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Media Summit Impact Report 2024 - THANK YOU!

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2 0 2 4 M E D I A S U M M I TI M P A C T R E P O R T

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123Our Vision, Mission, and ValuesMedia Summit Impact OverviewMedia Summit Impact Videos &Stories7Thank YouTable Of Contents2024 MEDIA SUMMITPROGRAM

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Our mission is to accelerate the multiplicationof multiplying disciples.The vision of OneKingdom is to see the GreatCommission fulfilled in Europe TOGETHER. Our VisionOur MissionOur ValuesONE KINGDOM ExpectancyHeavenly economyGrit Prayerful urgencyCommunication (1 John 1:7)P A G E 1OneKingdom is guided by our desire to see the Gospel spreadand reproducing disciples made across the continent of Europe.We believe this will require strategic partnership with like-minded believers. Our values drive us toward this goal andinform the way in which we pursue it.

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163028IMPACT OVERVIEWIMPACT SUMMARY: LEVEL UP!This year’s Media Summit was designed to offer strategic networkingopportunities, impactful general sessions, and tailored workshops to encourage,equip, and inspire believers and cross-cultural workers from all over Europe tolevel up and more effectively use digital media to reach spiritual seekers with theGood News and enter into discipling relationships with them. Countries represented at this year’s Media Summit: England; Bosnia; Croatia; Cyprus;Czech Republic; Hungary; France; Macedonia; Moldova; Poland; Serbia; Slovakia, Spain;Switzerland; Turkey; USA42PARTICIPANTS COUNTRIESSERVE TEAMWORKSHOPSP A G E 2FUNDS DONATEDOVERALL IMACT $21kREAD MORE IMPACT STORIES

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What we’ve always dreamed that wewanted to do... we’re getting to do itbecause of your partnership. -Chris Casey, OneKingdomIMPACT VIDEOP A G E 3

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We are excited to be here because weare getting the chance to meet otherpeople who are doing the same ministryhere in Europe... and to be equipped inthe areas where we don’t have trainingon the field in Moldova.-Sasha, Moldova MTM TeamIMPACT VIDEOP A G E 4

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Thank you for allowing me to be here. Iam learning so many different ways to better implement these disciple makingmovement strategies using socialmedia and it’s because of you. -Jenn, UK MTM TeamIMPACT VIDEOP A G E 5

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We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of those who helpedmake this year’s Media Summit possible! Seventy-two attendeesrepresenting 16 countries joined us in Budapest for three and a half daysof networking, encouraging, and equipping. This number includes 30 men and women who graciously gave of theirtime and resources to be a part of our Serve Team, leading workshops,sharing keynote presentations, providing audio/video support, andmore. Special thanks to these friends from Balkan Call, Client-FocusedMedia, First Christian Church Council Bluffs, IMB, Media to Movements,Renew Christian Church, Team Expansion, Train International, TruthPlanters, TWR Motion, and Visual Story Network for their significantcontributions and collaboration! We also want to acknowledge the generous support of our financialpartners who helped underwrite the cost of Media Summit 2024 tokeep it affordable for the teams we serve. Thank You... we couldn’t do itwithout you! Finally, to each of the MTM teams that joined us in Budapest for MediaSummit 2024... Your trust in us is a testament to our shared vision. Wedo what we do for you! We pray God will use your experience during theSummit to bless you as we pursue the Great Commission TOGETHERand we eagerly anticipate all He will do! We hope to see you for thenext Media Summit: March 10-14, 2025. Thanks again,The OneKingdom TeamP.S. If you would like to give towards next year’s Media Summit, please scan the QRcode on this page to make a secure donation. Please type “MS25” in the note section.Thanks in advance for partnering with us!THANK YOUP A G E 7