Hi, I'm Meg and I believe inhome.Home is more than just a physical space. It'swhere you've created countless memories,shared moments with loved ones, and whereyou feel most comfortable. When it comes time to sell your home andbegin a new chapter, the process canoftentimes feel overwhelming. Selling ahome can be an emotional journey, and it'sunderstandable to feel apprehensive. WELCOMEMeg RohrboughRest assured that together, we can help younavigate the process with ease. We'll outlinethe process and create a plan together, soyou don't have to do any of the heavy lifting.From staging your home, to finding the rightbuyers, negotiating the best terms for you &creating a smooth close, this booklet will beyour guide.
04About Me + TeamCONTENTS06Successful Selling Process07Listing Consultation09Prepping the Home11Photos & Timeline14Marketing17Online Debut19Contingency Period21Closing Day
When it comes to buying or selling a property, having a real estate team on yourside is a game-changer. Not only will they always be available to take calls andshow properties, but they'll also bring a wealth of experience and expertise to thetable.When it comes time to take your largest asset to market, it's vital to have a varietyof perspectives to build your specific marketing plan. As a team we build a planjust for your home and each listing is vetted through the team, which ensures wedon't have any holes in our marketing.Our job is to get you the best deal and often times that is through leveraging ourcombined skillsets...and NETWORKS.While we personalize our marketing approach, we systemize our approach topaperwork, ensuring you always know what's coming next.SAY HELLO TO THETEAM...WHY HIRE A TEAM? MEGROHRBOUGHRealtor & Lifestyle InfluencerABOUT MEI'm a real estate agent, online educatorand influencer for good. I supportfemale real estate agents and highachieving women build a life andbusiness they love...through realestate.AUDIENCEDEMOGRAPHICSAUDIENCEPERFORMANCE8.9 MReach66,728Profile Visits11.2MImpressionsLAST 90 DAYS3 6 , 5 3 02 0 3 KFOLLOWERSACCTS ENGAGED8 8 %FEMALE AUDIENCETOP COUNTRIESAGE RANGEUnited States 88%25-34 28%Canada 3%35-44 40%45-54 18%@utrchaosABOUT ME, BY THE NUMBERS
When it comes to buying or selling a property, having a real estate team on yourside is a game-changer. Not only will they always be available to take calls andshow properties, but they'll also bring a wealth of experience and expertise to thetable.When it comes time to take your largest asset to market, it's vital to have a varietyof perspectives to build your specific marketing plan. As a team we build a planjust for your home and each listing is vetted through the team, which ensures wedon't have any holes in our marketing.Our job is to get you the best deal and often times that is through leveraging ourcombined skillsets...and NETWORKS.While we personalize our marketing approach, we systemize our approach topaperwork, ensuring you always know what's coming next.SAY HELLO TO THETEAM...WHY HIRE A TEAM?
SUCCESSFULSELLING PROCESSL I S T I N GC O N S U L T A T I O N |S E T P R I C EG E T T H E H O M ER E A D Y F O R T H EM A R K E TP R O F E S S I O N A LP H O T O S A N DV I D E OO N L I N E D E B U T| L I S T E D F O RS A L EO P E N H O U S E |O F F E RP R E S E N T A T I O NC L O S E O N T H EH O U S E ( A N DC E L E B R A T E )I KNOW THAT SELLING YOURHOUSE CAN BE STRESSFUL... But it doesn't have to be. Instead it canbe the glorious start to a new chapter. The reliving of wonderful memories & theanticipation of a new family loving yourhome with fresh eyes.With our modern approach to marketingand a streamlined system for paperwork,we take the stress out of SOLD.Let's be honest, moving to a new home isEXCITING!C O N T I N G E N C YR E M O V A LP E R I O D
LISTINGCONSULTATIONThis is where we make a plan together. As youragent, I'm going to be asking you questionsabout your goals for selling your home and anyquestions or concerns you may have related toyour sale. Please take a moment to think aboutthose things before our consultation so that wecan ensure we make the best use of our timetogether and address the most importantissues.I'll also be preparing materials for your review,including an overview of our marketingcampaign, an explanation of social strategy anda comparative market analysis to show youwhat is selling (and not selling) in your marketarea.A few things to think about before we meet...What is your moving timeline?What do you hope to net from your home sale?What concerns do you have about listing or buying?Write these things down before we meet so we cantalk through all the details!-Meg
SETTING THERIGHT PRICEYou know what happens when youoverprice your house? Nothing. Nothinghappens. No showings get scheduled, nooffers come in. Pricing is a science and the single mostimportant strategy you'll employ whengoing to market. During your listingconsultation we'll make sure your goalsalign with market conditions and make aplan together.NOTES
05Tidy all toys, pack away as many as youcanTrim all bushes & mow any lawnsRake any gravelBackyardPREPPING THE HOME06Sweep front porch + add welcome matPlant potted flowersTrim and mow regularlyFront Entry07Wipe down all blindsTouch up any drywall or paintThroughout01Clear off all counters, everything fromplants, paper towels and toastersRemove all personal accessoriesTidy pantryKitchen02Remove all personal accessoriesDeclutter, including furniture if neededRemove all pillows Family Room03Remove 30% of items in closetsRemove all personal accessoriesReplace bright bedding with neutral tonesif possibleBedrooms04Clear all counters of productsRemove all personal accessoriesReplace bright towels & rugs with whiteonesBathroomsCleaning & prepping your home to sell can increase its value by 3%-5%08Prior to photos and videos we'll have aprofessional cleaning crew come in to give thehome a good deep clean. A deep cleancommunicates that the home has been wellcared for and increases the home's value tobuyers.Final Clean
Ever heard that old saying: "You never get a second chance tomake a first impression"?Well, it's true! In real estate, that first impression can be thedifference between selling your house and having it sit on themarket for months.When it comes to real estate photography & video, the firstimpression is not just about the home—it's about the potentialbuyers' initial perception of how they would feel living in thathome. PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS
homes listed with professional photography sell 32% faster.The average ROI on professional real estate photography is826%.68% of consumers say that great photos made them want tovisit the home.Shocking Truths...
GO TO MARKETTIMELINEHomes perform best when they go to marketon Thursday. In order for your home to go tomarket on Thursday, all cleaning and photosneed to be taken 1-2 weeks prior.On photo day, we'll be there to help withstaging and make sure you are ready for photoand video. This will take a few hours and it isbest if you plan to be gone for the majority ofthe day.The photos and videos will then be edited andused to build the following marketingmaterials:Your home only websiteNeighborhood direct mail piecesSocial media posts & adsOpen house materials
010203When taking a home to market, it's imperative to have an immersive marketing strategy. Thismeans your ideal buyer is seeing your home multiple times in multiple mediums. This 3-Stepapproach allows for buyers across all generations to see the details of your home.01 02 03THE DETAILS...GOING TO MARKETThree Step Marketing ProcessMAILERSSOCIALOPENHOUSEMAILERS: I know, most agents will tell you these are a waste of time andmoney, but my data tells me otherwise. This is where we let all theneighbors know about your home.SOCIAL: They see a postcard in the mail and then a reel pops up talkingabout the same house. Then a Facebook ad...finally, buyers are clicking onthe link to your personal website, where they can take a full digital tour.OPEN HOUSE: Which invites them to the Open House so they can see whatyou have to offer in real life. Since they've already seen the photos andvideos, this buyer is highly invested in your home.
Studies show that in order for consumers tomake a buying decision they need to spend7 hours of time, with 11 touch points fromat least 4 different platforms to feelcomfortable pulling the trigger. This is whyimmersive marketing is an absolute MUSTwhen going to market. MAILERSFACEBOOKADSSIGN FLYERSOPEN HOUSEYOUR HOMEWEBSITEThe 7-11-4 RulePerhaps 7 hours feels aggressive, but buyinga home is often one of the biggest decisionsconsumers make, so we want to make iteasy for them to spend 7 hours on YOURHOME. This is how we do it.INSTAGRAMFACEBOOKYOUTUBE
CLEAN & PREPSOCIAL DEPLOYEDPHOTO & VIDEOOPEN HOUSECUSTOM WEBSITE BUILTPOSTCARD CAMPAIGNtheTIMELINEContent shoot dayFull photos of homeFull immersive video with our social media directorPostcards and flyersdesignedComing Soon, OpenHouse, Just Listed, UnderContract, SoldAll social pieces createdLong form video, 3-4reels and designer stylephotosKWLIVETVOpening weekendOpen House offered onFriday, Saturday and/orSundayCOMING SOONExclusive website builtfor your listingTracks all visitor activitySign is placed in yardNo showings until openhouseGenerates InterestBegin packing, remove30% of items in closetsRemove all clutterRemove personal photos
It's no secret that the housing industry haschanged over the years. Gone are the days ofnewspaper listings and word-of-mouth leadgeneration—now, most people turn to theInternet when looking for new homes. With95% of home buyers using it, the Internet is anessential tool in the home search process. Infact, 54% of buyers say that using the Internetis their very first step in finding a new home.The average home buyer spends 10 weekssearching for a home and previews 12properties before deciding on their purchase.ONLINE DEBUTLISTED TO SELLI give your home as much visibilityas possible using a variety of tools toensure your home is seen bythousands of potential buyersOf course, I don’t forget the basics: I publish your listing on the MLS(multiple listing service), syndicate with major real estate platforms likeZillow, Trulia, and, and claim those listings to followstatistics.
OFFERPRESENTATIONOpen houses are essential when selling aproperty. Think about it: when we hold an open house,you're exposing your property to the world,especially if you do it regularly. That meansthat each of those events will give yourproperty renewed attention on all of theonline portals and make your listing pop upin front of more potential buyers. Andbecause this is physical real estate we'retalking about, an open house also gives thema chance to experience your home in person!Not only does this mean more eyeballs onyour property —the extra foot traffic meansthat someone who's just looking for fun orout of curiosity might end up being your nextbuyer.Offer presentations happen any time wereceive an offer or offers. We'll get togetheras a team to review the offers with you, sowe can compare them and decide on whichone to accept or counteroffer. In a multiple offer situation, we'll reviewthem all at once. This strategy is idealbecause it allows us to compare offers fromdifferent buyers at once, rather thanreceiving them one by one over time.OPEN HOUSE
CONTINGENCYPERIODIn real estate, a "contingency" refers to a condition of the Agreement of Salethat needs to occur in order for the transaction to keep moving forward. Asthe buyer, there are many contingencies that they can choose to include inyour contract.Passing this period, if everything looks good at this point, there are just twomore stages before closing: a title search and transfer of ownership.By working closely with me and other industry experts, you'll be better ableto understand what contingencies are all about, when they're most likely tobe necessary, and what you can do to make sure you're in the best positionpossible for dealing with contingencies when they arise.
02Most contracts are also contingent on the buyer's financing. We don't acceptoffers unless we have the buyer's pre-approval from a lender.Financing Contingency03Inside the buyer's financing their is often an appraisal contingency. This means thebuyer's financing is contingent upon the home appraising for their purchase price.Appraisal Contingency04CONTINGENCIESSome contracts are also contingent upon the buyer selling and closing on their current home. There will be additional paperwork and dates we abide by with this type of contingency.Home Sale Contingency01Every contract has an option for an inspection contingency. This is where thebuyer is able to do their due-diligence on the property with a professionalinspection.Inspection ContingencyCOMMON
This is it! The big day!!! I’ve done this dozens of times and I promise you, we’ll get through it justfine. You’ll be signing a lot of paperwork today, most of it pretty dull, all of it important. Thegood news is, it's all paperwork we'll have already reviewed. After you sign everything...the dealis closed! Congratulations!!CLOSING DAY
CAN EXPECTWhat youI know this is about more than selling highand buying low and I can promise you thatwhile there will be some bumps in theprocess, I'll be doing my best to help youavoid any delays or roadblocks. You canexpect contact with my trademark tell it like itis honesty & creative problem solving to getyou where you want to go.Meg
what othersARE SAYINGLAUREN W.It was a pleasure working with Meg! She made the processeasy and stress free. From professional cleaners andphotographers, no detail was left undone. Our experiencewas so great, we recommended her to family who usedher within a few weeks. CHELSEA E.I'll never forget trying to buy our first house from acrossthe country. It was such a stressful time, but Meg talkedme off the ledge every time and helped us get the homethat is perfect for us.
GET IN CONTACTREADY TO LIST? E G R O H R B O U G HR E A L E S T A T E A G E N T@megrohrboughmeg.rohrbough@gmail.comSet Your CommplementaryPreLisitng Appointment Find Out What Your Home Is Worth