FEB 2025 02 medimagza.comINSIDE THIS ISSUE0714204042Shining a light on Cancer Awarness MonthAngela Yeung's Journey to conquer EverestConversations with a ResuscitationistSAMATU's message to GovernmentIs there a "Bug Doctor"in the House?
Editor-in-Chief & Buisness Development StrategistClive Maistryclivem@medimagza.comCONTENT & ART DIRECTORMEDIA & LAYOUT DESIGNCM V Media HousePHOTOGRAPHERS & IMAGESFreepixMotion ArrayADOBE InDesignADOBE ExpressAdditional images credited per articleCONTRIBUTING AUTHORS & WRITERSCredited per articleVLOGGERS & BLOGGERSCredited per articleMEDICAL PROFESSIONAL ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORDr. WJ GroveMBChB, DipPECDr. Ntokozo Nomaswazi MzimelaLecturer/Module Lead-Intergrated Microbiology and Pathologistpowered by:FEB 2025 03 medimagza.com
04 Dear Readers, Welcome to the February issue of MEDIMAGZA™, where we bring you another exciting month of insightful, thought-provoking, and engaging content! This edition is particularly special as we introduce new expert additions to our team—our Resident resuscitationist and microbiologist, who will be sharing their invaluable knowledge on emergency medicine, critical care, and the fascinating world of microbes that impact our health. We can’t wait for you to dive into their expertise!We are also beyond thrilled to officially welcome CHOC (Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa) onboard! Their tireless advocacy for children battling cancer is inspiring, and we are honored to highlight their incredible work in this issue.In this edition, we also had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Mandla Matshabe, Mpumalanga Chairperson of SAMATU, for an exclusive interview on the NHI Act, understaffed hospitals, and the pressing issue of unemployed doctors in South Africa. This conversation was both eye-opening and essential, and we are delighted to share it with you.Of course, our February issue would be complete without fresh life hacks and exciting travel inspiration! This month, we explore the power of creating a ‘Not-To-Do’ List in 2025—a game-changer for productivity and mental clarity. Plus, our travel feature takes you on an unforgettable adventure that will have you packing your bags in no time - just remember your scarves!We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together. As always, we love hearing from you—so connect with us, share your thoughts, and let’s continue to navigate the fascinating world of health, wellness, and lifestyle together!Until next time, stay inspired and stay well. Clive MaistryEditor-in-Chief, MEDIMAGZA™FROM THE EDITORS DESKPhotographer: Xavier Saer PhotographyFEB 2025 04 medimagza.com
Correspondence /Acknowledgements MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the writers and content contributors who have shared their insights and expertise in the pages of MEDIMAGZA™ Your unique perspectives and thoughtful contributions are what make our magazine a vibrant and engaging platform for the healthcare community and beyond. Please note that while we value and appreciate all opinions and statements expressed, each contributor retains the rights to their own views and declarations. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. COPYRIGHT 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDFEB 2025 05 medimagza.com
STRENGHT IN EVERY STORY: Shining a Light on Cancer Awareness MonthMEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | RESOURCESFEATUREFEB 2025 07 medimagza.com"CHOC advocates for children and families affected by childhood cancer, ensuring access to specialized treatment centers, medicines, paediatric palliative care, and psychosocial support."
IN CELEBRATION OF WORLD CANCER DAY ... we’re highlighting the incredible work CHOC does to support children with cancer and their families. Join us as we raise awareness and celebrate hope, resilience, and community!MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | RESOURCESWhen was CHOC founded, and what inspired the creation of the organization? Founded by a group of parents, led by Sadie and Julian Cutland, CHOC emerged from a heartfelt need for a support system for children and teenagers diagnosed with cancer. Over the past 45 years, The Foundation has significantly expanded its services, providing essential resources such as accommodation, transportation, psychosocial support, and advocacy for early detection and treatment.Mission: Supporting children and teenagers with cancer and life-threatening blood disorders, and their families; improving early detection and augmenting effective treatment.Vision: All children and teens with cancer or a life-threatening blood disorder have access to comprehensive Care and support. FEB 2025 08 medimagza.comHow does CHOC ensure it reaches children and families across all regions, including rural and remote areas? CHOC serves the childhood cancer community in South Africa (SA); however, CHOC’s reach is much further. We reach out to communities and serve people by providing multiple services. These include accommodation, transport, psychosocial services and practical support. We are the anchor organisation for Childhood Cancer International (CCI) and support our sister organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa countries by building capacity and sharing of information, knowledge and more than four decades of experience. Awareness ProgrammeIn September 2018 the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer – set a target of reaching at least a 60% survival rate for children with cancer by 2030, thereby saving an additional one million lives. This new target represents a doubling of the global cure rate for children with cancer.CHOC’s Awareness Training and Education (ATE) Programme has been developed in line with WHO and international best practices for health promotion and stigma debunking programmes. Our training programme on the Early Warning Signs of childhood cancer has been endorsed by the South African’s National Department of Health, as well as the South African Association for Haematology Oncology. What are some of the unique challenges that CHOC addresses in South Africa’s fight against childhood cancer? - Late presentation- Lack of knowledge of the early warning signs- Myths and stigmasHow does CHOC address the emotional and psychological needs of children and their families? No parent is ever prepared to hear the words, “Your child has cancer.” It is one of the most overwhelming and isolating experiences a family can face. The CHOC Psychosocial Support Programme is here to make that journey a little less lonely and more manageable.The diagnosis of cancer or a life-threatening blood disorder in a child has devastating psychosocial and emotional implications for both the child and their family. CHOC’s dedicated Psychosocial Support Team, consisting of social workers, counsellors, and social auxiliary workers, is based in paediatric oncology units to provide comprehensive support throughout the cancer journey.
World Cancer Day (4 Feb)World Child Cancer Day (15 Feb)CHOC’s Flip Flop Day (14 Feb)How did the idea for Flip Flop Day come about, and how has it evolved since its inception? The services that CHOC offer is changing lives across the country, but we wanted to shake up the whole of South Africa with a colourful annual event sure to knock South Africa’s socks off, literally, so that childhood cancer awareness cannot be ignored. FLIP FLOP DAY is a fun day to create awareness for a very serious illness. A day where anyone can get involved and showing that R10, really can make a difference."How does the funding from Flip Flop Day impact CHOC’s programs and services? The funds raised directly support CHOC’s Core Programmes, which include:- Accommodation: Providing a home away from home for families during treatment.- Transport: Ensuring children can travel to and from treatment centers.- Emotional Support: Offering ongoing psychosocial support for children, teens and their families.- Practical Support: Meeting everyday needs to ease the burden on families.- Awareness & Education: Promoting early detection and understanding of childhood cancer.- Advocacy & Collaboration: Driving policy change and fostering partnerships to improve care.- Additional Programmes: Addressing specific needs to enhance care and support.Some Facts:- The South African Children’s Tumour Registry (SACTR) reports approximately 1,000 new cancer cases annually in children under 16.- Childhood cancer is a leading cause of disease-related deaths in children and adolescents beyond infancy. (Media Release, Sept 2023)- Survival rates differ globally: in high-income countries, over 80% of children survive, whereas in low- and middle-income countries, survival rates drop to 20–30%. Thankfully, in South Africa, survival rates are significantly better, ranging between 55–60%. (Media Release, Sept 2023)This work highlights CHOC’s commitment to improving care, supporting families, and helping children with cancer in South Africa achieve brighter outcomes.Without these programmes many of our children would not be able to continue or adhere to their treatment.What are some memorable moments from past Flip Flop Day celebrations? Flip Flop Day is a highlight on our calendar, and some of the most memorable moments come from the enthusiasm and creativity shown by schools and donors. Schools play a big role in our Flip Flop Day, often making this day a fun and engaging experience for learners while raising awareness and funds for CHOC. Donors are at the heart of these events. Their generosity, whether through corporate contributions, personal donations, or partnerships, makes a significant impact in the success of Flip Flop Day and we are deeply grateful for their involvement.One of the most memorable aspects of Flip Flop Day has always been the Media Launches. These events bring together our valued partners and sponsors, offering them a platform to showcase their involvement and commitment to the campaign. Each year, these launches become a highlight, with the collective efforts of our supporters making Flip Flop Day even more impactful and successful.What is CHOC’s main advocacy message for 2025? Childhood Cancer International developed a 3-year campaign for addressing the challenges around childhood cancer. During the first year of the campaign (2024) we aimed to unveil the challenges by inviting the Paediatric oncologist throughout South Africa to share the challenges they experience in early diagnosis and in navigating the complex childhood cancer landscape in our country, this was done to coincide with International Childhood Cancer Day in February 2024. This year, the theme is Inspiring Action. Building upon the insights gathered in the first year, the second phase of the campaign shifts its focus to actionable solutions. It delves into the collaborative efforts and initiatives emerging in different regions to overcome the identified challenges. By highlighting these proactive measures, the campaign aims to inspire a collective commitment to eradicating obstacles and inequalities in the realm of childhood cancer care and research.
Staying One Step Ahead of Snake BitesVENOM vs VIGILANCE: MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | RESOURCESFEB 2025 10medimagza.com
Courtsey: African Snake Bite Institute
FEB 2025 12medimagza.com
You have such a multifaceted identity - visionary, jeweller, philanthropist, and more. How do you balance these roles, and what drives your passion in each area? It took me many years to learn and manage the skills of prioritization and compartmentalization, still today I'm learning how to vision my goal, planning and working towards each area of my life.Your foundation, Impilo, plays a pivotal role in community upliftment. Can you tell us about its genesis and the impact it has had so far?The foundation's core initiative, the Empower Campaign, encompasses three main programs:EmpowerHer, EmpowerHim, and EmpowerThem. These initiatives aim to uplift marginalized communities by prioritizing education, mentorship, and active community involvement.EmpowerHer focuses on supporting women and girls, while EmpowerHim encourages men and boys to express vulnerabilities and promote personal well-being. EmpowerThem addresses theneeds of underrepresented groups, emphasizing literacy and education.Climbing Everest is a physical and mental challenge. How have you prepared for this expedition, both in training and mindset?Climbing mountains can be very dangerous so preparation is very important. It’s NOT just a hike. Lots of self discipline, motivation and perseverance.So the preparation for the climb is both physical and mental. Physically it involves a lot of different types of training including altitude training with long hikes, every opportunity I got. Rock climbing, technical training – how to put on crampons to walk on ice, rope training – how to abseil, belay and body conditioning. Eating plan and getting the right nutrition for my body. You also have mentally prepare yourself for the challenge lay ahead,I’m a Buddhist and I chanted everyday to be aligned myself with nature to achieve my goal. Packing is essential, I’ve to make sure that I’m packing the right gear and have everything I need to survive during those two months. It’s a survival skill! What were the most challenging and rewarding moments of your Ama Dablam climb? Most challenging moment was after the summit, it was the most dangerous time of descent. Accidents could happen anytime during descent and that's when people die on the mountain.The most rewarding moment wasbeing able to wave my summit suit with the colour of our South African flag and waving the bras on the top of Ama Dablam for the victims of GBVF.FEB 2025 15 medimagza.com
As a Master Ambassador for Brand South Africa, how do you see your work inspiring South Africans and representing the country globally? As an ambassador of Brand SA - play your part, I handed up a hundred bras on the basecamp of each mountain I climbed with dignity and raised awareness of the cause to the world.Also contributed 100kg of clothes, shoes and stationery to the homeless locals of Nepal. It's important to show compassion to the other international countries, it's not only about the climb but caring the others, spreading the sense of Ubuntu."Ama Dablam is one of the most technical climbs in the Himalayas, being able to summit her gave me more confidence toward my next big mountain which is monumental Everest."What do you hope to achieve or symbolize by conquering Everest?The symbolic climb of Island Peak 6200M, Manaslu 8163m and Ama Dablam 6183m in the Himalayas aimed to raise awareness for GBV and support educational programs for survivors. The foundation continues its commitment to collecting 8,848 bras, symbolising the height of MountEverest, to advocate against GBV.As a jeweller, your work is a reflection of artistry and vision. Do you find any parallels between designing jewellery and the mental discipline required for mountaineering? The precision of jewellery and workmanship always apply to mental discipline and strength without a doubt. Does your creativity as a jeweller inspire or influence your philanthropic pursuits?Absolutely through climbing the mountain, being out there in nature, even the hard times, that's the best time to reflect. It gave me so much more than just breathing in the fresh air and also inspiration for my mountain jewellery range - Bring nature to home. What advice would you give to young women aspiring to break barriers in any field, as you have done in so many areas? "Winter will always turn to Spring, don't be disheartened when you are facing obstacles. Take one step at a time, you will get to your own summit."Images: Supplied by Angela Yeung
Please visit our website to donate a bra for only R25 per bra to make a difference to one life. "Find your own happiness within yourself and find that diamond within yourself and polish it!" - Angela Yeung www.impilofoundation.orgFEB 2025 17 medimagza.com
MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | RESOURCESThe ResusBEYOND____________________________________________FEB 2025 20 medimagza.comFEATURE____________________________________________Conversations with a Resuscitationist
ruh-suh-suh-tay-shn-istDr. Wicus GrovéExplore the mindset required to maintain focus during high-stress situations. Share a day in the life of a Resuscitationist with vivid, real-life scenarios.MBChB DipPECFEB 2025 21 medimagza.com
Who is Dr. Wicus Grové?Medicine was never my first choice of study. I always knew my path would involve science and biology, but in the end, medicine chose me. Looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. Through my studies and experiences, I discovered where I truly belong—in the Emergency Department, a place that feels like my home away from home.Currently, I am the Head of Unit at the Emergency Center at Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe Hospital in Kimberley, Northern Cape. Outside of the intensity of the Emergency Department, I find solace in gardening, losing myself in science fiction novels, and dancing—always where no one can see me.What drew you to the field of resuscitation?My journey into medicine wasn’t a straightforward one. While I always knew that science and biology would shape my career path, medicine wasn’t my initial choice. It was more of an afterthought when I applied, yet it turned out to be the direction fate had in store for me. Initially, I considered specializing in cardiothoracic surgery, influenced by my mother’s admiration for the field and my own fascination with its challenges and rewards. However, during my internship and community service, I discovered my passion for being at the forefront of patient care in the emergency department. Witnessing the critical moments where lives could be saved drew me toward resuscitation. Although the work can be thankless at times, the opportunity to provide urgent, life-saving care to patients in their most vulnerable moments is immensely fulfilling.Can you describe a specific moment when you had to maintain calm under extreme pressure?Specific moments of pressure are a daily reality in the Emergency Department, often blurring into one another, which can make it difficult to pinpoint a single instance. However, one moment stands out vividly: during my first year back as head of the Emergency Center at Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe Hospital, we were treating a critical patient who went into cardiac arrest. The root cause was a massive pericardial effusion leading to cardiac tamponade. Initially, we performed a pericardial paracentesis, but the situation escalated into an emergency front room thoracotomy. Remaining calm in such a high-stakes scenario, especially with junior doctors observing, was a tremendous challenge. It required leading the intervention while maintaining composure to instil confidence and ensure the best possible outcome. Over the years, I’ve come to understand that saving a patient doesn’t always mean prolonging life. Sometimes, it’s about providing dignity and respect in their final moments. Maintaining composure in these moments of finality can be far more challenging than performing a critical resuscitation.How do you prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for high-stress situations?Each day in the Emergency Department can be mentally and emotionally taxing, as every shift brings its own unique challenges. While it’s impossible to fully prepare for what lies ahead, I follow several practices that help me stay grounded. Starting the day with breakfast is essential; it not only provides comfort but also fuels the brain with the nutrition needed to function optimally. I make it a point to arrive early to my shift, even just a few minutes before handover, to allow time for a brief meditation session—a practice that has proven invaluable in cantering myself. Maintaining a positive mindset is equally crucial; beginning the day with negativity can influence the tone of the entire shift. To reinforce resilience, I often start the day with a meaningful quote or thought to guide my focus. Finally, at the end of each shift, I take time to reflect, process, and review any challenging experiences or unresolved feelings. These strategies enable me to approach each day with readiness and emotional strength.A poem that has always resonated with me … Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas. The line ‘…rage rage against the dying of the light…’, a thought when providing life saving care to patients.FEB 2025 23 medimagza.com
What does a typical day look like for you, if there is such a thing?No two days in the Emergency Department are ever the same. Each brings its own set of challenges and rewarding moments that often leave a lasting impression. My mornings typically begin with preparation for work, during which I find both comfort and motivation from my partner’s encouragement. I also take a few moments to spend time with our three cats, whose playful antics provide a cheerful start to the day. A good breakfast is non-negotiable, as it fuels my body and mind for the hours ahead. I make it a habit to engage in quick mental exercises to sharpen my focus before heading into the shift.Midday, I prioritize taking a break to recharge from the chaos. When possible, I squeeze in a short gym session to reset physically and mentally, preparing me for the final stretch. As the head of the Emergency Center, I’m fortunate to have some flexibility in managing my day, which helps balance the relentless demands of the role. Finally, at the end of each shift, I return home to a sanctuary—a peaceful space that allows me to unwind and disconnect from the high-pressure environment of the day.Are there any routines or practices you follow to help you stay grounded?Staying grounded is not always easy, but I’ve found a few practices that make a significant difference. Starting the day with a good cup of coffee often sets the tone and helps reset my mind. Taking regular breaks throughout the day provides opportunities for mental recharges, while incorporating exercise into my routine is crucial for relieving built-up stress. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the value of asking for help when needed. Early in my career, I discovered the hard way that suppressing pressure only leads to harmful consequences. Despite the challenges, I’ve come to understand that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope, and leaning on the support of others can be a profound source of strength.How do you communicate effectively with the team during chaotic moments?During chaotic moments, communication often becomes disorganized, with shouting and conflicting instructions adding to the confusion, which can negatively impact patient outcomes. The solution lies in organizing the chaos. Clear and concise instructions are essential, and having one person take charge to provide direction ensures order and efficiency. Above all, maintaining a calm demeanour is critical—it not only inspires confidence but also allows the team to concentrate fully on their roles, leading to better coordination and improved outcomes.What personal traits do you think are essential for success in this field?Success in Emergency Medicine, particularly as a resuscitationist, is deeply rooted in experience. While your first instinct is often the most reliable, flexibility and adaptability in decision-making are essential in acute patient care. Although patients may present with similar symptoms, standardized treatments may not always yield success—responding intuitively to the nuances of each case is critical. While the principle of Occam’s razor encourages simplicity, patients often face multiple underlying conditions that complicate their symptoms. It’s also important to forgive yourself during moments of uncertainty, as not every resuscitation requires aggressive intervention. Providing dignity and respect in a patient’s final moments can hold as much value as solving the clinical problem. Finally, prioritizing self-care is indispensable for maintaining resilience and ensuring the ability to perform in this demanding field.MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | RESOURCESFEB 2025 23 medimagza.com
The 11 biggest food trends for 2025From clarified cocktails to specialist seaweed, here are the culinary trends to watch for the coming year.ByJoel PorterArticle: This article was produced by National Geographic Traveller (UK).MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | FOODFEB 2025 26 medimagza.com
If, in recent years, food trends have been overly influenced by the cost-of-living crisis and the long shadow of the global pandemic, for 2025 there’s finally a sense of a return to fun. Whether this involves picking up expensive, overstuffed sandwiches for lunch, sipping craft limoncello or eating crisps in high-end restaurants, there are signs that diners are ripping up the rule books and enjoying themselves again. As always, chefs, retailers and influential food personalities have breathed new life into some unlikely old favourites, while social media, particularly Tik Tok, continues to have a significant influence on what we eat, with several trends directly traceable from platforms to supermarket shelves. So, from super-clear cocktails to Korean booze, here’s a snapshot of what we’ll be eating and drinking more of over the coming 12 months.PHOTOGRAPH BY ELEONORA BOSCARELLISupercharged sandwichesWhile gourmet sandwiches aren’t new, supercharged sandwiches are currently taking over lunchtimes across the UK. One of 2024’s most hyped London openings was Sandwich Sandwich, which drew huge queues for its elaborate creations. Rogue Sarnies and Dom’s Subs have also gained cult followings for their restaurant-level sandwiches in London, while Manchester has Fat Pat’s and Leeds has Silver’s deli. The trend seems at least partly fuelled by social media, where OTT sandwiches play extremely well and new creations can instantly go viral. At the more novel end of the spectrum, New York deli Seven Brothers Gourmet created a storm last summer with its pickle sandwich, in which the bread itself was replaced with a giant sliced pickle, while chopped sandwiches have been a recent TikTok staple in the US. Looking forward, Sandwich Sandwich plans to open the ‘biggest sandwich shop in the UK’ in London’s Fenchurch Street in 2025, while Milan’s legendary De Santis paninis are also arriving in the capital.Clarified cocktailsClarified cocktails (completely clear mixed drinks that have had their impurities and solids removed) have been trending in New York and London for the past few years and have now spread to bar menus globally. Good examples include the ghosted colada, served at Alleybar in Singapore, and the gamble, a clear cooler made with pisco, mezcal, celery leaf, guava, ginger and sea buckthorn at The Living Room at Masque in Mumbai. Although some bartenders question the point of clarification beyond the visual trickery, it seems the trend is here to stay — there’s even a market for ready-to-drink clarified cocktails, such as Myatt Field’s Cocktails Invisible Lychee Martini.Crisps on restaurant menusCrisps are the hot new snack on London restaurant menus, with chefs elevating this humble treat to gourmet proportions. One of the year’s hottest new openings, Oma/Agora in London Bridge, serves hot potato crisps alongside a variety of fresh Greek dips; just across the Thames, Toklas has housemade salt and oregano crisps topped with mussels escabeche; July in Fitzrovia has crisps dusted with currywurst spice mix; while new Turkish restaurant Leydi offers crisps tossed with Baharat spices, sumac, garlic and parsley.Pimped-up instant noodlesSpeaking of quick snacks, instant noodles are back in the limelight thanks to a TikTok trend, which sees them elevated with fancy additions. As a result, sales of instant noodles have reportedly risen by 50% on UK grocery group Ocado’s website, while searches for toppings such as chilli oil, nori and crispy onions are also up. On social media, some of the most popular recipes include a simple garlic, butter, egg and soy sauce version and ramen carbonara made with ultra-spicy Korean Buldak noodles.Bookshop barsFor 2024, listening bars were earmarked as an emerging trend; this year, it’s the turn of bookshop bars — those establishments that operate somewhere between a bookshop, a cafe, a library and a bar. A decidedly analogue reaction against digital dominance, many ban laptops and wi-fi after 5pm, instead offering events, readings and happy hour drinks, from craft beers at Liz’s Book Bar in Brooklyn to the specialist riesling wine menu at Golden Sardine in San Francisco. The UK is cottoning on too, with the excellently named Gulp Fiction in Oxford; BookBar in Finsbury Park; and The Last Bookstore in Glasgow, which has small plates, a literary-themed cocktail menu and 8,000 books.MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | FOOD
MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE LimoncelloDespite always being popular in Italy, limoncello has endured an uneven reputation outside the country, with second-rate, sickly sweet versions turning drinkers off. But thanks to a new wave of craft producers across the world, from Exeter’s Quayside Distillery in the UK to California’s Re:Find Distillery in the US, things are changing for the better. Limoncello cocktails are appearing on menus everywhere from The Dorchester hotel in London, which offers a lemon drop martini, to the European-wide Big Mamma group of Italian restaurants and the UK pub group Wetherspoon's, which has a new limoncello spritz. UK supermarket chain Waitrose, ever attuned to culinary trends, also used limoncello liberally in its Christmas range, introducing a limoncello fizz panettone and a white stilton infused with limoncello.Haute dogsAn evergreen staple in the US, hot dogs briefly trended in the UK back in 2012, when hot dog and champagne bar Bubbledogs opened (it closed in 2020). But there are now signs they’re rising in popularity again, with openings like Jason Atherton’s Hot Dogs by Three Darlings at Harrods, serving gourmet dogs such as The Texican, topped with guacamole, chipotle and tortilla chips. Other London options include Engel, which offers a hot dog trolley of German sausages with toppings like truffle mayo, gruyere, fig jam and crispy onions, and new wine bar Quill, whose menu features a hot dog smothered in cheese and mustard fondue. Meanwhile, in 2025, Rake will take over residency at The Compton Arms in Islington, serving Cumberland sausage hot dogs with French dip gravy.Specialist seaweedIn its food and beverage trends report for 2025, Whole Foods Market highlights seaweed varieties such as sea moss and duck weed as increasingly popular ingredients, touted both for their health benefits and their sustainable credentials. In the US, new seaweed products on the shelves include sea moss mango juice, kelp salsa and sea moss gummies. Interest is growing in the UK too, with sustainable Welsh seaweed farm Câr-Y-Môr now offering seaweed ketchup, pesto and spice mixes. Chefs are also embracing seaweed, with Tomos Parry using Câr-Y-Môr sea kelp in his famous crab omelette at Mountain, and Simon Rogan’s Aulis serving seaweed custard with tendons, Scottish girolles and roasted beef broth.MasaChefs across the US are rediscovering masa, the nixtamalized corn dough that’s central to Mexican cuisine. Kernels from dozens of heirloom corn varieties grown in Mexico are soaked in alkaline solution overnight and then ground, with the resulting dough used to create delicious, nutritious tortillas. This new masa movement is being led by the likes of Komal in LA, which offers fresh masa or tortillas by the pound as well as tacos from the adjoining taqueria. In Vegas, James Beard Award semi-finalist chef DJ Flores is making blue corn masa tortillas at his restaurant Milpa; in Brooklyn, Matt Diaz turns fresh masa into quesadillas stuffed with fresh squash blossoms at For All Things Good; and at Tatemó in Houston, fluffy masa pancakes appear on the brunch menu. Look out for masa in the UK in 2025 too, as wholesaler MexTrade launches its new nixtamalized masa tortillas into restaurants and retail. PistachioLong a favourite ingredient for chocolatiers, pistachios are cropping up in all manner of products, from pesto to butter. Waitrose has seen searches for the nut increase 19%, and its new offerings include a pistachio-stuffed croissant and a pistachio tiramisu. Aldi, meanwhile, is getting in on the trend for Christmas with a pistachio panettone. Various cafes, including Starbucks, offer pistachio lattes. Further afield, Caffe Paradiso in Boston mixes up pistachio martinis and, in Dubai, Fix Dessert Chocolatier’s Can’t Get Kanefeh It pistachio chocolate bar become a viral TikTok sensation in 2024.FEB 2025 28 medimagza.comMEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | FOOD
CREATE YOUR 2025 NOT-TO-DO LIST: A #LifestyleHack for ProductivityFEB 2025 30 medimagza.comMEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | LIFESTYLE
In a world that glorifies being busy, the idea of doing less can seem counterproductive. However, creating a not-to-do list might just be the ultimate life hack you’ve been missing. This simple yet transformative tool isn’t merely about avoiding tasks you dislike; it’s about eliminating those that hold you back from being your most productive and fulfilled self.Why a Not-to-Do List MattersWe often think of productivity in terms of to-do lists—meticulously crafted lists of tasks and goals designed to push us forward. But what about the activities that derail our progress? What about the seemingly endless obligations that drain our energy, time, and focus without offering significant returns?A not-to-do list forces you to confront these distractions head-on. By identifying tasks that hinder your momentum, you reclaim time for the priorities that matter most. This isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about intentional living. When you eliminate tasks that don’t align with your goals, you create space for personal growth and meaningful achievements.How to Build Your Not-to-Do ListReflect on Your Patterns: Spend a week tracking your daily activities. Note the tasks that feel draining or unproductive. Ask yourself, “Is this essential? Does this contribute to my long-term vision?”Identify Delegation Opportunities: Not every task needs your personal attention. Delegating tasks to capable team members isn’t just a time-saver; it’s a chance to foster collaboration and growth. A task that seems mundane to you might be a valuable learning experience for someone else.Set Clear Boundaries: Your not-to-do list can include boundaries you’re committing to, such as saying no to unnecessary meetings, avoiding multitasking, or cutting back on excessive screen time.Review and Refine: Your priorities and circumstances will evolve over time, so revisit your not-to-do list regularly. Adjust it to reflect your current goals and commitments.More Than a ListA not-to-do list isn’t just a productivity tool; it’s a lifestyle philosophy. It encourages you to live intentionally, focus on what truly matters, and embrace the power of saying no. By doing less, you can achieve more—and with greater clarity and purpose.So, grab a pen and paper, or open your favorite note-taking app. Start crafting your not-to-do list today, and discover the freedom and focus that comes with consciously choosing where your energy goes. In the end, it’s not about doing everything—it’s about doing the right things.A Win-Win for EveryoneEliminating tasks from your plate isn’t selfish; it’s strategic. By passing responsibilities on to your team, you’re investing in their development. Incorporating these tasks into their professional growth plans transforms your not-to-do list into a win-win scenario. You’re not just shedding tasks—you’re empowering others and fostering a culture of collaboration and shared success.MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | LIFESTYLE
When it comes to travel destinations that inspire awe, few places can rival the raw, untouched beauty of Greenland. As MEDIMAGZA explores the perfect destinations for 2025, Greenland stands out as an extraordinary choice. With its breathtaking landscapes, cultural richness, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, this Arctic gem is perfect for those seeking adventure, wellness, and a connection with nature.GREENLAND AWAITS...MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | TRAVELFEB 2025 33 medimagza.com
A Land of Ice and InspirationGreenland is the world's largest island, yet its sparse population and vast icy terrain make it a place of solitude and wonder. The island’s dramatic fjords, towering glaciers, and crystal-clear waters offer a front-row seat to some of the planet’s most stunning natural spectacles. For travelers in search of serenity and reflection, Greenland provides the ultimate escape from the busyness of modern life.Witness the Northern LightsOne of Greenland’s most alluring features is the chance to witness the ethereal northern lights. From September to April, the Arctic sky comes alive with vibrant hues of green, purple, and pink. For MediMagZA readers who value mindfulness and wellness, the northern lights are more than just a spectacle—they’re an opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and experience a profound sense of peace. Whether you choose to watch from the comfort of a cozy lodge or venture out on a guided night tour, the aurora borealis is sure to be an unforgettable highlight.Adventure AwaitsGreenland is a playground for adventure enthusiasts. Activities like dog sledding, ice climbing, kayaking through iceberg-laden waters, and hiking the Arctic tundra promise unforgettable experiences. The Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offers a glimpse of awe-inspiring glacial beauty. These activities aren’t just physically invigorating—they’re a chance to reconnect with the raw power of nature.A Cultural JourneyGreenland’s rich Inuit culture adds another layer to its appeal. Visitors can explore traditional villages, sample local cuisine, and learn about Inuit history and art. The National Museum in Nuuk, Greenland’s capital, is a treasure trove of cultural artifacts, including 15th-century mummies perfectly preserved by the Arctic cold.For those seeking a sense of community, the Greenlandic people’s warm hospitality ensures that every traveler feels welcome. Traditional storytelling, music, and dance provide insights into a culture deeply rooted in respect for the environment and resilience.Wellness in the WildernessGreenland’s unspoiled nature makes it a perfect destination for wellness-focused travel. Imagine soaking in a natural hot spring while surrounded by snow-capped mountains or meditating under the glow of the midnight sun. The island’s clean air, pure water, and organic cuisine make it a haven for those looking to recharge their mind, body, and spirit.Sustainable TourismAs an emerging travel destination, Greenland is deeply committed to sustainable tourism. Visitors are encouraged to respect the environment, ensuring that this pristine land remains unspoiled for future generations. For MediMagZA readers who prioritize eco-conscious travel, Greenland offers a guilt-free adventure that aligns with their values.Why Choose Greenland for 2025?Greenland offers a perfect balance of adventure, tranquility, and cultural immersion. Whether you’re chasing the northern lights, exploring its icy landscapes, or embracing the warmth of its communities, Greenland is a destination that promises memories to last a lifetime. MediMagZA celebrates the opportunity to highlight this extraordinary place as our top travel destination for 2025—a place where wellness and wonder converge.So, pack your bags, bundle up, and prepare to be captivated by the magic of Greenland. Adventure, inspiration, and serenity await you in this Arctic paradise.
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If you're a healthcare professional always on the move, you know the value of tools that are compact, efficient, and reliable. Enter the latest debate in the world of medical gadgets: can portable ultrasound devices dethrone the stethoscope, the trusty companion of clinicians for over two centuries? Spoiler alert: the stethoscope isn’t going down without a fight. But the emergence of digital stethoscopes and ultrasounds may have your medical travel kit looking a lot sleeker.REVOLUTIONIZING DIAGNOSTICS REVOLUTIONIZING DIAGNOSTICS ON-THE-GOThe Stethoscope: A Classic ReinventedInvented in 1816 by French physician René Laennec, the stethoscope began as a simple wooden tube designed to amplify chest sounds. Over the years, it evolved into the binaural device we recognize today, complete with flexible tubing and dual-sided heads for different frequencies. This humble tool became a symbol of the medical profession and a staple for diagnostics worldwide.Fast-forward to the 21st century, and digital stethoscopes are taking things to the next level. They retain the classic form but integrate modern technology like sound amplification, noise cancellation, and data recording, proving that even icons can adapt to the times.Ultrasound: From Bulky to BedsideUltrasound technology debuted in the 1940s, initially used for industrial applications before being adapted for medical purposes. Early machines were cumbersome and confined to specialized imaging departments. However, decades of innovation have transformed these giants into sleek, portable devices capable of fitting in a backpack.Today, point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) is a game-changer, bringing dynamic imaging directly to the patient’s bedside. For traveling healthcare professionals, this evolution means access to powerful diagnostic capabilities anywhere, from urban clinics to remote villages.Ultrasound: The New Star on the SceneUltrasound has been stealing the spotlight, and for good reason. Unlike the stethoscope, which relies on interpreting sound, ultrasound lets you peek inside the body in real time. Think of it as upgrading from a blurry photo to an HD video.Need to figure out if your patient’s lungs are waterlogged? The stethoscope might give you a vague answer, but an ultrasound delivers the whole story—volume, severity, and all. In critical care settings where every second counts, this kind of precision can make all the difference. And for those of you jetting off to remote areas, portable ultrasounds mean you can carry that capability wherever you go.Digital Stethoscopes: The High-Tech ReinventionNot ready to ditch your stethoscope? No problem. Enter the digital stethoscope, a 21st-century twist on the classic. Brands like Eko Health have jazzed up this old-school tool with digital amplification, noise reduction, and even AI-powered diagnostics. Yup, your stethoscope might now be smarter than your phone.The PracticalitiesSure, ultrasounds sound fancy, but they come with challenges. Training isn’t optional—you need to know what you’re doing to get accurate results. Plus, they’re pricey, which might make you think twice before swiping that card. Meanwhile, digital stethoscopes offer a cost-effective middle ground: more tech than the classic stethoscope, but not as intimidating as an ultrasound.Why Not Both?Let’s face it—no single tool is perfect. That’s why many clinicians are choosing to carry both. The stethoscope (digital or traditional) is unbeatable for quick, low-cost assessments, while ultrasound shines when you need deeper insights. Together, they’re like Batman and Robin—unstoppable when paired.FEB 2025 37 medimagza.com
REVOLUTIONIZING DIAGNOSTICS Why You Might Love a Digital Stethoscope?Crystal-Clear Sound: No more straining to hear faint murmurs over a noisy crowd (or the hum of airplane engines).Data on Demand: Record and share sounds with colleagues, perfect for second opinions or teaching moments.AI to the Rescue: Some devices can analyze sounds in real time, pointing out potential issues like arrhythmias.Pocket-Friendly: These are still lightweight and travel-ready, making them an easy addition to your backpack.But while digital stethoscopes are great, they can’t give you the dynamic imaging of an ultrasound. If you’re dealing with complex cases, having both tools might be the way to go.UltrasoundReal-time, dynamic visualsCompact, but needs powerRequires trainingPricey (but worth it)Ideal for critical care & trauma casesFeature: Imaging: Portability: Ease of Use: Cost: Applications: Digital StethoscopeNope, just soundLightweight, battery-poweredPlug-and-play simplicityMore affordable, but still high-techBest for routine exams & quick checksTHE SHOWDOWNFinal ThoughtsThe future of diagnostic tools is here, and it’s portable, powerful, and packed with possibilities. As a traveling healthcare professional, you’re in a unique position to test these tools in diverse environments. Whether you’re trekking through remote villages or zipping between cities, having the right gadgets can elevate your practice and improve patient outcomes.So, what’s it going to be? The trusty stethoscope, the high-tech ultrasound, or the cutting-edge digital stethoscope? Maybe it’s time to make room in your travel bag for all three. After all, you never know what’s waiting for you on the road.
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South Africa’s healthcare system stands at a critical juncture, with the recent enactment of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act sparking fervent debate across the medical community.To unpack the implications of this transformative policy, MediMagZA sat down with Dr. Mandla Matshabe, Mpumalanga Chairperson of the South African Medical Association Trade Union (SAMATU). In an exclusive interview with our editor-in-chief, Clive Maistry, Dr. Matshabe shared his candid thoughts on the pressing challenges facing South Africa’s healthcare system, from chronic understaffing to the plight of unemployed doctors.The NHI Act, a cornerstone of government’s vision to deliver universal healthcare, promises to address systemic inequities by ensuring access to quality services for all South Africans. However, as Dr. Matshabe highlighted, the lofty ambitions of the NHI risk being undermined by stark realities on the ground. Across the country, hospitals and medical facilities grapple with severe staff shortages, with overworked healthcare professionals stretched thin and patient care suffering as a result.“How can we implement universal healthcare when the current infrastructure is crumbling under the weight of inefficiency?” Dr. Matshabe questioned. He painted a grim picture of healthcare workers working double shifts, emergency rooms overflowing with patients, and essential services delayed due to inadequate staffing.Even more concerning is the growing number of unemployed doctors, a paradox in a country desperately in need of skilled healthcare workers. Dr. Matshabe underscored the need for urgent intervention, calling for government collaboration with medical bodies to create pathways for the absorption of qualified medical professionals into the system. “It is unconscionable that we have talented, trained doctors sitting at home while patients in hospitals wait hours—sometimes days—for care,” he said.This crisis, Dr. Matshabe explained, is compounded by insufficient funding and poor management in many public health institutions. Without targeted investment in infrastructure, recruitment, and retention, he warned that the vision of NHI risks being little more than a pipe dream. He urged the government to not only allocate resources to implement the NHI but to also address the systemic inefficiencies that have plagued South Africa’s healthcare system for decades.For readers seeking a deeper dive into this critical conversation, MediMagZA invites you to watch the full interview on our YouTube channel. Witness firsthand the insights shared by Dr. Matshabe and the probing questions from our editor-in-chief, Clive Maistry. It’s a discussion that will leave you informed, inspired, and eager to engage in shaping the future of South Africa’s healthcare.Watch the full interview here: Image via Instagram Dr Mandla MatshabeImage via Instagram SAMATU
Meet Dr. NtokozoMEDIMAGZA’s Resident Bug DoctorFEB 2025 43 medimagza.com
Dr. Ntokozo, welcome to MediMagZA! Can you share a little about your background and what inspired you to specialize in infectious diseases? Thank you so much, Clive, for having me on MediMagZA! I'm delighted to be here.I'm currently a lecturer and pathologist in microbiology at the new medical school in Gqeberha, where I teach third-year MBCHB students. After completing my medical degree at UKZN in 2005, I discovered my true passion lay in understanding the microscopic world of infectious diseases. This led me to pursue microbiology, earning my qualification in 2019 – and the nickname "The Bug DR" along the way!What really drove me to specialize in infectious disease diagnostics was noticing a concerning gap: many healthcare workers struggle with optimizing diagnostic tools and interpreting test results, particularly for TB, HIV, and STIs. This often leads to poor patient outcomes, and I knew I had to help bridge this gap. When I'm not teaching or in the lab, I'm a proud mother, fiancée, social influencer, and enthusiastic baker.What excites you the most about being part of the MediMagZA family as our Resident Bug Doctor? What excites me most is the opportunity to pull back the curtain on our laboratory world. As microbiologists, we're often hidden away behind our microscopes, but through this platform, I can share our vital work with fellow healthcare professionals. I'm passionate about bridging the gap between the lab and clinical practice, and this role allows me to share insights that many of our colleagues rarely get to see. It's truly the perfect blend of my loves – microbiology and teaching.Infectious diseases are such a dynamic field. What drew you to this area of medicine? What drew me to infectious diseases was my experience as a newly qualified doctor during a critical era in HIV medicine. Back then, an HIV diagnosis was essentially a death sentence, and many of my colleagues were hesitant to get involved in HIV programs. Watching so many patients and loved ones succumb to this devastating disease, I was initially driven by an ambitious dream to find the cure.While I can laugh now at my youthful optimism – realizing I wouldn't be the one to discover the cure – I'm incredibly proud of how far we've come in HIV medicine. Though the disease remains incurable, the transformation in our diagnostic capabilities and treatment approaches has been remarkable. It's this very progress that continues to fuel my passion for infectious diseases, showing how medical science can turn a deadly diagnosis into a manageable condition."I'm incredibly proud of how far we've come in HIV medicine. Though the disease remains incurable, the transformation in our diagnostic capabilities and treatment approaches has been remarkable." - Dr. NtokozoWhat do you believe are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about infectious diseases? One of the biggest misconceptions I encounter, which became especially apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, is the belief that laboratories deliberately create pathogens to harm populations. This couldn't be further from the truth. What makes infectious diseases so fascinating – and challenging – is how naturally clever these microorganisms are. They constantly evolve and adapt, creating new disease patterns that can be difficult for people to understand.I can understand why people get confused – these microorganisms are incredibly sophisticated in how they evolve and create new disease patterns. There are countless microorganisms, and their behavior can be unpredictable. Take HIV, for example – it's completely changed our understanding of opportunistic infections. Microorganisms that were once harmless to healthy individuals are now causing significant infections in people with compromised immune systems. This ever-changing landscape of infectious diseases can be overwhelming, but it's precisely why education and clear communication are so crucial in our field.MEDICAL LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE | RESOURCES
For readers who might not be familiar, how would you define infectious diseases and their importance in global and local healthcare? Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by microorganisms – what I like to call our "invisible neighbors" – including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. These can spread between people, from animals to humans, or through environmental exposure. Think of them as unwanted guests that can range from causing mild discomfort, like the common cold, to potentially life-threatening conditions like severe COVID-19 or tuberculosis.Their importance in healthcare can't be overstated. Locally in South Africa, we're constantly battling with HIV, TB, and various endemic infections like cholera, and STIs that significantly impact our communities. Globally, infectious diseases don't respect borders – as we've seen with COVID-19 – and they remain one of the leading causes of death worldwide, particularly in developing regions.What makes them especially crucial in healthcare is their dynamic nature. Unlike chronic conditions, infectious diseases can rapidly evolve, develop resistance to treatments, and emerge in new forms. This means we need constant vigilance, ongoing research, and robust healthcare systems to detect, treat, and prevent these infections effectively and timely. Plus, their management often requires a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach, from public health measures to laboratory diagnostics and clinical care.Why is it vital for the public to stay informed about infectious diseases, and how can platforms like MediMagZA contribute to this awareness?The public needs to stay informed about infectious diseases as this knowledge directly impacts community health and safety. It will assist with infection prevention and control. While medical professionals have crucial information to share, the widespread use of medical jargon often creates a communication barrier. MediMagZA can contribute by addressing this challenge by translating complex medical concepts into relatable language that resonates with diverse audiences. Through strategic use of social media platforms, MediMagZA can effectively disseminate this simplified health information to modern generations who primarily consume content digitally. This approach will ensure that essential health knowledge reaches communities in an accessible format, leading to better understanding and implementation of preventive measures.Do you think South Africans are well-informed about preventing and managing infectious diseases? What more can be done? While South Africa has established health communication systems, significant challenges remain in public health awareness. COVID-19 exposed widespread misinformation and knowledge gaps, particularly in communities with limited access to healthcare professionals and reliable information sources. A multi-channel approach could improve this situation:- Partner with trusted community leaders, religious institutions, and schools- Strengthen collaboration between community organizations and the Department of Health- Implement targeted education programs in underserved areas- Combat misinformation through fact-based, culturally relevant messagingThe ongoing TB epidemic illustrates how insufficient access to accurate health information can prolong public health challenges. Success requires addressing both information accessibility and the credibility of health communication channels. The key is creating sustainable partnerships between healthcare authorities and community institutions that people already trust and regularly engage with.Without giving too much away, what other topics can readers look forward to in your upcoming monthly features? Our upcoming features will explore lesser-known infections and their fascinating histories. We'll examine how pathogens have evolved, becoming more resistant and adaptable. Readers will discover that many "emerging" infections have been around for centuries - what's changed is their behavior and our understanding of them. You could say these bugs aren't just getting smarter - they're getting their PhD in outsmarting us! But don't worry, we'll help you stay one step ahead of these overachieving microbes.Outside of your work as the Resident Bug Doctor, what are some of your hobbies or interests? Outside of being the Resident Bug Doctor, I'm passionate about baking - you can check out my creations on my Instagram page "ZoSwazi Delicacies." Music runs in the family - my son is actually pursuing a music career now, which is exciting. I'm also a bit of a restaurant explorer, though ironically more for the ambiance than the food! There's something special about experiencing new dining spaces, even if I'm more captivated by the aesthetics than what's on my plate.FEB 2025 45 medimagza.com
HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH&HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AWARENESS MONTHREPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MONTH03 FEB- 28 MARFEBRUARYHuman Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination first roundFEB 2025 46 medimagza.com03 FEB- 07 FEBPregnancy Awareness Week03 FEB- 07 FEBSTI / Condom Week04 FEBWorld Cancer Day10 FEBInternational Epilepsy Day10 FEB- 16 FEBNational Epilepsy Week"The young physician starts life with 20 drugs for each disease, and the old physician ends life with one drug for 20 diseases." - William Osler
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