O r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u bMEMBERSHIPINITIATIVE4777 S. BUFFALO STREETORCHARD PARK, NY 14127
ORCHARD PARK COUNTRY CLUBThe Premier Family Club of Choice in WNYOrchard Park Country Club (OPCC) was founded in 1946 and is the secondhome to over 500 families. Nestled in the southtowns of Buffalo, NY, theClub’s gem is a Walter Travis golf course, known to test golfers of allabilities. In addition, the Club has thriving swim and racquet programs,and the Clubhouse provides robust a la carte and banquet spaces toaccommodate the social aspect of our very tight knit Membership.The Orchard Park Country lifestyle means immeasurable friendships,priceless time with family and creating memories to cherish. Without adoubt, OPCC will afford you and your family the experience of a lifetime.
Tuesday Night Men’s 9-Hole League Golf tournaments including our prestigious Harry YatesInvitational TournamentGuest Days, Quaker Two Day InvitationalTravis Two-man Member/Member Tournament9-Hole League plays weekly on Tuesday mornings for women wholike to play 9 holes. Relaxed competition and varying ability levels.Format changes weekly Ladies 18-Hole League plays weekly on Thursday mornings forwomen who like to play 18 holes. More competitive than the 9-hole league, while remaining friendly. Format changes each week.OPCC Junior Golf Program: Juniors are taught by OPCCProfessionals on the range and on the course. Age range from 6through 17. PGA Junior League Program: Travel golf program for juniors 13 andunder. OPCC team travels to other local clubs to play matchesagainst other clubs. Fun and competition mixed together. MEN'SWOMEN'SJUNIOR'SGOLFO r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u bWhat is now the Orchard Park Country Club golf course, was originally owned and operated as ThePark Country Club of Buffalo. The course was designed in 1916 by renowned architect Walter J.Travis. His storied golfing career (including 3United States and 1 British Amateur Championship)was only further accolated by his distinguished course design of 67courses with recognizablenames like Westchester CC and The Garden City Golf Club. In 1946, the Orchard Park Country Clubwas founded, with both the course and the club operating under that name for over the past 75+years. The Orchard Park Country Club is a proud member of the Walter J. Travis Society. In the mid90’s, Brian Ault created an impressively modernized practice facility highlighted by a plethora ofteeing ground for OPCC members. Holes 17 and 18 were removed to create this space; holes 5, 6and 12 and 13 were either newly created or redesigned around the picturesque quarry pond. TheOrchard Park Country Club layout is known for varying shaped greens, a premium on shotplacement and greenside shot-making.Golf Membership provides full access to all the Club’s facilities and amenities to include a 127 acreschampionship 18-hole golf course, practice facility, golf tournaments and all social related eventsand activities. The Member, spouse and children up to the age of 26 will have Club privileges. TheClub offers online tee-times, unlimited cart program, golf lessons and clinics, and more.
Our heated pool is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.from Memorial Day to Labor Day. We have swim lessonsand swim team for our Juniors. Our swim team, the OPCCGators, has: • child-centered coaching philosophy • cutting-edge training methodology • flexible practice options • warm welcome to allAQUATICSOPCC has four hard-tru tennis courts and four pickle ballcourts. We offer Men's Tennis Clinics on Mondays nights,Ladies Tennis Clinics on Wednesday nights for beginnersand intermediates, Interclub Tennis, Ladies & Co-EdPickleball, Junior Tennis Lessons and Junior Tennis Teams.Our Tennis Program with world ranked tennis pro, WojtekStarakiewicz, is great for all ages and all abilities.RACQUETSO r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u bPLAY, DINE & SOCIALIZE
Our Clubhouse serves as an elegant milieu for dinnerdances, parties, weddings and other special events.Our social calendar caters to every season and everytaste. Some member favorites are the President’sBall, Christmas Cocktail Party, New Year’s Eve Partyand Yates Pool Party. The children excitedly awaitour annual Halloween, Easter and Christmas parties.The Women’s Division is very active and plans manyentertaining events like fashion shows, spa nightsand cooking classes. Our facility is open to our members and guests theywish to sponsor. We are confident that our selectionof menus and variety of rooms will enable us to meetyour dining, event, and business needs. SPECIAL EVENTSWe are proud to offer our membership a truly exceptional dining experience. Our culinary teamcreates extraordinary menus that change frequently using a wide variety of in-season ingredients. Ourmenu choices offer everything from light meals in the grill room or on the patio to the ultimate in finedining in our formal dining room. DININGO r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u b
MEMBERSHIPCLASSIFICATIONSO r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u bShall be 40 years of age or older. Privileges of Golf Course, Club House, TennisCourts and Pool are extended to member and spouse and to children of thefamily 25 years of age and youngerREGULAR MEMBERSHIP Shall be 33-39 years of age inclusive. Privileges of Golf Course, Club House,Tennis Courts and Pool are extended to member and spouse and to childrenof the family 25 years of age and youngerINTERMEDIATE MEMBERSHIPShall be 21-32 years of age inclusive. Privileges of Golf Course, Club House,Tennis Courts and Pool are extended to member and spouse and to childrenof the family 25 years of age and youngerJUNIOR MEMBERSHIPShall be 21 years of age or older, married or unmarried. Privileges of the ClubHouse, Tennis Courts, Pool and Social Functions are extended to member andspouse and to children of the family 25 years of age and youngerHOUSE MEMBERSHIPApplicants for membership at Orchard Park Country Club who are the child or adopted childof an active or affiliate Member in good standing are eligible for consideration by the Board ofGovernors to the Club as a "Legacy Member" at 50% of the prevailing initiation fees. At the timeof joining the Club, a selection must be made between the child and child's spouse, as to whowill be the Member. The applicant age that determines member class eligibility at the time ofinitiation will be based on the age of the applicant who will be designated as the "Member".LEGACY MEMBERSHIP
2023 INITIATION FEES & DUESO r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u bMINIMUMThere is a food & beverage minimum spending of$75.00/month for all Golf Members. Billing for yourmonthly minimum is as follows, if last name begins with:A - D 1st - End of monthE - L 11th - 10th of monthM - Z 21st - 20th of monthRANGE FEEThere is an annual Range fee of $315 for all Golf Membersand this includes storage for the first set of golf clubs.Each additional bag storage is $85.00/bagGOLF CART FEES9 Holes: $10.00/person including tax18 Holes: $20.00/person including taxSeason Pass: $800.00/person including tax GREEN FEES18 Hole Guest Fee: $70.009 Hole Guest Fee: $40.00Family 18 Hole Guest Fee: $35.00Family 9 Hole Guest Fee: $20.00(Family - parents, children, grandchildren, father/mother in-law,son/daughter in-law, etc.)18 Hole After 5:30pm or After October 15th: $35.0018 Hole After 5:30pm or After October 15th: $20.00LOCKER FEES (optional)Men's: $100.00Men's Half: $55.00Women's: $80.00Women's Half: $45.00GHIN FEES$25.00 per person maintaining a handicap RegularIntermediateJuniorHouse Initiation Fee$ 20,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Sales Tax$ 1,750.00 $ 1,312.50 $ 875.00 $ 437.50 Total Initiation Fee$ 21,750.00 $ 16,312.50 $ 10,875.00 $ 5,437.50 Legacy Initiation Fee$ 10,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,500.00 Sales Tax$ 875.00 $ 656.25 $ 437.50 $ 218.75 Total Legacy Initiation Fee$ 10,875.00 $ 8,156.25 $ 5,437.50 $ 2,718.75 Monthy Dues$ 635.00 $ 540.00 $ 427.00 $ 273.00 Sales Tax$ 55.56 $ 47.25 $ 37.36 $ 23.89 Total Monthly$ 690.56 $ 587.25 $ 464.36 $ 296.89 Total Annual Dues$ 8,286.72 $ 7,047.00 $ 5,572.32 $ 3,562.68 Annual Capex Dues$ 240.00 $ 240.00 $ 240.00 $ 120.00 Sales Tax$ 21.00 $ 21.00 $ 21.00 $ 10.56 Total Annual Capex Dues$ 261.00 $ 261.00 $ 261.00 $ 130.56 Total Prepaid Dues & Capex$ 8,547.72 $ 7,308.00 $ 5,833.32 $ 3,693.18
PROSPECTIVEMEMBERS(716) 662-4471 www.orchardparkcc.comYou are invited to take a tour ofour facility and stay to enjoylunch or dinner in our GrillRoom. Please contact MaureenLounsbury at (716) 662-4471 ormaureen@orchardparkcc.com Make Your Reservation Today!O r c h a r d P a r k C o u n t r y C l u b