Thank you for supportingMCA this year!2022 Annual Report
OUROURMISSION...MISSION...Educating New York City children toserve and lead by knowing God andunderstanding His world.FORFOR HISHISGLORYGLORY
A note from our principal, Ms. Manuela KattAs MCA looks forward to 2023, we'regrateful for all the Lord is doing. It's beena blessing to watch our high school growwith the addition of 10th grade, to returnto sports with cross country, volleyball,basketball, and cheer, to welcome newstaff and over 40 new students, to host ourfirst Talent Show, and so much more! In a time when so much opposes ourworldview, we stand committed to ourbiblical foundation and Christ-centeredprogram. God has continued to providecommitted Christ-followers to lead in ourclassrooms. He has continued to keep ussafe in an ever-changing neighborhood.God's faithfulness has been demonstratedagain and again. My prayer for the new year is I Peter 1:3-5,"Blessed be the God and Father of ourLord Jesus Christ! According to his greatmercy, he has caused us to be born againto a living hope through the resurrectionof Jesus Christ from the dead, to aninheritance that is imperishable, undefiled,and unfading, kept in heaven for you, whoby God's power are being guarded throughfaith for a salvation ready to be revealed inthe last time." Please pray with me!
200studentsInstilling the Word ofGod and Biblicalprinciples inapproximately 200 heartsthis school year PS-10th 25+ staffWe are continuing towelcome newadditions to ourfaculty as we add agrade each year! 4 HighSchoolersMet National Honors Society eligibility45chapelsApproximately 45chapels andcountless hoursstudying God'sword. 100%of our studentsperformed 70% higher than thenational average on theReading portion of theIOWA Assessment and 55% higher in Math A YEAR OFA YEAR OFIMPACT FOR THEIMPACT FOR THEKINGDOMKINGDOM
ANNUALANNUALFUNDFUND '21-'22'21-'22For one child, your support helpedprovide: ~522 months of Christ-centerededucation,~1,773 weeks of Christ-centerededucation,&~8,867 days of Christ-centerededucation! $443,339$443,339$443,339
HIGHLIGHTSHIGHLIGHTSHIGHLIGHTSTalentTalentTalentShowShowShowMCA'S FIRST ANNUAL ServiceServiceService Operation Christmas ChildChapelsChapelsChapelsElementary, Middleand High Schoolchapels
HIGHLIGHTSHIGHLIGHTSHIGHLIGHTSFieldFieldField TripsTripsTripsParentParentParentPrayerPrayerPrayer Building relationships with our families Added to ourAdded to ourAdded to ourHigh SchoolHigh SchoolHigh School Our first class will graduate in 2025!Fun, educational trips for all grades!
"I accepted the Lord in 1st grade, andalways lean on the academic and characterinstruction I received at MCA throughoutmy life and career."DR. SAMUEL LOPEZDR. SAMUEL LOPEZDR. SAMUEL LOPEZMCA Alum"Attending MCA has helped me developmy faith. The teachers are also verydependable when it comes to praying over us and answering questions about our faith." SARA ROSARIOSARA ROSARIOSARA ROSARIOCurrent MCA High Schooler
Improved facilities. Increased enrollment. Competitive pay for allstaff. Further spiritual growthand development. Placement at topcolleges/universities forall graduating seniors in2025!
" all these things weare more than conquerorsthrough Him who lovedus." -Romans 8:37We are so grateful foryour generosity inmaking this ministrypossible! THANK YOU!