any artistic talent All you need is some time space and supplies Start by setting aside a few hours for yourself find a quiet place where you can focus and gather the materials you need such as a poster board magazines scissors and glue You can also do this on Canva com One of my favorite ways to make a Vision Board is to use Canva and or create a vision book 04 Create Your Board Now it s time to create your vision board Cut out your images and arrange them on your poster board Be creative with your layout and use different colors shapes and patterns The goal is to create a visual representation of your goals and aspirations so let your imagination run free Don t let your perfectionist come out to play And make as many as your heart desires You can t have too many www shaheenplunier com

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I am comfortable spending money on my business I make time for the things that bring me joy I make a comfortable income and buy things I like I have a beautiful creative space I enjoy being in I help as many clients as I can I do good work and get paid well for it NEXT DISPLAY YOUR VISION BOARD Once you ve completed your vision board display it somewhere prominent such as your bedroom or office The more you see it the more it will remind you of your goals and inspire you to take action So why is creating a vision board in midlife so valuable According to research creating visual representations of our goals can help us achieve them faster and more effectively In midlife we often find ourselves reassessing our lives and seeking new directions A vision board is a powerful tool to help us clarify our goals and aspirations and serve as a roadmap as we move forward www shaheenplunier com

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MINDSET OF SELFDISCOVERY what it is Entering the midlife years can be daunting for some women filled with thoughts of boredom crisis and regret However it doesn t have to be this way Midlife can be a beautiful time to rediscover yourself to unlock your passions and to create a life that excites you It all starts with a mindset of self discovery The Importance of SelfDiscovery Helps us understand our passions values and beliefs and allows us to align them with our actions and goals Enables us to identify our strengths and weaknesses and empowers us to take action to leverage our strengths and overcome our weaknesses Promotes a sense of purpose and meaning in life which can contribute to greater satisfaction fulfillment and self confidence Encourages us to embrace new experiences learn from our failures and grow personally and professionally www yourwebsitehere com

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HOW TO CULTIVATE A MINDSET OF SELF DISCOVERY Let s dive into the steps you can take to create this mindset and embark on the journey of your midlife awakening 1 EMBRACE CHANGE Midlife is a time of change and it s essential to accept and embrace it fully This may mean leaving behind old habits relationships or ways of thinking that no longer serve you Embracing change can be a scary prospect but it s a necessary step towards discovering your true self Take time to reflect on your values and priorities and let them guide you towards the next phase in your life 2 TEND TO YOUR INNER CRITIC The inner critic can be one of your biggest enemies when it comes to self discovery It s the voice that tells you that you re not good enough or that tries to keep you in your comfort zone Recognize when this voice is present and work on shifting your focus towards self compassion and selflove 3 PRACTICE GRATITUDE Consider meditation journaling or therapy to help you quiet your inner critic and become more in tune with your authentic self Practicing gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to help shift your focus towards positivity and abundance Take timeWeaAcRh MdaLy Yto reflect on the things you re gMraaytebfeuiltf soAra UnboeDamRutaEitfutYelrsuhnowsets maaklilntdhegyemstuaryesfereomm a friend or a new opportunity that presents itself Gratitude can help you cultivate a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity which can open up new possibilities for your life www shaheenplunier com

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HOW TO CULTIVATE A MINDSET OF SELF DISCOVERY 4 PRACTICE MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the current moment without judgment or distraction Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for self discovery as it helps you tune into your thoughts and emotions without being overwhelmed by them By practicing mindfulness you can learn to observe and understand your feelings and motivations helping you make more intentional choices about your life 5 BE CURIOUS Ask yourself questions Explore new ideas Examine unfamiliar perspectives and discover how they connect to your own life Being curious can help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you As you practice being curious you may find that it leads to discovering things about yourself that would otherwise remain hidden 6 CONNECT WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE Surrounding yourself with like minded people will keep you energized and connected to your source of power As you cWreAatRe aMmLiYnd set of self discovery connecting with others wAhUo DshRarEeYyour values and goals can be hugely beneficial Whether it s joining a support group attending workshops or retreats or simply reaching out to a new friend connecting with others can introduce you to new perspectives experiences and possibilities www shaheenplunier com

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HOW TO CULTIVATE A MINDSET OF SELF DISCOVERY 7 BE WILLING TO LET GO Another important aspect of self discovery is learning to let go This means letting go of limiting beliefs negative selftalk and old habits that are no longer serving you Make a conscious effort to identify these things and work on releasing them This will create space for new ideas opportunities and experiences 8 PRACTICE SELF CARE Self care is crucial for maintaining a mindset of selfdiscovery It s important to take care of your physical emotional and mental well being This can include things like exercise meditation therapy or spending time in nature By taking care of yourself you ll be better equipped to explore new avenues and stay open to new experiences 9 PRACTICE SELF FORGIVENESS Self discovery is a journey and it s inevitable that you will make mistakes along the way WARMLY Itth seimmpasoArletUaanDrnt iRtnogEfYoerxgpieverieynocuersse lf for these mistakes and use This will help you move forward with greater confidence in yourself and your decisions www shaheenplunier com

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HOW TO CULTIVATE A MINDSET OF SELF DISCOVERY 10 GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE To truly embark on a journey of self discovery you need to step outside your comfort zone and try new things This could be as simple as trying a new food or hobby or going somewhere you ve never been before By doing this you ll gain valuable experiences and perhaps even find something that resonates with you on a deeper level 11 KEEP LEARNING AND GROWING Finally maintaining a growth mindset is essential for a fulfilling midlife This means continuously learning and growing regardless of your age Take classes read books or attend workshops to expand your knowledge and skills Keep challenging yourself and trying new things even if they seem scary or uncomfortable at first Staying curious and open to learning will help you continue to grow and evolve throughout your life www shaheenplunier com

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OVERCOMING POTENTIAL ROADBLOCKS Ladies as we set out to cultivate a mindset of self discovery in midlife it s important to be aware of the roadblocks that may hinder our progress By understanding the challenges we can prepare to overcome them and stay on track towards personal growth and transformation FEAR Fear can be paralyzing especially in the face of change and selfdiscovery The fear of the unknown of failure or of judgment can hold us back from taking risks trying new things and exploring our true selves But remember fear is not a roadblock it s just a feeling Acknowledge your fear and keep moving forward taking small steps towards your goals PERFECTIONISM Perfectionism can be a significant roadblock towards self discovery It s the belief that everything needs to be flawless and error free that can hold us back from making progress Embrace the idea that mistakes are an essential part of the learning and growing process Celebrate your progress not just perfection and let go of the need to be perfect PROCRASTINATION Procrastination can be a significant roadblock towards cultivating a mindset of self discovery Putting off important tasks or delaying making changes can rob you of growth opportunities and keep you stuck in a rut Break down big goals into smaller manageable chunks and take small steps consistently towards them www shaheenplunier com

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OVERCOMING POTENTIAL ROADBLOCKS NEGATIVE SELF TALK Negative self talk can be a significant roadblock towards selfdiscovery It s the inner voice that tells us we re not good enough or smart enough to follow our passions and achieve our goals Challenge your negative self talk with positive affirmations and surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and your journey We go more into depth with this in later modules PERFECTIONISM Perfectionism can be a significant roadblock towards self discovery It s the belief that everything needs to be flawless and error free that can hold us back from making progress Embrace the idea that mistakes are an essential part of the learning and growing process Celebrate your progress not just perfection and let go of the need to be perfect 80 is good enough Ladies it s time to rise above our roadblocks and overcome our fears Each of us has the power to take control of our lives and transform them into something amazing Let s create a positive mindset that empowers us to grow and discover the amazing things that life has to offer So let s break down our roadblocks one by one step by step and start our journey towards self discovery today Here s to the incredible things that lie ahead www shaheenplunier com

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the art of contemplation Life can be an amazing adventure full of interesting surprises exciting experiences and wonderful people Sometimes in midlife it can also feel like we ve lost our way We might feel like we re stuck in a rut unsure of our purpose or just generally confused about what we want next Our roles are changing our bodies are changing The list goes on Feeling this way is completely natural and it happens to everyone at some point in their lives If you re feeling lost or uncertain it s important to take some time to reflect on what s going on and figure out what steps you need to take to get back on track This is the most important step in the process It allows you to recognize what has been happening in your life and begin to identify areas where you want to make changes It gives you the opportunity to take stock of your accomplishments and recognize patterns that are holding you back We have to carve out time to think about this though www shaheenplunier com

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slow down to think As we approach midlife it s easy to become lost in the busyness of our daily routines Before we know it years have passed and we may question whether our lives are fulfilling the purpose we had hoped for This is why it s important to take a pause and reflect upon what truly matters to us When we intentionally set aside time to contemplate our values goals and desires we become more aware of the changes we need to make to live a joyful and meaningful life This pause allows us to connect with our inner guidance and tap into our spiritual health It empowers us to approach midlife with confidence knowing we are living a life true to who we are and what we want So take a deep breath pause and reflect Your future self will thank you www shaheenplunier com

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Ways to Slow Down BEFORE YOU CAN EMBARK UPON A MIDLIFE AWAKENING YOU MUST PAUSE AND TAKE A STEP BACK AND REFLECT Here are the different ways you can pause Take 5 15 minutes a day and dedicate yourself to one of these activities and be intentional about why you are doing it Disconnect from technology Take a break from devices and social media for a few hours or even a day and use the time to connect with yourself Spend time in nature or do things that make you feel relaxed such as reading yoga music or any other hobby that brings you joy Journaling Writing your thoughts and feelings can help you make sense of them You can also use journaling to practice gratitude and reflect on the positive in your life Meditation Take some time each day to focus on mindful meditation and clear your mind of any worries or stress that may be weighing you down Exercise Physical activity can help clear the mind and get your creative juices flowing It can be anything from going for a walk in nature to taking a yoga class or cycling The options are endless and moving your body while reflecting can bring great clarity Make time for self care This could include taking a warm bath going to bed early listening to calming music or doing something else that makes you feel good Taking care of yourself is key to finding inner peace and balance Pause and reflect on how far you have come and celebrate your successes no matter how small www shaheenplunier com

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Ways to Slow Down BEFORE YOU CAN EMBARK UPON A MIDLIFE AWAKENING YOU MUST PAUSE AND TAKE A STEP BACK AND CONTEMPLATE Here are the different ways you can pause Take 5 15 minutes a day and dedicate yourself to one of these activities and be intentional about why you are doing it Spend some time in nature Connecting with the beauty and wonder of the natural world This can help bring perspective and peace Even if it is just sitting outside and doing nothing Let yourself zone out Get creative Draw paint dance or write a poem or story Expressing yourself in a creative way helps process feelings and emotions that are more difficult to verbalize Listen to music Music is so therapeutic and healing It can bring up so many memories It s one of my favorite ways to reconnect with myself Drive in your car by yourself The next time you have an opportunity to drive by yourself be intentional Use this time to reconnect with yourself and listen to your heart It s ok if you cry Cleaning Sometimes cleaning by yourself can be the perfect time to reflect over your life Especially as you throw things away and donate www shaheenplunier com

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BEING INTENTIONAL 01 02 I want you to observe your thoughts Remember you are not your thoughts You are not your past You are constantly evolving and changing I m asking you to reflect and contemplate so we have a foundation to work upon This will hel you determine what area of your life you want to uplevel and upgrade Don t judge yourself as you ask yourself the questions This is not the time to judge yourself beat up on yourself criticize yourself you get the idea 03 make time because your life depends on it Take 5 15 minutes a day and pick an activity for taking a pause and pick a question below to contemplate Document your thoughts insights and whatever is coming up for you This will help you focus on what areas you want to uplevel throughout the course Use the tracker provided to see your progress www shaheenplunier com

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Questions to Contemplate As You Slow Down What does a fulfilling life look like to me Be specific Saying we want to lead a fulfilling life is not enough What does that mean The dictionary definition of fulfilling is making someone happy through allowing their character or abilities to develop fully By creating a life that is fulfilling you will be doing that for yourself allowing yourself to develop to grow to expand It s different for all of us It depends on what our values are what brings us joy what lights us up what our life mission is By being specific we can start to draw up a plan to design that life for us It doesn t have to mean you want to have a global mission whether your personal mission is to rule the world grow vegetables serve others create a family home whatever it is is valid It s what brings meaning to your world and this can change over time and at different stages of your life If there were no obstacles no responsibilities what would I do What are my needs Make a list of what you need in your life to make it fulfilling This is about needs on a day to day basis and longer term needs This can include time for you time with friends adventure work fun whatever is important to you When you know and acknowledge what you need you can begin to think about how to bring more of your needs into your life What makes me feel alive When do you feel most excited and present in your life When do you feel the butterflies and sparks www shaheenplunier com

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What don t you want If you are struggling to come up with what you want ask yourself what you don t want Sometimes we find it easier to define this If you don t want to live in the busyness of a large town or city add it to your list Maybe the thought of living somewhere quieter and rural would make you feel isolated or cut off add that to your list By knowing what you don t want what you do want can start to become clearer and decisions easier to make Am I the main character in my own story Do you feel like you re on the sidelines watching other people have all the fun and success If yes what are they doing What do you wish you had in your life Do I give my personal power away If yes is it to a certain person in my life or a specific circumstance How can I take back my power How can I reclaim my agency and make decisions with confidence What boundaries do I need to rethink Boundaries are sometimes the hardest things to create but the most needed Remember boundaries are established to protect your personal peace When you say no to something you are saying yes to you What am I putting off Procrastination can be part of the creative process but it can also keep us from taking action and make us feel stuck Make a list of the things you ve been avoiding and break them down into small achievable tasks Are my goals still relevant The world is constantly changing and so if I continue on my current path what if anything might I regret in 20 years time www shaheenplunier com

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Who do I want to be Who do you want to be at 50 At 70 At 90 Asking yourself these questions should help you make decisions about what you want to do today For example if you want to be a 70 year old who is healthy and active maybe someone who plays tennis with friends 3 times a week but you ve never picked up a racket think about how you can create that future with your actions now Maybe it s time for tennis lessons What habits patterns or beliefs are dragging me down Become aware of the ways you people please or self sabotage Just by becoming aware of the voices in our head can improve your life and future When we can recognize our inner critics we have a choice Who do you want to listen to Your When you can shift your focus to how you can help and support others it takes the emphasis away from any fear or feelings of being stuck It also gives clarity to a bigger picture purpose that goes beyond simply wanting to benefit yourself Once you have identified what it is you are passionate about start exploring the possibilities of inner criticism or your true self If you don t hear your true self don t worry It s because the inner critic has been so loud Give yourself time and grace and she will come back What gives me energy and how do I energize other people When am I genuinely happy and how can I increase the frequency of that feeling Am I living with intention or on autopilot What would bring more meaning to my life What do I really want to do with my time and energy Do I have enough courage and creativity to pursue it www shaheenplunier com

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Who do I want to be Who do you want to be at 50 At 70 At 90 Asking yourself these questions should help you make decisions about what you want to do today For example if you want to be a 70 year old who is healthy and active maybe someone who plays tennis with friends 3 times a week but you ve never picked up a racket think about how you can create that future with your actions now Maybe it s time for tennis lessons What habits patterns or beliefs are dragging me down Become aware of the ways you people please or self sabotage Just by becoming aware of the voices in our head can improve your life and future When we can recognize our inner critics we have a choice Who do you want to listen to Your When you can shift your focus to how you can help and support others it takes the emphasis away from any fear or feelings of being stuck It also gives clarity to a bigger picture purpose that goes beyond simply wanting to benefit yourself Once you have identified what it is you are passionate about start exploring the possibilities of inner criticism or your true self If you don t hear your true self don t worry It s because the inner critic has been so loud Give yourself time and grace and she will come back What is really most important to me Using your values to make decisions about what you spend time money and energy on is a fool proof route to fulfillment We go wrong when we spend our precious resources on what s most important to other people or what used to be important to us but isn t anymore Think about what matters most to you Make a list of those things and start looking at how those things show up in all the different areas of your life www shaheenplunier com

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In what way am I making a significant contribution to the world around me Making a positive contribution to the world is one of the most rewarding things we can do with our lives Not only that but it has a tendency to bring more meaning and joy into our own lives as well Think about how you can use your unique gifts and talents to make a difference in the world around you How can I use my unique skills and talents to make a difference From volunteering at a non profit organization to starting your own business or simply offering advice and support to friends and family No matter how you choose to do it when you make a positive contribution towards the world you can feel proud of yourself and know that you are doing something meaningful What kind of impact do I want to make It s a great idea to take some time to think about this Do you want to help other people Make the environment a better place Help build something new and innovative Maybe even start a movement or inspire others in some way How often do I slow down and give myself a chance to recharge Life can be incredibly busy so it s important to remember to take a break and give yourself the chance to relax and have time for yourself Taking some time out of your day or week to do something enjoyable will help ensure that you stay motivated and on track with what you re trying to achieve www shaheenplunier com

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What steps can I take today To get started on your goal start by setting some small actions you can take today Setting realistic goals and breaking them down into manageable chunks will make the task seem much more achievable and doable If I m feeling stuck or overwhelmed what can I do If this happens take a step back and reassess the situation Break down your task into smaller goals and try to focus on one part of it at a time Additionally talking to someone who can help provide insight or offer advice may help you get back on track with your motivation When you make a positive contribution towards the world you can feel proud of yourself and know that you are doing something meaningful Do I recharge by being alone with my own thoughts or by being around other people This really depends on how you prefer to relax For some being around other people can be invigorating and energizing while for others it may be overwhelming or draining Experiment by trying out different activities such as going outdoors reading spending time with friends or family and taking up hobbies See which of these activities Do I have any regrets about living someone else s life a life not truly my own Are you living life to please your parents your partner your job If so remind yourself that it s never too late to make a change Recognizing that you want to live a life of purpose and passion is the first step towards creating an incredible future for yourself www shaheenplunier com

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Why despite my previous success am I feeling disappointed with my life It could be that you re not satisfied with where you are at the moment and you want to accomplish more It can also be because of a change in priorities or long term goals Take time to evaluate what you have achieved celebrate your accomplishments and identify what changes need to be made so that you can start working towards your desired future Once you ve identified what areas in your life need improvement make a plan of action to help you reach those goals and don t forget to take care of yourself along the way Spend some time each day engaging in activities that bring you joy and satisfaction this will help boost your mood and give you motivation Do I feel like there is something else I should be doing in the next chapter of my life Take some time to really think and reflect on what it is you want out of life Ask yourself questions such as Where do I see myself in five years What am I passionate about and How can I take steps today to make my dreams a reality Once you have identified what it is you want to do take small steps every day in pursuit of your dreams Why do I feel stuck and perhaps even scared to move forward In what ways can I make a bigger difference in the lives of others by sharing my experience and wisdom Answering these questions can be both challenging and rewarding but it s a process that is essential for realizing your goals Acknowledge any fears you may have and use them as motivation to keep pushing Talk to family and friends about your aspirations or find an online community of like minded individuals who can share advice and support along the way www shaheenplunier com

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What do I need to leave behind Take a moment to reflect on any unhealthy habits or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back Write down what needs to be left behind and actively work towards changing these patterns this could include letting go of destructive relationships leaving a job that doesn t align with your values or simply making the time for self care Every step forward is an opportunity to create the life you ve always wanted for yourself Am I living my life in alignment with my values and beliefs Take a moment to identify and write down your core values What matters most to you Are your actions reflecting these values in some form It is important that we take responsibility for the life we have created and make conscious choices about our decisions moving forward What changes do I need to make to live a more fulfilling life Take time to explore what changes you need to make in order to live a more fulfilling life Make a list of the things that are no longer working in your life and seek out ways how they can be improved or changed Then break down this list into manageable steps so you can start taking action right away Be sure to set realistic goals and timelines as this will help you stay motivated and on track Lastly don t forget to reward yourself for your efforts as it can be a powerful tool for change What legacy do I want to leave behind How can I leave a mark that will have an impact on future generations What are some concrete steps I can take to move forward in the direction of my dreams How can I find more joy and fulfillment in life www shaheenplunier com

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What do I need to let go of In order to make room for the new we have to let go of things that no longer serve us Ask yourself what are the things you need to let go of in your life Is it a toxic relationship or job that is taking away from your happiness and purpose Or maybe its old habits and thought patterns that no longer feel right Taking the time to really think about what you need to let go of is an important part of the process and can help create clarity around what changes you would like to make in your life What kind of relationships do I want in my life Do I need more fun spirited relationships Do I need to detox some of the unhealthy ones What kind of friends bring me the most joy Who are people that I admire and why How can I create a support system to help me strive towards my goals By reflecting and exploring these questions you can start to define purpose in your life and set yourself up for success Do I take responsibility for my life or do I blame others or life s circumstances It s so easy to blame others for our life circumstances But do you accept that you have a part in it Yes there are things that are out of control that happen but the power lies in how you respond How you react Your attitude Your mindset Think back to a past or current life circumstance that you aren t happy with and ask yourself what is my part in this How can I take responsibility and make changes to make it better www shaheenplunier com

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LET S START TRACKING Now it s time to begin I invite you to set your intention that you will commit to taking these daily pauses so you have time to think about what matters most I created a tracker for you that allows you to keep it all organized so you can see your progress Take the time to track your activities and contemplate the big questions Spend at least 15 minutes a day Journal your discoveries either on the download provided here or use the questions to and journal on them in your journal computer etc It s however you like Set your intentions and trust that the answers to your questions will come You will receive clarity that will help you take the next steps in your life www shaheenplunier com

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Your Contemplation Activity Tracker Month Disconnect from Technology Journaling Meditation 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Make Time Spend Time Listen to Exercise for Self Care In Nature Get Creative music Drive By Clean With Yourself Intention

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TRACK YOUR PROGRESS Below document the questions you contemplated and the thoughts feelings desires emotions that came up as well as what you were doing when you were contemplating QUESTION OBSERVATIONS THOUGHTS ACTIVITY QUESTION OBSERVATIONS THOUGHTS ACTIVITY QUESTION OBSERVATIONS THOUGHTS ACTIVITY www shaheenplunier com

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TRACK YOUR PROGRESS Below document the questions you contemplated and the thoughts feelings desires emotions that came up as well as what you were doing when you were contemplating QUESTION OBSERVATIONS THOUGHTS ACTIVITY QUESTION OBSERVATIONS THOUGHTS ACTIVITY QUESTION OBSERVATIONS THOUGHTS ACTIVITY www shaheenplunier com

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finding your passion and purpose midlife Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of purpose excitement and joy No longer feeling stuck in a rut but instead embracing each day as a new beginning This is what awaits you as you embark on this incredible journey of rediscovering who you are and reinventing your life In this module we will explore the areas of your life that may need reinvention From career to relationships health to personal growth we will dive deep into the core of your being and uncover the hidden gems that have been waiting to be discovered As you move through this module remember you are not alone We are here with you every step of the way supporting you guiding you and cheering you on Together we will unleash the power within you to create the life of your dreams As you progress through this course you will learn powerful strategies tools and techniques to help you break free from limiting beliefs create new habits and develop the mindset needed to achieve lasting change This is your time This is your moment This is your chance to reclaim your power rewrite your story and create the life you ve always wanted Are you ready

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AS WE APPROACH MIDLIFE IT S CRUCIAL THAT WE TAKE AN HONEST LOOK AT THE DIFFERENT AREAS OF OUR LIVES AND ASSESS Where are you in reality vs where do you want to be As we reach midlife it s a critical time to take a step back and evaluate where we are in life It s easy to get wrapped up in day today activities and lose sight of our long term goals Taking an honest look at our lives and assessing where we are versus where we want to be is the first step in making positive changes It s not about making comparisons with others or feeling inadequate Rather it s about accepting where we are acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses and creating a plan to make the necessary changes to achieve our desired outcomes I invite you to take an honest assessment of your life so you can really see what needs to change I WISH I WOULD HAVE HAD THE COURAGE TO BE HONEST WITH MYSELF Don t lie to yourself Don t be disappointed with yourself either It s ok that your life isn t perfect and you are having a really hard time It s actually normal It s ok that might feel restless and want to run away It s normal Its coming up to be looked at so it can be healed and transformed I know you don t want to throw it all away or else you wouldn t be here www yourwebsitehere com

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BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF are you happy Are you happy in your marriage Your career Have you always wanted to start your own business Do you want to travel more with your friends Are you bored and stuck in a rut Do you lie awake at night wondering what you ll do next Have you lost yourself to all the roles you play this is so common Do you crave a spiritual connection One telling question you can ask yourself is Where do I get jealous of others This is a big sign as to what you really want for yourself Don t disregard it It s real It s ok It s here for us to look at and then CREATE your VERSION of it for YOURSELF These are just some examples of areas of your life that you could focus on If you aren t sure don t worry because in the next lesson I have a fun activity for you that will help you determine what aspect and area of your life needs the most attention as you enter into midlife www shaheenplunier com

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the WHEEL OF LIFE ACTIVITY www shaheenplunier com

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HERE S HOW TO USE THE WHEEL OF LIFE 01 Get familiar with the areas of life described below and make sure you understand what they refer to 02 it s time to ask yourself what are you satisfied content fulfilled This needs to be done without thought Choose the number that first comes to your head don t overthink it or change it Allow your intuition to guide you Be completely honest with yourself Close your eyes and ask yourself the following question How satisfied am I from 0 100 with my ________ insert area of life www yourwebsitehere com

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HERE S HOW TO USE THE WHEEL OF LIFE 03 When you intuit your percentage of satisfaction write that number in the slice of pie next to that area of your life Draw a line delineating the percentage of the slice 0 is indicated in the centre and 100 would form the edge of the circle at its fullest shape 50 would slice right through the centre of the pie Don t worry we all have a wobbly inner circle 04 Once you have your inner circle defined and have figured out your levels of satisfaction take a deep breath and see what you notice Find the area that got the lowest level of satisfaction and let s focus on that if that is your desire www yourwebsitehere com

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The Wheel of Life How to use the Wheel of Life Now comes the fun part This needs to be done without thought Choose the first number that pops into your mind Allow your intuition to guide you Be completely honest with yourself Close your eyes and ask yourself the following question How satisfied am I from 0 100 with my ________ insert area of life Finance GPreorwsothnal LIfeCaPruererpose Friends Health Spirituality Leisure Love SHAHEENPLUNIER COM

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The Wheel of Life Life Purpose Career Finance Friends Personal Growth Fun Love Health Spirituality

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What Area Do You Want To Focus On and Why 01 What aspects of your life do you want to improve and why 02 What steps would you need to start taking to manifest these improvements 03 How will your life look like after the improvements What happens if you do not follow through with the changes in a year Five years Ten years WWW SHAHEENPLUNIER COM

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SHAHEEN PLUNIER BUSINESS COACH CONGRATULATIONS NOW HAVE CHOOSEN THE AREA OF YOUR MIDLIFE YOU WANT TO FOCUS ON The process that I am about to take you through can be done at any time Over and over And applied to any area of your life that you want to uplevel I don t want you to feel like you have to solve all of your midlife problems at once Firstly that not s possible and secondly enjoy the process This is a gift you are giving yourself A healing and freeing journey inwards www shaheenplunier com

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Brainstorming Your Passions and Purpose How do you like spending your free time What are some activities that bring you joy What are the things places experiences or people that get you motivated or excited in life Are there any common themes among them What activities or hobbies have you loved since childhood SHAHEENPLUNIER COM

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Brainstorming Your Passions and Purpose What topics or subjects can you spend hours talking or learning about If you had a whole day to yourself with no obligations how would you choose to spend it What are your natural talents or skills that you enjoy using Is there a cause or issue that you feel deeply passionate about and want to contribute to SHAHEENPLUNIER COM

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Brainstorming Your Passions and Purpose What types of environments or situations make you feel the most creative and inspired If money and time were not constraints what would you love to pursue or learn Are there any recurring themes or patterns in the books movies or articles that you enjoy consuming Who are the people you admire and what aspects of their lives or work inspire you SHAHEENPLUNIER COM

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Brainstorming Your Passions and Purpose What tasks or projects at work or home do you find most enjoyable and fulfilling If you could leave a lasting impact on the world what would it be What activities do you lose track of time while doing as you become completely absorbed in them What dreams or aspirations did you have when you were younger that you may have put aside SHAHEENPLUNIER COM

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For the Meditation Affirmations and Journal Prompts to Make Space Affirmations I am worthy of making space for my passion I am capable of pursuing my dreams I am committed to making my passion a priority in my life My passions empower me to live a fulfilling and purposeful life I trust myself to make time for the things that truly matter to me I give myself permission to explore new interests and rediscover old ones www shaheenplunier com

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Insights and Journal Prompts to Consider Insights from the Meditation 1 What feelings came up while I repeated the affirmations 2 What does making space for my passion mean to me 3 How can I incorporate my passion into my daily routine 4 What kind of support or resources do I need to pursue my passion Can I ask loved ones for help 5 How can I hold myself accountable for making space for my passion and staying committed to it over time Is there a community or group I can join that shares this passion 6 How will making space for my passion benefit my overall wellbeing and happiness www shaheenplunier com

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DESIRES Desire is a longing or yearning for something be it material emotional or spiritual Desires are the initial sparks or interests that pique our curiosity about something They can be temporary or fleeting depending on their significance to us and our life journey Desires can be influenced by external factors such as people environment or circumstances PASSION Passion is a deeper more intense and enduring version of desire It involves a strong emotional connection to a particular subject or activity often accompanied by a sense of purpose and profound engagement Passions are more stable and consistent over time driving us to invest time energy and effort into what we love Passions often become an integral part of our identity and life journey They bring a deep sense of fulfillment joy and satisfaction as they align with our authentic selves and core values www shaheenplunier com SP

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PURPOSE Purpose is the reason or driving force behind our actions and decisions It provides a sense of meaning and direction in our lives Purpose is often connected to our personal values beliefs and passions It can be related to our careers relationships or contributions to society Living with a sense of purpose leads to greater happiness well being and resilience in the face of challenges www shaheenplunier com SP

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THE UNRAVEL Desire passion and purpose are interrelated in the sense that desires can act as seeds or catalysts that may lead to the development of passions When nurtured and aligned with our true selves desires have the potential to evolve into passions Passions in turn can guide us towards our purpose by providing a sense of meaning and direction in our lives In summary desires are the starting points that can lead to the discovery of our passions Passions represent a deeper more powerful force within us that drives us to create pursue and engage in activities that align with our purpose Purpose in turn provides us with a sense of meaning and direction in our lives contributing to our overall well being and happiness Together desire passion and purpose form a dynamic interplay that shapes our life experiences and personal growth www shaheenplunier com SP

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Your Desires Are Divine Paying attention to our desires is crucial as they can guide us towards discovering our passions Our desires have the potential to transform into passions which can ultimately lead us to our purpose in life Desires are the initial sparks that ignite our curiosity interests and aspirations They are divine energies that choose us because we have manifested them We must respect and honor them otherwise they will leave us for someone who is a vibrational match Our desires and goals intertwine with others goals in a divinely orchestrated symphony giving life and inspiration to each other This interplay encourages all the necessary events and middlemen to take part in bringing our goals to fruition Our desires are divine gifts that unlock the doors to our true passions and life s purpose These desires originate from a higher power acting as an internal compass guiding us towards our unique paths Aligning ourselves with our desires allows us to tap into an infinite source of creativity inspiration and motivation enabling us to live authentically and manifest abundance in every aspect of our lives By acknowledging and embracing our desires we recognize them as powerful forces propelling us forward on our personal journeys Our passions deeply connected to these desires become the driving force behind our actions helping us create a life reflecting our true essence The divine nature of our desires serves as a reminder that we re not alone in our pursuit of happiness and fulfillment www shaheenplunier com

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Your Desires Are Divine When we fully embrace and pursue our desires they can evolve into passions Passions are deeper and more intense than mere desires They re characterized by a strong emotional connection a sense of purpose and profound engagement with a particular subject or activity Passion fuels us to invest time energy and effort into what we love bringing us a deep sense of fulfillment and joy As we align ourselves with our desires explore them and take inspired action we develop a greater understanding and connection with them This process allows our desires to grow and evolve transforming into passions that become an integral part of our identity and life journey It s important to note that not all desires necessarily become passions Some desires may fade over time or no longer resonate with us as we gain clarity and evolve However when we embrace our desires nurture them and align ourselves with the principles of manifestation we increase the likelihood of them evolving into enduring passions During the midlife awakening it s a time of self reflection and introspection It s an opportune moment to explore our desires evaluate their significance and discover which ones truly resonate with our authentic selves By understanding that desires have the potential to become passions we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and personal fulfillment www shaheenplunier com

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CULTIVATING A CHILD LIKE WONDER rediscovering your inner child When embarking on the journey of discovering new passions and purpose it s essential to embrace the mindset of a child Children possess an innate curiosity fearlessness and openness that allows them to explore their interests fully and wholeheartedly They are not held back by preconceived notions or societal expectations enabling them to dive headfirst into new experiences with boundless enthusiasm As adults we often lose touch with this childlike wonder and become more hesitant to try new things fearing failure or judgment from others However tapping into our inner child can help us rekindle that sense of excitement curiosity and resilience in the face of challenges By adopting a child s mindset we give ourselves permission to experiment play and learn without the constraints of self doubt and limiting beliefs To cultivate this mindset start by letting go of your fears and inhibitions embracing vulnerability and opening yourself up to the unknown www shaheenplunier com

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CULTIVATING A CHILD LIKE WONDER rediscovering your inner child Be curious and ask questions just like a child would when encountering something new Allow yourself to be playful and creative in your approach and most importantly be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate uncharted territory By adopting a childlike mindset when exploring new passions and purpose you re giving yourself the freedom to grow learn and ultimately find fulfillment in your pursuits So let your inner child run wild and embrace the limitless possibilities that await you www shaheenplunier com

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MAKING SPACE FOR YOUR PASSION Often times we give up on our passion because it doesn t fit into our lives for one reason or another This may be due to big life events like moving getting married having children taking on a demanding job Whatever the reason for disconnecting from our passion we had to decide that letting that passion go was the right thing to do for our long term well being This can also be true of exploring a new passion Even though we might feel inspired to try a new hobby we may hold ourselves back due to time limitations budgets constraints or even feelings of self doubt and worthiness tha prevents us from pursuing it It s easy to forget about our own happiness when we have too much going on our lives that demands our attention We really have to make a conscious choice to prioritize ourselves and our passions Depending on what passion you want to pursue making space for it can be simple or more involved If your passion can be done in a small space at home with minimal equipment then the only real obstacle is making time to do the activity If your passion requires a lot of space you lll need to find that space And if your passion requires collaboration with other people you will ideally want to find the community as well How much priority do you want to give to your passion Can you find a creative way to incorporate your passion into your life seamlessly www yourwebsitehere com

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For the Meditation Affirmations and Journal Prompts to Make Space Affirmations I am worthy of making space for my passion I am capable of pursuing my dreams I am committed to making my passion a priority in my life My passions empower me to live a fulfilling and purposeful life I trust myself to make time for the things that truly matter to me I give myself permission to explore new interests and rediscover old ones www shaheenplunier com

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Insights and Journal Prompts to Consider Insights from the Meditation 1 What feelings came up while I repeated the affirmations 2 What does making space for my passion mean to me 3 How can I incorporate my passion into my daily routine 4 What kind of support or resources do I need to pursue my passion Can I ask loved ones for help 5 How can I hold myself accountable for making space for my passion and staying committed to it over time Is there a community or group I can join that shares this passion 6 How will making space for my passion benefit my overall wellbeing and happiness www shaheenplunier com

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How to Make Space For Your Passions Making space for your passions involves intentionally prioritizing them and incorporating them into your daily life Here are some practical steps to help you make space for your passions 1 Identify your passions First take some time to reflect on what truly excites and inspires you Make a list of your interests hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment 2 Set clear goals Establish specific measurable achievable relevant and time bound SMART goals related to your passions This will give you a sense of direction and purpose as you work towards incorporating them into your li 3 Prioritize your passions Treat your passions with the same importance as other responsibilities in your life Acknowledge that investing time in your passions is essential for your well being and personal growth 4 Schedule time for your passions Allocate dedicated time in your daily or weekly schedule for pursuing your passions Treat this time as non negotiable and commit to it just like any other appointment or obligation 5 Create a supportive environment Surround yourself with people who encourage and support your pursuit of passions Join clubs groups or online communities where you can connect with like minded individuals www shaheenplunier com

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How to Make Space For Your Passions 6 Eliminate distractions Identify and minimize distractions that consume your time and energy preventing you from focusing on your passions This may involve setting boundaries decluttering your physical and digital spaces or limiting time spent on nonessential activities 7 Break down tasks into manageable steps Divide larger tasks related to your passions into smaller more manageable steps This will make it easier to incorporate them into your daily routine and prevent feelings of overwhelm 8 Celebrate progress and achievements Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments as you make progress in pursuing your passions This will help maintain motivation and reinforce the importance of making space for your passions 9 Be flexible and adaptable Life can be unpredictable so it s essential to remain flexible and open to change Adapt your plans and goals as needed while still keeping your passions a priority 10 Practice self compassion Remember that making space for your passions is a journey and it s normal to encounter setbacks or obstacles along the way Be patient and kind to yourself and view these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning By following these steps and consistently prioritizing your passions you ll create the necessary space in your life to pursue what truly matters to you www shaheenplunier com

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Overcoming the Barriers Many of us have dreams and passions we would love to pursue but we often feel ourselves held back by invisible barriers that exist in our own minds These barriers can take many forms such as feeling of unworthiness limited mindset negative self talk and self doubt These subconscious barriers can prevent us from taking actions toward our passion and living the lives we truly deserve In this session we will explore the common subconscious barrier that hold us back and will provide tips and strategies for breaking through them We will learn how to identify the limited beliefs that are holding us back and replace them with positive ones We will also find ways to cultivate a growth mindset and develop a positive self image By the end you ll have the tools and knowledge to start taking actions towards your passions and living the life you deserve Let s start by exploring some of the common subconscious barriers that prevent us from pursuing our passions often we may not even realize that we are holding ourselves back with limiting beliefs negative self talk and doubts and these barriers can be deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind making it difficult to overcome them www shaheenplunier com

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Overcoming the Barriers However by identifying and addressing these we can start to breakthrough and pursue our passion with greater confidence and clarity One common barrier is the feeling of unworthiness and imposter syndrome that can stem from past experiences or messages that we have internalized from others That we aren t good enough that we don t deserve to pursue our dreams We also compare ourselves to others and feel like we don t measure up This can lead to self doubt and lack of confidence in our abilities Another common barrier is a limited mindset where we believe that our opportunities and potential is limited We may think we don t have enough time resources or support to pursue our passions or our passions are not practical and realistic This can lead to a sense of hopelessness and resignation where we give up on our dreams before we try Negative self talk is another powerful barrier that can hold us back We may constantly criticize ourselves doubt our abilities and focus on our weaknesses rather than our strengths This can lead to a self fulfilling prophecy where we don t take actions towards our passions because we believe we will fail These barriers can be difficult to overcome but with the right strategies and mindset we can start to breakthrough and pursue our passions with greater confidence and clarity www shaheenplunier com

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THE 5 STEPS TO GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY These are several strategies you can use to break through subconscious barriers and limiting beliefs 1 IDENTIFY THE LIMITING BELIEF Take some time to reflect on what beliefs and thought patterns that might prevent you from pursuing your passions Once you identify them you can start to challenge them 2 ASK YOURSELF IF THE LIMITING BELIEF IS REALLY TRUE Is it based on fact or just a negative thought pattern you ve developed over time You can also try and find evidence that contradicts your limiting belief For example if you believe you aren t good enough to pursue your passions you can think of the times that you succeeded in the past 3 REFRAME THE LIMITING IN BELIEF INTO A POSITIVE Instead of thinking I m not good enough reframe it to I have room for growth and improvement This helps you shift your mindset and focus on your potential instead of your limitation www shaheenplunier com