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Message from Superintendent 11-06-23

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OUR THEME“Elevate Your Impact”OUR GOALS● Provide world-class safety and a positive school culture.● Provide world-class, high-quality instruction to increase studentachievement.● Provide world-class communication and family engagement.November 6, 2023Dear Laurens County School District 55 Community,As we enter the beautiful month of November, I am reminded of theincredible transformation happening all around us. The leaves onthe trees are changing colors, painting the world with breathtakinghues of orange, red, and gold. This natural process serves as apowerful metaphor for the continuous learning and growth takingplace within our district community.Just like the leaves that gracefully transition from one season toanother, our students are constantly evolving and developing. Eachday brings new opportunities for them to discover their potential,explore their passions, and expand their knowledge. It is trulyremarkable to witness their journey of transformation as they navigate through various academicchallenges and engage in diverse learning experiences.Our dedicated teachers and staff play a crucial role in nurturing this growth. They provide asupportive and encouraging environment that empowers our students to embrace change, adaptto new ideas, and strive for excellence. With their guidance, our students embark upon atransformative educational voyage, acquiring valuable skills, and gaining the confidence to faceany future endeavors.

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In the spirit of this transformational season, let us celebrate the accomplishments andachievements of our students. Just as the falling leaves pave the way for new beginnings, ourstudents' progress serves as a testament to their resilience and determination. Every milestonereached and every goal achieved, is a stepping stone toward a bright and promising future. Aswe strive for continuous improvement we unapologetically celebrate the growth, achievement,and progress of our students.As we move forward into the remainder of the school year, let us continue to embrace thisseason of growth and change, both in nature and within our classrooms. Together, we cancreate an atmosphere that nurtures the potential of each student, fosters their curiosity, andinspires them to reach for the stars.We remain focused on our theme of elevating our impact for every child, every chance, everyday. Our goals of safety, high-quality instruction, student achievement, family engagement, andeffective communication remain at the core and forefront of what we do. Thank you for yoursteadfast support in our educational journey. Together, we can help our students transform intoconfident, compassionate, and capable individuals.JUST TAKE 30 READING INITIATIVEPlease continue to stress the importance of reading at home for at least 30 minutes a day.LINKSRaiders Hoops Club Sponsorship Letter2nd Annual Raider Tip Off Dinner/Green Jacket Ceremony (Plain Text) Information & PaymentQR CodesNovember 16, 2023, Virtual Parent Academy, Social Media: Protecting Your Child by StayingAware & Involved Registration Link

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BRAELYN ROBERTS WAS NAMED THE 2023 LAKELANDSFELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES (FCA) ATHLETE OFTHE YEARBraelyn Roberts is a senior at Laurens District 55 High School(LDHS). She is part of the LDHS Competition Cheerleading Teamand LDHS Soccer Team. LDHS Coaches Erin Patterson and JasieTaylor (Cheerleading), Sarah Albertson (Soccer), and LDHS AthleticDirector Coach Tommy Spires are all proud of Braelyn.Coach Erin Patterson said, “Braelyn has been a part of thecheerleading program at Laurens for four years, making the varsitysideline team as a freshman. Not only is Braelyn a strongcheerleader, but she also lives out our program's core values.Braelyn is not ashamed or shy about her religious beliefs and the fact that she loves God iseasily shown through her actions and words. Braelyn leads us in prayer before we hit the matat every cheerleading competition and is very involved in our FCA Huddles. There's no doubtthat Braelyn loves God, her family, her teammates, her coaches, and the sport of bothcheerleading and soccer.”Coach Spires added, “Braelyn is a 2 sport athlete in competitive cheer and soccer. She alsocarries a 4.9 GPA. Braelyn is deeply rooted in her faith and active in her church throughsinging and sharing her musical talents to glorify God. She is a great student, a greatteammate and most importantly lives her life with the FCA values of integrity, serving,teamwork, and excellence.”Brealyn’s parents, Brandon and Merial, are very proud of Braely’s accomplishments. Mrs.Roberts said, “Braelyn is an amazing daughter…we enjoy watching her in all her activities andhow she exemplifies what it means to be an athlete and a Christian.”Braelyn is thankful for the recognition and said, “I was overwhelmed with honor and joy. I feltthat there was no greater award that anyone could ever receive. Knowing that through my highschool career, I was a representation of Christ told me that nomatter how successful I am, I accomplished what was mostimportant—Living for God.”Braelyn continued to share the importance of her faith andathletics. “Being an athlete is important because it contributesa great amount to who you are and it can either make you orbreak you. However, if you choose to put God before anythingelse, He can turn anything around for His glory; including toughphysical sports. When He does this, it is amazing how muchcloser you come to God, and how much joy you receive frombeing an athlete. Athletics has helped me a great dealthroughout my life. If I had not chosen to participate in anysports, I know for a fact I wouldn't be anywhere close to whereI am today. Because of sports, I have developed amazingrelationships with other students, and I have become a strongand determined person who will give 100% in everything I do,”Braelyn said.LCSD 55 is proud of Braelyn and appreciates the support ofher parents and coaches.

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SPOTLIGHT ON COACH ERIN PATTERSONErin Patterson serves at Laurens District 55 High School as a teacher(Health Science, Sports Medicine, and Unified Physical Education) andHead Cheerleading Coach. She is a graduate of LDHS and a CheerAlumna. She is honored to share her passion for cheerleading andwatch her athletes succeed in sports and life. She has been teaching forsix years in LCSD 55 and coaching the LDHS Cheerleading Team forfive years. She was named the 2023 Region 2-AAAA Coach of the Yearon Saturday, October 28, 2023.Coach Patterson said, "When I heard my name called for Coach of theYear, I was shocked and excited at the same time, not expecting that tohappen at all. I am honored to receive this award and could've neverreceived it without the help of our Athletic Director, my assistant coaches and athletes, and myfamily, who have been my biggest supporters. I began this competitive program because I wantmy athletes to have the opportunity to reach the next level. Being a competitive cheerleaderopens the door for more opportunities in the future, and they deserve that chance. I believeLaurens can be one of the best in the years to come, we just need a little time to build acheerleading community, first. The best is yet to come for Laurens Cheerleading!"Fikisha Patterson, LCSD 55 Human Resources Staff and Erin’s mother-in-law, said, “Erin hasexpressed a passion for teaching children since I've known her. She is an amazing teacher andcheer coach. She has figured out how to balance it all while being a mom and wife of a headcoach. She has done a great job with the Cheerleaders during her time as head coach. She hasworked hard to improve the Cheer Squad at LDHS and build a successful cheer program. Shealso tries to teach the cheerleaders how to become confident young women. You can tell by theirperformance that this is something they are proud to be a part of. We are very lucky to have heras a part of Laurens 55.”LDHS Head Baseball Coach Tori Patterson and Erin’s husband proudly shared, “My wife Erin isa great person who always puts the needs of others before her own. She works very hard tomake sure the cheer program is where it needs to be. She also does different things to helpother sports programs throughout the year. Erin is the type of coach and teacher that our districtshould be proud to have working here.”Laurens County School District 55 is proud of Coach Erin Patterson and thankful for her service.She is taking the LDHS Cheerleading team to a new level as they embark on their first year as acompetitive cheerleading team in over 20 years.CADET MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT RIBBON PRESENTED TOCADET PETTY OFFICER THIRD CLASS ETHAN PEPPERLaurens District 55 High School (LDHS) Navy Junior Reserve OfficersTraining Corps (NJROTC) Cadet Ethan Pepper was honored at theLDHS Annual Military Inspection on October 18, 2023. Ethan Pepper is a10th-grade student who demonstrated selflessness and exemplarycharacter during the October 7, 2023, Blue Ridge Mountain OrienteeringMeet at King’s Mountain State Park. Ethan abandoned the competition tosearch for and help an injured cadet. US Navy (Retired) LieutenantCommander Baker, Area Eight NJROTC Area Manager, presented theribbon to Ethan.

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Ethan Pepper is thankful for the recognition he received. It has made him have a more positiveoutlook and more committed and motivated to serve others.Ethan’s parents, Ken and Gina Pepper, are happy with Ethan’s commitment to serving others.“He is a very good-hearted person. We are proud of him for being a good son and student,” saidMrs. Gina Pepper.MEET LDHS NJROTC COMMANDER KEVIN D. BORDENUnited States Navy (Retired) Commander Kevin D. Borden served 21years in the Navy. He is serving his first year as the LDHS NJROTCSenior Naval Instructor. Borden has five years of experience as anNJROTC instructor and holds a Bachelor of Science in GeneralScience from the United States Naval Academy and a Master ofScience in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School.Commander Borden's father inspired him to serve our country. He findsgreat importance in the principles of leadership. He recognized afterretiring from active duty that his career experience in leadership was avaluable skill set that many of our youth needed now more than ever.He identified a pathway into NJROTC via a company officer's position on the Commandant'sStaff at The Citadel while awaiting Naval Service Training Command's Senior Naval ScienceInstructor (SNSI) certification in 2017.Commander Borden's decision to serve LCSD 55 was highly influenced by knowing LCSD 55Superintendent Dr. Ameca Thomas and LDHS Principal Lewis Compton fully support theNJROTC program and Senior Chief Armond Flood. He said, “The support shown for him (Flood)and the NJROTC program is a big reason I chose to come to LCSD 55. It is rewarding to be acontributing and valued member of the LCSD 55 team, where the program and our cadets aregreatly appreciated. Senior Chief Flood had been a strong advocate for the program at LaurensDistrict 55 High School, and knowing how we complement each other well made it an easydecision to take charge of the NJROTC program at LDHS.”Senior Chief Armond Flood is pleased to work side-by-side with Commander Borden. He said,“Commander Borden was a long shot to land here in Laurens, and we hit the lottery when we gothim. He is a true professional with tons of love and energy to lead this program. Where I’mweak, he is strong, and where he is weak, I’m strong. He’s Batman and I’m Robin. We make aGREAT Team!”Commander Borden hopes to improve the perspective of LDHS parents and students by lettingthem know how the NJROTC program can greatly help them. Borden stated, “Whether theywant to pursue college, service, or start their career after high school graduation, the citizenshipfocus and leadership development every cadet experiences in NJROTC is beneficial to them.The experience, advice, and mentorship cadets receive from me and Senior Chief Flood is totheir advantage as long as they are open to receive it and willing enough to apply it.”

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Contact Commander Borden at or visit the LDHS NJROTC Website tolearn more.HISTORICAL FEATURE:HICKORY TAVERN SCHOOL(Details and images from thebook Spirit of Hickory Tavernby Virginia Huffman)In 1913, a two-story structurewas built for $4,000.00 to servestudents who attended theareas of Friendship, Rabun,and Henderson(ville). Thebuilding consisted of fourclassrooms, an auditorium, anda library. The school began with sixty-seven students and three teachers. Two rooms wereadded in 1923-24. In 1926-27, an eleventh-grade class was added to the school and becamethe first class of Hickory Tavern to receive a state high school diploma. In 1928, the areas ofMerna, Shiloh, and Ekom became part of the school district. In 1928-29, a new brick highschool building was built for $15,000.00. The building included an auditorium, which wasseverely damaged by a fire in 1990.In 1938, a workshop was built, and in 1942-43, a cannery was constructed. In 1944, a potatohouse was built. The cannery processed fruits, vegetables, and meat and canned 2,000 tinsin one day during World War II.In 1948, a gym was constructed, and the first game hosted was a basketball game betweenPresbyterian College and a textile team.In 1951, the district underwent reorganization, and Bethell Grove and Princeton were addedto the attendance area. The school, built in 1913, began demolition on March 12, 1954. Anelementary wing replaced the 1913 building. It had a cafeteria and was connected to the highschool with corridors. The “ultra-modern” elementary wing costs $173,150.00. In 1969-70, theschool district integrated, and Hickory Tavern had its last senior year in 1972.CLOSINGOn behalf of the LCSD 55 Board of Trustees, administrators, and staff thank you for yourpartnership, support, and continued engagement as we work together to serve your children andour community. Your input is greatly valued and we love to hear from you. Contact me, call 864-984-3568, attend our school and district events, or view ourschool board meetings. Have a great week!Sincerely,Ameca C. Thomas, Ph.D.Proud Superintendent ofLaurens County School District 55Laurens County School District #55 is committed to the principle of equal opportunity. It is the policy ofthe district not to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, color, age, national origin, immigrantstatus, English-speaking status, familial status, or disability with regard to students, employees, orapplicants for admission or employment.