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Mental Health Booklet

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Special Needs Resource DirectoryMental HealthEveryone Deserves an Equal Opportunity!

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At Equal Opportunity SupportServices our vision is a world wherepeople with disabilities live their livesevery day as close as possible to theway others in their community live. Our mission is to give people anopportunity to live their best life. We have complied this guide toprovide individuals and familiesresources and information that canbe an important bridge to their community.Thank you for allowing us tobe a part of your family!

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Trinitas Regional Medical Center utilizes a fullTrinitas Regional Medical Center utilizes a fullspectrum of sophisticated inpatient, outpatient,spectrum of sophisticated inpatient, outpatient,and long-term care services. Our team is proudand long-term care services. Our team is proudto have forged a lifelong partnership withto have forged a lifelong partnership withfamilies, physicians, and communities to providefamilies, physicians, and communities to providethe best care in a supportive, caringthe best care in a supportive, caringenvironment.environment. 908-994-5000908-994-5000

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Since its inception, the Rutgers Robert WoodJohnson Medical School Department of Psychiatryhas been committed to providing comprehensiveinpatient and outpatient mental health services to itspatients. Faculty within the Department ofPsychiatry are engaged in ongoing funded researchthat generates many peer-reviewed publicationsannually in the areas of psychopharmacology,psychotherapy, addictions, tobacco dependence,cultural psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, primary care,and child and adolescent psychiatry.

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CenterPath Wellness has beenproviding mental health services toindividuals in New Jersey for over 70years. We assist families, children, andadults understand and optimize theirmental health.Our expert staff of therapists,psychiatrists, nurses, counselors, andsupport staff are here to provide thesupport you or your family needs tolive your lives to the fullest.

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At Rutgers University BehavioralHealth Care (UBHC), we offer thebroadest range of services in NewJersey and we are the onlybehavioral health system that is partof a medical school, so our staff aretrained in the most effective, mostcurrent treatments. 969-5300

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I welcome your interest in mypsychological services. I believe thateach of us experiences, from time totime, life circumstances, challenges,problems and daily living situationsthat require the expert assistance ofa trained mental health professional. G. Silikovitz, Ph.D.

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Sharon Artz, PsyDI specialize in working with parents whoare raising children with special needsand/or intellectual and developmentaldisabilities (I/DD). I understand thestressors and am committed toproviding support so you can addresscomplex emotions, strategize day-to-day issues and plan for the future.

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Our comprehensive approach to wellness isindividualized, personal and deeply rooted incommunity. Our roots were established in thecaring convictions of our founding parents whoenvisioned every best possibility for theirchildren. As our continuum of services expandedover the next six decades the dedication andconviction of our founding parents has neverdiminished.

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Richard Hall CommunityHealth & Wellness CenterRichard Hall Community Health and WellnessCenter is an inclusive and affirming behavioralhealth organization that is recovery orientedand person-centered that provides a safeand nurturing environment to promote anindividual’s right to selfdetermination, and ahealthy mind and body. 725-2800

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Future Project utilizesprofessionally trained staff withvarying degrees, licensures andlanguages to meet goals as theyare outlined in IndividualizedService Plans that help individualsachieve optimal success.

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Founded in 2005, GenPsych is New Jersey’spremier mental health and substance abusetreatment provider. We treat drug, alcoholaddiction and eating disorders. GenPsych isdedicated to helping our clients regain theiremotional and physical health in a safe,supportive environment. 436-7792

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As a nonprofit I/DD organization, we are hereto improve the lives of individuals withintellectual and developmental disabilitiesand their families through advocacy,education, services, and support.The Arc of Monmouth fills the gap byproviding services that meet the basic needsof our participants, including supportedhousing, healthcare, case management,support for caregivers and families, life skillstraining, social and emotional support, andindependent living programs. 493-1919

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For more than 100 years, Christian Healthhas been proud to foster health, healing, andwellness in northern New Jersey. We offer afull continuum of senior-life, mental-health,and short-term rehabilitation services.Our commitment to caring begins withrecognizing the intrinsic value of all people byhelping each person achieve their bestquality of life. Our goal is to meet eachperson’s physical needs and nurture theirmental and spiritual well-being in theprocess. 848-5200

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Partial CareProvides a wide range of psychiatric rehabilitationgroups and activities for adults experiencing a mentalillness who require a more intensive environment inorder to reach their maximum potential forindependent living. Programs are also available foradults experiencing a mental illness with substanceabuse issues. Burlington County residents can alsoreceive Partial Care services in Atlantic andGloucester counties through our IRP South program. InMercer County, our Partial Care Program (knownas Partners in Recovery) features additionalcomponents that integrate primary healthcareservices andemployment services.Burlington County: 25 Ikea Drive, Westampton NJ08060 – 609-267-9339Gloucester County: 987 Delsea Drive, Franklinville NJ08322 – 856-694-4050Mercer County: 10 Southard Street, Trenton NJ08609 – 609-396-4557

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Outpatient ServicesProvides ongoing follow-up psychiatric care andtherapy for adults experiencing a mental illness,including substance abuse issues.Burlington County: 25 Ikea Drive, Westampton NJ08060 – 800-360-7711Mercer County: 39 N. Clinton Avenue, Trenton NJ08609 – 800-360-7711Counseling Services for Spanish-Speaking ClientsMercer County: 327 S Broad, Trenton 08609 –609-394-2056Mercer County: 39 N. Clinton Avenue, Trenton NJ08609 – 800-360-7711Mercer County: 569 Abbington Drive, EastWindsor, NJ 08520 – 609-630-8822

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CCNJ Hope and Healing CCP Immediate ServiceProgramWith our statewide partners, Catholic Charities, Diocese ofTrenton is providing a Crisis CounselingProgram (CCP) to those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,in collaboration with the New JerseyDepartment of Human Services’ Division of Mental Health andAddiction Services, Disaster andTerrorism Branch. The CCP supports short-terminterventions that involve the following goals:Helping consumers understand their current situation andreactionsReducing stress and providing emotional supportAssisting consumers in understanding their disaster recoveryoptions/resourcesPromoting the use or development of coping strategiesConnecting consumers with other people and agencies whocan help them in their coping/recoveryprocessIf you or anyone you know needs to speak with someone, call:732-204-6510.For more information, contact Noelle Davies

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Child/Adolescent CounselingMental health counseling for children andadolescents with emotional or behavioralchallenges.Psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoringavailable as an adjunct to counseling services.Medicaid and sliding scale accepted.Burlington County: 595 Rancocas Road,Westampton, NJ 08060 – 800-360-7711Mercer County: 1239 Parkway Avenue, Ewing, NJ08609 – 609-394-5157Monmouth County: 145 Maple Avenue, Red Bank NJ07701 – 732-747-9660Monmouth County: 100 Main Street, Keansburg NJ07734 – 732-747-9660Monmouth County: 1312 Allenhurst Ave., OceanTwp. NJ 07712 – 732-747-9660Ocean County: 88 Schoolhouse Road, Whiting NJ08759 – 732-747-9660

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Early Intervention Support Services(EISS)Offers an alternative for adults age 18 andolder who are experiencing emotionaldistress, but not inneed of hospitalization. Provides screeningand counseling services in a safe, home-likesetting. Noappointment or referral needed.Burlington County: 25 Ikea Drive,Westampton, NJ 08060 – 609-386-7331Mercer County: 1225-1255 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road,Building B, Suites 504-505, Hamilton, NJ08619 – 609-256-4200

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Family Access CenterOur Outpatient Counseling Services aredesigned to provide short and long termcounseling options forchildren, adolescents, individuals,couples, and families facing behavioralhealth, mental health, school,relationship, and other life challengesthrough effective and caring counselingservices provided byclinical professionals. Services areprovided in both Spanish and English.Mercer County: 569 Abbington Drive, EastWindsor, NJ 08520 – 609-630-8822

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Family Growth ProgramOffers specialized treatment services forfamily violence, child abuse and neglect forchildren andfamilies under child protection supervision dueto abuse or neglect. Services available inSpanish.Batterer’s Intervention Services available inMercer County.Mercer County: 1239 Parkway Avenue, Suite102, Ewing, NJ 08628 – 609-394-5157Monmouth County: 145 Maple Avenue, RedBank NJ 07701 – 732-747-9660Find out more about the Family GrowthProgram in Monmouth County and its satelliteprograms inOcean County.

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Family and Community Services(FACS)Provides a wide range of counselingand psychotherapeutic services toindividuals, couples, and familiesexperiencing emotional stress suchas marital discord, depression,anxiety, and parent-child conflict.Other services provided includeadditional services and parentingeducation workshops.Burlington County: 114 Delaware Avenue,Burlington NJ 08016 – 800-360-7711

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Intensive Family SupportServices (IFSS)Provides consultation, psycho-educational and family supportgroups, respite care, advocacyand servicelinkage to families with membersexperiencing a serious mentalillness.Burlington County: 25 Ikea Drive,Westampton, NJ 08060 609-571-5312

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Program of AssertiveCommunity Treatment (PACT)Community-based intensivemental health and recoveryservice for seriously andchronically disabledadults experiencing a mentalillness.Learn more about PACT:

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Robert Berkowitz MDPsychiatrist 244-6066

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Dr. Alam1130 Route 202south building BRaritan, NJ08869908-575-7332

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A wide variety of programs are offered atmany locations in all 21 counties in thestate. This directory does not attempt toprovide information about all mentalhealth services available within the Stateof New Jersey. The providers listed herehave been limited to only those whichreceive some funding from the State ofNew Jersey through the Division of MentalHealth and Addiction Services. of MentalHealth Services

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I am a board certified Psychiatric and MentalHealth Nurse Practitioner with extensiveexperience working with IDD/MI clients. Iwanted to introduce myself and also indicatethat I am currently accepting new patients. Ifany of your clients are looking for psychiatriccare and unable to secure one, I will be morethan happy to deliver the care. My practiceutilizes evidence-informed mental health carethat is person-centered. The service is 100%virtual, however, I can plan to see your clientson-site as needed. My contact informationincluding website is below.Phone: 929-481-5451Fax: 929-512-5519Email: NixonOloo@pchsvcs.comWebsite: www.pchsvcs.comNixon Oloo, APN-BC

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Accessible RecreationGame-UGAME-U Accelerate is a unique class, designed by game industry professionals, that teaches students of all abilities how to design and build their own video games, coding, and robotics.Brad Cohen E: P: (908) 801-6350 A : 160 Main Street Flemington, NJ 08822W: TelecommunicationsNJ Relay & CapTelT-Mobile AccessibilityLori Timney E: P: (732) 440-8822 A: 10 Independence Boulevard Warren, NJ 07059W:

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Art TherapyArtisan Studio Art classes offered Monday and Friday for all ages and abilities.Marlene BohnyakP: (732) 294-0234 A: 9 North Main Street Marlboro, NJ 07746W: artisanstudio9.comA Plus Tutoring and Learning CenterArt therapy classes are offeredE: aplustutoringandlearning@gmail.comP: 732-451-2096 A: 1540 Route 138 West, Suite #201 Wall, NJ 07719FA Resource NetworkArt Therapy available for all ages.Faythe AlllenP: 732-620-7021 A: 710 River Road Piscataway, NJ 08854W:

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Carrie's Mosaics Carrie's Mosaics enables students to create beautiful, lasting mosaic art through in-person instruction, group classes and remote learning with a personalized approach.E: carriesmosaics@gmail.comW: carriesmosaics.comStudio Monclair Art AcademyOne to one art instruction in painting, sculpture, drawing, magna, collage, printmaking, graphic design, illustration and more. Virtual and in person classes available.A: 237 Lorainne Ave. Montclair, NJ 08854 E: armisey@studiomontclair W: studiomontclair.orgAdaptive SwimAdaptive Swim Lessons at the JCC of Central NJOne-on-one 30-minute aquatics classes, taught by our trained swim instructors, are ideal for children with special needs. Lessons are adapted and customized to each child’s specific needs and challenges in the water.Jade Evans, Director of AquaticsE: P: (908) 889-8800 x259 A: 1391 Martine Avenue Scotch Plains, NJ 07076W:

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Assistive TechnologyA Push of LifeA revolutionary mobile medical alert system. This device gives you instant access to an emergency operator.Regina GalinskyE: P: 267-808-7477W: apushoflife.comBehavioral SupportBuilding Bridges Behavior Therapy Provides behavioral support to those with special needs.E: P: 732-361-7041 A: 1706 Corlies Ave Neptune NJ 07753W:

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Daisy Day CampParticipants will enjoy Art, field day, games ,Ice cream sundae parties ,Kinect ,Outdoor exploration, Silly picture day, Sports, Theater, Yoga and ZumbaE: A: 334 Dunhams Corner Road East Brunswick, NJ 08816 W: eastbrunswick.orgCamp HopeCamp Hope is a seven week summer day program in East Hanover for individualswith intellectual and developmental disabilities. Camp participants will be able toenjoy activities supervised swimming, modified sports, arts & crafts and music.E: camphope@arcssex.orgW: Arc of New Jersey: Camp Jaycee An overnight camp providing a quality camping experiences centered around developingsocial skills, improving self-esteem, increasing confidence, learning in a fun environment,developing physical fitness, and establishing meaningful relationships with new friends. Nicole Davis P: 732-737-8279 W:

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Camp JotoniSummer recreational day services for adults with developmental disabilities. Arts &Crafts , Music, Games ,Swimming, Physical Education and Nature Walks W: thearcofsomerset.orgCamp RainbowCamp Rainbow Summer Day Program is an educational, fun-filled experience for 6 weeks in July and early August. W: arcbp.comCamp TREK A week-long residential camp program. It provides a valuable experience forindividuals 18 and up with brain injury, offering socialization, recreation and fun.E: P: 732-745-0200W:

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College ProgramsArc of Somerset Achievement ZoneThe Achievement Center at Raritan Valley Community College is a certificate-based, post-secondary program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities interested indeveloping their education for continue to gain skills to enter the workforce.P: 908-725-8544W: Community College - Turning Point ProgramTURNING POINT is an inclusive two-year postsecondary program for young adults with intellectual disabilities focusing on academic enrichment, social and vocational skill developmentP:201-493-4087W: turningpoint@bergen.eduBrookdale Community College KACH - Keep Achieving (Kach) is a three-year college experience in collaboration with Brookdale Community College that provides classroom and experiential learning on campus and in the community. s.E: P: 732- 389-5256 ext. 452W:arcofmonmouth.orgl

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College of Mount Saint Vincent - Bridge ProgramThe Bridge Program at the College of Mount Saint Vincent offers students withvarious learning abilities and stylesa unique, immersive college experience, combining community and campus inclusion with rich engagement in academics, career preparation, and student life. P: 718- 405-3241 (Riverdale, NY)W: bridge@mountsaintvincent.eduCollege Of Saint Elizabeth Office of Accessibility ServicesThis section was developed to provide an overview of the services provided to SEUstudents who are in need of accommodations due to a disability.Lisa Seneca P: 973- 290-4261E: A: Mahoney Library Morristown, NJ 07960-6989W:

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County College of Morris (Disability Services)The office of Accessibility Services works to both determine and document through an interactive collaborative intake process with the qualifying student, which reasonable accommodations may be appropriate for the student to utilize in their classes. E: P: 973-328-5284W: ccm.eduDrewIn support of Drew’s mission to promote the “cultivation of the whole person”the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) is committed to removing barriers to the education of persons with documented disabilitiesas members of its “diverse community of learners.” To this end, OARcollaborates with University partners to afford students with disabilities equalopportunity to participate in all aspects of the broad educational and social experience found at Drew.E: P:

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East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (East Stroudsburg, PA) - Career, Independent Living andLearning Studies (CILLS)The Career and Independent Living and Learning Studies (CILLS) program willhelp young adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities prepare tolead productive lives in their communities.Dr. Domenico CavaiuoloE: P: 570- 422-3893W: www.esu.eduFairleigh Dickinson University- Compass ProgramCOMPASS is an individually tailored, comprehensive, academic, and social supportprogram for a limited number of college students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.The goals of this two-year program are: to help each student recognize and make use ofexisting academic and social strengths, to aid in the development of new abilities, and topromote progress toward a higher level of independent functioning.E: P: 201-692-2645 ext. 411W: fdu.eduIntegrated StudiesIntegrated Studies at Gwynedd Mercy University is a student-centered, inclusivepost-secondary program for individuals aged 18-26 with intellectual disabilities.This program is designed to provide excellent opportunities in education, careerdevelopment, and social participation within an inclusive academic setting.P: 215-646-7300 A: 1325 Sumneytown Pike Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437W:

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Lesly University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) Threshold ProgramThreshold at Lesley University is a non-degree postsecondary program for youngadults with diverse learning, developmental, and intellectual disabilities. E: P: 617-349-8181A: 29 Everett Street Cambridge, MA 02138-2790W: County Community College DREAM program Program provides transition and postsecondary program opportunitiesfor students whose limitations in both intellectual and adaptive behaviorrequire significant additional supports to navigate the postsecondaryenvironment. Upon successful application and acceptance to the program,identified students, ages 17-25, have the opportunity to reach individualgoals in an inclusive and supportive college settingKean University- College StepsKean University partners with the nonprofit College Steps to providecustomized college support in post-secondary education, work and lifefor students with learning and social challenges such as learningdisabilities, autism and executive functioning deficits. E: P: 888-732-1022 W: P: 609-586-4800W:

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Rowan/Gloucester County College Adult Center for TransitionThe Adult Center for Transition (ACT) program students will receiveeducation and employment preparedness, self-advocacy training, and haveaccess to community resources and concentrate on the enhancement ofliteracy, writing composition, mathematics, social sciences, financialliteracy, work-place readiness, personal growth and development, computerliteracy and activities of daily living. E: P: 856-464-5203W: Raritan Valley Community College RVCC's The Center for Accessibility and Inclusive Education (previously known asDisability Services or DS) works collaboratively with academic departments and studentaffairs offices to engage and support the intellectual and social development of studentswith disabilities. A student with a disability who is qualified for admission will have thesame access to programs, services, and activities as all other students. E: P: 908-526-1200 ext. 8534A: College Center C-124 118 Lamington Rd, Branchburg, NJ 08876W: College- Enhance ProgramThe enhance program is a therapeutic support program which takes a holisticapproach and focuses on social, emotional, and organizational growth to assistthose students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in adapting and flourishing in college and beyond. Suzanne Calgi, LCSW, Program CoordinatorE: P: 201-684-7522W:

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Rutgers University -The College Support ProgramThe College Support Program (CSP) is a unit of the RCAAS that supportsRutgers University students on the autism spectrum as they begin, continue,and prepare to graduate from the University. It is a comprehensive program thatassists students through the provision of direct support and collaboration withUniversity services that address executive functioning, social competence,academic skills, self-care, self-advocacy, and career preparation. P: 848-932-7896 A: Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services 100 Dudley Rd New Brunswick, NJ 08901W: Hall UniversityThe mission of Disability Support Services (DSS) is to provide studentswith disabilities equal access to all University programs and activities, whileraising campus-wide awareness of issues impacting this student population.E: P: 973-313-6003A: 400 South Orange Ave South Orange, NJ 07079W:

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Sussex County Community College- LACE programThe LACE program is intended to assist developmentally disabled adults in an educational and social setting.P: 973-300-2100A: One College Hill RoadNewton, New Jersey 07860W: University (Syracuse, NY)- Inclusive UInclusive U brings students of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities who want to experience college life in a fully inclusive setting to Syracuse UniversityE: taishoffcenter@syr.eduP: 315-443-4058A: 300 Huntington HallSyracuse, NY 13244-234W: University- Learning Access ProgramThe Learning Access Program (LAP) is Stockton University's disability support servicesoffice. Their role is to educate, advocate and facilitate equal access while maintaining awelcoming, inclusive and accessible campus community. P: 609-652-1776A: 101 Vera King Farris DriveGalloway, NJ 08205-9441W:

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Transition and Career Studies Transition and Career Studies (TCS) at Georgian Court University is a four-yeartransition and postsecondary inclusive college-based program for students withintellectual disabilities. E: P: 732-987-2659.A: Transition and Career Studies Mercy Center, Room 104Georgian Court University 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701W: transition-and-career-studies/The College of New Jersey - Career and Community StudiesThe Career & Community Studies Program (CCS) at The College of New Jersey is afour year inclusive, college-based certificate program for young adults withintellectual disabilities ages 18-25. The program is designed to prepare students for adult life through academic rigor, career discovery/readiness, and peer socialization aspart of a diverse community of learners at The College of New Jersey.E: P: 609-771-3342A: The College of New Jersey PO Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718W:

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Dentists and OrthodontistsCarter SmileDr. Carter is uniquely qualified and enjoys treating special needs patients—especiallyautism spectrum disorders (ASD) and those with craniofacial differences—and lecturesnationally and internationally on the subject. E: P: 973-540-1666 A:180 Main Street Madison, NJ 07940 W: cartersmilellc.comHoch Orthodontics Dr. Amy and Dr. Andrew have received advanced training in special needs orthodontics.Amy Hoch and Andrew HochE: P: 908-389-7000A: 581 Westfield Avenue Westfield, NJ

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FitnessAtlantiCare Life CenterAtlantiCare Life Center offers an Exercise Studio, Indoor Cycling, Steam Rooms. am Indoor Track and Therapy PoolE: Alex.Corkhill@atlanticare.orgA: 2500 English Creek Avenue Egg Harbor Twp W: RWJ Rahway Fitness & Wellness Center This center features a Fitness Floor; Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool, Group Fitness classesKristina Carocci P: 732.541.2333E: A: 60 Cooke Ave, Carteret, NJ 07008 W: Centra state Fitness & WellnessThis facility offers Fitness Floor; Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool and Group Fitness classes.E: A: 901 W Main Street Freehold W:

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Certified fitness for Special Needs This program offers fitness training, empowerment skills, and social interactionsA: 295 US Rt 22 East 102 Whitehouse Station W: Fitness and WellnessThis program features Fitness Floor; Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool, Group Fitness classes Kristina Carocci P: 201-843-4422 E: A: 87 Route 17 North, MaywoodW: RWJ Fitness & Wellness This program features a Fitness Floor, an Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool and Group Fitness classes.Kristina Carocci: P 609-584-7600 E: A: 3100 Quakerbridge Road MercervilleW:

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YMCA Hamilton This program offers a Wellness Center, Exercise studios, a Dance studio, Mind andbody center, an Indoor pool, a Whirlpool, a Running track, Cycling, Pilates, Yoga,Step and Muscle ConditioningE: P: 609-581-9622A:1315 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd, Hamilton Township, NJ 08619 W: Fitness ProgramsThis program provides physical training for people with special needs.Yomi Karade E: P: 973-820-5795 A: 155 East Main Street, Little Falls, New Jersey 07424W: Hackensack Fitness and WellnessThis center features an aquatics center, a spa, a therapy pool and group fitness classesKristina CarocciE: P: 201-843-4422 87 Route 17 North, MaywoodW:

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LA Fitness This program offers Cycle Zone, Yoga , Zumba® Class, Basketball and Group FitnessClasses Indoor Cycling Indoor Pool.P: 848-222-2010 A: 90 Lanes Mill Road HowellW: Lafitness.comPeaceful Potato LLCThis program offers virtual yoga sessions via zoom.E: P: 201-575-0291W: JCC on the PalisadesThis gym offers Swimming ,Fitness, Pilates, a Spa and Yoga.P: 201-408-1473 A:Taub Campus, 411 E Clinton Ave TenaflyW: www.jccotp.orgHometown Health and FitnessThis program offers Fitness Classes.E: A: 5401 Harding Hwy, Mays LandingW:

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Princeton Fitness and WellnessThis program offers Fitness Floor; Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool, and Group Fitness classes Kristina Carocci E: kristinar@fitnessandwellness.orgDenise P: 609-683-7888 A: 1225 State Rd, Princeton, NJW: Plainsboro Fitness and Wellness Fitness Floor; Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool, and Group Fitness classes Kristina Carocci: E: Emily P: 609-799-7777A: 7 Plainsboro Rd, Plainsboro TownshipW: Fitness Retro fitness offers Yoga, Kickboxing, Weightlifting, and DanceA: 185 NJ-36 West Long Branch W: Bank ClubThis gym offers tennis, fitness and a pool.325 Maple Ave Red Bank732-219-5333W:

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Spirit ClubSpirit Club offers Virtual Personal Training, Partner Training, and Small Group Classes as well as fitness, yoga, Zumba, boxing, meditation and healthy cooking. W: New Brunswick Fitness and Wellness Center Fitness Floor; Aquatics Center, Spa, Therapy pool, Group Fitness classes100 Kirkpatrick Street New Brunswick Contact: newbrunswick@fitnessandwellness.orgW: With A Purpose LLC.Free Health Seminars AvailableTommy Dalton P: 973- 295-2143W:

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Information and SupportLearning Disabilities Assoc. of NJ (LDANJ)Volunteer organization of families, educators, professionals and students. Provides resources and information related to learning disabilities for all ages. Organizes two conferences per year. E: P: 732-645-2738 A: 614 Cranbury Road, Unit 6268 East Brunswick, NJ 08816W: SPAN Parent Advocacy NetworkEmpowering families as advocates and partners in improving education, health, and mental health outcomes for infants, toddlers, children and youth.E: P: 973-642-8100 A: 35 Halsey Street, 4th Floor Newark, NJ 07102Toll-free in NJ: (800) 654-SPAN (7726)W: Westfield Area YMCAThis program offers water-based group exercises.E: A: 220 Clark St. Westfield NJ 07090W:

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Mental healthHeart sound Group therapy for partners and guardians of adults with intellectual disabilitiesE: Info@heartsoundllc.comW: Artz, PsyDTherapy and transition planning guidance for parents of children with special needs and/or disabilities particularly those with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD). Teletherapy and in-person services offered.Sharon Artz, PsyD E: P: 201-373-2230 A: 16 Pearl Street, Suite 110 Metuchen, NJ 08840W: sharonartzpsyd.comRobyn Krugman, LCSWTherapy for adolescents and their families and adults struggling with mental healthissues. Specialties include depression, anxiety, relationship concerns and parenting of special needs children. Robyn Krugman E: P: 908-445-553A: Park Avenue Suite 5 Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 w:

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Music TherapyDawn To Dusk Wellbeing CenterThe program is currently designed to give the participants live performancemusic, and allow them to engage by requesting songs to be played, as well asdancing and playing along at home (drums, clapping, singing, etc).Mike Montrey E: P: 732-447-9420 A: Dawn To Dusk Wellbeing Center 12 Stults Rd Suite 125 Dayton, NJ 08810W:dawntoduskwellbeing.comJustin’s Music AcademyMusic therapy Tuesday and Thursday.Justin Wishner P: (732) 567-3414A: 712 Ginesi Dr. Suite #9, Morganville, NJ 07751)Key of Awesome Music (TM) Improving the Quality of Life with Music E: P: 609-558-7837W:

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Physical TherapyHome HealthcareMedical Social Services, Speech Therapy, Occupation Therapy, Physical Therapy,Personal Injury Case Management, Specialty Nursing Services, 24 Hour(Live InCare), Nutritional support, Diabetic care, Pain management, IV therapy, Woundcare, Home safety and emergency education, Dressing changes, Medicationeducation and management, Management and evaluation of patient care plan,Patient and family education of disease process and Observation and assessment. E: P: 973-244-2480W:faithcareus.comMobile Therapy ServicesMobile Therapy services is a therapist-owned and operated company that isdedicated to providing superior therapy services in the home environment.P: 732-493-3100 A: One Main Street Suite 505 Eatontown, NJ 07724W: primerehab.comPrime Rehabilitation Services, Inc.Mobile Therapy Services, Inc. Providing Physical, Occupational, & Speech LanguageServices in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, and Home SettingsP:914-631-9020 A:1940 Commerce Street Suite 210 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 W:

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Westfield Physical TherapyProviding physical therapy services to individuals 21 years andolder with developmental disabilities in home setting. Our specialty is addressing issues in: balance functional deficits in walking, transitional movements, movement deficits posture correction, muscle weakness, joint stiffness and range of motion deficits, contractures and P: 908-301-6134A: 1271 Westfield Avenue Rear Suite Rahway NJ 07065W: Westfieldphysicaltherapy.comPre Vocational trainingAlliance Center for IndependenceServices that provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, where individuals can develop general non-job/task specific strengths and skills that contribute to employability in paid employment in integrated community settings.E: P: 732-738-4388W:

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Friendship CircleEngaging children and teens with special needs through a full range of experiences,providing families with respite and support.E: P: 973-251-0200 A: 10 Microlab Road Livingston, NJ 07039 W: www.friendshipcircle.orgGentle HandsTransportation Provided, Recreational activities, Educational Outings, Assistwith building social skills, Small groups, Community Based Programs andRespite Care ServicesServicing: Middlesex, Essex, Union & Mercer CountiesE: P: 848-256-3937W:

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TeamCare, LLCTeamCare is NJs leading provider of children’s self-directedrespite care and adult community-based supports and home-based (individual) supports. TeamCare’s respite program allowsthe parent or guardian of a child with special needs to chooseand hire a caregiver for your child and get reimbursed for thecosts. TeamCare’s adult services support individuals to liveindependently at home and give them the opportunity toparticipate in their community, joys, and passions.Lia BanE: P: (732) 884-2273 A: 1771 Madison Avenue Suite 8 Lakewood, NJ 08701W: www.teamcarenj.comJust for uOffers activities such as bingo , pizza party and movie night.E: justforu211@gmail.comP: 724-490-8715W:

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Freeman LawOffices, LLCLaw firm that specializes in advocating for individuals with special needs across their lifespan, including IEPs, 504 Accommodation Plans, guardianship, SSI/Medicaid, special needs trusts and adult services.Hillary Freeman, Esq.E: P: 609-454-5609 A: 103 Carnegie Center, Suite 300 Princeton, NJ 08540W: freemanlawoffices.comSpecial Needs LawyersFink Rosner Ershow-Levenberg Marinaro, LLC,Attorneys at LawFamily care legal planning for parents and individuals with special needsLinda Ershow-Levenberg, Esq.E: P:732-382-6070 A: 60 Walnut Ave, Suite 202 Clark, NJ 07066W:

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The LawOffices of Sandra Lascari, LLCLawyer for special education, school discipline, guardianships, wills and special needs trusts.Sandra Lascari E: P: 973-377-6725A: 80 Greenwood Avenue Madison, NJ 07940 W: lascarilaw.comManes &Weinberg, LLCSpecial needs lawyers.Johnny HagyE: W: www.manesweinberg.comP: 973-376-7733 A: 802 South Avenue West Westfield, NJ 07090W: manesweinberg.comParles Rekem, LLPAttorney/law office.Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq. E: P: 973-564-0055 A: 675 Morris Avenue, 3rd Floor Springfield, New Jersey 0708W:

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Jewish Vocational ServiceProviding people with disabilities the individualized assistancenecessary to enable them to be successful in the workforce throughcareer discovery, transition services and vocational evaluations.Rebecca Shulman, Senior Program DirectorE: Adaacil@adacil.orgP: 973-674-6330 A: 83 Walnut Street Montclair, NJ 07042W: jvsnj.orgAlliance center for IndependenceServices that provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, whereindividuals can develop general non-job/task specific strengths and skills that contribute toemployability in paid employment in integrated community settings.E: P: 732-738-4388W: adacil.orgAbilityMatchEmployment placement services for adults with disabilities (ages 21 andup). We match clients with inclusive-minded employers.E: P: 718-644-9263A: Cranford, NJ 07016W: abilitymatch.workSupported Employment

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School to Employment Program (STEP)School to Employment Program (STEP) is a job training/ transition program for highschool students and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.STEP will provide students with real world, hands-on training through a uniqueopportunity to explore a number of different career paths, improving futureopportunities for competitive employment and/or post secondary education. Heather Janci A: 2025 Princeton Pike Lawrence, NJ 08648 W:,/or%20post%2Dsecondary%20educationThe Turning Point Cognitive and Educational Solutions L.L.C.A certified employment specialist and job coach will provide services to clients who are ready to enter or re-enter employment or are interested in changing careers based on interest, opportunities and/or financial gains.A: 35 Beaverson Blvd, suite 4D, Brick, NJ 08723P: 732-262-7800W: WorksSpectrum Works is a non-profit organization that works directly with young adults who have autism. Our mission is to provide job training and life success skills for these young adults .Beverly Ficon E: P: 201-552-2055A: 565 Windsor Drive Seacaucus, NJ 0709W:

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Therapeutic SupportsBright AchievementsBright Achievements is an ABA Provider company servicing children and young adults with disabilities ages 0-21. Bright Achievements E: info@brightachievements.comP: 732-655-3288 A: 57 S Main Street Suite #372 Neptune, NJ 07753W: brightachievements.comIntegrated Speech Pathology, LLCThis office provides services in office and in homes, schools, and the community across Northern and Central NJ. Specialization: AAC, speech apraxia, feeding/swallowing, services for medically-fragile individuals, selective mutism. Donna Spillman-Kennedy E: ISP@integratedspeechpathology.comP: (866) 539-6685 A: 786 Mountain Blvd Suite 203B Watchung, NJ 0706W:

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Wellspring Learning, LLCWellspring Learning is a learning environment that focuses on enhancing cognitive skills and communication through our programs based on the brain’s ability to change or neuroplasticity.Mary Jackson, MSE: wellspringlearningcenter.comP: 908-922-3309 A: 226 St. Paul St. Westfield, NJ 07090W: www.tomatistherapy.comSpeech and Hearing AssociatesA team of dedicated speech-language pathologists and audiologists have expertise in a wide variety of speech, language and hearing disorders. Meredith Petrell E: P: 908-232-2900A: 121 South Euclid Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090W:

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New Jersey Travel Independence Program (NJTIP @Rutgers)NJTIP @ Rutgers teaches people with disabilities and others how to travel safely andindependently on buses, trains, light rail, county and private systems. Karen Alexander, Managing Director E: P: 848-932-4499A: Alan M. Voorhees Transportation CenterEdward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Public PolicyRutgers, The State University of New Jersey33 Livingston Avenue, Room 464 New Brunswick, NJ 08901W: njtip.rutgers.eduTransportation Training

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NLC SupportESL, ASL, Math, and ReadingVirtually through Zoom$75/hourE: P: 732-742-4638W: www.nlcsupport.comActual Solutions In-home tutoringActual solutions in-home tutoring offers in home tutoring to individuals of all ages andhelps them with things like life skills, money management and virtual schooling.E: P: 908-464-1997 A: P.O. Box 446, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922W: plus Tutoring and learning center A plus tutoring and learning center offers a variety of instruction to help individuals of all ages who need educational reinforcements get the help they need.E: aplustutoringandlearning@gmail.comP: 732-451-2096 A: I540 Route I38 West, building 3 suite 201W: aplustutoringandlearning.comTutoring