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Membership Tradeshow Networking

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Will we be sponsoring event?Total Event Cost:If yes, estimated cost: If yes, how many nights:If yes, cost:Business Case (Provide potential client impact and its value):Est. Cost:Exhibiting with booth, or only attending?Type of Sponsorship:ZMembership/Tradeshow/Networking Request Form _______________________________________________________________________________________________Event/Membership name:APPROVAL REQUIREDIf Exhibiting, preferred booth #: APPROVED DENIEDReviewed byComments:Airfare required?Lodging required?Attendee List:Business Vertical:Event Cost:*Prior to any engagement of event in question, approval required. Please email form to, and/or (for Metro/NYC) Location: Profit Center:Category:NoNoN/A$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00ExhibitingNo$ 0.00CorporateJames Peterlin (Regions)Membership