5 Jesus Is The Reason For The Season6 -9How To Cope With Depression During The Holidays10 Are You Involved In Your Child‘s Education?By Sis. Camille Blackwood11-13 Won’t He Do It!Testimony By Sis. Sharon Robinson14 Clergy Appreciation @ GRT15 PK & DK CornerBy Min. Philip Lee & Sis. Ashley Linton16,17What Is Arthritis?18-21The Heart of The Matter Mother Tina Carmichael22 International Women‘s Council Through TheEyes of A Former Ministers Wife23 From A Young Ministers Wife24 Bible Word Search 25Region 2 Highlights30Hearty Holiday Recipes32Order Your MDWG T-ShirtPg.3Greeting FromLady Tania MichaelPg.2 Region 2Conference RecapPg.1 Greetings FromLady Anitris SandersM D W G Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N EPg.4Prayer of a Pastor’s Wife Written by Lady Tania Michael
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1.It is was a blessing to fellowship in unity and love during our annual Regional 2 District Conferencein Buffalo, NY. The conference topic was: “We Are Much Stronger Together” Philippians 1:27.The Holy Spirit was present as we entered into the Lord's presence on Friday night with PastorLashley from True Deliverance Church, NY. On Saturday the women of God was in one spirit duringa fellowship Breakfast with Sis Tania. The COOLJC Region 2 Coordinator. In addition, the paneldiscussion which was anointed and inspired by the word of God through discussing and teachingon how to strive together for the faith, having the mind of Christ through love, steadfastness, beinghumble and unselfish to encourage love and unity.Overall, the presence of God was upon our fellowship as we welcomed the presence of Godthrough prayer, worship and praise. The fellowship was engaging as we poured into one anotherto continue with unity and love in the spirit. Walking in unity will allow the body of Christ to remainstrengthened and victorious in Jesus name. May we continue the good work of our Lord JesusChrist. We are much stronger together Philippians 1:27.Blessings,Lady SandersPage 1
Mother Faye M. Wrightof the Greater Refuge Templewearing the new Region 2 MDWG t-shirtLogo design by: Upscale Online Biz SolutionsMessage Highlights from Region 2 Conference MessageTopic: Don't Throw Away Your Confidence Hebrews 10:34-36Speaker, Elder Milton LashleyThe book of Hebrews was written mainly to the Hebrew believerswho were suffering persecution and were contemplatingreturning to Judaism. He advised them not to turn away fromtheir only hope to salvation. He reminds them to hold onto totheir confidence. If they hold onto it, they will receive a greatreward. The same for us, we must stand firm and keep the faith,in our trials. We must persevere and remain faithful. We must putour trust and confidence in God. How can we keep our confidence? We can keep our confidence byreading the word of God. We can gain our confidence by seekingHis guidance in prayer. Don't throw away your confidence.Page 2
To All Of The Beautiful COOLJC Region 2 Ministers and Deacons Wives!I greet you in the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I’m excitedwe’re bringing you our 2nd magazine for 2023! The focus for thispublication is “Heart Health, the Healing Power of God, and Hope forthe Holidays. As you go through the pages, I pray you are inspired,encouraged and strengthened. There are so many practical tips andsuggestions for everyday living that you can implement at home,church, work or in your personal time.Just a few reminders:- The International Ministers & Deacon’s Wives Retreat will be in MyrtleBeach, South Carolina January 17-20, 2024. Plan to join us for downtime with your spouse, fellowship with each other and workshops,meals and games.- Plan to pay your International Minister and Deacon’s Wives Dues for2024. You can register through your local church. Local churches thenreport to your diocese or state and a diocese or state report issubmitted. If for any reason your local church does not register, you canregister as an individual and please give a copy to your local presidentfor their records.- Now that our Region 2 magazine is up and running submit yoursuggestions of what we should name the magazine.- Feel free to submit an article, recipe, puzzle, etc. for our upcomingmagazine. Advertise your product, ministry or talent in an upcomingmagazine.- Look for our Mass Region 2 MDWG Zoom session in 2024 and joinwearing your Region 2 MDWG T-Shirt. Order your gorgeous Region 2Minister and Deacon Wives T-shirt.- Look to receive the Region 2 MDWG workshop on YouTube in theupcoming months.- Remember, whether you are a Minister or Deacon’s wife who ismarried, widowed, divorced or separated you are part of us and wecare about you!!!!May God preserve you in his care, protect you with his right hand andlove you deeply, penetrating your heart and soul.Peace and Blessings Always,Lady Dr. Tania Michael, COOLJC Region 2 MDWG President Greetings FromDecember 2023Page 3
Lord, help me to use my gifts, talents, and education to help your people grow.For my life to be an example, for my life to be a help.Not to point the finger, but to encourage and inspire your people to be better, not complacent, notstagnant.To correct in love, not in contempt or in an attempt to control.To foster spiritual peace, not tolerate confusion.Not to allow carnality and problem situations to fester, but rather hit them head on, unafraid with forcefulcompassion. To know when to speak and when to be silent.It’s vital to open myself up to the needs of others and expand personal tolerance and love to encompass“all” within myself, through his power.Like you, to be concerned with “the total woman” and “the total youth.” To stimulate primarily spiritualgrowth and then emotional, educational, intellectual, and social growth.To safeguard those sheep and teach them to be aware of those who would divide.To use the Word of God, not opinion, to promote unity and spirituality.To forewarn them that Salvation doesn’t exclude problems, windstorms, disappointments or depressions;but to brace themselves for these things will come, and we will pray and avail much.Not to be ashamed, afraid, or too proud to apologize, for in this will they see a glimpse of humility andhumanity.To use my womanly discernment and spiritual insight to talk and share with your manservant.To give him the emotional support, undying commitment and stabilization in home, relationship, andfamily to be your effective tool.Lord, my prayer rings within the inner most compartment of my soul. Allow me to remember and to do.Prayer of a Pastor’s Wife Written by Lady Tania Michael(1986 copywritten)Page 4
Christmas holds a different piece of our hearts at various seasons in our lives, so maybe it is personal.Jesus may show up and bring peace to the one striving to get everything done, whereas He may be asource of hope for the one wading through grief.As seasons come and go, bringing changes and henceforth changing us, thankfully, our God remains thesame. His promise of peace, hope, and joy is always there for us.This time of year may conjure up a widerange of emotions, but as we gaze upon that baby in a manger we are reminded that Jesus came for apurpose to fulfill a prophecy to save us — in every season.Submitted by Mother Faye M. WrightRegion 2 Greater Refuge TempleCredit:“What Does it Mean That Jesus Is the Reason for the Season?”20“Is The Reason For The Season”“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”(Isaiah 9:6)As we head into the holiday season, no matterwhat your circumstances may hold, take amoment to pause and reflect on who Jesus isand what He has done for you. Jesus is thereason for the season (and every season)because He paved the way for us to meet theFather. He shares with us through His Word,The Truth, on how we are called andcommanded to live. And He offers us eternalLife through a proclamation of our faith.Jesus is the reason for the season because He isThe Way, The Truth, and The Life. Tuck that intoyour heart this Christmas, friend.Page 5
HOW TO COPE WITH DEPRESSIONHOW TO COPE WITH DEPRESSION DURING THE HOLIDAYSDURING THE HOLIDAYSNo matter the cause of your low mood or negative feelings, having an arsenal of healthy copingstrategies can help you prepare for and get through the festive months ahead when you’re managingdepression. “While practicing good self-care is always important, it is even more important during theholidays,” says Gundle. With that in mind, here are five expert-recommended strategies:1. Stay Active and Get OutdoorsMoving your body is one of the best science-backed ways to cope with depression during any season,and the holidays are no exception. A meta-analysis of 23 studies showed that exercise is an effectiveway to manage depression and could also be useful when combined with antidepressant medication.Boateng says that getting outside and exercising can help you avoid isolation and loneliness during theholiday season. Gundle agrees, and also suggests spending time in nature as another way to reduceyour risk of depressive symptoms. One study showed that being surrounded by green space canreduce one’s risk of mental health conditions in the long term.With that in mind, here are five expert-recommended strategies:REGION 2 MDWG QUARTERLY MAGAZINE Christmas Edition Submitted By Lady Tania Michael Article By everydayhealth.comWritten By Michelle Pugle Page 6
2. Share How You’re Feeling With Trusted Loved OnesBoateng recommends surrounding yourself with people you can rely on during the holidays —whether it be family or friends — to help manage holiday depression. Ashley Bernardi, authorof Authentic Power: Give Yourself Permission to Feel, says she reached out to trusted friendsand shared how she was feeling during her darkest days with depression.While she wasn’t sure how her friends would react, they gave her hope that healing waspossible, helping her feel like she had something to live for.If you confide in your loved ones about how you’re feeling, they may offer empathy, sharetheir own experiences with you to help you feel less alone, or even suggest additional optionsfor support that you may not know about.“Never underestimate the power and love of your own community. People want to help. Allyou need to do is ask for it,” she says.3. Assess Your Relationships and Set BoundariesBoateng suggests monitoring your emotions around different people in your life and settingboundaries accordingly. This could mean limiting the time you spend during the holidays withpeople who cause you to feel negative emotions or exacerbate your depressive symptoms, aswell as establishing boundaries for your interactions with and availability to those people, shesays. “It’s very important to be mindful of your own boundaries — and when something feelsoverwhelming, try to pay attention and act on it,” adds Gundle.A mental health professional can help you learn how to set boundaries, says Boateng.Page 7
4. Consider Volunteering Throughout the Holiday SeasonGundle suggests volunteering as a possible way to cope with depression during the holidays. A 2021review showed that volunteering for 2 or 3 hours a week or even just 1 to 10 hours a month may offermyriad mental health benefits, such as:Meaning and purposeDeveloping empathy toward othersFeeling like you matterContributing to societySocial connectednessBeing part of something larger than yourselfFinding a volunteering opportunity that’s right for you will depend on several factors, including whatactivities you feel comfortable with, how much time you’re able to commit, and which causes you’repassionate about.Bernardi has found healing in honoring her late father as a volunteer for Wreaths Across America, anorganization that coordinates opportunities for volunteers to place holiday wreaths on U.S. veterans’graves at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia and other military cemeteries around the country.“It’s a great way to connect with something other than yourself, which I find helps greatly when thosefeelings of depression creep up,” Bernardi says.If you’re wondering how to get started with volunteering, organizations like VolunteerMatch can helpyou find the right fit in your area.Page 8
5. Create a Coping Sheet or Depression ToolkitA coping sheet is a list of favorite activities you can turn to when you’re feeling depressed. You cancreate one on your own, with your family members, or with your therapist. Bernardi says she made acoping sheet filled with actions she can take to help her manage depressive symptoms.“I decorated it with beautiful colors and taped it to my refrigerator, so I had a constant reminder thatthere is always something to do to help lift my mood,” Bernardi says. In her case, those favorite mood-boosting activities include lighting candles, watching ballet, listening to classical music, paintingpictures, singing, and meditating.Other self-care activities you could add to your toolkit, according to the University of Michigan’sEisenberg Family Depression Center in Ann Arbor:JournalingAcupunctureListening to musicSpiritualityCalm breathingPositive self-talkPage 9
Each school has a Parent Coordinator and/or liaison who is willing to help, assist, and guide you through theeducational system. The Parent Coordinator is a person assigned to help navigate and mediate between theschool and parents. They have advice, resources, and workshops that can meet your needs. Another personwho can be of great assistance is the Guidance Counselor. Guidance Counselors are trained individuals whocan mediate traumatic experiences and help guide parents in establishing routines for their children at home.They can provide sound advice and strategies to help with issues that may arise at home or school. All schools have resources that will help your child academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. You as aparent need to access those resources in a friendly manner as Proverbs 18:24 stated. Approach each situationas if you were in that person's shoes. Proverbs 15:1 states, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: But grievous wordsstir up anger.” Remember to build on that parent teacher relationship so that you may see your child and/orchildren thrive in the academic realm.Submitted by: Camille Blackwood (Westchester Diocese) Establishing a positive relationship with your child's teachers is importantto ensure their success in school. Before any conflicts arise, open up thelines of communication by being present. You can do this by regularlyattending meet-and-greets and parent-teacher conferences, where you candiscuss your child's progress and address any concerns. Volunteering inthe classroom is also a great way to assist your child's teachers withvarious activities like organizing class events, reading to students,participating in the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), and supervising fieldtrips. Additionally, attending and participating in school events such asconcerts, award ceremonies, plays, science fairs, or sports days can helpyou stay connected. It's also important to discuss their homework andprojects with your child and provide guidance when needed. As a parent, do you sometimes feel like you need help with yourchild/children? Do you ever question your parenting skills andwonder if you've made any mistakes along the way? Are youlooking for ways to be more involved with your child's schoolbefore problems arise? One of the best solutions is to make yourpresence known in a way that is pleasing to God. Proverbs 18:24states, "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: Andthere is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Similarly, 2Timothy 2:16 advises us to "shun profane and vain babblings: forthey will increase unto more ungodliness."Page 10
Greetings in the Mighty Name of My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And this is my TESTIMONY........Isaiah 53:5 declares, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: thechastisement of our peace was upon Him: and with His stripes we are healed” Yes healed! Jesus stated in Luke24:39 “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself", Jesus endured the pain, the suffering for you and for me.Scars are a reflection of what you have been through. Jesus endured the cross for me and had the scars toprove it. His scars represent our future victories. I am a witness.My scars are a constant reminder of the journey of my past. It represents the sacrifice and the journey I'vehad from the beginning stage of my diagnosis to my healing.I have come to realize that God doesn't allowus to have scars to remind us that we've been sick or hurt, but to remind us that we've been healedIn 2013 upon having a colonoscopy with my Gastroenterology and Hepatology doctor, just as she wasabout to complete the colonoscopy, she seen something. It was hidden behind something as to why she didnot spot it the first time. She was unable to grasp a piece to send to be biopsied and just as about she wasgoing to GIVE UP, she told me she felt a push on her hand. She was then able to grasp a small piece of thespecimen to send for testing. I told her that was God. Shortly thereafter I was diagnosed with colon cancer.I was shocked and devastated by the news. How could this be I lived a saved and holy life and could notbelieve this was happening to me.I had to get my mind in tune with God. It was not easy when you are in the situation but I had to reallytrust God. I had to trust and lean on God's word. His word became clear and I began to see things clearer. Isaiah 53:5 resonated, But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: thechastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.He was wounded for me and I would get through this. My God endured the cross and had the scars toprove it. His scars were for my future VICTORIES! I underwent colon cancer surgery where they removedthe entire left colon. I received the news that I thankfully did not have to do chemotherapy or radiation. Ipraised God for what he had done. My life returned to some form of normalcy. I thought my sick days were behind me and I went on with life business as usual but praising God for whatHe had done. Well things were about to heat up and I didn't realize it.Page 11
And thus my testimony continues, several months later one night upon doing my own self breastexamination, I felt a small lump, I immediately called my doctor the next day and I was scheduled for amammogram. After all I had previously endured with colon cancer I was diagnosed with breast cancer.During this process I was weak, I was worn and I was broken, how could this be. Not only was I diagnosed"AGAIN" with this dreadful disease but now I had to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. I underwent 1year and 3 months of chemotherapy and 42 rounds of radiation. I had to wrap my head around all of this.This time was different from the last. I did not understand God's plan and why this was happening to meagain. Our plans are not God's plan. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the PLANS I have for you,” declares theLord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God holds your future.Now is not the time to give up.His plans for me were in His hands and as time passed, I began to understand His plan. I was chosen forthis assignment not for me but for the countless women and men who may be in the struggle. As I beganmy chemotherapy I found myself talking and praying for others patients. I was totally out of my comfortzone. I was able to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ during my struggle. Look at God!I am so very thankful for a great support system. I am grateful for my husband, Dea. George Robinsonwho stood by my side during every groan and the pain. I am grateful for my sons, my mom, my mom-in-love who have gone on to be with the Lord, my family, church family and friends who prayed me through.I carry the scars of what God can and will do. Your scars carry a story. It represents the pain you enduredand you're STILL HERE. Don't view your scars as imperfections or something that takes away from youand/or restricts you. Don't allow the scars to take rule over you and hold you as a victim mentally. Yourscars and my scars are proof that the enemy's attempt to steal, kill, and destroy us have failed. It showsour resilience to withstand emotional, spiritual, or even physical hardships. They are proof that we aretruly overcomers. Jesus still had His scars as a testimony of His Father's deep love for not only Him, butalso all of us.Your scars should remind you that you can overcome and conquer anything! You've got this!Page 12
I read a quote the other day, and it read:"Maybe llfe isn't About Avoiding The Bruises, Maybe It's About Collecting The Scars To Prove We Showed Up For It. IShowed Up And God Showed Out". I started to embrace my scars and in doing so I began Dancing with MyScars not because I had them but because God bought me through cancer, chemotherapy and radiation. Ibegan to Dancing with my scars because without them I would not have found the strength and faith I reallyhad in God. I began to Dancing with my Scars because my scars had a story to tell. With these scars Godorchestrated me to write a book entitled "Breaking Free" Memoirs of a Survivor, God allowed me to havethe extinct honor to speak to over 2000 people at The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Cancer Walk afew years ago, speak to many cancer patients, be interviewed on NY1 and the Queens Ledger Newspaper toshare my story to so many. God has a way to taking you totally out of your comfort zone. I know what Godcan do.Without these scars I would not have this testimony. As I share my testimony I bear the scars of a"Survivor". Each scar/cut represents the pain I endured, the prayers I prayed, the strength I discovered, thefight, the struggle and the trust I had in God. The Scars symbolize the mercy and grace of God.All of my days I will bless the Lord at all times. Psalm 34:1-4;6-8I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.As my testimony comes to a close I want to encourage you to have your annual physicals, mammograms,colonoscopies, blood work and follow up with your doctors. Early Detection is The Best Detection. DON'T BEAFRAID, BE INFORMED. I encourage you to dance with your scars. Dancing With Your Scars shows yourstrength, courage and endurance.Thankful and GratefulSister Sharon Robinson Page 13
"Let the Elders that rule well be counted worthy of doublehonor, especially they who labor in the word & doctrine."1st Timothy 5:17The Greater Refuge Temple Church hosted its annualClergy Appreciation Luncheon in recognition of ourfaithful clergy & their wives for their dedicated service tothe Kingdom of God! Our Deacons & their wives alsojoined the celebration which included wonderfulfellowship, delicious food, and gifts of appreciation.Clergy Appreciation Luncheon@ The Greater Refuge TemplePage 14
Sis. Ashley LintonThe Greater Refuge Temple Growing up as a PK, I experienced my father in constantprayer and devotion, not only when he had to carry out apreaching assignment, but on a daily basis. In seeing thisexample, I have been able to cultivate my own relationshipwith God by seeking His face daily. In seeking God daily, Ihave been able to learn more about the vastness of Hiscalling on my life, and obtain the necessary instructions that Ineed to be successful in not just ministry, but in life.My life as a child of a Deacon can be summed up into oneword, "faithfulness." When I was younger, my dad DeaconGregory Lee Sr. and I had a Saturday routine that oftenincluded haircuts, food shopping, a pit stop at WhiteCastle and a stop at our church. I would help him stamptithe, offering, and building fund envelopes and thenplace them behind the pews. Four of each: building fundin the back, then offering, and tithes in the front. I watched him set up the table for communion and onSundays I would ride with him to pick up the mothers ofour church. My father taught me through his actionswhat it meant to be consistent, reliable and dedicated. Asan adult, it is his example of faithfulness that continuesto push me to be faithful in the work of the Lord.Min. Philip Lee & Deacon Gregory Lee, Sr.Refuge Church of Christ Far RockawayPage 15Region 2 PKs & DKs Only - Ages 15-45“Meet, Great & Encourage Me” Virtual Meeting Friday January 6, 2024 9:30pm Zoom Details to follow Send your social media, email or phone contact info by December 31st. Zoom credentials will be sent to the Region 2 PKs & DKs on January 3rd and 4th, 2024.
REFERENCE: The Stay Well Company, LLC. About Veterans Health Library. SUBMITTED BY: Missionary Sheila H. Criss Registered Physician Asst., AAS, BS & Elder Samuel L. Criss, RN, M.S., MSN/Ed. Many of the Saints are getting older and sometimes aswe age the body begins to experience symptoms ofuse, and abuse. Arthritis can be the results of wearand tear on a certain part of the body. Arthritis is adisease that affects the joints. Joints are the partswhere bones meet and move. Arthritis can affect anyjoint in your body. There are several types of arthritis. They include: ·Osteoarthritis·Rheumatoid arthritis·Gout·LupusWhat causes arthritis?Cartilage is a smooth substance that protects the endsof your bones and provides cushioning. When youhave arthritis, this cartilage breaks down and can nolonger protect your bones. This can happen from anautoimmune disease. Or it can happen from wear andtear, infections, or injury. The bones rub against eachother, causing pain and swelling. Over time, smallpieces of rough or splintered bone (bone spurs) maydevelop. The joint's range of motion can also becomelimited.Healthy knee joint. Knee joint with arthritisPage 16
SymptomsSome of the more common symptoms of arthritis include:·Joint pain and stiffness. These symptoms get worse with long periods of rest. They may also get worse fromusing a joint too long or too hard.Loss of normal shape and motion. Joints may look swollen and be hard to move.Sore inflamed joints. They may look red and feel warm.Grinding or popping noise. This happens with joint movement.Severe tiredness (fatigue). You may feel tired all the time.How to reduce symptomsYou can help ease symptoms in these ways:Lose weight if overweight.Exercise on a regular basisStrengthen muscles around the joint to reduce the strain on the joint.Use hot and cold packs on your joints.Use over the counter and prescription medicines. Use meds as ordered by the physician. If you are notexperiencing relief from pain, inform your physician. Do not overdose, overdosing can lead to falls andeven death. Use assistive devices safely. Talk with your healthcare provider about the best treatments for your condition.If your symptoms are mild, medicines may be enough to ease pain and swelling. For more severe arthritis,you may need surgery. Surgery can improve the condition of the joint. Surgery can also be done to replacepart or all of the joint.ALWAYS PRAY! FOR GOD IS “ALL POWERFUL” AND CAN HEAL “ALL OF YOUR DISEASES” IN JESUS NAME.Page 17
Praise the Lord, and Greetings in the name of Jesus.We invite you to read this medical newsletter that containsinformation on Women, particularly African-AmericanWomen and their relationship to cardiovascular disease.According to the CDC, Centers for Disease Control, nearlyhalf, 44% of women are living with some form of heartdisease. Additional research has shown that just over halfor 56% of US women recognize that heart disease is thenumber 1 killer. More disparagingly, and speaking volumes to health caredisparities, black women are more likely than whitewomen to have a heart attack. Knowing the Facts, and recognizing the symptoms ofheart disease can be life-saving.There are three main heart diseases : Coronary Heart Disease, CAD is caused by the build-up of plague in the walls of the arteries that supplyblood to the heart. This is potentiated inpostmenopausal women because of hormonalchanges.Arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat that is not efficientin pumping blood out to the arteries.Heart Failure, a condition where the heart isweakened and struggles to supply blood to other vitalorgans in the body.Page 18Submitted By Mother Tina Carmichael Springfield, Massachusetts
Symptoms and Signs:Chest PainChest pain looks different in women when compared to men. Pain may originate in the back, upperabdomen, neck, jaw or throat.Angina, chest pain (usually is felt as a dull or heavy chest discomfort or ache). Other symptoms; Nausea and vomiting, tiredness that is excessive and unrelenting.Fluttering feelings(palpitations) in your chest, or sudden shortness of breath , or extreme fatigue.WHAT TO DO: CALL 911 DON’T DELAY IF YOU ARE FEELING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS.Check your Blood Pressure regularly; it is widely recognized that an elevated BP is the silent killer. It isbecause of lack of knowledge that we are unaware that our Blood Pressure may be elevated. A high BP isconsidered to be a BP of (greater than) > 130/80.Systolic/DiastolicMedical Conditions and Comorbidities (2 or more co-existing disease or medical conditions) that contributeto cardiovascular disease.Elevated LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterolSmokingDiabetesExcess weight- BMI (body mass index) BMI greater than 30 is considered obeseBy using a BMI calculator you can determine your number by height and weight.Unhealthy dietLack of physical activityDrinking alcoholPage 19
STRESS & DEPRESSIONWhat to do :Developing Healthy LifestylesExercise;In consultation with your Primary Care Physician, PCP, Nurse Practitioner NP or Physician Assistantdevelop a safe and consistent goal-reaching plan to exercise. WALKLOSE WEIGHT: be disciplined and be committed to healthy food choices. Even a 10-20 lb. weight reduction canprovide relief especially on your joints.Whole, Lean, Clean and Green Foods are better selections.If you have diabetes mellitus (type 2), make sure it is well-controlled.Stop drinking and smoking if these are hidden sins under the surface.If your LDL is high, talk with a doctor about the best way to manage this level.HYDRATEHYDRATE HYDRATE - Drink more water.Stress and depression can be overpowering. Find ways for self- care; withdraw into the secret place of God. Monitor your own life pace. Develop a pattern for successful life changes, that can promote health and wellness, and manage the day today stressors in life.The heart is made up of a “labyrinth of intersections from the mind, the affections, and the will.”The mind:our thoughts, imaginations, fantasies, judgments and attitudes.Our affections, emotions, desires,and longings,And our will;choices, decisions and motivations.”a snippet from the article - A Spiritual MRI by Warren PeelJeremiah 17:9The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (God knows it !) KJV. InProverbs, 4:23 Solomon warns his son, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. KJVPowerful!Page 20
We don’t want to awaken one morning and discover that we are having a spiritual heart attack and may need aspiritual heart transplant . Were we unaware or lacked the spiritual insight to monitor our own spiritual healthand well-being?Did we allow these insidious inflammations of insensitivity, lack of passion, and distractions to form plagues ofapathy and callousness in our spirit. Depression, unresolved grief, anger, shame, and trauma hardens ourspiritual arteries towards ministry for years. And then it comes to a head. We wonder if we are in Christ - oraway from Christ.There is a CALL TO ACTION:Allow God to breathe on us, during our prayer walks, and in the quiet spaces in our lives.Be Disciplined in our daily devotions, prayer and bible reading.Be engaged in Ministry work: whether attending to the sick and shut-in, ministering to the aged, and widowedmothers, and fathers , volunteering to work in a food pantry, working with the youth,serving in the communityor other ministry work. Let us be engaged, passionate and connected in our hearts as well as intentional towardministry, and our spiritual health and well being, so that we can live the overflowing and abundant joy in Christ.Have a prayer life, and go to church. Let us not be obscured by the ice-berg phenomenon: what is seen above the water pales in comparison to whatis underneath.“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from theirwicked ways; then will I hear from heaven.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJVI would like to share one last inspiring scripture: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans toprosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIVContributions: Centers for Disease Center, The Holy Bible, Warren Peel “A Spiritual MRI”Resources: American Red Cross Organization, American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health NIHCenters for Disease Control CDCPage 21
This year I participated in the International Women’s Conference. The experience forme was amazing. Throughout the week it began with the Evangelism team. Thewomen went to two shelters to minister to the young people and give them gifts. Thesession was wonderful, and the young people sang songs and gave prayer requests.They also spoke about their dreams. Next the team went to the Women’s Shelterwhere women that are homeless and was released from prison and had othersituations, was able to talk, pray and be blessed. We sang songs and gave away bagswith essential items for the women. We also had a “Drive by Prayer”, where peoplecame with their cars to receive prayer. We also had early morning prayer with ApostleSaunders and services that were very encouraging. Attending the Women’s Conferencewill help you to see the different walks of the Ministry. It was a beautiful experience. As a minister’s wife my situation is a little different. I was married to a Minister whodecided to leave. It was a very hard experience for me. I felt that my life, as far asministry, was over because I felt I wasn’t good enough. God showed me andencouraged me with his word that he will never leave me nor forsake me. Heencouraged me that he can and will use me. Sometimes rejection will make you feellike your world is over, but it isn’t. When you allow Jesus to constantly speak to yourheart, he will lead you where he would like to take you. Don’t give up! “International Women’s Conference Through The Eyes of a Previous Minister’s Wife“ Page 22Sister Cherise Jones
As a young minister’s wife, my life has changed. I have had to adapt and adjust to a new way of living. Most recently, I learneda lesson that changed my outlook on natural and spiritual matters. My husband of almost two years, Minister Denver Shawwas given the opportunity to speak for our Sunday Morning worship service. This wasn’t just any Sunday service. This wasCommunion Sunday. More than a ritual or tradition, this sacred Sunday was the time set aside to break bread andcommemorate the sacrifice of our dear Savior Jesus Christ. Every Sunday matters, every day matters, we should alwaysremember Jesus, but First Sunday holds a different meaning. This is why my husband and I wanted to get to service early. Hehad spoken at other Sunday morning services but this was his first time speaking on a first Sunday. And on top of all of this, itwas my Sunday to Usher.Service started at 11:30. The clock on our iphones read 11:15 and we were still home. If the walls in our home could talk, theywould tell you we were running around like chickens without a head trying to get ready and get to service on time. At 11:18, myhusband asked me to iron his shirt. I began to iron and noticed that each area of the shirt I ironed, brown spots would arise onhis shirt. I started to panic and went to find another white shirt for my husband. Three white shirts later, the clock read 11:35and my husband decided to wear a black shirt. This is when I learned the most valuable lesson, prepare your clothes the daybefore not the morning of. Spiritually, as a young minister’s wife, this taught me the value and importance of preparation. As two young people striving and trying with all we know how to live for God, my husband and I have experienced numerousspiritual battles. The “First Sunday Iron fiasco” taught me that I have to be proactive instead of reactive with my prayer life. Ican’t pray only when a problem comes, I must always be praying and talking to the Lord, asking for His guidance and direction.Weapons will form. They will not prosper. Prayer is the key to help us prepare for whatever will come at or against us. We haveto be prayed up the “night before” just like our clothes must be ready the night before naturally. Being prepared in prayermeans that we will be armed and ready for whatever obstacles may come our way. I have learned that being a wife takes patience, perseverance and praying without ceasing. To be honest, there have been daysthat I cried and moments when I have wanted to throw in the towel. God has been the source of my strength. I would not behere without my Jesus. The goal is to please Jesus and make Him smile. If we please the Lord, everything else will fall into place.Everyday as a young minister’s life, a new lesson is learned. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shaltcondemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”THROUGH THE EYES OF AYOUNG MINISTER’S WIFEby Sis Maya ShawPage 23
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REGION 2 HIGHLIGHTSPage 26Margaret Woods Retreat January 17-20, 2004
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To purchase your own MDWG T-Shirt, see yourteam representative listed on the left hand side. T-shirts are $15.00 ea. | Sizes: Sm, Med, Lg, 1X, 2X, 3XTRENDING IN REGION 2MDWG Team RepresentativesLady Valerie Davis Brooklyn DioceseCherise Jones Brooklyn DioceseBernadette Tindley Brooklyn DioceseMother Faye Wright Manhattan DioceseLorna Simpson Westchester DioceseBeatrice (Jackson) Westchester DioceseAndrea Wright Westchester DioceseLady Maria Lashley Tri- State DioceseLady Anitris Sanders Western NY DioceseLady Charlotte Sweat Bronx DioceseSister Nicole Brown Graham Canada DioceseSister Tiffany Williams Canada DioceseLady Paulette Williams Philippines & Africa DioceseSister Queen Powell Suffolk Nassau DiocesePage 32
CongratulationsCongratulationsPage 33
Magazine StaffMDWG CoordinatorLady Tania MichaelMDWG Magazine ConsultantsMother Faye M. WrightSis. Nicole Brown GrahamGraphics Designer & Magazine PublisherElder Charles E. Wright, Jr., CEOUpscale Online Biz SolutionsUpscale Online Media ProductionWebsite Design | Graphics DesignVideo Editing & ProductionMDWG Magazine ContributorsSis. Cherise JonesSis. Maya ShawLady Anitris SandersLady Tania MichaelSis. Camille BlackwoodLady Sarai WilkinsMin. Philip LeeSis. Ashley LintonMissionary Shelia CrissElder Samuel CrissSis. Barbara GravesMother Tina Carmichael COOLJC Region 2 ChurchesApostle Robert L. SandersRegional ApostleCanadaNew York-BrooklynNew York-Greater Refuge TempleNew York-ManhattanNew York-Suffolk/ Nassau CountyNew York-Tri DioceseNew York-WestchesterWestern New YorkPhilippines IslandEast & South - Central AfricaPage 34Page 32