Suffering is Optional How Cognomovement quickly improves your energy, shifts your perspective, and raises your vibrations by Liz Larson with Bill McKenna
2 Suffering Is Optional Copyright © 2021 by Liz Larson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. The information contained in this book is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever. This information should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional. This book contains life changing ideas that bring with them important rights and responsibilities. You are free to use them for your own education and personal improvement. You are also free (and encouraged) to practice what you learn and to join with others, professionally or otherwise, for personal development. It is hoped that you will freely “spread the word” with the enthusiasm that these ideas merit. With these freedoms comes your 100% responsibility for your use of this material. As conditions to its use, you agree that there are no guarantees of any kind and everything in this book should be considered experimental and thus to be used at your own risk. You further agree to hold harmless Bill McKenna, Liz Larson,, and any contributor or related person/entity regarding this book from any liability or legal claims.
Suffering Is Optional 3 Contents What Is Cognomovement? ........................................................................................................................... 4 About Bill and Liz ........................................................................................................................................... 5 The Body Holds the Key ................................................................................................................................ 6 The Power of Neurological Energy Loops ................................................................................................... 10 Examples of How This Works ...................................................................................................................... 12 How an incident in kindergarten could lead to relationship problems as an adult................................ 12 How an incident in childhood led to estrangement from relatives ........................................................ 13 How a single CM session transformed longstanding challenges in a relationship ................................. 14 The Neuroplastic Brain Can Heal Quickly .................................................................................................... 15 CM Remaps the Brain ................................................................................................................................. 16 A Few Examples of CM “Miracles” .............................................................................................................. 17 A woman’s mobility returns .................................................................................................................... 17 A mother and her son begin to heal their relationship .......................................................................... 18 A woman regains her vision .................................................................................................................... 19 A CM practitioner raises her spiritual consciousness ............................................................................. 20 Cognomovement and Consciousness ......................................................................................................... 20 The Map of Awareness ........................................................................................................................... 21 The Importance of Measurement and the Bio-Well System ...................................................................... 22 Bio-Well Example 1: Fear of Falling ........................................................................................................ 23 Bio-Well Example 2: Brain Fog ................................................................................................................ 25 Bio-Well Example 3: Resentment ........................................................................................................... 25 Additional Measurement Systems .............................................................................................................. 27 The Way Forward ........................................................................................................................................ 28
4 Suffering Is Optional What Is Cognomovement? Cognomovement (CM) is a method for changing your reality by changing the way your mind and body communicate with each other. Through the process of being born, growing up and living our day-to-day lives, we all acquire unwanted patterns that repeat like endless loops over and over in our minds. Such loops tie up a great deal of our energy and have concrete, often negative, effects on our bodies, minds and spirit. CM provides practical tools that help you focus mentally on these negative or unwanted patterns while also feeling the sensations they create. As you do so, the loops that have been repeating themselves over and over in your mind and emotions simply break or dissolve. The result is that your perspective on the negative issue changes entirely at the nervous system level and “miracles” start to take place. Energy returns to your body, which enables it to heal physically and emotionally. The return of this energy also enables you to access higher realms of consciousness. We like to say: Break the loop, break the pattern. Break the pattern, break the problem! We have discovered that the body has the ability to change the mind and that the information held in it affects what we believe, how we react and how the mind works. We have also discovered that the body can process things for us that the mind cannot. When we have the tools to create change in the way the mind and body interact, we literally have the power to change anything! CM is based on the idea that you can delete, install and reboot your brain and body patterns as quickly and easily as you can delete, install and reboot files on your computer. When you do this on your computer, you free up space for new programs. When you do this in your body, you free up energy. With each bit of energy that returns to your system, your wellness—physical, emotional and spiritual—improves. The Cognomovement system encompasses the mind, body and higher self in a way that no other system does. The approach is simple and unique, and the results are extraordinary as well as reliable and repeatable. CM improves your energy, mood, focus, vitality and creativity. It expands your ability to learn, allows you to shift perspective quickly, and boosts consciousness using a method that is both cognitive and physical. By simply changing the way your mind and body communicate with each other, you experience higher levels of consciousness. Your entire system begins to run more efficiently, powerfully and purposefully. And your life becomes easier and more fun. The best part is that this process can happen quickly and easily and that the effects are profound and long-lasting! When we have the tools to change the way the mind and body interact, we literally have the power to change anything!
Suffering Is Optional 5 A few of the questions that provide the creative force behind the constantly and joyfully expanding Cognomovement Method include: How does increased vitality affect the brain and its ability to learn? Can we increase creativity intentionally? How does consciousness relate to having better eyesight? Can a shift of perspective change the physical body? Is it actually possible to delete old traumas? Is it possible to restore lost energy? Some Questions for You Are you: Convinced that some problems just aren’t solvable? Uncomfortable in your life, body or relationships? Short on time, but long on the desire to improve your life? Having a hard time finding your own answers although you are smart, knowledgeable and experienced? Not getting the results you desire even though you’re certain you’ve tried everything? Tired of trying, but unwilling to give up? Are you: Dreaming of finally breaking through to your best life? Looking for a fast and direct method for change? Determined to make change happen in this lifetime? Prepared to think about your mind/body/life in a whole new way? Seeking to create miracles for yourself, your family, your clients and more? Fired up about finally making permanent and lasting change? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then the contents of this e-book will make your heart sing. In the following pages, we’ll look at how Cognomovement breaks the loop of repetitive patterns that keep us suffering. What we share here is real, verifiable and within your reach now! About Bill and Liz Bill McKenna is the founder of the Cognomovement System. As explained in his book, The Only Lesson, Bill had a sudden spiritual awakening many years ago that led him to embark on a journey of healing, seeking and enlightenment. To learn more about what had happened to him, Bill became a student at a branch of the Berkley Psychic Institute in San Diego and eventually became a teacher there himself. He also started to work with clients in a healing capacity. Over the years, he has continued to learn many additional powerful healing and spiritual practices. Bill explains that he invented Cognomovement out of a compassionate desire to help people resolve their pain. Many of the methods he was using with his clients were highly effective, but they were not always lasting; nor were they entirely effective for some big issues. Because he passionately wanted to
6 Suffering Is Optional see his clients become and stay well, Bill constantly sought out and experimented with additional physical and energetic tools that might help to create real and lasting change. He eventually got the idea of combining a series of intentional movements with the activation of both hemispheres of the brain. As he began using these new methods with his clients, they began to heal quickly. Such results made him realize the true power of his discovery, impelled him to reach for more, and soon gave birth to Cognomovement. Liz Larson, who was working with clients in her capacity as a Master Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, had also acquired numerous skill sets and healing modalities of her own. At the time that Bill began formulating the Cognomovement System, he and Liz were already working together to create seminars and classes. It was natural, therefore, that the two would apply their respective and extensive toolboxes to experimenting with the possibilities of Cognomovement. And so the first wave of expansion began. Since then, Bill and Liz have dedicated their lives to this work. They are continually researching, creating and expanding the Cognomovement System and experimenting with new ways to share this incredible tool with the world. And so the expansion has never stopped. In fact, it continues on an almost daily basis! The Body Holds the Key Bill and Liz have discovered that the body holds the key to our ability to reach higher levels of consciousness and awareness and to create an incredible life. The body contains within it all of our history and prehistory, and it uses this information to influence our actions, desires, needs, manifestations, relationships, finances, moods, energy levels, physical appearance and more. Understanding how the body creates our lives is the key to changing aspects of our lives that are not functioning as we would like them to. We’ve been told in all areas of self-help, spirituality, and even epigenetics that if we change our minds we can change our lives. The genre of personal growth called manifestation is also centered on this idea. Although its origins can be traced back to ancient teachings, such as Hermetic texts, Napoleon Hill began the modern manifestation craze at the turn of the 20th century with the mother of all self-help book titles, Think and Grow Rich. Since then we have been tasked with thinking ourselves thin, strong, healthy, powerful and on and on… Most of us have tried to change our thinking on any given subject with, at best, limited or short-lived results. We’ve tried affirmations, mantras, mirror work, meditation, focusing on positive thinking, journaling, practicing gratitude and more. Some of us have read hundreds of books, articles, blogs and even ancient texts only to reach the last page feeling empty and even more lost than when we began—often with our suffering fully intact. All of this effort inevitably generates feelings of shame and Understanding how the body creates our lives is the key to changing aspects of our lives that are not functioning as we would like them to.
Suffering Is Optional 7 frustration as we fall back into old patterns and beliefs. We feel like we’ve done our very best, like we’ve tried it all, but we are still not making the kinds of change we so deeply desire. Are all of these teachings wrong? Is it just a lie that we can change our world by changing our thinking? The answer is: no! The theory definitely has merit, but it is not entirely complete. In most versions, the most important component is left out. Taking a new perspective To resolve this dilemma, maybe what is needed is to look at the situation from a different perspective. To do so, let’s pose some new questions. What if . . . Our suffering is not caused by negative thinking, but by unresourceful loops stored in the body? Breaking the loop of repetitive thoughts and repetitive feelings is the key to setting us free? It’s not a psychological or even a spiritual issue that keeps us from having the lives we want, but a technical issue? It’s simply a nuts and bolts mechanical malfunction that holds us in patterns that create suffering? It’s not our thinking that needs to change, but our bodies? We need to learn HOW our bodies create and store our histories before we can change our story? We can move to the next levels of consciousness and beyond simply by deleting the neurological loops that challenge us? What do you want? Some of us can answer this question easily and clearly, but many of us struggle to do so. However, all of us can easily express what we do NOT want. We know for sure that we don’t want pain, suffering, injury, injustice, heartbreak, loss, grief or trauma. Unfortunately, it is the “don’t wants” that occupy most of our waking hours. They make up the majority of our conversations, the programs we watch on TV, the newspapers and books we read, the stories we tell ourselves (and our therapists), and even the words we use to introduce ourselves to others. We use our suffering to categorize ourselves. Sometimes we attempt to pose this suffering as a positive, as in: I am a survivor of . . . incest, rape, alcohol, drug addiction, cancer, abuse, violence, my parents, my past, my genetics, my religion, my society, my education (or lack thereof), etc. etc.
8 Suffering Is Optional We set up organizations to fight our trauma, end it, or bring awareness to it. We create support groups with other people who have experienced the same trauma so we can share our stories, compare notes and be survivors together. We write books to get the story out there and give speeches to warn others about the pitfalls. The types of survivorships are endless, and each flies its flag proudly. The good news is that we have survived, but the bad news is that as long as we continue to focus on the issue that ostensibly created our suffering, we force our bodies and minds to continually live in the vibration of trauma. By eternally reliving, revitalizing and rehashing the thing we no longer want to suffer from, we reinforce the problem state. It is crucial here to remember the first Law of Attraction, which states that what we focus on expands! It’s all in your mind . . . and body Richard Suinn is an esteemed sports psychologist who began working with Olympic athletes—in particular downhill skiers—in 1972. As a strong proponent of visualization techniques, he asked the athletes to spend time simply imagining themselves skiing. The result was that their actual performance on the slopes improved markedly. Over the years, numerous research studies have verified that when the mind visualizes doing something, it sends a signal to the part of the body involved in the activity being visualized. In this way, it is possible to activate nerves, muscles, tendons and even the finest motor skills without physically moving them. Visualization creates a well-worn pathway between the brain and the body, making the movement second nature when it is actually performed. This pathway is often referred to as a “neurological loop” because it creates a link between the part of the brain that stores the information and the body part tasked with performing the action. Today the practice of visualization for athletic performance has grown into a full-blown science among athletes and their coaches and trainers—from kids’ sports to the elite pros. Furthermore, people have begun using visualization to improve many other areas of their lives—from public speaking to weight loss to musical performance. The practice of visualizing a skill or activity proves how adept the body is at creating neurological loops through repetitive thinking. A positive neurological loop helps build agility, muscle tone, reactivity, balance, strength and power. Unfortunately, the same powerful neurological loops are formed when we relive, reinforce, rehash, share, fight, categorize and generally think about the suffering that we believe we don’t want. Even though these activities are meant to help us heal, they activate a thought that finds its counterpart in the body. Huh? A thought has a counterpart in the body? Yes—if our emotions are involved. Thoughts with no meaning (i.e. emotions or sensations) to us have no counterpart in the body. We don’t hold on to them in any way. We don’t create memories for them, and The first Law of Attraction states that what we focus on expands.
Suffering Is Optional 9 they have no impact on our lives. It’s the body that informs us if a thought is important or not through sensation. A thought that doesn’t create a physical sensation, or feeling, in our body will simply move through it without sticking. For instance, a thought about what to make for dinner on a Wednesday night will most likely not create any feeling in your body. On the other hand, a thought about creating your favorite dish for dinner will likely make your mouth water, make you feel hungry even if you’re not, and keep you thinking about it until you get home and eat! In this example, it’s easy to see how thoughts that illicit a physical response get stored in the body. Our body’s reaction to a thought or experience informs us of its level of importance based on the intensity of its sensation in the moment. For example, think about someone you love who is no longer present in your life. Do you feel a physical response in your body? This response will be quite different from the physical response to your favorite meal. You may also notice that the two responses are located in different parts of your body. The following story is an example of how a neurological loop gets started. The sudden development of an allergy A woman who lived in Southern California (let’s call her “Cynthia”) suddenly developed a severe allergy to peaches, even though she had eaten them her entire life without any problem. She loved peaches and couldn’t understand how or why this had happened. Shortly before Cynthia developed this allergy, her teenage son (“Robert”), who was in college in Seattle, had called her one evening on a payphone while he was on his way to meet friends downtown. While she was on the phone with him, she heard a loud noise that sounded very much like a gunshot. As soon as she heard the noise, the phone went dead. She was startled by the sound and of course extremely worried about her son. She waited for him to call back to let her know he was ok. As the hours passed and she didn’t hear from him, her fears grew and grew. The next morning Robert finally called to say that he was fine, but that a car had backfired while they were talking. The noise had startled him so much that he had ripped the phone out of the phone booth. Since he was a teenager, he simply went on about his business for the evening and didn’t think twice about calling his mom and letting her know he was ok. By chance, Cynthia had been holding a peach in her hand when she heard the “gunshot.” Her body instantly linked the peach to her intense fear and turned the peach into a threat to her body in the form of a severe allergy. Luckily for her, she came in contact with a CM practitioner who was aware that something in her past might have created a neurological pathway in her body that had triggered this reaction. When they discovered the time period in which the allergy had begun, they were able to A thought that doesn’t create a physical sensation, or feeling, in our body will simply move through it without sticking.
10 Suffering Is Optional delete the pattern and she was able to eat peaches again without any problem. The bottom line is that she wasn’t allergic to peaches at all, her body was simply reacting to a pattern that didn’t serve her. The Power of Neurological Energy Loops The body is always trying to protect us from a multitude of threats. This seems to be part of our original design whereby our brains cued us when we needed to run from a predator. This “fight or flight” response is a very important function for keeping us safe and alive because the body must know how to react appropriately to a threat. The fight or flight response The fight or flight response begins in the limbic system, specifically in the amygdala. This is the part of the brain that interprets sensory data and sounds the initial alarm. If the amygdala perceives something in our environment that matches its list of known threats, it overrides the conscious, rational brain and sends high alert neurological impulses to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Upon receiving the alert from the amygdala, the pituitary gland releases messenger hormones into the bloodstream, and the hypothalamus sends nerve impulses down the spinal cord. Both the hormonal and neurological messages end up in the same place: the adrenal glands. This is where the handover from the limbic system to the autonomic nervous system occurs. Identifying threats Our nervous system is constantly evaluating what is a threat and what is not. Anything that “hurts” us—including things that hurt our feelings—becomes a suspected threat. As we experience dangerous and/or stressful situations over time, our brain and body begin to compile and store lists of triggers to alleged threats, along with the corresponding thoughts and memories, as a way of protecting us from similar threats in the future. Every time we rehash our past traumas and experiences, feel the outrage of an injustice done to us, or rage at the perpetrators of our pain, we strengthen the body’s desire to protect us. This continually reinforces the stacks of protective, now persistent loops and keeps our bodies constantly prepared to run or fight. Energy draining loops Each of our bodies produces a certain amount of energy that is available to fuel all of our autonomic functions, like keeping our hearts beating, digesting and eliminating food, ensuring our brains function properly, etc. Our nervous system uses a good portion of this overall energy to send and receive information and impulses and to manage emotions. Our bodies must also ensure we have the energy needed to carry out our daily functions, such as walking, talking, breathing, working and thinking.
Suffering Is Optional 11 However, as more and more protective loops are added, more and more energy is drained from our system. Eventually, these loops use more vital energy than our system can create and our bodies, minds, relationships and spirituality start to suffer. In effect, we’re simply practicing the same visualization exercises that Olympians, musicians and others use to improve their performance, but in reverse. Instead of experiencing positive, life-affirming results, we are building the muscles of pain and suffering, fear and despair. On some days, we may feel like we have an abundance of energy and are able to easily carry out all of the things we want to do during the day. On other days, we may feel like we have zero energy, and moving around at all is exhausting and difficult. We drag ourselves through the day and are lucky to make it to dinnertime without a nap. For some of us, a sense of exhaustion is the norm and having an abundance of energy feels like something we experienced only in our long ago childhood. To make up for the energetic cost to our systems, we may try to replace the lost energy with energy drinks, caffeine, sugar or even drugs. We all know the effects of these and that most, if not all, fail miserably to give us the boost we seek. Remember, each protective loop has a cost in energy. In addition, one small incident can quickly expand exponentially until we’re looking at a massive energy drain around just one topic. Consider that we can have many of these loops running at the same time, leaving the body with little or nothing to spare in its energy reserves. This may explain why you have no energy even though you eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, meditate and more. It’s like having a leak in the gas tank of your car or having all of your neighbors running extension cords to your power outlets! The cost can get very high, very quickly. While the mind is holding onto these protective loops in an effort to keep us alert and aware of possible threats, most of them have no relevance to our lives today. Many were formed at a time in life when we didn’t have the understanding or perspective needed to discern whether or not something was a threat. So our nervous system made the decision for us to create a loop based on a sensation within our body. Relationship loops Loops are played out in relationships in exactly the same way as other types of loops. Each reaction is based on the map within each person in the relationship. In other words, when you behave that way, I react this way. Then because I react this way you react that way—and round and round we go, often with exactly the same words and actions. The interesting thing is that even an entrenched relationship pattern can be transformed almost instantly when one of the partners remaps their automated pattern within their own neurology. When one person no longer reacts in the same way to the same stimulus, the loop can no longer play out as it did before. An opportunity then arises to create a brand new interaction based on choosing new responses rather than those based on old neurological patterns.
12 Suffering Is Optional If you’ve ever wondered why a person keeps repeating the same idea or phrase in a long-running argument that doesn’t make sense or give weight to their perspective, a calibrated loop may be the answer. Breaking it sets both parties free from it. In The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doige recounts the life story of a man who was diagnosed in his adult life as a “super sadomasochist.” This man had, as many others who derive sexual pleasure from pain, experienced severe illness as a child and spent many months in the hospital undergoing painful treatments that were “for his own good.” His brain development during this time began to link pain with love and arousal. In other words, his brain and body created pleasure from suffering. While this situation is extreme, our minds and bodies frequently continue to focus on feelings of suffering because we derive some kind of benefit from doing so. Examples might include attention, sympathy, or a sense of drive and action. This situation creates a deeper neural pathway for suffering and makes it even harder for us to free ourselves and our lives of it. Examples of How This Works Following are several examples of how energy loops work and the potential results when the loops are dissolved via Cognomovement techniques. How an incident in kindergarten could lead to relationship problems as an adult Consider a child named “Susie” who wets her pants in kindergarten and for the first time becomes aware that she is embarrassed. Maybe the teacher scolds her or the other kids laugh at her. In response to this new experience of embarrassment and shame, Susie feels discomfort or even pain. Her body records these sensations as possible threats and stores them for the future. Fast forward to middle school when Susie is made fun of for having a crush on a boy. She feels embarrassed and uncomfortable, which is by now a very familiar sensation. Her body remembers her first humiliation and turns on the fight or flight system while recording this situation as an even bigger threat. The system then adds a bit more energy to the first loop, as well as possibly creating a second loop around having affection for the opposite sex. Her body may now consider affection for the opposite sex to be a threat. The body often compiles neurological loops that are related by time, location or even topic. As an adult, Susie may experience anxiety around dating or having intimate relationships and have no idea the reason is a loop running in her body that tracks all the way back to kindergarten! Now imagine that the same day Susie was made fun of for having a crush, she is on the school bus and sees her class rival. The rival has a look of disdain on her face that seems to be directed at Susie. Instantly, Susie’s body remembers the physical sensation of the first two humiliations and adds this humiliation to them, assigning more energy and meaning to her initial neurological loops. In this case, Susie’s body might also The body often compiles neurological loops that are related by time, location or even topic.
Suffering Is Optional 13 add a protective loop about worthiness and her ability to receive love. The truth may be that the other girl was simply constipated or ate something sour and her look had nothing to do with disdain or with Susie, but Susie’s nervous system has already perceived it as another threat. Although such “minor” experiences would not be classified as major life traumas, they will have profound results on Susie’s future. She has now begun to compile protective energy draining loops around shame, worthiness and love that will cause her to view any similar experiences in the future through the same lens, continually causing her pain and suffering. In contrast, if Susie had experienced these same events but felt no physical discomfort or sensation as she did so, they would never have created neurological loops that drained her energy or kept her nervous system on high alert. She would, instead, have grown into a thriving, confident adult with positive experiences around relationships and feelings of worthiness. How an incident in childhood led to estrangement from relatives At age 28, “Anne” had felt unloved her entire life. She also suffered from depression and a deep lack of self-worth. In particular, she felt that her mother and sister did not love her, and her relationships with both of them had been strained for a long time. Neither her mother nor her sister could understand why Anne felt this way. Nor could they remember a time when they had mistreated her or given her reason to feel unloved. The family had tried therapy together, and Anne had sought treatment for herself, but the feelings did not change. Anne was also unable to form positive romantic relationships, none of which had lasted more than a few weeks. Finally, during a CM counseling session, Anne’s practitioner asked her to go back to five minutes before the first time she had felt unloved. Amazingly, her mind and body knew exactly where to find this! She immediately remembered a scene at a picnic table when she was four years old. She had asked for a popsicle, but her mother had refused to give her one. However, her mother had readily given her older sister a popsicle. In that moment, Anne’s developing brain and nervous system made a program (protective loop) about her mother loving her sister but not her. The practitioner took her through the entire scene from the perspective of her 28-year-old self and followed the story through to its conclusion. As it turns out, the real story was that her sister had been given a popsicle only after finishing her lunch, and 4-year-old Anne had not yet eaten her lunch. As soon as she had done so , she had received a popsicle. Anne’s feeling of being unloved or loved less was not even based on a real or true incident, simply a mistake that her little developing system noted as pain and therefore a reason to begin protecting her. Imagine her surprise once she realized that a lifelong problem was the result of a mistaken 4-year-old’s nervous system! The practitioner helped Anne clear and entirely delete this loop during just one session. Without the protective program of, "I'm not worthy of a popsicle, therefore I'm not lovable," she suddenly realized that her mother loved her dearly and had always been there for her, supporting and caring for her. Once
14 Suffering Is Optional this loop had been deleted, Anne’s life literally changed in an instant, and her relationships with her mother and sister improved tremendously. How a single CM session transformed longstanding challenges in a relationship “Connie,” age 50, was highly successful in her life. Yet her body constantly felt a pressure that her mind interpreted as a sense of dread, even though it didn’t seem to have any connection to her current circumstances. She often felt drained and suppressed, her creativity seemed to be non-existent, and she suspected her health was suffering as well. Connie came to see Liz for a Cognomovement Session to see if this sense of dread could be deleted in her physiology. During her session, she shared that she had had a challenging relationship with a family member. The problems ran deep and went back to childhood, and she had no hope or expectation that the situation would be resolved in this lifetime. However, her session was not centered around this particular problem in her life. She simply wanted to be free of the constant sense of dread, and she wanted energy and drive back in her body. Throughout the session, Connie focused on the sensation of dread in her physical body, noting that it moved as the session progressed. It started in her chest and felt like a lead weight, then moved to a constriction in her throat, and even turned into a mild headache at one point. This is typical during a session as the body is simply disconnecting these loops from all the places in the body where it houses connections and feelings. At the end of Connie’s session, the sensation of dread was gone. Her body felt free and she no longer had a sense of oppression. She described feeling a bit happy, which she hadn’t experienced in quite some time. She left the session feeling satisfied that it had met her needs. After Connie had returned home from the session, she suddenly received a call from the family member that she had struggled with most of her life. Out of the blue, the person acknowledged her part in the pain she had caused and fully apologized for it all! This is a prime example of how deleting a calibrated persistent loop in one person deletes the pattern in the relationship. If we keep in mind that we are always half of the equation in a relationship, we hold at least half of the power to change it. In this case we are referring to the half of the energy that held Connie in a persistent loop with her family member. Interestingly, the energetic benefits from removing the loop of dread continued. She also went on to paint a masterpiece within the next seven days (but that’s a story for another time). Connie and her family member are just one of many examples of relationships shifting almost immediately after a Cognomovement session. No, it’s not couples therapy. It’s simply the function of neurological blocks and loops being removed to free up new perspectives, new ideas, and, best of all, new energy.
Suffering Is Optional 15 The Neuroplastic Brain Can Heal Quickly How are such results possible? Researchers have discovered that the brain can heal. It can also change quickly and be updated similar to a computer. Two of Liz’s favorite books on the topic are from Dr. Norman Doige: The Brain’s Way of Healing and The Brain That Changes Itself. The two books contain treasure troves of information and stories about the brain and the subject of neuroplasticity. In Dr. Doige’s introduction to The Brain that Changes Itself, he writes, Neuro is for “neuron,” the nerve cells in our brains and nervous systems. Plastic is for “changeable, malleable, modifiable.” At first many of the scientists didn’t dare use the word “neuroplasticity” in their publications, and their peers belittled them for promoting a fanciful notion. Yet they persisted, slowly overturning the doctrine of the unchanging brain. They showed that children are not always stuck with the mental abilities they are born with; that the damaged brain can often reorganize itself so that when one part fails, another can often substitute; that if brain cells die, they can at times be replaced; that many “circuits” and even basic reflexes that we think are hardwired are not. One of these scientists even showed that thinking, learning, and acting can turn our genes on or off, thus shaping our brain anatomy and our behavior—surely one of the most extraordinary discoveries of the twentieth century… The idea that the brain can change its own structure and function through thought and activity is, I believe, the most important alteration in our view of the brain since we first sketched out its basic anatomy and the workings of its basic component, the neuron. Like all revolutions, this one will have profound effects, and this book, I hope, will begin to show some of them. The neuroplastic revolution has implications for, among other things, our understanding of how love, sex, grief, relationships, learning, addictions, culture, technology, and psychotherapies change our brains. All of the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences insofar as they deal with human nature, are affected, as are all forms of training. All of these disciplines will have to come to terms with the fact of the self-changing brain and with the realization that the architecture of the brain differs from one person to the next and that it changes in the course of our individual lives. While the human brain has apparently underestimated itself, neuroplasticity isn’t all good news; it renders our brains not only more resourceful but also more vulnerable to outside influences. Neuroplasticity has the power to produce more flexible but also more rigid behaviors—a phenomenon I call “the plastic paradox.” Ironically, some of our most stubborn habits and disorders are products of our plasticity. Once a particular plastic change occurs in the brain and The idea that the brain can change its own structure and function through thought and activity is, I believe, the most important alteration in our view of the brain since we first sketched out its basic anatomy and the workings of its basic component, the neuron. --Dr. Norman Doige
16 Suffering Is Optional becomes well established, it can prevent other changes from occurring. It is by understanding both the positive and negative effects of plasticity that we can truly understand the extent of human possibilities. This understanding was one of Liz’s first contributions to Cognomovement. She had been researching brain plasticity in the hopes of helping two of her family members. She was reading everything she could get her hands on and amassed a great deal of information on the subject. While this work was important to her because of the need in her family, she also found it fascinating, and her study became one of intense curiosity. CM Remaps the Brain A large part of Neurolinguistic Programming and other modalities Liz was using with her clients at the time dealt with the subject of Brain Remapping, which clearly shares distinct similarities and overlaps with neuroplasticity and how it can be used. When Bill began his trials with the first CM Ball (his wife Michelle sewed the first prototype for him) and started getting incredible results, Liz knew exactly what they were seeing! Neuroplasticity! The brain rewiring itself! And not only the brain but the entire body! Bill and Liz have discovered that cognomovement techniques remap the old pathways that created the patterns in the first place. This includes both patterns that exist within a body and between two or more people. A remap deletes the current pattern so the brain and body can never access it in the same way again. If we delete the pattern, we transform the problem! Deleting the old pattern also releases the energy that was stuck within it. Consider the amount of raw horsepower that could be rerouted back into your system if all of your old, unnecessary, and possibly redundant loops were to be deleted! The return of energy creates miracles Is it too audacious to use the word “miracle” to describe the results of many of our Cognomovment sessions? We don’t think so. After all, the things that occur in these sessions are not generally considered to be possible, probable or predictable. The people who experience these outcomes consider them miracles because things have changed that they never imagined could change at all, never mind so quickly! The phenomenon is explainable, however. As we’ve been saying throughout this e-book, when we delete un-resourceful patterns in the body, mind or spirit, the energy used to run the old pattern is returned to the body. The freed energy adds up and begins to lift consciousness and, at certain levels of consciousness, miracles become commonplace. The good news is that we can remap, reroute or delete energy draining loops or programs entirely!
Suffering Is Optional 17 Many of our miracles happen at Cognomovement Seminars where attendees come with the intention of solving specific problems. In fact, we generally ask them to bring a list of the top five things they want to change so that we have something to work on during the time we are in class. A Few Examples of CM “Miracles” We offer extensive training to people who wish to become CM practitioners themselves. The focus of the training is on teaching students how to work with clients. To practice this, they work on each other and on both Bill and Liz. In the process, many students have experienced some amazing results themselves. Following is an example. A woman’s mobility returns On the first morning of a Practitioner Level One Seminar, “Marie,” a woman who appeared frail and elderly, struggled her way up two small stairs to reach the training space. She needed the help of another student because she didn't have the strength or balance necessary to climb the stairs on her own. Her helper took care to find Marie a seat that she could be comfortable in and to lower her carefully and slowly into her chair. Marie shared that sitting too long created discomfort and that she would probably need to move around during the training. She added that she hoped her need to move wouldn't cause too much disruption. Throughout the day, Marie seemed very uncomfortable. She said her feet felt as though they were a blob at the end of her legs. Furthermore, she couldn’t differentiate between her toes and therefore didn’t have much control of them. The fatigue of her general discomfort showed in her facial expressions and in the way she moved her body. But she stayed with the training, determined to learn the method so she could help others with it. Marie worked with the other students, receiving and giving sessions; she also had the opportunity to work with Bill. In each session throughout the day, she worked on her feelings about lack of mobility, on her general fatigue, discomfort, and lack of sensation in her feet. She left the first day with more energy and vigor, but she still needed help down the stairs at the end of the day. When Marie entered the training space the next morning, it was like watching a new woman. Moving like a much younger, more vigorous woman, she easily climbed the two steps without any help. Furthermore, her face beamed with joy and energy! When she plopped down in the first chair that she saw, she kicked one leg high up into the air, like a high-kicking dancer might, to show how the swelling in her legs had reduced overnight. We all gasped, noticing the swift and agile movement! She hadn't been aware that she had kicked her leg up, so we asked her to do it again, and she did! She even kicked up her other leg. Something she had not been able to do in years, she now did automatically without a thought!
18 Suffering Is Optional The fun and joy that radiated from Marie was infectious. She spent the rest of the training focused on the work, not on her discomfort. In the sessions where she received, she looked at what she wanted to create and achieve in her life, not on her hurting, slow-moving body. She didn't need to get up and move around out of discomfort, either. When she did move, she did it with purpose, ease and agility. The effect was profound on her fellow students, some of whom had known Marie for years. It allowed them to experience their first “Cognomovement Miracle” with someone they knew and loved. They saw that as Marie deleted the persistent cognitive loops around the subject of being slowed down and held back by an aging body, her energy fully returned to her. Once the loops had been deleted, she could immediately use the previously blocked energy to fuel her vitality—in a very short amount of time. A mother and her son begin to heal their relationship What might appear to some of us as a small change can seem like a miracle to others. An example might be a tidy bedroom or making it to work on time. “Jennifer,” a frustrated, resentful mom, came to a seminar with a problem that she certainly didn’t think could be solved by tossing a Cognomovement Ball. In fact, she didn’t believe it could be solved at all. She had been arguing and fighting daily with her adult son, “Mark,” who was in his 30s and had moved back in with her. Mark had taken up a deadbeat lifestyle, not working or contributing to the household in any way. He wouldn’t even keep his own room clean, and they often fought over this. He didn’t accompany her to the seminar; however, she wished that he had. What Jennifer didn’t know yet was that this situation was just another Persistent Calibrated Loop that was running in her body and holding both her and her son in a state of frustration and anger. Because this felt like the biggest problem in her life at the moment, she decided to work on it during the seminar. During her CM session, Jennifer followed the same process as all of the other attendees. The first step was to lower her eyes (which helps us connect with our body and its sensations) while thinking about the problem we want to change. In this case, it was the situation with her son. Jennifer became aware that she was feeling discomfort in her throat and solar plexus. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most intense, she said these sensations were extreme—a full 10. This may have been surprising to her as we don’t always recognize the way our body responds to emotional upsets. We asked Jennifer to focus on feeling this emotion and sensation as much as she possibly could. By the end of the session, the sensation had diminished to a zero. She felt a great sense of relief, which allowed her body to fully relax. Her session ended just before the break for lunch. Just as the seminar attendees were standing up and getting ready to go for lunch, Jennifer’s phone rang, and she walked away from the group to take the call. When she returned she was laughing and shaking her head in absolute amazement. She explained that her son had called to warn her that she might see a mess when she got home and he didn’t want her to be startled or upset about it. He had begun clearing and cleaning up his room and had decided to do a complete overhaul. It was a nearly immediate miracle!
Suffering Is Optional 19 How did such a miracle happen? Jennifer broke the loop in her own body, mind and spirit that was holding her son in place. The minute she freed herself, she also freed him. A woman regains her vision Surprisingly, many doctors bring their patients for a session at a Cognomovement Seminar. They sometimes become aware that the person they are treating is not physically ill or injured and that their problem could be due to something else—a persistent pattern in the body. In some cases, the doctors send their clients for a session so that they can return and continue a much needed therapy. These smart docs know that the body has the ability to resist or block certain therapies so as not to heal and that unless the block is removed their efforts are futile. In these cases, Cognomovement can break the pattern and then the doctor can continue to work with much greater success. An optometrist who knew of Bill’s work arranged to attend a Practitioner Seminar with one of his patients as a guest. Prior to the seminar, the doctor explained to Bill that his patient, “Mary,” had severe sensitivity to light and very little vision. The vision that she did have was double. He added that Mary experienced such discomfort she had to lie down most of the time. However, her eyes were not damaged, nor was her optic nerve. The optometrist also explained that Mary had experienced an extreme trauma as a child. When she was 10 years old, she and her family were living in a prison camp. One day, her captors intentionally placed her where she would be a witness to a brutal murder. The victim’s blood splattered all over her and she passed out. When she woke up, she was blind. Some of her eyesight came back over the next 30 years, but not enough to have a good quality of life. As attendees began arriving on the day of the seminar, Bill saw a woman in her 40s enter the training space with great difficulty and surmised that it was Mary. He heard her expressing pain at the glare of the sunlight she had been exposed to while walking in from her car, assisted by another woman, even though she was wearing a large hat and dark glasses. The optometrist warned Bill not to mention the trauma that Mary had suffered because he did not think she could tolerate it. Any mention that the childhood trauma might be the cause of her sensitivity and poor eyesight would send her running. Bill learned, however, that Mary was willing to focus on the discomfort around her sensitivity to light and how she felt about her restricted lifestyle. This was more than enough for Bill to work with. For Bill, patients who have suffered serious traumas are usually good news because it means that a persistent loop is at play and that he can generally remove its effects on the body. He handled the session with Mary slowly and carefully, and her sensitivity began to decrease with each Cognomovement round. By the conclusion of her session, she had removed her hat and glasses—and was smiling and dancing! Her vision had returned and was no longer double. The woman who had escorted Mary to the seminar couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She’d never seen Mary do anything like this in all the time she had known her. Even a smile was a rare occurrence!
20 Suffering Is Optional When they left the training space, Mary was not wearing her glasses or her hat; she strolled into the sunlight as though she had always done so. This felt like a miracle to all who witnessed it. A CM practitioner raises her spiritual consciousness During a Cogno Conscious Seminar (a 3-day seminar focused on raising consciousness levels), Liz was working with one of our Cognomovement practitioners, “Francis,” to help her clear loops that were preventing her consciousness from moving into a higher realm. To do so, they were using the Infinity Process, which works with the eyes to access specific places, memories and ideas in the brain. Often during this process a series of pictures shows up, one after another. We call this “pulling a thread.” These seemingly unrelated images link together, creating a type of storyline or timeline. The process was moving along smoothly when Francis suddenly stopped and exclaimed, “Well, I’ll be damned!” She was laughing and crying and looking bewildered at the same time. “My whole life I have felt abandoned by my mother and did not think she was ever there for me. Now I just saw that she WAS there for me all along and that she was doing the best she knew how to do. This changes everything!” After this old, false loop had been deleted, Francis felt free to love and appreciate her mother, who had already passed away. She expressed great relief, and her energy and consciousness skyrocketed. On her way home, as she was walking through the airport, she felt herself mentally sending blessings to all she saw, including the drug dog on duty. When she got home, she found that she was simply no longer reactive to her family members about things that used to annoy her. She also seemed to be able to manifest anything she put her mind on—not a shabby side effect! We have discovered again and again that when energy is returned to a body, consciousness jumps, often in leaps and bounds. With old loops gone, the old patterns do not return and the consciousness is free to soar. Make room for miracles! Cognomovement and Consciousness Your level of consciousness is simply the understanding that you have come to at this point in your life. As your energy returns, your awareness grows, your consciousness lifts, and your quality of life elevates to a higher level. Early on, when Cognomovement was in its early stages of expansion, an interesting phenomenon started occurring often enough that it quickly became an expected effect. At first we thought it might be a side effect, but it soon became clear that it was, in actuality, the most important effect of all: Not only did our clients and seminar attendees release their initial complaint/problem/discomfort during the CM Session, but in the weeks and months to come, other areas of their lives began to change for the better as well. Your level of consciousness is simply the understanding that you have come to at this point in your life. As your energy returns, your awareness grows, your consciousness lifts, and your quality of life elevates to a higher level.
Suffering Is Optional 21 Our participants began reporting stories of amazing creative endeavors taking place within days of a session and of the discovery of major new ideas. They also reported new talents, like expanded psychic abilities and the ability to manifest items at will. Many said they were able to see the world with new eyes and that they had become non-reactive to many of the things that had bothered them before. It soon became clear that what we were witnessing was consciousness moving out of the third dimension and up the scale, with some people quickly entering a state commonly referred to in spiritual circles as “love or above.” It also became clear as we used short Cognomovement Sessions on ourselves for even the smallest of discomforts that we received additional benefits such as greater awareness, creative new ideas and inner calm. We realized that these benefits could be derived no matter where on the discomfort scale we were working—whether it was simply to improve a grumpy day or to heal deep grief. Bill had studied consciousness enough to recognize the signs. And Liz understood that the energy being returned to the body after the loops had been deleted was likely the source of the new levels of awareness that our clients and students were experiencing. This is very different from the typical workshop and seminar effect, where change is minimal and short-lived. Fundamentally, when a pattern is removed from the system, consciousness immediately lifts! The Map of Awareness To help our clients better understand what occurs at each of the dimensional levels, Bill created the following Map of Awareness. When a pattern is removed from the system, consciousness immediately lifts!
22 Suffering Is Optional If you look at the first line in the diagram, you can see the behaviors and thinking that indicate the particular level of awareness or consciousness. When our body has less energy available to it, our awareness can’t seem to move out of the thinking/feeling pattern that keeps it limited and stuck. However, as the energy is released back into the system, our awareness naturally and effortlessly shifts upward into the next level. In the fourth dimension, it’s easy to see the profound shift that would need to occur to create this kind of change in an average person. However, the CM System makes it easy to shift perspective and awareness levels in a very short period of time. The Importance of Measurement and the Bio-Well System Measuring results plays a crucial role in the CM system because it allows us to demonstrate scientifically that a Cognonmovement Session creates a real, targeted improvement in the body and is not just a method whereby clients hope for a positive change sometime in the future. It also demonstrates that clients do not have to undergo CM sessions again and again to achieve results. This is why we were thrilled to discover Bio-Well, which is a revolutionary tool that can assess a person's energetic state using Electro-Photonic Imaging or the Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect). The images created by Bio-Well enable us to immediately measure the changes a physical body
Suffering Is Optional 23 goes through during a CM Session. It allows us to see how a loop is draining an energetic system and how a CM Session helps to replace or repair the system within the body. The concept was first proposed by Dr. Reinhold Voll in Germany and further developed by Dr. Peter Mandel, also in Germany. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and his team in St. Petersburg, Russia, then spent 18 years of research clinically verifying and correcting the system. When a scan is taken, a high-intensity electrical field stimulates emission of photons and electrons from human skin, and powerful imaging technology captures photon emissions given off by each finger. The images are then mapped to different organs and systems of the body according to the energy meridian system used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Specifically, Bio-Well applies a weak, completely painless electrical current to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. In response to this stimulus, the body forms a variation of an “electron cloud” that is composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge, which is invisible to the human eye, is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. The data from each test is converted to a unique “Photonic Profile,” which is then compared to the database of hundreds of thousands of data records using 55 distinct parametric discriminates. Finally, it is charted so it is available for discussion and analysis. A graph of the findings is presented as a two-dimensional image. To study these images, fractal, matrix, and various algorithmic techniques are linked and analyzed. The following Bio Well Images demonstrate the energetic systems of three clients before and after a Cognomovement Session. Bio-Well Example 1: Fear of Falling “Linda” arrived for her session with a serious fear of falling. She was grasping anything she could to stay upright and avoid falling. Her fear was palpable. This image shows her energetic state before her Cognomovement Session. Image 1
24 Suffering Is Optional Image 1 shows the energetic drain of Linda’s real fear. At some time in the past, she had fallen and broken her upper right femur. At the time Image 1 was taken—immediately before her CM session—she had healed from the injury. However, the break was still evident by the gap in her energetic field located in the area of her femur on the right side of the body. (See the left side of this image.) Furthermore, her energetic field had many “holes,” which are expressed as shards around her body. We often see this energetic imbalance in a body that is in distress. During the session, Bill discovered that Linda’s fear was not created simply by her fall and injury. During her recovery, she had had to rely on a caregiver to help her with her daily tasks because she was unable to care for herself. Even though she had had extreme pain from her injury, her caregiver often denied her pain medication. The caregiver also kept Linda in isolation and abused her verbally. The possibility of needing to rely on this person again in case of another fall or injury was Linda’s greatest source of fear. The combined cognitive loops of fear of falling and fear of needing to rely on others to care for her were creating serious energetic drains on her system, which we can clearly see in Image 1. Image 2 Image 2 shows Linda’s energetic state after just one Cognomovement Session. See how the energetic field is much more filled in and no longer looks like broken shards of glass. The space adjacent to the broken femur is now filled in as well, representing the area as energetically healthy. After her session, Linda no longer had a fear of falling and was not grasping on to furniture as she walked. Nor did she feel as though she might fall. In fact, she walked out of the session without any support.
Suffering Is Optional 25 Bio-Well Example 2: Brain Fog “Cynthia” came for a Cognomovement Session complaining of brain fog. Image 1 Image 2 During her session we discovered that Cynthia’s brain fog was related to financial stress that was creating a tremendous disruption in her energetic field. In Image 1, her energetic system looks like it is being torn apart, especially in her upper torso. Image 2 shows a screening that was taken immediately after her Cognomovement Session. Notice how Cynthia’s energetic field has filled in. It’s thicker all the way around her body and no longer has gaps. Her energy output also jumped from 21 joules to 28 joules, which is a 25% increase. Bio-Well Example 3: Resentment “Patricia” came to Bill with strong resentments against her husband for his failure to help with their children and around the house. The problem, which had been going on for years, had taken its toll on her physically. She felt fatigued, overwhelmed and drained, as well as physically repulsed by her husband. In fact, she had begun making plans to leave him. During the session, Bill had Patricia focus fully on feeling these resentments, which were presenting as pain in her lower back and heart. As they worked together, the pain gradually began to move out of her body, along with her laundry list of resentments. Once these resentments had been fully processed out of her physical body, Patricia felt relief in her body and a surge of energy she had not experienced in many years. Then she felt a renewed sense of love and appreciation for her husband. She could also see how aspects within her children that she loved were reflected in him as well. Patricia later reported that she was physically attracted to her husband again, enjoyed his company, and gladly spent time with him.
26 Suffering Is Optional Image 1 shows Patricia’s fragmented energetic field. Note that it has holes and large spikes, which demonstrate an energetic system that is weak and out of balance. Image 2 shows a much more robust system that is fuller overall and without holes. Image 1 Image 2 Following are two Bio-Well Images that show the balance and energy in all areas of Patricia’s body. Image 1 The highlighted or dark lines in Image 1 show areas of Patricia’s body that are out of balance. Note that all of her energy levels are low and that some are very low.
Suffering Is Optional 27 Image 2 Image 2 shows Patricia’s overall energy level after her CM session. Note that her overall energy level has increased considerably and that most of her systems have come back into balance. Once the neurological loops that were draining her energy and directing her perspectives were deleted, her energy quickly returned. As a result, she was able to move on in her life with more awareness of herself and her family. Additional Measurement Systems Although Bio-well is a fantastic way to show detailed results, it is not available to every person who is doing a Cognomovement Session. For this reason, Bill built a simple measurement system into the core of each session that is based on a 1-10 scale. We take measurements before and after each session, focusing both on sensations in the body and on perceived emotional levels. To take such measurements, we ask each client the following questions: Where do you feel this in your body? On a scale of 1-10, how intense is it? Where, on a scale of 1-10, do you feel it emotionally? Of course there are times when people only feel a sensation in their body and not in their emotions; at other times, they don’t perceive the issue in their body, but only in their emotions. The measurement system works both ways. Taking such measurements helps immensely in the speed and accuracy of the session because we don’t have to keep working on a topic any longer than is absolutely necessary. When clients are at a 1 or 0 on
28 Suffering Is Optional the issue they are working on, the session is complete. The measurement enables both the client and the CM practitioner to know immediately that the loop or pattern has been cleared. Although the 1-10 scale is very helpful and effective, there are other, possibly even more important ways to measure results. We often see people come in for a session in great distress, pain, or even crying. The discomfort is noticeable on their faces and in their body language. After a session, or even during, we see them begin to smile! Sometimes it’s evident that they have uncovered a big new idea in their minds because we start to see a bit of a scheme, planning or wonder in the expression on their faces. We see stress melt off their bodies; postures improve; tight, stiff shoulders relax; and movements become much freer and easier. Another important measurement is that of perspective. We sometimes see perspectives swing 180 degrees during a session as the client suddenly looks at a situation in a brand new way. The result is that a new path often opens up for them immediately. More important than all of these immediate measurements is what happens after the session—sometimes weeks or months after. People report to us that their lives have changed dramatically. They often tell us that they feel like a new person. They are no longer weighed down by problems they have been carrying around for most of their lives. They now have the freedom to put their attention on what they want and actually follow through with achieving it. We also hear about relationships mending instantly, or people who suddenly find a relationship after years of struggle to do so. For these people, the possibility of such things happening was non-existent before their sessions. Improved lives are the measurements that are truly important! The Way Forward In the early paragraphs of this e-book, we asked a question: What if we can move to the next levels of consciousness and beyond simply by deleting the neurological loops that challenge us? After thousands of Cognonovement Sessions, we can definitively answer: Yes! We are now thrilled to share this system with the world. We know that every person who has the chance to change his or her mind, body and spirit at this level has the ability to help change the energy for the planet and all who inhabit it. When we feel better, we do better. Dr. Joe Dispenza says that we can’t think better than we feel. How right he is. However, it’s more than that. We can’t BE more than we feel. When we can change at the neurological and even the cellular level, we truly ARE a new person. A new person who can think, feel, know and be more than they have ever been! With this system, suffering is truly optional. Are you ready to free yourself now?
Suffering Is Optional 29 Getting started In summary, we can use the Cognomovement System to resolve a wide array of issues, problems and situations. Just a few examples include: Helping children in school get their brains and bodies ready to learn. When parents and children use it together, it promotes ease in conversation and decreases stress. Healing physical complaints of all kinds Dissolving repetitive thoughts and feelings Clearing patterns in all kinds of relationships, including work, friends and families Deleting negative emotions Increasing energy Generating new ideas and possibilities and jump-starting creativity Boosting motivation Promoting better sleep Eliminating cravings Achieving goals, clearing blocks, and opening new pathways Manifesting long-held dreams The CM System has achieved things we aren't able to discuss publicly. When you use it, attend classes and seminars, or work with clients as a CM Practitioner, you will begin to witness some of these achievements for yourself. The CM Community has a running joke. We often say, "What's going on? I haven't seen my miracle yet today.” This may sound silly, but it has become commonplace for us. If you are ready to experience this level of change in your life, we invite you to join our thriving community and begin to create change for yourself, your family, your community and your clients. Cognomovement is a complex system, and each piece builds on the last. Therefore, to get started, we recommend that you: 1. Start with our Basic Training Class first. Even if you have studied many different modalities, you’ll be much more effective in the long run if you start here. 2. Join our Learning Portal and experience as many trainings as you wish to take, clearing as much as you desire on your own time. 3. Attend one of our many online and in-person classes. 4. Take a Weekend Training or a Retreat for in-depth change and discovery and a whole lot of fun. 5. Work 1:1 with a CM Certified Practitioner for tailor-made sessions and help. Welcome to this fascinating journey of expansion, love and real hope. We’re so glad you’re here! With all of our love, Bill McKenna and Liz Larson