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Middlesex Institute of Theology

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Classes Begin Mon. January 23, 2023Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday6:30 – 8:00pAll classes virtualZOOM 595 140 5570 passcode MITT0920

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Rev. Dr. Patricia CarrollClasses held on Mon. 6:30 pOTS 375 The Book of Jeremiah Thefundamental issue in the book of Jeremiah iswhether the people will be faithful to God inthe midst of a difficult environment. SpoilerAlert Jeremiah understood the effectivenessof repeating a striking phrase over and over.An example is "sword, famine and plague,"found in 15 separate verses. Jeremiah wasoften instructed to use symbolism to highlighthis message: a ruined and useless belt, asmashed clay jar. Symbolic value is also seenin the Lord's commands to Jeremiah not tomarry and raise children, not to enter a housewhere there is a funeral meal or where thereis feasting. Similarly, the Lord used visual aidsin conveying his message to Jeremiah:potter's clay, two baskets of figs.Text: Holman Old Testament Commentary Jeremiah, Lamentations by Max Anders

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Apostle William McKissickClasses held on Tues. 6:30 pBBL325 The Invisible War: Satan, Demons, Spiritual Warfare Some Christians believe strongly in the existence of demons and spiritual warfare. Others downplay or even ignore the idea. With such divergent views, how are Christians supposed to know the truth about demonic forces at work in this world?The Invisible War examines what every believer needs to know about Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare, offering a balanced look at this controversial subject. Chip Ingram will help Christiansunderstand what the Bible says about these threats andwill show them how they can safeguard themselvesand their families through prayer. Now repackagedfor a new generation, The Invisible War offers a balanced look at what is going on in the spiritual realm and what believers can do to defend themselves .Text: The Invisible War by Chip Ingram

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Pastor Dr. Paul HyltonClasses held on Thurs. 6:30 pSPT250 Spiritual Destiny Discovering your Spiritual Destinyis a powerful and inspirational guide to ascertaining the will of God for life. In a world filled with a multitude of voices speaking into our minds, it is helpful to have a source of reference that can provide guidance and clarity as we journey through life. The author points out some very important steps to take as well as principles to follow that will not only make your pilgrimage easy but also enjoyable. Enhanced by real life illustrations present significant experiences that can be applied to anyone. Supplementary Teaching: Discerning the Voice of God. ¨Through His still, small voice inside our hearts.¨Through the rhema word of God.¨Through a sense of peace.¨Through open and closed doors.¨Through other peopleText: Discovering Your Spiritual Destiny by Paul A. Hylton

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Pastor Dr. Yvonne GallaherAuthor: C.O.W.S.Classes held on Fri. 6:30 pTHE201 Inductive Bible Study/Scripture MemoryThe Navigator Bible Studies Handbook is a classic collection of principles and methods for people who want to find out for themselves what the Scriptures say. Learn how to do question-and-answer studies, verse analysis studies, comprehensive chapter analysis studies, and topical studies. Discover the underlying principles for doing inductive Bible study, as well as some of the specific, time-tested methods of Bible study that The Navigators have used for over 60 years. Hide God's Word in Your Heart Wherever life takes you, the Topical Memory System (TMS)provides a portable, effective way to memorize Scripture. It is a clear, simple,proven way to meditate on keyBible verses. Texts: Navigators Bible Studies Handbook / Navigators Topical Memory Systems

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Furthermore … You may join class by SKYPE

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Call: 860-346-0733Tues – Friday12:00 pm – 4:00 pmEmail is the best way to contact us