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Meet the Boule Delegates

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M E E T T H E B O U L ED E L E G A T E C A N D I D A T E SVoting will occur at April 6th Chapter Meeting for the Boule Delegate NomineesJuly 6 - 11, 2024 Dallas, Texas HNO delegate strength is 11, 3 standing, 8 chapter; we have 7 nominees SOROR REGINA HAMILTONInitiation Year: 1973Chapter Initiation: Beta Sigma OmegaYears with Eta Nu Omega: 3Committees/Offices: Chair Hodegos, Sisterly Relations,Fundraiser, CotillionWhy: My desire is to represent the chapter, cast votes, andinfluence decisions. I will share with the chapter relevantinformation on decisions and announcements. SOROR TWILLEA CARTHEN-EVANSInitiation Year: 1980Chapter Initiation: Lambda AlphaYears with Eta Nu Omega: 25+Committees/Offices: Epistoleus, Oratorical chair,membership, publicity, social justice, and cotillion. Why:Honored to represent along with team of votingdelegates. I understand importance of listen, learn andreport back. Committed to attending meetings and being avoice for the chapter.

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SOROR BRIGETTE TILLMANInitiation Year: 2018Chapter Initiation: Eta Nu OmegaYears with Eta Nu Omega: 5Committees/Offices: Historian, Grammateus, ScholarshipWhy: I am a detailed oriented person who takes clear and concisenotes. I look forward to sharing all aspects of our amazing Boule,with all chapter members who are unable to attend. If I amselected, I will be sure to bring back information, to the chapter, tomake those who could not attend, feel as if they missed NOTHING!SOROR WANDA JONESInitiation Year: 1981Chapter Initiation: Kappa ThetaYears with Eta Nu Omega: 20+Committees/Offices: Fundraiser, Membership, Protocol,Nominating Chair, Initiative 3 ChairWhy: To gather information and share it with the chapter toassist us in understanding the business of AKA at theInternational level. SOROR MEL’LISA CRAWFORDInitiation Year: 2017Chapter Initiation: Delta Beta OmegaYears with Eta Nu Omega: 3Committees/Offices: Cotillion, Protocol chair,FundraisingWhy: I would like to gather information that I can sharewith the chapter to help us implement the sororitiesprograms and business.

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SOROR TIFFANIE TATEInitiation Year:1994Chapter Initiation: Nu NuYears with Eta Nu Omega: 6Committees/Offices: Anti-Grammateus, Fundraiser,CotillionWhy: If there is a need I will try to rise to the occasion to fill it.I am attending Boule and will represent my chapter. SOROR VALENCIA WILLIAMSInitiation Year: 2021Chapter Initiation: Eta Nu OmegaYears with Eta Nu Omega: 2Committees: Scholarship, Fundraising and Initiative 2 ChairWhy: Becoming a member of AKA has been a cherished dreamsince college, where I witnessed the profound impact. I havededicated myself to personal growth and learning. This presentsa chance for me to deepen my understanding, while contributingto the continued success.