Creating synergies to consolidateopportunitieswith youB L E N D I N G"We are dedicated to Innovation. We have more than 45 years of experience; we will make your formula work."Global presence in more than 25 countriescommitted to solutions dedicated to yourindustry
Microcrystalline Waxes are made up of very small and flexible crystals, generating a greater affinitywith oils (the oil is literally “trapped” in the microcrystalline structure and cannot migrate to thesurface). Therefore, they are very malleable and less brittle than Paraffins.Add opacityHighly malleableNot brittleOil retentionWide variety of melting pointsCHARACTERISTICS___Microcrystaline WaxesP R O D U C T S A N D P R O P E R T I E S O F M I C R O C R Y S T A L L I N E W A X E S - M U L T I C E R A STOGETHERLet's CreateCANDLES · CHEESE · CLAYS · DENTAL · GUM BASE MATCHES · SHOE POLISHES* Method ASTM D-156** Presentation in boxes of variable weightPresentation in bags of 25 kg (Pastilles)
www.multiceras.cominfo@multiceras.comThis catalog is intended to serve only as a guide for the user. The information isprovided through typical values and is based on our best knowledge and internaltesting.However, it is the user's responsibility to test and approve each product for thepurpose to which it is intended. Multiceras guarantees that it manufactures each ofits products according to its specifications, defined in the technical sheet in force onthe date of production.Let's formulate togetherSustainabilityWe have made sustainability a main axis of business transformation in order tocontribute to the solution of global challenges.Our goal is to create shared value for all our stakeholders through the sustainable useof biodiversity and the sustainable development of communities, resulting in qualityproducts that meet the challenges and objectives of our customers.Consult our AnnualSustainability ReportWe are part of:Connect with us: