6WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20237KNOW MORELiVE BETTER LIVING & ARTS MAGAZINEWWW.MACAUCLOSER.COM...現在發售 / now on saleJAN / FEB - 20211#149 JAN/FEB 2021MOP25 | HKD25LIVING & ARTS MAGAZINEMACAUCLOSERGOODPREDICTIONSLocal Feng Shui Master Mickey Hung offers a glimpse into the future with his predictions for the Year of the Ox
6WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20237KNOW MORELiVE BETTER LIVING & ARTS MAGAZINEWWW.MACAUCLOSER.COM...現在發售 / now on saleJAN / FEB - 20211#149 JAN/FEB 2021MOP25 | HKD25LIVING & ARTS MAGAZINEMACAUCLOSERGOODPREDICTIONSLocal Feng Shui Master Mickey Hung offers a glimpse into the future with his predictions for the Year of the Ox
8WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COM GOURMET | | 美食98| FASHION | | 時尚68| FASHION | | 時尚78| SPORT | | 運動88CLOSER CELLAR | | 特寫酒窖 96CLOSING STORY | | 特寫故事110健康WELLBEING | | 82Conceptual MasterpiecesAn Evolution of Flavours An African SoulImmersed in the CityDon’t Think, Just PaintA Wine to CelebrateWhen Kennedy helped build an orphanage in MacauHealthy Hush!Winning WeekendsOpposing WorldsVibrant VisionsDesigning the FutureFantasyJourneys Operatic TraditionsThe Golden TouchArtistic ConnectionsArt in the OfceJuliana KungLIVE • LAUGH• LOVEAnnya LaiWHAT SHE THINKSPaul FrenchDESTINATION MACAOJoe TangJOE’S READING LIFE ARTS | | 藝術38| ARTS | | 藝術46| ARTS | | 藝術50| ARTS | | 藝術62 | ARTS | | 藝術58ARTS | | 藝術54ARTS | | 藝術56 | OPINION | | 評論36| OPINION | | 評論102OPINION | | 評論66 OPINION | | 評論86 | HOME AFFAIRS | |104家居 PUBLISHER’S DESK | | 編輯筆錄11CLOSER LOOK | | 20特寫焦點WHAT’S ON | | 12城中熱事DISCOVER MACAO | | 14城中節慶
8WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COM GOURMET | | 美食98| FASHION | | 時尚68| FASHION | | 時尚78| SPORT | | 運動88CLOSER CELLAR | | 特寫酒窖 96CLOSING STORY | | 特寫故事110健康WELLBEING | | 82Conceptual MasterpiecesAn Evolution of Flavours An African SoulImmersed in the CityDon’t Think, Just PaintA Wine to CelebrateWhen Kennedy helped build an orphanage in MacauHealthy Hush!Winning WeekendsOpposing WorldsVibrant VisionsDesigning the FutureFantasyJourneys Operatic TraditionsThe Golden TouchArtistic ConnectionsArt in the OfceJuliana KungLIVE • LAUGH• LOVEAnnya LaiWHAT SHE THINKSPaul FrenchDESTINATION MACAOJoe TangJOE’S READING LIFE ARTS | | 藝術38| ARTS | | 藝術46| ARTS | | 藝術50| ARTS | | 藝術62 | ARTS | | 藝術58ARTS | | 藝術54ARTS | | 藝術56 | OPINION | | 評論36| OPINION | | 評論102OPINION | | 評論66 OPINION | | 評論86 | HOME AFFAIRS | |104家居 PUBLISHER’S DESK | | 編輯筆錄11CLOSER LOOK | | 20特寫焦點WHAT’S ON | | 12城中熱事DISCOVER MACAO | | 14城中節慶
10WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202311023幾乎已經過去了,實在難以置信。而這是多麼不同尋常的一年!當我們在一月初開始的時候,這座城市大部分仍然與外界隔絕,未來似乎相當不確定。但突然之間,大門敞開,一切以驚人的速度恢復了正常運行,似乎每個人都在試圖彌補失去的時間。澳門迎來了越來越多的遊客,舉辦了無數的活動和節日。隨著年底的臨近,這種急促的節奏也沒有減緩,甚至更加快速。在這期中,我們回顧了第70屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車的精彩賽事,並訪談了今年的!OUTLOUD國際街頭藝術節的主辦方和藝術家。我們還參與了今年在路環舉辦的 「hush沙灘音樂會 x Urban Yo~ga Wellfest」,這為期兩天的活動吸引了大批健身和瑜珈愛好者。此外,我們與一些才華橫溢的本地時尚設計師聊天,包括今年在澳門服裝節的體驗。本期的封面故事將聚焦於一位偉大傑出的藝術大師——來自德國的著名觀念攝影師 Candida Höfer。她於去年十二月在澳門藝術博物館展出了令人驚歎的展覽《宏空之境》。CLOSER 有幸邀請了這位德國藝術家坐下來,談談她獲獎無數的攝影作品和職業生涯。 在本地藝術界,我們探討了馬偉圖和曾貞貞的最新個展,並與時尚設計師Nuno Lopes 聊了聊他在威尼斯人舉辦的華麗活動「金沙時尚重新探索澳門2023」。此外,在家居方面,我們參觀了創意珠寶商 Manuela Sotero的美麗而充滿風情的家。在美食領域,我們享受了一頓與屢獲米其林星級大廚 José Avillez 的美食和對話,他在The Karl Lagerfeld壯觀的 Mesa 餐廳向我們介紹了他當代葡萄牙烹飪的創意。 最後,在前美國總統約翰甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)去世60周年之際,我們的結尾故事探討了澳門與其引人入勝的聯繫。 別忘了查看我們所有優秀作家的觀點專欄! 澳門CLOSER團隊的所有成員,祝愿所有的讀者和合作夥伴聖誕快樂和新年快樂!感謝您們過去一年對我們的全力支持,期待大家在2024年再度度過充實美好的一年!祝愿閱讀愉快!It seems hard to believe that 2023 is almost over. And what a year it’s been! When we started off back in January, the city was largely still closed off from the outside world and the future seemed quite uncertain. But then suddenly the doors opened and everything sprung back into action at a rapid pace. And ever since, if feels like everyone has been trying to make up for lost time as the city has welcomed back increasingly large numbers of visitors and hosted countless events and festivals. As we reach the end of the year, things have not slowed down either; if anything the pace has ramped up even more. In this issue we review all the action of the 70th Macau Grand Prix and we speak to the organisers and artists of this year’s !OUTLOUD International Street Art Festival. We stretch out and relax at “hush! Beach Concerts x Urban Yo~ga Well-fest”. This year for the first time, the popular annual live music festival at Coloane also included a 2-day yoga event attracting hundreds of fitness fans. And we chat with some talented local fashion designers who participated in the recent Macau Fash-ion Festival.When it comes to artistic talent, our cover story this issue is one of the greats – renowned conceptual photographer Can-did Höfer, who unveiled her impressive exhibition at the Ma-cau Art Museum in December, Epic Gaze. CLOSER sat down with the German artist to talk about her amazing photographic work and career.On the local art scene, we check out the latest solo exhi-bitions from Alexandre Marreiros and Tsang Tseng Tseng, and chat with fashion designer Nuno Lopes about his glitzy gala event at The Venetian, ReDiscover Macau. And in Home Af-fairs, we visit the lovely home of creative jewellery maker Man-uela Sotero.On the Gourmet scene, we enjoy a meal and conversation with award-winning Michelin star Chef José Avillez, as he in-troduces his contemporary Portuguese culinary creations at the spectacular Mesa restaurant at The Karl Lagerfeld Hotel.Finally, on the 60th anniversary of his death, our Closing Story explores a fascinating connection between Macau and former US president John F. Kennedy.Make sure you check out all the great Opinion columns from our contributing writers too!From all the team at Macau CLOSER, we wish all our read-ers and partners a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for all your support and looking forward to another eventful year in 2024! Happy Reading!We love to hear from our readers so feel free to contact us at: macaucloser@gmail.com編輯筆錄 FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK | COVER ARTWORK BY CANDIDA HÖFER 訂閱表格 SUBSCRIPTION FORM [郵資已付 INCLUDING POSTAGE]姓名 NAME 男 MALE 女 FEMALE 國籍 NATIONALITY地址 ADDRESS 城市 CITY 國家 COUNTRY 區號 POST CODE電郵 E-MAIL 電話 TELPUBLISHER & DIRECTOR 出版人與總監Ricardo Pinto EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 總編輯 Ricardo Pinto EDITOR 編輯Mark Phillips SENIOR WRITER 資深作者Mark PhillipsBILINGUAL WRITER 雙語作者Erris Ho DESIGNER 設計Catarina Lopes AlvesCARTOON & ILLUSTRATIONS 卡通及插畫Rui Rasquinho PHOTOGRAPHY 攝影Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro, Pedro André Santos CONTRIBUTORS 投稿人André Vinagre, Annya Lai, Catarina Chan, Cintia Leite, G!NN!EJuliana Kung, Joe Tang, Paul French, Pedro André Santos, Rita Gonçalves, Suzanne WatkinsonTRANSLATIONS & PROOFREADING 翻譯與校對Erris Ho, Mark Phillips MARKETING & ADVERTISING 廣告及市場推廣 MACAU CLOSER EVENTS 特寫項目籌劃 OFFICE 辦公室澳門主教巷 1-C 永順閣 6樓Travessa do Bispo, n.º 1C, 6 Floor, Macau +853 2872 3880 +853 2833> 澳門華輝印刷廠印刷 | PRINTED IN MACAU BY WELFARE LTD. > PUBLISHED BY 發行 | PRAIA GRANDE EDIÇÕES> GCS REGISTER NO. 311. ISSN 1994-4470. > 版權所有 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDMACAUCLOSERMail it to Travessa do Bispo, n.º 1C, 6 Floor, Macau, or fax it to +853 2833 9563 or email it to macaucloser@gmail.com郵寄至 中國澳門主教巷 1-C 永順閣 6樓 或 傳真至 +853 2833 95631 支票抬頭請寫 “Plural Media Ltd.” 只接受以澳門元或港元支付 2 銀 行 轉帳 至 MEDIA PLURAL LDA | BNU - 9006629672 3 請提供有效學生證副本 4 歐元區訂閱者必須以歐元支付1 Please make it payable to “Plural Media Ltd.”. We only accept cheques in Macau Patacas or Hong Kong Dollars 2 Bank transfer to Media Plural Lda - BNU - 9006629672 3 Please provide us with a copy of a valid student card 4 Subscribers based in the Eurozone must pay in Euros注意 成功支付訂閱方可生效 ATTENTION Subscriptions without proof of payment will not be processed支付方式 METHOD OF PAYMENT 支票 CHEQUE PAYMENT 1 銀行轉帳 BANK TRANSFER 2訂閱組合 SUBSCRIPTON PACKAGES一年六期 ONE (1) YEAR (6) ISSUES 個人 INDIVIDUAL 學生 STUDENT3澳門 MACAU / 香港 HONG KONG MOP / HKD250 MOP / HKD200中國內地 MAINLAND CHINA RMB300 RMB250海外 OVERSEAS (空郵 AIR MAIL)4 USD100 / EUR100 USD75 / EURO75隨即訂閱《澳門特寫》SUBSCRIBE NOW!!ONLY MOP125 FOR 6 ISSUES DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME 6期只需MOP125 &
10WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202311023幾乎已經過去了,實在難以置信。而這是多麼不同尋常的一年!當我們在一月初開始的時候,這座城市大部分仍然與外界隔絕,未來似乎相當不確定。但突然之間,大門敞開,一切以驚人的速度恢復了正常運行,似乎每個人都在試圖彌補失去的時間。澳門迎來了越來越多的遊客,舉辦了無數的活動和節日。隨著年底的臨近,這種急促的節奏也沒有減緩,甚至更加快速。在這期中,我們回顧了第70屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車的精彩賽事,並訪談了今年的!OUTLOUD國際街頭藝術節的主辦方和藝術家。我們還參與了今年在路環舉辦的 「hush沙灘音樂會 x Urban Yo~ga Wellfest」,這為期兩天的活動吸引了大批健身和瑜珈愛好者。此外,我們與一些才華橫溢的本地時尚設計師聊天,包括今年在澳門服裝節的體驗。本期的封面故事將聚焦於一位偉大傑出的藝術大師——來自德國的著名觀念攝影師 Candida Höfer。她於去年十二月在澳門藝術博物館展出了令人驚歎的展覽《宏空之境》。CLOSER 有幸邀請了這位德國藝術家坐下來,談談她獲獎無數的攝影作品和職業生涯。 在本地藝術界,我們探討了馬偉圖和曾貞貞的最新個展,並與時尚設計師Nuno Lopes 聊了聊他在威尼斯人舉辦的華麗活動「金沙時尚重新探索澳門2023」。此外,在家居方面,我們參觀了創意珠寶商 Manuela Sotero的美麗而充滿風情的家。在美食領域,我們享受了一頓與屢獲米其林星級大廚 José Avillez 的美食和對話,他在The Karl Lagerfeld壯觀的 Mesa 餐廳向我們介紹了他當代葡萄牙烹飪的創意。 最後,在前美國總統約翰甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)去世60周年之際,我們的結尾故事探討了澳門與其引人入勝的聯繫。 別忘了查看我們所有優秀作家的觀點專欄! 澳門CLOSER團隊的所有成員,祝愿所有的讀者和合作夥伴聖誕快樂和新年快樂!感謝您們過去一年對我們的全力支持,期待大家在2024年再度度過充實美好的一年!祝愿閱讀愉快!It seems hard to believe that 2023 is almost over. And what a year it’s been! When we started off back in January, the city was largely still closed off from the outside world and the future seemed quite uncertain. But then suddenly the doors opened and everything sprung back into action at a rapid pace. And ever since, if feels like everyone has been trying to make up for lost time as the city has welcomed back increasingly large numbers of visitors and hosted countless events and festivals. As we reach the end of the year, things have not slowed down either; if anything the pace has ramped up even more. In this issue we review all the action of the 70th Macau Grand Prix and we speak to the organisers and artists of this year’s !OUTLOUD International Street Art Festival. We stretch out and relax at “hush! Beach Concerts x Urban Yo~ga Well-fest”. This year for the first time, the popular annual live music festival at Coloane also included a 2-day yoga event attracting hundreds of fitness fans. And we chat with some talented local fashion designers who participated in the recent Macau Fash-ion Festival.When it comes to artistic talent, our cover story this issue is one of the greats – renowned conceptual photographer Can-did Höfer, who unveiled her impressive exhibition at the Ma-cau Art Museum in December, Epic Gaze. CLOSER sat down with the German artist to talk about her amazing photographic work and career.On the local art scene, we check out the latest solo exhi-bitions from Alexandre Marreiros and Tsang Tseng Tseng, and chat with fashion designer Nuno Lopes about his glitzy gala event at The Venetian, ReDiscover Macau. And in Home Af-fairs, we visit the lovely home of creative jewellery maker Man-uela Sotero.On the Gourmet scene, we enjoy a meal and conversation with award-winning Michelin star Chef José Avillez, as he in-troduces his contemporary Portuguese culinary creations at the spectacular Mesa restaurant at The Karl Lagerfeld Hotel.Finally, on the 60th anniversary of his death, our Closing Story explores a fascinating connection between Macau and former US president John F. Kennedy.Make sure you check out all the great Opinion columns from our contributing writers too!From all the team at Macau CLOSER, we wish all our read-ers and partners a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for all your support and looking forward to another eventful year in 2024! Happy Reading!We love to hear from our readers so feel free to contact us at: macaucloser@gmail.com編輯筆錄 FROM THE PUBLISHER’S DESK | COVER ARTWORK BY CANDIDA HÖFER 訂閱表格 SUBSCRIPTION FORM [郵資已付 INCLUDING POSTAGE]姓名 NAME 男 MALE 女 FEMALE 國籍 NATIONALITY地址 ADDRESS 城市 CITY 國家 COUNTRY 區號 POST CODE電郵 E-MAIL 電話 TELPUBLISHER & DIRECTOR 出版人與總監Ricardo Pinto EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 總編輯 Ricardo Pinto EDITOR 編輯Mark Phillips SENIOR WRITER 資深作者Mark PhillipsBILINGUAL WRITER 雙語作者Erris Ho DESIGNER 設計Catarina Lopes AlvesCARTOON & ILLUSTRATIONS 卡通及插畫Rui Rasquinho PHOTOGRAPHY 攝影Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro, Pedro André Santos CONTRIBUTORS 投稿人André Vinagre, Annya Lai, Catarina Chan, Cintia Leite, G!NN!EJuliana Kung, Joe Tang, Paul French, Pedro André Santos, Rita Gonçalves, Suzanne WatkinsonTRANSLATIONS & PROOFREADING 翻譯與校對Erris Ho, Mark Phillips MARKETING & ADVERTISING 廣告及市場推廣 MACAU CLOSER EVENTS 特寫項目籌劃 OFFICE 辦公室澳門主教巷 1-C 永順閣 6樓Travessa do Bispo, n.º 1C, 6 Floor, Macau +853 2872 3880 +853 2833> 澳門華輝印刷廠印刷 | PRINTED IN MACAU BY WELFARE LTD. > PUBLISHED BY 發行 | PRAIA GRANDE EDIÇÕES> GCS REGISTER NO. 311. ISSN 1994-4470. > 版權所有 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDMACAUCLOSERMail it to Travessa do Bispo, n.º 1C, 6 Floor, Macau, or fax it to +853 2833 9563 or email it to macaucloser@gmail.com郵寄至 中國澳門主教巷 1-C 永順閣 6樓 或 傳真至 +853 2833 95631 支票抬頭請寫 “Plural Media Ltd.” 只接受以澳門元或港元支付 2 銀 行 轉帳 至 MEDIA PLURAL LDA | BNU - 9006629672 3 請提供有效學生證副本 4 歐元區訂閱者必須以歐元支付1 Please make it payable to “Plural Media Ltd.”. We only accept cheques in Macau Patacas or Hong Kong Dollars 2 Bank transfer to Media Plural Lda - BNU - 9006629672 3 Please provide us with a copy of a valid student card 4 Subscribers based in the Eurozone must pay in Euros注意 成功支付訂閱方可生效 ATTENTION Subscriptions without proof of payment will not be processed支付方式 METHOD OF PAYMENT 支票 CHEQUE PAYMENT 1 銀行轉帳 BANK TRANSFER 2訂閱組合 SUBSCRIPTON PACKAGES一年六期 ONE (1) YEAR (6) ISSUES 個人 INDIVIDUAL 學生 STUDENT3澳門 MACAU / 香港 HONG KONG MOP / HKD250 MOP / HKD200中國內地 MAINLAND CHINA RMB300 RMB250海外 OVERSEAS (空郵 AIR MAIL)4 USD100 / EUR100 USD75 / EURO75隨即訂閱《澳門特寫》SUBSCRIBE NOW!!ONLY MOP125 FOR 6 ISSUES DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME 6期只需MOP125 &
12WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202313“SENSIBILITY AND PERCEPTION”LISBOETA MACAUCELEBRATE THE FESTIVE SEASONGRAND HYATT MACAU In collaboration with Mizuma Art Gallery from Japan, Humarish Club is thrilled to present a collective art exhibition “Perception and Sensibility”, showcasing recent works by five Japanese contemporary artists: Eguchi Ayane, Ogino Rina, Ohata Shintaro, Namonaki Sanemasa and Mizuno Rina, marking their debut in Macau. Under the theme “Sensibility and Perception”, the exhibition depicts the intricate and direct connections between individuals and their souls. www.humarish.comGalaxy Macau Unveils Macau’s Tallest 20-meter Santa Installation, at the East Square has added a striking feature to the city’s festive skyline. Welcoming guests with a stylish, all-seasons, and flashy new look, this spectacular Santa is a must-see attraction for visitors. From now until January 7, 2024, visitors and their loved ones to Galaxy Macau and StarWorld Hotel can immerse themselves and their loved ones in the holiday spirit. The festive offerings include captivating installations, exclusive events, live performances, spirited countdown parties, specially curated Christmas and New Year menus and rewarding shopping experiences.www.galaxymacau.comGrand Hyatt Macau has carefully crafted a series of special festive delights. mezza9 Macau presents a series of feasts and desserts, making it the perfect choice for your gatherings. Immerse in the Lobby Lounge with the Highland Park Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 years old Afternoon Tea Set; Guests can also indulge in the Christmas Grand Set at Lobby Lounge, which showcases a delightful assortment of Christmas-themed pastries with coffee or tea. For guests who are interested in Northern Chinese cuisine, Beijing Kitchen offers a Champagne Festive Menu. www.cityofdreamsmacau.com1/1MONCHHICHI SWEET CHRISTMASMACAU TOWER This Christmas, we are excited to bring you a delightful Monchhichi village at Macau Tower! It’s going to be a magical experience for everyone who visits us. You can take your time and explore the beautiful decorations, check out the adorable Monchhichi popup store, or have a blast bouncing around on the fun Monchhichi inflatables at our riverside Outdoor娛樂 ART聖誕節 CHRISTMAS聖誕節 CHRISTMAS12/1美食 DININGUNTIL UNTIL UNTIL UNTIL FROM FROM 聖誕節 CHRISTMASDREAM BOLD, PLAY BIGGALAXY MACAU7/1展覽 EXHIBITION“WINTER FLOWER SHOW 2023”AVENIDA DA PRAIA, TAIPA15/12The “Winter Flower Show 2023” is held by the Municipal Affairs Bureau from 15 to 31 December under the theme “Pristine Planet”, as a celebration of the establishment of the Macao SAR. Themed installations centering on ball-shaped flowers will be set up at the main show venue in Avenida da Praia, Taipa, allowing residents and tourists to travel in simulated pristine and planetary realms and experience unique exploration journeys.The winter flower show this year features a wide variety of ball-shaped flowers with distinctive appearances and diverse colours, such as hydrangea, chrysanthemum in pompon form, dahlia and PALACEWYNN PALACEWynn Palace Cotai is proud to present Lakeview Palace, the luxury resort’s brand new dining Jiangnan cuisine establishment. The new restaurant encapsulates the essence of Jiangnan cuisine, infused with contemporary elements to reinvent classics to new heights. Crafted by Executive Chef Wilson Fam, signature dishes from Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine as well as courses from Sichuan and Guangdong are sure to excite the most discerning palates.’s OnWHATSON.MACAUCLOSER.COM28/9
12WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202313“SENSIBILITY AND PERCEPTION”LISBOETA MACAUCELEBRATE THE FESTIVE SEASONGRAND HYATT MACAU In collaboration with Mizuma Art Gallery from Japan, Humarish Club is thrilled to present a collective art exhibition “Perception and Sensibility”, showcasing recent works by five Japanese contemporary artists: Eguchi Ayane, Ogino Rina, Ohata Shintaro, Namonaki Sanemasa and Mizuno Rina, marking their debut in Macau. Under the theme “Sensibility and Perception”, the exhibition depicts the intricate and direct connections between individuals and their souls. www.humarish.comGalaxy Macau Unveils Macau’s Tallest 20-meter Santa Installation, at the East Square has added a striking feature to the city’s festive skyline. Welcoming guests with a stylish, all-seasons, and flashy new look, this spectacular Santa is a must-see attraction for visitors. From now until January 7, 2024, visitors and their loved ones to Galaxy Macau and StarWorld Hotel can immerse themselves and their loved ones in the holiday spirit. The festive offerings include captivating installations, exclusive events, live performances, spirited countdown parties, specially curated Christmas and New Year menus and rewarding shopping experiences.www.galaxymacau.comGrand Hyatt Macau has carefully crafted a series of special festive delights. mezza9 Macau presents a series of feasts and desserts, making it the perfect choice for your gatherings. Immerse in the Lobby Lounge with the Highland Park Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 years old Afternoon Tea Set; Guests can also indulge in the Christmas Grand Set at Lobby Lounge, which showcases a delightful assortment of Christmas-themed pastries with coffee or tea. For guests who are interested in Northern Chinese cuisine, Beijing Kitchen offers a Champagne Festive Menu. www.cityofdreamsmacau.com1/1MONCHHICHI SWEET CHRISTMASMACAU TOWER This Christmas, we are excited to bring you a delightful Monchhichi village at Macau Tower! It’s going to be a magical experience for everyone who visits us. You can take your time and explore the beautiful decorations, check out the adorable Monchhichi popup store, or have a blast bouncing around on the fun Monchhichi inflatables at our riverside Outdoor娛樂 ART聖誕節 CHRISTMAS聖誕節 CHRISTMAS12/1美食 DININGUNTIL UNTIL UNTIL UNTIL FROM FROM 聖誕節 CHRISTMASDREAM BOLD, PLAY BIGGALAXY MACAU7/1展覽 EXHIBITION“WINTER FLOWER SHOW 2023”AVENIDA DA PRAIA, TAIPA15/12The “Winter Flower Show 2023” is held by the Municipal Affairs Bureau from 15 to 31 December under the theme “Pristine Planet”, as a celebration of the establishment of the Macao SAR. Themed installations centering on ball-shaped flowers will be set up at the main show venue in Avenida da Praia, Taipa, allowing residents and tourists to travel in simulated pristine and planetary realms and experience unique exploration journeys.The winter flower show this year features a wide variety of ball-shaped flowers with distinctive appearances and diverse colours, such as hydrangea, chrysanthemum in pompon form, dahlia and PALACEWYNN PALACEWynn Palace Cotai is proud to present Lakeview Palace, the luxury resort’s brand new dining Jiangnan cuisine establishment. The new restaurant encapsulates the essence of Jiangnan cuisine, infused with contemporary elements to reinvent classics to new heights. Crafted by Executive Chef Wilson Fam, signature dishes from Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine as well as courses from Sichuan and Guangdong are sure to excite the most discerning palates.’s OnWHATSON.MACAUCLOSER.COM28/9
14WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202315 DISCOVER MACAO2/12/23- 25/02/24 2023幻彩耀濠江A Dazzling Wonderland北區-歡樂旅程旅遊局於飛喇士街休憩區、東方海岸休憩區、黑沙環公園、東方明珠休憩區裝置多個令人印象深刻的燈光裝置及互動遊戲,如塗鴉樂園 、樂園收藏卡 、流星蹺蹺板、及歡樂飛船等。下環區-潮玩媽閣美高梅誠摯地邀您在澳門下環區一同享受獨特的旅遊體驗!媽閣站面層平台花園設置繁星閃爍的「願望之環」裝置藝術。您可以透過手機登入特定程式,上載您的願望到「願望之環」。此外,遊人可到訪海事博物館前、亞婆井前地、媽閣碼頭和港務局大樓,欣賞到該區令人驚艷燈飾裝置!“Light Up! Porto-A-Ma” at Praia do Manduco District MGM invites you to enjoy a unique travel experience in the Barra area of Macao. The Square of Barra Public Transport Interchange features the Ring of Wishes installation with twinkling stars, allowing visitors to upload their wishes. In addition, visitors can visit Largo do Lilau, Barra Pier and The Moorish Barracks to enjoy unique light installations.“Light Up Macao 2023” offers the very best way to tour around the city at night with thousands of brilliant, dazzling lights illuminating numerous famous landmarks. There are also lots of planned activities to look forward to, such as interactive games, projection mapping, and much more. Organized by Macao Government Tourism Ofce (MGTO) in collaboration with the six integrated resort enterprises, “Light up Macao 2023” will be staged from 2 December 2023 to 25 February 2024. Themed as the “Dazzling Wonderland”, the visual feast will present 36 colorful light installations, 20 interactive installations and three mapping shows in Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane, covering a total of 34 locations across seven districts: Central District, Praia do Manduco District, Nam Van District, Zona Nova de Aterros do PortoExterior (NAPE), Northern District, Taipa and Coloane. The installations will be on from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. every night during the event. What a dazzling opportunity to enjoy winter here while celebrating the holidays with joy! 2023幻彩耀濠江給予夜間觀賞澳門各區的最佳方式。數以千計的絢麗、耀眼的燈光照亮了澳門周圍的眾多著名地標,除了色彩絢爛的燈飾裝置之外, 還有現場互動遊戲、光雕表演等豐富多彩的活動。以璀璨遊樂場為主題,由澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局聯同六間綜合旅遊休閒企業主辦的「2023幻彩耀濠江」於2023年12月2日至2024年2月25日期間上演,設置36個豐富多彩的精彩燈光裝置、20個互動裝置及3場光雕表演地點分佈於澳門半島、氹仔及路環,涵蓋中區、 南灣區、下環區、新口岸填海區、北區、氹仔及路環7個區共34個地點。裝置項目於活動期間的晚上7時至10時開放。這真是一個令人目不暇給的機會,可以在這裡享受冬日同時並以歡樂的心情慶祝節日! 中區-花影繽紛澳娛綜合為市民及旅客帶來”花影繽紛”的中區,包含以下多個場地: 位於澳門十六號碼頭的四朵發光蓮花和射燈,營造出一種迷人的氛圍;十六浦度假村廣場的金蓮花展亭以蓮花為主題,展示出多種炫麗的圖像;於十月初五街裝置以風吹動的圓形花朵圖案,讓整條街道充滿色彩;金文碧娛心中門外設有繽紛的人力車,還有以澳門70代年霓虹燈牌為藍本的懷舊澳門情;大堂前地和板樟堂巷也安裝了炫目的燈光裝置。“Blooming Splendor” at Central District SJM Resorts, S.A. presents “Blooming Splendor” in the Central District with four luminous lotus owers and spotlights on the roof of the Ponte No. 16; Golden Lotus Pavilion at Sotel Front Courtyard displaying a variety of dazzling images with a lotus theme; a circular ower pattern Floral Fantasia installed on Rua de Cinco de Outubro; and Splendor Rickshaws in front of the Kam Pek Community Centre, as well as Nostalgic Macao inpired by neon signs of Macao from the 1970s. Various colorful lights are also installed at Cathedral Square and Travessa de S. Domingos.“Joyful Journey” at Northern DistrictMGTO has created a number of impressive light installations and interactive games in the Leisure Area in Rua do General Ivens Ferraz, Leisure Area in the Waterfront Duet, Areia Preta Urban Park and Leisure Area in Rua da Pérola Oriental, such as Grafti Playground, Park Collectible, Comet Seesaw, and Joyful Spaceship.
14WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202315 DISCOVER MACAO2/12/23- 25/02/24 2023幻彩耀濠江A Dazzling Wonderland北區-歡樂旅程旅遊局於飛喇士街休憩區、東方海岸休憩區、黑沙環公園、東方明珠休憩區裝置多個令人印象深刻的燈光裝置及互動遊戲,如塗鴉樂園 、樂園收藏卡 、流星蹺蹺板、及歡樂飛船等。下環區-潮玩媽閣美高梅誠摯地邀您在澳門下環區一同享受獨特的旅遊體驗!媽閣站面層平台花園設置繁星閃爍的「願望之環」裝置藝術。您可以透過手機登入特定程式,上載您的願望到「願望之環」。此外,遊人可到訪海事博物館前、亞婆井前地、媽閣碼頭和港務局大樓,欣賞到該區令人驚艷燈飾裝置!“Light Up! Porto-A-Ma” at Praia do Manduco District MGM invites you to enjoy a unique travel experience in the Barra area of Macao. The Square of Barra Public Transport Interchange features the Ring of Wishes installation with twinkling stars, allowing visitors to upload their wishes. In addition, visitors can visit Largo do Lilau, Barra Pier and The Moorish Barracks to enjoy unique light installations.“Light Up Macao 2023” offers the very best way to tour around the city at night with thousands of brilliant, dazzling lights illuminating numerous famous landmarks. There are also lots of planned activities to look forward to, such as interactive games, projection mapping, and much more. Organized by Macao Government Tourism Ofce (MGTO) in collaboration with the six integrated resort enterprises, “Light up Macao 2023” will be staged from 2 December 2023 to 25 February 2024. Themed as the “Dazzling Wonderland”, the visual feast will present 36 colorful light installations, 20 interactive installations and three mapping shows in Macao Peninsula, Taipa and Coloane, covering a total of 34 locations across seven districts: Central District, Praia do Manduco District, Nam Van District, Zona Nova de Aterros do PortoExterior (NAPE), Northern District, Taipa and Coloane. The installations will be on from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. every night during the event. What a dazzling opportunity to enjoy winter here while celebrating the holidays with joy! 2023幻彩耀濠江給予夜間觀賞澳門各區的最佳方式。數以千計的絢麗、耀眼的燈光照亮了澳門周圍的眾多著名地標,除了色彩絢爛的燈飾裝置之外, 還有現場互動遊戲、光雕表演等豐富多彩的活動。以璀璨遊樂場為主題,由澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局聯同六間綜合旅遊休閒企業主辦的「2023幻彩耀濠江」於2023年12月2日至2024年2月25日期間上演,設置36個豐富多彩的精彩燈光裝置、20個互動裝置及3場光雕表演地點分佈於澳門半島、氹仔及路環,涵蓋中區、 南灣區、下環區、新口岸填海區、北區、氹仔及路環7個區共34個地點。裝置項目於活動期間的晚上7時至10時開放。這真是一個令人目不暇給的機會,可以在這裡享受冬日同時並以歡樂的心情慶祝節日! 中區-花影繽紛澳娛綜合為市民及旅客帶來”花影繽紛”的中區,包含以下多個場地: 位於澳門十六號碼頭的四朵發光蓮花和射燈,營造出一種迷人的氛圍;十六浦度假村廣場的金蓮花展亭以蓮花為主題,展示出多種炫麗的圖像;於十月初五街裝置以風吹動的圓形花朵圖案,讓整條街道充滿色彩;金文碧娛心中門外設有繽紛的人力車,還有以澳門70代年霓虹燈牌為藍本的懷舊澳門情;大堂前地和板樟堂巷也安裝了炫目的燈光裝置。“Blooming Splendor” at Central District SJM Resorts, S.A. presents “Blooming Splendor” in the Central District with four luminous lotus owers and spotlights on the roof of the Ponte No. 16; Golden Lotus Pavilion at Sotel Front Courtyard displaying a variety of dazzling images with a lotus theme; a circular ower pattern Floral Fantasia installed on Rua de Cinco de Outubro; and Splendor Rickshaws in front of the Kam Pek Community Centre, as well as Nostalgic Macao inpired by neon signs of Macao from the 1970s. Various colorful lights are also installed at Cathedral Square and Travessa de S. Domingos.“Joyful Journey” at Northern DistrictMGTO has created a number of impressive light installations and interactive games in the Leisure Area in Rua do General Ivens Ferraz, Leisure Area in the Waterfront Duet, Areia Preta Urban Park and Leisure Area in Rua da Pérola Oriental, such as Grafti Playground, Park Collectible, Comet Seesaw, and Joyful Spaceship.
16WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202317DISCOVER MACAODISCOVER MACAO 新口岸填海區-環遊星河銀河娛樂集團在新口岸填海區呈現環遊星河。 遊客可以在宋玉生廣場公園內安裝的閃閃發光的鞦韆上重溫童年記憶。此外,澳門科學館前地還有一個由靈動飛馬和“LOVE ”螢光字母組成的夢幻木馬,讓遊客感受到夢幻般的遊樂氛圍。除了時光鞦韆和夢幻木馬外,在宋玉生廣場、澳門科學館前地和觀音像海濱休憩區還設置了互動遊戲,讓遊客可以盡情享受遊樂的樂趣。“Travel Around the Universe” at NAPEGalaxy Entertainment Group presents a theme of traveling around the universe in the NAPE district. Visitors can relive their childhood memories on a Time Swing installed in Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção. There is also a Dreamy Carousel composed of ying horses and “LOVE” uorescent letters in front of the Macao Science Center, giving visitors a dreamy amusement atmosphere. A number of interactive games in Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção Park, Macao Science Center Square and Zona de Lazer da Marginal da Estátua de Kun Iam create even more fun for visitors. 氹仔區-夢幻樂園新濠博亞娛樂有限公司為氹仔區打造如夢幻樂園: 嘉妹前地的動感電車站、嘉模墟的奇幻遊樂屋、氹仔牌坊的樂韻摩天輪及米也馬嘉禮前地的夢幻迷宮等。在這個如夢幻樂園中,你可以盡情享受各種有趣燈光裝置和遊戲,帶給你一個難忘的旅程!“Fantasy Fairyland” in TaipaMelco Resorts & Entertainment Limited has created a dream paradise in the Taipa District with a Grooving Tram Station in Largo Camões, a Fantasy Playhouse in Feira do Carmo, a Musical Ferris Wheel in Vila da Taipa Historical Center Archway, and a Sparkling Maze in Largo Maia da Magalhães. In this dreamlike paradise, visitors can enjoy a variety of spectacular installations and exciting games, for an unforgettable evening. 路環區-路環大使由金沙中國有限公司呈現的路環大使包括T-BOY 海員大使、T-BOY冒險大 使、T-BOY蓮花大使、T-BOY文青大使及T-BOY塗鴉大使,也急不及待前來參與幻彩耀濠江,遊人快來路環區探索T-Boy 們的行踪吧!在光影節期間,路環區成了T-Boy大使們的新舞台,點亮路環的大街小巷 。遊客快來環路區探索T-Boy大使們的足跡及掃描二維碼享受 AR 體驗!“Coloane Ambassadors” in ColoanePresented by Sands China Ltd., T-BOY Seafarer, T-BOY Adventurer, T-BOY Lotus, T-BOY Hipster and T-BOY Doodler are all eager to meet visitors in Coloane. During the “Light up Macao 2023”, Coloane becomes a new stage for the T-BOY Ambassadors as they show their adventurous spirit of sailing and light up the streets and corners of Coloane. Explore the footprints of T-Boy Ambassadors and scan the QR codes to enjoy AR experiences! 南灣區- 蝶舞花飛永利度假村(澳門)有限公司在南灣區優美的景觀中配搭翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,遊客可以在南灣・雅文湖畔和長廊中步步飛花,也不妨在南灣・雅文湖畔的美蝶許願球許下望願。此外,海濱長廊也展示了多個迷人的幻彩藝術,讓遊客仿佛置身於一座五光十色花園之中。 “Dancing Butteriesand Blooming Wonders” at Nam Van DistrictWynn Resorts (Macau) S.A. presents an iconic glowing dance in the beautiful landscape of Nam Van District. Visitors can follow the buttery footprints along the side of the lake and can even make a wish at the beautiful Wishful Buttery Sphere at Anim’Arte Nam Van. All along the lakeside a number of charming light exhibitions line up to give a sense of being immersed in a colorful light garden. 2023幻彩耀濠江 Light Up Macao 2023時間 Time:2/12/2023 –25/2/2024 網站 Website: :
16WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202317DISCOVER MACAODISCOVER MACAO 新口岸填海區-環遊星河銀河娛樂集團在新口岸填海區呈現環遊星河。 遊客可以在宋玉生廣場公園內安裝的閃閃發光的鞦韆上重溫童年記憶。此外,澳門科學館前地還有一個由靈動飛馬和“LOVE ”螢光字母組成的夢幻木馬,讓遊客感受到夢幻般的遊樂氛圍。除了時光鞦韆和夢幻木馬外,在宋玉生廣場、澳門科學館前地和觀音像海濱休憩區還設置了互動遊戲,讓遊客可以盡情享受遊樂的樂趣。“Travel Around the Universe” at NAPEGalaxy Entertainment Group presents a theme of traveling around the universe in the NAPE district. Visitors can relive their childhood memories on a Time Swing installed in Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção. There is also a Dreamy Carousel composed of ying horses and “LOVE” uorescent letters in front of the Macao Science Center, giving visitors a dreamy amusement atmosphere. A number of interactive games in Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção Park, Macao Science Center Square and Zona de Lazer da Marginal da Estátua de Kun Iam create even more fun for visitors. 氹仔區-夢幻樂園新濠博亞娛樂有限公司為氹仔區打造如夢幻樂園: 嘉妹前地的動感電車站、嘉模墟的奇幻遊樂屋、氹仔牌坊的樂韻摩天輪及米也馬嘉禮前地的夢幻迷宮等。在這個如夢幻樂園中,你可以盡情享受各種有趣燈光裝置和遊戲,帶給你一個難忘的旅程!“Fantasy Fairyland” in TaipaMelco Resorts & Entertainment Limited has created a dream paradise in the Taipa District with a Grooving Tram Station in Largo Camões, a Fantasy Playhouse in Feira do Carmo, a Musical Ferris Wheel in Vila da Taipa Historical Center Archway, and a Sparkling Maze in Largo Maia da Magalhães. In this dreamlike paradise, visitors can enjoy a variety of spectacular installations and exciting games, for an unforgettable evening. 路環區-路環大使由金沙中國有限公司呈現的路環大使包括T-BOY 海員大使、T-BOY冒險大 使、T-BOY蓮花大使、T-BOY文青大使及T-BOY塗鴉大使,也急不及待前來參與幻彩耀濠江,遊人快來路環區探索T-Boy 們的行踪吧!在光影節期間,路環區成了T-Boy大使們的新舞台,點亮路環的大街小巷 。遊客快來環路區探索T-Boy大使們的足跡及掃描二維碼享受 AR 體驗!“Coloane Ambassadors” in ColoanePresented by Sands China Ltd., T-BOY Seafarer, T-BOY Adventurer, T-BOY Lotus, T-BOY Hipster and T-BOY Doodler are all eager to meet visitors in Coloane. During the “Light up Macao 2023”, Coloane becomes a new stage for the T-BOY Ambassadors as they show their adventurous spirit of sailing and light up the streets and corners of Coloane. Explore the footprints of T-Boy Ambassadors and scan the QR codes to enjoy AR experiences! 南灣區- 蝶舞花飛永利度假村(澳門)有限公司在南灣區優美的景觀中配搭翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,遊客可以在南灣・雅文湖畔和長廊中步步飛花,也不妨在南灣・雅文湖畔的美蝶許願球許下望願。此外,海濱長廊也展示了多個迷人的幻彩藝術,讓遊客仿佛置身於一座五光十色花園之中。 “Dancing Butteriesand Blooming Wonders” at Nam Van DistrictWynn Resorts (Macau) S.A. presents an iconic glowing dance in the beautiful landscape of Nam Van District. Visitors can follow the buttery footprints along the side of the lake and can even make a wish at the beautiful Wishful Buttery Sphere at Anim’Arte Nam Van. All along the lakeside a number of charming light exhibitions line up to give a sense of being immersed in a colorful light garden. 2023幻彩耀濠江 Light Up Macao 2023時間 Time:2/12/2023 –25/2/2024 網站 Website: :
18WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202319DISCOVER MACAODISCOVER MACAOChristmas MarketFestivities are getting close, and to add to the joyous Christmas atmosphere, the “2023 Christmas Market” at Tap Seac Square takes place from December 16 2023 to January 1 2024.There are several booths in the Christmas market, featuring Macao cultural creative crafts, stylish Christmas gifts and local delicacies. Also, the kids’ zone which is set up in the market is equipped with an outdoor carousel and festive spinning teacups. There is also a mini Christmas manger and mini Christmas cabins for the public to take photos in, as well as interactive performances that are loved by children. Mark the date to visit the Christmas market with family and friends to enjoy a delightful holiday season in Macao!佳節將近,為增添聖誕歡樂氣氛,塔石廣場於2023年12月16日至2024年1月1日期間舉辦「2023聖誕市集」。聖誕市集設有多個特色攤位,展示澳門文化創意工藝品、時尚聖誕禮品及當地美食。 此外,市場內還設有兒童區,配有戶外旋轉木馬和節慶轉轉杯。 這裡還有迷你聖誕馬槽和迷你聖誕小屋供公眾拍照,以及深受孩子們喜愛的互動表演。快約上家人朋友一起來聖誕市集,享受澳門的歡樂假期吧! 16/12/23 - 01/01/24除了令人目不暇給的光影藝術和現場互動遊戲外,遊人們亦不容錯過多個精心準備的光雕表演!光雕表演分別由同為聯合國教科文組織創意城市設計之都的韓國首爾和中國武漢,以及澳門本地的表演團隊呈獻。In addition to the dazzling light show and interactive games, visitors should not miss the projection mapping show! The projection teams are from Macao and the two UNESCO Creative Cities of Design – Seoul, Korea and Wuhan, China. 「 2023 聖誕市集」Time: 12:00pm to 11:00pm (24th, 25th & 31st Dec, until 12:00 midnight)Venue: Tap Seac SquareAdmission: Free admission時 間:下午2時至晚上11時(12月24日、25日及31日延至晚上12時) 地 點:塔石廣場 票 價:免費入場2/12/23- 25/02/24PROJECTION MAPPING SHOWS光雕表演Unlock the Magic:Journey into WonderlandLocation: Macau Science CenterTime: 2/12/2023 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30Enjoy MagicLocation: Largo dos Bombeiros (Taipa)Time: 2/12/2023 –31/12/2023 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30Season DiusionLocation: Largo dos Bombeiros (Taipa)Time: 1/1/2024 –31/1/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30一劑光影多巴胺・魅力澳門地 點:氹仔消防局前地時 間:1/2/2024 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30澳門冬夜裏的一盞明燈地 點: 路環聖方濟各聖堂時 間: 2/12/2023 –31/12/2023 20:30, 20:45, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30 (12月24日及12月31日因教堂活動安排不設演出);時 間:1/1/2024 –13/1/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30冬日閃亮遊樂場地 點: 路環聖方濟各聖堂時 間: 14/1/2024 –25/2/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30*每場約8分鐘A Dose of Lighting DopamineLocation: Largo dos Bombeiros (Taipa)Time: 1/2/2024 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30A Beacon of Light in Macao’s winter nightLocation: Chapel of St. Francis Xavier (Coloane)Time: 2/12/2023 – 31/12/2023 20:30, 20:45, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30(except on 24 and 31 December)Time: 1/1/2024 – 13/1/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30Dazzling WinterlandLocation: Chapel of St. Francis Xavier (Coloane)Time: 14/1/2024 – 25/2/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30*each performance is about 8 minutes探索幻彩之旅 地 點: 澳門科學館前地時 間:2/12/2023 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30幻彩綻放・璀璨遊樂地 點:氹仔消防局前地時 間:2/12/2023 –31/12/2023 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30 互・四 季地 點:氹仔消防局前地時 間:1/1/2024 –31/1/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30
18WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202319DISCOVER MACAODISCOVER MACAOChristmas MarketFestivities are getting close, and to add to the joyous Christmas atmosphere, the “2023 Christmas Market” at Tap Seac Square takes place from December 16 2023 to January 1 2024.There are several booths in the Christmas market, featuring Macao cultural creative crafts, stylish Christmas gifts and local delicacies. Also, the kids’ zone which is set up in the market is equipped with an outdoor carousel and festive spinning teacups. There is also a mini Christmas manger and mini Christmas cabins for the public to take photos in, as well as interactive performances that are loved by children. Mark the date to visit the Christmas market with family and friends to enjoy a delightful holiday season in Macao!佳節將近,為增添聖誕歡樂氣氛,塔石廣場於2023年12月16日至2024年1月1日期間舉辦「2023聖誕市集」。聖誕市集設有多個特色攤位,展示澳門文化創意工藝品、時尚聖誕禮品及當地美食。 此外,市場內還設有兒童區,配有戶外旋轉木馬和節慶轉轉杯。 這裡還有迷你聖誕馬槽和迷你聖誕小屋供公眾拍照,以及深受孩子們喜愛的互動表演。快約上家人朋友一起來聖誕市集,享受澳門的歡樂假期吧! 16/12/23 - 01/01/24除了令人目不暇給的光影藝術和現場互動遊戲外,遊人們亦不容錯過多個精心準備的光雕表演!光雕表演分別由同為聯合國教科文組織創意城市設計之都的韓國首爾和中國武漢,以及澳門本地的表演團隊呈獻。In addition to the dazzling light show and interactive games, visitors should not miss the projection mapping show! The projection teams are from Macao and the two UNESCO Creative Cities of Design – Seoul, Korea and Wuhan, China. 「 2023 聖誕市集」Time: 12:00pm to 11:00pm (24th, 25th & 31st Dec, until 12:00 midnight)Venue: Tap Seac SquareAdmission: Free admission時 間:下午2時至晚上11時(12月24日、25日及31日延至晚上12時) 地 點:塔石廣場 票 價:免費入場2/12/23- 25/02/24PROJECTION MAPPING SHOWS光雕表演Unlock the Magic:Journey into WonderlandLocation: Macau Science CenterTime: 2/12/2023 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30Enjoy MagicLocation: Largo dos Bombeiros (Taipa)Time: 2/12/2023 –31/12/2023 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30Season DiusionLocation: Largo dos Bombeiros (Taipa)Time: 1/1/2024 –31/1/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30一劑光影多巴胺・魅力澳門地 點:氹仔消防局前地時 間:1/2/2024 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30澳門冬夜裏的一盞明燈地 點: 路環聖方濟各聖堂時 間: 2/12/2023 –31/12/2023 20:30, 20:45, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30 (12月24日及12月31日因教堂活動安排不設演出);時 間:1/1/2024 –13/1/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30冬日閃亮遊樂場地 點: 路環聖方濟各聖堂時 間: 14/1/2024 –25/2/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30*每場約8分鐘A Dose of Lighting DopamineLocation: Largo dos Bombeiros (Taipa)Time: 1/2/2024 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30A Beacon of Light in Macao’s winter nightLocation: Chapel of St. Francis Xavier (Coloane)Time: 2/12/2023 – 31/12/2023 20:30, 20:45, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30(except on 24 and 31 December)Time: 1/1/2024 – 13/1/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30Dazzling WinterlandLocation: Chapel of St. Francis Xavier (Coloane)Time: 14/1/2024 – 25/2/2024 21:00, 21:15, 21:30*each performance is about 8 minutes探索幻彩之旅 地 點: 澳門科學館前地時 間:2/12/2023 –25/2/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30幻彩綻放・璀璨遊樂地 點:氹仔消防局前地時 間:2/12/2023 –31/12/2023 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30 互・四 季地 點:氹仔消防局前地時 間:1/1/2024 –31/1/2024 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30, 21:00, 21:30
20WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20232120Don’t Think, Just paint20特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |The 5th edition of the !OUTLOUD International Street Art Festival brightens up the cityBY G!NN!E PHOTOS AKIMOTO CHAN
20WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20232120Don’t Think, Just paint20特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |The 5th edition of the !OUTLOUD International Street Art Festival brightens up the cityBY G!NN!E PHOTOS AKIMOTO CHAN
22WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202323 CLOSER LOOK |路過司打口老區,你是否留意過牆上奇趣生動的塗鴉畫作?幾年前起,它被不少旅遊雜誌稱為「澳門塗鴉潮人地標」。2017年 11 月,第一屆響朵街頭藝術節把司打口變成了一條塗鴉村。自此,塗鴉便在這片老街區生根發芽。「響朵」組織創辦人PIBG和Cassidy跟《澳門特寫》相約在他們的工作室。踏進滿是色彩繽紛、畫筆和顏料的空間,我們看到PIBG正在作畫,而Cassidy則幫助協助打點事務。他們怎樣成功說服街坊們提供空牆讓他們在上面創作街頭藝術呢?「我們只是挨家挨戶敲門問」,Cassidy 說道。「幸好PIBG 有一個迷人的笑容,每個人都為之著迷,或者這有助於說服人們」,她笑著說。「他在這一區就像是一尊活佛!」街頭藝術不同於在畫廊裡的美術作品,數不清的「野生塗鴉」散佈在城市各個角落。Cassidy說,剛開始畫的目的也只是「有地方就畫,也不知道之後會做到什麼程度。」「別管了,盡情畫。」 PIBG説罷,繼續低頭作畫。當藝術遇上街道響朵街頭藝術節剛開始成立之初,夫妻倆向司打口街坊們挨家挨戶借牆。Cassidy憶述,街坊們大多數都很包容、很好相處。「這一區很有人情味,人們的包容性很強」,Cassidy說,「不像早就有文化印記的台北西門町那樣,司打口是新的開始。」Cassidy也看得出街坊們最初的遲疑,但後來看到初步成果後,更多街坊紛紛願意借出牆面。「他們似乎很容易接納我們做的事,並且願意給更多空間我們。」Cassidy說。「這就是藝術的魅力。」PIBG停下畫筆,補充說。PIBG曾是一個五人塗鴉團體GANTZ5一員,這個團體也是「響朵」組織的前身,已經畫了快20年。五人塗鴉的起源地是在營地大街休憩區(本地人稱為「營地公園」),當時適逢一個法國藝術家妮基·桑法勒(Niki de Saint Phalle)的展覽在澳門舉辦。作為活動的延伸,他們開始在公園作畫,後來更得文化局的允許借出公園的牆面作畫。這一借,就借了十年之久,讓營地公園逐漸變成一個在澳門甚至國際街頭藝術家會去光顧的創意中心,甚至引起了不少旅遊雜志的關注。WHERE ART MEETS THE STREETSWhen planning the first !OUTLOUD Festival, the couple went from door to door asking their neighbours if they could borrow their wall spac-es. Most were very accommodating and easy to get along with. “People in this neighbourhood are very kind and inclusive,” Cassidy says.Cassidy admits that there was some hesita-tion from the neighbours in the first beginning, but after seeing the outcome, more neighbours have been willing to offer up their walls. “They seem to be receptive to what we’re doing and are willing to give us more space,” she says.“That’s the beauty of art,” PIBG remarks, taking a break from his painting. Nowadays, after a number of successful events, local residents even come to them to invite them to paint on their walls! PIBG, a member of the local graffiti group Ganzt5, the predecessor of !Outloud, has been painting for almost two decades. The group started when an exhibition of French artist Niky de Saint Phalle was held in Macau. As an extension of their activities, they started to paint in the outdoor area near the Sao Domin-gos wet market (commonly known as the “Sao Domingos park” by local people), and later they received permission from the Cultural Affairs Bureau to paint on the wall there.The agreement with the bureau lasted for ten years, transforming the area into a creative hub where local and even international artists frequented, even garnering attention from in-ternational travel magazines.Have you strolled around the old district of Praça de Ponte e Horta recently and noticed the vibrant and whimsical graffiti adorning many of the old walls? Over the past few years, this area down by the Inner Harbour has earned the moniker of “Macau’s Graffiti Hipster Landmark”.In November 2017, the inaugural !OUTLOUD Interna-tional Street Art Festival began transforming this historic dis-trict into a graffiti village, establishing a lasting presence of street art. Recently CLOSER visited the studio of PIBG and Cassidy, the founders of !OUTLOUD. As we enter the space full colour-ful paintings, brushes, and paints, we find PIBG engrossed in a painting while Cassidy is assisting with related tasks.How did they manage to first convince the localvs in this neighbourhood to offer up their vacant walls for street art?“We just went around knocking on doors asking,” says Cassidy. “Luckily PIBG has a charming smile that everybody loves, so maybe that helped convince people,” she says with a grin. “He’s kind of like a living Buddha in this part of town!”Street art is different from fine art in a gallery, sprawl-ing across the city in countless “wild graffiti” expressions. Cassidy describes their early painting endeavours as simply “painting wherever we could, without foreseeing the extent of our journey.”“Don’t think, just paint!” PIBG asserts as he continues working on his art.PHOTO MARK PHILLIPS
22WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202323 CLOSER LOOK |路過司打口老區,你是否留意過牆上奇趣生動的塗鴉畫作?幾年前起,它被不少旅遊雜誌稱為「澳門塗鴉潮人地標」。2017年 11 月,第一屆響朵街頭藝術節把司打口變成了一條塗鴉村。自此,塗鴉便在這片老街區生根發芽。「響朵」組織創辦人PIBG和Cassidy跟《澳門特寫》相約在他們的工作室。踏進滿是色彩繽紛、畫筆和顏料的空間,我們看到PIBG正在作畫,而Cassidy則幫助協助打點事務。他們怎樣成功說服街坊們提供空牆讓他們在上面創作街頭藝術呢?「我們只是挨家挨戶敲門問」,Cassidy 說道。「幸好PIBG 有一個迷人的笑容,每個人都為之著迷,或者這有助於說服人們」,她笑著說。「他在這一區就像是一尊活佛!」街頭藝術不同於在畫廊裡的美術作品,數不清的「野生塗鴉」散佈在城市各個角落。Cassidy說,剛開始畫的目的也只是「有地方就畫,也不知道之後會做到什麼程度。」「別管了,盡情畫。」 PIBG説罷,繼續低頭作畫。當藝術遇上街道響朵街頭藝術節剛開始成立之初,夫妻倆向司打口街坊們挨家挨戶借牆。Cassidy憶述,街坊們大多數都很包容、很好相處。「這一區很有人情味,人們的包容性很強」,Cassidy說,「不像早就有文化印記的台北西門町那樣,司打口是新的開始。」Cassidy也看得出街坊們最初的遲疑,但後來看到初步成果後,更多街坊紛紛願意借出牆面。「他們似乎很容易接納我們做的事,並且願意給更多空間我們。」Cassidy說。「這就是藝術的魅力。」PIBG停下畫筆,補充說。PIBG曾是一個五人塗鴉團體GANTZ5一員,這個團體也是「響朵」組織的前身,已經畫了快20年。五人塗鴉的起源地是在營地大街休憩區(本地人稱為「營地公園」),當時適逢一個法國藝術家妮基·桑法勒(Niki de Saint Phalle)的展覽在澳門舉辦。作為活動的延伸,他們開始在公園作畫,後來更得文化局的允許借出公園的牆面作畫。這一借,就借了十年之久,讓營地公園逐漸變成一個在澳門甚至國際街頭藝術家會去光顧的創意中心,甚至引起了不少旅遊雜志的關注。WHERE ART MEETS THE STREETSWhen planning the first !OUTLOUD Festival, the couple went from door to door asking their neighbours if they could borrow their wall spac-es. Most were very accommodating and easy to get along with. “People in this neighbourhood are very kind and inclusive,” Cassidy says.Cassidy admits that there was some hesita-tion from the neighbours in the first beginning, but after seeing the outcome, more neighbours have been willing to offer up their walls. “They seem to be receptive to what we’re doing and are willing to give us more space,” she says.“That’s the beauty of art,” PIBG remarks, taking a break from his painting. Nowadays, after a number of successful events, local residents even come to them to invite them to paint on their walls! PIBG, a member of the local graffiti group Ganzt5, the predecessor of !Outloud, has been painting for almost two decades. The group started when an exhibition of French artist Niky de Saint Phalle was held in Macau. As an extension of their activities, they started to paint in the outdoor area near the Sao Domin-gos wet market (commonly known as the “Sao Domingos park” by local people), and later they received permission from the Cultural Affairs Bureau to paint on the wall there.The agreement with the bureau lasted for ten years, transforming the area into a creative hub where local and even international artists frequented, even garnering attention from in-ternational travel magazines.Have you strolled around the old district of Praça de Ponte e Horta recently and noticed the vibrant and whimsical graffiti adorning many of the old walls? Over the past few years, this area down by the Inner Harbour has earned the moniker of “Macau’s Graffiti Hipster Landmark”.In November 2017, the inaugural !OUTLOUD Interna-tional Street Art Festival began transforming this historic dis-trict into a graffiti village, establishing a lasting presence of street art. Recently CLOSER visited the studio of PIBG and Cassidy, the founders of !OUTLOUD. As we enter the space full colour-ful paintings, brushes, and paints, we find PIBG engrossed in a painting while Cassidy is assisting with related tasks.How did they manage to first convince the localvs in this neighbourhood to offer up their vacant walls for street art?“We just went around knocking on doors asking,” says Cassidy. “Luckily PIBG has a charming smile that everybody loves, so maybe that helped convince people,” she says with a grin. “He’s kind of like a living Buddha in this part of town!”Street art is different from fine art in a gallery, sprawl-ing across the city in countless “wild graffiti” expressions. Cassidy describes their early painting endeavours as simply “painting wherever we could, without foreseeing the extent of our journey.”“Don’t think, just paint!” PIBG asserts as he continues working on his art.PHOTO MARK PHILLIPS
24WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202325特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |24FESTIVAL OFF THE WALLHeld in late October, this was the fifth edition of the !OUT-LOUD International Street Art Festival. The organisers in-vited a number of renowned artists from around the greater China region and world, including CEET from France, Joey Green from Spain, and Zeb One and Obic from the Czech Republic. And while the Festival has officially ended, the artworks remain on display and some are even still being worked on. Unlike its earlier street-party demeanour, this edition focused more on community engagement, linking up with local eateries and coffee shops to entice visitors and partici-pants to become “street hunters” searching all around for the artworks with an aim to revitalise the old neighbourhood.Reflecting on its humble beginnings in 2017, which felt “very raw and street,” the inaugural event invited notable international street artists from the United States, Australia, India, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other regions, as well as local artists from Macau.Given the youthful nature of hip hop culture, some might feel that street art festivities are only for young people, but PIBG and Cassidy are keen to dispell this notion.To bridge this gap, Cassidy explains that this year’s event emphasised community, commerce, and the arts. The festival incorporated graffiti and street dance com-petitions, parent-child workshops, music performances, interactive parades, and large-scale inflatable art installa-tions, aiming for greater inclusivity.Now, in its fifth edition, the festival has truly trans-formed this old district into a living art gallery, imbuing youthful energy across its walls, from Hotel S to the alleys of Travessa dos Tréns and Travessa de Francisco António.“Art and commerce mutually benefit each other, even with graffiti. A relaxing, vibrant cultural experience can present a business opportunities for locals too,” Cassidy says, noting that many shopkeepers have been pleasant-ly surprised by the unexpected attention the graffiti has brought. More and more shops have eagerly “donated” their walls to the artists who were able to feel free to create their own work, without receiving any payment from ei-ther party, in a mutually beneficial, symbiotic way.巷,乃至商店門口的牆面,塗鴉藝術家們都有辦法找到街區特色和塗鴉美學的融合,把老區搖身一變,瞬間充滿年輕活力。「藝術和商業是互相需要、互惠的,在塗鴉這塊也是,」Cassidy說,就連參與計畫的商店經營者們,也驚喜地發現塗鴉成為了一個新媒介,讓他們獲得意想不到的關注。更多商戶紛紛把墻給「捐」出來,讓藝術家們自由創作,雙方都沒有收任何酬勞,以互惠、共生的關係存在著25跳出牆面今年十月底,「!OUTLOUD響朵-國際街頭藝術節」來到第五屆。今年活動邀請了來自大中華地區和世界各地的知名藝術家,包括法國的CEET、西班牙的Joey Green、捷克的Zeb One和Obic。雖然藝術節已經正式結束,但這些藝術品仍在展出,有些甚至還在創作中。與早年的街頭派對不同,今年的活動更重視連結社區,聯動了不同的食店、咖啡店,讓參加者們化身為「街頭獵人」四處尋找塗鴉藝術,創造一個讓更多人踏進這片老區的目的。回顧這個活動在2017年時不起眼的開始,它曾是「很原始、很街頭」的,邀請過包含美國、澳洲、印度、日本、台灣、香港等地(包括澳門本地)最具知名度及代表性的國際級塗鴉藝術家,用塗鴉作為貫穿嘻哈四大元素的管道:地板霹靂舞、DJ、饒舌及塗鴉。聯想到嘻哈文化的年輕元素,有些人可能會覺得街頭藝術活動只適合年輕人,但PIBG和Cassidy卻不這麽認為。Cassidy介紹說,為了打破這一壁壘,今年的活動側重連結社區、商戶和藝術。為此,活動策劃了塗鴉比賽、街舞比賽,親子工作坊、音樂演出、巡遊互動演出,並放置大型充氣藝術裝置等,把街頭藝術變成一個大眾都能參與的活動。「一種輕鬆活力的文化體驗,是我們從中嗅到的商機。」Cassidy說,「藝術是一個整體的氛圍,它需要慢慢滲透;堅持做下去,總會有被看到的一天。」活動到第七個年頭,這片老區已然成為變化多端的藝術館般的存在。大到HOTEL S 藝舍酒店整個外牆、小到馬車巷、安仿西
24WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202325特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |24FESTIVAL OFF THE WALLHeld in late October, this was the fifth edition of the !OUT-LOUD International Street Art Festival. The organisers in-vited a number of renowned artists from around the greater China region and world, including CEET from France, Joey Green from Spain, and Zeb One and Obic from the Czech Republic. And while the Festival has officially ended, the artworks remain on display and some are even still being worked on. Unlike its earlier street-party demeanour, this edition focused more on community engagement, linking up with local eateries and coffee shops to entice visitors and partici-pants to become “street hunters” searching all around for the artworks with an aim to revitalise the old neighbourhood.Reflecting on its humble beginnings in 2017, which felt “very raw and street,” the inaugural event invited notable international street artists from the United States, Australia, India, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other regions, as well as local artists from Macau.Given the youthful nature of hip hop culture, some might feel that street art festivities are only for young people, but PIBG and Cassidy are keen to dispell this notion.To bridge this gap, Cassidy explains that this year’s event emphasised community, commerce, and the arts. The festival incorporated graffiti and street dance com-petitions, parent-child workshops, music performances, interactive parades, and large-scale inflatable art installa-tions, aiming for greater inclusivity.Now, in its fifth edition, the festival has truly trans-formed this old district into a living art gallery, imbuing youthful energy across its walls, from Hotel S to the alleys of Travessa dos Tréns and Travessa de Francisco António.“Art and commerce mutually benefit each other, even with graffiti. A relaxing, vibrant cultural experience can present a business opportunities for locals too,” Cassidy says, noting that many shopkeepers have been pleasant-ly surprised by the unexpected attention the graffiti has brought. More and more shops have eagerly “donated” their walls to the artists who were able to feel free to create their own work, without receiving any payment from ei-ther party, in a mutually beneficial, symbiotic way.巷,乃至商店門口的牆面,塗鴉藝術家們都有辦法找到街區特色和塗鴉美學的融合,把老區搖身一變,瞬間充滿年輕活力。「藝術和商業是互相需要、互惠的,在塗鴉這塊也是,」Cassidy說,就連參與計畫的商店經營者們,也驚喜地發現塗鴉成為了一個新媒介,讓他們獲得意想不到的關注。更多商戶紛紛把墻給「捐」出來,讓藝術家們自由創作,雙方都沒有收任何酬勞,以互惠、共生的關係存在著25跳出牆面今年十月底,「!OUTLOUD響朵-國際街頭藝術節」來到第五屆。今年活動邀請了來自大中華地區和世界各地的知名藝術家,包括法國的CEET、西班牙的Joey Green、捷克的Zeb One和Obic。雖然藝術節已經正式結束,但這些藝術品仍在展出,有些甚至還在創作中。與早年的街頭派對不同,今年的活動更重視連結社區,聯動了不同的食店、咖啡店,讓參加者們化身為「街頭獵人」四處尋找塗鴉藝術,創造一個讓更多人踏進這片老區的目的。回顧這個活動在2017年時不起眼的開始,它曾是「很原始、很街頭」的,邀請過包含美國、澳洲、印度、日本、台灣、香港等地(包括澳門本地)最具知名度及代表性的國際級塗鴉藝術家,用塗鴉作為貫穿嘻哈四大元素的管道:地板霹靂舞、DJ、饒舌及塗鴉。聯想到嘻哈文化的年輕元素,有些人可能會覺得街頭藝術活動只適合年輕人,但PIBG和Cassidy卻不這麽認為。Cassidy介紹說,為了打破這一壁壘,今年的活動側重連結社區、商戶和藝術。為此,活動策劃了塗鴉比賽、街舞比賽,親子工作坊、音樂演出、巡遊互動演出,並放置大型充氣藝術裝置等,把街頭藝術變成一個大眾都能參與的活動。「一種輕鬆活力的文化體驗,是我們從中嗅到的商機。」Cassidy說,「藝術是一個整體的氛圍,它需要慢慢滲透;堅持做下去,總會有被看到的一天。」活動到第七個年頭,這片老區已然成為變化多端的藝術館般的存在。大到HOTEL S 藝舍酒店整個外牆、小到馬車巷、安仿西
26WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202327NO PARK, STILL PAINTINGA few years ago, the group’s official agreement with the Cultural Afffairs Bureau to use the Sao Domin-gos park came to an end. “It used to be the sole legal graffiti space in Macau, but now it has been transformed into a parking lot. It used to be a park, now it’s just a ‘park’,” the couple chuckle.Losing this critical creative space posed a di-lemma: either cease painting or adapt to survive. 無米之炊「營地公園曾經幾乎是全澳門唯一合法塗鴉的地方,現在已經變成了停車場。」夫婦倆打趣:「以前是park,現在卻只是一個『park』。」失去創作空間,對畫家而言,要麼直接放棄,要麼想辦法求存——至於如何選擇,Cassidy認為主要看這件事對個人的重要程度:「如果沒了空間,難道我們就不畫了嗎?我們,是要去創造空間。」她堅定地說道。在學校教塗鴉興趣班時,夫婦倆發現,學生們對塗鴉的印象是「有型,自由」。PIBG解釋說,塗鴉文化本源於美國街頭,最初只是在牆上畫字符,漸漸開始有人效仿用塗鴉呼朋引伴,後來變成一種聯合了街舞、饒舌音樂、嘻哈的街頭活動。「歸根到底,它是一種很『本能』的派對文化。」PIBG說。PIBG和Cassidy說他們的初心是培育創意空間,讓澳門擁抱塗鴉氛圍,探索更廣闊的發展道路。「有發展空間才有更多畫下去的意義。」Cassidy意味深長地說道。塗鴉曾經只能在黑暗中秘密進行,如今卻自豪地點綴著城市的風景線。其演變——從地下暗號般隱密到宣言般充滿驕傲與活力——見證著藝術創作者堅韌不拔的精神。昔日被遺忘的澳門老街區迷宮,如今正以充滿活力的色彩和富有想象力的筆觸,吸引著人們,來見證這座城市的魅力。“If there is no more space, are we going to stop painting? No, we have to create space!” Cassi-dy affirms. Thus the idea for !OUTLOUD was born.While teaching a graffiti interest class, PIBG and Cassidy observed that students saw graffiti as “stylish and liberating.” PIBG explains that graffiti culture originated on the streets of America, ini-tially portraying characters on walls. Gradually, it evolved into a means for individuals to connect, morphing into street dance, rap music, and a cel-ebration of hip-hop culture. “Essentially, it’s a very ‘instinctive’ party cul-ture,” PIBG says.Their initial goal was to foster creative spaces, allowing Macau to embrace a graffiti atmosphere and explore broader developmental avenues. “Only when there’s room for development can painting hold deeper significance,” remarks Cassidy.Thanks to their efforts and the success of !Outloud, graffiti, once something that had to be done sneakily in the dark, now stands proudly and adorns the cityscape. Its evolution - from secret whispers to energetic declarations - is a testament to the unyielding spirit of creativity of the cou-ple and their local group of talented artists. The once-forgotten maze of streets old Macau now beckon explorers to witness the city’s urban soul with vibrant hues and imaginative brushstrokes.特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |
26WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202327NO PARK, STILL PAINTINGA few years ago, the group’s official agreement with the Cultural Afffairs Bureau to use the Sao Domin-gos park came to an end. “It used to be the sole legal graffiti space in Macau, but now it has been transformed into a parking lot. It used to be a park, now it’s just a ‘park’,” the couple chuckle.Losing this critical creative space posed a di-lemma: either cease painting or adapt to survive. 無米之炊「營地公園曾經幾乎是全澳門唯一合法塗鴉的地方,現在已經變成了停車場。」夫婦倆打趣:「以前是park,現在卻只是一個『park』。」失去創作空間,對畫家而言,要麼直接放棄,要麼想辦法求存——至於如何選擇,Cassidy認為主要看這件事對個人的重要程度:「如果沒了空間,難道我們就不畫了嗎?我們,是要去創造空間。」她堅定地說道。在學校教塗鴉興趣班時,夫婦倆發現,學生們對塗鴉的印象是「有型,自由」。PIBG解釋說,塗鴉文化本源於美國街頭,最初只是在牆上畫字符,漸漸開始有人效仿用塗鴉呼朋引伴,後來變成一種聯合了街舞、饒舌音樂、嘻哈的街頭活動。「歸根到底,它是一種很『本能』的派對文化。」PIBG說。PIBG和Cassidy說他們的初心是培育創意空間,讓澳門擁抱塗鴉氛圍,探索更廣闊的發展道路。「有發展空間才有更多畫下去的意義。」Cassidy意味深長地說道。塗鴉曾經只能在黑暗中秘密進行,如今卻自豪地點綴著城市的風景線。其演變——從地下暗號般隱密到宣言般充滿驕傲與活力——見證著藝術創作者堅韌不拔的精神。昔日被遺忘的澳門老街區迷宮,如今正以充滿活力的色彩和富有想象力的筆觸,吸引著人們,來見證這座城市的魅力。“If there is no more space, are we going to stop painting? No, we have to create space!” Cassi-dy affirms. Thus the idea for !OUTLOUD was born.While teaching a graffiti interest class, PIBG and Cassidy observed that students saw graffiti as “stylish and liberating.” PIBG explains that graffiti culture originated on the streets of America, ini-tially portraying characters on walls. Gradually, it evolved into a means for individuals to connect, morphing into street dance, rap music, and a cel-ebration of hip-hop culture. “Essentially, it’s a very ‘instinctive’ party cul-ture,” PIBG says.Their initial goal was to foster creative spaces, allowing Macau to embrace a graffiti atmosphere and explore broader developmental avenues. “Only when there’s room for development can painting hold deeper significance,” remarks Cassidy.Thanks to their efforts and the success of !Outloud, graffiti, once something that had to be done sneakily in the dark, now stands proudly and adorns the cityscape. Its evolution - from secret whispers to energetic declarations - is a testament to the unyielding spirit of creativity of the cou-ple and their local group of talented artists. The once-forgotten maze of streets old Macau now beckon explorers to witness the city’s urban soul with vibrant hues and imaginative brushstrokes.特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |
28WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202329特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |he impression I had of this year’s !OUT-LOUD Festival was a very positive, but unfortunately I was there a few weeks before it started and couldn’t attend the actual festi-val or meet the other artists. Nonetheless I was very happy and the organization was amazing. I did a small wall representing my chickens with Macau city. I really liked that the festival was held in the old town among the old build-ings. We brought new colours to the neighbour-hood and made all the walls brand new.I like to play with my chickens, and this one was like a cartoon, pulling back the curtain on the left side and showing the city of Macau with a very old buildings and cables. I like when it’s messy like this because for me there is a his-tory behind it and I like to present it full of co-lours. Most of the time cities are grey or brown or whatever, but I like to put it full of colours because we need colour in our lives everyday to make everyone happy. I like playing with murals and especially this one, I made one side white and the other side full of colours.I starting doing street art in 1987-88. First, I started as a break dancer in 1984 and after that I was always drawing on the table and drawing everywhere. I liked to draw since I was super young and when I discovered spray cans it was a revelation, so after that I started to paint on walls, doing graffiti around the world. When I started it was like just playing in the street. I never expected that one day I would be a full-time artist. In the beginning it was really just a game for me.I think a city like Macau needs more street art festivals. The casinos could invest in street art, put up some sculptures and big murals. Hip hop and graffiti culture is very powerful. Everybody listens to hip hop and everybody likes street art, so to develop it in the city we need more big murals in the streets to make like a huge gallery in the city. Having colourful murals everywhere brings happiness and posi-tivity and encourages communication between people, so I think we really need it. [France]CEET對今年的響朵街頭藝術節留下了非常正面的印象,但很遺憾,我在它正式開始的幾個星期前就離開了,無法參加其他節日活動或與其他藝術家見面。儘管如此,我仍然感到非常高興,活動的組織工作非常出色。我在牆上描繪了我養的雞和澳門城市的景象。我非常喜歡這個節日在老城區舉辦,使街頭藝術與古老建築物環繞在一起。很高興我們為這個社區帶來了新的色彩,使所有的牆壁都變得嶄新起來。我喜歡和我的雞一起玩,這只雞就像是一個卡通角色,向左推著展示澳門景象,其中有非常古老的建築和電纜。我喜歡這種混亂的感覺,因為對我來說,城市背後有著歷史,我喜歡用豐富的色彩呈現它。大多數時候,城市都是灰色或棕色,但我喜歡讓它充滿色彩,因為我們每天都需要色彩,它能讓每個人都快樂起來。我喜歡在壁畫上有不同的嘗試,尤其是這個作品:我將其中一部分留白,另一部分則充滿了色彩。我在1987-1988年開始涉足街頭藝術。1984年的時候,我還是個霹靂舞者。我從小就喜歡繪畫,喜歡在桌子上和到處塗鴉。當我發現噴漆罐時,對我來說是一個轉折點,之後我開始在世界各地的牆壁塗鴉。起初我只是在街頭玩一玩。我從未想過有一天會成為一名全職藝術家。畢竟,一開始這對我來說只是一場遊戲。我認為像澳門這樣的城市需要更多的街頭藝術節。渡假村酒店可以投資街頭藝術,例如擺放一些雕塑和大型壁畫。嘻哈和塗鴉文化非常有力量。每個人都聽嘻哈音樂。所以,要在城市中發展街頭藝術,我們需要在街頭設置更多大型壁畫,打造一個巨大的藝廊。到處都有色彩繽紛的壁畫帶來快樂和正能量,促進人與人之間的交流。 TRANSLATION ERRIS HO特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |28
28WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202329特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |he impression I had of this year’s !OUT-LOUD Festival was a very positive, but unfortunately I was there a few weeks before it started and couldn’t attend the actual festi-val or meet the other artists. Nonetheless I was very happy and the organization was amazing. I did a small wall representing my chickens with Macau city. I really liked that the festival was held in the old town among the old build-ings. We brought new colours to the neighbour-hood and made all the walls brand new.I like to play with my chickens, and this one was like a cartoon, pulling back the curtain on the left side and showing the city of Macau with a very old buildings and cables. I like when it’s messy like this because for me there is a his-tory behind it and I like to present it full of co-lours. Most of the time cities are grey or brown or whatever, but I like to put it full of colours because we need colour in our lives everyday to make everyone happy. I like playing with murals and especially this one, I made one side white and the other side full of colours.I starting doing street art in 1987-88. First, I started as a break dancer in 1984 and after that I was always drawing on the table and drawing everywhere. I liked to draw since I was super young and when I discovered spray cans it was a revelation, so after that I started to paint on walls, doing graffiti around the world. When I started it was like just playing in the street. I never expected that one day I would be a full-time artist. In the beginning it was really just a game for me.I think a city like Macau needs more street art festivals. The casinos could invest in street art, put up some sculptures and big murals. Hip hop and graffiti culture is very powerful. Everybody listens to hip hop and everybody likes street art, so to develop it in the city we need more big murals in the streets to make like a huge gallery in the city. Having colourful murals everywhere brings happiness and posi-tivity and encourages communication between people, so I think we really need it. [France]CEET對今年的響朵街頭藝術節留下了非常正面的印象,但很遺憾,我在它正式開始的幾個星期前就離開了,無法參加其他節日活動或與其他藝術家見面。儘管如此,我仍然感到非常高興,活動的組織工作非常出色。我在牆上描繪了我養的雞和澳門城市的景象。我非常喜歡這個節日在老城區舉辦,使街頭藝術與古老建築物環繞在一起。很高興我們為這個社區帶來了新的色彩,使所有的牆壁都變得嶄新起來。我喜歡和我的雞一起玩,這只雞就像是一個卡通角色,向左推著展示澳門景象,其中有非常古老的建築和電纜。我喜歡這種混亂的感覺,因為對我來說,城市背後有著歷史,我喜歡用豐富的色彩呈現它。大多數時候,城市都是灰色或棕色,但我喜歡讓它充滿色彩,因為我們每天都需要色彩,它能讓每個人都快樂起來。我喜歡在壁畫上有不同的嘗試,尤其是這個作品:我將其中一部分留白,另一部分則充滿了色彩。我在1987-1988年開始涉足街頭藝術。1984年的時候,我還是個霹靂舞者。我從小就喜歡繪畫,喜歡在桌子上和到處塗鴉。當我發現噴漆罐時,對我來說是一個轉折點,之後我開始在世界各地的牆壁塗鴉。起初我只是在街頭玩一玩。我從未想過有一天會成為一名全職藝術家。畢竟,一開始這對我來說只是一場遊戲。我認為像澳門這樣的城市需要更多的街頭藝術節。渡假村酒店可以投資街頭藝術,例如擺放一些雕塑和大型壁畫。嘻哈和塗鴉文化非常有力量。每個人都聽嘻哈音樂。所以,要在城市中發展街頭藝術,我們需要在街頭設置更多大型壁畫,打造一個巨大的藝廊。到處都有色彩繽紛的壁畫帶來快樂和正能量,促進人與人之間的交流。 TRANSLATION ERRIS HO特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |28
30WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202331特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |年的響朵街頭藝術節給我的感覺非常好。比之前第一次參加有更多作品在街上。活動內容更豐富了。我現在主要的創作脈絡主要有兩條線。主要媒材還是以噴漆為主,我認為噴漆是可以做到一種很好的特別效果的當代工具。第一種創作方式是基於傳統書法的筆墨風格去書寫創造graffiti 字體;第二個是用東方寫意的感覺描繪了關於「開始與結束」,呈現表達了物哀,幽玄等東方美學。由初次接觸街頭藝術至今已經二十多年了。當時覺得用噴漆在墻上畫畫跟平時在畫布和紙上完全不一樣,非常有趣。隨後便開始上網了解這種文化,當時並沒有很多資料可查,只是知道需要個代號(tag)走上街頭簽名。然後一直演變成現在的風格。澳門是非常有歷史的城市,我認為可以好好利用城市的歷史故事,更好地激活舊區改造及青年文化的自我表達。活躍的街頭藝術文化可以無形中帶給城市正面影響。我們一直從事的事情,就是把室內的創作搬到戶外。將作品放在街頭與行人對話。在現今的社會中,人們關注的點和時間更加多在於線上及社交媒體。街頭藝術能營造帶有藝術氛圍的現實場景,同時能將人的注意力吸引回來。 had a great experience this year at the !OUTLOUD Festival. There are more works on the streets than the first time I participated and the event was much more informative.My work is not yet completed so I will return to Macau soon to finish it. I am using two primary methods of creation for this work. The primary tool remains spray paint, which I believe is a contemporary instrument capable of producing unique effects. The first method involves creating graffiti fonts that are based on traditional calligraphy styles, while the second approach focuses on representing the “beginning and the end” using an oriental writing style. The presentation of these pieces captures the essence of oriental aesthetics such as sorrow, mystery, and other related emotions. I first became interested in spray painting on walls over 20 years ago. I found it fascinating as it was very different from painting on canvas or paper. I started researching this art form on the Internet, but there was limited information available then. I learned that I needed a unique tag to sign my name on the street, which later evolved into my current style.Macau is a city with a rich history, and I think it has the potential to revitalize its old districts and serve as a hub for youth culture. Street artists have started taking our indoor work outside and engaging with pedestrians on the street. In today’s society, people tend to focus more on online and social media, which can lead to a lack of attention and engagement with the real world. By creating street art, we are able to showcase a realistic scene with an artistic atmosphere, which helps to draw people’s attention back to their surroundings.whyyy[china] TRANSLATION ERRIS HO30
30WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202331特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |年的響朵街頭藝術節給我的感覺非常好。比之前第一次參加有更多作品在街上。活動內容更豐富了。我現在主要的創作脈絡主要有兩條線。主要媒材還是以噴漆為主,我認為噴漆是可以做到一種很好的特別效果的當代工具。第一種創作方式是基於傳統書法的筆墨風格去書寫創造graffiti 字體;第二個是用東方寫意的感覺描繪了關於「開始與結束」,呈現表達了物哀,幽玄等東方美學。由初次接觸街頭藝術至今已經二十多年了。當時覺得用噴漆在墻上畫畫跟平時在畫布和紙上完全不一樣,非常有趣。隨後便開始上網了解這種文化,當時並沒有很多資料可查,只是知道需要個代號(tag)走上街頭簽名。然後一直演變成現在的風格。澳門是非常有歷史的城市,我認為可以好好利用城市的歷史故事,更好地激活舊區改造及青年文化的自我表達。活躍的街頭藝術文化可以無形中帶給城市正面影響。我們一直從事的事情,就是把室內的創作搬到戶外。將作品放在街頭與行人對話。在現今的社會中,人們關注的點和時間更加多在於線上及社交媒體。街頭藝術能營造帶有藝術氛圍的現實場景,同時能將人的注意力吸引回來。 had a great experience this year at the !OUTLOUD Festival. There are more works on the streets than the first time I participated and the event was much more informative.My work is not yet completed so I will return to Macau soon to finish it. I am using two primary methods of creation for this work. The primary tool remains spray paint, which I believe is a contemporary instrument capable of producing unique effects. The first method involves creating graffiti fonts that are based on traditional calligraphy styles, while the second approach focuses on representing the “beginning and the end” using an oriental writing style. The presentation of these pieces captures the essence of oriental aesthetics such as sorrow, mystery, and other related emotions. I first became interested in spray painting on walls over 20 years ago. I found it fascinating as it was very different from painting on canvas or paper. I started researching this art form on the Internet, but there was limited information available then. I learned that I needed a unique tag to sign my name on the street, which later evolved into my current style.Macau is a city with a rich history, and I think it has the potential to revitalize its old districts and serve as a hub for youth culture. Street artists have started taking our indoor work outside and engaging with pedestrians on the street. In today’s society, people tend to focus more on online and social media, which can lead to a lack of attention and engagement with the real world. By creating street art, we are able to showcase a realistic scene with an artistic atmosphere, which helps to draw people’s attention back to their surroundings.whyyy[china] TRANSLATION ERRIS HO30
32WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202333是我第一次參加響朵街頭藝術節,能夠與來自世界各地的藝術家共事,一起創作藝術作品並交流想法,這是一次很棒的體驗。對我作為一位藝術家和個人,都是很好的成長。當然,派對部分也非常有趣!我今年為藝術節創作的壁畫名為 「Feeling the Moment」,靈感來自威爾士搖滾樂隊 Feeder 第五張錄音室專輯《Pushing the Senses》中的歌曲 。我們的目標是創作出優雅、平靜和電影化的作品。作品描繪了雪花落在雪豹身上的寧靜時刻,將內心的情感、孤獨感和內心的平靜可視化。手臂是它的具體表現,而鮮花則隱喻著一個人內心的脆弱。我衷心希望所有當地居民和公眾都能喜歡它。我於2016年開始從事街頭藝術和壁畫藝術家的工作。雖然我在2014年繪製了第一幅壁畫,但直到2016年才有機會在戶外牆壁上創作。這只是一個偶然的機會!我的職業生涯始於插畫家,當時有機會嘗試繪製壁畫,我毫不猶豫地投入其中。從那時起,我再也沒有畫過小幅壁畫。能讓自己沉浸於藝術創作之中,置身於有形的環境中,簡直讓人上癮!我認為 !OUTLOUD 在鼓勵和發展街頭藝術方面做得非常好。組織街頭藝術節並非易事。這既費錢又費時,所以我們要向這個團隊致以崇高的敬意。我個人認為,要在任何城市鼓勵街頭藝術,都必須從與藝術和文化相關的公共教育入手。通過舉辦藝術表演、展覽和藝術之旅,讓公眾參與其中,幫助公眾了解不同形式的藝術及其背後的歷史,消除誤解和成見。任何城市最寶貴的財富就是它的文化和人民。文化和藝術是城市能繁榮發展的兩大重要元素。經濟增長固然重要,但一個擁有豐富文化遺產的城市才能真正贏得人心。人類不僅有物質需求,還有精神需求。藝術和文化能喚醒人的靈魂,而街頭藝術作為一種更容易接受、更接地氣的藝術形式,無疑是幫助城市發展自身價值、滿足非物質需求的好方法。特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |Kristophere [Hong Kong]his was my first year participating in !OUTLOUD and I was super excited! Getting to work with artists from around the world and spending a few days making artwork together and ex-changing ideas was a great experience, especially when it comes to personal growth as an artist. The party part was super fun too! The mural I created for the festival this year is entitled Feel-ing the Moment and it is inspired by the song Feeling a Moment from the fifth studio album Pushing the Senses by Welsh Rock band Feeder. The goal was to create something that is elegant, calming and cinematic. Depicting a moment of peacefulness as snow falls onto a snow leopard, a visualization of inner emo-tions, a sense of solitude and calmness within oneself. The arm is the physical representation of it with flowers being a metaphor as one’s inner fragilities. I sincerely hope all the local residents and public like it. I have been working as a street art and mural artist since 2016. I painted my first mural in 2014 but I didn’t get to paint an outdoor wall until 2016. It just happened by chance! I started my career as an illustrator and had an opportunity to paint a mural in 2014 and I went for it. Since then I can never really get myself painting anything small… getting yourself immersed in your art-work within a physical surrounding is simply addictive. I think !OUTLOUD is definitely doing a great job of encour-aging and developing street art. It’s not easy to organize a street art festival. It’s very costly and time consuming, so huge respect goes to the team. I personally think in order to encourage street art in any city, it’s important to start with public education relat-ing to art and culture. Get the public involved by doing art shows, exhibitions and art tours, and help the general public to under-stand different forms of art, the history behind it, and remove misunderstandings and stereotyping. The most valuable asset of any city is its culture and its peo-ple. A well developed city is where cultures and art are thriving. Economic growth is definitely important, but a city with a rich cultural heritage is one that can truly win the hearts of many. Humanity has more than just physical needs, but also spiritual needs. Art and culture are soul-rejuvenating, and street art is a form of art that is a more accessible and grounded, so it’s defi-nitely a great way to help a city to develop its values and satisfy the non-material needs. TRANSLATION ERRIS HO32
32WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202333是我第一次參加響朵街頭藝術節,能夠與來自世界各地的藝術家共事,一起創作藝術作品並交流想法,這是一次很棒的體驗。對我作為一位藝術家和個人,都是很好的成長。當然,派對部分也非常有趣!我今年為藝術節創作的壁畫名為 「Feeling the Moment」,靈感來自威爾士搖滾樂隊 Feeder 第五張錄音室專輯《Pushing the Senses》中的歌曲 。我們的目標是創作出優雅、平靜和電影化的作品。作品描繪了雪花落在雪豹身上的寧靜時刻,將內心的情感、孤獨感和內心的平靜可視化。手臂是它的具體表現,而鮮花則隱喻著一個人內心的脆弱。我衷心希望所有當地居民和公眾都能喜歡它。我於2016年開始從事街頭藝術和壁畫藝術家的工作。雖然我在2014年繪製了第一幅壁畫,但直到2016年才有機會在戶外牆壁上創作。這只是一個偶然的機會!我的職業生涯始於插畫家,當時有機會嘗試繪製壁畫,我毫不猶豫地投入其中。從那時起,我再也沒有畫過小幅壁畫。能讓自己沉浸於藝術創作之中,置身於有形的環境中,簡直讓人上癮!我認為 !OUTLOUD 在鼓勵和發展街頭藝術方面做得非常好。組織街頭藝術節並非易事。這既費錢又費時,所以我們要向這個團隊致以崇高的敬意。我個人認為,要在任何城市鼓勵街頭藝術,都必須從與藝術和文化相關的公共教育入手。通過舉辦藝術表演、展覽和藝術之旅,讓公眾參與其中,幫助公眾了解不同形式的藝術及其背後的歷史,消除誤解和成見。任何城市最寶貴的財富就是它的文化和人民。文化和藝術是城市能繁榮發展的兩大重要元素。經濟增長固然重要,但一個擁有豐富文化遺產的城市才能真正贏得人心。人類不僅有物質需求,還有精神需求。藝術和文化能喚醒人的靈魂,而街頭藝術作為一種更容易接受、更接地氣的藝術形式,無疑是幫助城市發展自身價值、滿足非物質需求的好方法。特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |Kristophere [Hong Kong]his was my first year participating in !OUTLOUD and I was super excited! Getting to work with artists from around the world and spending a few days making artwork together and ex-changing ideas was a great experience, especially when it comes to personal growth as an artist. The party part was super fun too! The mural I created for the festival this year is entitled Feel-ing the Moment and it is inspired by the song Feeling a Moment from the fifth studio album Pushing the Senses by Welsh Rock band Feeder. The goal was to create something that is elegant, calming and cinematic. Depicting a moment of peacefulness as snow falls onto a snow leopard, a visualization of inner emo-tions, a sense of solitude and calmness within oneself. The arm is the physical representation of it with flowers being a metaphor as one’s inner fragilities. I sincerely hope all the local residents and public like it. I have been working as a street art and mural artist since 2016. I painted my first mural in 2014 but I didn’t get to paint an outdoor wall until 2016. It just happened by chance! I started my career as an illustrator and had an opportunity to paint a mural in 2014 and I went for it. Since then I can never really get myself painting anything small… getting yourself immersed in your art-work within a physical surrounding is simply addictive. I think !OUTLOUD is definitely doing a great job of encour-aging and developing street art. It’s not easy to organize a street art festival. It’s very costly and time consuming, so huge respect goes to the team. I personally think in order to encourage street art in any city, it’s important to start with public education relat-ing to art and culture. Get the public involved by doing art shows, exhibitions and art tours, and help the general public to under-stand different forms of art, the history behind it, and remove misunderstandings and stereotyping. The most valuable asset of any city is its culture and its peo-ple. A well developed city is where cultures and art are thriving. Economic growth is definitely important, but a city with a rich cultural heritage is one that can truly win the hearts of many. Humanity has more than just physical needs, but also spiritual needs. Art and culture are soul-rejuvenating, and street art is a form of art that is a more accessible and grounded, so it’s defi-nitely a great way to help a city to develop its values and satisfy the non-material needs. TRANSLATION ERRIS HO32
34WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202335特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |[Macau]MCZ thomas朵街頭藝術節這個活動對於我來說是十分有意義的,因為由第一屆開設就開始參與其中,一直見證這個活動的成長和變大,由其在疫情過後的這一年,大家都希望可以有個好的開始,為社會帶來好的氣氛。 亦都希望籍著活動可以培養市民和新生代的街頭文化的認知和素養。我喜愛運用塗鴉把歡樂傳達給大眾,是一個前衛有靈性的藝術家,我試圖把一些情感、思考用視覺形象化向他人表達分享感覺,想法與心靈狀態。塗鴉風格屬於現代自主概念,其中會透過創做一些插畫角色來把歡樂傳達給大眾,最常見為牆壁創作黃色微笑氣球,裝置、雕塑,讓作品游走於城市各角,讓大家在日常壓迫的工作生活中,途經過作品而 感受一份歡樂氣紛,希望向大家分享快樂。我沒辦法完全知道或回應外界對我作品的所有評價,但作為一個藝術工作者,很應該清楚自己想要做什麼或希望可以做到什麼,今時今日,好彩的話人生已過一半,在過往太過在意別人的意見反而會影響作品的呈現,只有好好傾聽自己的內心,才能活出真我。由2002年開始接觸塗鴉,在上補習班時,覺得同學寫得很有型,之後便在街上和雜誌上觀察和探索文字圖案和符號(當時家中還未有電腦),在兩年後2004年便和友人組成了 GANTZ5 塗鴉隊伍直到現在。在我看來,澳門的經濟雖然不差但市場環境對於外界來說實在太狹窄,所以如果有機會一定要往外推廣澳門本地青年人才,所以看到這裡的各位能人異士,如有能力希望也可以團結合力幫忙支持。不往外走永遠都不會知道自己有什麼需要改進,所以如要進步壯大一定要走出去。在我看來,街頭藝術來自於城市共融,如果沒有社會及大眾的支持,我想街頭藝術也不可以走得長遠而且在一個國際交融的城市中是密不可分的,由於澳門是以旅遊為城市主要經濟體,所以在我看來就像澳門的賭業一樣在澳門政府的支持下正在努力的活化社區,提供多元就業機會,經過一些不同的活動相互交流,另世界更多的人認識多姿多彩的澳門。更除了不只街頭藝術項目,也有很多需要大眾支持文化活動,各方面都為澳門付出一分力,制造一個良好的氣氛。he !Outloud Street Art Festival holds a special place in my heart as I have been a participant since its in-ception. Over the years, I have seen the event grow and expand, and this year, after the pandemic, we hoped to kick off on a positive note and spread a good vibe in the community. Our aim was to raise public awareness and promote street culture among the new generation.I love using graffiti as a means to bring joy to the public. As an avant-garde and spiritual artist, I aim to share my feelings, thoughts, and state of mind with oth-ers by visualizing emotions and thoughts through my art. The graffiti style is part of the concept of modern autono-my, where we create illustrated characters, such as yellow smiley balloons, to spread happiness throughout the city.These works can be found on walls, installations, sculptures, and other public spaces, with the intention of creating a joyful atmosphere amidst the daily struggles of life. Ultimately, my goal is to share joy with the public through my art.I began to explore graffiti art in 2002 while attend-ing a tutorial class. I was fascinated by the stylish writing of my classmates. From there, I started observing and studying the patterns and symbols in the streets and magazines. At that time, I did not have a computer at home. Two years later, in 2004, I founded a graffiti team with my friends called GANTZ5, which is still active to-day.In my opinion, although Macau's economy is not bad, the narrow market environment limits its potential. Therefore, I hope that there will be opportunities to pro-mote the young local talent of Macau. In my view, street art is a result of urban integration and it cannot thrive without the support of society and the public. It is an integral part of any city that aims to promote international integration. Macau is primarily a tourism-driven economy and, just like the casino indus-try, the Macau government is working towards revitaliz-ing the community, creating diverse job opportunities, and promoting cultural exchange through various activi-ties. This will help to make the world more open and en-able more people to discover the colourful city of Macau. Apart from street art projects, there are also many cultural activities that require public support, and all as-pects of the city should work together to create a favor-able atmosphere in Macau. TRANSLATION ERRIS HOARTWORK CREATED BY MCZ THOMAS, DEVIL AND PIBG DURING THE !OUTLOUD ART JAMMING SESSION特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |34
34WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202335特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |[Macau]MCZ thomas朵街頭藝術節這個活動對於我來說是十分有意義的,因為由第一屆開設就開始參與其中,一直見證這個活動的成長和變大,由其在疫情過後的這一年,大家都希望可以有個好的開始,為社會帶來好的氣氛。 亦都希望籍著活動可以培養市民和新生代的街頭文化的認知和素養。我喜愛運用塗鴉把歡樂傳達給大眾,是一個前衛有靈性的藝術家,我試圖把一些情感、思考用視覺形象化向他人表達分享感覺,想法與心靈狀態。塗鴉風格屬於現代自主概念,其中會透過創做一些插畫角色來把歡樂傳達給大眾,最常見為牆壁創作黃色微笑氣球,裝置、雕塑,讓作品游走於城市各角,讓大家在日常壓迫的工作生活中,途經過作品而 感受一份歡樂氣紛,希望向大家分享快樂。我沒辦法完全知道或回應外界對我作品的所有評價,但作為一個藝術工作者,很應該清楚自己想要做什麼或希望可以做到什麼,今時今日,好彩的話人生已過一半,在過往太過在意別人的意見反而會影響作品的呈現,只有好好傾聽自己的內心,才能活出真我。由2002年開始接觸塗鴉,在上補習班時,覺得同學寫得很有型,之後便在街上和雜誌上觀察和探索文字圖案和符號(當時家中還未有電腦),在兩年後2004年便和友人組成了 GANTZ5 塗鴉隊伍直到現在。在我看來,澳門的經濟雖然不差但市場環境對於外界來說實在太狹窄,所以如果有機會一定要往外推廣澳門本地青年人才,所以看到這裡的各位能人異士,如有能力希望也可以團結合力幫忙支持。不往外走永遠都不會知道自己有什麼需要改進,所以如要進步壯大一定要走出去。在我看來,街頭藝術來自於城市共融,如果沒有社會及大眾的支持,我想街頭藝術也不可以走得長遠而且在一個國際交融的城市中是密不可分的,由於澳門是以旅遊為城市主要經濟體,所以在我看來就像澳門的賭業一樣在澳門政府的支持下正在努力的活化社區,提供多元就業機會,經過一些不同的活動相互交流,另世界更多的人認識多姿多彩的澳門。更除了不只街頭藝術項目,也有很多需要大眾支持文化活動,各方面都為澳門付出一分力,制造一個良好的氣氛。he !Outloud Street Art Festival holds a special place in my heart as I have been a participant since its in-ception. Over the years, I have seen the event grow and expand, and this year, after the pandemic, we hoped to kick off on a positive note and spread a good vibe in the community. Our aim was to raise public awareness and promote street culture among the new generation.I love using graffiti as a means to bring joy to the public. As an avant-garde and spiritual artist, I aim to share my feelings, thoughts, and state of mind with oth-ers by visualizing emotions and thoughts through my art. The graffiti style is part of the concept of modern autono-my, where we create illustrated characters, such as yellow smiley balloons, to spread happiness throughout the city.These works can be found on walls, installations, sculptures, and other public spaces, with the intention of creating a joyful atmosphere amidst the daily struggles of life. Ultimately, my goal is to share joy with the public through my art.I began to explore graffiti art in 2002 while attend-ing a tutorial class. I was fascinated by the stylish writing of my classmates. From there, I started observing and studying the patterns and symbols in the streets and magazines. At that time, I did not have a computer at home. Two years later, in 2004, I founded a graffiti team with my friends called GANTZ5, which is still active to-day.In my opinion, although Macau's economy is not bad, the narrow market environment limits its potential. Therefore, I hope that there will be opportunities to pro-mote the young local talent of Macau. In my view, street art is a result of urban integration and it cannot thrive without the support of society and the public. It is an integral part of any city that aims to promote international integration. Macau is primarily a tourism-driven economy and, just like the casino indus-try, the Macau government is working towards revitaliz-ing the community, creating diverse job opportunities, and promoting cultural exchange through various activi-ties. This will help to make the world more open and en-able more people to discover the colourful city of Macau. Apart from street art projects, there are also many cultural activities that require public support, and all as-pects of the city should work together to create a favor-able atmosphere in Macau. TRANSLATION ERRIS HOARTWORK CREATED BY MCZ THOMAS, DEVIL AND PIBG DURING THE !OUTLOUD ART JAMMING SESSION特寫焦點 CLOSER LOOK |34
36WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202337Guerrilha Samba: When Music and Dance Become Weapons of Resistance《游擊桑巴》:當音樂和舞蹈成為抗爭的武器Initially, I was perplexed by the name of the concert, Guerrilla Samba, presented at this year’s Macau Literary Festival. However, after experiencing it, I finally realized that it was not just a musical event but an epic poem that amalgamates history, politics, music, poetry, and storytelling. It narrates the history of the blood and tears of the slave traders from Angola to Brazil, the hundreds of years of struggle of the people to break free from slavery and inequality. All of this is condensed into one special thing, the samba.As residents of Macau, we are familiar with the names of many Portuguese-speaking countries. However, upon closer examination, we realize that we don’t know much about their history and culture. Guerrilla Samba is a book that uncovers the bloody history of the slave trade from Angola to Brazil. The story begins with the discovery of human bones in the basement of a Brazilian house during renovations. Over the centuries when human lives were treated as insignificant as “a piece of grass”, millions of lives were lost at sea, which was regarded as “natural wastage” in the course of the trade. Those who survived the journey were subjected to the heavy yoke and slavery of hard labor. Although slavery was later abolished, generations of oppression and discrimination could not be easily changed by a single decree.To address the “black people’s problem” in Brazil, the rulers brought a significant number of Europeans and Asians to the country, where black people were often treated as inferior citizens, facing bans and oppression everywhere they turned. This led to a life of misery for many, with slums emerging as the only places where they could survive. Despite their struggles, black people discovered that they could use music, songs, and dances as a means of resistance in addition to the traditional weapons of swords, muskets, and grenades.Fable is a powerful weapon in the arsenalThe theme of the plot will be the broken cityWhen the rulers tried to use misery and despair to suppress the idea that singing, dancing and storytelling, joy and laughter could be a form of resistance, music and samba prevailed. During the struggle for freedom, equality, and justice, music became a powerful weapon.In 1910, a group of black sailors from the lower-class occupied Brazil’s largest warship and threatened the capital city to demand equal treatment. A samba was written to honor the black leaders of this uprising, called The Black General. However, due to the sensitive nature of the lyrics, the song was censored and altered beyond recognition.This concert, Guerrilla Samba, finally presented the original version of the song - time has finally returned the truth to history. No matter how authoritarian the regime is, no matter how strict the censorship system is, memories and music can never be suppressed. As long as people continue to seek freedom and justice, the truth of history will always prevail.Nowadays, oppression and discrimination are not far away, wars continue to be fought in various parts of the world, and the fight to eradicate inequality and injustice remains ongoing. As the performers sang, we were reminded that every accomplishment we enjoy today is a result of the sacrifices - the blood and lives of countless people, both those who have left their names behind and those who remain unknown - across several generations.If you are currently happy and satisfied with your life, it is important to realize that this is due to the privileges and advantages that were provided to us by previous generations. On the other hand, if you are unhappy or dissatisfied with your life, it is our responsibility to continue to work hard and strive for our own happiness, as well as that of our children and future generations.History is an ongoing process and the story of our future is yet to be written. The samba dance, which can be compared to a guerrilla battle, carries a symbolic message. It reminds us of the unfinished journey ahead of us and the responsibilities we have to shoulder.JOE’S READING LIFE* AUTHOR AND PLAYWRIGHT * Joe Tang評論OPINION | 36
36WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202337Guerrilha Samba: When Music and Dance Become Weapons of Resistance《游擊桑巴》:當音樂和舞蹈成為抗爭的武器Initially, I was perplexed by the name of the concert, Guerrilla Samba, presented at this year’s Macau Literary Festival. However, after experiencing it, I finally realized that it was not just a musical event but an epic poem that amalgamates history, politics, music, poetry, and storytelling. It narrates the history of the blood and tears of the slave traders from Angola to Brazil, the hundreds of years of struggle of the people to break free from slavery and inequality. All of this is condensed into one special thing, the samba.As residents of Macau, we are familiar with the names of many Portuguese-speaking countries. However, upon closer examination, we realize that we don’t know much about their history and culture. Guerrilla Samba is a book that uncovers the bloody history of the slave trade from Angola to Brazil. The story begins with the discovery of human bones in the basement of a Brazilian house during renovations. Over the centuries when human lives were treated as insignificant as “a piece of grass”, millions of lives were lost at sea, which was regarded as “natural wastage” in the course of the trade. Those who survived the journey were subjected to the heavy yoke and slavery of hard labor. Although slavery was later abolished, generations of oppression and discrimination could not be easily changed by a single decree.To address the “black people’s problem” in Brazil, the rulers brought a significant number of Europeans and Asians to the country, where black people were often treated as inferior citizens, facing bans and oppression everywhere they turned. This led to a life of misery for many, with slums emerging as the only places where they could survive. Despite their struggles, black people discovered that they could use music, songs, and dances as a means of resistance in addition to the traditional weapons of swords, muskets, and grenades.Fable is a powerful weapon in the arsenalThe theme of the plot will be the broken cityWhen the rulers tried to use misery and despair to suppress the idea that singing, dancing and storytelling, joy and laughter could be a form of resistance, music and samba prevailed. During the struggle for freedom, equality, and justice, music became a powerful weapon.In 1910, a group of black sailors from the lower-class occupied Brazil’s largest warship and threatened the capital city to demand equal treatment. A samba was written to honor the black leaders of this uprising, called The Black General. However, due to the sensitive nature of the lyrics, the song was censored and altered beyond recognition.This concert, Guerrilla Samba, finally presented the original version of the song - time has finally returned the truth to history. No matter how authoritarian the regime is, no matter how strict the censorship system is, memories and music can never be suppressed. As long as people continue to seek freedom and justice, the truth of history will always prevail.Nowadays, oppression and discrimination are not far away, wars continue to be fought in various parts of the world, and the fight to eradicate inequality and injustice remains ongoing. As the performers sang, we were reminded that every accomplishment we enjoy today is a result of the sacrifices - the blood and lives of countless people, both those who have left their names behind and those who remain unknown - across several generations.If you are currently happy and satisfied with your life, it is important to realize that this is due to the privileges and advantages that were provided to us by previous generations. On the other hand, if you are unhappy or dissatisfied with your life, it is our responsibility to continue to work hard and strive for our own happiness, as well as that of our children and future generations.History is an ongoing process and the story of our future is yet to be written. The samba dance, which can be compared to a guerrilla battle, carries a symbolic message. It reminds us of the unfinished journey ahead of us and the responsibilities we have to shoulder.JOE’S READING LIFE* AUTHOR AND PLAYWRIGHT * Joe Tang評論OPINION | 36
38WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202339藝術ARTS |Conceptual MasterpiecesRenowned German photographer Candida Höfer came to Macau this month to unveil her latest exhibition Epic Gaze, on display at the Macao Museum of ArtINTERVIEW MARK PHILLIPS / TRANSLATION ERRIS HO圖 PHOTO MARK PHILLIPS
38WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202339藝術ARTS |Conceptual MasterpiecesRenowned German photographer Candida Höfer came to Macau this month to unveil her latest exhibition Epic Gaze, on display at the Macao Museum of ArtINTERVIEW MARK PHILLIPS / TRANSLATION ERRIS HO圖 PHOTO MARK PHILLIPS
40WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202341Candida Höfer is considered one of the most important conceptual photographers of the latter half of the 20th century. She is known for her signature eye-level orthog-onal views of architectural interiors of public spaces that are devoid of human presence. The exhibition Candida Höfer: Epic Gaze is a curatorial se-lection chosen from the body of work developed by Höfer over the last 20 years. It features a variety of pieces organised in six major themes: “Passages”, “Theatres”, “Museums”, “Libraries”, “Worldview”, “Unseen Works” and a video projection entitled “Si-lent Spaces”. These themes are enclosed in separate sections and placed in a bespoke exhibition layout as a way to promote a paced and sequential contemplation in the viewer.These printed images, reaching up to 2.59 metres wide and 2 metres high, depict mostly Western built en-vironments, cultural in nature, of different typologies and time periods. Much of her more recent work are represen-tations of edifices designed by Pritzker laureate architects.The title of the exhibition stems from Höfer’s global vision of capturing a particular built environment that embodies humanity’s aspirations to preserve, represent and communicate the legacy of historical assets which emanate profound beliefs and aesthetics. By re-envision-ing these structures through the medium of photography, Höfer rekindles the question of how these crucial master-pieces will continue to shape and weigh in the collective memory for the generations to come.“Conceiving the design of a solo exhibition of this magnitude within the premises of a top-level institution such as the Macau Museum of Art and with the consent of an internationally renowned artist already inscribed in the annals of art history was indeed a privilege and an hon-our,” says João Ó, who co-curated the exhibition together with Rita Machado. “Through this exhibition, we hope to have succeeded in bringing Höfer’s signature artworks to a new audience as well as contributed to the cultural devel-opment of the Greater Bay Area and the Southeast Asian region at large, by attracting regional and international visitors who are interested in contemporary conceptual photography. In Epic Gaze, these new audiences will ac-knowledge the importance of Höfer’s work and its other-wise rare presence in this region.”CLOSER had the pleasure of speaking with Ms Höfer after the opening of the exhibition.迪達.赫弗被認為是二十世紀下半葉最舉足輕重的觀念攝影師之一。她最為著名的攝影作品以平視、正交的角度,凝望一些空無一人的公共建築物內部。「宏空之境」展出的作品是從赫弗過去二十載的創作生涯中挑選出來的,題材豐富,透過「走道」、「劇院」、「博物館」、「圖書館」、「世界觀」和「最新作品」六個單元呈現。同場展出投影錄像《寂靜的空間》。展覽精心設計,每個主題在其獨立的單元中自成一體,引領觀眾進入一場富節奏、循序漸進的深入思考的體驗。這些圖像印製成2.59米寬、2米高的作品,主要呈現不同時期、不同類型的西方文化建築。她近期許多作品所呈現的建築物,均由普立茲克建築獎得主操刀設計。展覽標題的靈感來自赫弗的全面視角,用來捕捉特定的建築空間環境。該環境承載著人類保護、再現和傳遞源自深刻信仰和美學歷史遺產的願望。赫弗通過攝影,重新構想這些重要建築物,並再次叩問它們如何繼續塑造和影響後世代的集體記憶。策展人兼本地建築師,蘇約翰(João Ó)和孟麗泰(Rita Machado)高興地表示:「能夠得名留藝術史的國際知名藝術家之授意,於澳門藝術博物館這個頂級博物館內構思設計如此大規模的個展,確實是我們的榮幸。從一開始,雙方就慷慨地給予我們絕對的自由。作為策展人,我們最希望能夠達到他們雙方的期望。」「我們希望透過這次展覽,向觀眾介紹赫弗的代表作,吸引對當代觀念攝影感興趣的本地和海外觀眾,為大灣區和整個東南亞地區的文化發展作出貢獻。『宏空之境』會令觀眾了解赫弗作品的重要性,以及能夠在本地欣賞到她作品的難能可貴。」CLOSER在展覽開幕後有機會與Höfer女士進行交流。藝術ARTS |40
40WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202341Candida Höfer is considered one of the most important conceptual photographers of the latter half of the 20th century. She is known for her signature eye-level orthog-onal views of architectural interiors of public spaces that are devoid of human presence. The exhibition Candida Höfer: Epic Gaze is a curatorial se-lection chosen from the body of work developed by Höfer over the last 20 years. It features a variety of pieces organised in six major themes: “Passages”, “Theatres”, “Museums”, “Libraries”, “Worldview”, “Unseen Works” and a video projection entitled “Si-lent Spaces”. These themes are enclosed in separate sections and placed in a bespoke exhibition layout as a way to promote a paced and sequential contemplation in the viewer.These printed images, reaching up to 2.59 metres wide and 2 metres high, depict mostly Western built en-vironments, cultural in nature, of different typologies and time periods. Much of her more recent work are represen-tations of edifices designed by Pritzker laureate architects.The title of the exhibition stems from Höfer’s global vision of capturing a particular built environment that embodies humanity’s aspirations to preserve, represent and communicate the legacy of historical assets which emanate profound beliefs and aesthetics. By re-envision-ing these structures through the medium of photography, Höfer rekindles the question of how these crucial master-pieces will continue to shape and weigh in the collective memory for the generations to come.“Conceiving the design of a solo exhibition of this magnitude within the premises of a top-level institution such as the Macau Museum of Art and with the consent of an internationally renowned artist already inscribed in the annals of art history was indeed a privilege and an hon-our,” says João Ó, who co-curated the exhibition together with Rita Machado. “Through this exhibition, we hope to have succeeded in bringing Höfer’s signature artworks to a new audience as well as contributed to the cultural devel-opment of the Greater Bay Area and the Southeast Asian region at large, by attracting regional and international visitors who are interested in contemporary conceptual photography. In Epic Gaze, these new audiences will ac-knowledge the importance of Höfer’s work and its other-wise rare presence in this region.”CLOSER had the pleasure of speaking with Ms Höfer after the opening of the exhibition.迪達.赫弗被認為是二十世紀下半葉最舉足輕重的觀念攝影師之一。她最為著名的攝影作品以平視、正交的角度,凝望一些空無一人的公共建築物內部。「宏空之境」展出的作品是從赫弗過去二十載的創作生涯中挑選出來的,題材豐富,透過「走道」、「劇院」、「博物館」、「圖書館」、「世界觀」和「最新作品」六個單元呈現。同場展出投影錄像《寂靜的空間》。展覽精心設計,每個主題在其獨立的單元中自成一體,引領觀眾進入一場富節奏、循序漸進的深入思考的體驗。這些圖像印製成2.59米寬、2米高的作品,主要呈現不同時期、不同類型的西方文化建築。她近期許多作品所呈現的建築物,均由普立茲克建築獎得主操刀設計。展覽標題的靈感來自赫弗的全面視角,用來捕捉特定的建築空間環境。該環境承載著人類保護、再現和傳遞源自深刻信仰和美學歷史遺產的願望。赫弗通過攝影,重新構想這些重要建築物,並再次叩問它們如何繼續塑造和影響後世代的集體記憶。策展人兼本地建築師,蘇約翰(João Ó)和孟麗泰(Rita Machado)高興地表示:「能夠得名留藝術史的國際知名藝術家之授意,於澳門藝術博物館這個頂級博物館內構思設計如此大規模的個展,確實是我們的榮幸。從一開始,雙方就慷慨地給予我們絕對的自由。作為策展人,我們最希望能夠達到他們雙方的期望。」「我們希望透過這次展覽,向觀眾介紹赫弗的代表作,吸引對當代觀念攝影感興趣的本地和海外觀眾,為大灣區和整個東南亞地區的文化發展作出貢獻。『宏空之境』會令觀眾了解赫弗作品的重要性,以及能夠在本地欣賞到她作品的難能可貴。」CLOSER在展覽開幕後有機會與Höfer女士進行交流。藝術ARTS |40
42WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202343藝術ARTS |How do you feel about the exhibition now that you’ve seen it in person?The exhibition intends to give an overview of my work over the last 20 years. I am very happy with it, particularly with sequencing and arranging of the photographs and indeed the whole design. It has been a good experience to see those images again. It brings back some fond memories for me.When visitors come to the exhibition, what impressions and contemplations do you hope to provoke with your images?I am happy if the images invite a closer, slower gaze, taking in the details driven by their curiosity. I’m always more and more astonished that people who look at my photographs see more details in them than I see.You have captured beautiful images of some of the most impressive and iconic buildings in the world. Do you still get a sense of awe and wonder when you go to them now? There are only a few occasions where I have been able to go back to spaces that I have photographed. They do not lose their magic, even as they (and I) age.As an artist, why do you think you are so attracted to photographing these spaces?I see spaces as characters, so photographing them is like portrait photography to me. As types of spaces, they have their similarities, but as individual spaces they are unique.You are renowned for capturing the beauty of architec-tural forms and empty spaces. How do you feel these spaces relate to our human experiences of living in often densely populated urban environments? I have not thought of this perspective before, so thank you for pointing that out to me. The space as such excludes the outside, so I tend to think, density outside does not place a role in the perception. Then again, the spaces are not emp-ty and even if there are no people inside, people looking at them fill them with their imaginations. This kind of density maybe then a relief from the density you have mentioned. How do you feel our relationship with these spaces has changed over time? It is always changing: we are struck by them (or annoyed) when we first see them. Then they become a habit. We for-get them. Then we rediscover them and we might cherish them as we cherish good old memories.親自觀看展覽後,您對這次展覽有何感受?這次展覽旨在概述我過去20年的作品。我對這次展覽非常滿意,特別是照片的排序和佈局,以及整體設計。再次看到這些影像勾起我過去一些美好的記憶。當觀眾來到展覽時,您希望透過您的影像引發什麼樣的印象和思考?如果我的影像能夠邀請觀眾以更近距離、更慢的目光來觀賞,並因為好奇心而細細品味其中的細節,我會感到很開心。令我驚訝的是,有些觀眾比我自己看到的細節還要多。您捕捉了世界上一些最令人印象深刻和具有代表性的建築的美麗影像。現在當您再次去到這些地方時,您是否仍然感到敬畏和驚奇?我只有少數機會回到我曾經拍攝過的空間。即使隨著時間過去,它們(以及我自己)變「老」了,但魔力依舊。作為一位藝術家,您為甚麼對空間攝影情有獨鐘?我將空間視為角色的弓種,所以攝影對我來說就像是人像攝影。作為同類型的空間,它們有著相似之處,但作為獨特的個體空間,它們又各具特色。 您以捕捉建築和空無的空間之美而聞名。您認為這些空間如何與人口密集的城市生活環境相關?我以前從未考慮過這個角度,所以感謝您向我指出這一點。空間本身排除了外界事物,所以我認為人口密集度在感知中不起作用。然而,這些空間並不是空無的:即使內部沒有人,觀看它們的人能用想像力填滿空間。所以這種認知上的空間密集度或許會隨之變化。您認為我們與這些空間的關係隨著時間的推移發生了變化,您有何感受?我和空間的關係總是在變化中:當我們第一次看到它們時,它們會讓我們驚艷(或者感到煩躁)。然後我們習慣了這些空間,忘記了它們,然後再新發現它們。最後,我們可能會像珍惜美好的舊記憶一樣珍惜它們。 許多作品中都沒有人物。您是否認為這種人物的缺席增強了影像的某些方面?人物的缺席在我的作品裡並不是絕對。以往,我攝影的對象包括人物和有人的空間,但如果攝影場所沒有人,我會更加開心。實際上,在這次展覽中,我也有攝影除了空無空間之外的作品:一個關於樹木和燈具的系列作品。對此,我心情複雜。一方面,我不想讓人物完全離開影像,但同時,如果他們出現在照片中,我也感到不太自在。所以這是一個雙重束縛的情況。
42WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202343藝術ARTS |How do you feel about the exhibition now that you’ve seen it in person?The exhibition intends to give an overview of my work over the last 20 years. I am very happy with it, particularly with sequencing and arranging of the photographs and indeed the whole design. It has been a good experience to see those images again. It brings back some fond memories for me.When visitors come to the exhibition, what impressions and contemplations do you hope to provoke with your images?I am happy if the images invite a closer, slower gaze, taking in the details driven by their curiosity. I’m always more and more astonished that people who look at my photographs see more details in them than I see.You have captured beautiful images of some of the most impressive and iconic buildings in the world. Do you still get a sense of awe and wonder when you go to them now? There are only a few occasions where I have been able to go back to spaces that I have photographed. They do not lose their magic, even as they (and I) age.As an artist, why do you think you are so attracted to photographing these spaces?I see spaces as characters, so photographing them is like portrait photography to me. As types of spaces, they have their similarities, but as individual spaces they are unique.You are renowned for capturing the beauty of architec-tural forms and empty spaces. How do you feel these spaces relate to our human experiences of living in often densely populated urban environments? I have not thought of this perspective before, so thank you for pointing that out to me. The space as such excludes the outside, so I tend to think, density outside does not place a role in the perception. Then again, the spaces are not emp-ty and even if there are no people inside, people looking at them fill them with their imaginations. This kind of density maybe then a relief from the density you have mentioned. How do you feel our relationship with these spaces has changed over time? It is always changing: we are struck by them (or annoyed) when we first see them. Then they become a habit. We for-get them. Then we rediscover them and we might cherish them as we cherish good old memories.親自觀看展覽後,您對這次展覽有何感受?這次展覽旨在概述我過去20年的作品。我對這次展覽非常滿意,特別是照片的排序和佈局,以及整體設計。再次看到這些影像勾起我過去一些美好的記憶。當觀眾來到展覽時,您希望透過您的影像引發什麼樣的印象和思考?如果我的影像能夠邀請觀眾以更近距離、更慢的目光來觀賞,並因為好奇心而細細品味其中的細節,我會感到很開心。令我驚訝的是,有些觀眾比我自己看到的細節還要多。您捕捉了世界上一些最令人印象深刻和具有代表性的建築的美麗影像。現在當您再次去到這些地方時,您是否仍然感到敬畏和驚奇?我只有少數機會回到我曾經拍攝過的空間。即使隨著時間過去,它們(以及我自己)變「老」了,但魔力依舊。作為一位藝術家,您為甚麼對空間攝影情有獨鐘?我將空間視為角色的弓種,所以攝影對我來說就像是人像攝影。作為同類型的空間,它們有著相似之處,但作為獨特的個體空間,它們又各具特色。 您以捕捉建築和空無的空間之美而聞名。您認為這些空間如何與人口密集的城市生活環境相關?我以前從未考慮過這個角度,所以感謝您向我指出這一點。空間本身排除了外界事物,所以我認為人口密集度在感知中不起作用。然而,這些空間並不是空無的:即使內部沒有人,觀看它們的人能用想像力填滿空間。所以這種認知上的空間密集度或許會隨之變化。您認為我們與這些空間的關係隨著時間的推移發生了變化,您有何感受?我和空間的關係總是在變化中:當我們第一次看到它們時,它們會讓我們驚艷(或者感到煩躁)。然後我們習慣了這些空間,忘記了它們,然後再新發現它們。最後,我們可能會像珍惜美好的舊記憶一樣珍惜它們。 許多作品中都沒有人物。您是否認為這種人物的缺席增強了影像的某些方面?人物的缺席在我的作品裡並不是絕對。以往,我攝影的對象包括人物和有人的空間,但如果攝影場所沒有人,我會更加開心。實際上,在這次展覽中,我也有攝影除了空無空間之外的作品:一個關於樹木和燈具的系列作品。對此,我心情複雜。一方面,我不想讓人物完全離開影像,但同時,如果他們出現在照片中,我也感到不太自在。所以這是一個雙重束縛的情況。
44WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202345Many of these works are absent people. Do you feel this absence enhances other aspects of the image?It’s not an absolute doctrine. In the earlier days I photo-graphed people and spaces with people, but I’m really more happy if the places are without people. Actually, in this ex-hibition I also move away from empty spaces with a collec-tion about trees and lamps. I’m in two minds about it actu-ally. On one hand, I don’t want to keep the people out of the image, but then at the same time, I’m not too comfortable if they’re in the picture. So it’s a double bind situation.Your career has spanned a period of accelerated develop-ment of photographic and printing technologies. How has your work evolved in response to this development?To me these developments have been positive, although I’m still not sure whether these technological changes allow me to photograph faster rather than not. I remember a time when I was in two minds about whether I should take the digital path or whether I should stay on the analogue path. The decision was difficult because I found both procedures good. But ultimately simply transporting the analogue ma-terial was just more complicated. One of the biggest prob-lems was airport security for the film material. And so with digital equipment it is simply much easier. Architectural styles and public spaces in Asia are quite different from those of Europe. In your short time here in Macau have you seen anything in particular that has piqued your interest?By chance we were kindly invited to the Military Club which created a bridge to my Portugal experiences. The Macao Muesum of Art also kindly gave me a tour of the city, and Lou Kau Mansion, the Leal Senado Library and Dom Pedro V Theatre all left strong impressions on me. Sometimes if I have a gallery show at a place where I have learned that there is interesting architecture, I ask the gallery staff to take snapshots and then I decide on the basis of the snap-shots. I have taken a series of snapshots at these locations in Macau, so we go from there. Let’s see. If I do photograph them, my approach will be the same, but certainly they will look very different. Candida Höfer: Epic GazeDuration: 6/12/2023 – 3/3/2024Location: Macao Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, MacaoOpening Hours: 10am – 7pm (last entry at 6:30pm). Closed on Mondays and open on public holidays. Free admission.您的職業生涯跨越了攝影和印刷技術的快速發展時期。您的作品如何因應這些發展而演變?對我來說,這些發展是積極的,儘管我不確定這些技術變革是否對我的拍攝得速度有所影響。我記得當我猶豫不決應否走數碼還是膠片攝影的時候,這個決定很難,因為我發現兩種方法都各有優點。但最終,因為攜帶膠片材料比較複雜,特別是在機場安檢的時候,攜帶數碼設備就簡單得多。亞洲的建築風格和公共空間與歐洲有很大不同。在您短暫停留澳門期間,您有沒有看到特別引起您興趣的事物?我們參觀了軍事俱樂部,這讓我聯想到我在葡萄牙的經歷。澳門藝術博物館也親切地帶我參觀了澳門其他地方,包括盧家大屋、市政署大樓和崗頂劇院,全部都給我留下了深刻的印象。有時,如果我在一個有趣的建築物的畫廊展出時,我會請畫廊工作人員拍下照片,然後根據這些照片來決定是否有下一步。我在澳門也拍攝了一系列照片,所以讓我們拭目以待。可能我的拍攝方法相似,但呈現出的效果肯定會截然不同的。「康迪達‧赫弗:宏空之境」日期:2023年12月6日至2024年3月3日地點:澳門藝術博物館一及二樓展出開放時間:上午10時至晚上7時(晚上6時30分後停止入場),逢星期一休館,公眾假期照常開放門票:免費入場。藝術ARTS |
44WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202345Many of these works are absent people. Do you feel this absence enhances other aspects of the image?It’s not an absolute doctrine. In the earlier days I photo-graphed people and spaces with people, but I’m really more happy if the places are without people. Actually, in this ex-hibition I also move away from empty spaces with a collec-tion about trees and lamps. I’m in two minds about it actu-ally. On one hand, I don’t want to keep the people out of the image, but then at the same time, I’m not too comfortable if they’re in the picture. So it’s a double bind situation.Your career has spanned a period of accelerated develop-ment of photographic and printing technologies. How has your work evolved in response to this development?To me these developments have been positive, although I’m still not sure whether these technological changes allow me to photograph faster rather than not. I remember a time when I was in two minds about whether I should take the digital path or whether I should stay on the analogue path. The decision was difficult because I found both procedures good. But ultimately simply transporting the analogue ma-terial was just more complicated. One of the biggest prob-lems was airport security for the film material. And so with digital equipment it is simply much easier. Architectural styles and public spaces in Asia are quite different from those of Europe. In your short time here in Macau have you seen anything in particular that has piqued your interest?By chance we were kindly invited to the Military Club which created a bridge to my Portugal experiences. The Macao Muesum of Art also kindly gave me a tour of the city, and Lou Kau Mansion, the Leal Senado Library and Dom Pedro V Theatre all left strong impressions on me. Sometimes if I have a gallery show at a place where I have learned that there is interesting architecture, I ask the gallery staff to take snapshots and then I decide on the basis of the snap-shots. I have taken a series of snapshots at these locations in Macau, so we go from there. Let’s see. If I do photograph them, my approach will be the same, but certainly they will look very different. Candida Höfer: Epic GazeDuration: 6/12/2023 – 3/3/2024Location: Macao Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai, MacaoOpening Hours: 10am – 7pm (last entry at 6:30pm). Closed on Mondays and open on public holidays. Free admission.您的職業生涯跨越了攝影和印刷技術的快速發展時期。您的作品如何因應這些發展而演變?對我來說,這些發展是積極的,儘管我不確定這些技術變革是否對我的拍攝得速度有所影響。我記得當我猶豫不決應否走數碼還是膠片攝影的時候,這個決定很難,因為我發現兩種方法都各有優點。但最終,因為攜帶膠片材料比較複雜,特別是在機場安檢的時候,攜帶數碼設備就簡單得多。亞洲的建築風格和公共空間與歐洲有很大不同。在您短暫停留澳門期間,您有沒有看到特別引起您興趣的事物?我們參觀了軍事俱樂部,這讓我聯想到我在葡萄牙的經歷。澳門藝術博物館也親切地帶我參觀了澳門其他地方,包括盧家大屋、市政署大樓和崗頂劇院,全部都給我留下了深刻的印象。有時,如果我在一個有趣的建築物的畫廊展出時,我會請畫廊工作人員拍下照片,然後根據這些照片來決定是否有下一步。我在澳門也拍攝了一系列照片,所以讓我們拭目以待。可能我的拍攝方法相似,但呈現出的效果肯定會截然不同的。「康迪達‧赫弗:宏空之境」日期:2023年12月6日至2024年3月3日地點:澳門藝術博物館一及二樓展出開放時間:上午10時至晚上7時(晚上6時30分後停止入場),逢星期一休館,公眾假期照常開放門票:免費入場。藝術ARTS |
46WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202347GalaxyArt Presents “Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau” Photography Exhibition at Galaxy MacautmSPONSORED FEATURE |ARTS |Immersed in the City融入都市軌跡藝術46
46WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202347GalaxyArt Presents “Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau” Photography Exhibition at Galaxy MacautmSPONSORED FEATURE |ARTS |Immersed in the City融入都市軌跡藝術46
48WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202349除了夏永康在澳門拍攝的系列精選圖片,本次展覽的重點展品還有取景於名列澳門世界遺產之一的鄭家大屋,由主演 《魷魚遊戲》的國際影星李政宰出鏡為VOGUE香港版拍攝的一輯照片。在夏永康細膩而富有情感的鏡頭下,李政宰自在遊走於這間澳門現存最古老的中式庭院大宅,演繹著復古懷舊的華麗視覺大片。展覽的另一大亮點則是夏永康為鞏俐、桂綸鎂、杜鵑、黃曉明等一眾電影界最具代表性的人物拍攝的檔案照片。從加拿大的艾米莉卡學院(Emily Carr Institute)學成回港後,他創立了日後享譽盛名的設計工作室Shya-la-la Workshop,正式開啟了他的藝術生涯。自1997年開始,夏永康受邀成為著名導演王家衛的劇照攝影師和平面設計師,合作了包括《春光乍泄》、《花樣年華》、《伊莉莎》和《2046》在內的一系列膾炙人口的電影作品。位於「澳門銀河TM」綜合度假城內的藝文空間「銀河藝萃,自2021年7月揭幕以來,一直積極配合澳門特別行政區政府及相關機構開展各類藝文活動,充分展現銀河娛樂集團對於支持澳門文化藝術多元發展的重視。Wing Shya completed his fine art studies at Emily Carr Institute in Canada, and then went on to found the acclaimed design studio Shya-la-la Workshop. In 1997, appointed as the exclusive photographer and graphic designer, Shya started his collaboration with the renowned movie director, Wong Kar-Wai on Happy Together, and then continued with In the Mood for Love, Eros and 2046. GalaxyArt is an art space located within Galaxy MacauTM Integrated Resort. Since its launch in July 2021, it has actively collaborated with the Macau Special Administrative Region government and relevant organisations to present various cultural and artistic events.於「澳門銀河TM」綜合度假城內的藝文空間「銀河藝萃」呈獻著名導演及攝影師夏永康在澳門的首次個人攝影展—《夏永康+853澳門瞬間》。該攝影展由夏永康多年的合作夥伴、資深時尚總監Sean Kunjambu策展,旨在邀請觀眾透過攝影師無與倫比的鏡頭,展開一段以視覺敘事串聯的藝術旅程,感受過去數十年裡活力激盪的色彩與時下寧恬淡的色調所形成的鮮明對比。沉浸感十足的觀展體驗將會引領觀眾與展出作品融為一體,產生強烈的情感共鳴。1960年代出生於香港的夏永康,是橫跨電影、藝術、設計和時尚領域的「斜槓」藝術家。對多種藝術形式有近30年的的探索與實踐,成就了夏永康獨樹一幟的藝術風格—他擅長於光線、色彩和構圖的巧妙運用,也善於用鏡頭勾勒和展示細膩別緻的情感。 本次《夏永康+853 澳門瞬間》攝影展於「銀河藝萃」設立三個分展區,結合多媒體的呈現方式,讓觀眾在沉浸感十足的氛圍裡開啟一段獨特的藝術之旅。透過夏永康的鏡頭和視野,看見澳門的一個個精彩瞬間,感受這座東方小城的風情與故事。GalaxyArt, the dedicated art space at Galaxy MacauTM is currently presenting Macau’s first-ever solo photography exhibition by renowned film director and photographer, Wing Shya, entitled Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau. Curated by Sean Kunjambu, a longtime collaborator of Shya, the exhibition invites audiences to experience the photographer’s unparalled cinematic lens. The exhibition creates a journey through visual storytelling, juxtaposing vibrant, intense colors of decades past with the tranquil and serene palettes of the present, allowing the audience to become one with the photographs, immersing themselves into fantastical surroundings. Born in the 1960s in Hong Kong, Wing Shya is a versatile artist straddling the realms of film, art, design, and fashion. Nearly 30 years of exploration and demonstration in various art forms have cultivated Shya’s unique artistic style. This exhibition includes three zones with multimedia effects and immersive experiences. In addition to a selection of Shya’s archive photos shot in Macau, the exhibition’s highlights include Shya and Kunjambu’s creation for a visionary photoshoot for Vogue Hong Kong starring Squid Game actor Lee Jung Jae, transporting audiences to a bygone era by using one of Macau’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites -Zheng’s Mansion. Roaming around this historical gem, Lee became a vision of nostalgic resplendence under Shya’s thoughtful lens. The exhibition continues with archive photos taken by Shya of iconic figures in the film industry, including Gong Li, Gwei Lun-Mei, Du Juan and Huang Xiaoming and more.EXHIBITION VENUE: GALAXYART, GALAXY MACAUTMPERIOD: FROM NOW UNTIL 29 DECEMBER, 2023沉浸式裝置展現了「夏永康+853 澳門瞬間」中的經典攝影作品Immersive activations at GalaxyArt of the iconic photography featured in “Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau”夏永康先生為李政宰先生在澳門世界遺產鄭家大屋拍攝Mr. Lee Jung Jae photographed by Mr. Wing Shya at Macau UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mandarin’s House李政宰先生出席「夏永康+853 澳門瞬間」揭幕儀式Mr. Lee Jung Jae at the exhibition launch of “Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau” at GalaxyArt 展覽由銀河娛樂集團基金會「銀河藝萃」執行董事呂嘉瑩女士主持揭幕The exhibition launch presided over by Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) Foundation and GalaxyArt Executive Director, Mrs. Joanna Lui Hickox
48WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202349除了夏永康在澳門拍攝的系列精選圖片,本次展覽的重點展品還有取景於名列澳門世界遺產之一的鄭家大屋,由主演 《魷魚遊戲》的國際影星李政宰出鏡為VOGUE香港版拍攝的一輯照片。在夏永康細膩而富有情感的鏡頭下,李政宰自在遊走於這間澳門現存最古老的中式庭院大宅,演繹著復古懷舊的華麗視覺大片。展覽的另一大亮點則是夏永康為鞏俐、桂綸鎂、杜鵑、黃曉明等一眾電影界最具代表性的人物拍攝的檔案照片。從加拿大的艾米莉卡學院(Emily Carr Institute)學成回港後,他創立了日後享譽盛名的設計工作室Shya-la-la Workshop,正式開啟了他的藝術生涯。自1997年開始,夏永康受邀成為著名導演王家衛的劇照攝影師和平面設計師,合作了包括《春光乍泄》、《花樣年華》、《伊莉莎》和《2046》在內的一系列膾炙人口的電影作品。位於「澳門銀河TM」綜合度假城內的藝文空間「銀河藝萃,自2021年7月揭幕以來,一直積極配合澳門特別行政區政府及相關機構開展各類藝文活動,充分展現銀河娛樂集團對於支持澳門文化藝術多元發展的重視。Wing Shya completed his fine art studies at Emily Carr Institute in Canada, and then went on to found the acclaimed design studio Shya-la-la Workshop. In 1997, appointed as the exclusive photographer and graphic designer, Shya started his collaboration with the renowned movie director, Wong Kar-Wai on Happy Together, and then continued with In the Mood for Love, Eros and 2046. GalaxyArt is an art space located within Galaxy MacauTM Integrated Resort. Since its launch in July 2021, it has actively collaborated with the Macau Special Administrative Region government and relevant organisations to present various cultural and artistic events.於「澳門銀河TM」綜合度假城內的藝文空間「銀河藝萃」呈獻著名導演及攝影師夏永康在澳門的首次個人攝影展—《夏永康+853澳門瞬間》。該攝影展由夏永康多年的合作夥伴、資深時尚總監Sean Kunjambu策展,旨在邀請觀眾透過攝影師無與倫比的鏡頭,展開一段以視覺敘事串聯的藝術旅程,感受過去數十年裡活力激盪的色彩與時下寧恬淡的色調所形成的鮮明對比。沉浸感十足的觀展體驗將會引領觀眾與展出作品融為一體,產生強烈的情感共鳴。1960年代出生於香港的夏永康,是橫跨電影、藝術、設計和時尚領域的「斜槓」藝術家。對多種藝術形式有近30年的的探索與實踐,成就了夏永康獨樹一幟的藝術風格—他擅長於光線、色彩和構圖的巧妙運用,也善於用鏡頭勾勒和展示細膩別緻的情感。 本次《夏永康+853 澳門瞬間》攝影展於「銀河藝萃」設立三個分展區,結合多媒體的呈現方式,讓觀眾在沉浸感十足的氛圍裡開啟一段獨特的藝術之旅。透過夏永康的鏡頭和視野,看見澳門的一個個精彩瞬間,感受這座東方小城的風情與故事。GalaxyArt, the dedicated art space at Galaxy MacauTM is currently presenting Macau’s first-ever solo photography exhibition by renowned film director and photographer, Wing Shya, entitled Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau. Curated by Sean Kunjambu, a longtime collaborator of Shya, the exhibition invites audiences to experience the photographer’s unparalled cinematic lens. The exhibition creates a journey through visual storytelling, juxtaposing vibrant, intense colors of decades past with the tranquil and serene palettes of the present, allowing the audience to become one with the photographs, immersing themselves into fantastical surroundings. Born in the 1960s in Hong Kong, Wing Shya is a versatile artist straddling the realms of film, art, design, and fashion. Nearly 30 years of exploration and demonstration in various art forms have cultivated Shya’s unique artistic style. This exhibition includes three zones with multimedia effects and immersive experiences. In addition to a selection of Shya’s archive photos shot in Macau, the exhibition’s highlights include Shya and Kunjambu’s creation for a visionary photoshoot for Vogue Hong Kong starring Squid Game actor Lee Jung Jae, transporting audiences to a bygone era by using one of Macau’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites -Zheng’s Mansion. Roaming around this historical gem, Lee became a vision of nostalgic resplendence under Shya’s thoughtful lens. The exhibition continues with archive photos taken by Shya of iconic figures in the film industry, including Gong Li, Gwei Lun-Mei, Du Juan and Huang Xiaoming and more.EXHIBITION VENUE: GALAXYART, GALAXY MACAUTMPERIOD: FROM NOW UNTIL 29 DECEMBER, 2023沉浸式裝置展現了「夏永康+853 澳門瞬間」中的經典攝影作品Immersive activations at GalaxyArt of the iconic photography featured in “Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau”夏永康先生為李政宰先生在澳門世界遺產鄭家大屋拍攝Mr. Lee Jung Jae photographed by Mr. Wing Shya at Macau UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mandarin’s House李政宰先生出席「夏永康+853 澳門瞬間」揭幕儀式Mr. Lee Jung Jae at the exhibition launch of “Wing Shya +853 Moments in Macau” at GalaxyArt 展覽由銀河娛樂集團基金會「銀河藝萃」執行董事呂嘉瑩女士主持揭幕The exhibition launch presided over by Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) Foundation and GalaxyArt Executive Director, Mrs. Joanna Lui Hickox
50WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202351Ever since the gaming industry in Macau was liberalised in 2001, casinos have driven an enormous development of wealth and busi-ness in the city. And central to this growth has been the junket model, whereby junket opera-tors brought high-spending VIP guests to the city to gamble in luxurious private rooms inside the casino, rooms that most of us never had a chance to see or experi-ence. Despite its success, this model has all but ended and today the focus is much more on accommodating the mass market. To commemorate and reflect on this transitional mo-ment in the city’s history, local artist Alexandre Marreiros re-cently held a solo exhibition entitled Mass Junket at Albergue SCM.The exhibition presents a vision of these two opposing concepts – mass and junket - together in the same city, in a common space, existing at the same time.“I wanted to represent this separation, this antagonistic relationship of opposite things that belong to each other, and raise questions. Questioning our time, in this case the past with the extinction of the junkets, and the future with Ma-cau’s openness to the mass,” comments Marreiros.2001年澳門博彩業解禁以來,博彩業為澳門帶來巨大的財富和商業發展機會。在這種發展過程中,賭場扮演了關鍵角色。透過這種模式,賭場將高消費的貴賓引領到澳門,讓他們在賭場內享受豪華私人房間中的賭博體驗,而這些房間對大多數人來說只是遙不可及的存在。儘管博彩業曾經取得了巨大成功,但如今它幾乎已經結束,焦點轉向迎合大眾市場的需求。為了紀念和反思這一歷史轉折點,當地藝術家馬偉圖最近在婆仔屋文創空間舉辦了一場名為 「Mass Junket」的個展。Mass(大眾)和junket(中介),是分離且不平等的概念,但它們同時在同地發生。馬偉圖解釋對個展的期許:「我想要呈現這種分離、對立的關係,並引發思考。這些問題涉及時間,包括過去中介人的消失,以及澳門未來向世界開放的狀態。」他補充說:「此展與時間相關,回顧剛消逝的舊事及提出對未來的質疑。這個展覽日關於澳門作為一個不斷變化且反映其時代的有機體,賭場佔據了整個環境的相當大部分,幾乎成為空間中的橋樑,且無法避免地成為社會經濟發展的推動力。這座城市與『賭博』之間存在著直接的關係,體現在經濟、建築、故事和與這些前提而建立的文化中。」展覽中,觀眾被邀成為作品的一部分,在裝置上行走,感受從堅硬的地板到柔軟的手工羊毛地毯之間的過渡。這個裝置的顏色、圖案和設計是展覽的重要組成部分,形成了可看見、踩踏和Opposing Artist Alexandre Marreiros reects on the changing nature of the city’s gaming industry with his solo exhibition Mass Junket藝術ARTS |Worlds
50WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202351Ever since the gaming industry in Macau was liberalised in 2001, casinos have driven an enormous development of wealth and busi-ness in the city. And central to this growth has been the junket model, whereby junket opera-tors brought high-spending VIP guests to the city to gamble in luxurious private rooms inside the casino, rooms that most of us never had a chance to see or experi-ence. Despite its success, this model has all but ended and today the focus is much more on accommodating the mass market. To commemorate and reflect on this transitional mo-ment in the city’s history, local artist Alexandre Marreiros re-cently held a solo exhibition entitled Mass Junket at Albergue SCM.The exhibition presents a vision of these two opposing concepts – mass and junket - together in the same city, in a common space, existing at the same time.“I wanted to represent this separation, this antagonistic relationship of opposite things that belong to each other, and raise questions. Questioning our time, in this case the past with the extinction of the junkets, and the future with Ma-cau’s openness to the mass,” comments Marreiros.2001年澳門博彩業解禁以來,博彩業為澳門帶來巨大的財富和商業發展機會。在這種發展過程中,賭場扮演了關鍵角色。透過這種模式,賭場將高消費的貴賓引領到澳門,讓他們在賭場內享受豪華私人房間中的賭博體驗,而這些房間對大多數人來說只是遙不可及的存在。儘管博彩業曾經取得了巨大成功,但如今它幾乎已經結束,焦點轉向迎合大眾市場的需求。為了紀念和反思這一歷史轉折點,當地藝術家馬偉圖最近在婆仔屋文創空間舉辦了一場名為 「Mass Junket」的個展。Mass(大眾)和junket(中介),是分離且不平等的概念,但它們同時在同地發生。馬偉圖解釋對個展的期許:「我想要呈現這種分離、對立的關係,並引發思考。這些問題涉及時間,包括過去中介人的消失,以及澳門未來向世界開放的狀態。」他補充說:「此展與時間相關,回顧剛消逝的舊事及提出對未來的質疑。這個展覽日關於澳門作為一個不斷變化且反映其時代的有機體,賭場佔據了整個環境的相當大部分,幾乎成為空間中的橋樑,且無法避免地成為社會經濟發展的推動力。這座城市與『賭博』之間存在著直接的關係,體現在經濟、建築、故事和與這些前提而建立的文化中。」展覽中,觀眾被邀成為作品的一部分,在裝置上行走,感受從堅硬的地板到柔軟的手工羊毛地毯之間的過渡。這個裝置的顏色、圖案和設計是展覽的重要組成部分,形成了可看見、踩踏和Opposing Artist Alexandre Marreiros reects on the changing nature of the city’s gaming industry with his solo exhibition Mass Junket藝術ARTS |Worlds
52WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202353“I would say that this exhibition is about time, bringing the recent past and questioning the near future. Observing Macau as an organism in con-stant change, a major stage for its inhabitants and a reflection of its time, in which casinos occupy a specific part of this landscape, almost as moder-ators of space and generators of socioeconomic aspects. There is this direct relationship between the city and ‘gaming’ which has translated into the economy, architecture, stories and culture allied to these assumptions.”The exhibition invited visitors to experience these two different but parallel universes, in a rep-resentation of the masses through paintings on the walls, and junkets through an installation on the floor, combining the senses of touch and vision. “The junket rooms were always covered by carpets of vibrant colors and pleasant to the touch when walking. By stepping and walking on the in-stallation and feeling the transition between the hard granite floor and the soft handmade wool carpets, visitors could become part of the exhibi-tion,” explains the artist. “There is an old Portu-guese saying: ‘you have to see it with your hands’, in this case to see it with your feet.”With the extinction of these junket rooms, Marreiros believes a new chapter in the city’s story is being created. “It is certain that these rooms will be demol-ished and will become a remote memory in Ma-cau’s time, and which in this exhibition I intended to reinterpret. Marking a certain moment that will have repercussions on the city, it is at the same time a reflection of the time I live in Macau and a question of how the opening to the masses will be constructed.“In this exhibition, Mass is a representation of the future, in a time that the city of Macau wants to open to a large number of people and not be exclu-sively linked to the gaming industry.”“This exhibition is also a tribute to the mass-es - not those of fashion or trends, but those who will perhaps be invisible, anonymous and who generate and participate in their own culture in a global complexity. It is a tribute to the unknown, to the original, to the non-canon, to what is beautiful by not being part of a model, that does not follow trends, that is not part of a social network embel-lishment,” the artist explains. “It is a series of works that belongs to my ex-istence and observation of Macau, but that reflects and extends to a global humanity to the masses, to invisible people, that appeals more to values than to appearance or a certain social class.”藝術ARTS |觸摸的組合。此展鼓勵觀眾運用觸覺及視覺感官。踏上裝置時同時觀看牆身,感覺尤如置身現已經在澳門消失的豪華賭場,這些空間曾被充滿生機的彩色地毯所覆蓋,踏著時感覺舒適。用一句古老的葡萄牙諺語來說:「你必須用手來看」,但在這個展覽中,用腳比較合適。 隨著這些被稱為「中介人」的空間消失,這座城市的發展迎來了新的序幕。毫無疑問,這些空間將被拆除,成為澳門一個遙遠的記憶,「在這個展覽中,我試圖重新詮釋它們。這一刻為這座城市帶來影響,同時促使我思考我在澳門生活的時光,以及城市面向大眾開放的種種可能。」不僅與博彩業相關,此展中的Mass(群體)象徵著未來,蘊含著澳門向世界敞開大門的訊息。根據我所身處的環境,這個展覽是對大眾的一種致敬。致敬對象並非指流行或當期人物,而是指那些有如透明、匿名的個體,在全球的複雜環境內,本著各自的文化默默付出。從這個意義上說,這也是對無名、原創、反主流的致敬。它之所以美麗,不是因為它符合某種模式、趨勢或規範,也不是為了在社交網絡上炫耀。被稱為「Mass」的系列探索了一個領域,當中的人物 均是反文化或非主流的,是為一種向匿名、抽象、快將消失的人們致敬的方式。藝術ARTS |52
52WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202353“I would say that this exhibition is about time, bringing the recent past and questioning the near future. Observing Macau as an organism in con-stant change, a major stage for its inhabitants and a reflection of its time, in which casinos occupy a specific part of this landscape, almost as moder-ators of space and generators of socioeconomic aspects. There is this direct relationship between the city and ‘gaming’ which has translated into the economy, architecture, stories and culture allied to these assumptions.”The exhibition invited visitors to experience these two different but parallel universes, in a rep-resentation of the masses through paintings on the walls, and junkets through an installation on the floor, combining the senses of touch and vision. “The junket rooms were always covered by carpets of vibrant colors and pleasant to the touch when walking. By stepping and walking on the in-stallation and feeling the transition between the hard granite floor and the soft handmade wool carpets, visitors could become part of the exhibi-tion,” explains the artist. “There is an old Portu-guese saying: ‘you have to see it with your hands’, in this case to see it with your feet.”With the extinction of these junket rooms, Marreiros believes a new chapter in the city’s story is being created. “It is certain that these rooms will be demol-ished and will become a remote memory in Ma-cau’s time, and which in this exhibition I intended to reinterpret. Marking a certain moment that will have repercussions on the city, it is at the same time a reflection of the time I live in Macau and a question of how the opening to the masses will be constructed.“In this exhibition, Mass is a representation of the future, in a time that the city of Macau wants to open to a large number of people and not be exclu-sively linked to the gaming industry.”“This exhibition is also a tribute to the mass-es - not those of fashion or trends, but those who will perhaps be invisible, anonymous and who generate and participate in their own culture in a global complexity. It is a tribute to the unknown, to the original, to the non-canon, to what is beautiful by not being part of a model, that does not follow trends, that is not part of a social network embel-lishment,” the artist explains. “It is a series of works that belongs to my ex-istence and observation of Macau, but that reflects and extends to a global humanity to the masses, to invisible people, that appeals more to values than to appearance or a certain social class.”藝術ARTS |觸摸的組合。此展鼓勵觀眾運用觸覺及視覺感官。踏上裝置時同時觀看牆身,感覺尤如置身現已經在澳門消失的豪華賭場,這些空間曾被充滿生機的彩色地毯所覆蓋,踏著時感覺舒適。用一句古老的葡萄牙諺語來說:「你必須用手來看」,但在這個展覽中,用腳比較合適。 隨著這些被稱為「中介人」的空間消失,這座城市的發展迎來了新的序幕。毫無疑問,這些空間將被拆除,成為澳門一個遙遠的記憶,「在這個展覽中,我試圖重新詮釋它們。這一刻為這座城市帶來影響,同時促使我思考我在澳門生活的時光,以及城市面向大眾開放的種種可能。」不僅與博彩業相關,此展中的Mass(群體)象徵著未來,蘊含著澳門向世界敞開大門的訊息。根據我所身處的環境,這個展覽是對大眾的一種致敬。致敬對象並非指流行或當期人物,而是指那些有如透明、匿名的個體,在全球的複雜環境內,本著各自的文化默默付出。從這個意義上說,這也是對無名、原創、反主流的致敬。它之所以美麗,不是因為它符合某種模式、趨勢或規範,也不是為了在社交網絡上炫耀。被稱為「Mass」的系列探索了一個領域,當中的人物 均是反文化或非主流的,是為一種向匿名、抽象、快將消失的人們致敬的方式。藝術ARTS |52
54WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202355藝術ARTS |54Galeria 10 is hosting an exhibition of Chi-nese painting that combines tradition and the personal touch of artist Tsang Tseng Tseng, who has mastered the ability to in-tegrate large landscapes onto small can-vases. Reproductions of the façade of the Ruins of St. Paul’s and other unique paintings can be seen until the end of the year at the space in the St Lazarus district.Tsang Tseng Tseng is a young painter from Macau cur-rently studying for a doctorate at the prestigious China Acad-emy of Art, where she has focused on the work of the Qing dynasty painter Wu Li, a painter and poet who is linked to Macau because he studied religion and Latin at St. Paul’s Col-lege here, and was also ordained as a priest in Macau in 1688.It was at this time that Wu Li wrote the poem San-pa chi, in reference to the cathedral that was later destroyed by a fire in 1834. Based on this reference, Tsang Tseng Tseng has now brought eleven of her works to Galeria 10, in an exhibition of traditional Chinese painting that challenges the usual pa-rameters of this type of art.The exhibition includes eight pieces from her Land-scape after Old Masters series, two pieces from the Landscape series and the San-pa chi painting album, which contains four paintings that reproduce the Ruins of St. Paul’s from four different perspectives: front, back, left and right. The incorporation of traditional Chinese painting tech-niques in the representation of the Ruins of St. Paul’s, was an artistic innovation that has “received remarkable recog-nition” from colleagues and family members, shared the or-ganizers of the exhibition. Specifically, the use of tradition-al Chinese literary painting techniques, such as ‘baimiao’ and its outlines in black ink, give the representations of the façade a “literary and artistic atmosphere”, thus “reviving the historical character of the Ruins of St. Paul’s “.The eleven paintings were also created through a “skill-ful application of the light ink wash technique, which allows for the integration of large landscapes on canvases of re-duced dimensions”, a particularity that makes Tsang Tseng Tseng’s artistic work a praiseworthy and a unique achieve-ment, explain the organisers. The paintings, which are be-tween 10 and 20 centimeters in size, imply that the author is able to make a “proportional reduction of the object por-trayed”, which is proof of her “complexity” and avant-gard-ism as an artist.Tsang Tseng Tseng observes that despite belonging to different eras, she and Wu Li share a “deep” artistic connec-tion. Her studies in Western and Chinese painting, complet-ing a bachelor’s and master’s degree in traditional Chinese painting at the China Academy of Art, as well as studio expe-riences in Switzerland and the United States, have given her access to different experiences, something she believes has provided her with a “pioneering vision” with different artistic perspectives than usual.The painting exhibition “Collection of Cathedral of Saint Paul” by Tsang Tseng Tseng is on show at Galeria Fantasia 10 - “An Incubator for Creative Industries” until December 31.三巴集」曾貞貞國畫個展昨在瘋堂10號創意園B07舉辦。是次展覽結合作者曾貞貞對國畫的研究和對山水畫的理解,運用「淡墨」將意境深遠的山水生動融入畫紙中。其中的一個作品更是以澳門傳統建築大三巴牌坊為靈感,用傳統國畫方式創作。展覽開放至12月31日。曾貞貞是一位本地年輕畫家,目前正在著名的中國美術學院攻讀博士學位,其研究方向是清朝畫家吳歷的作品。吳歷是一位與澳門有著淵源的畫家兼詩人,他曾在澳門的聖保祿學院學習宗教和拉丁語,並於1688年在澳門成為神父,全身心投入宗教發展與傳播中,並留下了詩作《三巴集》。吳歷的詩中提到的大三巴後來在1834年的一場火災中被摧毀。基於這個參考,曾貞貞現在將她的11幅作品帶到了Galeria 10展出,展示其對傳統文人畫的審美和追求。是次展覽共展出曾貞貞臨摹及創作畫作共11幅,其中《倣古山水》系列作品展出8幅;《山水》系列作品展出2幅;《三巴集冊頁四開》展出1幅,內含4幅冊頁組圖。《三巴集》冊頁,通過對大三巴牌坊前、後、左、右四個不同角度的描繪,建築古典美得以呈現。同時使用傳統文人畫的白描技巧,令建築更有文藝氣息,更有還原大三巴牌坊古樸的歷史氣質,受到參觀者及身邊朋友積極評價。這十一幅畫作也是通過巧妙應用淡墨水墨技法,使得大景觀能夠融入到尺寸較小的畫布中。這種特點使得曾貞貞的藝術作品成為一項值得稱道的獨特成就。主辦方解釋道:「這些畫作的尺寸在10至20厘米之間,這意味著作者能夠按比例縮小所描繪的對象,這證明了她作為藝術家的『複雜性』和前衛性。」曾貞貞表示,她和吳歷是不同時代的藝術家,卻有著奇妙的共鳴。曾貞貞在早年接受西洋畫和國畫的學習,並在中國美術學院專攻傳統中國畫,先後獲得學士和碩士學位,同時還在瑞士和美國的工作室進行階段性的學習。她多元的身份和經歷為她帶來了開拓性的思維和多元的藝術視角。在複雜的創作環境中,曾貞貞並沒有迷失自我,反而更加執著於明清山水畫的研究。這次展覽是曾貞貞與吳歷之間跨越時空的對話。曾貞貞國畫個展展覽《三巴集》在瘋堂10號創意園B07展出,展期至12月31日。Artistic ConnectionsPaying tribute to Wu Li and the Ruins of St. Paul’s through traditional Chinese painting TEXT RITA GONÇALVESTRANSLATION ERRIS HO
54WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202355藝術ARTS |54Galeria 10 is hosting an exhibition of Chi-nese painting that combines tradition and the personal touch of artist Tsang Tseng Tseng, who has mastered the ability to in-tegrate large landscapes onto small can-vases. Reproductions of the façade of the Ruins of St. Paul’s and other unique paintings can be seen until the end of the year at the space in the St Lazarus district.Tsang Tseng Tseng is a young painter from Macau cur-rently studying for a doctorate at the prestigious China Acad-emy of Art, where she has focused on the work of the Qing dynasty painter Wu Li, a painter and poet who is linked to Macau because he studied religion and Latin at St. Paul’s Col-lege here, and was also ordained as a priest in Macau in 1688.It was at this time that Wu Li wrote the poem San-pa chi, in reference to the cathedral that was later destroyed by a fire in 1834. Based on this reference, Tsang Tseng Tseng has now brought eleven of her works to Galeria 10, in an exhibition of traditional Chinese painting that challenges the usual pa-rameters of this type of art.The exhibition includes eight pieces from her Land-scape after Old Masters series, two pieces from the Landscape series and the San-pa chi painting album, which contains four paintings that reproduce the Ruins of St. Paul’s from four different perspectives: front, back, left and right. The incorporation of traditional Chinese painting tech-niques in the representation of the Ruins of St. Paul’s, was an artistic innovation that has “received remarkable recog-nition” from colleagues and family members, shared the or-ganizers of the exhibition. Specifically, the use of tradition-al Chinese literary painting techniques, such as ‘baimiao’ and its outlines in black ink, give the representations of the façade a “literary and artistic atmosphere”, thus “reviving the historical character of the Ruins of St. Paul’s “.The eleven paintings were also created through a “skill-ful application of the light ink wash technique, which allows for the integration of large landscapes on canvases of re-duced dimensions”, a particularity that makes Tsang Tseng Tseng’s artistic work a praiseworthy and a unique achieve-ment, explain the organisers. The paintings, which are be-tween 10 and 20 centimeters in size, imply that the author is able to make a “proportional reduction of the object por-trayed”, which is proof of her “complexity” and avant-gard-ism as an artist.Tsang Tseng Tseng observes that despite belonging to different eras, she and Wu Li share a “deep” artistic connec-tion. Her studies in Western and Chinese painting, complet-ing a bachelor’s and master’s degree in traditional Chinese painting at the China Academy of Art, as well as studio expe-riences in Switzerland and the United States, have given her access to different experiences, something she believes has provided her with a “pioneering vision” with different artistic perspectives than usual.The painting exhibition “Collection of Cathedral of Saint Paul” by Tsang Tseng Tseng is on show at Galeria Fantasia 10 - “An Incubator for Creative Industries” until December 31.三巴集」曾貞貞國畫個展昨在瘋堂10號創意園B07舉辦。是次展覽結合作者曾貞貞對國畫的研究和對山水畫的理解,運用「淡墨」將意境深遠的山水生動融入畫紙中。其中的一個作品更是以澳門傳統建築大三巴牌坊為靈感,用傳統國畫方式創作。展覽開放至12月31日。曾貞貞是一位本地年輕畫家,目前正在著名的中國美術學院攻讀博士學位,其研究方向是清朝畫家吳歷的作品。吳歷是一位與澳門有著淵源的畫家兼詩人,他曾在澳門的聖保祿學院學習宗教和拉丁語,並於1688年在澳門成為神父,全身心投入宗教發展與傳播中,並留下了詩作《三巴集》。吳歷的詩中提到的大三巴後來在1834年的一場火災中被摧毀。基於這個參考,曾貞貞現在將她的11幅作品帶到了Galeria 10展出,展示其對傳統文人畫的審美和追求。是次展覽共展出曾貞貞臨摹及創作畫作共11幅,其中《倣古山水》系列作品展出8幅;《山水》系列作品展出2幅;《三巴集冊頁四開》展出1幅,內含4幅冊頁組圖。《三巴集》冊頁,通過對大三巴牌坊前、後、左、右四個不同角度的描繪,建築古典美得以呈現。同時使用傳統文人畫的白描技巧,令建築更有文藝氣息,更有還原大三巴牌坊古樸的歷史氣質,受到參觀者及身邊朋友積極評價。這十一幅畫作也是通過巧妙應用淡墨水墨技法,使得大景觀能夠融入到尺寸較小的畫布中。這種特點使得曾貞貞的藝術作品成為一項值得稱道的獨特成就。主辦方解釋道:「這些畫作的尺寸在10至20厘米之間,這意味著作者能夠按比例縮小所描繪的對象,這證明了她作為藝術家的『複雜性』和前衛性。」曾貞貞表示,她和吳歷是不同時代的藝術家,卻有著奇妙的共鳴。曾貞貞在早年接受西洋畫和國畫的學習,並在中國美術學院專攻傳統中國畫,先後獲得學士和碩士學位,同時還在瑞士和美國的工作室進行階段性的學習。她多元的身份和經歷為她帶來了開拓性的思維和多元的藝術視角。在複雜的創作環境中,曾貞貞並沒有迷失自我,反而更加執著於明清山水畫的研究。這次展覽是曾貞貞與吳歷之間跨越時空的對話。曾貞貞國畫個展展覽《三巴集》在瘋堂10號創意園B07展出,展期至12月31日。Artistic ConnectionsPaying tribute to Wu Li and the Ruins of St. Paul’s through traditional Chinese painting TEXT RITA GONÇALVESTRANSLATION ERRIS HO
56WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202357藝術ARTS |n November, real estate company Ambiente Properties hosted another Art@Ambiente event in their Central Ma-cau offices. The fifth edition of the Art@Ambiente series featured two local artists with very different styles: paintings and charmingly decorated dim sum baskets by Jayne Lau and architectural ink drawings by Josanne Lai.“We especially enjoy presenting our visitors with works by artists with distinctly different styles in one exhibition, it’s fun and gives variety,” explains Suzanne Watkinson, Managing Director of the company. “Over the two days about 50 visitors stopped by for a chat and to admire the art. They marveled at Josanne’s incredibly intricate ink drawings of the Ruins of St Paul’s and a section of pergola at the Lou Lim Ieoc Gardens. While the originals were not for sale, prints could be ordered.”“Jayne’s acrylic paintings, inspired by Asian artistic influences, were full of bold vibrant colours and energy. And her paint and decoupage dim sum steam baskets were the hot sellers of the exhibition, being ideal trinket boxes for early Christmas presents.”Although she started painting as a hobby around eight years ago, this was the first time Jayne had presented her work publicly.“I feel very privileged that Suzanne invited me to do this. It’s been very exciting,” says Jayne, who has lived in Macau since 1989. “It really pushed me to paint every day to create new works for the exhibition.”Always an enthusiastic about supporting Macau talent, Ambiente hosted another instalment of Art@Ambiente in mid-December, this time showcasing the work of local artists and students of well-known local artist Denis Murrell.The exhibition presented works by 12 artists who were Denis Murrell’s former students at the Institute for Tourism Studies Macau, where he taught Abstract Painting with Tissue for a number of years.In 2021, Ambiente Properties’ management Suzanne Watkinson and Alex Cheng had the idea of offering the company’s central Macau offices as an exhibition space for local artists to display and sell their art. The initiative has now become a very successful and ongoing series of Art@Ambiente exhibitions. Clients, newcomers, suppliers, friends and family are all welcomed to visit the office space over a 3-day period to enjoy a glass of Champagne and some snacks and to see art in a homely office setting. The artists have an opportunity to show and talk about their art, while the visitors have a cosy, intimate environment in which to buy original art. Throughout the exhibition the Ambiente team members continue to work from their desks and also to have the chance to meet old, current and potential new clients and deepen relationships. Previously featured artists include Denis Murrell, Leong Chi Mou, Marieta da Costa, Arlinda Frota, Heidi Ng, Filipe Dores and Giulio Acconci.年11月,房地產公司Ambiente Properties在位於澳門中區的辦公室舉辦了一場Art@Ambiente活動。這是Art@Ambiente系列展覽的第五屆,展示了兩位本地藝術家的作品:Jayne Lau的繪畫和迷人的點心籃裝飾,以及Josanne Lai的建築墨水畫。Ambiente Properties的總經理Suzanne Watkinson解釋道:「我們特別喜歡在展覽中呈現風格迥異的藝術家作品,這樣既有趣又多元。在為期兩天的展覽期間,約有50位訪客前來交流並欣賞這些藝術作品。他們對Josanne以極其複雜的墨水繪畫描繪的大三巴牌坊和盧廉若公園中一部分涼亭的作品讚嘆不已。儘管原作並不出售,但可以訂購相應的印刷品。」Jayne的丙烯畫作受到亞洲藝術的影響,展現出大膽而生動的色彩和能量。她的繪畫和拼貼點心籃成為展覽中最受歡迎的作品,非常適合作為提前聖誕禮物的小飾盒。這些作品以其獨特的風格和精湛的技巧吸引了許多觀眾的目光,並成為展覽中的亮點。無論是作為個人收藏或禮物贈送,這些作品都能為收藏家和欣賞者帶來一份獨特的藝術體驗。儘管Jayne在大約八年前開始將繪畫視為一種愛好,但這是她首次公開展示自己的作品。她說:「Suzanne邀請我參加這個活動,我感到非常榮幸。這非常令人興奮。這次展覽激勵著她每天都要創作新的作品。」Ambiente一直熱衷於支持澳門的藝術人才,於12月中旬舉辦了Art@Ambiente的另一場展覽,這次展示了當地藝術家和著名畫家Denis Murrell的學生的作品。這次展覽呈現了12位藝術家的作品,他們都是在澳門旅遊學院上了多年的抽象繪畫課程的Denis Murrell的學生。在2021年,Ambiente Properties 的管理層Suzanne Watkinson和Alex Cheng提出了將公司在澳門中區的辦公室作為本地藝術家展示和銷售藝術作品的展覽空間的想法。這一舉措現已成為非常成功且持續進行的Art@Ambiente展覽系列。在展覽期間,客戶、新來者、供應商、朋友和家人都受邀前來辦公室參觀,品味香檳和小吃,欣賞藝術作品在家一般溫馨的辦公室環境中展示。藝術家有機會展示和談論他們的藝術作品,而訪客們則可以在舒適而親密的環境中購買原創藝術品。整個展覽期間,Ambiente的團隊成員如常工作,同時也有機會與舊客戶、現有客戶和潛在新客戶會面,加深彼此之間的關係。這樣的安排既提供了所有人一個愉快的藝術體驗,也為業務發展和客戶服務提供了便利。之前展出的藝術家包括Denis Murrell、梁志謀、Marieta da Costa、Arlinda Frota、Heidi Ng、Filipe Dores和Giulio Acconci。Art in the Office藝術工作空間Jane Lau56
56WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202357藝術ARTS |n November, real estate company Ambiente Properties hosted another Art@Ambiente event in their Central Ma-cau offices. The fifth edition of the Art@Ambiente series featured two local artists with very different styles: paintings and charmingly decorated dim sum baskets by Jayne Lau and architectural ink drawings by Josanne Lai.“We especially enjoy presenting our visitors with works by artists with distinctly different styles in one exhibition, it’s fun and gives variety,” explains Suzanne Watkinson, Managing Director of the company. “Over the two days about 50 visitors stopped by for a chat and to admire the art. They marveled at Josanne’s incredibly intricate ink drawings of the Ruins of St Paul’s and a section of pergola at the Lou Lim Ieoc Gardens. While the originals were not for sale, prints could be ordered.”“Jayne’s acrylic paintings, inspired by Asian artistic influences, were full of bold vibrant colours and energy. And her paint and decoupage dim sum steam baskets were the hot sellers of the exhibition, being ideal trinket boxes for early Christmas presents.”Although she started painting as a hobby around eight years ago, this was the first time Jayne had presented her work publicly.“I feel very privileged that Suzanne invited me to do this. It’s been very exciting,” says Jayne, who has lived in Macau since 1989. “It really pushed me to paint every day to create new works for the exhibition.”Always an enthusiastic about supporting Macau talent, Ambiente hosted another instalment of Art@Ambiente in mid-December, this time showcasing the work of local artists and students of well-known local artist Denis Murrell.The exhibition presented works by 12 artists who were Denis Murrell’s former students at the Institute for Tourism Studies Macau, where he taught Abstract Painting with Tissue for a number of years.In 2021, Ambiente Properties’ management Suzanne Watkinson and Alex Cheng had the idea of offering the company’s central Macau offices as an exhibition space for local artists to display and sell their art. The initiative has now become a very successful and ongoing series of Art@Ambiente exhibitions. Clients, newcomers, suppliers, friends and family are all welcomed to visit the office space over a 3-day period to enjoy a glass of Champagne and some snacks and to see art in a homely office setting. The artists have an opportunity to show and talk about their art, while the visitors have a cosy, intimate environment in which to buy original art. Throughout the exhibition the Ambiente team members continue to work from their desks and also to have the chance to meet old, current and potential new clients and deepen relationships. Previously featured artists include Denis Murrell, Leong Chi Mou, Marieta da Costa, Arlinda Frota, Heidi Ng, Filipe Dores and Giulio Acconci.年11月,房地產公司Ambiente Properties在位於澳門中區的辦公室舉辦了一場Art@Ambiente活動。這是Art@Ambiente系列展覽的第五屆,展示了兩位本地藝術家的作品:Jayne Lau的繪畫和迷人的點心籃裝飾,以及Josanne Lai的建築墨水畫。Ambiente Properties的總經理Suzanne Watkinson解釋道:「我們特別喜歡在展覽中呈現風格迥異的藝術家作品,這樣既有趣又多元。在為期兩天的展覽期間,約有50位訪客前來交流並欣賞這些藝術作品。他們對Josanne以極其複雜的墨水繪畫描繪的大三巴牌坊和盧廉若公園中一部分涼亭的作品讚嘆不已。儘管原作並不出售,但可以訂購相應的印刷品。」Jayne的丙烯畫作受到亞洲藝術的影響,展現出大膽而生動的色彩和能量。她的繪畫和拼貼點心籃成為展覽中最受歡迎的作品,非常適合作為提前聖誕禮物的小飾盒。這些作品以其獨特的風格和精湛的技巧吸引了許多觀眾的目光,並成為展覽中的亮點。無論是作為個人收藏或禮物贈送,這些作品都能為收藏家和欣賞者帶來一份獨特的藝術體驗。儘管Jayne在大約八年前開始將繪畫視為一種愛好,但這是她首次公開展示自己的作品。她說:「Suzanne邀請我參加這個活動,我感到非常榮幸。這非常令人興奮。這次展覽激勵著她每天都要創作新的作品。」Ambiente一直熱衷於支持澳門的藝術人才,於12月中旬舉辦了Art@Ambiente的另一場展覽,這次展示了當地藝術家和著名畫家Denis Murrell的學生的作品。這次展覽呈現了12位藝術家的作品,他們都是在澳門旅遊學院上了多年的抽象繪畫課程的Denis Murrell的學生。在2021年,Ambiente Properties 的管理層Suzanne Watkinson和Alex Cheng提出了將公司在澳門中區的辦公室作為本地藝術家展示和銷售藝術作品的展覽空間的想法。這一舉措現已成為非常成功且持續進行的Art@Ambiente展覽系列。在展覽期間,客戶、新來者、供應商、朋友和家人都受邀前來辦公室參觀,品味香檳和小吃,欣賞藝術作品在家一般溫馨的辦公室環境中展示。藝術家有機會展示和談論他們的藝術作品,而訪客們則可以在舒適而親密的環境中購買原創藝術品。整個展覽期間,Ambiente的團隊成員如常工作,同時也有機會與舊客戶、現有客戶和潛在新客戶會面,加深彼此之間的關係。這樣的安排既提供了所有人一個愉快的藝術體驗,也為業務發展和客戶服務提供了便利。之前展出的藝術家包括Denis Murrell、梁志謀、Marieta da Costa、Arlinda Frota、Heidi Ng、Filipe Dores和Giulio Acconci。Art in the Office藝術工作空間Jane Lau56
58WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202359SPONSORED FEATURE |Fantasy JourneysAlice by MOMIX presents wonderland adventures to brighten up Christmas58藝術ARTS |奇幻之旅Published for the first time nearly 160 years ago, The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland is a product of Lewis Car-roll’s prodigious imagination and wit. Written in the Victorian era, the book has inspired numerous generations of children, and an endless string of ad-aptations, never ceasing to influence popular culture. Such is the case of the show soon to be staged by MO-MIX, an American alternative dance company known for its dare and inventiveness. Presented by the Cultural Affairs Bureau Alice is an acrobatic dance extravaganza set to be staged at the Macao Cultural Centre’s Grand Auditorium in seven shows, running from 21 to 25 December.Using Lewis Carroll’s popular adventures Alice in Wonderland as a trigger for invention, MOMIX’s artistic director and choreographer Moses Pendleton takes families on a journey filled with eccentricity, fantasy and movement. This circus like adaptation of the iconic story brings in an intense parade of familiar characters and visionary ideas, where the skilful dancers’ bodies, dressed in colourful costumes, interact with a contemporary setting of holograms, special effects and sophisticated design. With a dazzling blend of physical prowess and illusion, Pendleton engages the dancers’ muscular body language with a string of bouncing, hanging and contrasting props. Between giant balls, suspended objects, a backdrop of video projections and special effects, Carroll’s iconic characters are very much recognizable. MOMIX’s version proves that, however far we might be from the Victorian setting of this fabulous children’s novel, Carroll seemed to have written it as a kind of challenge to humanity. It is as if he was daring us to keep readapting it, which is the same to say, to keep twisting reality, sliding down the endless well of imagination. Founded in 1980, MOMIX has since been touring, enchanting audiences around the world, including previously in Macao where the company brought Opus-Cactus, a desert inspired production. 《愛麗絲》 Alice©Sharen Bradford愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》於近160年前首次出版,是Lewis Carroll超凡的想像力和智慧的結晶。這本誕生於維多利亞時代的經典作品,引發了數以萬計的改編,對一代又一代的人影響深遠。本文將介紹以其大膽創新而聞名的美國另類舞蹈團MOMIX,他們帶來的節目也是相當精彩。 由文化局主辦的《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》雜技舞蹈劇場將於 12 月 21 日至 25 日在澳門文化中心綜合劇院上演,透過舞蹈和視覺效果展現出經典故事,為觀眾帶來合共7場的精彩演出。雜技舞蹈劇場作品《愛麗絲》靈感取材自膾炙人口的故事《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》,由莫米克斯舞蹈奇藝坊藝術總監、編舞家摩斯.潘德頓(Moses Pendleton)創作,演出巧妙結合充滿魔幻元素的設計、影像和特效,並以形體技藝重塑光怪陸離故事角色。潘德頓更藉由一連串的彈跳、懸掛和對比鮮明的道具,展現了舞者們魔幻的肢體語言,使Carroll的標志性角色一眼可辨。 MOMIX的《愛麗絲》版本證明了一個事實:無論我們距離這個精彩的兒童小說的維多利亞時代背景有多遠,Carroll的經典作品一直在影響並挑戰後輩們重新詮釋他的作品。同時,它也一直深深地觸動著無數觀眾的心靈,不斷突破世人的想像。換言之,它持續地扭曲現實,讓大眾沉浸於無窮無盡的想像之中。 成立於1980年,MOMIX自那時以來一直在全球巡迴演出,為觀眾們帶來迷人的表演,包括此前在澳門呈現的《Opus-Cactus》,一個以沙漠為靈感的製作。
58WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202359SPONSORED FEATURE |Fantasy JourneysAlice by MOMIX presents wonderland adventures to brighten up Christmas58藝術ARTS |奇幻之旅Published for the first time nearly 160 years ago, The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland is a product of Lewis Car-roll’s prodigious imagination and wit. Written in the Victorian era, the book has inspired numerous generations of children, and an endless string of ad-aptations, never ceasing to influence popular culture. Such is the case of the show soon to be staged by MO-MIX, an American alternative dance company known for its dare and inventiveness. Presented by the Cultural Affairs Bureau Alice is an acrobatic dance extravaganza set to be staged at the Macao Cultural Centre’s Grand Auditorium in seven shows, running from 21 to 25 December.Using Lewis Carroll’s popular adventures Alice in Wonderland as a trigger for invention, MOMIX’s artistic director and choreographer Moses Pendleton takes families on a journey filled with eccentricity, fantasy and movement. This circus like adaptation of the iconic story brings in an intense parade of familiar characters and visionary ideas, where the skilful dancers’ bodies, dressed in colourful costumes, interact with a contemporary setting of holograms, special effects and sophisticated design. With a dazzling blend of physical prowess and illusion, Pendleton engages the dancers’ muscular body language with a string of bouncing, hanging and contrasting props. Between giant balls, suspended objects, a backdrop of video projections and special effects, Carroll’s iconic characters are very much recognizable. MOMIX’s version proves that, however far we might be from the Victorian setting of this fabulous children’s novel, Carroll seemed to have written it as a kind of challenge to humanity. It is as if he was daring us to keep readapting it, which is the same to say, to keep twisting reality, sliding down the endless well of imagination. Founded in 1980, MOMIX has since been touring, enchanting audiences around the world, including previously in Macao where the company brought Opus-Cactus, a desert inspired production. 《愛麗絲》 Alice©Sharen Bradford愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》於近160年前首次出版,是Lewis Carroll超凡的想像力和智慧的結晶。這本誕生於維多利亞時代的經典作品,引發了數以萬計的改編,對一代又一代的人影響深遠。本文將介紹以其大膽創新而聞名的美國另類舞蹈團MOMIX,他們帶來的節目也是相當精彩。 由文化局主辦的《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》雜技舞蹈劇場將於 12 月 21 日至 25 日在澳門文化中心綜合劇院上演,透過舞蹈和視覺效果展現出經典故事,為觀眾帶來合共7場的精彩演出。雜技舞蹈劇場作品《愛麗絲》靈感取材自膾炙人口的故事《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》,由莫米克斯舞蹈奇藝坊藝術總監、編舞家摩斯.潘德頓(Moses Pendleton)創作,演出巧妙結合充滿魔幻元素的設計、影像和特效,並以形體技藝重塑光怪陸離故事角色。潘德頓更藉由一連串的彈跳、懸掛和對比鮮明的道具,展現了舞者們魔幻的肢體語言,使Carroll的標志性角色一眼可辨。 MOMIX的《愛麗絲》版本證明了一個事實:無論我們距離這個精彩的兒童小說的維多利亞時代背景有多遠,Carroll的經典作品一直在影響並挑戰後輩們重新詮釋他的作品。同時,它也一直深深地觸動著無數觀眾的心靈,不斷突破世人的想像。換言之,它持續地扭曲現實,讓大眾沉浸於無窮無盡的想像之中。 成立於1980年,MOMIX自那時以來一直在全球巡迴演出,為觀眾們帶來迷人的表演,包括此前在澳門呈現的《Opus-Cactus》,一個以沙漠為靈感的製作。
60WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202361藝術ARTS |60 Operatic Traditions16/12/2023 | 19:30中國文化藝術之源重現澳門 Cultural roots return to Macao’s stage隨著中國國家京劇院再次來訪,中國表演藝術的極致之作即將在澳門文化中心上演,讓澳門市民品味到精彩絕倫的國粹盛宴。這一次,著名歌劇團將為觀眾帶來《霸王別姬》,這是一個描寫西楚霸王項羽漢營隨後使出四面楚歌之計最後統治時期的悲劇故事。故事講述項羽中了韓信十面埋伏之計被圍困。隨項羽征戰多年的虞姬深知情勢不妙,自盡前為其最後一次起舞,戲劇效果極佳。20世紀 90 年代,這部廣為人知的經典劇目被搬上了大銀幕,成為一部同名電影的背景。該電影更榮獲獎項。另一齣傳統劇目《紅鬃烈馬》同樣將登上舞台,故事背景設定在唐朝,帶領觀眾沈浸在充滿古代意象的舞台中。劇目更超越了歷史時空和地理界限,在倫敦、紐約等城市相繼進行了巡演。中國國家京劇院成立於1955年,首任院長是梅蘭芳先生,一位至今仍被視為史上最偉大的歌手、演員和舞者的表演者。劇院雲集內地優秀的京劇演員、劇作家、導演及作曲家。在過去的幾年中,澳門有幸數次迎接該劇團豐富多樣的劇目和史詩般的歌劇演出。現在,澳門文化中心再度迎來這支卓越的藝術團隊,他們以與眾不同的努力,致力於維護並賦予珍貴文化遺產新的活力和生機。自1955年成立以來,中國國家京劇院一直致力於培養劇作家、導演、作曲家等藝術人才,在國內外贏得了豐碩的成果和聲譽。近年來,澳門定期舉辦一系列中國傳統戲曲演出,展示了中國傳統戲曲的多樣性和發展,為熱愛表演藝術的觀眾提供了深入了解各種戲劇形式的機會。京劇作為一項珍貴的文化遺產,將再次為觀眾呈現結合朗誦、舞蹈、武術等元素的精彩演出。15/12/2023 | 19:30The highest refinement of Chinese artistic expression in the perform-ing arts is about to shine at CCM with yet another visit by the China National Peking Opera Company. This time, the celebrated operatic troupe will delight the audience with Farewell, my Concubine, the tragic story depicting warlord Xiang Yu’s last days of rule. In the face of military defeat, the leader’s faithful concubine will dance for him one last time before using his sword to end her own life, to great dramatic effect. In the 1990s, this widely known love and suicide classic was used as a colourful backdrop in an awarded film with the same title.The tour is also staging The Fiery Red Horse, a legend that immerses the audience in the ancient imagery so often displayed in theatres across China. Taking place during the Tang dynasty, this story overcame both its historical moment and geographic boundaries, following tours in cities like London or New York.Founded in 1955, the National Peking Opera Company has long been nurturing a line of accomplished artists, playwrights, directors and composers from across the country. Recognized both at home and abroad, the opera was born from the dedication of the legendary Mei Lanfang, a performer still considered as the greatest singer-actor-dancer of all time. Over the last few years, Macao has regularly enjoyed the company’s vast repertoire and its epic operatic performances. It is time for, once again, welcome a remarkable artistic ensemble who, like no other, have strived to keep a much-treasured cultural heritage well alive and kicking. Actively nurturing a long line of accomplished artists since it was founded in 1955, including playwrights, directors and composers, the National Peking Opera has been consistently recognized both at home and abroad. Over the last few years, Macao has regularly enjoyed the diversity and development of traditional Chinese opera displayed on a string of staged tales, offering performing arts lovers renewed opportunities to delve into a wide range of theatrical forms. This much treasured cultural heritage will, once again, bring the audience its characteristic merge of recitation, dance-acting and martial arts, adorning vocal virtuosity with impressive costumes and dramatic make-up.京劇經典大戲SPONSORED FEATURE |
60WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202361藝術ARTS |60 Operatic Traditions16/12/2023 | 19:30中國文化藝術之源重現澳門 Cultural roots return to Macao’s stage隨著中國國家京劇院再次來訪,中國表演藝術的極致之作即將在澳門文化中心上演,讓澳門市民品味到精彩絕倫的國粹盛宴。這一次,著名歌劇團將為觀眾帶來《霸王別姬》,這是一個描寫西楚霸王項羽漢營隨後使出四面楚歌之計最後統治時期的悲劇故事。故事講述項羽中了韓信十面埋伏之計被圍困。隨項羽征戰多年的虞姬深知情勢不妙,自盡前為其最後一次起舞,戲劇效果極佳。20世紀 90 年代,這部廣為人知的經典劇目被搬上了大銀幕,成為一部同名電影的背景。該電影更榮獲獎項。另一齣傳統劇目《紅鬃烈馬》同樣將登上舞台,故事背景設定在唐朝,帶領觀眾沈浸在充滿古代意象的舞台中。劇目更超越了歷史時空和地理界限,在倫敦、紐約等城市相繼進行了巡演。中國國家京劇院成立於1955年,首任院長是梅蘭芳先生,一位至今仍被視為史上最偉大的歌手、演員和舞者的表演者。劇院雲集內地優秀的京劇演員、劇作家、導演及作曲家。在過去的幾年中,澳門有幸數次迎接該劇團豐富多樣的劇目和史詩般的歌劇演出。現在,澳門文化中心再度迎來這支卓越的藝術團隊,他們以與眾不同的努力,致力於維護並賦予珍貴文化遺產新的活力和生機。自1955年成立以來,中國國家京劇院一直致力於培養劇作家、導演、作曲家等藝術人才,在國內外贏得了豐碩的成果和聲譽。近年來,澳門定期舉辦一系列中國傳統戲曲演出,展示了中國傳統戲曲的多樣性和發展,為熱愛表演藝術的觀眾提供了深入了解各種戲劇形式的機會。京劇作為一項珍貴的文化遺產,將再次為觀眾呈現結合朗誦、舞蹈、武術等元素的精彩演出。15/12/2023 | 19:30The highest refinement of Chinese artistic expression in the perform-ing arts is about to shine at CCM with yet another visit by the China National Peking Opera Company. This time, the celebrated operatic troupe will delight the audience with Farewell, my Concubine, the tragic story depicting warlord Xiang Yu’s last days of rule. In the face of military defeat, the leader’s faithful concubine will dance for him one last time before using his sword to end her own life, to great dramatic effect. In the 1990s, this widely known love and suicide classic was used as a colourful backdrop in an awarded film with the same title.The tour is also staging The Fiery Red Horse, a legend that immerses the audience in the ancient imagery so often displayed in theatres across China. Taking place during the Tang dynasty, this story overcame both its historical moment and geographic boundaries, following tours in cities like London or New York.Founded in 1955, the National Peking Opera Company has long been nurturing a line of accomplished artists, playwrights, directors and composers from across the country. Recognized both at home and abroad, the opera was born from the dedication of the legendary Mei Lanfang, a performer still considered as the greatest singer-actor-dancer of all time. Over the last few years, Macao has regularly enjoyed the company’s vast repertoire and its epic operatic performances. It is time for, once again, welcome a remarkable artistic ensemble who, like no other, have strived to keep a much-treasured cultural heritage well alive and kicking. Actively nurturing a long line of accomplished artists since it was founded in 1955, including playwrights, directors and composers, the National Peking Opera has been consistently recognized both at home and abroad. Over the last few years, Macao has regularly enjoyed the diversity and development of traditional Chinese opera displayed on a string of staged tales, offering performing arts lovers renewed opportunities to delve into a wide range of theatrical forms. This much treasured cultural heritage will, once again, bring the audience its characteristic merge of recitation, dance-acting and martial arts, adorning vocal virtuosity with impressive costumes and dramatic make-up.京劇經典大戲SPONSORED FEATURE |
62WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202363On December 6 and 7, MGM hosted ‘FOR-TUNE Brainstorm Design Macau 2023’ at MGM COTAI, gathering some of the most influential FORTUNE 500 executives and the world’s preeminent designers to explore the crucial question of how to achieve business results through design. This was the first time the event has been held in the Greater China Region, having first been held in Singapore in 2018. This year’s event welcomed over 100 C-Suite executives from a range of professions to share their insights on the cut-ting-edge design work and top-notch technological advances transforming their industries, as well as the impact design can have on companies, sustainability and the community. The theme of the event, ‘Empathy in the age of AI’, reflect-ed the need for designers to maintain a focus on people and end-users, while embracing the technological changes that are revolutionising the industry. “It’s just been fantastic to work with MGM. They really have a vision for how design fits with their brand and their close ties with culture and art. The venue is just spectacular. It’s really an imaginative, state-of-the-art space with a lot of possibilities, and I feel like there’s lots of opportunities for us to collaborate more together in the future,” says Clay Chan-dler, Executive Editor, Asia for FORTUNE and Chair of Brain-storm Design. “In terms of the event programme itself, we are thrilled. The venues were full of really engaged and interested people. We discussed many different perspectives on design and es-pecially our central theme of technology and AI, and how and why that’s going to transform the role of the designer in com-panies and large organisations.”文化和藝術緊密相關有著清晰的願景。而活動場地更是壯觀,充滿了想像力和先進技術的空間,讓人感到充滿了無限可能性。「在會場上,我們看到了許多積極參與和感興趣的人們。我們討論了許多關於設計的不同觀點,尤其是關於我們的核心主題技術和人工智能,以及它們將如何改變設計師在企業和大型組織中的角色。」 同日舉辦的美高梅「數藝未來」座談會2023,邀請來自世界各地及本地的藝文界領袖建言獻策,全方位探索藝術發展的可能性。作為研討會的一部分,美高梅與合作多年的本地藝術家霍凱盛攜手,於澳門首個榮獲建築及結構範疇的健力士世界紀錄的美獅美高梅視博廣場天幕下,發表其藝術生涯首個數位藝術作品《長頸鹿與麒麟之相遇》。Designing the Future12月6日和7日,美高梅在澳門舉辦了《財富》『設計頭腦風暴2023』活動,匯聚了一些最具影響力的《財富》500強高管和世界頂尖設計師,探討如何通過設計實現商業成果的關鍵問題。大會首次在大中華地區舉辦,該活動最早於2018年在新加坡舉行。今年的活動邀請了來自各行各業超過百多位國際業界菁英高管,分享他們對正在改變他們行業的尖端設計工作的見解,以及設計對企業、可持續發展和社區的影響。活動的主題「人工智能的同理心」反映了設計師需要保持對人和最終用戶的關注,因為技術變革正在改變這個行業。《財富》亞洲區域執行總編輯兼《設計頭腦風暴大會》主席Clay Chandler希望未來能有更多的合作機會:「這次與美高梅的合作體驗非常出色。在活動過程中,我們感到非常興奮。美高梅對於設計如何與他們的品牌、SPONSORED FEATURE |藝術ARTS |62
62WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202363On December 6 and 7, MGM hosted ‘FOR-TUNE Brainstorm Design Macau 2023’ at MGM COTAI, gathering some of the most influential FORTUNE 500 executives and the world’s preeminent designers to explore the crucial question of how to achieve business results through design. This was the first time the event has been held in the Greater China Region, having first been held in Singapore in 2018. This year’s event welcomed over 100 C-Suite executives from a range of professions to share their insights on the cut-ting-edge design work and top-notch technological advances transforming their industries, as well as the impact design can have on companies, sustainability and the community. The theme of the event, ‘Empathy in the age of AI’, reflect-ed the need for designers to maintain a focus on people and end-users, while embracing the technological changes that are revolutionising the industry. “It’s just been fantastic to work with MGM. They really have a vision for how design fits with their brand and their close ties with culture and art. The venue is just spectacular. It’s really an imaginative, state-of-the-art space with a lot of possibilities, and I feel like there’s lots of opportunities for us to collaborate more together in the future,” says Clay Chan-dler, Executive Editor, Asia for FORTUNE and Chair of Brain-storm Design. “In terms of the event programme itself, we are thrilled. The venues were full of really engaged and interested people. We discussed many different perspectives on design and es-pecially our central theme of technology and AI, and how and why that’s going to transform the role of the designer in com-panies and large organisations.”文化和藝術緊密相關有著清晰的願景。而活動場地更是壯觀,充滿了想像力和先進技術的空間,讓人感到充滿了無限可能性。「在會場上,我們看到了許多積極參與和感興趣的人們。我們討論了許多關於設計的不同觀點,尤其是關於我們的核心主題技術和人工智能,以及它們將如何改變設計師在企業和大型組織中的角色。」 同日舉辦的美高梅「數藝未來」座談會2023,邀請來自世界各地及本地的藝文界領袖建言獻策,全方位探索藝術發展的可能性。作為研討會的一部分,美高梅與合作多年的本地藝術家霍凱盛攜手,於澳門首個榮獲建築及結構範疇的健力士世界紀錄的美獅美高梅視博廣場天幕下,發表其藝術生涯首個數位藝術作品《長頸鹿與麒麟之相遇》。Designing the Future12月6日和7日,美高梅在澳門舉辦了《財富》『設計頭腦風暴2023』活動,匯聚了一些最具影響力的《財富》500強高管和世界頂尖設計師,探討如何通過設計實現商業成果的關鍵問題。大會首次在大中華地區舉辦,該活動最早於2018年在新加坡舉行。今年的活動邀請了來自各行各業超過百多位國際業界菁英高管,分享他們對正在改變他們行業的尖端設計工作的見解,以及設計對企業、可持續發展和社區的影響。活動的主題「人工智能的同理心」反映了設計師需要保持對人和最終用戶的關注,因為技術變革正在改變這個行業。《財富》亞洲區域執行總編輯兼《設計頭腦風暴大會》主席Clay Chandler希望未來能有更多的合作機會:「這次與美高梅的合作體驗非常出色。在活動過程中,我們感到非常興奮。美高梅對於設計如何與他們的品牌、SPONSORED FEATURE |藝術ARTS |62
64WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202365On the following day of the event, MGM invited the guest speakers to the Navy Yard in the Barra district for fur-ther presentations and a chance for the international de-sign experts to explore the streets of Macau for themselves. In particular, Charles Hayes, Executive Managing Di-rector Asia for design company IDEO, provided his recom-mendations on how Macau can become a creative hub in the region with his presentation entitled “Macau – A Cre-ative Catalyst”.The conference at the Navy Yard was attended by over 50 design students from the University of Macau and Ma-cau University of Science and Technology. “It was an incredible honour to participate in this ses-sion hosted by FORTUNE and MGM. This experience has been transformative, providing valuable insights into the future of design in a global context,” commented Chen Jun, currently undertaking her PhD in Visual Communication at the University of Macau. “Design is not just about aesthetics. It can also be a catalyst for positive change and innovation in the face of significant global challenges. I’m grateful for this enriching opportunity and look forward to applying the knowledge gained in my future endeavors.”美高梅中國控股有限公司董事長及執行董事何超瓊表示:「作為『文旅領航者』,美高梅堅持將藝術與科技深度融合,開拓文旅創新領域。適逢澳門邁進多元轉型的重要時刻,美高梅積極發揮國際會議網絡,率先將《財富》『設計頭腦風暴』大會引進澳門,更同日舉辦『藝術座談會』,透過雙會展疊加效應,匯聚全球藝術設計先驅,激發國際跨界的交流碰撞。是次座談會的三位主講嘉賓分別與美高梅共創不同藝術項目,今再聚首於此,與我們攜手探索數藝『固本開新』的融合之路,以促進本澳文藝界高質量發展,並向世界展示澳門多元旅遊城市的實力。」 霍凱盛對於發布首個數位藝術品的感想表示非常激動:「看到我的藝術作品以三維形式在『視博廣場』的屏幕上展示,並伴隨著音樂。這使得我的藝術作品更加宏大和詩意,將原本的二維藝術轉化為一種身臨其境的感官體驗。」『設計頭腦風暴』的第一天在美獅美高梅宴會廳舉行,設有一系列精彩的座談會和國際業界菁英的演講,包括IBM前設計總經理、百事可樂首席設計Mauro Porcini、通用磨坊全球首席設計官Teman Evans、極越的的設計總監Frank Wu。史丹佛大學設計學院(執行主任Sarah Stein Greenber分享了她對於這個快速變化時代中設計教育的新要素的看法,而Gehl研發總監Liselott Stenfeldt則討論了如何利用數據分析來設計更具包容性的城市。活動當日下午,何超瓊與《財富》雜誌首席執行官Alan Murray在活動主舞台上談論美高梅利用設計來振興澳門的標誌性社區的願景。而同名品牌的創始人和董事長Tom Dixon則介紹了他在一個再生水下工廠使用可持續材料中的作品。活動的第二天,嘉賓演講移至位於媽閣區的海事工房2號,讓國際設計專家們有機會親自探索澳門本地街道,並進行更多演講。其中,IDEO設計公司亞洲區執行董事Charles Hayes在他的演講中以「澳門-創意催化劑」為題,就澳門如何成為區內創意樞紐提出建議。海事工房2號的延伸工作坊更邀請了澳門本地大學的設計專業學生參與。「能夠參加由《財富》雜誌和美高梅主辦的這次會議,我感到非常榮幸。這次經歷是一次改變命運的體驗,為我提供了有關全球設計未來的寶貴見解,」正在澳門大學攻讀視覺傳播博士學位的陳君表示。「設計不僅僅是關於美學,它還可以成為在面對重大全球挑戰時促進積極變革和創新的催化劑。我非常感謝這次話充實的機會,並期待將所學知識應用於未來的工作中。」Concurrently, MGM also hosted “From Lines to Pixels – MGM Art Symposium 2023” where leading industry figures from around the world shared insights into the new trends of art and integration of technology in today’s digital era. As part of the symposium, MGM joined hands with local artist Eric Fok, whom MGM has collaborated with for many years, to showcase his very first digital art piece Giraffe meets Qilin, presented on the impressive high definition screens of the MGM COTAI’s Spectacle – the holder of the first architectural and structural GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title in Macau.“As a pioneer in cultural tourism, MGM strives to in-tegrate art and technology to propel innovation in cultural tourism. As Macau is on its juncture towards further diversi-fication, MGM leverages our international MICE network to introduce ‘Fortune Brainstorm Design Forum’ to Macau, and host an art symposium on the same day,” comments Pansy Ho, Chairman and Executive Director of MGM China Hold-ings Limited. “Through creating synergy between the two events, it brought together the world’s prominent art and de-sign leaders to spark new inspirations and consolidate Ma-cau as a top destination for diverse cultural tourism.”“It’s very exciting to see my artwork in three-dimensions on the screens of the Spectacle, together with music,” notes Eric Fok. “It has given my past works a new life; and it really makes the artwork more epic and poetic, transforming my two-dimensional art into an immersive sensory experience that tells the story of Macau.” The FORTUNE Brainstorm Design Macau was held in the Ballroom at MGM COTAI and featured a range of fasci-nating panel discussions and presentations by industry lead-ers including Katrina Alcorn, Former General Manager, De-sign at IBM; Mauro Porcini, Chief Design Officer at PepsiCo; Teman Evans, Global Chief of Design at General Mills; and Frank Wu, Head of Design JIYUE at Auto.Sarah Stein Greenberg, Executive Director Stanford shared her thoughts on the new essentials of design education in these fast changing times, while Liselott Sten-feldt, director of R&D at Gehl discussed how data analysis can be used to design more inclusive cities. In the afternoon, Pansy Ho sat down with CEO of FOR-TUNE Alan Murray on the main stage of the event to talk about MGM’s vision to use design to revitalize Macau’s icon-ic neighbourhoods. And Tom Dixon, founder and director of the eponymous brand, introduced his work with sustainable materials created in a regenerative underwater factory.
64WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202365On the following day of the event, MGM invited the guest speakers to the Navy Yard in the Barra district for fur-ther presentations and a chance for the international de-sign experts to explore the streets of Macau for themselves. In particular, Charles Hayes, Executive Managing Di-rector Asia for design company IDEO, provided his recom-mendations on how Macau can become a creative hub in the region with his presentation entitled “Macau – A Cre-ative Catalyst”.The conference at the Navy Yard was attended by over 50 design students from the University of Macau and Ma-cau University of Science and Technology. “It was an incredible honour to participate in this ses-sion hosted by FORTUNE and MGM. This experience has been transformative, providing valuable insights into the future of design in a global context,” commented Chen Jun, currently undertaking her PhD in Visual Communication at the University of Macau. “Design is not just about aesthetics. It can also be a catalyst for positive change and innovation in the face of significant global challenges. I’m grateful for this enriching opportunity and look forward to applying the knowledge gained in my future endeavors.”美高梅中國控股有限公司董事長及執行董事何超瓊表示:「作為『文旅領航者』,美高梅堅持將藝術與科技深度融合,開拓文旅創新領域。適逢澳門邁進多元轉型的重要時刻,美高梅積極發揮國際會議網絡,率先將《財富》『設計頭腦風暴』大會引進澳門,更同日舉辦『藝術座談會』,透過雙會展疊加效應,匯聚全球藝術設計先驅,激發國際跨界的交流碰撞。是次座談會的三位主講嘉賓分別與美高梅共創不同藝術項目,今再聚首於此,與我們攜手探索數藝『固本開新』的融合之路,以促進本澳文藝界高質量發展,並向世界展示澳門多元旅遊城市的實力。」 霍凱盛對於發布首個數位藝術品的感想表示非常激動:「看到我的藝術作品以三維形式在『視博廣場』的屏幕上展示,並伴隨著音樂。這使得我的藝術作品更加宏大和詩意,將原本的二維藝術轉化為一種身臨其境的感官體驗。」『設計頭腦風暴』的第一天在美獅美高梅宴會廳舉行,設有一系列精彩的座談會和國際業界菁英的演講,包括IBM前設計總經理、百事可樂首席設計Mauro Porcini、通用磨坊全球首席設計官Teman Evans、極越的的設計總監Frank Wu。史丹佛大學設計學院(執行主任Sarah Stein Greenber分享了她對於這個快速變化時代中設計教育的新要素的看法,而Gehl研發總監Liselott Stenfeldt則討論了如何利用數據分析來設計更具包容性的城市。活動當日下午,何超瓊與《財富》雜誌首席執行官Alan Murray在活動主舞台上談論美高梅利用設計來振興澳門的標誌性社區的願景。而同名品牌的創始人和董事長Tom Dixon則介紹了他在一個再生水下工廠使用可持續材料中的作品。活動的第二天,嘉賓演講移至位於媽閣區的海事工房2號,讓國際設計專家們有機會親自探索澳門本地街道,並進行更多演講。其中,IDEO設計公司亞洲區執行董事Charles Hayes在他的演講中以「澳門-創意催化劑」為題,就澳門如何成為區內創意樞紐提出建議。海事工房2號的延伸工作坊更邀請了澳門本地大學的設計專業學生參與。「能夠參加由《財富》雜誌和美高梅主辦的這次會議,我感到非常榮幸。這次經歷是一次改變命運的體驗,為我提供了有關全球設計未來的寶貴見解,」正在澳門大學攻讀視覺傳播博士學位的陳君表示。「設計不僅僅是關於美學,它還可以成為在面對重大全球挑戰時促進積極變革和創新的催化劑。我非常感謝這次話充實的機會,並期待將所學知識應用於未來的工作中。」Concurrently, MGM also hosted “From Lines to Pixels – MGM Art Symposium 2023” where leading industry figures from around the world shared insights into the new trends of art and integration of technology in today’s digital era. As part of the symposium, MGM joined hands with local artist Eric Fok, whom MGM has collaborated with for many years, to showcase his very first digital art piece Giraffe meets Qilin, presented on the impressive high definition screens of the MGM COTAI’s Spectacle – the holder of the first architectural and structural GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title in Macau.“As a pioneer in cultural tourism, MGM strives to in-tegrate art and technology to propel innovation in cultural tourism. As Macau is on its juncture towards further diversi-fication, MGM leverages our international MICE network to introduce ‘Fortune Brainstorm Design Forum’ to Macau, and host an art symposium on the same day,” comments Pansy Ho, Chairman and Executive Director of MGM China Hold-ings Limited. “Through creating synergy between the two events, it brought together the world’s prominent art and de-sign leaders to spark new inspirations and consolidate Ma-cau as a top destination for diverse cultural tourism.”“It’s very exciting to see my artwork in three-dimensions on the screens of the Spectacle, together with music,” notes Eric Fok. “It has given my past works a new life; and it really makes the artwork more epic and poetic, transforming my two-dimensional art into an immersive sensory experience that tells the story of Macau.” The FORTUNE Brainstorm Design Macau was held in the Ballroom at MGM COTAI and featured a range of fasci-nating panel discussions and presentations by industry lead-ers including Katrina Alcorn, Former General Manager, De-sign at IBM; Mauro Porcini, Chief Design Officer at PepsiCo; Teman Evans, Global Chief of Design at General Mills; and Frank Wu, Head of Design JIYUE at Auto.Sarah Stein Greenberg, Executive Director Stanford shared her thoughts on the new essentials of design education in these fast changing times, while Liselott Sten-feldt, director of R&D at Gehl discussed how data analysis can be used to design more inclusive cities. In the afternoon, Pansy Ho sat down with CEO of FOR-TUNE Alan Murray on the main stage of the event to talk about MGM’s vision to use design to revitalize Macau’s icon-ic neighbourhoods. And Tom Dixon, founder and director of the eponymous brand, introduced his work with sustainable materials created in a regenerative underwater factory.
66WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202367Forbidden (1953) – When Noir Came to Macao黑色電影裡的澳門The 1940s saw American cinema exploit the public’s fascina-tion with noir – stories of fatal cynicism, moral ambiguity, where everyone is guilty, love rarely really triumphs, and the world is a dark place. A decade later Hollywood was looking to combine noir with post-war exotic locations. And so, in 1953, Universal Pictures made a bet on Forbidden. They sent their latest heartthrob Tony Curtis to Macao (or at least a Califor-nian set that looked like Macao) as Eddie, working for American East Coast gangsters who want to bring back a mobster’s widow – Christine (Joanne Dru) - who has fled to the Portuguese colony. But they know Eddie and Christine once had a fatal attraction. So a tame thug, Chalm-er (Marvin Miller), is despatched to Macao too to make sure their pas-sion doesn’t get reignited in the tropical exoticism of Macao. But of course, it does… big time. And in a casino of course. But it’s complicated. Christine has married a suave lounge lizard, Justin (Lyle Bettger, who specialised as a villain in many a Western), owner of the Lisbon Club. Early on Forbidden makes use of some nice loca-tion footage of the Macao waterfront, but the Lisbon Club/casino is a set – though all deco-cool, jade bonsai trees, and Chinese cigarette girls. Christine is living with Justin in some style up atop Penha Hill which, in Forbidden, is more Hollywood Hills moderne than Portu-guês Suave. 世紀40年代,黑色電影大受歡迎,美國電影製作了無數道德界限模糊不清,每個人都有罪,愛情很少真正取勝的故事,黑色電影裡面整的世界都是黑暗的。十年後,好萊塢將黑色電影與戰後異國情調的風格相結合。於是,在1953年,環球影視押注在《禁忌》上。他們派遣最新的新晉男星,托尼·柯蒂斯(Tony Curtis),扮演埃迪(Eddie),在澳門(或者至少是一個看起來像澳門的加利福尼亞州場景)工作,為美國東海岸的黑幫做事,他們想要把一個黑幫的寡婦克蘭蒂娜(由Joanne Dru飾演)帶回來,她已經逃到了這個葡萄牙殖民地。但他們知道埃迪和克蘭蒂娜曾經有過致命的吸引力。因此,一個溫順的惡棍查爾默(Chalmer,由Marvin Miller飾演)也被派到澳門,以確保他們的激情不會在澳門的異國情調中重新燃起。但當然它還是發生了,而且是在賭場裡,但情況有點複雜:克蘭蒂娜嫁給了一個風度翩翩的休閒混混賈斯汀(由萊爾·貝特格(Lyle Bettger)飾演,他在許多西部片中都是反派角色),他是里斯本俱樂部的老板。早在《禁忌》開始時,它呈現了一些漂亮的澳門海濱景觀鏡頭,但里斯本俱樂部/賭場是一個佈景:雖然都是裝飾風格酷炫、有玉翠盆景樹和中國女煙樓的元素。克蘭蒂娜和賈斯汀住在位於彭哈山頂的豪宅中,而在《禁忌》中,彭哈山頂更像好萊塢山莊現代風格,而不是葡萄牙風情。埃迪、克蘭蒂娜和賈斯汀之間建立起一種稍微扭曲的三角關係,讓人回想起十年前更成功的《北非諜影》,里克、伊莎和維克多·拉斯洛之間的關係,這為《禁忌》提供了相當多的靈感。除此還有一位有思考能力、給予建議的鋼琴手角色,就像里克咖啡館的山姆一樣,他彈奏著一首曾經是埃迪和克蘭蒂娜在費城時最喜歡的曲子。眼尖的觀眾會發現,這是維克多·洗楊(Victor Sen Young)在戰前的查理·陳系列電影中飾演「二兒子」吉米·陳的成熟角色。華裔美國女演員馬黛·成(Mai Tai Sing)也有一個巧妙的客串角色,飾演里斯本俱樂部一直竊聽的女煙樓蘇莉。在現實生活中,成是一位前三藩市唐人街夜總會的歌舞女郎,偶爾也演了幾部電影。在里斯本俱樂部的生活不可避免地變得壓抑,正如古語所說:「兩個人剛剛好,三人就有點多。」埃迪發現克蘭蒂娜和賈斯汀之間的情況令人無法忍受。他仍然愛她,但他想要獨佔她。或許這也是受澳門這個紙醉金迷的城市影響。在里斯本俱樂部中,甚麼人都有:有來自中國和歐洲賭徒、秘密情人、冒險家和小罪犯的人群。DESTINATION MACAO* AUTHOR WWW.CHINARHYMING.COMPaul French埃迪對澳門感到困惑:「你不禁好奇是甚麼把他們帶到這裡?是什麼讓他們留在這裡?對我來說,是兩萬美元和一個女人。但對他們呢?」對克蘭蒂娜來說,她在家鄉遇到了太多無賴男人,她來的目的是尋找一位「紳士」。儘管埃迪確實也是一個無賴,但他是一個英俊的無賴。當然,她很快發現,儘管埃迪是個無賴,但真正關心她的是他,而賈斯汀儘管擁有高雅的舉止、金錢和華麗的跑車,卻不是個紳士。為什麼《禁忌》在票房上沒有更大的成功呢?它是一部完全合格的B級電影黑色電影。柯蒂斯無疑正在成為一位明星,儘管在《成功的滋味》和《反叛者》中他真正展現出自己的演技還需要幾年時間。不幸的是,喬安·德魯從未真正進入領先女主角的大聯盟,也沒有擺脫B級電影的範疇。但她是一位偉大的黑色電影女主角:一位美麗成熟、散發真實生活經驗並確切知道自己想要什麼的女人。她本可以與黑色電影的女王們並駕齊驅。想想芭芭拉·史坦威克或瓊·克勞馥。德魯不是一個愚蠢的詭計多端的女人或俏皮的舞女,但劇本並沒有真正給她展示她的能力的機會。所以,正如我們在這篇文章中一直問的那樣,《禁忌》作為一部可有可無的B級片,但對澳門有甚麼啟示呢?戰後,好萊塢尋找新的拍攝場地來製作黑色電影。他們需要那些陰暗人群聚集、金錢來去自如、法律寬鬆、道德有些放鬆的場地。但許多舊的罪惡之城已經變成廢墟,或者世界已經改變:威瑪時期的柏林、戰前的東京,曾經放縱但現已經封閉的上海。所以他們嘗試了一些新的地方:瑞塔·海沃思和格倫·福特去了阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯,《蕩婦姬黛》;奧森·威爾斯、查爾頓·赫斯頓和珍妮特·李去了充滿陰暗的美墨邊境,《狂野生死戀》。而《禁忌》和其他電影,則是為澳門而設的。毫無疑問,澳門向來都符合要求這些黑色電影的要求,可以說澳門是為黑色電影而設的城市,以前是,現在也是。你可以在YouTube觀看Forbidden。A slightly twisted three-way relationship builds between Eddie, Christine, and Justin reminiscent of that between Rick, Ilsa and Victor Laszlo in the far more successful Casablanca a decade previously that offers rather of lot of inspiration to Forbidden. There’s even a philos-ophising, advice giving piano player á la Sam at Rick’s Café playing a tune that was once Eddie and Chrstine’s favourite back in Philadel-phia, back when they were in love. The eagle-eyed will spot it as a mature role for Victor Sen Young who appeared as “Number Two Son” Jimmy Chan in so many pre-war Charlie Chan movies. There’s also a nifty cameo from Chinese-American actress Mai Tai Sing as Soo Lee, the Lisbon Club’s ever-eavesdropping cigarette girl. In real life Sing was a former San Francisco Chinatown nightclub showgirl who made a few movies on the side. Life at the Lisbon Club inevitably becomes claustrophobic – two’s company, but three’s a crowd, as the old saying goes. Eddie finds the situation between Christine and Justin intolerable. He’s still in love Goddamit and wants her to himself! But it’s also the effect of Macao. Surveying the crowd of Chinese and European gamblers, se-cret lovers, adventurers, and petty criminals at the Lisbon Club Eddie muses on Macao:‘You can’t help but wonder what brought them here? What keeps them here? For me it was $20,000 and a woman. But for them?’For Christine it was the search for a “gentleman” after so many rogues back home. Although Eddie’s definitely a rogue too, even if a handsome one. Of course, she soon finds out that, rogue though he may be, it’s Eddie who really cares for her and that Justin, despite his fancy manners, piles of patacas and flash sportscar, is no gentleman. Why didn’t Forbidden hit bigger at the box office? It’s a perfectly serviceable B-movie noir. Curtis was definitely on his way to being a star, though it would be a few more years before he really showed he could act in Sweet Smell of Success and The Defiant Ones. Unfortu-nately, Joanne Dru never really made it into the big leagues of leading ladies, or out of the B-movie category. But she was a great noir her-oine: a beautiful mature woman who oozes real life experience and knows just what she wants. She could have ranked with the queens of noir – think Barbara Stanwyck or Joan Crawford. Dru was no dumb femme fatale or cutesy showgirl, but the script doesn’t really give her a chance to show us what she’s capable of. So, as we always ask in this column, what does Forbidden, throw-away B-movie ephemera that it most certainly is, have to tell us about Macao? After the war, Hollywood looked for new locations to make noir moves about. They needed places where shady people gathered, money came and went easily, the law was lax, and morals were a little loose. So many of the old sin cities were in ruins or the world had changed – Weimar Berlin, pre-war Tokyo, once libertine but now shut down Shanghai. So they tried some new places - Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford went to Buenos Aires in Gilda; Orson Welles, Charlton Heston and Janet Leigh hit the sleazy US-Mexico border in Touch of Evil. And a few movies, like Forbidden, got made about Macao. It fit the bill…no doubt about it. It’s a noir town….was then and is now.Forbidden is available to watch on Youtube.評論OPINION | 66
66WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202367Forbidden (1953) – When Noir Came to Macao黑色電影裡的澳門The 1940s saw American cinema exploit the public’s fascina-tion with noir – stories of fatal cynicism, moral ambiguity, where everyone is guilty, love rarely really triumphs, and the world is a dark place. A decade later Hollywood was looking to combine noir with post-war exotic locations. And so, in 1953, Universal Pictures made a bet on Forbidden. They sent their latest heartthrob Tony Curtis to Macao (or at least a Califor-nian set that looked like Macao) as Eddie, working for American East Coast gangsters who want to bring back a mobster’s widow – Christine (Joanne Dru) - who has fled to the Portuguese colony. But they know Eddie and Christine once had a fatal attraction. So a tame thug, Chalm-er (Marvin Miller), is despatched to Macao too to make sure their pas-sion doesn’t get reignited in the tropical exoticism of Macao. But of course, it does… big time. And in a casino of course. But it’s complicated. Christine has married a suave lounge lizard, Justin (Lyle Bettger, who specialised as a villain in many a Western), owner of the Lisbon Club. Early on Forbidden makes use of some nice loca-tion footage of the Macao waterfront, but the Lisbon Club/casino is a set – though all deco-cool, jade bonsai trees, and Chinese cigarette girls. Christine is living with Justin in some style up atop Penha Hill which, in Forbidden, is more Hollywood Hills moderne than Portu-guês Suave. 世紀40年代,黑色電影大受歡迎,美國電影製作了無數道德界限模糊不清,每個人都有罪,愛情很少真正取勝的故事,黑色電影裡面整的世界都是黑暗的。十年後,好萊塢將黑色電影與戰後異國情調的風格相結合。於是,在1953年,環球影視押注在《禁忌》上。他們派遣最新的新晉男星,托尼·柯蒂斯(Tony Curtis),扮演埃迪(Eddie),在澳門(或者至少是一個看起來像澳門的加利福尼亞州場景)工作,為美國東海岸的黑幫做事,他們想要把一個黑幫的寡婦克蘭蒂娜(由Joanne Dru飾演)帶回來,她已經逃到了這個葡萄牙殖民地。但他們知道埃迪和克蘭蒂娜曾經有過致命的吸引力。因此,一個溫順的惡棍查爾默(Chalmer,由Marvin Miller飾演)也被派到澳門,以確保他們的激情不會在澳門的異國情調中重新燃起。但當然它還是發生了,而且是在賭場裡,但情況有點複雜:克蘭蒂娜嫁給了一個風度翩翩的休閒混混賈斯汀(由萊爾·貝特格(Lyle Bettger)飾演,他在許多西部片中都是反派角色),他是里斯本俱樂部的老板。早在《禁忌》開始時,它呈現了一些漂亮的澳門海濱景觀鏡頭,但里斯本俱樂部/賭場是一個佈景:雖然都是裝飾風格酷炫、有玉翠盆景樹和中國女煙樓的元素。克蘭蒂娜和賈斯汀住在位於彭哈山頂的豪宅中,而在《禁忌》中,彭哈山頂更像好萊塢山莊現代風格,而不是葡萄牙風情。埃迪、克蘭蒂娜和賈斯汀之間建立起一種稍微扭曲的三角關係,讓人回想起十年前更成功的《北非諜影》,里克、伊莎和維克多·拉斯洛之間的關係,這為《禁忌》提供了相當多的靈感。除此還有一位有思考能力、給予建議的鋼琴手角色,就像里克咖啡館的山姆一樣,他彈奏著一首曾經是埃迪和克蘭蒂娜在費城時最喜歡的曲子。眼尖的觀眾會發現,這是維克多·洗楊(Victor Sen Young)在戰前的查理·陳系列電影中飾演「二兒子」吉米·陳的成熟角色。華裔美國女演員馬黛·成(Mai Tai Sing)也有一個巧妙的客串角色,飾演里斯本俱樂部一直竊聽的女煙樓蘇莉。在現實生活中,成是一位前三藩市唐人街夜總會的歌舞女郎,偶爾也演了幾部電影。在里斯本俱樂部的生活不可避免地變得壓抑,正如古語所說:「兩個人剛剛好,三人就有點多。」埃迪發現克蘭蒂娜和賈斯汀之間的情況令人無法忍受。他仍然愛她,但他想要獨佔她。或許這也是受澳門這個紙醉金迷的城市影響。在里斯本俱樂部中,甚麼人都有:有來自中國和歐洲賭徒、秘密情人、冒險家和小罪犯的人群。DESTINATION MACAO* AUTHOR WWW.CHINARHYMING.COMPaul French埃迪對澳門感到困惑:「你不禁好奇是甚麼把他們帶到這裡?是什麼讓他們留在這裡?對我來說,是兩萬美元和一個女人。但對他們呢?」對克蘭蒂娜來說,她在家鄉遇到了太多無賴男人,她來的目的是尋找一位「紳士」。儘管埃迪確實也是一個無賴,但他是一個英俊的無賴。當然,她很快發現,儘管埃迪是個無賴,但真正關心她的是他,而賈斯汀儘管擁有高雅的舉止、金錢和華麗的跑車,卻不是個紳士。為什麼《禁忌》在票房上沒有更大的成功呢?它是一部完全合格的B級電影黑色電影。柯蒂斯無疑正在成為一位明星,儘管在《成功的滋味》和《反叛者》中他真正展現出自己的演技還需要幾年時間。不幸的是,喬安·德魯從未真正進入領先女主角的大聯盟,也沒有擺脫B級電影的範疇。但她是一位偉大的黑色電影女主角:一位美麗成熟、散發真實生活經驗並確切知道自己想要什麼的女人。她本可以與黑色電影的女王們並駕齊驅。想想芭芭拉·史坦威克或瓊·克勞馥。德魯不是一個愚蠢的詭計多端的女人或俏皮的舞女,但劇本並沒有真正給她展示她的能力的機會。所以,正如我們在這篇文章中一直問的那樣,《禁忌》作為一部可有可無的B級片,但對澳門有甚麼啟示呢?戰後,好萊塢尋找新的拍攝場地來製作黑色電影。他們需要那些陰暗人群聚集、金錢來去自如、法律寬鬆、道德有些放鬆的場地。但許多舊的罪惡之城已經變成廢墟,或者世界已經改變:威瑪時期的柏林、戰前的東京,曾經放縱但現已經封閉的上海。所以他們嘗試了一些新的地方:瑞塔·海沃思和格倫·福特去了阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯,《蕩婦姬黛》;奧森·威爾斯、查爾頓·赫斯頓和珍妮特·李去了充滿陰暗的美墨邊境,《狂野生死戀》。而《禁忌》和其他電影,則是為澳門而設的。毫無疑問,澳門向來都符合要求這些黑色電影的要求,可以說澳門是為黑色電影而設的城市,以前是,現在也是。你可以在YouTube觀看Forbidden。A slightly twisted three-way relationship builds between Eddie, Christine, and Justin reminiscent of that between Rick, Ilsa and Victor Laszlo in the far more successful Casablanca a decade previously that offers rather of lot of inspiration to Forbidden. There’s even a philos-ophising, advice giving piano player á la Sam at Rick’s Café playing a tune that was once Eddie and Chrstine’s favourite back in Philadel-phia, back when they were in love. The eagle-eyed will spot it as a mature role for Victor Sen Young who appeared as “Number Two Son” Jimmy Chan in so many pre-war Charlie Chan movies. There’s also a nifty cameo from Chinese-American actress Mai Tai Sing as Soo Lee, the Lisbon Club’s ever-eavesdropping cigarette girl. In real life Sing was a former San Francisco Chinatown nightclub showgirl who made a few movies on the side. Life at the Lisbon Club inevitably becomes claustrophobic – two’s company, but three’s a crowd, as the old saying goes. Eddie finds the situation between Christine and Justin intolerable. He’s still in love Goddamit and wants her to himself! But it’s also the effect of Macao. Surveying the crowd of Chinese and European gamblers, se-cret lovers, adventurers, and petty criminals at the Lisbon Club Eddie muses on Macao:‘You can’t help but wonder what brought them here? What keeps them here? For me it was $20,000 and a woman. But for them?’For Christine it was the search for a “gentleman” after so many rogues back home. Although Eddie’s definitely a rogue too, even if a handsome one. Of course, she soon finds out that, rogue though he may be, it’s Eddie who really cares for her and that Justin, despite his fancy manners, piles of patacas and flash sportscar, is no gentleman. Why didn’t Forbidden hit bigger at the box office? It’s a perfectly serviceable B-movie noir. Curtis was definitely on his way to being a star, though it would be a few more years before he really showed he could act in Sweet Smell of Success and The Defiant Ones. Unfortu-nately, Joanne Dru never really made it into the big leagues of leading ladies, or out of the B-movie category. But she was a great noir her-oine: a beautiful mature woman who oozes real life experience and knows just what she wants. She could have ranked with the queens of noir – think Barbara Stanwyck or Joan Crawford. Dru was no dumb femme fatale or cutesy showgirl, but the script doesn’t really give her a chance to show us what she’s capable of. So, as we always ask in this column, what does Forbidden, throw-away B-movie ephemera that it most certainly is, have to tell us about Macao? After the war, Hollywood looked for new locations to make noir moves about. They needed places where shady people gathered, money came and went easily, the law was lax, and morals were a little loose. So many of the old sin cities were in ruins or the world had changed – Weimar Berlin, pre-war Tokyo, once libertine but now shut down Shanghai. So they tried some new places - Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford went to Buenos Aires in Gilda; Orson Welles, Charlton Heston and Janet Leigh hit the sleazy US-Mexico border in Touch of Evil. And a few movies, like Forbidden, got made about Macao. It fit the bill…no doubt about it. It’s a noir town….was then and is now.Forbidden is available to watch on Youtube.評論OPINION | 66
68WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202369文PHOTOS MARK PHILLIPS譯 ERRIS HOMacau Fashion Festival 2023 was held in November, co-organized by the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) and the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM). As well as providing a platform for local designers to present their latest collections, this year’s festival also welcomed the return of designers from around the Greater Bay Area. The four-day event kicked off with an opening Fashion Parade featuring eight outstanding designers from Macau, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhongshan, combining traditional fashion wisdom with design aesthetics. CLOSER caught up with three of them for chat about their newest creative designs.澳門服裝節2023於11月舉行,由澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心(CPTTM)和澳門貿易投資促進局(IPIM)合辦。活動期間,大會不僅邀請本地設計師展示最新系列,還歡迎來自大灣區各地的設計師重返舞台。這個為期四天的活動以時裝巡遊作為開場,匯集了來自澳門、香港、深圳、廣州和中山的八位優秀設計師,結合了傳統時尚智慧和設計美學。澳門特寫專訪了其中三位設計師,探討他們最新的創意設計。Vibrant Visions68時尚FASHION |
68WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202369文PHOTOS MARK PHILLIPS譯 ERRIS HOMacau Fashion Festival 2023 was held in November, co-organized by the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) and the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM). As well as providing a platform for local designers to present their latest collections, this year’s festival also welcomed the return of designers from around the Greater Bay Area. The four-day event kicked off with an opening Fashion Parade featuring eight outstanding designers from Macau, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Zhongshan, combining traditional fashion wisdom with design aesthetics. CLOSER caught up with three of them for chat about their newest creative designs.澳門服裝節2023於11月舉行,由澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心(CPTTM)和澳門貿易投資促進局(IPIM)合辦。活動期間,大會不僅邀請本地設計師展示最新系列,還歡迎來自大灣區各地的設計師重返舞台。這個為期四天的活動以時裝巡遊作為開場,匯集了來自澳門、香港、深圳、廣州和中山的八位優秀設計師,結合了傳統時尚智慧和設計美學。澳門特寫專訪了其中三位設計師,探討他們最新的創意設計。Vibrant Visions68時尚FASHION |
72WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202373FASHION |Do you feel like the fashion industry is making a come-back this year now that the pandemic is over? Are there more opportunities for local designers now?Yes. As we move into a new era of artificial intelligence, the fashion industry is poised to embrace a brighter future. Local designers must broaden their horizons and avoid being restricted to one particular city. It is important for them to learn more about the history of their nation be-cause national culture is the soul of design.What are your plans for the coming year?In the coming year, I plan to release another series of Chi-nese ethnic [non-heritage new creation] works. China is a culturally diverse country, and there are plenty of design elements that reflect this diversity. My goal is to showcase the beauty of Chinese culture to a wider audience. We have already started designing new works for the upcom-ing year, and we also hope to collaborate with designers from Macau and Hong Kong to further promote the fash-ion industry.Can you briefly tell us about your background and the history of your brand?I am a graduate of a prestigious medical school in China. Having lived abroad for a long time, I have developed a unique specialty in blending traditional Eastern culture with Western elements to create inspirational clothing. I use handmade embroidery, plant dyeing, and paintings to carry on the symbols of Chinese culture while exploring contemporary trends and interpreting “cultural stories on the body”. The brand’s motto, “Flowers bloom on the strang-er, you can return slowly,” not only originates from an ancient song of King Wu Yue, who wrote a book for love, but also serves as a tribute to a personal tragic love story that I experienced in Mexico when I was working there for Huawei. The brand name Mo Hua, with “Mo” referring to Mexico and “Hua” being the harmonic sound of “Huawei,” was chosen to commemorate this experience.The brand was selected for China’s 70th Anniversary “One Belt, One Road” Global Tour Exhibition in 2019. It has won the “Intangible Heritage Innovation” and “Fash-ion Intangible Heritage” awards several times. My work “Chinese Double Sided Embroidery” was collected by Vietnam’s National Museum of History, while “Silk Em-broidery” was collected by Korea’s National Museum of Korean Language. Other works have been collected by the former President of Costa Rica, the President of Vietnam National Assembly, and the Ambassador of the Embassies of Vietnam and Egypt.能否向我們介紹一下您在 MFF2023 上展示的新系列? 這個系列的靈感來源是什麽?本次MFF發布的是【借衣而居】系列, 靈感來源於中國傳統民族服飾。這個系列的靈感來源是文化多樣性。要尊重不同文化,首先要尊重自己民族的文化,培育好、發展好本民族文化。 文化既是民族的又是世界的,各民族文化都以其鮮明的民族特色豐富了世界文化,共同推動了人類文明的發展和繁榮。只有保持世界文化的多樣性,世界才更加豐富多彩,充滿生機和活力。能談談您選擇的面料和顏色嗎?面料選擇棉麻和桑蠶絲,顏色主打紅色和白色。您對今年參加 MFF 的感受如何?我很開心參加MFF, MFF是傳遞和鏈接歷史文脈,譜寫當代華章的使者;很好地助力品牌的傳播和打開內地和澳門的商業價值。現在疫情已經過去,您覺得時尚產業今年是否會卷土重來? 本地設計師現在是否有更多機會?是的,我們將走進一個更偉大的人工智能的時代,時尚產業會用新的方式迎接更美好的未來。本地設計師需要打開視野,不局限於某一個城市,應該多了解民族歷史,因為民族文化是設計的靈魂。明年您有什麽計劃?明年我會繼續推出中國民族【非遺新造】系列作品,因為中國是一個多民族文化國家,有著豐富的設計元素,我想讓更多的人看到中國文化的大美。事實上,我們已經開始設計明年的新作品,也想繼續更好地和澳門,香港兩地的設計師們一起合作,共同推廣時尚產業。時尚Can you tell us a bit about your new collection presented at MFF2023? What was your inspiration for this collec-tion? At MFF we launched the Living in Clothes series, which is inspired by traditional Chinese national costumes. The design concept is to promote respect for cultural diversity. Firstly, it is important to respect our national culture and cultivate and develop it. This is because culture is both na-tional and global. All national cultures have enriched the world’s culture with their unique national characteristics and jointly contributed to human civilization’s develop-ment and prosperity. Only by maintaining the diversity of world cultures can the world become more colourful, vibrant, and lively.Can you talk about the fabrics and colours you chose?The fabrics are cotton linen and mulberry silk, and the co-lours are dominated by red and white.How do you feel about your experience at MFF this year?I was thrilled to participate in MFF. The event is a mes-senger to transmit and link the historical veins and write contemporary chapters; it is an excellent way to help our brand communicate and open up the Mainland and Ma-cau business value.能否簡單介紹一下您的背景和品牌歷史?我叫墨話,原名候曉琳,畢業於中國醫科名校,長期的海外居住史讓她擅長用東方傳統文化與西方精粹元素揉合創作靈感,以衣為載體,用「非遺·原創‧定制」中國手工刺繡、手工植物染和手工繪畫來傳承民族符號,探求時代趨勢。我希望詮釋「穿在身上的文化故事」,用行動踐行文化自信,講好中國故事。品牌寄語,「陌上花開,可緩緩歸矣」除了是吳越王為愛留書的千古傳唱,也是為了紀念曾在墨西哥的華為代表處發生的一段悲壯的經歷。(「墨」是墨西哥,「話」是華之諧音,曰:墨話)。品牌 2019 年有幸入選中國 70 週年 「一帶一路」全球巡展,多次獲得「非遺創新」、「時尚非遺」獎。作品《中國雙面繡》被越南國家歷史博物館收藏,《絲繡》被韓國國立韓文博物館收藏,其他作品被哥斯達黎加前總統、越南國會主席越南及埃及大使館大使收藏。FASHION |MO HUA
72WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202373FASHION |Do you feel like the fashion industry is making a come-back this year now that the pandemic is over? Are there more opportunities for local designers now?Yes. As we move into a new era of artificial intelligence, the fashion industry is poised to embrace a brighter future. Local designers must broaden their horizons and avoid being restricted to one particular city. It is important for them to learn more about the history of their nation be-cause national culture is the soul of design.What are your plans for the coming year?In the coming year, I plan to release another series of Chi-nese ethnic [non-heritage new creation] works. China is a culturally diverse country, and there are plenty of design elements that reflect this diversity. My goal is to showcase the beauty of Chinese culture to a wider audience. We have already started designing new works for the upcom-ing year, and we also hope to collaborate with designers from Macau and Hong Kong to further promote the fash-ion industry.Can you briefly tell us about your background and the history of your brand?I am a graduate of a prestigious medical school in China. Having lived abroad for a long time, I have developed a unique specialty in blending traditional Eastern culture with Western elements to create inspirational clothing. I use handmade embroidery, plant dyeing, and paintings to carry on the symbols of Chinese culture while exploring contemporary trends and interpreting “cultural stories on the body”. The brand’s motto, “Flowers bloom on the strang-er, you can return slowly,” not only originates from an ancient song of King Wu Yue, who wrote a book for love, but also serves as a tribute to a personal tragic love story that I experienced in Mexico when I was working there for Huawei. The brand name Mo Hua, with “Mo” referring to Mexico and “Hua” being the harmonic sound of “Huawei,” was chosen to commemorate this experience.The brand was selected for China’s 70th Anniversary “One Belt, One Road” Global Tour Exhibition in 2019. It has won the “Intangible Heritage Innovation” and “Fash-ion Intangible Heritage” awards several times. My work “Chinese Double Sided Embroidery” was collected by Vietnam’s National Museum of History, while “Silk Em-broidery” was collected by Korea’s National Museum of Korean Language. Other works have been collected by the former President of Costa Rica, the President of Vietnam National Assembly, and the Ambassador of the Embassies of Vietnam and Egypt.能否向我們介紹一下您在 MFF2023 上展示的新系列? 這個系列的靈感來源是什麽?本次MFF發布的是【借衣而居】系列, 靈感來源於中國傳統民族服飾。這個系列的靈感來源是文化多樣性。要尊重不同文化,首先要尊重自己民族的文化,培育好、發展好本民族文化。 文化既是民族的又是世界的,各民族文化都以其鮮明的民族特色豐富了世界文化,共同推動了人類文明的發展和繁榮。只有保持世界文化的多樣性,世界才更加豐富多彩,充滿生機和活力。能談談您選擇的面料和顏色嗎?面料選擇棉麻和桑蠶絲,顏色主打紅色和白色。您對今年參加 MFF 的感受如何?我很開心參加MFF, MFF是傳遞和鏈接歷史文脈,譜寫當代華章的使者;很好地助力品牌的傳播和打開內地和澳門的商業價值。現在疫情已經過去,您覺得時尚產業今年是否會卷土重來? 本地設計師現在是否有更多機會?是的,我們將走進一個更偉大的人工智能的時代,時尚產業會用新的方式迎接更美好的未來。本地設計師需要打開視野,不局限於某一個城市,應該多了解民族歷史,因為民族文化是設計的靈魂。明年您有什麽計劃?明年我會繼續推出中國民族【非遺新造】系列作品,因為中國是一個多民族文化國家,有著豐富的設計元素,我想讓更多的人看到中國文化的大美。事實上,我們已經開始設計明年的新作品,也想繼續更好地和澳門,香港兩地的設計師們一起合作,共同推廣時尚產業。時尚Can you tell us a bit about your new collection presented at MFF2023? What was your inspiration for this collec-tion? At MFF we launched the Living in Clothes series, which is inspired by traditional Chinese national costumes. The design concept is to promote respect for cultural diversity. Firstly, it is important to respect our national culture and cultivate and develop it. This is because culture is both na-tional and global. All national cultures have enriched the world’s culture with their unique national characteristics and jointly contributed to human civilization’s develop-ment and prosperity. Only by maintaining the diversity of world cultures can the world become more colourful, vibrant, and lively.Can you talk about the fabrics and colours you chose?The fabrics are cotton linen and mulberry silk, and the co-lours are dominated by red and white.How do you feel about your experience at MFF this year?I was thrilled to participate in MFF. The event is a mes-senger to transmit and link the historical veins and write contemporary chapters; it is an excellent way to help our brand communicate and open up the Mainland and Ma-cau business value.能否簡單介紹一下您的背景和品牌歷史?我叫墨話,原名候曉琳,畢業於中國醫科名校,長期的海外居住史讓她擅長用東方傳統文化與西方精粹元素揉合創作靈感,以衣為載體,用「非遺·原創‧定制」中國手工刺繡、手工植物染和手工繪畫來傳承民族符號,探求時代趨勢。我希望詮釋「穿在身上的文化故事」,用行動踐行文化自信,講好中國故事。品牌寄語,「陌上花開,可緩緩歸矣」除了是吳越王為愛留書的千古傳唱,也是為了紀念曾在墨西哥的華為代表處發生的一段悲壯的經歷。(「墨」是墨西哥,「話」是華之諧音,曰:墨話)。品牌 2019 年有幸入選中國 70 週年 「一帶一路」全球巡展,多次獲得「非遺創新」、「時尚非遺」獎。作品《中國雙面繡》被越南國家歷史博物館收藏,《絲繡》被韓國國立韓文博物館收藏,其他作品被哥斯達黎加前總統、越南國會主席越南及埃及大使館大使收藏。FASHION |MO HUA
74WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202375As one of the prominent brands representing Macau, our exhibi-tion showcased ten different sets of clothing. These sets were a mix of items from various collections of the brand, styled in different ways to present a new look. The exhibition aims to highlight our brand’s easy-to-match and versatile clothing. Against the unique backdrop of Macau’s old buildings, the clothing is presented in black, grey, white, and blue color schemes. The multi-layered and personalized outfits combine different textures of materials to create intricate patterns. Feminine lace is combined with unisex denim to showcase the brand’s unique charm.For this collection, we chose to use the brand’s main colours - black, blue, grey and white. These colours also represent the Ma-cau cityscape in the opening video. Our aim was to express the brand’s strong and soft characteristics through a diverse range of fabrics. We paired tough and neutral denim and trench coat fabrics with soft and feminine lace, yarn, and velvet fabrics. Addi-tionally, we also used suit fabrics suitable for office workers.NO.42 has participated in Macau Fashion Week for three years in a row. This year we had the opportunity to meet more overseas designers and media, which allowed us to exchange ideas within the industry and promote our brand. Additionally, for the first time we participated in three run-way shows at the same event, which was a big challenge. How-ever, we prepared many sets of clothes within a short period of time and everything was successfully completed. As a result, we received positive feedback from the public and even received a few orders from customers.The re-opening of the city this year has brought about many positive impacts: increased visitor flow and increased consum-er sentiment. This has boosted sales at consignment stores such as MHMH at Parisian Macao and Auspicious Place. With the in-crease in customers, these consignment stores are more confi-dent in attracting more local designer brands to their stores to promote original designs. In addition, exhibitions and fashion shows in various places have resumed one after another, which allows us to promote the brand to the outside world.This year’s new collection has already been launched and put on sale. The new collection for next year has also been finalized. We plan to continue to participate in different exhibitions and activities to seek new customers/buyers and also plan to explore more online and offline sales channels and marketing methods to open up new markets.No.42本次作為澳門區代表品牌之一,展出的十套服裝,混合了品牌各個系列的單品,利用不一樣的配襯方式,展現新的面貌及品牌服裝的易搭性、多穿性。 今次系列配上澳門特有的舊建築作為背景,再以黑、灰、白、藍色作為顏色搭配,多層次而具個性的穿搭,結合不同質感的物料,創造相互交織的紋路,並將女性優雅的蕾絲和中性型格的牛仔相結合,展現品牌獨有的魅力。我們以品牌常用之主色調 - 黑、藍、灰、白作為本次的搭配,同時亦是開場片中澳門城市觀景的色調。在面料上比較多元化,表達品牌剛柔並重的特點,以硬朗中性的牛仔、風衣料,配襯溫柔女性化的蕾絲、紗、絨布,另外還有適合上班族的西裝面料 。今年是品牌第三年參與澳門服裝節,相較於疫情時期參展,我們能接觸更多外地的設計師品牌、媒體,更能促進行業間的交流以及更有助推廣品牌。此外,亦是品牌首次同期參與三場走秀活動,在短時間內需籌備多套服飾,是品牌的一大挑戰,慶幸一切完滿結束,亦獲得大眾的一致好評及少量客戶訂單。疫情過後,全面通關後為時尚業帶來正面的影響。因為人流增多,各人的消費意欲亦有所提高。有助提升品牌在各寄售店的銷售額,如澳門巴黎人的MHMH買手店、澳品薈等。而因應客源增多,這些寄售店也有更大的信心吸納更多本地設計師品牌駐店,推廣原創設計。此外,各地的展覽和服裝展演也相繼恢復,可以對外宣傳品牌。No.42品牌本年設計的新款服飾已陸續推出並發售。而明年的新系列設計亦已有定案,品牌計劃繼續參加不同的展覽和活動,尋求新客戶/買手。我們計劃尋求更多線上及線下的銷售通路和營銷方式,開拓新市場。No. 4274FASHION |時尚
74WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202375As one of the prominent brands representing Macau, our exhibi-tion showcased ten different sets of clothing. These sets were a mix of items from various collections of the brand, styled in different ways to present a new look. The exhibition aims to highlight our brand’s easy-to-match and versatile clothing. Against the unique backdrop of Macau’s old buildings, the clothing is presented in black, grey, white, and blue color schemes. The multi-layered and personalized outfits combine different textures of materials to create intricate patterns. Feminine lace is combined with unisex denim to showcase the brand’s unique charm.For this collection, we chose to use the brand’s main colours - black, blue, grey and white. These colours also represent the Ma-cau cityscape in the opening video. Our aim was to express the brand’s strong and soft characteristics through a diverse range of fabrics. We paired tough and neutral denim and trench coat fabrics with soft and feminine lace, yarn, and velvet fabrics. Addi-tionally, we also used suit fabrics suitable for office workers.NO.42 has participated in Macau Fashion Week for three years in a row. This year we had the opportunity to meet more overseas designers and media, which allowed us to exchange ideas within the industry and promote our brand. Additionally, for the first time we participated in three run-way shows at the same event, which was a big challenge. How-ever, we prepared many sets of clothes within a short period of time and everything was successfully completed. As a result, we received positive feedback from the public and even received a few orders from customers.The re-opening of the city this year has brought about many positive impacts: increased visitor flow and increased consum-er sentiment. This has boosted sales at consignment stores such as MHMH at Parisian Macao and Auspicious Place. With the in-crease in customers, these consignment stores are more confi-dent in attracting more local designer brands to their stores to promote original designs. In addition, exhibitions and fashion shows in various places have resumed one after another, which allows us to promote the brand to the outside world.This year’s new collection has already been launched and put on sale. The new collection for next year has also been finalized. We plan to continue to participate in different exhibitions and activities to seek new customers/buyers and also plan to explore more online and offline sales channels and marketing methods to open up new markets.No.42本次作為澳門區代表品牌之一,展出的十套服裝,混合了品牌各個系列的單品,利用不一樣的配襯方式,展現新的面貌及品牌服裝的易搭性、多穿性。 今次系列配上澳門特有的舊建築作為背景,再以黑、灰、白、藍色作為顏色搭配,多層次而具個性的穿搭,結合不同質感的物料,創造相互交織的紋路,並將女性優雅的蕾絲和中性型格的牛仔相結合,展現品牌獨有的魅力。我們以品牌常用之主色調 - 黑、藍、灰、白作為本次的搭配,同時亦是開場片中澳門城市觀景的色調。在面料上比較多元化,表達品牌剛柔並重的特點,以硬朗中性的牛仔、風衣料,配襯溫柔女性化的蕾絲、紗、絨布,另外還有適合上班族的西裝面料 。今年是品牌第三年參與澳門服裝節,相較於疫情時期參展,我們能接觸更多外地的設計師品牌、媒體,更能促進行業間的交流以及更有助推廣品牌。此外,亦是品牌首次同期參與三場走秀活動,在短時間內需籌備多套服飾,是品牌的一大挑戰,慶幸一切完滿結束,亦獲得大眾的一致好評及少量客戶訂單。疫情過後,全面通關後為時尚業帶來正面的影響。因為人流增多,各人的消費意欲亦有所提高。有助提升品牌在各寄售店的銷售額,如澳門巴黎人的MHMH買手店、澳品薈等。而因應客源增多,這些寄售店也有更大的信心吸納更多本地設計師品牌駐店,推廣原創設計。此外,各地的展覽和服裝展演也相繼恢復,可以對外宣傳品牌。No.42品牌本年設計的新款服飾已陸續推出並發售。而明年的新系列設計亦已有定案,品牌計劃繼續參加不同的展覽和活動,尋求新客戶/買手。我們計劃尋求更多線上及線下的銷售通路和營銷方式,開拓新市場。No. 4274FASHION |時尚
76WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202377The theme name for our new collection is ‘Walk in Love’. This design is inspired by traditional Czech women’s wedding clothing, combined with the colours of the street scenes in Prague, to create a romantic story.The colours of traditional Czech women’s weddings are mostly white and red, with brightly coloured patterns on the neckline, cuffs and skirts, a large number of lace cuffs and lantern sleeves, wide skirts, etc. We have used these exaggerated and unique elements, coupled with the brand’s original design illustrations, to dene this autumn and winter women’s clothing collection.I was honoured to be invited to be one of the opening brands of the Macau Fashion Festival this year. Compared with our previous participa-tion at the fashion festival, this is of special signicance to us as a brand founded in Macau. I hope that through this exhibition, more people can see the enthusiasm and efforts of Macau fashion designers.As the economy recovers and travel is easier, it is denitely more convenient for Macau designers to produce because we have limited resources in the city, and many materials and even production requires resources from elsewhere.The Internet and e-commerce have brought about great changes and altered people’s original single consumption model, so our goal for the future is to diversify the brand, design more accessories, daily necessities and other products suitable for online sales, and actively develop e-commerce.The aim of ella épeler is “Bring Your Attitude To Life”. We try to be experimental, using unique design illustrations and art to mix with irregu-lar youthful tailoring, and combine the different elements together. In our clothing range, we hope to bring more fun and choice, and show the diver-sity and uniqueness of fashion. Our target is for each piece to become a treasure in your closet. We don’t release products for each season since we don’t want to be limited by seasons. We want our customers to outt their own styles, and demonstrate the interesting part of ella épeler.ella épeler最新系列主題名為{Walk in Love},這次設計是以捷克的傳統女性婚禮服飾為靈感,結合在布拉格的日常街景色彩,營造一個浪漫的故事。捷克的傳統女性婚禮服飾顏色大多以白色和紅色為主,領口、袖口和裙擺處有顏色鮮豔的圖案,大量褶皺蕾絲袖口和燈籠袖,寬大的裙擺等等。運用這些誇張獨特的元素,再加以品牌的原創設計插畫圖案,勾畫出這次的秋冬女裝。我們很榮幸很受邀參與這次澳門服裝節的開幕品牌之一,對比以往參與的服裝節,這對我們這個由澳門創立的品牌是別具意義的,希望可以透過是次的展示,讓更多人感受到澳門時裝的熱情與努力。疫情過去,經濟雖逐漸變好,但經濟的好壞會受到全球性的影響,所以恢復還需要一定時間;但對於澳門設計師在製作一定會比較便利,因為澳門的資源有限,很多物料,甚至製作都需要在其它地方找資源。另外,互聯網和電商帶來了很大的變革,改變了人們原有的單一消費模式。目標是希望品牌更多元化、包括設計更多飾品、生活用具等等適合網上銷售的商品,積極發展電商。『ella épeler』中的épeler在法文中是一個類似介詞的詞語,當用到拼湊或串聯一些東西等等都會用到這個詞。品牌宗旨『Bring Your Attitude To Life』,嘗試作多方面的實驗,透過不受規限的剪裁與將各種不同的元素拼合運用,以自創的插畫圖案、藝術、等等融入到時裝裡面,為服裝帶出更多的趣味與選擇,展現出時尚的多樣性和獨特性,目標令每件單品都能成為衣櫃中的珍寶。『ella épeler』是以系列形式推出,不以季節給品牌有所局限, 觀望不同人的穿搭方式,激發品牌更大膽的創作與嘗試。Ella épelerFASHION |時尚
76WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202377The theme name for our new collection is ‘Walk in Love’. This design is inspired by traditional Czech women’s wedding clothing, combined with the colours of the street scenes in Prague, to create a romantic story.The colours of traditional Czech women’s weddings are mostly white and red, with brightly coloured patterns on the neckline, cuffs and skirts, a large number of lace cuffs and lantern sleeves, wide skirts, etc. We have used these exaggerated and unique elements, coupled with the brand’s original design illustrations, to dene this autumn and winter women’s clothing collection.I was honoured to be invited to be one of the opening brands of the Macau Fashion Festival this year. Compared with our previous participa-tion at the fashion festival, this is of special signicance to us as a brand founded in Macau. I hope that through this exhibition, more people can see the enthusiasm and efforts of Macau fashion designers.As the economy recovers and travel is easier, it is denitely more convenient for Macau designers to produce because we have limited resources in the city, and many materials and even production requires resources from elsewhere.The Internet and e-commerce have brought about great changes and altered people’s original single consumption model, so our goal for the future is to diversify the brand, design more accessories, daily necessities and other products suitable for online sales, and actively develop e-commerce.The aim of ella épeler is “Bring Your Attitude To Life”. We try to be experimental, using unique design illustrations and art to mix with irregu-lar youthful tailoring, and combine the different elements together. In our clothing range, we hope to bring more fun and choice, and show the diver-sity and uniqueness of fashion. Our target is for each piece to become a treasure in your closet. We don’t release products for each season since we don’t want to be limited by seasons. We want our customers to outt their own styles, and demonstrate the interesting part of ella épeler.ella épeler最新系列主題名為{Walk in Love},這次設計是以捷克的傳統女性婚禮服飾為靈感,結合在布拉格的日常街景色彩,營造一個浪漫的故事。捷克的傳統女性婚禮服飾顏色大多以白色和紅色為主,領口、袖口和裙擺處有顏色鮮豔的圖案,大量褶皺蕾絲袖口和燈籠袖,寬大的裙擺等等。運用這些誇張獨特的元素,再加以品牌的原創設計插畫圖案,勾畫出這次的秋冬女裝。我們很榮幸很受邀參與這次澳門服裝節的開幕品牌之一,對比以往參與的服裝節,這對我們這個由澳門創立的品牌是別具意義的,希望可以透過是次的展示,讓更多人感受到澳門時裝的熱情與努力。疫情過去,經濟雖逐漸變好,但經濟的好壞會受到全球性的影響,所以恢復還需要一定時間;但對於澳門設計師在製作一定會比較便利,因為澳門的資源有限,很多物料,甚至製作都需要在其它地方找資源。另外,互聯網和電商帶來了很大的變革,改變了人們原有的單一消費模式。目標是希望品牌更多元化、包括設計更多飾品、生活用具等等適合網上銷售的商品,積極發展電商。『ella épeler』中的épeler在法文中是一個類似介詞的詞語,當用到拼湊或串聯一些東西等等都會用到這個詞。品牌宗旨『Bring Your Attitude To Life』,嘗試作多方面的實驗,透過不受規限的剪裁與將各種不同的元素拼合運用,以自創的插畫圖案、藝術、等等融入到時裝裡面,為服裝帶出更多的趣味與選擇,展現出時尚的多樣性和獨特性,目標令每件單品都能成為衣櫃中的珍寶。『ella épeler』是以系列形式推出,不以季節給品牌有所局限, 觀望不同人的穿搭方式,激發品牌更大膽的創作與嘗試。Ella épelerFASHION |時尚
80WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202381Macau designer Nuno Lopes was recently in the spotlight at a private fashion event held at the Venetian in early November. The show was at-tended by several international media and over a hundred clients at the Venetian, and once again emphasised the gold-en touches and bold creations that are already the hallmark of the young Macanese designer. The two-day event in partnership with Sands Lifestyle, entitled ReDiscover Macau, showcased some of Nuno’s work at a gala fashion show. The designer’s trademark golden tones were in the spotlight of course, but there were also items with touches of pink, black and platinum on the catwalk.“I take a lot of inspiration from Macau, and as it’s one of the most glamorous cities in the world, my clothes reflect that inspiration. When you go to the Cotai Strip or any of the resorts here in Macau, gold is a common theme. Regardless of the colour of the theme, gold will always be part of my fashion shows,” the young designer says.FASHION |時尚80這場時裝秀主要展示他最新的2024春夏系列,呈現了一系列男裝和女裝造型。今年,Nuno品牌隨著金沙集團到世界各地巡演,從新加坡到美國,並在結尾部分展示了品牌為2018年澳門萬國小姐代表澳門的澳門民族服晚裝的經典作品。Nuno Lopes 春夏2024系列靈感來自液態黃金。「黃金可以以舊換新的特性,這個系列象徵著浴火重生,象徵著度過過去幾年疫情困境的時光已經過去,就像舊的黃金透過溶爐塑造成新的設計賦予了新的生命,迎接品牌和澳門第二個黃金時代。」談起疫情後澳門時尚業的現狀,Nuno認為澳門正在努力推動非博彩行業的發展,這也將使時尚業受益。他強調澳門在資源和設施方面的優質水準,並希望藉此機會推廣各個產業的發展。「金沙等公司正在積極推廣澳門時尚業的發展,為本地人才提供了一個高預算和高水準的舞台,使他們能表達他們的創造力。Nuno相信澳門有潛力成為世界上最佳的時尚熱點之一,並希望全世界的人能夠看到博彩業以外的澳門,以及澳門能提供的其他價值。談到他的未來計劃,Nuno表示他在進行不同類型的項目,包括時尚和非時尚範疇。「我有幸有機會創建自己的化妝品品牌,名為『Nuno Lopes Cosmetics』。這個計劃能讓模特直接使用自家品牌產品化妝。」Nuno更透露他將參與2024年的婚紗設計工作,並表示這是一個令人興奮的挑戰。他期待能夠設計出美麗的婚紗。為「金沙旅享#發現澳門2023」活動的一部分,當地設計師羅偉傑Nuno Lopes於11月初在威尼斯人酒店舉辦了一場精彩絕倫的時尚盛事。這場時裝匯演吸引了眾多國際媒體和百位貴賓的矚目,而Nuno Lopes 的設計則以其獨特的金色元素和大膽創作風格在匯演上成為焦點。這次為期兩天的活動由金沙時尚主辦,名為「ReDiscover Macao」,是延續金沙中國今年度路演的最後一站。活動中展示了Nuno最新系列的作品。除了保留了Nuno標誌性的金色元素,還加入了粉色、黑色和鉑金色元素的設計。本地年輕設計師Nuno表示:「澳門是世界上最有魅力的城市之一,我從這裡獲得了許多靈感,我的服裝作品正是對這份魅力的詮釋。當你漫步在澳門的金光大道或入住度假村時,金色無處不在。不論主題的顏色如何,金色總是我時裝秀中不可或缺的一部分。」Nuno explains that most of the show was dedicated to his latest Spring-Summer 2024 collection, featuring a series of men’s and women’s looks. “The theme of this collection is molten metals, such as gold and platinum. As I did the Discover Macau showcase in Singapore and the United States earlier this year with Sands Lifestyle, they were familiar with some of my iconic pieces, so at their request, I brought back the iconic Miss Macau 2018 national dress for the Miss Grand International beauty pageant,” he adds.Asked about the state of the fashion industry in the city, especially in its current phase of reopening, Nuno believes that Macau “is doing its best to boost all industries besides gaming”, which can also benefit the fashion industry, espe-cially at events like this one. “I think companies like Sands are playing a huge role in elevating the fashion industry in Macau and giving local tal-ents a platform to express their creativity in an efficient way, with a high budget and high production,” the designer com-ments, also taking the opportunity to highlight the quality of the resources and facilities in the territory to promote the various industries. “Macau has the potential to be one of the best fashion hotspots in the world. People all over the world need to be encouraged to see Macau beyond gambling and what we re-ally have to offer here,” he says.Regarding his future plans, Nuno notes the he always has projects in development, and that sometimes they even go beyond fashion.“I’ve also had the opportunity to create my own cosmet-ics line, Nuno Lopes Cosmetics. Having my own cosmetics line provides a great opportunity for the models to have their make-up done at Nuno Lopes Cosmetics.”For 2024, Nuno says that he plans to be more involved in wedding dress designs: “This will be an exciting challenge for me, and I’m looking forward to creating beautiful dresses.”
80WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202381Macau designer Nuno Lopes was recently in the spotlight at a private fashion event held at the Venetian in early November. The show was at-tended by several international media and over a hundred clients at the Venetian, and once again emphasised the gold-en touches and bold creations that are already the hallmark of the young Macanese designer. The two-day event in partnership with Sands Lifestyle, entitled ReDiscover Macau, showcased some of Nuno’s work at a gala fashion show. The designer’s trademark golden tones were in the spotlight of course, but there were also items with touches of pink, black and platinum on the catwalk.“I take a lot of inspiration from Macau, and as it’s one of the most glamorous cities in the world, my clothes reflect that inspiration. When you go to the Cotai Strip or any of the resorts here in Macau, gold is a common theme. Regardless of the colour of the theme, gold will always be part of my fashion shows,” the young designer says.FASHION |時尚80這場時裝秀主要展示他最新的2024春夏系列,呈現了一系列男裝和女裝造型。今年,Nuno品牌隨著金沙集團到世界各地巡演,從新加坡到美國,並在結尾部分展示了品牌為2018年澳門萬國小姐代表澳門的澳門民族服晚裝的經典作品。Nuno Lopes 春夏2024系列靈感來自液態黃金。「黃金可以以舊換新的特性,這個系列象徵著浴火重生,象徵著度過過去幾年疫情困境的時光已經過去,就像舊的黃金透過溶爐塑造成新的設計賦予了新的生命,迎接品牌和澳門第二個黃金時代。」談起疫情後澳門時尚業的現狀,Nuno認為澳門正在努力推動非博彩行業的發展,這也將使時尚業受益。他強調澳門在資源和設施方面的優質水準,並希望藉此機會推廣各個產業的發展。「金沙等公司正在積極推廣澳門時尚業的發展,為本地人才提供了一個高預算和高水準的舞台,使他們能表達他們的創造力。Nuno相信澳門有潛力成為世界上最佳的時尚熱點之一,並希望全世界的人能夠看到博彩業以外的澳門,以及澳門能提供的其他價值。談到他的未來計劃,Nuno表示他在進行不同類型的項目,包括時尚和非時尚範疇。「我有幸有機會創建自己的化妝品品牌,名為『Nuno Lopes Cosmetics』。這個計劃能讓模特直接使用自家品牌產品化妝。」Nuno更透露他將參與2024年的婚紗設計工作,並表示這是一個令人興奮的挑戰。他期待能夠設計出美麗的婚紗。為「金沙旅享#發現澳門2023」活動的一部分,當地設計師羅偉傑Nuno Lopes於11月初在威尼斯人酒店舉辦了一場精彩絕倫的時尚盛事。這場時裝匯演吸引了眾多國際媒體和百位貴賓的矚目,而Nuno Lopes 的設計則以其獨特的金色元素和大膽創作風格在匯演上成為焦點。這次為期兩天的活動由金沙時尚主辦,名為「ReDiscover Macao」,是延續金沙中國今年度路演的最後一站。活動中展示了Nuno最新系列的作品。除了保留了Nuno標誌性的金色元素,還加入了粉色、黑色和鉑金色元素的設計。本地年輕設計師Nuno表示:「澳門是世界上最有魅力的城市之一,我從這裡獲得了許多靈感,我的服裝作品正是對這份魅力的詮釋。當你漫步在澳門的金光大道或入住度假村時,金色無處不在。不論主題的顏色如何,金色總是我時裝秀中不可或缺的一部分。」Nuno explains that most of the show was dedicated to his latest Spring-Summer 2024 collection, featuring a series of men’s and women’s looks. “The theme of this collection is molten metals, such as gold and platinum. As I did the Discover Macau showcase in Singapore and the United States earlier this year with Sands Lifestyle, they were familiar with some of my iconic pieces, so at their request, I brought back the iconic Miss Macau 2018 national dress for the Miss Grand International beauty pageant,” he adds.Asked about the state of the fashion industry in the city, especially in its current phase of reopening, Nuno believes that Macau “is doing its best to boost all industries besides gaming”, which can also benefit the fashion industry, espe-cially at events like this one. “I think companies like Sands are playing a huge role in elevating the fashion industry in Macau and giving local tal-ents a platform to express their creativity in an efficient way, with a high budget and high production,” the designer com-ments, also taking the opportunity to highlight the quality of the resources and facilities in the territory to promote the various industries. “Macau has the potential to be one of the best fashion hotspots in the world. People all over the world need to be encouraged to see Macau beyond gambling and what we re-ally have to offer here,” he says.Regarding his future plans, Nuno notes the he always has projects in development, and that sometimes they even go beyond fashion.“I’ve also had the opportunity to create my own cosmet-ics line, Nuno Lopes Cosmetics. Having my own cosmetics line provides a great opportunity for the models to have their make-up done at Nuno Lopes Cosmetics.”For 2024, Nuno says that he plans to be more involved in wedding dress designs: “This will be an exciting challenge for me, and I’m looking forward to creating beautiful dresses.”
82WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202383Healthy Hush!
82WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202383Healthy Hush!
84WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202385健康WELLBEING |Macau’s first outdoor yoga and music mega event “hush! Beach Concerts x Urban Yo~ga Wellfest”, co-organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (ICM) and MGM, was held in early November under clear Autumn skies. The event attracted more than 20,000 local and international visitors and brought together over 40 internationally renowned yoga and fitness coaches to Macau, delivering a wide range of world-class wellness classes onsite. The Wellfest featured three thematic zones - Zen Gar-den, Fit District, and The Playground. Other highlights in-clude Macau’s first-ever Gong Bath outdoor experience, SUP YOGA class and large-scale dance class. Participants were able to immerse themselves in a wide range of yoga, fitness, dance, meditation, and other wellness workshops based on their individual preferences.The collaboration between ICM and MGM also includ-ed the city’s largest pop-music event with over 15 years of history – “hush! Beach Concerts”, presenting a host of local and international music talent over the weekend, entertain-ing crowds in various areas around the park and on the main stage at the beach. Invited bands included GaoFunk from Beijing; Inner Mongolian metal band SULD; Japanese guitar-ist Ichika Nito; Amazing Show from Taiwan and Kula Shaker from the UK. Many of Macau’s most popular local bands also performed including Blademark, WhyOceans and Free Yoga Mats, just to name a few.「Yo~ga城市瑜珈運動節」更邀請到著名教練,包括韓國格鬥王、Netflix 《體能之巔》人氣王秋成勳;風靡馬來西亞的健身導師Jordan Yeoh;曾代表澳洲出席世界大學運動會的健身及瑜珈導師Amanda Bisk;前瑞典國家體操代表、線上健身導師Charles Fritzen;以及來自內地的全美瑜珈聯盟RYT認證導師汪靜等等 。活動首日,香港星級瑜珈導師林芊妤吸引了大批粉絲和健身愛好者。林芊妤表示:「這次活動選擇澳門沿海的自然環境作為舉辦地點,主辦方美高梅充分利用戶外資源,打造出多元化的體驗,不僅有美麗的沙灘,還有綠樹林立的休憩空間,將多樣場景有機融合,為全球旅遊瑜珈市場提供獨特的體驗機會。活動不但讓我跟國際瑜珈導師和愛好者交流健康生活心得,共同度過了一個健康療癒的週末,亦讓我們從全新角度感受澳門的文化魅力,令這次滋養身心之旅更豐富多彩,期待明年有機會再到澳門參與這項盛事。」本地瑜珈代表張穎嵐認為這次盛會為本地瑜珈和健身業界提供國際展示舞台,向海外展現澳門的實力,「這樣的機會實在難能可貴。活動現場提供了多個主題專區,參加者可根據喜好和水平而自由選擇課程,這種個性化模式使我接觸到更多相對應的客群,提升了我在市場上的知名度,也為我們一眾本澳健身界開闢了新的商機。」美高梅致力打造『全民參與』的大健康盛事模式,通過『Yo~ga 城市瑜珈運動節』結合旅遊、大健康及音樂三大產業版塊,並運用澳門黑沙海灘一帶的天然沿岸資源,打造出悠閒愜意的瑜珈及健身戶外主題體驗區,設計出多元化的戶外場所和課程。文化局與美高梅攜手合辦的澳門首個戶外音樂運動盛事「hush! 沙灘音樂會 x Yo~ga城市瑜珈運動節」於上週末(4至 5日)圓滿舉行。活動反應熱烈,一共吸引了逾2萬名市民及國際旅客參加。活動的星級國際導師陣容鼎盛,美高梅特別邀請到逾40名國際知名的專業瑜珈及健身教練駐場。是次跨界盛事在現場設有禪修園林、體能專區及親子樂園三大主題區,課程全由星級導師親授,涵蓋傳統瑜珈練習及創新康養技巧,包括澳門首次於戶外舉行的銅鑼浴體驗、海上舉行的水上瑜珈課程,以及可容納200人參與的大型舞動課程等。參加者可根據個人運動喜好,投入各式各樣的瑜珈、健身、舞蹈、冥想及各式工作坊。美高梅今次與澳門文化局攜手合作,將美高梅原創的「Yo~ga 城市瑜珈運動節」以及本澳逾十五年歷史的最大型流行音樂活動「hush! 沙灘音樂會」強勢聯結起來,在澳門各區舉行一連串音樂及大健康活動。受邀的樂隊包括來自北京的潘高峰、內蒙古金屬樂隊SULD、日本吉他手Ichika Nito、台灣的 美秀集團和英國的Kula Shaker。許多澳門本地最受歡迎的樂隊也參與了演出,其中包括刃記、WhyOceans 和 Free Yoga Mats 等。The Urban Yo~ga Wellfest line-up included MMA legend and contestant in the Netflix reality competition Physical 100 Choo Sung-hoon from Korea; popular fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh from Malaysia; fitness and yoga instructor who represented Australia at the World University Games, Amanda Bisk; former gymnast of Swedish national team Charles Fritzen; and Yoga Alliance RYT cer-tified instructor Ivy Wang from Mainland China.On the first day of the event renowned Hong Kong yoga in-structor Coffee Lam attracted a large gathering of fans and fitness enthusiasts. “The event provided me a valuable opportunity to exchange insights on healthy living with international yoga instructors and enthusiasts, and we spent a rejuvenating weekend together,” said Coffee. “It also provided us with a fresh perspective to appreciate the cultural charm of Macau, making this wellness journey even more memorable. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to return to Macau next year and participate again.”Macau yoga instructor Katherine Cheong, said, “This event has provided a global platform for the local yoga and fitness in-dustry, giving us valuable opportunities to demonstrate our ca-pabilities to the international audiences. The event had multiple themed zones that allowed participants to choose classes based on their preferences and skill levels. This personalized approach has helped me reach a wider pool of prospective clientele and en-hanced my visibility in the market. It also opens up new business opportunities for the entire wellness industry here in Macau.”The multi-disciplinary festival marks the debut of MGM’s wellness IP Program “Urban Yo~ga Wellfest” which aims to inte-grate tourism, health and music along the natural coastal Hac Sa Beach through the creation of breezy and cozy outdoor yoga and fitness experiential zones. COFFEE LAM
84WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202385健康WELLBEING |Macau’s first outdoor yoga and music mega event “hush! Beach Concerts x Urban Yo~ga Wellfest”, co-organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (ICM) and MGM, was held in early November under clear Autumn skies. The event attracted more than 20,000 local and international visitors and brought together over 40 internationally renowned yoga and fitness coaches to Macau, delivering a wide range of world-class wellness classes onsite. The Wellfest featured three thematic zones - Zen Gar-den, Fit District, and The Playground. Other highlights in-clude Macau’s first-ever Gong Bath outdoor experience, SUP YOGA class and large-scale dance class. Participants were able to immerse themselves in a wide range of yoga, fitness, dance, meditation, and other wellness workshops based on their individual preferences.The collaboration between ICM and MGM also includ-ed the city’s largest pop-music event with over 15 years of history – “hush! Beach Concerts”, presenting a host of local and international music talent over the weekend, entertain-ing crowds in various areas around the park and on the main stage at the beach. Invited bands included GaoFunk from Beijing; Inner Mongolian metal band SULD; Japanese guitar-ist Ichika Nito; Amazing Show from Taiwan and Kula Shaker from the UK. Many of Macau’s most popular local bands also performed including Blademark, WhyOceans and Free Yoga Mats, just to name a few.「Yo~ga城市瑜珈運動節」更邀請到著名教練,包括韓國格鬥王、Netflix 《體能之巔》人氣王秋成勳;風靡馬來西亞的健身導師Jordan Yeoh;曾代表澳洲出席世界大學運動會的健身及瑜珈導師Amanda Bisk;前瑞典國家體操代表、線上健身導師Charles Fritzen;以及來自內地的全美瑜珈聯盟RYT認證導師汪靜等等 。活動首日,香港星級瑜珈導師林芊妤吸引了大批粉絲和健身愛好者。林芊妤表示:「這次活動選擇澳門沿海的自然環境作為舉辦地點,主辦方美高梅充分利用戶外資源,打造出多元化的體驗,不僅有美麗的沙灘,還有綠樹林立的休憩空間,將多樣場景有機融合,為全球旅遊瑜珈市場提供獨特的體驗機會。活動不但讓我跟國際瑜珈導師和愛好者交流健康生活心得,共同度過了一個健康療癒的週末,亦讓我們從全新角度感受澳門的文化魅力,令這次滋養身心之旅更豐富多彩,期待明年有機會再到澳門參與這項盛事。」本地瑜珈代表張穎嵐認為這次盛會為本地瑜珈和健身業界提供國際展示舞台,向海外展現澳門的實力,「這樣的機會實在難能可貴。活動現場提供了多個主題專區,參加者可根據喜好和水平而自由選擇課程,這種個性化模式使我接觸到更多相對應的客群,提升了我在市場上的知名度,也為我們一眾本澳健身界開闢了新的商機。」美高梅致力打造『全民參與』的大健康盛事模式,通過『Yo~ga 城市瑜珈運動節』結合旅遊、大健康及音樂三大產業版塊,並運用澳門黑沙海灘一帶的天然沿岸資源,打造出悠閒愜意的瑜珈及健身戶外主題體驗區,設計出多元化的戶外場所和課程。文化局與美高梅攜手合辦的澳門首個戶外音樂運動盛事「hush! 沙灘音樂會 x Yo~ga城市瑜珈運動節」於上週末(4至 5日)圓滿舉行。活動反應熱烈,一共吸引了逾2萬名市民及國際旅客參加。活動的星級國際導師陣容鼎盛,美高梅特別邀請到逾40名國際知名的專業瑜珈及健身教練駐場。是次跨界盛事在現場設有禪修園林、體能專區及親子樂園三大主題區,課程全由星級導師親授,涵蓋傳統瑜珈練習及創新康養技巧,包括澳門首次於戶外舉行的銅鑼浴體驗、海上舉行的水上瑜珈課程,以及可容納200人參與的大型舞動課程等。參加者可根據個人運動喜好,投入各式各樣的瑜珈、健身、舞蹈、冥想及各式工作坊。美高梅今次與澳門文化局攜手合作,將美高梅原創的「Yo~ga 城市瑜珈運動節」以及本澳逾十五年歷史的最大型流行音樂活動「hush! 沙灘音樂會」強勢聯結起來,在澳門各區舉行一連串音樂及大健康活動。受邀的樂隊包括來自北京的潘高峰、內蒙古金屬樂隊SULD、日本吉他手Ichika Nito、台灣的 美秀集團和英國的Kula Shaker。許多澳門本地最受歡迎的樂隊也參與了演出,其中包括刃記、WhyOceans 和 Free Yoga Mats 等。The Urban Yo~ga Wellfest line-up included MMA legend and contestant in the Netflix reality competition Physical 100 Choo Sung-hoon from Korea; popular fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh from Malaysia; fitness and yoga instructor who represented Australia at the World University Games, Amanda Bisk; former gymnast of Swedish national team Charles Fritzen; and Yoga Alliance RYT cer-tified instructor Ivy Wang from Mainland China.On the first day of the event renowned Hong Kong yoga in-structor Coffee Lam attracted a large gathering of fans and fitness enthusiasts. “The event provided me a valuable opportunity to exchange insights on healthy living with international yoga instructors and enthusiasts, and we spent a rejuvenating weekend together,” said Coffee. “It also provided us with a fresh perspective to appreciate the cultural charm of Macau, making this wellness journey even more memorable. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to return to Macau next year and participate again.”Macau yoga instructor Katherine Cheong, said, “This event has provided a global platform for the local yoga and fitness in-dustry, giving us valuable opportunities to demonstrate our ca-pabilities to the international audiences. The event had multiple themed zones that allowed participants to choose classes based on their preferences and skill levels. This personalized approach has helped me reach a wider pool of prospective clientele and en-hanced my visibility in the market. It also opens up new business opportunities for the entire wellness industry here in Macau.”The multi-disciplinary festival marks the debut of MGM’s wellness IP Program “Urban Yo~ga Wellfest” which aims to inte-grate tourism, health and music along the natural coastal Hac Sa Beach through the creation of breezy and cozy outdoor yoga and fitness experiential zones. COFFEE LAM
86WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20238786 Juliana KungLOCAL MEMBER OF CHAÎNE DES ROTISSEURSDISCIPLES ESCOFFIER INTERNATIONALWINE SOCIETY MACAUInstagram: @julesbites大愛剛過去的十一月,我與摯愛的家人和可愛的朋友一同慶祝了我的生日,對於被這麼多美好的靈魂包圍著,我感到無比感激。我享受著美味的食物,在新舊、謙遜和時尚的餐廳中度過了一連串歡樂的聚會,我無比喜愛這一切。然而最棒的部分是,我有那麼多老友伴隨我度過這個時刻,他們特地為我設計了生日蛋糕和花束,用來取笑我曾經的失敗戀情,並當然要確保拍攝足夠的照片(歡迎去我的Instagram偷瞄一下!)我親愛的父母每年都問我想要甚麼生日禮物,而我一直告訴他們同樣的願望——我希望他們能為我親手做一張生日卡,就像我在學校時為他們在母親節和父親節時所畫的那樣。或許他們至今仍以為我只是在開玩笑,他們總是笑我當年的「駭人」筆跡和繪畫技巧,然而最後還是給我生日紅包(當然我也不抱怨!)但是我很好奇——你們當中有多少人也像我一樣珍惜這樣的小紀念品呢?我也碰巧更喜歡收到一張傳統明信片,上面有一枚舊郵票,被蓋一個郵戳,然後郵寄到我的家,這樣的紀念品雖然不像一個鑰匙扣或奢華的物品,但你不覺得這樣相當詩意和浪漫嗎?當有人足夠With Love珍惜你,願意花時間挑選一張漂亮的明信片,然後找到一支筆,在上面親筆書寫他或她在一個新城市的感受或所見,再舔一下那些平淡無味的郵票,抄下你(長長的)地址,最後投進郵筒裡。我覺得這比從旅遊景點買一盒巧克力更有意義。 總的來說,我們需要珍惜那些真心對待生活的人,因為只有這樣,每一個行動才能源於內心。這是我們真正體驗周圍一切的方式,它賦予我們力量去變得更好,實現我們的夢想和目標,並創造持久而有意義的回憶,直到永遠。隨著聖誕節和新年的臨近,願你以一顆感激而充實的心來告別2023年,並找到你內心一直渴望的庇護所。讓新的一年以輕盈的心情開始,充滿愛和感恩,為未來帶來美好的事物留出空間。請記住,每一天都要找到笑的理由,並懷抱愛意生活,也許再加上一瓶 Brunello Montalcino2010年或2012年的美酒,讓一切更加圓滿!P.S.:藉著這個機會,我想向我生命中一位鼓舞人心的人致敬——已故的Mr. Donald Hall——他是我在法國國際美食協會中的大哥。能夠在我們相識的短暫時間裡與你見面、學習、共笑、共進美餐,是我無比榮幸的事。你留下了一段傳奇,將澳門、香港和西方世界的文化融合在一起。暫別你,直到我再度聆聽你的無數生活故事。或許下次,我會有更多話要說。願你安息,親愛的Don。I’ve just spent the better part of November cel-ebrating my birthday with my beloved fami-ly and lovely friends, and I couldn’t be more thankful to be surrounded by these beautiful souls.I’ve been showered with cheerful get-togethers over delicious meals at eateries both old and new, modest and chic — I loved them all. The best part though, is when you have old and trusted friends who take this opportunity to poke fun at your failed rela-tionships with custom-designed birthday cakes and floral bouquets that are purely intended to mock your ex’s, and make sure adequate photos are taken (feel free to spy on my Instagram!) My sweet parents ask me every year what I would like as my birthday gift, and I’ve been telling them the same thing — I want them to make me a birthday card just like the ones I used to draw for them on Mother’s and Father’s Day when I was at school. They probably still think that I’m joking when I tell them that to this day; they usually just laugh about how hideous my handwriting and drawings were, and then they end up giving me red envelopes instead (Oh, I’m not com-plaining!)But I’m curious — how many of you out there treasure little momentos like these, too? I also happen to prefer receiving a traditional postcard with an old-school stamp, date-chopped, and mailed to my home as a souvenir, rather than a keychain or something extravagant. Don’t you think it’s rather poetic and ro-mantic when someone cherishes you enough to spend the time to first pick out a nice postcard, then find a pen, take the time to capture, in their own writing, the moment of what he or she feels or is seeing in a new town, then proceed to lick the bland-tasting stamp, copy your (long) address and then put it in a mailbox? I think it means so much more than just picking up a box of chocolate from a touristy spot.All in all, just appreciate those who do everything in life with passion — so that every action comes from the heart. It is the only way to truly experience everything around us; to have the strength to improve what we do, and make our dreams and goals a reality, and to create lasting memories that are meaningful until the end of time. As Christmas and the New Year draw near, may you bid 2023 farewell with a grateful and full heart, and may you find the shelter for your heart that it has long been searching for. Begin the new year with a light heart, filled with nothing but love and gratitude, and leave space for great new things to come your way. Just remember to live every day finding reasons to laugh, and to live with love in your heart.… and perhaps also a bottle of Brunello Montalcino 2010 or 2012 - it just makes everything even better!P.S. I just would like to take a moment to pay trib-ute to an inspiring figure in my life — the late Mr. Don-ald Hall — my big, big brother in the Chaîne family. It was my honour to have met, learned from, laughed and wined-and-dined with you in the short time that we were acquainted. You have left behind a legacy — bridging cultures between Macau, Hong Kong and the Western world. Goodbye for now, until I get to hear one of your many life stories again. Maybe next time, I’ll have more talking to do. May you rest in peace, dearest Don. LIVE • LAUGH• LOVE評論OPINION | specialists in residencial & commercial樓 字物業 仲介. 租賃. 買賣. 管理 房地產專業顧問
86WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20238786 Juliana KungLOCAL MEMBER OF CHAÎNE DES ROTISSEURSDISCIPLES ESCOFFIER INTERNATIONALWINE SOCIETY MACAUInstagram: @julesbites大愛剛過去的十一月,我與摯愛的家人和可愛的朋友一同慶祝了我的生日,對於被這麼多美好的靈魂包圍著,我感到無比感激。我享受著美味的食物,在新舊、謙遜和時尚的餐廳中度過了一連串歡樂的聚會,我無比喜愛這一切。然而最棒的部分是,我有那麼多老友伴隨我度過這個時刻,他們特地為我設計了生日蛋糕和花束,用來取笑我曾經的失敗戀情,並當然要確保拍攝足夠的照片(歡迎去我的Instagram偷瞄一下!)我親愛的父母每年都問我想要甚麼生日禮物,而我一直告訴他們同樣的願望——我希望他們能為我親手做一張生日卡,就像我在學校時為他們在母親節和父親節時所畫的那樣。或許他們至今仍以為我只是在開玩笑,他們總是笑我當年的「駭人」筆跡和繪畫技巧,然而最後還是給我生日紅包(當然我也不抱怨!)但是我很好奇——你們當中有多少人也像我一樣珍惜這樣的小紀念品呢?我也碰巧更喜歡收到一張傳統明信片,上面有一枚舊郵票,被蓋一個郵戳,然後郵寄到我的家,這樣的紀念品雖然不像一個鑰匙扣或奢華的物品,但你不覺得這樣相當詩意和浪漫嗎?當有人足夠With Love珍惜你,願意花時間挑選一張漂亮的明信片,然後找到一支筆,在上面親筆書寫他或她在一個新城市的感受或所見,再舔一下那些平淡無味的郵票,抄下你(長長的)地址,最後投進郵筒裡。我覺得這比從旅遊景點買一盒巧克力更有意義。 總的來說,我們需要珍惜那些真心對待生活的人,因為只有這樣,每一個行動才能源於內心。這是我們真正體驗周圍一切的方式,它賦予我們力量去變得更好,實現我們的夢想和目標,並創造持久而有意義的回憶,直到永遠。隨著聖誕節和新年的臨近,願你以一顆感激而充實的心來告別2023年,並找到你內心一直渴望的庇護所。讓新的一年以輕盈的心情開始,充滿愛和感恩,為未來帶來美好的事物留出空間。請記住,每一天都要找到笑的理由,並懷抱愛意生活,也許再加上一瓶 Brunello Montalcino2010年或2012年的美酒,讓一切更加圓滿!P.S.:藉著這個機會,我想向我生命中一位鼓舞人心的人致敬——已故的Mr. Donald Hall——他是我在法國國際美食協會中的大哥。能夠在我們相識的短暫時間裡與你見面、學習、共笑、共進美餐,是我無比榮幸的事。你留下了一段傳奇,將澳門、香港和西方世界的文化融合在一起。暫別你,直到我再度聆聽你的無數生活故事。或許下次,我會有更多話要說。願你安息,親愛的Don。I’ve just spent the better part of November cel-ebrating my birthday with my beloved fami-ly and lovely friends, and I couldn’t be more thankful to be surrounded by these beautiful souls.I’ve been showered with cheerful get-togethers over delicious meals at eateries both old and new, modest and chic — I loved them all. The best part though, is when you have old and trusted friends who take this opportunity to poke fun at your failed rela-tionships with custom-designed birthday cakes and floral bouquets that are purely intended to mock your ex’s, and make sure adequate photos are taken (feel free to spy on my Instagram!) My sweet parents ask me every year what I would like as my birthday gift, and I’ve been telling them the same thing — I want them to make me a birthday card just like the ones I used to draw for them on Mother’s and Father’s Day when I was at school. They probably still think that I’m joking when I tell them that to this day; they usually just laugh about how hideous my handwriting and drawings were, and then they end up giving me red envelopes instead (Oh, I’m not com-plaining!)But I’m curious — how many of you out there treasure little momentos like these, too? I also happen to prefer receiving a traditional postcard with an old-school stamp, date-chopped, and mailed to my home as a souvenir, rather than a keychain or something extravagant. Don’t you think it’s rather poetic and ro-mantic when someone cherishes you enough to spend the time to first pick out a nice postcard, then find a pen, take the time to capture, in their own writing, the moment of what he or she feels or is seeing in a new town, then proceed to lick the bland-tasting stamp, copy your (long) address and then put it in a mailbox? I think it means so much more than just picking up a box of chocolate from a touristy spot.All in all, just appreciate those who do everything in life with passion — so that every action comes from the heart. It is the only way to truly experience everything around us; to have the strength to improve what we do, and make our dreams and goals a reality, and to create lasting memories that are meaningful until the end of time. As Christmas and the New Year draw near, may you bid 2023 farewell with a grateful and full heart, and may you find the shelter for your heart that it has long been searching for. Begin the new year with a light heart, filled with nothing but love and gratitude, and leave space for great new things to come your way. Just remember to live every day finding reasons to laugh, and to live with love in your heart.… and perhaps also a bottle of Brunello Montalcino 2010 or 2012 - it just makes everything even better!P.S. I just would like to take a moment to pay trib-ute to an inspiring figure in my life — the late Mr. Don-ald Hall — my big, big brother in the Chaîne family. It was my honour to have met, learned from, laughed and wined-and-dined with you in the short time that we were acquainted. You have left behind a legacy — bridging cultures between Macau, Hong Kong and the Western world. Goodbye for now, until I get to hear one of your many life stories again. Maybe next time, I’ll have more talking to do. May you rest in peace, dearest Don. LIVE • LAUGH• LOVE評論OPINION | specialists in residencial & commercial樓 字物業 仲介. 租賃. 買賣. 管理 房地產專業顧問
90WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202391Rafaelle Marciello is now a two-time Macau GT Cup – FIA GT World Cup winner after dominating the feature race on the Guia Circuit. The Swiss driver was unstoppable in his Team Landgraf Mercedes, backing up his pole and Qualification Race win with a lights-to-flag victory in what was his final outing as a factory AMG driver. Edoardo Mortara, the most successful driver in Macau GT Cup history, was only able to man-age second place this year, while Augusto Farfus (ROWE RACING) finished third.Marciello made a perfect start from pole, getting ahead of his fellow Mercedes driver Engel (Craft-Bamboo) on the long run to Lisboa. En-gel, meanwhile, came under early pressure from Mortara (Audi Sport Asia Team Absolute) before establishing a gap of just under a second.Lap 7 brought out the safety car after Da-vid Chen Weian crashed his Harmony Racing Ferrari at Lisboa. After the restart, Engel’s car slowed with a mechanical issue and van der Linde had to surrender third place to Farfus to pit for a new tyre.That left the top three reasonably spaced out, Marciello cruising to a 2.5 second win from Mortara, who was a further 1.7s clear of Farfus.“It feels amazing,” said Marciello. “I had a good start and Maro was quite quick at the begin-ning, but after the safety car unfortunately he had an issue and that helped me gain a few seconds. From then it was a matter to control the race. In Macau it is never easy because a mistake is al-ways around the corner, but it was a great race and I’m happy to finish my AMG life in this way.”MARCIELLO SECURES SECOND MACAU GT CUP CROWNBriton Luke Browning dominated the Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix - FIA F3 World Cup race on Sunday in a two-part race that was interrupted by a fiery crash for Estonian driver Paul Aron.Browning, who drives for the Hi-tech Pulse-Eight team, made brilliant getaways at both the original start and the crucial red flag safety car restart to seal his success. With the race ultimate-ly ending under a safety car, Browning came home ahead of MP Motorsport’s Dennis Hauger and SJM Theodore PRE-MA racing’s Gabriele Minì. “This is an absolute dream. Words can’t describe how I’m feeling right now, but to win at this level against this grid is properly humbling,” said Browning.At the original start, Browning had gotten away brilliantly from pole posi-tion to defend the inside line all the way down into Lisboa, with Minì tucked in his slipstream. But as the field braked for the tight right-hander, Browning’s team-mate Alex Dunne tried to pull off a move around the outside to grab second, but he hit trouble as he ran into the barriers.Behind Browning, Gabrielle Minì was the man under attack on lap two as his team-mate Dino Beganovic slipstreamed past him on the run down to Lisboa. But Beganovic was carrying too much speed into the corner and, after locking up, ran wide into the tyre barriers.Following a short virtual safety car period, Aron then appeared to be strug-gling and on lap eight, going through the Solitude Esses, he crashed into the bar-riers – with his car breaking in half and erupting into flames. Although he was able to climb out of the car unaided, de-bris across the track and barrier repairs prompted a lengthy red flag period.At the restart on lap 12, Brown-ing perfectly controlled his getaway as Minì found himself under attack from Hauger who was able to pass him on the run into Lisboa. Browning’s win was as-sured when, on lap 13, the safety car was called out to allow marshals to retrieve the crashed car of Nikola Tsolov, who had hit the barriers at Fisherman’s Bend.BROWNING WINS INTERRUPTED FORMULA 3 MACAU GRAND PRIX布朗寧奪得澳門格蘭披治三級方程式大賽冠軍這場賽事因愛沙尼亞車手艾隆發生事故而被分成兩部分。披掛Hitech Pulse-Eight戰衣的布朗寧在起步和因紅旗及安全車出示而造成的第二次發車中均表現超凡,成為其成功登頂的關鍵。賽事最終在安全車帶領下結束,布朗寧勇奪冠軍,代表MP Motorsport出戰的豪格得第二名,SJM Theodore PREMA Racing的米尼得第三。布朗寧在講述摘桂過程時表示:「這絕對是一場夢。我現在的感覺簡直難以言喻,能夠擊敗一眾高水平的對手絕對是喜出望外。」在正賽起步後,布朗寧從桿位利落出發,火速佔據內線至葡京彎,米尼隨其尾流前行。但當一眾車手躋入狹窄的右彎時,布朗寧的隊友鄧恩因嘗試從外線進攻不果而失控撞爛。布朗寧繼續向前推進,以圖擴大優勢。米尼在第二圈被其隊友貝加奴域在通往葡京彎道上利用尾流超車。可惜貝加奴域因入彎速度過快導致輪胎被鎖死,因而跑偏撞向輪胎牆。在短暫的虛擬安全車時段過後,排頭位的布朗寧又一次拉開與後車的距離,米尼亦緊追不捨。二人身後,豪格在第五圈進入葡京彎路段超越艾隆(SJM Theodore PREMA Racing),攀升至第三位。艾隆一圈後再被寶雅超越。到了第八圈,艾隆步伐明顯不穩,後來在劏狗彎失控撞向護欄,其賽車斷成兩截並起火。儘管他成功逃離賽車,由於賽會需要清理賽道上的賽車碎片和修復圍欄,因而引發了較長時間的紅旗。比賽在第十二圈重新開始,布朗寧完美起步,米尼則與豪格陷入追逐戰,豪格更在進入葡京彎時成功超車,更一度貼近帶頭車手。布朗寧成功抵禦後方攻勢,繼續守住第一位。到第十三圈,佐洛夫在漁翁彎撞向護欄,賽道人員需將其賽車移離賽道,故引發安全車出動,亦正因如此,布朗寧最終鎖定冠軍寶座。雖然起初這削減了馬些路的領先優勢,但比賽在第10圈重新開始時,晏高因戰車出現機械故障而減速並退賽,這亦拖慢了後方車群的速度。馬些路把握這絕佳良機,將領先距離拉開至三秒之多,莫他拿則升至第二,雲達連特排在第三。一圈後,雲達連特亦不幸要返回維修站更換新輪胎,拱手把第三位讓給法夫斯。這擴大了頭三位車手的差距,馬些路最終以2.5秒優勢勝過莫他拿,而莫他拿與法夫斯則相差1.7秒。馬些路表示:「這感覺很奇妙。我們明白良好的起步是關鍵,然後是安全車出動後比賽重啟,因為超車實在太困難。我的起步很好,晏高一開始的速度很快,但不幸的是,他在安全車出動後遇到問題,讓我得到多幾秒鐘的時間。此後,我的任務便是控場穩守頭位。在澳門作賽從來都不是一件容易的事,因為隨時都可能發生錯誤,不過這是一場很棒的比賽,我很高興能以此方式結束我在AMG的生涯。」馬些路第二澳度登上門GT盃冠軍寶座SPORT |運動
90WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202391Rafaelle Marciello is now a two-time Macau GT Cup – FIA GT World Cup winner after dominating the feature race on the Guia Circuit. The Swiss driver was unstoppable in his Team Landgraf Mercedes, backing up his pole and Qualification Race win with a lights-to-flag victory in what was his final outing as a factory AMG driver. Edoardo Mortara, the most successful driver in Macau GT Cup history, was only able to man-age second place this year, while Augusto Farfus (ROWE RACING) finished third.Marciello made a perfect start from pole, getting ahead of his fellow Mercedes driver Engel (Craft-Bamboo) on the long run to Lisboa. En-gel, meanwhile, came under early pressure from Mortara (Audi Sport Asia Team Absolute) before establishing a gap of just under a second.Lap 7 brought out the safety car after Da-vid Chen Weian crashed his Harmony Racing Ferrari at Lisboa. After the restart, Engel’s car slowed with a mechanical issue and van der Linde had to surrender third place to Farfus to pit for a new tyre.That left the top three reasonably spaced out, Marciello cruising to a 2.5 second win from Mortara, who was a further 1.7s clear of Farfus.“It feels amazing,” said Marciello. “I had a good start and Maro was quite quick at the begin-ning, but after the safety car unfortunately he had an issue and that helped me gain a few seconds. From then it was a matter to control the race. In Macau it is never easy because a mistake is al-ways around the corner, but it was a great race and I’m happy to finish my AMG life in this way.”MARCIELLO SECURES SECOND MACAU GT CUP CROWNBriton Luke Browning dominated the Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix - FIA F3 World Cup race on Sunday in a two-part race that was interrupted by a fiery crash for Estonian driver Paul Aron.Browning, who drives for the Hi-tech Pulse-Eight team, made brilliant getaways at both the original start and the crucial red flag safety car restart to seal his success. With the race ultimate-ly ending under a safety car, Browning came home ahead of MP Motorsport’s Dennis Hauger and SJM Theodore PRE-MA racing’s Gabriele Minì. “This is an absolute dream. Words can’t describe how I’m feeling right now, but to win at this level against this grid is properly humbling,” said Browning.At the original start, Browning had gotten away brilliantly from pole posi-tion to defend the inside line all the way down into Lisboa, with Minì tucked in his slipstream. But as the field braked for the tight right-hander, Browning’s team-mate Alex Dunne tried to pull off a move around the outside to grab second, but he hit trouble as he ran into the barriers.Behind Browning, Gabrielle Minì was the man under attack on lap two as his team-mate Dino Beganovic slipstreamed past him on the run down to Lisboa. But Beganovic was carrying too much speed into the corner and, after locking up, ran wide into the tyre barriers.Following a short virtual safety car period, Aron then appeared to be strug-gling and on lap eight, going through the Solitude Esses, he crashed into the bar-riers – with his car breaking in half and erupting into flames. Although he was able to climb out of the car unaided, de-bris across the track and barrier repairs prompted a lengthy red flag period.At the restart on lap 12, Brown-ing perfectly controlled his getaway as Minì found himself under attack from Hauger who was able to pass him on the run into Lisboa. Browning’s win was as-sured when, on lap 13, the safety car was called out to allow marshals to retrieve the crashed car of Nikola Tsolov, who had hit the barriers at Fisherman’s Bend.BROWNING WINS INTERRUPTED FORMULA 3 MACAU GRAND PRIX布朗寧奪得澳門格蘭披治三級方程式大賽冠軍這場賽事因愛沙尼亞車手艾隆發生事故而被分成兩部分。披掛Hitech Pulse-Eight戰衣的布朗寧在起步和因紅旗及安全車出示而造成的第二次發車中均表現超凡,成為其成功登頂的關鍵。賽事最終在安全車帶領下結束,布朗寧勇奪冠軍,代表MP Motorsport出戰的豪格得第二名,SJM Theodore PREMA Racing的米尼得第三。布朗寧在講述摘桂過程時表示:「這絕對是一場夢。我現在的感覺簡直難以言喻,能夠擊敗一眾高水平的對手絕對是喜出望外。」在正賽起步後,布朗寧從桿位利落出發,火速佔據內線至葡京彎,米尼隨其尾流前行。但當一眾車手躋入狹窄的右彎時,布朗寧的隊友鄧恩因嘗試從外線進攻不果而失控撞爛。布朗寧繼續向前推進,以圖擴大優勢。米尼在第二圈被其隊友貝加奴域在通往葡京彎道上利用尾流超車。可惜貝加奴域因入彎速度過快導致輪胎被鎖死,因而跑偏撞向輪胎牆。在短暫的虛擬安全車時段過後,排頭位的布朗寧又一次拉開與後車的距離,米尼亦緊追不捨。二人身後,豪格在第五圈進入葡京彎路段超越艾隆(SJM Theodore PREMA Racing),攀升至第三位。艾隆一圈後再被寶雅超越。到了第八圈,艾隆步伐明顯不穩,後來在劏狗彎失控撞向護欄,其賽車斷成兩截並起火。儘管他成功逃離賽車,由於賽會需要清理賽道上的賽車碎片和修復圍欄,因而引發了較長時間的紅旗。比賽在第十二圈重新開始,布朗寧完美起步,米尼則與豪格陷入追逐戰,豪格更在進入葡京彎時成功超車,更一度貼近帶頭車手。布朗寧成功抵禦後方攻勢,繼續守住第一位。到第十三圈,佐洛夫在漁翁彎撞向護欄,賽道人員需將其賽車移離賽道,故引發安全車出動,亦正因如此,布朗寧最終鎖定冠軍寶座。雖然起初這削減了馬些路的領先優勢,但比賽在第10圈重新開始時,晏高因戰車出現機械故障而減速並退賽,這亦拖慢了後方車群的速度。馬些路把握這絕佳良機,將領先距離拉開至三秒之多,莫他拿則升至第二,雲達連特排在第三。一圈後,雲達連特亦不幸要返回維修站更換新輪胎,拱手把第三位讓給法夫斯。這擴大了頭三位車手的差距,馬些路最終以2.5秒優勢勝過莫他拿,而莫他拿與法夫斯則相差1.7秒。馬些路表示:「這感覺很奇妙。我們明白良好的起步是關鍵,然後是安全車出動後比賽重啟,因為超車實在太困難。我的起步很好,晏高一開始的速度很快,但不幸的是,他在安全車出動後遇到問題,讓我得到多幾秒鐘的時間。此後,我的任務便是控場穩守頭位。在澳門作賽從來都不是一件容易的事,因為隨時都可能發生錯誤,不過這是一場很棒的比賽,我很高興能以此方式結束我在AMG的生涯。」馬些路第二澳度登上門GT盃冠軍寶座SPORT |運動
92WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202393PETER HICKMAN TAKES FOURTH MACAO MOTORCYCLE VICTORY“I felt as if my world had come apart walking back down pit lane. However the team was great, they kept going just in case there was a red flag, which there was, so we could join in the restart. A massive thanks to Phil Crowe. He gave us a replace-ment pipe as we didn’t have one, without which we couldn’t have gone back out.”After a poor start, David Datzer was able to pass Macau debutant Josh Brookes to take third position.Despite having a strong start, Mi-chael Rutter was an early retirement with technical issues after the race re-start. “It’s a real shame as the bike has just been im-proving all week,” said the nine-time Ma-cau Grand Prix winner. “I’ve been around long enough to realise it’s one of those things.”Erno Kostamo, who won last year’s Macau Grand Prix, was in third place in the first half of the race but he had to pull over due to an electrical issue with the bike. Kamil Holan crashed on the final lap and was taken to hospital where he was treated for minor injuries.冒出,後來證實是油喉斷裂。當我步回維修區時,彷彿整個世界都塌下來。但車隊實在厲害,他們一直沒有放棄,並預期紅旗可能會出現,最後一切成真了,我們也能重新參予賽事。我非常感激高爾,我們自己沒有後備零件,是他給了我們能更換的油喉,若不是他,我根本不能重返跑道。」在第二排最前發車的達查起步未如理想,令他在賽事開始後便掉落多個位置。之後他漸漸收復失地,最後超越了首次到澳門參賽的布魯克斯,並一直守在第3位至格仔旗。這名德國車手直言:「我對自己的發車表現很失望,幸好我有一輛由一支出色隊伍準備的出色戰車,我依著自己的戰略作賽,最後以登上澳門頒獎台來結束賽事。」以第4名完賽的布魯克斯說:「我為最終成績而高興,在排位賽出現過排檔箱問題並成功修復後,車輛一直表現完美。我在第5排有個極佳發車,但我認為這是應有的表現。在達查超越我後,我並沒辦法可以重奪第3位。在澳門比賽對我來說是個全新體驗,環境跟我之前比賽過的地方也截然不同。我很享受在這裡的時間,誰知道我會否再次回來參賽,永遠不要說不呢!」第5位落在賀臣手中,這名SMT Racing本田車手說:「我的計劃就是要跑快點,最終我們亦成功依計行事,於第5位完賽實在很好,此乃非寶馬戰車中的最高名次。」九屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽盟主路達,於比賽早段因機件故障而退出比賽。「實在很可惜,因為戰車狀態一直在改善,但我亦明白這是有機會發生的狀況。」路達如此說。去年澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽冠軍哥達摩,於比賽前半段一直守在第3位,卻因為車輛出現電機問題而被迫退賽。莊臣則因其川崎戰車出現制動故障而退出。賀蘭在最後一圈的撞車意外,令他受輕傷需送院檢查。赫爾文以由頭帶到尾的姿態,贏得澳門格蘭披治電單車 – 第五十五屆大賽冠軍。從桿位發車的他,起步後便一直成功保持領先位置。雖然陶德在首四圈曾對他構成威脅,但隨後赫爾文駕駛其MGM FHO Racing寶馬電單車漸漸將優勢擴大,並輕鬆領放到終點。第4度取得澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽勝利的赫爾文說:「一切都在計劃之內。輪胎表現出色,每方面都運作完美。陶德於比賽早段在我身後進逼,對我來說乃是好事。在我拋離他之後,自己便開始犯錯,期間我更要提醒自己,結果去到第10圈時,我又再次集中起來。我為何家華和車隊上下感到自豪,是他們孜孜不倦的努力,成就了這次勝利。」麥高馬克在首圈跌倒並弄傷足踝,從後而至的史古絲因嘗試避免撞到對方的戰車同樣失控倒地,兩人最終同樣要送院治理輕傷。而全長12圈的比賽則需要重新開始。在首次發車前,陶德的戰車出現問題,要從起步點推離跑道,但多虧紅旗的出現,令本來已無緣比賽的他重燃希望。不單能夠回到他本來的次席發車,最終亦保持相同位置衝線,首次在澳門登上頒獎台。陶德說:「是赫爾文告知我的戰車可能出現問題,他在熱身圈時看到我的戰車有煙Peter Hickman, riding for FHO Racing on their debut in Macau, ran a lights-to-flag finish to win the 55th edition of the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix. Starting from pole position he pow-ered into the lead and from that moment never looked back. He had Davey Todd behind him for the opening four laps, but once he pulled away there was no catching the MGM FHO Racing BMW rider.“All went to plan and everything worked to perfection,” said Hickman on his fourth Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix victory. “Davey was push-ing early on which was good for me as once I pulled away from him, I then started making mis-takes. I had a little talk to myself and by lap ten I was focused again. I’m delighted for Faye Ho and all of the team who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this win.” The 12-lap race had to be restarted after an incident involving Brian McCormack who fell and suffered an ankle injury. In trying to avoid McCor-mack’s motorcycle, Nadieh Schoots, the only fe-male rider, also tumbled. Both were taken to hos-pital where they were treated for minor injuries.The accident happened on the opening lap which was minus Davey Todd who had to pull off the starting grid due to a split oil pipe. It seemed as if he’d missed his chance to race, but thankfully for him, the red flag meant he could start again and he was rewarded with a second position fin-ish and a place on the podium, his first at Macau.
92WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202393PETER HICKMAN TAKES FOURTH MACAO MOTORCYCLE VICTORY“I felt as if my world had come apart walking back down pit lane. However the team was great, they kept going just in case there was a red flag, which there was, so we could join in the restart. A massive thanks to Phil Crowe. He gave us a replace-ment pipe as we didn’t have one, without which we couldn’t have gone back out.”After a poor start, David Datzer was able to pass Macau debutant Josh Brookes to take third position.Despite having a strong start, Mi-chael Rutter was an early retirement with technical issues after the race re-start. “It’s a real shame as the bike has just been im-proving all week,” said the nine-time Ma-cau Grand Prix winner. “I’ve been around long enough to realise it’s one of those things.”Erno Kostamo, who won last year’s Macau Grand Prix, was in third place in the first half of the race but he had to pull over due to an electrical issue with the bike. Kamil Holan crashed on the final lap and was taken to hospital where he was treated for minor injuries.冒出,後來證實是油喉斷裂。當我步回維修區時,彷彿整個世界都塌下來。但車隊實在厲害,他們一直沒有放棄,並預期紅旗可能會出現,最後一切成真了,我們也能重新參予賽事。我非常感激高爾,我們自己沒有後備零件,是他給了我們能更換的油喉,若不是他,我根本不能重返跑道。」在第二排最前發車的達查起步未如理想,令他在賽事開始後便掉落多個位置。之後他漸漸收復失地,最後超越了首次到澳門參賽的布魯克斯,並一直守在第3位至格仔旗。這名德國車手直言:「我對自己的發車表現很失望,幸好我有一輛由一支出色隊伍準備的出色戰車,我依著自己的戰略作賽,最後以登上澳門頒獎台來結束賽事。」以第4名完賽的布魯克斯說:「我為最終成績而高興,在排位賽出現過排檔箱問題並成功修復後,車輛一直表現完美。我在第5排有個極佳發車,但我認為這是應有的表現。在達查超越我後,我並沒辦法可以重奪第3位。在澳門比賽對我來說是個全新體驗,環境跟我之前比賽過的地方也截然不同。我很享受在這裡的時間,誰知道我會否再次回來參賽,永遠不要說不呢!」第5位落在賀臣手中,這名SMT Racing本田車手說:「我的計劃就是要跑快點,最終我們亦成功依計行事,於第5位完賽實在很好,此乃非寶馬戰車中的最高名次。」九屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽盟主路達,於比賽早段因機件故障而退出比賽。「實在很可惜,因為戰車狀態一直在改善,但我亦明白這是有機會發生的狀況。」路達如此說。去年澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽冠軍哥達摩,於比賽前半段一直守在第3位,卻因為車輛出現電機問題而被迫退賽。莊臣則因其川崎戰車出現制動故障而退出。賀蘭在最後一圈的撞車意外,令他受輕傷需送院檢查。赫爾文以由頭帶到尾的姿態,贏得澳門格蘭披治電單車 – 第五十五屆大賽冠軍。從桿位發車的他,起步後便一直成功保持領先位置。雖然陶德在首四圈曾對他構成威脅,但隨後赫爾文駕駛其MGM FHO Racing寶馬電單車漸漸將優勢擴大,並輕鬆領放到終點。第4度取得澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽勝利的赫爾文說:「一切都在計劃之內。輪胎表現出色,每方面都運作完美。陶德於比賽早段在我身後進逼,對我來說乃是好事。在我拋離他之後,自己便開始犯錯,期間我更要提醒自己,結果去到第10圈時,我又再次集中起來。我為何家華和車隊上下感到自豪,是他們孜孜不倦的努力,成就了這次勝利。」麥高馬克在首圈跌倒並弄傷足踝,從後而至的史古絲因嘗試避免撞到對方的戰車同樣失控倒地,兩人最終同樣要送院治理輕傷。而全長12圈的比賽則需要重新開始。在首次發車前,陶德的戰車出現問題,要從起步點推離跑道,但多虧紅旗的出現,令本來已無緣比賽的他重燃希望。不單能夠回到他本來的次席發車,最終亦保持相同位置衝線,首次在澳門登上頒獎台。陶德說:「是赫爾文告知我的戰車可能出現問題,他在熱身圈時看到我的戰車有煙Peter Hickman, riding for FHO Racing on their debut in Macau, ran a lights-to-flag finish to win the 55th edition of the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix. Starting from pole position he pow-ered into the lead and from that moment never looked back. He had Davey Todd behind him for the opening four laps, but once he pulled away there was no catching the MGM FHO Racing BMW rider.“All went to plan and everything worked to perfection,” said Hickman on his fourth Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix victory. “Davey was push-ing early on which was good for me as once I pulled away from him, I then started making mis-takes. I had a little talk to myself and by lap ten I was focused again. I’m delighted for Faye Ho and all of the team who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this win.” The 12-lap race had to be restarted after an incident involving Brian McCormack who fell and suffered an ankle injury. In trying to avoid McCor-mack’s motorcycle, Nadieh Schoots, the only fe-male rider, also tumbled. Both were taken to hos-pital where they were treated for minor injuries.The accident happened on the opening lap which was minus Davey Todd who had to pull off the starting grid due to a split oil pipe. It seemed as if he’d missed his chance to race, but thankfully for him, the red flag meant he could start again and he was rewarded with a second position fin-ish and a place on the podium, his first at Macau.
94WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202395CHUNG WINS 70TH ANNIVERSARY CHALLENGE在澳門格蘭披治大賽車70週年挑戰賽中,力威世界車隊的鍾國熙,在週六比賽嚴重犯錯後成功收復失地,漂亮地取得勝利。 於週六賽事中鍾國熙雖然率先衝過終點,卻因為發車時偷步而被罸加10秒時間,令他只能在週日比賽排第5位起步,但其主動搶攻的比賽方式,令他只需3圈的時間便重拾領先位置。 陳子夏在倒數兩圈時亦被路朗然超越,之後更要與身後的李潔明短兵相接。 兩車之後在葡京彎和加思欄彎出現埋身鏡頭,最終陳子夏成功保著季軍席位。 In the Macau 70th Anniversary Challenge, Hong Kong driver Adrian Chung Kwok Hei made amends for his costly mistake in Sat-urday’s race with a stunning win on Sunday.He was first across the line in race one, only to be stripped of victory by a 10-sec-ond time penalty for a jump start. That left him fifth on the grid for the Sunday heat, a charging drive helping him to get into the lead in just three laps, ultimately crossing the fin-ish line six seconds ahead of his nearest rival, Loo Long Yin. Macau driver Chan Chi Ha took third spot on the podium.On the first weekend of racing at the 70th Macau Grand Prix, Red Bull ju-nior Arvid Lindblad completed a clean sweep of the Macau Formula 4 week-end with victory in the feature race.Lindblad went into the race as the hot fa-vourite after a dominant showing in qualifying on Saturday afternoon and a comfortable win in Sunday morning’s Qualifying Race.The 12-lap feature resulted in a clean sweep victory by PREMA Racing, and first and second place for SJM Theodore PREMA Rac-ing, with Macau driver Charles Leong Hon Chio finishing ahead of Rashid Al Dhaheri.“It’s been a really good week,” said Lind-bald. “I’m delighted to win here. It’s such a historical track, an amazing place, an amaz-ing event and the first street circuit for me, so I’m over the moon with the result.”Red Bull青年軍車手林柏雷這個週末以勝利作結,清脆利落地完成他在澳門四級方程式大賽的霸業。經過週六下午的排位賽和週日早上選拔賽的統治性演出後,林柏雷以大熱門姿態出戰決賽。可是,在這場12圈比賽的早段,他卻先要應付來自SJM Theodore PREMA Racing車隊隊友史雷特的挑戰。肖鯤鵬在第10圈於海角遊魂失控撞牆,安全車第3次出動,林柏雷那刻已手握超過兩秒優勢,就算比賽沒有再度恢復,林柏雷仍是當之無愧地成為冠軍。林柏雷說:「這是個美好的週末,能夠在這裡取勝實在非常高興,這是條具有歷史的跑道,一個神奇的地方,神奇的賽事,更是我首個街道賽,取得這成績實在令我興奮莫名。」VICTORY FOR LINDBLAD IN MACAU FORMULA 4 RACEMACAU GUIA RACE TRIUMPH FOR VERVISCH Frédéric Vervisch (Audi Sport Team Comtoyou) took victory in an entertaining second Ma-cau Guia Race – Kumho TCR World Tour Event of Macau, in which Norbert Michelisz (BRC Hyundai N Squadra Corse) sealed the inaugural TCR World Tour title.Vervisch, who was fourth on the partially reversed grid, made an excellent start to move up to second and executed the crucial overtake on polesitter Santiago Urrutia into the Mandarin Oriental Bend on lap eight.Ultimately, Vervisch was able to maintain his lead and took his sec-ond Macau Guia Race win by 3.714s from Urrutia, who was followed over the line by Cyan Racing Lynk & Co team-mate Yann Ehrlacher.Michelisz took eighth position which was enough to give him a sec-ond TCR world title, having won the WTCR - FIA World Touring Car Cup in 2019.Audi Sport Team Comtoyou車手維域治在充滿娛樂性的澳門東望洋大賽 – Kumho TCR世界巡迴賽澳門站第二回合賽事中取勝,而米捷利斯 (BRC Hyundai N Squadra Corse)則鎖定首屆TCR世界巡迴賽車手總冠軍位置。在部分倒序發車賽例下排第4位開賽的維域治,起步後順利升至第2位,到第8圈更於文華東方彎果斷地超越桿位車手烏魯迪亞升上頭位。到此刻已毋須為隊友提供任何爭標支援的維域治,在無壓力下可以不斷快放,成功以3.714秒距離帶著烏魯迪亞駛回終點,拿下職業生涯第2次澳門東望洋大賽勝仗。烏魯迪亞的Cyan Racing Lynk & Co隊友艾拿卓得季軍。艾拿卓在起步後不久於文華東方彎打滑,車輛撞到跑道護牆,儘管仍能以第3名衝線,但這對於他爭取TCR世界巡迴賽總冠軍寶座並無實際幫助,最終在積分榜以10分不敵米捷利斯屈居總亞軍。於積分榜上擊敗侯夫的米捷利斯排在隊友阿斯哥拿之前得第8,足以令他繼2019年於國際汽聯房車世界盃 (WTCR - FIA World Touring Car Cup) 封王後,贏得職業生涯第2個TCR世界總冠軍名銜。SPORT |運動
94WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 202395CHUNG WINS 70TH ANNIVERSARY CHALLENGE在澳門格蘭披治大賽車70週年挑戰賽中,力威世界車隊的鍾國熙,在週六比賽嚴重犯錯後成功收復失地,漂亮地取得勝利。 於週六賽事中鍾國熙雖然率先衝過終點,卻因為發車時偷步而被罸加10秒時間,令他只能在週日比賽排第5位起步,但其主動搶攻的比賽方式,令他只需3圈的時間便重拾領先位置。 陳子夏在倒數兩圈時亦被路朗然超越,之後更要與身後的李潔明短兵相接。 兩車之後在葡京彎和加思欄彎出現埋身鏡頭,最終陳子夏成功保著季軍席位。 In the Macau 70th Anniversary Challenge, Hong Kong driver Adrian Chung Kwok Hei made amends for his costly mistake in Sat-urday’s race with a stunning win on Sunday.He was first across the line in race one, only to be stripped of victory by a 10-sec-ond time penalty for a jump start. That left him fifth on the grid for the Sunday heat, a charging drive helping him to get into the lead in just three laps, ultimately crossing the fin-ish line six seconds ahead of his nearest rival, Loo Long Yin. Macau driver Chan Chi Ha took third spot on the podium.On the first weekend of racing at the 70th Macau Grand Prix, Red Bull ju-nior Arvid Lindblad completed a clean sweep of the Macau Formula 4 week-end with victory in the feature race.Lindblad went into the race as the hot fa-vourite after a dominant showing in qualifying on Saturday afternoon and a comfortable win in Sunday morning’s Qualifying Race.The 12-lap feature resulted in a clean sweep victory by PREMA Racing, and first and second place for SJM Theodore PREMA Rac-ing, with Macau driver Charles Leong Hon Chio finishing ahead of Rashid Al Dhaheri.“It’s been a really good week,” said Lind-bald. “I’m delighted to win here. It’s such a historical track, an amazing place, an amaz-ing event and the first street circuit for me, so I’m over the moon with the result.”Red Bull青年軍車手林柏雷這個週末以勝利作結,清脆利落地完成他在澳門四級方程式大賽的霸業。經過週六下午的排位賽和週日早上選拔賽的統治性演出後,林柏雷以大熱門姿態出戰決賽。可是,在這場12圈比賽的早段,他卻先要應付來自SJM Theodore PREMA Racing車隊隊友史雷特的挑戰。肖鯤鵬在第10圈於海角遊魂失控撞牆,安全車第3次出動,林柏雷那刻已手握超過兩秒優勢,就算比賽沒有再度恢復,林柏雷仍是當之無愧地成為冠軍。林柏雷說:「這是個美好的週末,能夠在這裡取勝實在非常高興,這是條具有歷史的跑道,一個神奇的地方,神奇的賽事,更是我首個街道賽,取得這成績實在令我興奮莫名。」VICTORY FOR LINDBLAD IN MACAU FORMULA 4 RACEMACAU GUIA RACE TRIUMPH FOR VERVISCH Frédéric Vervisch (Audi Sport Team Comtoyou) took victory in an entertaining second Ma-cau Guia Race – Kumho TCR World Tour Event of Macau, in which Norbert Michelisz (BRC Hyundai N Squadra Corse) sealed the inaugural TCR World Tour title.Vervisch, who was fourth on the partially reversed grid, made an excellent start to move up to second and executed the crucial overtake on polesitter Santiago Urrutia into the Mandarin Oriental Bend on lap eight.Ultimately, Vervisch was able to maintain his lead and took his sec-ond Macau Guia Race win by 3.714s from Urrutia, who was followed over the line by Cyan Racing Lynk & Co team-mate Yann Ehrlacher.Michelisz took eighth position which was enough to give him a sec-ond TCR world title, having won the WTCR - FIA World Touring Car Cup in 2019.Audi Sport Team Comtoyou車手維域治在充滿娛樂性的澳門東望洋大賽 – Kumho TCR世界巡迴賽澳門站第二回合賽事中取勝,而米捷利斯 (BRC Hyundai N Squadra Corse)則鎖定首屆TCR世界巡迴賽車手總冠軍位置。在部分倒序發車賽例下排第4位開賽的維域治,起步後順利升至第2位,到第8圈更於文華東方彎果斷地超越桿位車手烏魯迪亞升上頭位。到此刻已毋須為隊友提供任何爭標支援的維域治,在無壓力下可以不斷快放,成功以3.714秒距離帶著烏魯迪亞駛回終點,拿下職業生涯第2次澳門東望洋大賽勝仗。烏魯迪亞的Cyan Racing Lynk & Co隊友艾拿卓得季軍。艾拿卓在起步後不久於文華東方彎打滑,車輛撞到跑道護牆,儘管仍能以第3名衝線,但這對於他爭取TCR世界巡迴賽總冠軍寶座並無實際幫助,最終在積分榜以10分不敵米捷利斯屈居總亞軍。於積分榜上擊敗侯夫的米捷利斯排在隊友阿斯哥拿之前得第8,足以令他繼2019年於國際汽聯房車世界盃 (WTCR - FIA World Touring Car Cup) 封王後,贏得職業生涯第2個TCR世界總冠軍名銜。SPORT |運動
96WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20239796CLOSER CELLAR |特寫酒窖96CLOSER CELLAR |特寫酒窖A Wine to Celebrate文 BY MARK PHILLIPS 譯 TRANSLATION ERRIS HO大利是一個與賽車運動有著深厚關係的國家,數十年來一直如此。在今年的第70屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車的頒獎典禮上就展現了這一場景:一眾冠軍選手在領獎台上舉杯慶祝,品嚐了一口細緻的意大利查爾多內白葡萄酒,然後將其潑灑在自己和隊友身上,這款葡萄酒來自位於皮埃蒙特地區的Vinchio Vaglio合作社。Vinchio Vaglio 合作社的出口部經理Tessa Donnadieu評論說:「Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay是古老的氣泡酒傳統的繼承,可以追溯到19世紀下半葉。當時,皮埃蒙特是意大利第一個開始生產氣泡酒的地區。」Tessa 對能夠成為澳門格蘭披治大賽車的70周年的一部分感到非常榮幸:「能夠被選中並使我們的品牌與賽車運動有所交集,這是一種難以置信的光榮,尤其賽車運動代表著傳統、奢華和專業技術。」Vinchio Vaglio合作社成立於1959年,最初由19名成員組成,如今已發展成擁有近200名企業家葡萄種植者的合作社。他們在蒙費拉托地區的500公頃土地上,種植在最佳山丘和小葡萄園中。正是在這裡種植了查爾多內和黑皮諾葡萄,用於生產Castel del Mago酒款。 Tessa跟我們解釋到,這款酒的名字意味著「魔法師的城堡」,它來自於一個由著名作家和政治家達維德·拉約洛(Davide Lajolo)創作的故事,當時他用它來描述瓦奇奧(Vinchio)和瓦利奧塞拉(Vaglio Serra)村莊之間瓦爾薩馬薩自然公園保護區最迷人和神秘的地方。葡萄園位於海拔250米的沙質和石灰質土壤上。這款酒呈明亮的黃色稻草色,帶有綠色的色調,氣泡細膩而持久。它具有濃郁、複雜、花香和果香的芳香。在口感上,這款酒風味豐富,帶有花香和果香的特點。這種酒非常易於入口,非常適合搭配開胃酒、輕盈的前菜或魚類菜餚。 Vinchio Vaglio與澳門格蘭披治大賽車的合作是由主辦方和當地進口商Savio Group Ltd以及意大利葡萄酒公司Tenute d'Italia達成的協議,Tenute d'Italia代表了亞洲地區(包括中國內地和澳門)的高品質意大利酒莊。Tenute d'Italia的出口銷售經理Luca Garelli在出席格蘭披治大賽車活動時表示:「能夠成為澳門格蘭披治大賽車的官方葡萄酒贊助商是一個巨大的榮譽。這是一個將意大利和澳門當地人集在一起的機會,並證明意大利葡萄酒不僅適合享用午餐和晚餐,也適合慶祝其他特殊場合,例如這個非常重要的賽車運動盛事。」Tenute d'Italia是許多意大利葡萄酒莊的全球大使。所有這些葡萄酒莊與土地、歷史和文化有著非常緊密的聯繫,因此Castel del Mago不僅僅是一款葡萄酒,更是意大利的真正大使。 Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay出現在澳門漁人碼頭的許多餐廳的葡萄酒菜單上。 Italy is a country that has had a deep and strong relationship with motor-sport over the decades, and as the many trophy ceremonies took place on the winner’s podium at this year’s 70th edition of the Macau Grand Prix, the victors celebrated by enjoying a bubbly mouthful of - and drenching themselves and teammates in - a fine Italian Chardonnay from the Vinchio Vaglio cooperative located in the Piedmont region. “Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay is the legacy of an ancient sparkling tradition which dates to the second half of the 19th century. At that time, Piedmont was the first Italian region to start producing sparkling wines,” comments Tessa Donnadieu - Export Manager for Vinchio Vaglio cooperative. “We are really honoured to be part of this important event, especially for the 70th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix. It is an in-credible privilege to have been chosen and have our brand associated with motor racing which is synonymous with tradition, luxury and know-how.” Founded in 1959 by the initial 19 members, today the cooperative in-cludes nearly 200 entrepreneurial winegrowers who plant on the best hills and small vineyards, among 500 hectares of territory in Monferrato. And this is where the Chardonnay and Pinot Nero grapes are grown to produce Castel del Mago. “The name of the wine means “the castle of the magician” and refers to a story written by a famous author and politician born in Vinchio, Davide Lajolo, when he used it to describe one of the most fascinating and mysteri-ous places of the Val Sarmassa Natural Park Reserve, a natural area between Vinchio and Vaglio Serra villages,” explains Tessa. “The vineyards are located on sandy and calcareous soils, 250 meters above sea level. The wine has a bright yellow straw colour with greenish hues and fine and persistent perlage. It has an intense, complex, floral and fruity bouquet. On the palate, the wine is savoury and confirms the floral and fruity aromas. It is very easy drinking and pairs perfectly with an aperi-tive, light starters or fish dishes.”Vinchio Vaglio’s collaboration with the Macau Grand Prix came about as a result of an agreement between the organisers and local importer Savio Group Ltd, and Italian wine company Tenute d’Italia, which represents high quality Italian wineries in Asia, including China and Macau. “It’s been a great honour to be the official sponsor of the wines at the Macau Grand Prix,” says Luca Garelli, Export Sales Manager for Tenute d’Ita-lia who attended the Grand Prix this year. “It’s an opportunity to bring to-gether the people of Italy and Macau and to demonstrate that Italian wines are not only great for enjoying at lunches and dinners, but also for celebrat-ing other special occasions like this very important motorsports event. “Tenute d’Italia is an ambassador of many Italian wineries around the world. All these wineries have a very strong relationship with the land, history and culture, so Castel del Mago is not just a wine but a real ambassador of Italy.” Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay is featured on wine lists at many of the restaurants at Macau Fisherman’s Wharf.
96WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20239796CLOSER CELLAR |特寫酒窖96CLOSER CELLAR |特寫酒窖A Wine to Celebrate文 BY MARK PHILLIPS 譯 TRANSLATION ERRIS HO大利是一個與賽車運動有著深厚關係的國家,數十年來一直如此。在今年的第70屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車的頒獎典禮上就展現了這一場景:一眾冠軍選手在領獎台上舉杯慶祝,品嚐了一口細緻的意大利查爾多內白葡萄酒,然後將其潑灑在自己和隊友身上,這款葡萄酒來自位於皮埃蒙特地區的Vinchio Vaglio合作社。Vinchio Vaglio 合作社的出口部經理Tessa Donnadieu評論說:「Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay是古老的氣泡酒傳統的繼承,可以追溯到19世紀下半葉。當時,皮埃蒙特是意大利第一個開始生產氣泡酒的地區。」Tessa 對能夠成為澳門格蘭披治大賽車的70周年的一部分感到非常榮幸:「能夠被選中並使我們的品牌與賽車運動有所交集,這是一種難以置信的光榮,尤其賽車運動代表著傳統、奢華和專業技術。」Vinchio Vaglio合作社成立於1959年,最初由19名成員組成,如今已發展成擁有近200名企業家葡萄種植者的合作社。他們在蒙費拉托地區的500公頃土地上,種植在最佳山丘和小葡萄園中。正是在這裡種植了查爾多內和黑皮諾葡萄,用於生產Castel del Mago酒款。 Tessa跟我們解釋到,這款酒的名字意味著「魔法師的城堡」,它來自於一個由著名作家和政治家達維德·拉約洛(Davide Lajolo)創作的故事,當時他用它來描述瓦奇奧(Vinchio)和瓦利奧塞拉(Vaglio Serra)村莊之間瓦爾薩馬薩自然公園保護區最迷人和神秘的地方。葡萄園位於海拔250米的沙質和石灰質土壤上。這款酒呈明亮的黃色稻草色,帶有綠色的色調,氣泡細膩而持久。它具有濃郁、複雜、花香和果香的芳香。在口感上,這款酒風味豐富,帶有花香和果香的特點。這種酒非常易於入口,非常適合搭配開胃酒、輕盈的前菜或魚類菜餚。 Vinchio Vaglio與澳門格蘭披治大賽車的合作是由主辦方和當地進口商Savio Group Ltd以及意大利葡萄酒公司Tenute d'Italia達成的協議,Tenute d'Italia代表了亞洲地區(包括中國內地和澳門)的高品質意大利酒莊。Tenute d'Italia的出口銷售經理Luca Garelli在出席格蘭披治大賽車活動時表示:「能夠成為澳門格蘭披治大賽車的官方葡萄酒贊助商是一個巨大的榮譽。這是一個將意大利和澳門當地人集在一起的機會,並證明意大利葡萄酒不僅適合享用午餐和晚餐,也適合慶祝其他特殊場合,例如這個非常重要的賽車運動盛事。」Tenute d'Italia是許多意大利葡萄酒莊的全球大使。所有這些葡萄酒莊與土地、歷史和文化有著非常緊密的聯繫,因此Castel del Mago不僅僅是一款葡萄酒,更是意大利的真正大使。 Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay出現在澳門漁人碼頭的許多餐廳的葡萄酒菜單上。 Italy is a country that has had a deep and strong relationship with motor-sport over the decades, and as the many trophy ceremonies took place on the winner’s podium at this year’s 70th edition of the Macau Grand Prix, the victors celebrated by enjoying a bubbly mouthful of - and drenching themselves and teammates in - a fine Italian Chardonnay from the Vinchio Vaglio cooperative located in the Piedmont region. “Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay is the legacy of an ancient sparkling tradition which dates to the second half of the 19th century. At that time, Piedmont was the first Italian region to start producing sparkling wines,” comments Tessa Donnadieu - Export Manager for Vinchio Vaglio cooperative. “We are really honoured to be part of this important event, especially for the 70th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix. It is an in-credible privilege to have been chosen and have our brand associated with motor racing which is synonymous with tradition, luxury and know-how.” Founded in 1959 by the initial 19 members, today the cooperative in-cludes nearly 200 entrepreneurial winegrowers who plant on the best hills and small vineyards, among 500 hectares of territory in Monferrato. And this is where the Chardonnay and Pinot Nero grapes are grown to produce Castel del Mago. “The name of the wine means “the castle of the magician” and refers to a story written by a famous author and politician born in Vinchio, Davide Lajolo, when he used it to describe one of the most fascinating and mysteri-ous places of the Val Sarmassa Natural Park Reserve, a natural area between Vinchio and Vaglio Serra villages,” explains Tessa. “The vineyards are located on sandy and calcareous soils, 250 meters above sea level. The wine has a bright yellow straw colour with greenish hues and fine and persistent perlage. It has an intense, complex, floral and fruity bouquet. On the palate, the wine is savoury and confirms the floral and fruity aromas. It is very easy drinking and pairs perfectly with an aperi-tive, light starters or fish dishes.”Vinchio Vaglio’s collaboration with the Macau Grand Prix came about as a result of an agreement between the organisers and local importer Savio Group Ltd, and Italian wine company Tenute d’Italia, which represents high quality Italian wineries in Asia, including China and Macau. “It’s been a great honour to be the official sponsor of the wines at the Macau Grand Prix,” says Luca Garelli, Export Sales Manager for Tenute d’Ita-lia who attended the Grand Prix this year. “It’s an opportunity to bring to-gether the people of Italy and Macau and to demonstrate that Italian wines are not only great for enjoying at lunches and dinners, but also for celebrat-ing other special occasions like this very important motorsports event. “Tenute d’Italia is an ambassador of many Italian wineries around the world. All these wineries have a very strong relationship with the land, history and culture, so Castel del Mago is not just a wine but a real ambassador of Italy.” Castel del Mago Piemonte DOC Pinot Nero Chardonnay is featured on wine lists at many of the restaurants at Macau Fisherman’s Wharf.
98WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20239998It’s often said that when it comes to success in any business venture, timing is everything. In the case of the opening of fine dining Portuguese restaurant Mesa by José Avillez at The Karl Lagerfeld Hotel at Grand Lisboa Palace, the timing probably couldn’t have been worse – just as the global pandemic was starting! This meant that for the next two years or so, the man who was supposed to be leading the restaurant, award-winning Chef José Avillez, wasn’t able to come to the restaurant that was to bear his name. Adversity breeds innovation though, and not to be deterred, Chef Avillez trained his team online from Portugal so the restaurant could begin welcoming guests in his absence.Now that things are back to normal, Chef Avillez is naturally relieved to be able to return to Macau and to his restaurant, and we recently caught up with him on his third visit this year.“I came back for the first time at the beginning of this year to open the restaurant formally, and then came back again for the big opening of the Karl Lagerfeld Hotel. I think things are going well and we’re happy with 言道,在任何商業企業中,成功與時機密不可分。當味賞在The Karl Lagerfeld 澳門於上葡京開業時,疫情卻突然爆發。這意味著在接下來的兩年左右,原本應該領導這家餐廳、屢獲殊榮的廚師José Avillez無法親自到訪以他的名字命名的餐廳。然而,逆境孕育創新,José Avillez不屈不撓,透過線上方式從葡萄牙培訓他的團隊,讓餐廳在他的缺席下開始迎接客人。幸好現在一切已經恢復正常,José Avillez終於能回到澳門和他的餐廳,並已到訪澳門三次,我們最近有幸與他進行訪談。「對我來說,待客之道就是要適應我們的客人。」José Avillez強調,「我今年初第一次回來為餐廳開幕,然後再次回來參加 The Karl Lagerfeld 澳門酒店的盛大開幕。我認為事情進展順利,我們對我們所做的事情感到滿意,但我們仍在不斷學習當地客人的偏好並做出調整,這是在任何地方開設新餐廳時都必經過程之一。」An Evolution of Flavours文 BY MARK PHILLIPS 譯 TRANSLATION ERRIS HOwhat we are doing, but we’re still learning more and more about what the local guests prefer and adapting to that, which is part of the pro-cess everywhere when you open a new restaurant,” Chef Avillez notes. “For me, hospitality is all about adapting to our guests.” Meaning “Table” in Portuguese, Mesa by José Avillez offers con-temporary Portuguese cuisine inspired by the country’s tradition of sharing food and drink. The restaurant also features a beautifully ap-pointed bar offering a bespoke cocktail menu inspired by Portugal and Macau’s history and landmarks. Chef Avillez is perhaps most famous for becoming the first chef in Portugal to earn two Michelin stars for his restaurant Belcanto in Lisbon. Passionate about promoting Portuguese gastronomy to the world, he chose Macau for his latest culinary adventure and is excited about introducing his innovative dishes to guests.“The concept of the restaurant is contemporary Portuguese, which I think for some people is not really something that they can picture. It’s difficult to explain or to put a label on. The Portuguese were responsible for the first process of globalisation with the discoveries in the 15th cen-tury, so Portugal had this very exotic and fusion cuisine 500 years ago,” Chef notes. “For me that fusion is very inspiring, and for contemporary Portuguese cuisine, it’s about changing traditions, changing cooking pro-味賞的葡語名稱Mesa意即「餐桌」,象徵葡國樂聚分享的傳統。位於 The Karl Lagerfeld 澳門的餐廳與獲獎無數的葡萄牙菜主廚 José Avillez為里斯本摘下首個米芝蓮二星殊榮的世界知名葡籍大廚)聯袂,為澳門帶來上乘葡國料理。Avillez主廚致力將葡式風味推廣至世界各地,考慮到澳門是中葡文化匯聚的獨特之地,他選擇在此開展葡式美食推廣之旅,打造出現代葡菜的上乘滋味,向澳門的中西多元美食致敬。Avillez 主廚解釋:「這家餐廳的概念是當代葡萄牙料理,我認為對於有些人來說,這並不是他們能夠想像得到的。很難解釋或貼上一個標籤。葡萄牙在15世紀的大航海時代負責了全球化的第一個過程,所以葡萄牙在500年前就擁有這種非常異國風味且融合的料理。」對於葡萄牙料理,他指出,「有些人對於當代葡萄牙料理可能抱有一些成見,所以這也是一個有趣的學習過程。這實際上是對他們已知事物的進化。」「對我來說,這種融合是非常具有啟發性的,而對於當代葡萄牙料理來說,它涉及改變傳統、改變烹飪過程、改變上菜方式,但仍然保持了風味的本質。」這種創意表現的一個例子是José Avillez廚師的天婦羅錐,搭配金槍魚塔塔和辣味醬油,靈感來自他年輕時在海灘上吃的冰淇淋錐筒。另一道在澳門非常受歡迎的菜品則是一道在葡萄牙如今不太流行的傳統菜餚。 獲獎無數的葡萄牙菜主廚 José Avillez與味嘗攜手為澳門帶來上乘葡式風味料理。Award-winning Chef José Avillezoffers a contemporary take on Portuguese cuisine at Mesa
98WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 20239998It’s often said that when it comes to success in any business venture, timing is everything. In the case of the opening of fine dining Portuguese restaurant Mesa by José Avillez at The Karl Lagerfeld Hotel at Grand Lisboa Palace, the timing probably couldn’t have been worse – just as the global pandemic was starting! This meant that for the next two years or so, the man who was supposed to be leading the restaurant, award-winning Chef José Avillez, wasn’t able to come to the restaurant that was to bear his name. Adversity breeds innovation though, and not to be deterred, Chef Avillez trained his team online from Portugal so the restaurant could begin welcoming guests in his absence.Now that things are back to normal, Chef Avillez is naturally relieved to be able to return to Macau and to his restaurant, and we recently caught up with him on his third visit this year.“I came back for the first time at the beginning of this year to open the restaurant formally, and then came back again for the big opening of the Karl Lagerfeld Hotel. I think things are going well and we’re happy with 言道,在任何商業企業中,成功與時機密不可分。當味賞在The Karl Lagerfeld 澳門於上葡京開業時,疫情卻突然爆發。這意味著在接下來的兩年左右,原本應該領導這家餐廳、屢獲殊榮的廚師José Avillez無法親自到訪以他的名字命名的餐廳。然而,逆境孕育創新,José Avillez不屈不撓,透過線上方式從葡萄牙培訓他的團隊,讓餐廳在他的缺席下開始迎接客人。幸好現在一切已經恢復正常,José Avillez終於能回到澳門和他的餐廳,並已到訪澳門三次,我們最近有幸與他進行訪談。「對我來說,待客之道就是要適應我們的客人。」José Avillez強調,「我今年初第一次回來為餐廳開幕,然後再次回來參加 The Karl Lagerfeld 澳門酒店的盛大開幕。我認為事情進展順利,我們對我們所做的事情感到滿意,但我們仍在不斷學習當地客人的偏好並做出調整,這是在任何地方開設新餐廳時都必經過程之一。」An Evolution of Flavours文 BY MARK PHILLIPS 譯 TRANSLATION ERRIS HOwhat we are doing, but we’re still learning more and more about what the local guests prefer and adapting to that, which is part of the pro-cess everywhere when you open a new restaurant,” Chef Avillez notes. “For me, hospitality is all about adapting to our guests.” Meaning “Table” in Portuguese, Mesa by José Avillez offers con-temporary Portuguese cuisine inspired by the country’s tradition of sharing food and drink. The restaurant also features a beautifully ap-pointed bar offering a bespoke cocktail menu inspired by Portugal and Macau’s history and landmarks. Chef Avillez is perhaps most famous for becoming the first chef in Portugal to earn two Michelin stars for his restaurant Belcanto in Lisbon. Passionate about promoting Portuguese gastronomy to the world, he chose Macau for his latest culinary adventure and is excited about introducing his innovative dishes to guests.“The concept of the restaurant is contemporary Portuguese, which I think for some people is not really something that they can picture. It’s difficult to explain or to put a label on. The Portuguese were responsible for the first process of globalisation with the discoveries in the 15th cen-tury, so Portugal had this very exotic and fusion cuisine 500 years ago,” Chef notes. “For me that fusion is very inspiring, and for contemporary Portuguese cuisine, it’s about changing traditions, changing cooking pro-味賞的葡語名稱Mesa意即「餐桌」,象徵葡國樂聚分享的傳統。位於 The Karl Lagerfeld 澳門的餐廳與獲獎無數的葡萄牙菜主廚 José Avillez為里斯本摘下首個米芝蓮二星殊榮的世界知名葡籍大廚)聯袂,為澳門帶來上乘葡國料理。Avillez主廚致力將葡式風味推廣至世界各地,考慮到澳門是中葡文化匯聚的獨特之地,他選擇在此開展葡式美食推廣之旅,打造出現代葡菜的上乘滋味,向澳門的中西多元美食致敬。Avillez 主廚解釋:「這家餐廳的概念是當代葡萄牙料理,我認為對於有些人來說,這並不是他們能夠想像得到的。很難解釋或貼上一個標籤。葡萄牙在15世紀的大航海時代負責了全球化的第一個過程,所以葡萄牙在500年前就擁有這種非常異國風味且融合的料理。」對於葡萄牙料理,他指出,「有些人對於當代葡萄牙料理可能抱有一些成見,所以這也是一個有趣的學習過程。這實際上是對他們已知事物的進化。」「對我來說,這種融合是非常具有啟發性的,而對於當代葡萄牙料理來說,它涉及改變傳統、改變烹飪過程、改變上菜方式,但仍然保持了風味的本質。」這種創意表現的一個例子是José Avillez廚師的天婦羅錐,搭配金槍魚塔塔和辣味醬油,靈感來自他年輕時在海灘上吃的冰淇淋錐筒。另一道在澳門非常受歡迎的菜品則是一道在葡萄牙如今不太流行的傳統菜餚。 獲獎無數的葡萄牙菜主廚 José Avillez與味嘗攜手為澳門帶來上乘葡式風味料理。Award-winning Chef José Avillezoffers a contemporary take on Portuguese cuisine at Mesa
100WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023101cesses, changing the way you serve the dishes, but still maintaining the essence of the flavours.” “I think some people may have some preconceived ideas about what contemporary Portuguese cuisine is, so it’s a process of learn-ing, which is fun too. It’s really an evolution of something they al-ready know.”One example of this creative take is Chef’s Avillez’s Tempura Cone with tuna tartare and spicy soya, inspired by the ice cream cones that he used to eat by the beach in Portugal when he was young. Another dish that is in high demand here in Macau is a very traditional one that is actually not so popular in Portugal these days. “I cook pork trotters with cilantro which is very typical Portu-guese and I love it, but right now in Lisbon, you cannot sell it. The Portuguese don’t want it and the tourists don’t like it, but here in Macau, our Chinese guests love it.”In just the past decade, Chef Avillez has opened an impres-sive 20 restaurants, and along the way he has been the recipient of some very prestigious awards. In 2012, he opened the fully renovated Belcanto winning a Michelin star in the same year. Two years later Belcanto earned its second Michelin star and in 2019 was listed as one of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. In 2015 Chef Avillez was named “Chef of the Year” by WINE magazine and this year he was 33rd at the “The Best Chef Awards”. Mesa was also included in this year’s South China Morning Post – “100 Top Tables” listing. “We are not searching for awards, but I think it’s a conse-quence of our good work, an amazing team and of course some luck. You need to be working hard when luck finds you,” he says. “And I have the luck to be here in this beautiful restaurant, so we’re having fun.”While acknowledging the importance of the awards, Chef Avillez notes that it hasn’t changed his fundamental approach.“It’s amazing for Portugal and great for putting Portugal on the map, and it’s very motivating for the team. But for me, I never really celebrate. I just give my team a hug and we have a drink and get back to work. If you have your feet on the ground, you don’t change anything because of the stars.“What you need to do is take care of your teams, and take care of your guests. To cook is to care. And we go home happy when we see smiles on people faces.” Mesa by José Avillez Level 3, The Karl Lagerfeld MacauGrand Lisboa PalaceReservations: (853) 8881 1800「我烹飪的豬蹄薄荷菜就是非常典型的葡萄牙菜,我很喜歡,但現在在里斯本,你無法賣出它。葡萄牙人不喜歡它,遊客也不喜歡,但在澳門,我們的中國客人非常喜歡它。」在過去的十年裡,José Avillez廚師開設了20家有聲有色的餐廳,同時也獲得了一些非常負盛名的獎項。 2012年,他重新裝修的Belcanto餐廳開業,同年獲得了一顆米其林星。兩年後,Belcanto獲得了第二顆米芝蓮星,並在2019年入選了《世界最佳餐廳》的50強名單。2015年,José Avillez被《美酒世界》評為「年度廚師」,今年他在「The Best Chef Awards」中排名第33位。Mesa餐廳也入選了今年的2023 年度南華早報 – 《100 Top Tables》名單。 儘管承認獎項的重要性,José Avillez廚師強調這並未改變他的基本理念:「對葡萄牙來說,這是一件了不起的事情,因為獲獎有助於將葡萄牙推向國際舞台,同時也給團隊帶來了動力。但對我來說,我從未真正慶祝過。我只是給團隊一個擁抱,然後大家一起喝一杯酒。」他補充道:「我們並不是追求獎項,但我認為這是我們努力工作、優秀團隊和運氣的結果。但當運氣降臨時,你需要努力工作。」Avillez主廚認為「腳踏實地」比「星星」更為重要。他強調:「最重要的是照顧好你的團隊,關心好你的客人。烹飪就是關懷。當我們看到客人臉上露出微笑時,我們回家都會感到快樂。我很幸運能在這家美麗的餐廳工作。」味賞| 當代葡國菜 位置: The Karl Lagerfeld澳門上葡京綜合度假村三樓
100WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023101cesses, changing the way you serve the dishes, but still maintaining the essence of the flavours.” “I think some people may have some preconceived ideas about what contemporary Portuguese cuisine is, so it’s a process of learn-ing, which is fun too. It’s really an evolution of something they al-ready know.”One example of this creative take is Chef’s Avillez’s Tempura Cone with tuna tartare and spicy soya, inspired by the ice cream cones that he used to eat by the beach in Portugal when he was young. Another dish that is in high demand here in Macau is a very traditional one that is actually not so popular in Portugal these days. “I cook pork trotters with cilantro which is very typical Portu-guese and I love it, but right now in Lisbon, you cannot sell it. The Portuguese don’t want it and the tourists don’t like it, but here in Macau, our Chinese guests love it.”In just the past decade, Chef Avillez has opened an impres-sive 20 restaurants, and along the way he has been the recipient of some very prestigious awards. In 2012, he opened the fully renovated Belcanto winning a Michelin star in the same year. Two years later Belcanto earned its second Michelin star and in 2019 was listed as one of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. In 2015 Chef Avillez was named “Chef of the Year” by WINE magazine and this year he was 33rd at the “The Best Chef Awards”. Mesa was also included in this year’s South China Morning Post – “100 Top Tables” listing. “We are not searching for awards, but I think it’s a conse-quence of our good work, an amazing team and of course some luck. You need to be working hard when luck finds you,” he says. “And I have the luck to be here in this beautiful restaurant, so we’re having fun.”While acknowledging the importance of the awards, Chef Avillez notes that it hasn’t changed his fundamental approach.“It’s amazing for Portugal and great for putting Portugal on the map, and it’s very motivating for the team. But for me, I never really celebrate. I just give my team a hug and we have a drink and get back to work. If you have your feet on the ground, you don’t change anything because of the stars.“What you need to do is take care of your teams, and take care of your guests. To cook is to care. And we go home happy when we see smiles on people faces.” Mesa by José Avillez Level 3, The Karl Lagerfeld MacauGrand Lisboa PalaceReservations: (853) 8881 1800「我烹飪的豬蹄薄荷菜就是非常典型的葡萄牙菜,我很喜歡,但現在在里斯本,你無法賣出它。葡萄牙人不喜歡它,遊客也不喜歡,但在澳門,我們的中國客人非常喜歡它。」在過去的十年裡,José Avillez廚師開設了20家有聲有色的餐廳,同時也獲得了一些非常負盛名的獎項。 2012年,他重新裝修的Belcanto餐廳開業,同年獲得了一顆米其林星。兩年後,Belcanto獲得了第二顆米芝蓮星,並在2019年入選了《世界最佳餐廳》的50強名單。2015年,José Avillez被《美酒世界》評為「年度廚師」,今年他在「The Best Chef Awards」中排名第33位。Mesa餐廳也入選了今年的2023 年度南華早報 – 《100 Top Tables》名單。 儘管承認獎項的重要性,José Avillez廚師強調這並未改變他的基本理念:「對葡萄牙來說,這是一件了不起的事情,因為獲獎有助於將葡萄牙推向國際舞台,同時也給團隊帶來了動力。但對我來說,我從未真正慶祝過。我只是給團隊一個擁抱,然後大家一起喝一杯酒。」他補充道:「我們並不是追求獎項,但我認為這是我們努力工作、優秀團隊和運氣的結果。但當運氣降臨時,你需要努力工作。」Avillez主廚認為「腳踏實地」比「星星」更為重要。他強調:「最重要的是照顧好你的團隊,關心好你的客人。烹飪就是關懷。當我們看到客人臉上露出微笑時,我們回家都會感到快樂。我很幸運能在這家美麗的餐廳工作。」味賞| 當代葡國菜 位置: The Karl Lagerfeld澳門上葡京綜合度假村三樓
102WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023103Future Professions in the AI EraAs AI technology continues to evolve, let me boldly speculate on some of the emerging professions we might see in the future.AI Ethics Officer: The Guardian of AI MoralityWith the widespread application of AI, we urgently need guard-ians of morality, and that’s where AI Ethics Officers come in. Their mission is to ensure that AI design and application are both ethical and compliant. They play a crucial role in evaluat-ing the fairness and transparency of AI decisions, as well as their impact on privacy, while preventing biases and discrimination and protecting user privacy.AI Security Analyst: The Night Watchman of the Digital WorldAs AI penetrates every corner of human life, protecting it from cy-berattacks and misuse becomes paramount. AI Security Analysts are the night watchmen of the digital world, well-versed in the secrets of AI systems and acquainted with various cybersecurity strategies and tools. Their task is to ensure the safe and stable op-eration of AI systems, safeguarding our data from harm.AI-Assisted Psychotherapist: The Technological Shepherd of the MindWith increasing emphasis on mental health, the role of AI-Assist-ed Psychotherapists has emerged. They use AI tools and psycho-logical knowledge to provide precise mental health services to patients. By analyzing patients’ speech and behavior, they assist therapists in diagnosing and treating psychological issues more effectively, bringing more personalized support to patients.AI Ethics Lawyer: The Legal Guardian in the AI WorldThe rapid development of AI technology brings forth new legal and ethical challenges. AI Ethics Lawyers specialize in address-ing legal issues caused by AI applications, such as AI copyright, liability assignment, and privacy protection. They play a vital role in exploring the legal frontiers of the new era.AI Ecosystem Balancer: The Harmonizer of CoexistenceIn an environment where numerous AI systems and robots co-exist, ensuring their harmonious interaction and efficient opera-tion is essential. AI Ecosystem Balancers carry the responsibility of optimizing the interactions among these systems, maintaining the balance and efficiency of the entire AI ecosystem.My Reflections on the AI EraAI has not only introduced a range of new professions but also revolutionized our perspectives on work and life. With the con-tinuous advancement of technology, we’re set to witness an ar-ray of exciting career opportunities. As we step into the new era of AI, we all become participants in this transformation. Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Let’s seize these opportunities and stand at the fore-front of this wave.The Career Revolution in the Wave of Intelligence: How AI is Reshaping Our Work World智慧新浪潮下的職業革命:AI如何重塑我們的工作世界工智慧(AI)的蓬勃發展,讓我這個普通人也感到興奮,彷彿我也站在未來變革的門檻上。今年,AI徹底改變了我們的日常,不僅顛覆了生活方式,也讓我對AI重塑工作世界的可能性充滿期待。根據《ChatGPT相關領域就業洞察報告》透露,當下對AI人才的需求是五年前的近三倍。 特別是由ChatGPT驅動的人工智慧生成內容(AIGC)領域,新職位在過去一年增長了42.51%。這波浪潮中,湧現出了許多新興職業,如提示詞工程師、AI培訓師、AI敘事員等,激發了眾多人投身於AI領域的創業或就業熱潮。提示詞工程師這個新鮮職業,最早在美國求職網站Indeed上出現。一個AI初創公司招聘“AI提示詞工程師”,年薪高達17.5到33.5萬美金!這份工作是程式設計、指導和教學的完美融合。工作就是建立提示庫,説明大型語言模型完成各種任務。簡單說,AI提示詞工程師的工作就是把複雜任務拆成機器能懂的語言,提出具體需求,讓AI回答更精準。需要的不只是技術,還有與AI的溝通能力。因此,提示詞工程師要懂使用者需求,優化提示詞,讓AI更好服務使用者。人工智能訓練師人工智能訓練師的職責是設計並實施機器學習模型的訓練計劃。他們用各種技巧提高模型的性能,工作內容包括從數據中提取有用資訊,編寫訓練材料,並解決訓練過程中的問題。簡單來說,就是讓機器學會理解用戶的話。教機器識別同義詞,優化問題和答案。這不僅需要對語言有敏銳感知,還得有耐心。人工智慧訓練師是個技術含量高的工作,要成為一名訓練師,不僅需要學習AI基礎知識,還要關注AI科技的最新動向。WHAT SHE THINKS*MARKETING EXPLORER IN SHECONOMYBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERPHD STUDENT IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONannyalaianqi@gmail.com賴安琪 Annya Lai評論OPINION | 102AI敘事員這是個從寫作圈子裡湧現的新興職業,主要工作是利用基於ChatGPT的AI工具來寫網路文章和故事。與網上的洗稿軟體不同,AI工具創作的內容更獨特,近乎“原創”。 AI故事創作者每天的工作就是構思故事背景,然後細緻拆分。要拆得夠詳細,讓AI輸出的內容更加豐富真實。如果提問太廣泛,反饋就會泛泛而談,難以吸引人。一篇萬字故事,用AI工具半小時就能寫出來。 速度雖快,但偶爾會有邏輯問題,這時就需要AI故事創作者親自修改,確保故事流暢。未來新職業AI技術不斷發展,我在這裡斗膽猜想一下,未來將會湧現哪些相關的新興職業。AI倫理官:守護AI道德的使者AI將會被廣泛應用,我們急需一位道德守護者,這就是AI倫理官的使命。他們的工作是確保AI的設計和應用既道德又合規,比如評估AI決策的公正性和透明度,以及它對隱私的影響。他們在預防偏見和歧視、保護用戶隱私方面擔負著重要職責。AI安全分析師:數位世界的守夜人隨著AI技術深入人類生活的各個角落,保護它們免受網路攻擊和濫用變得尤為關鍵。AI安全分析師就像是數位世界的守夜人,他們深諳AI系統的奧秘,熟知網路安全的各種策略和工具。他們的任務是確保AI系統的安全穩定運行,保護我們的數據不受侵害。AI輔助心理治療師:心靈的技術護航者人們對心理健康越來越重視,AI輔助心理治療師這一職業應運而生。他們運用AI工具和心理學知識,為患者提供精準的心理健康服務。通過分析患者的言行,他們幫助治療師更有效地診斷和治療心理問題,同時為患者帶來更個性化的支援。AI倫理律師:AI世界的法律守护者隨著AI技術的快速發展,新的法律和倫理挑戰接踵而至。AI倫理律師專注於處理由AI應用引發的法律問題,如AI版權、責任歸屬和隱私保護等。他們在新時代的法律邊界探索中,扮演著至關重要的角色。AI生態系統平衡師:和諧共處的調和者在一個由眾多AI系統和機器人共存的環境中,如何確保它們和諧共處、高效運作?這就需要AI生態系統平衡師來擔此重任。他們的工作是優化這些系統的互動,保持整個AI生態系統的平衡和效率。我對AI時代的思考AI不僅為我們帶來了一批新興職業,還讓我們對工作和生活有了全新的看法。技術的不斷進步,我們會見證更多令人激動的職業機會。隨著AI新時代的到來,我們都是變革的參與者。史蒂夫·喬布斯說過:「創新區分領導者和追隨者。 」希望你我抓住機遇,站在浪前。The robust development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has me, an ordinary person, exhilarated, as if I’m standing on the threshold of future transformations.This year, AI has completely changed our day-to-day life, overturning not just the way we live, but also filling me with anticipation about how AI might reshape the world of work.According to the “ChatGPT Employment Insight Report”, the current demand for AI talents is nearly triple what it was five years ago. Particularly in the field of AI-generated content (AIGC), driv-en by ChatGPT, new job positions have grown by 42.51% in the past year. This wave has given rise to numerous emerging professions, such as Prompt Engineers, AI Trainers, and AI Storytellers, sparking a fervor among many to venture into or seek employment in the AI sector.Prompt EngineerThis fresh profession first appeared on the U.S. job site Indeed. An AI startup offered an eye-catching salary range of $175,000 to $335,000 per year for a “Prompt Engineer”. This role perfectly blends programming, guidance, and teaching. The main task is to build a prompt library to assist large language models in accom-plishing various tasks. In simple terms, a Prompt Engineer’s job is to break down complex tasks into language understandable by machines, formulating specific queries for more accurate AI re-sponses. This role requires not just technical skills but also the ability to communicate effectively with AI. Prompt Engineers need to understand user needs, optimize prompts, and enhance AI’s ser-vice to users.AI TrainerAn AI Trainer is responsible for designing and implementing train-ing programs for machine learning models. They employ various techniques to improve model performance, which includes ex-tracting valuable information from data, creating training materi-als, and addressing issues during the training process. Simply put, they teach machines to understand human language. This involves teaching the machine to recognize synonyms and optimizing ques-tions and answers. This role requires not only a keen understanding of language but also patience. Being an AI Trainer is a technically demanding job. To become one, it’s crucial to learn the basics of AI and stay updated on the latest trends in AI technology.AI StorytellerEmerging from the writing community, the AI Storyteller is a new profession that involves using AI tools like ChatGPT to write web ar-ticles and stories. Unlike online content spinning tools, AI-produced content is more unique and almost “original”. An AI Storyteller’s daily task is to conceive a story background and then break it down in detail. This thorough breakdown ensures richer and more realis-tic content from AI. If the queries are too broad, the output will be vague and less engaging. With AI tools, a 10,000-word story can be written in just half an hour. Although fast, sometimes there are logi-cal flaws, requiring AI Storytellers to personally revise the content to ensure a smooth narrative flow.
102WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023103Future Professions in the AI EraAs AI technology continues to evolve, let me boldly speculate on some of the emerging professions we might see in the future.AI Ethics Officer: The Guardian of AI MoralityWith the widespread application of AI, we urgently need guard-ians of morality, and that’s where AI Ethics Officers come in. Their mission is to ensure that AI design and application are both ethical and compliant. They play a crucial role in evaluat-ing the fairness and transparency of AI decisions, as well as their impact on privacy, while preventing biases and discrimination and protecting user privacy.AI Security Analyst: The Night Watchman of the Digital WorldAs AI penetrates every corner of human life, protecting it from cy-berattacks and misuse becomes paramount. AI Security Analysts are the night watchmen of the digital world, well-versed in the secrets of AI systems and acquainted with various cybersecurity strategies and tools. Their task is to ensure the safe and stable op-eration of AI systems, safeguarding our data from harm.AI-Assisted Psychotherapist: The Technological Shepherd of the MindWith increasing emphasis on mental health, the role of AI-Assist-ed Psychotherapists has emerged. They use AI tools and psycho-logical knowledge to provide precise mental health services to patients. By analyzing patients’ speech and behavior, they assist therapists in diagnosing and treating psychological issues more effectively, bringing more personalized support to patients.AI Ethics Lawyer: The Legal Guardian in the AI WorldThe rapid development of AI technology brings forth new legal and ethical challenges. AI Ethics Lawyers specialize in address-ing legal issues caused by AI applications, such as AI copyright, liability assignment, and privacy protection. They play a vital role in exploring the legal frontiers of the new era.AI Ecosystem Balancer: The Harmonizer of CoexistenceIn an environment where numerous AI systems and robots co-exist, ensuring their harmonious interaction and efficient opera-tion is essential. AI Ecosystem Balancers carry the responsibility of optimizing the interactions among these systems, maintaining the balance and efficiency of the entire AI ecosystem.My Reflections on the AI EraAI has not only introduced a range of new professions but also revolutionized our perspectives on work and life. With the con-tinuous advancement of technology, we’re set to witness an ar-ray of exciting career opportunities. As we step into the new era of AI, we all become participants in this transformation. Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Let’s seize these opportunities and stand at the fore-front of this wave.The Career Revolution in the Wave of Intelligence: How AI is Reshaping Our Work World智慧新浪潮下的職業革命:AI如何重塑我們的工作世界工智慧(AI)的蓬勃發展,讓我這個普通人也感到興奮,彷彿我也站在未來變革的門檻上。今年,AI徹底改變了我們的日常,不僅顛覆了生活方式,也讓我對AI重塑工作世界的可能性充滿期待。根據《ChatGPT相關領域就業洞察報告》透露,當下對AI人才的需求是五年前的近三倍。 特別是由ChatGPT驅動的人工智慧生成內容(AIGC)領域,新職位在過去一年增長了42.51%。這波浪潮中,湧現出了許多新興職業,如提示詞工程師、AI培訓師、AI敘事員等,激發了眾多人投身於AI領域的創業或就業熱潮。提示詞工程師這個新鮮職業,最早在美國求職網站Indeed上出現。一個AI初創公司招聘“AI提示詞工程師”,年薪高達17.5到33.5萬美金!這份工作是程式設計、指導和教學的完美融合。工作就是建立提示庫,説明大型語言模型完成各種任務。簡單說,AI提示詞工程師的工作就是把複雜任務拆成機器能懂的語言,提出具體需求,讓AI回答更精準。需要的不只是技術,還有與AI的溝通能力。因此,提示詞工程師要懂使用者需求,優化提示詞,讓AI更好服務使用者。人工智能訓練師人工智能訓練師的職責是設計並實施機器學習模型的訓練計劃。他們用各種技巧提高模型的性能,工作內容包括從數據中提取有用資訊,編寫訓練材料,並解決訓練過程中的問題。簡單來說,就是讓機器學會理解用戶的話。教機器識別同義詞,優化問題和答案。這不僅需要對語言有敏銳感知,還得有耐心。人工智慧訓練師是個技術含量高的工作,要成為一名訓練師,不僅需要學習AI基礎知識,還要關注AI科技的最新動向。WHAT SHE THINKS*MARKETING EXPLORER IN SHECONOMYBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERPHD STUDENT IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONannyalaianqi@gmail.com賴安琪 Annya Lai評論OPINION | 102AI敘事員這是個從寫作圈子裡湧現的新興職業,主要工作是利用基於ChatGPT的AI工具來寫網路文章和故事。與網上的洗稿軟體不同,AI工具創作的內容更獨特,近乎“原創”。 AI故事創作者每天的工作就是構思故事背景,然後細緻拆分。要拆得夠詳細,讓AI輸出的內容更加豐富真實。如果提問太廣泛,反饋就會泛泛而談,難以吸引人。一篇萬字故事,用AI工具半小時就能寫出來。 速度雖快,但偶爾會有邏輯問題,這時就需要AI故事創作者親自修改,確保故事流暢。未來新職業AI技術不斷發展,我在這裡斗膽猜想一下,未來將會湧現哪些相關的新興職業。AI倫理官:守護AI道德的使者AI將會被廣泛應用,我們急需一位道德守護者,這就是AI倫理官的使命。他們的工作是確保AI的設計和應用既道德又合規,比如評估AI決策的公正性和透明度,以及它對隱私的影響。他們在預防偏見和歧視、保護用戶隱私方面擔負著重要職責。AI安全分析師:數位世界的守夜人隨著AI技術深入人類生活的各個角落,保護它們免受網路攻擊和濫用變得尤為關鍵。AI安全分析師就像是數位世界的守夜人,他們深諳AI系統的奧秘,熟知網路安全的各種策略和工具。他們的任務是確保AI系統的安全穩定運行,保護我們的數據不受侵害。AI輔助心理治療師:心靈的技術護航者人們對心理健康越來越重視,AI輔助心理治療師這一職業應運而生。他們運用AI工具和心理學知識,為患者提供精準的心理健康服務。通過分析患者的言行,他們幫助治療師更有效地診斷和治療心理問題,同時為患者帶來更個性化的支援。AI倫理律師:AI世界的法律守护者隨著AI技術的快速發展,新的法律和倫理挑戰接踵而至。AI倫理律師專注於處理由AI應用引發的法律問題,如AI版權、責任歸屬和隱私保護等。他們在新時代的法律邊界探索中,扮演著至關重要的角色。AI生態系統平衡師:和諧共處的調和者在一個由眾多AI系統和機器人共存的環境中,如何確保它們和諧共處、高效運作?這就需要AI生態系統平衡師來擔此重任。他們的工作是優化這些系統的互動,保持整個AI生態系統的平衡和效率。我對AI時代的思考AI不僅為我們帶來了一批新興職業,還讓我們對工作和生活有了全新的看法。技術的不斷進步,我們會見證更多令人激動的職業機會。隨著AI新時代的到來,我們都是變革的參與者。史蒂夫·喬布斯說過:「創新區分領導者和追隨者。 」希望你我抓住機遇,站在浪前。The robust development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has me, an ordinary person, exhilarated, as if I’m standing on the threshold of future transformations.This year, AI has completely changed our day-to-day life, overturning not just the way we live, but also filling me with anticipation about how AI might reshape the world of work.According to the “ChatGPT Employment Insight Report”, the current demand for AI talents is nearly triple what it was five years ago. Particularly in the field of AI-generated content (AIGC), driv-en by ChatGPT, new job positions have grown by 42.51% in the past year. This wave has given rise to numerous emerging professions, such as Prompt Engineers, AI Trainers, and AI Storytellers, sparking a fervor among many to venture into or seek employment in the AI sector.Prompt EngineerThis fresh profession first appeared on the U.S. job site Indeed. An AI startup offered an eye-catching salary range of $175,000 to $335,000 per year for a “Prompt Engineer”. This role perfectly blends programming, guidance, and teaching. The main task is to build a prompt library to assist large language models in accom-plishing various tasks. In simple terms, a Prompt Engineer’s job is to break down complex tasks into language understandable by machines, formulating specific queries for more accurate AI re-sponses. This role requires not just technical skills but also the ability to communicate effectively with AI. Prompt Engineers need to understand user needs, optimize prompts, and enhance AI’s ser-vice to users.AI TrainerAn AI Trainer is responsible for designing and implementing train-ing programs for machine learning models. They employ various techniques to improve model performance, which includes ex-tracting valuable information from data, creating training materi-als, and addressing issues during the training process. Simply put, they teach machines to understand human language. This involves teaching the machine to recognize synonyms and optimizing ques-tions and answers. This role requires not only a keen understanding of language but also patience. Being an AI Trainer is a technically demanding job. To become one, it’s crucial to learn the basics of AI and stay updated on the latest trends in AI technology.AI StorytellerEmerging from the writing community, the AI Storyteller is a new profession that involves using AI tools like ChatGPT to write web ar-ticles and stories. Unlike online content spinning tools, AI-produced content is more unique and almost “original”. An AI Storyteller’s daily task is to conceive a story background and then break it down in detail. This thorough breakdown ensures richer and more realis-tic content from AI. If the queries are too broad, the output will be vague and less engaging. With AI tools, a 10,000-word story can be written in just half an hour. Although fast, sometimes there are logi-cal flaws, requiring AI Storytellers to personally revise the content to ensure a smooth narrative flow.
104WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023105HOME AFFAIRS |家居出生於莫桑比克,成長於南非,葡萄牙籍的母親Manuela Sotero於1999年搬到了澳門。她帶著兩個年幼的孩子和熱情的非洲情懷來到這裡。不久之後,丈夫António也跟隨而來,在澳門落地生根,並有了自己的家。文 BY SUZANNE WATKINSON 譯 TRANSLATION ERRIS HO圖PHOTOS MARK PHILLIPS104Born in Mozambique and raised in South Africa, Portuguese wife and mother Manuela Sotero moved to Macau in 1999. She brought with her two young children and a soul full of Africa. Husband António followed soon after and the family quickly made Macau their home.Manuela Sotero and husband António first visited Macau on holiday. It was back in 1995 when they were starting to be concerned that violence and personal security was becoming more of an is-sue in their adopted home of South Africa. Manuela’s sister and brother-in-law were already based in Macau and urged them to seek a safer, gentler life here.It was not until four years later in 1999 that they re-turned, initially enroute to starting a new life in Australia. “When we moved here, our son António was seven, and our daughter Ana Cláudia was 11. Our original plan was to move to Australia and Macau was just to be a stepping stone, but when we arrived we both immediately got jobs, began making friends and settling in,” says Manuela. “I worked for seven years for what is now the Macao Foundation and then was invited to work as an office administrator advisor for BNU/CGD where I had 12 very happy years. António worked for the Tourism Department on the preparations for the Han-dover Ceremony (December 1999). Soon after he joined the law firm C&C as Coordinator.”But let’s go back a little in time; Manuela has such fas-cinating stories to tell of her earlier years. Born in Mozam-bique of Portuguese parents “I was fourth generation, my great grandmother moved to Mozambique when she was only 15; she was the youngest Portuguese girl there at the time. Dad, who was a hard-working entrepreneur jack-of-all-trades, had various business interests from properties and investments to even a large print shop.” But living in the south of Mozambique, only about 75 miles from Eswatini and South Africa, “his principal business was recruitment liaison between Mozambique’s capital and largest city Lourenço Marques, now Maputo, and the mines in South Africa.” During the early 70’s, political instability and civil unrest led to an exodus of many in Mozambique, including Manue-la’s family, who took safe-haven in nearby South Africa. She tells of a hair-raising car journey in 1974, fleeing across the border in a 3-car convoy. ”The cars were packed tightly with our possessions, you couldn’t see out of the windows. We got to the border and the soldiers manning the gates wanted to inspect all our things. Thankfully Dad’s African business associate and close family friend Alberto traveling with us helped persuade them not to and we went through without further incident.”An African SoulManuela Sotero和丈夫António最初於1995年來澳門度假。當時,南非的暴力和安全問題已經每況愈下,讓他們非常擔心。Manuela的姐姐和姐夫已在澳門定居,他們希望Manuela和António與他們一樣找到一個更安全和平靜的生活環境。經過四年的時間,即是1999年時,Manuela和António再次回到澳門,那時他們正在籌備搬到澳洲。Manuela描述回到澳門的情景:「當我們搬到時,澳門我們的兒子António只有七歲,女兒Ana Cláudia則是十一歲。我們最初的計劃是搬到澳洲,澳門只是過渡的地方,但是當我們到達後,我們很順利在澳門找到了工作、交了朋友,並開始安頓下來。」Manuela現於澳門基金會工作了七年時間,後來被邀請到BNU/CGD擔任辦公室管理顧問。「我在那裡度過了十二年愉快的時光。我的兒子António就在旅遊局工作,並參與了1999年12月進行交接典禮的籌備工作。不久之後,他加入了C&C律師事務所擔任協調員。」Manuela童年時代有一段驚險的故事。她出生於莫桑比克,是葡萄牙裔的父母。「我是第四代,我的曾祖母在她只有15歲的時候就搬到了莫桑比克,當時她是那裡最年輕的葡萄牙女孩。我的父親是一位勤奮的企業家,他從房地產和投資到甚至擁有一家大型印刷廠,涉獵各種事業。當時他們一家生活在莫桑比克南部,即距離斯威士蘭和南非僅有約75英里。「我父親的主要業務是莫桑比克首都和最大城市勞倫索馬爾克斯(現稱馬普托)以及南非礦區之間的招聘工作」。在70年代初期,莫桑比克的政治不穩定和社會動盪導致許多人紛紛離開,包括Manuela的家人,他們終於在南非附近的地方獲得庇護。其中發生在1974年的一次公路逃生旅程更是相當驚險。那時他們分成三輛車一起逃離邊境。她憶述:「車上擠滿了我們的行李財物,窗戶望去烏黑一片。我們到達邊境時,守衛要求檢查我們的行李。幸好父親的非洲商人好朋友Alberto說服了他們不再檢查,我們才順利通過了邊境,沒有發生意外。」
104WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023105HOME AFFAIRS |家居出生於莫桑比克,成長於南非,葡萄牙籍的母親Manuela Sotero於1999年搬到了澳門。她帶著兩個年幼的孩子和熱情的非洲情懷來到這裡。不久之後,丈夫António也跟隨而來,在澳門落地生根,並有了自己的家。文 BY SUZANNE WATKINSON 譯 TRANSLATION ERRIS HO圖PHOTOS MARK PHILLIPS104Born in Mozambique and raised in South Africa, Portuguese wife and mother Manuela Sotero moved to Macau in 1999. She brought with her two young children and a soul full of Africa. Husband António followed soon after and the family quickly made Macau their home.Manuela Sotero and husband António first visited Macau on holiday. It was back in 1995 when they were starting to be concerned that violence and personal security was becoming more of an is-sue in their adopted home of South Africa. Manuela’s sister and brother-in-law were already based in Macau and urged them to seek a safer, gentler life here.It was not until four years later in 1999 that they re-turned, initially enroute to starting a new life in Australia. “When we moved here, our son António was seven, and our daughter Ana Cláudia was 11. Our original plan was to move to Australia and Macau was just to be a stepping stone, but when we arrived we both immediately got jobs, began making friends and settling in,” says Manuela. “I worked for seven years for what is now the Macao Foundation and then was invited to work as an office administrator advisor for BNU/CGD where I had 12 very happy years. António worked for the Tourism Department on the preparations for the Han-dover Ceremony (December 1999). Soon after he joined the law firm C&C as Coordinator.”But let’s go back a little in time; Manuela has such fas-cinating stories to tell of her earlier years. Born in Mozam-bique of Portuguese parents “I was fourth generation, my great grandmother moved to Mozambique when she was only 15; she was the youngest Portuguese girl there at the time. Dad, who was a hard-working entrepreneur jack-of-all-trades, had various business interests from properties and investments to even a large print shop.” But living in the south of Mozambique, only about 75 miles from Eswatini and South Africa, “his principal business was recruitment liaison between Mozambique’s capital and largest city Lourenço Marques, now Maputo, and the mines in South Africa.” During the early 70’s, political instability and civil unrest led to an exodus of many in Mozambique, including Manue-la’s family, who took safe-haven in nearby South Africa. She tells of a hair-raising car journey in 1974, fleeing across the border in a 3-car convoy. ”The cars were packed tightly with our possessions, you couldn’t see out of the windows. We got to the border and the soldiers manning the gates wanted to inspect all our things. Thankfully Dad’s African business associate and close family friend Alberto traveling with us helped persuade them not to and we went through without further incident.”An African SoulManuela Sotero和丈夫António最初於1995年來澳門度假。當時,南非的暴力和安全問題已經每況愈下,讓他們非常擔心。Manuela的姐姐和姐夫已在澳門定居,他們希望Manuela和António與他們一樣找到一個更安全和平靜的生活環境。經過四年的時間,即是1999年時,Manuela和António再次回到澳門,那時他們正在籌備搬到澳洲。Manuela描述回到澳門的情景:「當我們搬到時,澳門我們的兒子António只有七歲,女兒Ana Cláudia則是十一歲。我們最初的計劃是搬到澳洲,澳門只是過渡的地方,但是當我們到達後,我們很順利在澳門找到了工作、交了朋友,並開始安頓下來。」Manuela現於澳門基金會工作了七年時間,後來被邀請到BNU/CGD擔任辦公室管理顧問。「我在那裡度過了十二年愉快的時光。我的兒子António就在旅遊局工作,並參與了1999年12月進行交接典禮的籌備工作。不久之後,他加入了C&C律師事務所擔任協調員。」Manuela童年時代有一段驚險的故事。她出生於莫桑比克,是葡萄牙裔的父母。「我是第四代,我的曾祖母在她只有15歲的時候就搬到了莫桑比克,當時她是那裡最年輕的葡萄牙女孩。我的父親是一位勤奮的企業家,他從房地產和投資到甚至擁有一家大型印刷廠,涉獵各種事業。當時他們一家生活在莫桑比克南部,即距離斯威士蘭和南非僅有約75英里。「我父親的主要業務是莫桑比克首都和最大城市勞倫索馬爾克斯(現稱馬普托)以及南非礦區之間的招聘工作」。在70年代初期,莫桑比克的政治不穩定和社會動盪導致許多人紛紛離開,包括Manuela的家人,他們終於在南非附近的地方獲得庇護。其中發生在1974年的一次公路逃生旅程更是相當驚險。那時他們分成三輛車一起逃離邊境。她憶述:「車上擠滿了我們的行李財物,窗戶望去烏黑一片。我們到達邊境時,守衛要求檢查我們的行李。幸好父親的非洲商人好朋友Alberto說服了他們不再檢查,我們才順利通過了邊境,沒有發生意外。」
106WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023107“We were refugees fleeing a frightening uprising in our birth country. South Africa welcomed us and other Portuguese families warmly, providing us with a house and furniture. There was a lovely garden, huge, all grass and at the end a Chinese-style area. As a young child it was magical. And to our surprise there were no fenc-es, something we’d not been used to in Mozambique. Our furniture followed from Mozambique, and our beloved Dachshund Pantufa was smuggled through in one of the cabinets - he didn’t make a sound during the whole journey and at the other end jumped out and barked with joy!”Ever since she was about nine years old Manuela’s passion has been in beads and beadmaking. “My love of beads started back in Mozambique. Dad would go to a huge market in Lourenço Marques and would bring home pret-ty beads for me. I started stringing them along. When we moved to South Africa I continued working with beads, learning techniques here and there. My cousin Mariza taught me one technique and with this I made a necklace. One day when I was about 15, my cous-in and I went shopping and looked in at a little boutique called Off 「我們是因為國家持續的動蕩起義而逃離家園。我們很感恩南非熱情接待了我們和其他葡萄牙家庭,為我們安排房子和家具。房子有一個可愛和寬闊的花園,一片綠草如茵。去到盡頭是一個中式的廳。對於一個年幼的孩子來說非常神奇。我們驚訝的是,這里沒有圍欄,這對我們在莫桑比克生活是不常見的。而我們的家具也是從莫桑比克運來的,我們心愛的臘腸犬Pantufa也是裝在一個櫃子裡偷運過來的。當時Pantufa一路上一聲不吭,直到到達目的地才高興地跳出來狂吠!」她笑著回憶。Manuela從九歲開始就對珠子和珠寶製作充滿熱情,現在澳門擁有自己的珠寶品牌。「我對珠子的熱愛始於莫桑比克。爸爸會去勞倫索馬爾克斯的一個大市場,給我帶回漂亮的珠子,就在那時開始我開始喜歡串珠子。當我們搬到南非後,我繼續與珠子一起工作,逐漸學習各種技巧。我的表妹Mariza教了我一種技法,我用它製作了一條項鍊。有一天,我大約15歲的時候,我和表妹一起去購物,逛了一家叫做『Off the Peg』的小精品店。店主稱讚我那時戴著自己做的項鍊,並問我是否能為店裡獨家製作一些珠寶來出售。那是我第一次開始自己的小生意,亦是如今我的珠寶公司Maalé - Design. Creations的起源。」the Peg. I was wearing my necklace and the boutique owner ad-mired it and asked if I could make some exclusively for the shop to sell – my first business venture!” and the genesis of what is now Manuela’s beaded jewelry company Maalé – Design. Creations.Fast forward a few years and Manuela’s artistic talents were in full swing as she sold her jewelry and charming hand-painted ceramics in several curio shops that she and her husband António owned. Theirs was a successful business of five shops and 14 vend-ing machines operating in the Wild Coast Sun resort and casino, a 2-hour drive from Durban on a strip of coastline along the Eastern Cape province. The Soteros’ first home in Macau was in Nova Taipa Gardens for seven years, then La Baie du Noble for 14 years. And now, for the past three years they have been living in Tjoi Long Meng Chu, Pearl Dragon Building on the north shore of Taipa. “We’ve been lucky and are very happy here.”Their 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home has a terrace with views down over the pool and further out to the outer harbour. One of the bedrooms is set up as Manuela’s atelier-studio; a bright sunny room from which she can gaze out towards Macau Tower and seek inspiration!For the rest of the home, how would Manuela describe her interi-or design? “My heart is basically the same as my home – it’s a mixture of strong African roots and South East Asian flair. You can take an Afri-can out of Africa, but you can’t take Africa out of the African!”數年後,憑著Manuela的藝術天賦和生意頭腦,她和丈夫經營的幾家古玩店出售自己的珠寶和手繪陶瓷,生意非常成功,隨後便擴張在東開普省的太陽海岸酒店和賭場,經營著 5 家商店和 14台自動販賣機。該度假村位於開普省東部的一段美麗海岸線上,距離德班僅需兩小時車程。他們夫婦兩人在澳門的第一個家是在濠景花園,住了七年後搬到了海名居,再住了十四年。最近三年,他們住在氹仔聚龍明珠。「我們非常幸運找到現在這個家,我們非常喜歡這裡。」他們的三房兩衛住宅擁有一個露台,可以俯瞰游泳池,遠眺外港。其中一個臥室被設置成Manuela的工作室,這個明亮陽光充足的房間可以讓她凝視著澳門塔,吸收靈感。來自非洲的Manuela自豪地說:「我的家一樣代表著我的內心,同樣融合了強烈的非洲根源和東南亞風情。你可以把非洲人帶出非洲,但無法將非洲魂從非洲人身上抹去!」木質沙發、木條椅子、圓形邊桌、古董玻璃櫃也來自南非,裡面有她自己最喜歡的手繪陶瓷,這些陶瓷是她以前在商店裡製作和出售的。入口處的鍛鐵桌子在Manuela心中有個特別的位置——它原本放在她兄弟家的入口處,她把它精心修復了一番。在Manuela喜歡重新利用舊物,讓這些東西重獲新生。她曾修復一張被丟棄的漂亮書桌,又回收過在氹仔花城附近一家二手店找到的中式雕花小箱子。她笑著說:「那個箱子裡面裝滿了燈泡,比箱子還值錢呢!」她家中的餐桌椅來自澳門一個已搬走的家庭:「我對它們一見鐘情,我愛上了這些椅子,很高興能買下它們。我的紅色高腳椅也是他們送的。」HOME AFFAIRS |家居
106WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023107“We were refugees fleeing a frightening uprising in our birth country. South Africa welcomed us and other Portuguese families warmly, providing us with a house and furniture. There was a lovely garden, huge, all grass and at the end a Chinese-style area. As a young child it was magical. And to our surprise there were no fenc-es, something we’d not been used to in Mozambique. Our furniture followed from Mozambique, and our beloved Dachshund Pantufa was smuggled through in one of the cabinets - he didn’t make a sound during the whole journey and at the other end jumped out and barked with joy!”Ever since she was about nine years old Manuela’s passion has been in beads and beadmaking. “My love of beads started back in Mozambique. Dad would go to a huge market in Lourenço Marques and would bring home pret-ty beads for me. I started stringing them along. When we moved to South Africa I continued working with beads, learning techniques here and there. My cousin Mariza taught me one technique and with this I made a necklace. One day when I was about 15, my cous-in and I went shopping and looked in at a little boutique called Off 「我們是因為國家持續的動蕩起義而逃離家園。我們很感恩南非熱情接待了我們和其他葡萄牙家庭,為我們安排房子和家具。房子有一個可愛和寬闊的花園,一片綠草如茵。去到盡頭是一個中式的廳。對於一個年幼的孩子來說非常神奇。我們驚訝的是,這里沒有圍欄,這對我們在莫桑比克生活是不常見的。而我們的家具也是從莫桑比克運來的,我們心愛的臘腸犬Pantufa也是裝在一個櫃子裡偷運過來的。當時Pantufa一路上一聲不吭,直到到達目的地才高興地跳出來狂吠!」她笑著回憶。Manuela從九歲開始就對珠子和珠寶製作充滿熱情,現在澳門擁有自己的珠寶品牌。「我對珠子的熱愛始於莫桑比克。爸爸會去勞倫索馬爾克斯的一個大市場,給我帶回漂亮的珠子,就在那時開始我開始喜歡串珠子。當我們搬到南非後,我繼續與珠子一起工作,逐漸學習各種技巧。我的表妹Mariza教了我一種技法,我用它製作了一條項鍊。有一天,我大約15歲的時候,我和表妹一起去購物,逛了一家叫做『Off the Peg』的小精品店。店主稱讚我那時戴著自己做的項鍊,並問我是否能為店裡獨家製作一些珠寶來出售。那是我第一次開始自己的小生意,亦是如今我的珠寶公司Maalé - Design. Creations的起源。」the Peg. I was wearing my necklace and the boutique owner ad-mired it and asked if I could make some exclusively for the shop to sell – my first business venture!” and the genesis of what is now Manuela’s beaded jewelry company Maalé – Design. Creations.Fast forward a few years and Manuela’s artistic talents were in full swing as she sold her jewelry and charming hand-painted ceramics in several curio shops that she and her husband António owned. Theirs was a successful business of five shops and 14 vend-ing machines operating in the Wild Coast Sun resort and casino, a 2-hour drive from Durban on a strip of coastline along the Eastern Cape province. The Soteros’ first home in Macau was in Nova Taipa Gardens for seven years, then La Baie du Noble for 14 years. And now, for the past three years they have been living in Tjoi Long Meng Chu, Pearl Dragon Building on the north shore of Taipa. “We’ve been lucky and are very happy here.”Their 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home has a terrace with views down over the pool and further out to the outer harbour. One of the bedrooms is set up as Manuela’s atelier-studio; a bright sunny room from which she can gaze out towards Macau Tower and seek inspiration!For the rest of the home, how would Manuela describe her interi-or design? “My heart is basically the same as my home – it’s a mixture of strong African roots and South East Asian flair. You can take an Afri-can out of Africa, but you can’t take Africa out of the African!”數年後,憑著Manuela的藝術天賦和生意頭腦,她和丈夫經營的幾家古玩店出售自己的珠寶和手繪陶瓷,生意非常成功,隨後便擴張在東開普省的太陽海岸酒店和賭場,經營著 5 家商店和 14台自動販賣機。該度假村位於開普省東部的一段美麗海岸線上,距離德班僅需兩小時車程。他們夫婦兩人在澳門的第一個家是在濠景花園,住了七年後搬到了海名居,再住了十四年。最近三年,他們住在氹仔聚龍明珠。「我們非常幸運找到現在這個家,我們非常喜歡這裡。」他們的三房兩衛住宅擁有一個露台,可以俯瞰游泳池,遠眺外港。其中一個臥室被設置成Manuela的工作室,這個明亮陽光充足的房間可以讓她凝視著澳門塔,吸收靈感。來自非洲的Manuela自豪地說:「我的家一樣代表著我的內心,同樣融合了強烈的非洲根源和東南亞風情。你可以把非洲人帶出非洲,但無法將非洲魂從非洲人身上抹去!」木質沙發、木條椅子、圓形邊桌、古董玻璃櫃也來自南非,裡面有她自己最喜歡的手繪陶瓷,這些陶瓷是她以前在商店裡製作和出售的。入口處的鍛鐵桌子在Manuela心中有個特別的位置——它原本放在她兄弟家的入口處,她把它精心修復了一番。在Manuela喜歡重新利用舊物,讓這些東西重獲新生。她曾修復一張被丟棄的漂亮書桌,又回收過在氹仔花城附近一家二手店找到的中式雕花小箱子。她笑著說:「那個箱子裡面裝滿了燈泡,比箱子還值錢呢!」她家中的餐桌椅來自澳門一個已搬走的家庭:「我對它們一見鐘情,我愛上了這些椅子,很高興能買下它們。我的紅色高腳椅也是他們送的。」HOME AFFAIRS |家居
108WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023109109From South Africa came the wood sofa, the wood slat-ted chair and round side table. The antique glass-fronted cabinet is also from South Africa, where she keeps favourite pieces of the hand-painted ceramics she used to make and sell in their shops. A wrought iron table at the entrance has a special place in Manuela’s heart – originally placed at the entrance of her brother’s home, she had it lovingly restored. When she finds damaged or discarded furniture Manuela likes to try to save it. “I love repurposing, to bring these things back to life.” A handsome roll top desk she found discarded was cleaned and restored. As was the little carved Chinese chest which had been thrown out by a second-hand shop near Lo-tus Garden in Taipa. “It was filled with light bulbs that were even more valu-able than the chest!” she smiles. The dining table and chairs came from a family that was moving house in Macau: “I loved them at first sight; I fell in love with the chairs and was so happy I could buy them. My tall red chairs also came from them.”Other treasured possessions include African framed art-work on the walls and a handmade chess set of African polit-ical figurines, a gift from Ana Cláudia to her father. Closer to home are Asian influences like a carved painted mirror from www.ambiente.moSuzanne WatkinsonManaging Director,Ambiente Properties Ltd.Property Agency Consultancy• Research, Analysis, Advisory Services• Residential, Commercial, Industrial 其他值得珍藏的物品還包括牆上掛著的非洲畫框藝術品和一套以非洲雕像為形的手工棋,是Ana Cláudia 送給父親的禮物。除此外,還有泰國的雕花彩繪鏡、中國的青花瓷器、幾個中式櫥櫃,以及一把米色休閒椅,這把椅子是由女建築師Eduarda Almendra 設計的,她曾負責設計澳門回歸系列的休閒家具。「還有我丈夫收藏的與他同名的SaintAntónio雕像,這些都是多年來親朋好友贈送的。還有攝影書籍,António最大的愛好就是攝影,他的許多攝影作品都刊登在各種出版物上,比如當地的攝影雜志《Halftone》」。放棄南非的生意、那裡的生活、美麗的陽光海灘和優秀的學校,不是個容易的決定,但他們一點也不後悔搬來澳門。「澳門是一個非常美好和安全的地方,它讓我們能夠以開放的心態去接受不同的文化。有時憶起當初把孩子們從他們熟悉的南非,帶到陌生的澳門會感到內疚,但來到澳門他們多了很多機會接觸不同文化,使他們成為思想開放,勇於嘗試任何事的人。他們的成功很大程度上歸功於在澳門的生活。」「在南非,從Durban到Johannesburg幾英里的路程都是大事。在這裡,周遊亞洲各國是家常便飯,我們經常從澳門到中國、到新加坡、到最喜歡的泰國、再到越南、到韓國,我們很輕易就能接觸到各種迷人文化。澳門讓我們對生活、人和文化有了不同的看法。澳門也讓我的 Maalé 事業蒸蒸日上,我可以更容易地買到原材料。以前我需要去廣東買,但現在我們可以直接在淘寶上買!」HOME AFFAIRS |家居再過幾個禮拜就是聖誕節了,如果您正在考慮為家人和朋友購買禮物,不妨聯繫Manuela,看看她用天然寶石和特殊金屬制造的項鏈和手鏈系列。If you’re thinking of buying presents for family and friends you may like to contact Manuela to see some of her necklace and bracelet collections made of natural stones and special metals.Maalé - Design. CreationFacebook: @maaledesignInstagram: maaledesignTelephone: +853-66831759Thailand, Chinese blue and white ceramics, several Chinese cabinets, and a beige lounge chair designed by lady architect Eduarda Almendra who was responsible for designing the lounge furniture for the Macau Handover. “Then there’s my husband’s statuette collection of his namesake Saint António, given by friends and family over the years. And books on photography; António’s biggest hobby is photography. Many of his photographs are fea-tured in various publications, such as local photography magazine Halftone”.Leaving their business in South Africa, the lifestyle, the beautiful beaches and the excellent schools there and mov-ing to Macau was a major decision for the Soteros, but they have no regrets. “Macau is a very safe place. It’s given us a lovely life and a way to have an open mind to so many different cultures. At times I felt guilty uprooting the children from their friends and school in South Africa, but Macau has exposed them to so many cultures and made them the people that they are – open-minded and ready to try anything. A lot of their suc-cess is due to the exposure they received in Macau.“In South Africa it’s a big deal to take a trip of a few miles from Durban to Johannesburg. Here we travel often around Asia, thinking little of going from Macau to China, to Singa-pore, to favourite places in Thailand, to Vietnam, to Korea, all these fascinating different cultures on our doorstep. Macau gave us all a different perspective on life, of people and cul-tures. And Macau gave me an opportunity for my business Maalé to flourish, with access to materials – I used to go to buy them in Guangdong, but now we just go online to Tao Bao!”
108WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023109109From South Africa came the wood sofa, the wood slat-ted chair and round side table. The antique glass-fronted cabinet is also from South Africa, where she keeps favourite pieces of the hand-painted ceramics she used to make and sell in their shops. A wrought iron table at the entrance has a special place in Manuela’s heart – originally placed at the entrance of her brother’s home, she had it lovingly restored. When she finds damaged or discarded furniture Manuela likes to try to save it. “I love repurposing, to bring these things back to life.” A handsome roll top desk she found discarded was cleaned and restored. As was the little carved Chinese chest which had been thrown out by a second-hand shop near Lo-tus Garden in Taipa. “It was filled with light bulbs that were even more valu-able than the chest!” she smiles. The dining table and chairs came from a family that was moving house in Macau: “I loved them at first sight; I fell in love with the chairs and was so happy I could buy them. My tall red chairs also came from them.”Other treasured possessions include African framed art-work on the walls and a handmade chess set of African polit-ical figurines, a gift from Ana Cláudia to her father. Closer to home are Asian influences like a carved painted mirror from www.ambiente.moSuzanne WatkinsonManaging Director,Ambiente Properties Ltd.Property Agency Consultancy• Research, Analysis, Advisory Services• Residential, Commercial, Industrial 其他值得珍藏的物品還包括牆上掛著的非洲畫框藝術品和一套以非洲雕像為形的手工棋,是Ana Cláudia 送給父親的禮物。除此外,還有泰國的雕花彩繪鏡、中國的青花瓷器、幾個中式櫥櫃,以及一把米色休閒椅,這把椅子是由女建築師Eduarda Almendra 設計的,她曾負責設計澳門回歸系列的休閒家具。「還有我丈夫收藏的與他同名的SaintAntónio雕像,這些都是多年來親朋好友贈送的。還有攝影書籍,António最大的愛好就是攝影,他的許多攝影作品都刊登在各種出版物上,比如當地的攝影雜志《Halftone》」。放棄南非的生意、那裡的生活、美麗的陽光海灘和優秀的學校,不是個容易的決定,但他們一點也不後悔搬來澳門。「澳門是一個非常美好和安全的地方,它讓我們能夠以開放的心態去接受不同的文化。有時憶起當初把孩子們從他們熟悉的南非,帶到陌生的澳門會感到內疚,但來到澳門他們多了很多機會接觸不同文化,使他們成為思想開放,勇於嘗試任何事的人。他們的成功很大程度上歸功於在澳門的生活。」「在南非,從Durban到Johannesburg幾英里的路程都是大事。在這裡,周遊亞洲各國是家常便飯,我們經常從澳門到中國、到新加坡、到最喜歡的泰國、再到越南、到韓國,我們很輕易就能接觸到各種迷人文化。澳門讓我們對生活、人和文化有了不同的看法。澳門也讓我的 Maalé 事業蒸蒸日上,我可以更容易地買到原材料。以前我需要去廣東買,但現在我們可以直接在淘寶上買!」HOME AFFAIRS |家居再過幾個禮拜就是聖誕節了,如果您正在考慮為家人和朋友購買禮物,不妨聯繫Manuela,看看她用天然寶石和特殊金屬制造的項鏈和手鏈系列。If you’re thinking of buying presents for family and friends you may like to contact Manuela to see some of her necklace and bracelet collections made of natural stones and special metals.Maalé - Design. CreationFacebook: @maaledesignInstagram: maaledesignTelephone: +853-66831759Thailand, Chinese blue and white ceramics, several Chinese cabinets, and a beige lounge chair designed by lady architect Eduarda Almendra who was responsible for designing the lounge furniture for the Macau Handover. “Then there’s my husband’s statuette collection of his namesake Saint António, given by friends and family over the years. And books on photography; António’s biggest hobby is photography. Many of his photographs are fea-tured in various publications, such as local photography magazine Halftone”.Leaving their business in South Africa, the lifestyle, the beautiful beaches and the excellent schools there and mov-ing to Macau was a major decision for the Soteros, but they have no regrets. “Macau is a very safe place. It’s given us a lovely life and a way to have an open mind to so many different cultures. At times I felt guilty uprooting the children from their friends and school in South Africa, but Macau has exposed them to so many cultures and made them the people that they are – open-minded and ready to try anything. A lot of their suc-cess is due to the exposure they received in Macau.“In South Africa it’s a big deal to take a trip of a few miles from Durban to Johannesburg. Here we travel often around Asia, thinking little of going from Macau to China, to Singa-pore, to favourite places in Thailand, to Vietnam, to Korea, all these fascinating different cultures on our doorstep. Macau gave us all a different perspective on life, of people and cul-tures. And Macau gave me an opportunity for my business Maalé to flourish, with access to materials – I used to go to buy them in Guangdong, but now we just go online to Tao Bao!”
110WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023111When Kennedy helped build an orphanage in Macau文 BY RICARDO PINTO / 譯 TRANSLATION CATARINA CHANA check for 250 US dollars from a man who was about to become the most popular president in the history of the United States of America, stands out on a list of donations that enabled a school in Macau to save hundreds of children in the 1960’s. On the 60th anniversary of JFK’s death, we investigate this intriguing story.A n article published in the New York Herald Tribune in No-vember 1959 was the origin of this story. On a working visit to Macau, American journalist Joseph Alsop was visiting the Outer Harbour embankment area when he came across a school that stood out in its grandeur from the countless shacks that surrounded it, which served as flimsy shelters for thousands of refugees from Mainland China. On the façade of the building, the institution was labelled in Latin: Stella Matutina.Unable to resist a casual visit to the school’s facilities, Alsop was guided around by the head of the school, Mother Maria Tolmira, who told him about the almost 800 children from poor families who were studying there, and who were charged symbolic fees or were exempted from paying them altogether. “Many of the refugees have children. Many of the children are hungry. All need education,” the journalist would write in his column. The school had originally been founded in 1953 by the Franciscan Mis-sionaries of Mary, in precarious premises located on Rua do Chunambeiro, on Penha Hill, and the move to Rodrigo Rodrigues, in the Outer Harbour, had taken place just a year before Alsop’s visit.“Years ago, we began our school in bamboo huts,” Mother Tolmira told him, looking grave. “What else could we do? They needed us. Then Doctor (Pe-dro José) Lobo (head of the Economic Services and at the time Macau’s most influential political figure) said he would build a real school and asked me to draw up the plans. He did not really expect me to plan anything quite so big, I’m afraid, but approved in the end and here we are, with 780 girls in the school and not nearly room enough for all we ought to have.”Maria Tolmira, a Polish nun with more than 20 years of missionary work in China, had come to Macau in the early 1950s, a “sudden exile” that she now saw as a “sign of God’s grace”, so that she could bring help to all children of all refugees in Macau. “Very tall, very slender, dressed in spotless white robes, with beautiful work-worn hands and a face of such ascetic beauty that you ask yourself at once who should paint her”, the journalist described her, charmed by the nun’s graciousness and the kindness with which she treated the refu-gees, whom she knew by name.The poorest children had free schooling and food. The other, better-off children only paid the equivalent of 35 cents a month, with the right to a daily meal of bread, rice and milk. “It is not much, but it’s a lot of money for us (in Macau), and every month fifty or sixty can’t pay,” said Mother Tolmira. “Then God has to provide. He always does, somehow.”The providence, however, didn’t have to be only divine. Before saying goodbye, the nun asked the journalist to help her raise money for the con-struction of a third floor in the school building, where she planned to house hundreds of orphaned children. Alsop promised to help and left her a contri-bution right there, a donation of just over 200 dollars. “There, in effect, was my bargain”, he would say at the end of his chroni-cle. “Who can resist the chance to educate a child and keep it fed and healthy, too, for a total outlay of $7.20 per annum? I bought three dozen chances on the spot.”CLOSING STORY |特寫故事當甘迺迪幫助澳門興建孤兒院在約翰· 甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)遇刺六十週年紀念之際,《澳門特寫》將講述位民主黨總統透過本地一所天主教學校的籌款運動而與澳門結緣的故事。而此事件再一次訴說了澳門支援難民方面所扮演的角色。一切故事起源於一篇在1959年11月《紐約先驅論壇報》(New York Herald Tribune)上發表的記事新聞。美國知名記者Joseph Alsop 在一次於澳門的公幹拜訪中,參觀了外港的堆填區,偶然發現到了一所學校。在周圍無數用來收容成千上萬中國內地難民的簡陋小屋對比下,學校顯得格外壯觀。學校的正面外牆上以拉丁文寫着「Stella Matutina」(曉明中學)。Alsop 忍不住想參觀學校,便在學校負責人Maria Tolmira 修女帶領下進到校園一看。修女指有近800名來自貧困家庭的兒童在這所學校讀書,校方只會象徵式收取學費,對有些學生甚至費用全免。「很多難民都有小孩。小孩們都飽受饑餓。但他們都需要教育」,這位記者在他的專欄中寫道。這所學校由瑪利亞方濟各傳教修女會於1953 年創辦,原校舍為主教山燒灰爐街上的一簡陋建築。在Alsop 參觀的前一年,校舍搬到了外港新填海區的羅理基博士大馬路。「幾年前,我們在茅草蓋的屋舍裡創辦了學校,」Tolmira修女一臉嚴肅地講,「我們還能做些甚麼?他們需要我們。羅保博士(前經濟局局長及當時澳門最有影響力的政治人物)跟我們說他想建造一所真正的學校,讓我們向他提供一份計劃書。恐怕他也沒想到我們會向他提出這麼大的一個項目,但他最終還是批准了。現在我們學校裡有780名女孩,但沒有地方容納更多我們想要收留的女孩。」Tolmira 修女來自波蘭,在中國從事傳教工作超過二十年。於20 世紀50 年代初來到澳門,她認為這一次「意料外的流亡」是「上帝恩典的徵象」,讓她能夠幫助澳門所有難民的孩子。修女「身型高瘦」、身穿「潔白無瑕的教士服」、有一雙「美麗又勤勞的手」和一張「有苦行之美」及「讓人不禁問是由誰描繪出」的臉 —— 記者描述道,又為修女的對待難民的和藹可親態度所驚嘆,她甚至細心得知道每個人的名字。最貧困的那些兒童可以在學校接受免費教育和食物。其餘有較好條件的孩子每月只需支付相當於 35 美分的費用,有權每天享有一餐,有麵包、米飯和牛奶。「聽起來不多,但對我們(澳門)來說卻是一筆不少的開支,每個月都有50或60人是付不起錢。」Tolmira 修女說:「上帝總有安排。而且從某種意義上說,祂一直都會這樣提供幫助。」然而,幫助不能僅限於神的安排。在告別前,修女請求記者幫她籌集資金去興建校舍的第三層樓,她打算在那裡收留數百名孤兒。Alsop 答應幫忙,並當場留下了200 美元捐款。「實際上,這是一筆划算的交易。」記者在專欄最後寫道:「誰能抗拒每年只花7.2美元就能讓一個孩子獲得教育又令他保持營養和健康的機會呢?而我立刻抓住了其中三十個機會。」
110WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023111When Kennedy helped build an orphanage in Macau文 BY RICARDO PINTO / 譯 TRANSLATION CATARINA CHANA check for 250 US dollars from a man who was about to become the most popular president in the history of the United States of America, stands out on a list of donations that enabled a school in Macau to save hundreds of children in the 1960’s. On the 60th anniversary of JFK’s death, we investigate this intriguing story.A n article published in the New York Herald Tribune in No-vember 1959 was the origin of this story. On a working visit to Macau, American journalist Joseph Alsop was visiting the Outer Harbour embankment area when he came across a school that stood out in its grandeur from the countless shacks that surrounded it, which served as flimsy shelters for thousands of refugees from Mainland China. On the façade of the building, the institution was labelled in Latin: Stella Matutina.Unable to resist a casual visit to the school’s facilities, Alsop was guided around by the head of the school, Mother Maria Tolmira, who told him about the almost 800 children from poor families who were studying there, and who were charged symbolic fees or were exempted from paying them altogether. “Many of the refugees have children. Many of the children are hungry. All need education,” the journalist would write in his column. The school had originally been founded in 1953 by the Franciscan Mis-sionaries of Mary, in precarious premises located on Rua do Chunambeiro, on Penha Hill, and the move to Rodrigo Rodrigues, in the Outer Harbour, had taken place just a year before Alsop’s visit.“Years ago, we began our school in bamboo huts,” Mother Tolmira told him, looking grave. “What else could we do? They needed us. Then Doctor (Pe-dro José) Lobo (head of the Economic Services and at the time Macau’s most influential political figure) said he would build a real school and asked me to draw up the plans. He did not really expect me to plan anything quite so big, I’m afraid, but approved in the end and here we are, with 780 girls in the school and not nearly room enough for all we ought to have.”Maria Tolmira, a Polish nun with more than 20 years of missionary work in China, had come to Macau in the early 1950s, a “sudden exile” that she now saw as a “sign of God’s grace”, so that she could bring help to all children of all refugees in Macau. “Very tall, very slender, dressed in spotless white robes, with beautiful work-worn hands and a face of such ascetic beauty that you ask yourself at once who should paint her”, the journalist described her, charmed by the nun’s graciousness and the kindness with which she treated the refu-gees, whom she knew by name.The poorest children had free schooling and food. The other, better-off children only paid the equivalent of 35 cents a month, with the right to a daily meal of bread, rice and milk. “It is not much, but it’s a lot of money for us (in Macau), and every month fifty or sixty can’t pay,” said Mother Tolmira. “Then God has to provide. He always does, somehow.”The providence, however, didn’t have to be only divine. Before saying goodbye, the nun asked the journalist to help her raise money for the con-struction of a third floor in the school building, where she planned to house hundreds of orphaned children. Alsop promised to help and left her a contri-bution right there, a donation of just over 200 dollars. “There, in effect, was my bargain”, he would say at the end of his chroni-cle. “Who can resist the chance to educate a child and keep it fed and healthy, too, for a total outlay of $7.20 per annum? I bought three dozen chances on the spot.”CLOSING STORY |特寫故事當甘迺迪幫助澳門興建孤兒院在約翰· 甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)遇刺六十週年紀念之際,《澳門特寫》將講述位民主黨總統透過本地一所天主教學校的籌款運動而與澳門結緣的故事。而此事件再一次訴說了澳門支援難民方面所扮演的角色。一切故事起源於一篇在1959年11月《紐約先驅論壇報》(New York Herald Tribune)上發表的記事新聞。美國知名記者Joseph Alsop 在一次於澳門的公幹拜訪中,參觀了外港的堆填區,偶然發現到了一所學校。在周圍無數用來收容成千上萬中國內地難民的簡陋小屋對比下,學校顯得格外壯觀。學校的正面外牆上以拉丁文寫着「Stella Matutina」(曉明中學)。Alsop 忍不住想參觀學校,便在學校負責人Maria Tolmira 修女帶領下進到校園一看。修女指有近800名來自貧困家庭的兒童在這所學校讀書,校方只會象徵式收取學費,對有些學生甚至費用全免。「很多難民都有小孩。小孩們都飽受饑餓。但他們都需要教育」,這位記者在他的專欄中寫道。這所學校由瑪利亞方濟各傳教修女會於1953 年創辦,原校舍為主教山燒灰爐街上的一簡陋建築。在Alsop 參觀的前一年,校舍搬到了外港新填海區的羅理基博士大馬路。「幾年前,我們在茅草蓋的屋舍裡創辦了學校,」Tolmira修女一臉嚴肅地講,「我們還能做些甚麼?他們需要我們。羅保博士(前經濟局局長及當時澳門最有影響力的政治人物)跟我們說他想建造一所真正的學校,讓我們向他提供一份計劃書。恐怕他也沒想到我們會向他提出這麼大的一個項目,但他最終還是批准了。現在我們學校裡有780名女孩,但沒有地方容納更多我們想要收留的女孩。」Tolmira 修女來自波蘭,在中國從事傳教工作超過二十年。於20 世紀50 年代初來到澳門,她認為這一次「意料外的流亡」是「上帝恩典的徵象」,讓她能夠幫助澳門所有難民的孩子。修女「身型高瘦」、身穿「潔白無瑕的教士服」、有一雙「美麗又勤勞的手」和一張「有苦行之美」及「讓人不禁問是由誰描繪出」的臉 —— 記者描述道,又為修女的對待難民的和藹可親態度所驚嘆,她甚至細心得知道每個人的名字。最貧困的那些兒童可以在學校接受免費教育和食物。其餘有較好條件的孩子每月只需支付相當於 35 美分的費用,有權每天享有一餐,有麵包、米飯和牛奶。「聽起來不多,但對我們(澳門)來說卻是一筆不少的開支,每個月都有50或60人是付不起錢。」Tolmira 修女說:「上帝總有安排。而且從某種意義上說,祂一直都會這樣提供幫助。」然而,幫助不能僅限於神的安排。在告別前,修女請求記者幫她籌集資金去興建校舍的第三層樓,她打算在那裡收留數百名孤兒。Alsop 答應幫忙,並當場留下了200 美元捐款。「實際上,這是一筆划算的交易。」記者在專欄最後寫道:「誰能抗拒每年只花7.2美元就能讓一個孩子獲得教育又令他保持營養和健康的機會呢?而我立刻抓住了其中三十個機會。」
112WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023113Wave of solidarityAfter being published in the New York Herald Tribune and thanks to syndicat-ed contracts, Joseph Alsop’s article found its way onto the pages of dozens of other daily publications across America. In the days that followed, the news-rooms of these newspapers began to receive letters from readers who said they were inspired by the example of solidarity coming from Macau and the way the journalist had exposed the situation. “Think of all the lives that will be gladdened – the human beings whose feet will be placed in the right path – because you have lived,” one of these readers exulted, addressing Alsop. “It’s like throwing a pebble into a pool – the ripples never close.”Another reader, more sober in his comments, would prove to be funda-mental to the growth of the solidarity campaign. Nathan Newman, an almost septuagenarian Jewish man living in New York and retired from the jewel-lery industry, had received a $30,000 inheritance from a distant relative four months earlier and decided to use it for charity. In the first of many messages he would exchange with the journalist, he said: “I read with great interest your fine article in the November 16th issue of the Tribune regarding Macao. (...) I’m enclosing a cashier’s cheque made out to ‘Order of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary’ for $7,000 for Mother Tolmira to erect a building for 200 homeless ref-ugee children,” asking only that the new facilities be called the Mildred Levy Building, in honour of the author of the will. A week later, on the other side of the world, the head of the Macau school confessed her surprise at the arrival of a large number of letters from the United States in a single day, especially as they all contained a cheque in the name of the institution. In the following days, letters would also arrive from Portugal, Canada and Hong Kong, with donations or requests for adop-tion. When she learnt from the letters that Alsop’s first name was Joseph, she saw this as another sign of “divine harmony”.“Dear Mr Alsop, you made me a reputation with a stroke of your pen, but this means that your name is well-known and loved through all America and beyond,” commented the nun. “Our Lord sent you to my help.”In a separate letter to Newman, Mother Tolmira said she admired his “large and generous heart” but did not fail to address his false expectation that 7,000 US dollars would be enough to build the floor for the orphanage: “Mr Alsop mistook the American money with the Hongkong money. For the storey above our whole built school, this represents US$25,000, and not Hong-kong as Mr Alsop calculated.”The archive where Joe Alsop’s papers are kept, at the US Library of Con-gress, contains vast documentation on the whole process that followed, including hundreds of letters and newspaper clips from that period. When Alsop and Newman realised that the first donations didn’t even cover a third of the estimated costs of the school expansion, they agreed to launch a more intense fundraising campaign. Newman would appeal for solidarity from his peers in the jewellery industry, while Alsop would seek support through his extensive connections with Washington’s political class, which by then was focused on the November 1960 presidential election campaign, with young senator John F. Kennedy emerging as the leading candidate for the Demo-cratic Party’s nomination.Friends and condantsAt the beginning of the 1960s, and despite his constant wanderings around the world, Joseph Alsop was one of the most influential media personalities in Washington. He was admired by Republicans and Democrats alike, but also feared by both parties’ leaders as their political careers often depended on the content of his columns.Graduating in journalism at Harvard University, he worked as a reporter for several years for the New York Herald Tribune, where he began to sign his own syndicated columns in 1937. With the war spreading around the world, he enlisted in the navy in 1941 and that same year joined the famous Flying Tigers volunteer group, which, under the command of General Claire Lee Chennault fought the Japanese in China.The attack on Pearl Harbor surprised him on a visit to Hong Kong, where he was captured by the Japanese. Released the following year from Stanley Internment Camp after being included in a prisoner exchange, he returned to China after a short stay in the United States, serving again as an aide to General Chennault, now with the rank of captain in the 14th Squadron of the US Air Force. Before the end of the conflict, along with millions of Americans, he mourned the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with whom he had a family connection through his cousin Eleanor, the president’s widow.John F. Kennedy, on the other hand, had spent the war years in the ser-vice of the US Navy, narrowly escaping death in August 1943, in the South Pacific, when the gunship he was commanding was rammed and sunk by a Japanese destroyer. Along with other survivors of the crew, and despite being wounded, he managed to steer a piece of wreckage of the ship to a nearby island, where he was rescued by locals a week later. Back in the United States, decorated and praised as a war hero, he went to become a special correspon-dent and to cover the fall of Berlin and the Potsdam Conference, from which the new international order would emerge.Once the conflict was over, Alsop returned to journalism and to his op-eds for multiple publications, while Kennedy chose a political career that got off to a good start when he won a seat in Congress in 1946, representing the state of Massachusetts. After three terms and six years in the House of Repre-sentatives, he was elected to the Senate in 1952.A year later, at the age of 36, Jack Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier, a young journalist from the Washington Times-Herald, 12 years his junior. During his first years in the Senate, without ever neglecting his political am-bitions, he wrote a series of profiles of outstanding senators who had risked their careers in defence of causes they believed in. The resulting book was entitled Profiles in Courage and won him the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 1957.The friendship between the two men dates back to 1946, when Alsop met Kathleen Kennedy, Jack’s sister, in London. Invited to dinner at the Ken-nedys’ shortly afterwards, Alsop got the impression that JFK was “a man of great, great charm and great, great intelligence”, as he would recall years later in an interview. But the friendship between the two would only evolve into a great political complicity, even though Joe was ideologically closer to the Republicans, when Kennedy launched his campaign for re-election to the Senate in 1958 and also for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. “I used to see a great, great deal of him,” the journalist later recalled. “We talk-ed about every kind of thing, mostly about practical politics, about which he was a delight to talk to.”團結浪潮的蔓延Joseph Alsop 的文章在《紐約先驅論壇報》上發表後,由於媒體間內容共享的合同,文章也登上了美國各地數十份日報的版面。在隨後的幾天裡,這些報紙的編輯部開始收到讀者的來信,表示他們被來自澳門的團結榜樣和記者揭露當地情況的方式深深鼓舞。其中一位讀者對Alsop 激動道:「想想這將為多少人的生命帶來幸福,多少人的腳步將被引領至正確的方向,感謝您和您的存在。」「這就像將一塊石頭投入水中,水中衝擊而成的漣漪永遠不會消失。」另一位讀者的回覆則較平靜,但其評論對籌款活動的往後走向至關重要。Nathan Newman ,一位居於紐約年近七旬的猶太人,已從金飾業退休,4個月前從一位遠房親戚那裡繼承了3 萬美元的遺產,並決定將其用於慈善活動。他在與記者交談眾多訊息中的第一條中寫道:「我閱讀了您11 月 16 日在《紐約先驅論壇報》上發表的有關澳門的精彩文章。我非常感興趣。⋯⋯ 現隨信附上一張給瑪利亞方濟各傳教修女會的支票,金額為7,000 美元,以便Tolmira 修女可以為200 個無家可歸的難民的女兒建造一層樓。」作為回報,他只要求把新地方命名Mildred Levy大樓,以紀念遺產原主人。一週過後,在世界的另一端,澳門曉明中學在一天之內收到大量來自美國的信件,學校負責人坦承感到驚訝,尤其是在這些信件中都附上有抬頭為中學名字的支票。在接下來的幾天裡,學校紛紛收到由葡萄牙、加拿大和香港寄來的信件,其中有捐款,也有收養申請。當從信中得知Alsop 的名字是Joseph時,修女認為這是又一個「神聖的和諧」的象徵。「親愛的Alsop 先生,您成功地用您的文筆讓我聲名鵲起,這說明您在整個美國及美國以外的地方都受到了人們的愛戴」,修女回覆道,「上帝派了你來幫助我。」Tolmira 修女也向Newman 先生表達了感激之情,感謝其「偉大和慷慨之心」。然而也糾正了他錯誤的期望,因為7,000美元不足以為孤兒院建造一個樓層。「Alsop 先生混淆了美國貨幣和香港貨幣」,修女在信中和這位猶太慈善家解釋,「對於在已建成的大樓上方整個樓層的工程來說,需要2,5000美元,而不是像Alsop 先生估計的港幣款項。」在美國國會圖書館收藏的記者Joseph Alsop的文件中,保存了大量關於事件整個過程的文件,包括當時的數百封信件和剪報。當Newman 和Alsop 意識到首幾筆捐款連工程預計費用的三分之一都不夠支付時,他們同意發起一場更激烈的籌款活動。前者呼籲金飾業的同行團結起來。而後者則透過他與華盛頓政界廣泛人脈來尋求支持,並把注意力集中在1960 年11 月的總統競選活動上,而當時年輕的參議員約翰· 甘迺迪,作為民主黨提名的主要候選人,在政壇上初露鋒芒。朋友和知己1960 年代初,儘管Joseph Alsop 不斷遊走於世界各地,但他仍是美國首都新聞界最具影響力的人物之一。民主黨和共和黨對他既敬畏又欽佩,兩黨領導人的政治生涯往往取決於他寫在專欄的內容。Alsop 擁有哈佛大學的新聞學位,在《紐約先驅論壇報》擔任多年記者,並於 1937 年開始撰寫自己的專欄。隨著戰爭蔓延到世界各地,他於1941 年入伍,加入海軍,又於同年加入了著名的飛虎隊志願中隊,在將軍陳納德(Claire Lee Chennault)指揮下在中國境內與日軍作戰。珍珠港事件後,Alsop 在訪問香港時被日軍俘虜。隔年透過交換戰俘從赤柱拘留營獲釋。他在美國短暫停留後返回中國,再次擔任陳納德將軍的顧問,並晉升為美國空軍第十四中隊上尉軍階。在衝突結束之前,他還哀悼了富蘭克林· 羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)之死,倆人一直保持親屬聯繫,因其遺孀Eleanor亦為Alsop 之表姐。而甘迺迪在戰爭期間在美國海軍服役數年。1943 年 8 月,他指揮的驅逐艦被一艘日本驅逐艦撞毀,幾乎喪生於南太平洋。儘管受傷,他還是與其他倖存的船員一起設法將船艦殘骸開到附近的一個小島上,在一周後被當地人救起。回到美國後,甘迺迪受勳並成為了英雄。一年後,其兄長Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. 在歐洲執行高風險任務時因飛機擊落而死亡。甘迺迪之後成為了戰地記者,報道了柏林戰役和波茨坦會議,此等歷史事件的發生產生了新的國際秩序結構。戰爭結束後,Alsop 重返新聞界並為多家出版物撰寫評論文章。而甘迺迪選擇了從政,在1946年代表麻省贏得國會選舉,並在眾議院任職三屆,共六年任期後,於 1952 年被選為參議院議員。CLOSING STORY |特寫故事曉明中學 Stella Matutina School發起團結運動的文章 The article that started the solidarity campaign
112WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023113Wave of solidarityAfter being published in the New York Herald Tribune and thanks to syndicat-ed contracts, Joseph Alsop’s article found its way onto the pages of dozens of other daily publications across America. In the days that followed, the news-rooms of these newspapers began to receive letters from readers who said they were inspired by the example of solidarity coming from Macau and the way the journalist had exposed the situation. “Think of all the lives that will be gladdened – the human beings whose feet will be placed in the right path – because you have lived,” one of these readers exulted, addressing Alsop. “It’s like throwing a pebble into a pool – the ripples never close.”Another reader, more sober in his comments, would prove to be funda-mental to the growth of the solidarity campaign. Nathan Newman, an almost septuagenarian Jewish man living in New York and retired from the jewel-lery industry, had received a $30,000 inheritance from a distant relative four months earlier and decided to use it for charity. In the first of many messages he would exchange with the journalist, he said: “I read with great interest your fine article in the November 16th issue of the Tribune regarding Macao. (...) I’m enclosing a cashier’s cheque made out to ‘Order of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary’ for $7,000 for Mother Tolmira to erect a building for 200 homeless ref-ugee children,” asking only that the new facilities be called the Mildred Levy Building, in honour of the author of the will. A week later, on the other side of the world, the head of the Macau school confessed her surprise at the arrival of a large number of letters from the United States in a single day, especially as they all contained a cheque in the name of the institution. In the following days, letters would also arrive from Portugal, Canada and Hong Kong, with donations or requests for adop-tion. When she learnt from the letters that Alsop’s first name was Joseph, she saw this as another sign of “divine harmony”.“Dear Mr Alsop, you made me a reputation with a stroke of your pen, but this means that your name is well-known and loved through all America and beyond,” commented the nun. “Our Lord sent you to my help.”In a separate letter to Newman, Mother Tolmira said she admired his “large and generous heart” but did not fail to address his false expectation that 7,000 US dollars would be enough to build the floor for the orphanage: “Mr Alsop mistook the American money with the Hongkong money. For the storey above our whole built school, this represents US$25,000, and not Hong-kong as Mr Alsop calculated.”The archive where Joe Alsop’s papers are kept, at the US Library of Con-gress, contains vast documentation on the whole process that followed, including hundreds of letters and newspaper clips from that period. When Alsop and Newman realised that the first donations didn’t even cover a third of the estimated costs of the school expansion, they agreed to launch a more intense fundraising campaign. Newman would appeal for solidarity from his peers in the jewellery industry, while Alsop would seek support through his extensive connections with Washington’s political class, which by then was focused on the November 1960 presidential election campaign, with young senator John F. Kennedy emerging as the leading candidate for the Demo-cratic Party’s nomination.Friends and condantsAt the beginning of the 1960s, and despite his constant wanderings around the world, Joseph Alsop was one of the most influential media personalities in Washington. He was admired by Republicans and Democrats alike, but also feared by both parties’ leaders as their political careers often depended on the content of his columns.Graduating in journalism at Harvard University, he worked as a reporter for several years for the New York Herald Tribune, where he began to sign his own syndicated columns in 1937. With the war spreading around the world, he enlisted in the navy in 1941 and that same year joined the famous Flying Tigers volunteer group, which, under the command of General Claire Lee Chennault fought the Japanese in China.The attack on Pearl Harbor surprised him on a visit to Hong Kong, where he was captured by the Japanese. Released the following year from Stanley Internment Camp after being included in a prisoner exchange, he returned to China after a short stay in the United States, serving again as an aide to General Chennault, now with the rank of captain in the 14th Squadron of the US Air Force. Before the end of the conflict, along with millions of Americans, he mourned the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with whom he had a family connection through his cousin Eleanor, the president’s widow.John F. Kennedy, on the other hand, had spent the war years in the ser-vice of the US Navy, narrowly escaping death in August 1943, in the South Pacific, when the gunship he was commanding was rammed and sunk by a Japanese destroyer. Along with other survivors of the crew, and despite being wounded, he managed to steer a piece of wreckage of the ship to a nearby island, where he was rescued by locals a week later. Back in the United States, decorated and praised as a war hero, he went to become a special correspon-dent and to cover the fall of Berlin and the Potsdam Conference, from which the new international order would emerge.Once the conflict was over, Alsop returned to journalism and to his op-eds for multiple publications, while Kennedy chose a political career that got off to a good start when he won a seat in Congress in 1946, representing the state of Massachusetts. After three terms and six years in the House of Repre-sentatives, he was elected to the Senate in 1952.A year later, at the age of 36, Jack Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier, a young journalist from the Washington Times-Herald, 12 years his junior. During his first years in the Senate, without ever neglecting his political am-bitions, he wrote a series of profiles of outstanding senators who had risked their careers in defence of causes they believed in. The resulting book was entitled Profiles in Courage and won him the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 1957.The friendship between the two men dates back to 1946, when Alsop met Kathleen Kennedy, Jack’s sister, in London. Invited to dinner at the Ken-nedys’ shortly afterwards, Alsop got the impression that JFK was “a man of great, great charm and great, great intelligence”, as he would recall years later in an interview. But the friendship between the two would only evolve into a great political complicity, even though Joe was ideologically closer to the Republicans, when Kennedy launched his campaign for re-election to the Senate in 1958 and also for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. “I used to see a great, great deal of him,” the journalist later recalled. “We talk-ed about every kind of thing, mostly about practical politics, about which he was a delight to talk to.”團結浪潮的蔓延Joseph Alsop 的文章在《紐約先驅論壇報》上發表後,由於媒體間內容共享的合同,文章也登上了美國各地數十份日報的版面。在隨後的幾天裡,這些報紙的編輯部開始收到讀者的來信,表示他們被來自澳門的團結榜樣和記者揭露當地情況的方式深深鼓舞。其中一位讀者對Alsop 激動道:「想想這將為多少人的生命帶來幸福,多少人的腳步將被引領至正確的方向,感謝您和您的存在。」「這就像將一塊石頭投入水中,水中衝擊而成的漣漪永遠不會消失。」另一位讀者的回覆則較平靜,但其評論對籌款活動的往後走向至關重要。Nathan Newman ,一位居於紐約年近七旬的猶太人,已從金飾業退休,4個月前從一位遠房親戚那裡繼承了3 萬美元的遺產,並決定將其用於慈善活動。他在與記者交談眾多訊息中的第一條中寫道:「我閱讀了您11 月 16 日在《紐約先驅論壇報》上發表的有關澳門的精彩文章。我非常感興趣。⋯⋯ 現隨信附上一張給瑪利亞方濟各傳教修女會的支票,金額為7,000 美元,以便Tolmira 修女可以為200 個無家可歸的難民的女兒建造一層樓。」作為回報,他只要求把新地方命名Mildred Levy大樓,以紀念遺產原主人。一週過後,在世界的另一端,澳門曉明中學在一天之內收到大量來自美國的信件,學校負責人坦承感到驚訝,尤其是在這些信件中都附上有抬頭為中學名字的支票。在接下來的幾天裡,學校紛紛收到由葡萄牙、加拿大和香港寄來的信件,其中有捐款,也有收養申請。當從信中得知Alsop 的名字是Joseph時,修女認為這是又一個「神聖的和諧」的象徵。「親愛的Alsop 先生,您成功地用您的文筆讓我聲名鵲起,這說明您在整個美國及美國以外的地方都受到了人們的愛戴」,修女回覆道,「上帝派了你來幫助我。」Tolmira 修女也向Newman 先生表達了感激之情,感謝其「偉大和慷慨之心」。然而也糾正了他錯誤的期望,因為7,000美元不足以為孤兒院建造一個樓層。「Alsop 先生混淆了美國貨幣和香港貨幣」,修女在信中和這位猶太慈善家解釋,「對於在已建成的大樓上方整個樓層的工程來說,需要2,5000美元,而不是像Alsop 先生估計的港幣款項。」在美國國會圖書館收藏的記者Joseph Alsop的文件中,保存了大量關於事件整個過程的文件,包括當時的數百封信件和剪報。當Newman 和Alsop 意識到首幾筆捐款連工程預計費用的三分之一都不夠支付時,他們同意發起一場更激烈的籌款活動。前者呼籲金飾業的同行團結起來。而後者則透過他與華盛頓政界廣泛人脈來尋求支持,並把注意力集中在1960 年11 月的總統競選活動上,而當時年輕的參議員約翰· 甘迺迪,作為民主黨提名的主要候選人,在政壇上初露鋒芒。朋友和知己1960 年代初,儘管Joseph Alsop 不斷遊走於世界各地,但他仍是美國首都新聞界最具影響力的人物之一。民主黨和共和黨對他既敬畏又欽佩,兩黨領導人的政治生涯往往取決於他寫在專欄的內容。Alsop 擁有哈佛大學的新聞學位,在《紐約先驅論壇報》擔任多年記者,並於 1937 年開始撰寫自己的專欄。隨著戰爭蔓延到世界各地,他於1941 年入伍,加入海軍,又於同年加入了著名的飛虎隊志願中隊,在將軍陳納德(Claire Lee Chennault)指揮下在中國境內與日軍作戰。珍珠港事件後,Alsop 在訪問香港時被日軍俘虜。隔年透過交換戰俘從赤柱拘留營獲釋。他在美國短暫停留後返回中國,再次擔任陳納德將軍的顧問,並晉升為美國空軍第十四中隊上尉軍階。在衝突結束之前,他還哀悼了富蘭克林· 羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)之死,倆人一直保持親屬聯繫,因其遺孀Eleanor亦為Alsop 之表姐。而甘迺迪在戰爭期間在美國海軍服役數年。1943 年 8 月,他指揮的驅逐艦被一艘日本驅逐艦撞毀,幾乎喪生於南太平洋。儘管受傷,他還是與其他倖存的船員一起設法將船艦殘骸開到附近的一個小島上,在一周後被當地人救起。回到美國後,甘迺迪受勳並成為了英雄。一年後,其兄長Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. 在歐洲執行高風險任務時因飛機擊落而死亡。甘迺迪之後成為了戰地記者,報道了柏林戰役和波茨坦會議,此等歷史事件的發生產生了新的國際秩序結構。戰爭結束後,Alsop 重返新聞界並為多家出版物撰寫評論文章。而甘迺迪選擇了從政,在1946年代表麻省贏得國會選舉,並在眾議院任職三屆,共六年任期後,於 1952 年被選為參議院議員。CLOSING STORY |特寫故事曉明中學 Stella Matutina School發起團結運動的文章 The article that started the solidarity campaign
114WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023115When John F. Kennedy narrowly won the presidential election on 8 No-vember 1961, beating Republican candidate Richard Nixon, Joe Alsop wrote him a letter to congratulate him, but also to somehow regret the election re-sult: “I want to tell you that I view your election with mixed feelings; I have never been more happy about any President’s election in my time, but it’s al-ways been my observation that a President of the United States has no friends but History; and he’s very lucky if he has History. There is nothing more I value in these last years than our friendship, and I do feel that I have lost a friend while I’ve gained a President.”Time would prove him wrong, though. Although inevitably less in-tense, the friendship between the two men remained solid over the years. Kennedy admired Alsop’s erudition and consulted him frequently on his government’s political agenda. Months after JFK’s assassination, the jour-nalist would confess: “I never minded anything as much as his death, even my own father’s death.”JFK’s donation to the Macau schoolAfter being informed by Alsop of the fundraising campaign to build an or-phanage in Macau, John F. Kennedy sent him a cheque for 250 US dollars on 16 March 1960, when he was criss-crossing the country fighting for the Dem-ocratic Party’s presidential nomination. The journalist immediately shared the good news with Mother Tolmira and Nathan Newman, giving them re-newed hope that full funding for the school’s new floor would eventually be achieved.Alsop also suggested that the nun write to Kennedy to thank him for the donation. Whether she did it or not is unknown. No record of such a let-ter has been found either in Joseph Alsop’s personal archive or in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Contacts with the Franciscan Order of Mary also proved fruitless. The only known immediate reaction to the donation from Mother Tolmira was a word of gratitude to Alsop and her indication that Kennedy was already a well-known figure in Macau, thanks to an in-depth article published shortly before in the Catholic Church’s news-paper, O Clarim.Nathan Newman, on the other hand, wasted no time. As soon as he heard about the donation, he wrote to JFK to thank him for the cheque and to leave words of encouragement for his election campaign: “I do trust you will get the Presidential nomination, for I am sure you will make a great Presi-dent.” As for doubts about his eligibility, which were very common at the time because Kennedy was a Catholic in a mostly Protestant country, Newman commented in a letter to Alsop that it seemed to him that “a lot of Americans have never grown up since Al Smith’s time (Democratic candidate in the 1928 presidential elections, heavily defeated due to strong anti-Catholic prejudice) and still think of the bugaboo that the Pope will run the country if a Catholic is elected President, without giving any thought to the main qualifications”.He shared this letter with Kennedy and also passed it on to civil rights champion, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Tragically, both political leaders would soon be assassinated.Although generous, JFK’s contribution was far from enough to solve the funding problem. Alsop had sent a second donation of 1,000 dollars, the Lasker Foundation donated another 1,000 dollars and Prince Stanislaw Radzill, who was Jack Kennedy’s brother-in-law and representative of the Pol-ish government in exile, had also contributed a cheque for 250 dollars – but the gap that remained to be filled was still around 50 per cent of the construc-tion budget.Nathan Newman lamented the lack of response to his requests for sup-port, explaining that anti-Catholic prejudice was still taking its toll, although it was now coming from his Jewish friends in the jewellery industry. “Unfortu-nately, some of them have told me that they do not want to donate to Catholic Charities, as they do nothing for the Jews,” he complained in a letter to the Franciscan sister. “Thank God I do not feel this way, and to me it’s the good that can be done regardless of race, colour or creed.”Mother Tolmira reacted by arguing that the Catholic Church had “chari-table work in Palestine, as we have in China, and elsewhere”, which was proof of its tolerance towards Judaism and other religions. But the nun’s dismay was quickly forgotten. On that same day of June 20, 1960, she announced news that was as good as it was unexpected: Ms. Elizabeth Godfrey Bird, a discreet British millionaire, had stopped by the school in March and had sent a cheque for 15,000 dollars from London. Funding for the project had finally been secured.一年後,36 歲的甘迺迪與比他小 12 歲的《華盛頓先驅報》年輕記者Jacqueline Bouvier 成婚。在參議院期間,甘迺迪以其政治活動的視角撰寫了一系列其他知名參議員的簡介,描寫這些曾經冒著職業生涯的風險去捍衛自己所信仰的事業的參議員。這本書名為《當仁不讓》,並於 1957 年為他贏得了普立茲傳記獎。Joseph Alsop和甘迺迪的友誼可以追溯到 1946 年,當時Alsop 在倫敦遇見了甘迺迪的妹妹Kathleen Kennedy。不久之後,Alsop 應邀到甘迺迪家共進晚餐,他給甘迺迪留下的印象是「一個極具魅力和智慧非凡的男人」—— 多年後他在接受採訪時回憶道。當甘迺迪在1958年發起爭取參議院連任競並同時競選民主黨總統提名時,儘管Alsop 在意識形態上更接近共和黨,但兩人之間的友誼變成了一個更好的政治默契。「當時我經常見到他,」記者後來解釋說,「我們談論了各種各樣的事情,尤其是政治上的實際問題,和他聊到這些很愉快。」1961 年 11 月 8 日,甘迺迪以微弱優勢擊敗共和黨代表尼克遜(Richard Nixon),贏得了總統大選。當時,Alsop 寫信向他祝賀,但或多或少對選舉結果表示遺憾,寫道:「我想告訴你,我對於你的當選感到心情矛盾;我一生中從未因總統選舉而如此高興過,但我始終堅信,美國總統除了歷史之外沒有朋友;如果他擁有歷史,他會是非常幸運。在過去的幾年,沒有甚麼比我們的友誼更珍貴,我感覺自己在贏得了一位總統,但同時又失去了一位朋友。」然而,時間否定了他的憂慮。雖然兩人之間的友誼不可避免地淡化了,但多年來仍然牢固。在就職典禮當天,甘迺迪在總統就任舞會結束後送Jacqueline返回白宮,並在Alsop 家的一個派對上結束了這晚的活動。而幾週後他又帶著妻子再次到同一地點參加晚宴,慶祝主人家的訂婚儀式。甘迺迪欽佩Alsop 的博學,並經常就政府政策向他請教。他對Alsop 信任有加,甚至在美軍武裝部隊向老撾發動突襲轟炸前幾個小時打電話通知他。當時已是甘迺迪總統任期的最後階段,此事在華盛頓政界和軍界引起了巨大爭議。即使五角大樓對軍事行動的新聞報導實施極其嚴格的限制 —— 甘迺迪對此表示贊同而Alsop 堅決反對,這也未能在他們的關係中造成嫌隙。在甘迺迪遇刺數月後,Alsop 坦言:「我從來沒有像對他的死那般在意任何事情,甚至連我父親的死也沒有。」甘迺迪為澳門的學校捐贈1960 年3月,甘迺迪正在為競選總統的事提名拜訪全國各地。當從Alsop 獲悉澳門籌建孤兒院的消息後,甘迺迪於當月16日向他寄出了一張250 美元的支票。記者很快就將收到支票的消息傳達給了Tolmira 修女和Newman ,這讓他們重新有了籌夠資金的希望。Alsop 隨後建議修女寫信給甘迺迪以感謝他的捐贈。至於修女有否寫信,我們無從知道。在Alsop 的個人檔案或在約翰· 甘迺迪圖書館博物館中都沒有這封信的記錄。至於瑪利亞聖方濟各會方面也沒有相關資料結果。唯一已知的是Tolmira 修女對於捐贈的當下反應是向Alsop 表示感謝,並指出由於不久前《號角報》上發表的一篇深度文章,甘迺迪在澳門已是一位知名人物。另一方面,Newman 也沒有浪費時間。當他得知這筆捐款後,他立即寫信給甘迺迪感謝他的支票,並對他的競選活動表示鼓勵:「我相信您會獲得總統提名,因為我確信您會成為一位偉大的總統。」至於甘迺迪的被選資格,很多人會有疑問,因為甘迺迪在一個以新教為主的國家是天主教徒。但Newman 在給Alsop 的一封信中評論說,在他看來,「自Al Smith (1928 年總統選舉中的民主黨候選人,因強烈的反天主教偏見而落選)以來,許多美國人還沒有長大。他們仍然相信於如果天主教徒當選總統,教皇就會統治國家的鬧劇,而不好好考慮參選人的才能。」Alsop 除了把這封信的內容向甘迺迪轉告外,還分享了給非裔美國人社區爭取民權的領袖 —— 馬丁路德金牧師。兩人最後都不幸遇刺身亡。儘管甘迺迪慷慨解囊,但這筆捐款遠遠不足以解決資金問題。Alsop 在後來又多捐了1,000 美元;拉斯克基金會也了1,000 美元;甘迺迪的妹夫、波蘭流亡政府代表Stanislaw Radziwill王子也捐了一張 250 美元的支票。此時,工程預算的五成左右的資金缺口尚待填補。Newman 為他的支持請求沒有得到回應而感到傷心,他指出反天主教偏見仍然盛行,只是現在這種偏見是源自他在金飾業的猶太朋友。他在給方濟各會修女的信中抱怨道:「不幸的是,他們中的一些人告訴我,他們不想向天主教慈善機構捐款,因為這些機構沒有為猶太人做任何事情。」「但感謝上帝,我並不這樣想。對我來說,重要的是可以做好事,而不分種族、膚色或信仰。」修女對籌款的氣餒很快就被遺忘了。雖然她在1962 年6 月20 日仍有些失望,認為天主教會不能因「在巴勒斯坦、中國和其他一些地方開展慈善工作」而被指責為不寬容,修女在同一天宣布了一個出乎意料的消息:Godfrey Bird ,一位低調的英國百萬富翁,在三月份到過學校,現在從倫敦寄來了一張15,000 美元的支票。這樣,建築資金終於有所保證。Joseph Alsop 與約翰· 甘迺迪和英國外交官交談Joseph Alsop (left) speaking with Jack Kennedy and British diplomat.捐款者名單The benefactors listNathan Newman祝賀甘迺迪當選Nathan Newman congratulates Kennedy for his electionTolmira修女的最後一封信Last letter from Mother TolmiraCLOSING STORY |特寫故事
114WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023115When John F. Kennedy narrowly won the presidential election on 8 No-vember 1961, beating Republican candidate Richard Nixon, Joe Alsop wrote him a letter to congratulate him, but also to somehow regret the election re-sult: “I want to tell you that I view your election with mixed feelings; I have never been more happy about any President’s election in my time, but it’s al-ways been my observation that a President of the United States has no friends but History; and he’s very lucky if he has History. There is nothing more I value in these last years than our friendship, and I do feel that I have lost a friend while I’ve gained a President.”Time would prove him wrong, though. Although inevitably less in-tense, the friendship between the two men remained solid over the years. Kennedy admired Alsop’s erudition and consulted him frequently on his government’s political agenda. Months after JFK’s assassination, the jour-nalist would confess: “I never minded anything as much as his death, even my own father’s death.”JFK’s donation to the Macau schoolAfter being informed by Alsop of the fundraising campaign to build an or-phanage in Macau, John F. Kennedy sent him a cheque for 250 US dollars on 16 March 1960, when he was criss-crossing the country fighting for the Dem-ocratic Party’s presidential nomination. The journalist immediately shared the good news with Mother Tolmira and Nathan Newman, giving them re-newed hope that full funding for the school’s new floor would eventually be achieved.Alsop also suggested that the nun write to Kennedy to thank him for the donation. Whether she did it or not is unknown. No record of such a let-ter has been found either in Joseph Alsop’s personal archive or in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Contacts with the Franciscan Order of Mary also proved fruitless. The only known immediate reaction to the donation from Mother Tolmira was a word of gratitude to Alsop and her indication that Kennedy was already a well-known figure in Macau, thanks to an in-depth article published shortly before in the Catholic Church’s news-paper, O Clarim.Nathan Newman, on the other hand, wasted no time. As soon as he heard about the donation, he wrote to JFK to thank him for the cheque and to leave words of encouragement for his election campaign: “I do trust you will get the Presidential nomination, for I am sure you will make a great Presi-dent.” As for doubts about his eligibility, which were very common at the time because Kennedy was a Catholic in a mostly Protestant country, Newman commented in a letter to Alsop that it seemed to him that “a lot of Americans have never grown up since Al Smith’s time (Democratic candidate in the 1928 presidential elections, heavily defeated due to strong anti-Catholic prejudice) and still think of the bugaboo that the Pope will run the country if a Catholic is elected President, without giving any thought to the main qualifications”.He shared this letter with Kennedy and also passed it on to civil rights champion, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Tragically, both political leaders would soon be assassinated.Although generous, JFK’s contribution was far from enough to solve the funding problem. Alsop had sent a second donation of 1,000 dollars, the Lasker Foundation donated another 1,000 dollars and Prince Stanislaw Radzill, who was Jack Kennedy’s brother-in-law and representative of the Pol-ish government in exile, had also contributed a cheque for 250 dollars – but the gap that remained to be filled was still around 50 per cent of the construc-tion budget.Nathan Newman lamented the lack of response to his requests for sup-port, explaining that anti-Catholic prejudice was still taking its toll, although it was now coming from his Jewish friends in the jewellery industry. “Unfortu-nately, some of them have told me that they do not want to donate to Catholic Charities, as they do nothing for the Jews,” he complained in a letter to the Franciscan sister. “Thank God I do not feel this way, and to me it’s the good that can be done regardless of race, colour or creed.”Mother Tolmira reacted by arguing that the Catholic Church had “chari-table work in Palestine, as we have in China, and elsewhere”, which was proof of its tolerance towards Judaism and other religions. But the nun’s dismay was quickly forgotten. On that same day of June 20, 1960, she announced news that was as good as it was unexpected: Ms. Elizabeth Godfrey Bird, a discreet British millionaire, had stopped by the school in March and had sent a cheque for 15,000 dollars from London. Funding for the project had finally been secured.一年後,36 歲的甘迺迪與比他小 12 歲的《華盛頓先驅報》年輕記者Jacqueline Bouvier 成婚。在參議院期間,甘迺迪以其政治活動的視角撰寫了一系列其他知名參議員的簡介,描寫這些曾經冒著職業生涯的風險去捍衛自己所信仰的事業的參議員。這本書名為《當仁不讓》,並於 1957 年為他贏得了普立茲傳記獎。Joseph Alsop和甘迺迪的友誼可以追溯到 1946 年,當時Alsop 在倫敦遇見了甘迺迪的妹妹Kathleen Kennedy。不久之後,Alsop 應邀到甘迺迪家共進晚餐,他給甘迺迪留下的印象是「一個極具魅力和智慧非凡的男人」—— 多年後他在接受採訪時回憶道。當甘迺迪在1958年發起爭取參議院連任競並同時競選民主黨總統提名時,儘管Alsop 在意識形態上更接近共和黨,但兩人之間的友誼變成了一個更好的政治默契。「當時我經常見到他,」記者後來解釋說,「我們談論了各種各樣的事情,尤其是政治上的實際問題,和他聊到這些很愉快。」1961 年 11 月 8 日,甘迺迪以微弱優勢擊敗共和黨代表尼克遜(Richard Nixon),贏得了總統大選。當時,Alsop 寫信向他祝賀,但或多或少對選舉結果表示遺憾,寫道:「我想告訴你,我對於你的當選感到心情矛盾;我一生中從未因總統選舉而如此高興過,但我始終堅信,美國總統除了歷史之外沒有朋友;如果他擁有歷史,他會是非常幸運。在過去的幾年,沒有甚麼比我們的友誼更珍貴,我感覺自己在贏得了一位總統,但同時又失去了一位朋友。」然而,時間否定了他的憂慮。雖然兩人之間的友誼不可避免地淡化了,但多年來仍然牢固。在就職典禮當天,甘迺迪在總統就任舞會結束後送Jacqueline返回白宮,並在Alsop 家的一個派對上結束了這晚的活動。而幾週後他又帶著妻子再次到同一地點參加晚宴,慶祝主人家的訂婚儀式。甘迺迪欽佩Alsop 的博學,並經常就政府政策向他請教。他對Alsop 信任有加,甚至在美軍武裝部隊向老撾發動突襲轟炸前幾個小時打電話通知他。當時已是甘迺迪總統任期的最後階段,此事在華盛頓政界和軍界引起了巨大爭議。即使五角大樓對軍事行動的新聞報導實施極其嚴格的限制 —— 甘迺迪對此表示贊同而Alsop 堅決反對,這也未能在他們的關係中造成嫌隙。在甘迺迪遇刺數月後,Alsop 坦言:「我從來沒有像對他的死那般在意任何事情,甚至連我父親的死也沒有。」甘迺迪為澳門的學校捐贈1960 年3月,甘迺迪正在為競選總統的事提名拜訪全國各地。當從Alsop 獲悉澳門籌建孤兒院的消息後,甘迺迪於當月16日向他寄出了一張250 美元的支票。記者很快就將收到支票的消息傳達給了Tolmira 修女和Newman ,這讓他們重新有了籌夠資金的希望。Alsop 隨後建議修女寫信給甘迺迪以感謝他的捐贈。至於修女有否寫信,我們無從知道。在Alsop 的個人檔案或在約翰· 甘迺迪圖書館博物館中都沒有這封信的記錄。至於瑪利亞聖方濟各會方面也沒有相關資料結果。唯一已知的是Tolmira 修女對於捐贈的當下反應是向Alsop 表示感謝,並指出由於不久前《號角報》上發表的一篇深度文章,甘迺迪在澳門已是一位知名人物。另一方面,Newman 也沒有浪費時間。當他得知這筆捐款後,他立即寫信給甘迺迪感謝他的支票,並對他的競選活動表示鼓勵:「我相信您會獲得總統提名,因為我確信您會成為一位偉大的總統。」至於甘迺迪的被選資格,很多人會有疑問,因為甘迺迪在一個以新教為主的國家是天主教徒。但Newman 在給Alsop 的一封信中評論說,在他看來,「自Al Smith (1928 年總統選舉中的民主黨候選人,因強烈的反天主教偏見而落選)以來,許多美國人還沒有長大。他們仍然相信於如果天主教徒當選總統,教皇就會統治國家的鬧劇,而不好好考慮參選人的才能。」Alsop 除了把這封信的內容向甘迺迪轉告外,還分享了給非裔美國人社區爭取民權的領袖 —— 馬丁路德金牧師。兩人最後都不幸遇刺身亡。儘管甘迺迪慷慨解囊,但這筆捐款遠遠不足以解決資金問題。Alsop 在後來又多捐了1,000 美元;拉斯克基金會也了1,000 美元;甘迺迪的妹夫、波蘭流亡政府代表Stanislaw Radziwill王子也捐了一張 250 美元的支票。此時,工程預算的五成左右的資金缺口尚待填補。Newman 為他的支持請求沒有得到回應而感到傷心,他指出反天主教偏見仍然盛行,只是現在這種偏見是源自他在金飾業的猶太朋友。他在給方濟各會修女的信中抱怨道:「不幸的是,他們中的一些人告訴我,他們不想向天主教慈善機構捐款,因為這些機構沒有為猶太人做任何事情。」「但感謝上帝,我並不這樣想。對我來說,重要的是可以做好事,而不分種族、膚色或信仰。」修女對籌款的氣餒很快就被遺忘了。雖然她在1962 年6 月20 日仍有些失望,認為天主教會不能因「在巴勒斯坦、中國和其他一些地方開展慈善工作」而被指責為不寬容,修女在同一天宣布了一個出乎意料的消息:Godfrey Bird ,一位低調的英國百萬富翁,在三月份到過學校,現在從倫敦寄來了一張15,000 美元的支票。這樣,建築資金終於有所保證。Joseph Alsop 與約翰· 甘迺迪和英國外交官交談Joseph Alsop (left) speaking with Jack Kennedy and British diplomat.捐款者名單The benefactors listNathan Newman祝賀甘迺迪當選Nathan Newman congratulates Kennedy for his electionTolmira修女的最後一封信Last letter from Mother TolmiraCLOSING STORY |特寫故事
116WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023117A deep sorrowOnce the project was completed and publicised, communication between the main people involved ceased almost completely - and in some cases irre-trievably. On September 1963, Nathan Newman died at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, aged 73. Less than two months later, on November 22, the as-sassination of John F. Kennedy on a visit to Houston, Texas, shocked Ameri-ca and the world. Millions of Americans mourned his death, and many took months and years to recover from the tragedy.Joseph Alsop was one of them. In August of the following year, Mother Tolmira broke the silence between them to inform him that 18 secondary school students had graduated from the school for the first time, in a cere-mony chaired by Bishop D. Paulo José Tavares. Stella Matutina now had 950 students enrolled at multiple levels of education and was already planning a new expansion of its facilities. In the letter, dated August 7, the nun regretted not having heard from Alsop since President Kennedy’s assassination.In his reply, Alsop expressed his gratitude for being “cheered up” by the good news, admitting that he needed this kind of encouragement because he had been “rather depressed”. The President’s death, he confessed, was “a great blow” to him.In the following years, there was sporadic correspondence between them, most of the times due to Mother Tolmira’s initiatives. In August 1965, she told Alsop about the changes taking place in Macau, with the appearance of the fast hydrofoil routes from Hong Kong, the growth in casino revenues and a newfound prosperity. Only the refugee problem remained unchanged: “In the month of May, Rev. Father Ruiz registered 360 arrivals of whom 106 were by swimming”. But despite larger resources in the colony, the head of the school still had to ask for help in raising funds for new expansion proj-ects. However, there are no records of further contributions following these appeals. Apparently, the last letter Alsop received from the nun was dated Febru-ary 3, 1967 and it asked him to reply to an address in Hong Kong. At the time, Macau was under serious political turmoil related to the Cultural Revolution. Although an agreement had already been signed a couple of days earlier be-tween the Portuguese administration and the Chinese community represen-tatives, aiming to restore stability after two months of violent incidents and political tensions, the Catholic Church’s future in Macau was still threatened by an anti-religious campaign promoted by revolutionary factions.“In the school everything is as usual, but only in appearance,” complained Mother Tolmira. “A good number of people under panic took refuge in Hong Kong; those who could; the others remain under Our Lord’s care. We remain to see what turn the affairs will take, but the exodus seems near.”For once, it was Joe Alsop who took the initiative to write to the nun, concerned about her safety in Macau. In the very last letter we had access to, which Alsop had already addressed to Hong Kong, he tried to cheer her up, suggesting that the situation at the orphanage would never be jeopardised, and predicting that the political situation in China would not “last very long”.The Cultural Revolution lasted until Mao Zedong’s death, in 1976. A year earlier, the Stella Matutina school was incorporated into Santa Rosa de Lima’s College; Alsop died in August 1989, while in the process of writing his mem-oirs. But of the Franciscan Reverend Mother Maria Tolmira, we found no trace – unless she ended up entering the Discalced Carmelites Order, charac-terised by a life of contemplation and strict isolation within convents’ walls. We managed to find only a record of a nun with her name, in recent times: born in Warsaw in 1923, she had died in September 2009, while associated with the Carmelite’s Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dys, Poland.幸福的日子雖因颱風季節造成了一些延誤,工程仍進展及時並於 1960 年底完成,當時甘迺迪剛剛當選新一任美國總統。工程於 11 月 8 日美國總統大選日竣工。幾天後,Tolmira 修女便把好消息告訴了Alsop ,並藉此機會表達了她對選舉結果感到喜悅:「甘迺迪總統是我們的恩人之一,我們應該為他祈禱並向他致以特別的祝願。」就在那時,Newman 決定與妻子一起登上飛往澳門的飛機,去了解這個他去年投入大量時間和精力的計畫。在甘迺迪宣誓就職後,Newman 寫信祝賀當選和他在就職典禮上發表的「精彩絕倫的演講」,並把一份他計劃在澳門發表的簡短演講的講稿副本寄給甘迺迪,在演講結尾是這樣的:「在你們的禱告中請記住我們的新任總統甘迺迪,以你們的行動和思想去協助他、去高舉『自由的火炬』,以照亮全世界所有愛好和平的人民。我希望你們認識到,你們的未來,你們和你們孩子的明天,取決於我們總統就職演說中的一句簡單的話 —— 『不要問國家能為我做甚麼,先問我能為國家做甚麼』。」我們沒有找到Newman 於1961年1月底訪問澳門的任何記錄。但在當時,Alsop 曾在澳門短暫停留。但直到次年4月再次訪問葡屬時期的澳門時,才再次撰寫有關曉明中學的文章。在他隨後出版的專欄文章中,他採用了比前一篇報導更個人、更非正式的筆調:「這個記者曾經寫過一篇文章,說在這片以好交易而聞名的土地上,最划算的交易就是對Tolmira 修女這裡為貧困兒童所做的工作而投資。這引發了一系列事件:紐約退休金匠Newman 、Mary Lasker和甘迺迪總統都為此慷慨解囊。但當這一系列事件距離取得實質成果還差 15,000 美元時,Elizabeth Godfrey Bird —— 伯德夫人出現了,可說是突然出現。『你打算怎麼處理你其餘所需的錢?』—— 伯德夫人在曉明中學嚴格巡查一輪後問修女。『天主將會提供』,Tolmira 修女回答道。而且,坦白說,我們可以確信這一點,因為上帝經常幫助修女,就像市場上漲幫助投資者一樣。『好,那我捐剩下的15,000 美元』,伯德夫人說。就這樣,一所擁有 145 名非常純潔、容光煥發、聰明女孩的孤兒院拼入了一家有750 名學生的學校。除了美麗的Tolmira修女 —— 外表柔弱卻意志堅毅如鐵 —— 以外,還有其他11 位修女、幾位教師和三位廚師,她們做著孩子們做不了的工作,包括每天準備 2.400 份飯菜,包括早餐、午餐和晚餐。所有這些工作都是靠每月 1.200 美元的收入下完成,再加上天主教社會福利提供的支持,曉明中學仍然是遠東地區最划算的運作。但在澳門,追求金錢並不比追求品質更重要。在眾多人與人之間無情的例子中,更需要像高尚的波蘭修女和她充滿活力的西班牙朋友Ruiz神父這樣的人,來讓我們重拾我們對人類的信心。」Happy daysDespite some delays caused by an intense typhoon season, the work pro-gressed in time to be completed by the end of that year of 1960, when John F. Kennedy had just become president-elect of the United States. In fact, the construction ended precisely on November 8, the date of the US presidential election. A few days later, Mother Tolmira informed Joe Alsop about it in a letter where she also expresses her joy at the election result in the US: “As President Kennedy is one of our benefactors, we owe him prayers and special good wishes.”It was then that Nathan Newman decided to board a plane to Macau with his wife, to finally get to know the project to which he had devoted so much time and dedication in the previous year. Once Kennedy was sworn in, he wrote to congratulate him on his election and on his “wonderful inaugural speech”, also sending him a copy of “some notes” he was planning to deliver in Macau. Here’s an excerpt of his speech to the school students:“Remember in your prayers our new young President Kennedy, assist him in your thoughts and deeds in holding high the ‘Torch of Freedom’, freedom for all peace loving people throughout the world. I want to impress on you all, that your future, and all of ‘your’ – and your children’s tomorrows depend on just a quote of our president’s speech – ‘What I can do for my country, not what my country can do for me’.”We have found no record of Newman’s visit to Macau, which began at the end of January 1961. Around that time, Joe Alsop also spent a few hours in Macau, but he didn’t write about the Stella Matutina school again until April of the following year, on another visit to the territory. In the column he then sent from the Portuguese colony, he adopted an even more personal and in-formal tone than in the one that triggered this whole story:“This reporter once wrote a piece suggesting that the best bargain in this bargain-famous part of the world was an investment in Mother Tolmira’s work for the poor children here. This helped to start a chain of events in which a retired New York jeweler, Nathan Newman, and Mary Lasker, and President Kennedy all played their generous parts. But the chain was still $15,000 short of producing a solid result when Mrs. Elizabeth Godfrey Bird walked in out of the blue, so to say.“What are you going to do for the rest that you need?” Mrs Bird asked the Reverend Mother, after subjecting the School of the Morning Star to a severely practical inspection.“‘The Lord will provide,’ replied Mother Tolmira and, quite sincerely one may be sure, since the Lord has helped the Reverend Mother as often as a bull-market helps a wise investor.“‘Well, I’ll give the other 15 thousand,’ said Mrs. Bird.“So that was that; and an orphanage for 145 wonderfully clean, gay, bright little girls has now been added to the school for 750 day pupils. “Besides frail-seeming, beautiful, iron-strong Mother Tolmira, 11 other nuns, a few day teachers, and three cooks do all the work the children cannot do, including providing a daily total of 2,400 meals – filling breakfasts, lunch-es, and suppers. As all this is done on a cash income of $1,200 a month, plus flour and the like from the Catholic Welfare, the Morning Star is still the best bargain in the Far East.“But in Macao, bargain-hunting is less important than goodness-hunt-ing. Among so many reminders of man’s inhumanity to men, one needs people like the slender Polish Reverend Mother, and her bustling Spanish friend, Fa-ther Ruiz, to restore one’s faith in the human race.”深刻的痛在孤兒院完成建造和對外宣傳後,參與籌款各方的溝通幾乎完全停止 —— 在某些情況下,甚至再無法恢復。1963 年 9 月,Nathan Newman在紐約西奈山醫院去世,享年 73 歲。不到兩個月後的11月22日,甘迺迪在訪問德州休士頓時遇刺身亡,事件震驚了美國和全世界。數百萬美國人哀悼他的去世,許多人花了數月甚至數年的時間才從這場悲劇中恢復過來。Joseph Alsop便是其中之一。隔年8月,Tolmira修女首先打破了兩人之間的沉默,告知Alsop首次有18名中學生戴維理主教主持的儀式上從學校畢業。曉明中學當時有950 名學生就讀各級教育的學生,並已計劃進一步擴建新的設施。在 8 月 7 日的信中,修女表示自甘迺迪總統去世後沒有收到Alsop的消息而感到遺憾。在回信中,Alsop感謝修女送來的好消息,坦言他需要這種刺激,因為他正「明顯地感到很沮喪」。他承認總統的去世對他來說是一個「巨大的打擊」。在接下來的幾年裡,兩人之間有零星的書信往來,但大多都是修女主動寄出,她向他介紹了澳門發生的變化,例如從香港出發的水翼船航線的開通、賭場收入增長和經濟發展等等。儘管如此,學校負責人仍不斷要向外界尋求幫助去為新擴建項目籌集資金。然而沒有紀錄顯示是否有成果。據知Alsop從修女那裡收到的最後一封信的日期是1967年2月3日,信中要求回信要寄到香港的一個地址。當時,儘管政府先前已就「一二· 三事件」後社會復常事直與華人社區代表簽署了一份協議,澳門仍正受到與文化大革命有關的政治動盪因素的影響,而天主教會的未來仍然受到最革命派別反宗教運動的威脅。「學校的一切看起來都很正常,但這只是外表,」曉明中學的負責人說,「許多人在恐慌中逃到香港避難。有能力逃離的就逃。其餘的人仍在主的庇護下留在這裡。我們還在觀望發生甚麼,但大逃亡似乎越來越近了。」而這一次Alsop主動寫信到澳門,他擔心Tolmira修女的處境。修女的回信讓他平靜少許,但未能完全放心。在記錄中的他們最後一封信函中,Alsop試圖鼓勵她,指孤兒院的狀況絕不會受到威脅,又預計中國此時的政治局勢不會「持續太長時間」。文化大革命一直持續到1976年毛澤東逝世。在此前一年,曉明中學併入了聖羅撒女子中學。1989 年 8 月,Joseph Alsop在撰寫回憶錄時與世長辭。但我們沒有發現Tolmira修女的更多蹤跡- 除非她加入了赤足加爾默羅會,該會的特點是在修道院內過著沉思和與世隔絕的生活。僅有的消息只說有一位同名修女於 1923 年出生於華沙,後來加入了位於波蘭東部盧布林省的一個叫Dys的城市中的聖母瑪利亞修道院,並在2009 年 9 月於修道院辭世。1964 年,Paulo José Tavares主教在畢業典禮上。Tolmira修女是右邊的修女Bishop Paulo José Tavares at graduation day ceremony in 1964. Mother Tolmira is the nun on the right 就職典禮當天,約翰· 甘迺迪和Jacqueline Kennnedy甘迺迪在白宮Jack & Jacqueline Kennnedy at the White House, on innauguration dayCLOSING STORY |特寫故事
116WWW.MACAUCLOSER.COMNOV / DEC - 2023117A deep sorrowOnce the project was completed and publicised, communication between the main people involved ceased almost completely - and in some cases irre-trievably. On September 1963, Nathan Newman died at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, aged 73. Less than two months later, on November 22, the as-sassination of John F. Kennedy on a visit to Houston, Texas, shocked Ameri-ca and the world. Millions of Americans mourned his death, and many took months and years to recover from the tragedy.Joseph Alsop was one of them. In August of the following year, Mother Tolmira broke the silence between them to inform him that 18 secondary school students had graduated from the school for the first time, in a cere-mony chaired by Bishop D. Paulo José Tavares. Stella Matutina now had 950 students enrolled at multiple levels of education and was already planning a new expansion of its facilities. In the letter, dated August 7, the nun regretted not having heard from Alsop since President Kennedy’s assassination.In his reply, Alsop expressed his gratitude for being “cheered up” by the good news, admitting that he needed this kind of encouragement because he had been “rather depressed”. The President’s death, he confessed, was “a great blow” to him.In the following years, there was sporadic correspondence between them, most of the times due to Mother Tolmira’s initiatives. In August 1965, she told Alsop about the changes taking place in Macau, with the appearance of the fast hydrofoil routes from Hong Kong, the growth in casino revenues and a newfound prosperity. Only the refugee problem remained unchanged: “In the month of May, Rev. Father Ruiz registered 360 arrivals of whom 106 were by swimming”. But despite larger resources in the colony, the head of the school still had to ask for help in raising funds for new expansion proj-ects. However, there are no records of further contributions following these appeals. Apparently, the last letter Alsop received from the nun was dated Febru-ary 3, 1967 and it asked him to reply to an address in Hong Kong. At the time, Macau was under serious political turmoil related to the Cultural Revolution. Although an agreement had already been signed a couple of days earlier be-tween the Portuguese administration and the Chinese community represen-tatives, aiming to restore stability after two months of violent incidents and political tensions, the Catholic Church’s future in Macau was still threatened by an anti-religious campaign promoted by revolutionary factions.“In the school everything is as usual, but only in appearance,” complained Mother Tolmira. “A good number of people under panic took refuge in Hong Kong; those who could; the others remain under Our Lord’s care. We remain to see what turn the affairs will take, but the exodus seems near.”For once, it was Joe Alsop who took the initiative to write to the nun, concerned about her safety in Macau. In the very last letter we had access to, which Alsop had already addressed to Hong Kong, he tried to cheer her up, suggesting that the situation at the orphanage would never be jeopardised, and predicting that the political situation in China would not “last very long”.The Cultural Revolution lasted until Mao Zedong’s death, in 1976. A year earlier, the Stella Matutina school was incorporated into Santa Rosa de Lima’s College; Alsop died in August 1989, while in the process of writing his mem-oirs. But of the Franciscan Reverend Mother Maria Tolmira, we found no trace – unless she ended up entering the Discalced Carmelites Order, charac-terised by a life of contemplation and strict isolation within convents’ walls. We managed to find only a record of a nun with her name, in recent times: born in Warsaw in 1923, she had died in September 2009, while associated with the Carmelite’s Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dys, Poland.幸福的日子雖因颱風季節造成了一些延誤,工程仍進展及時並於 1960 年底完成,當時甘迺迪剛剛當選新一任美國總統。工程於 11 月 8 日美國總統大選日竣工。幾天後,Tolmira 修女便把好消息告訴了Alsop ,並藉此機會表達了她對選舉結果感到喜悅:「甘迺迪總統是我們的恩人之一,我們應該為他祈禱並向他致以特別的祝願。」就在那時,Newman 決定與妻子一起登上飛往澳門的飛機,去了解這個他去年投入大量時間和精力的計畫。在甘迺迪宣誓就職後,Newman 寫信祝賀當選和他在就職典禮上發表的「精彩絕倫的演講」,並把一份他計劃在澳門發表的簡短演講的講稿副本寄給甘迺迪,在演講結尾是這樣的:「在你們的禱告中請記住我們的新任總統甘迺迪,以你們的行動和思想去協助他、去高舉『自由的火炬』,以照亮全世界所有愛好和平的人民。我希望你們認識到,你們的未來,你們和你們孩子的明天,取決於我們總統就職演說中的一句簡單的話 —— 『不要問國家能為我做甚麼,先問我能為國家做甚麼』。」我們沒有找到Newman 於1961年1月底訪問澳門的任何記錄。但在當時,Alsop 曾在澳門短暫停留。但直到次年4月再次訪問葡屬時期的澳門時,才再次撰寫有關曉明中學的文章。在他隨後出版的專欄文章中,他採用了比前一篇報導更個人、更非正式的筆調:「這個記者曾經寫過一篇文章,說在這片以好交易而聞名的土地上,最划算的交易就是對Tolmira 修女這裡為貧困兒童所做的工作而投資。這引發了一系列事件:紐約退休金匠Newman 、Mary Lasker和甘迺迪總統都為此慷慨解囊。但當這一系列事件距離取得實質成果還差 15,000 美元時,Elizabeth Godfrey Bird —— 伯德夫人出現了,可說是突然出現。『你打算怎麼處理你其餘所需的錢?』—— 伯德夫人在曉明中學嚴格巡查一輪後問修女。『天主將會提供』,Tolmira 修女回答道。而且,坦白說,我們可以確信這一點,因為上帝經常幫助修女,就像市場上漲幫助投資者一樣。『好,那我捐剩下的15,000 美元』,伯德夫人說。就這樣,一所擁有 145 名非常純潔、容光煥發、聰明女孩的孤兒院拼入了一家有750 名學生的學校。除了美麗的Tolmira修女 —— 外表柔弱卻意志堅毅如鐵 —— 以外,還有其他11 位修女、幾位教師和三位廚師,她們做著孩子們做不了的工作,包括每天準備 2.400 份飯菜,包括早餐、午餐和晚餐。所有這些工作都是靠每月 1.200 美元的收入下完成,再加上天主教社會福利提供的支持,曉明中學仍然是遠東地區最划算的運作。但在澳門,追求金錢並不比追求品質更重要。在眾多人與人之間無情的例子中,更需要像高尚的波蘭修女和她充滿活力的西班牙朋友Ruiz神父這樣的人,來讓我們重拾我們對人類的信心。」Happy daysDespite some delays caused by an intense typhoon season, the work pro-gressed in time to be completed by the end of that year of 1960, when John F. Kennedy had just become president-elect of the United States. In fact, the construction ended precisely on November 8, the date of the US presidential election. A few days later, Mother Tolmira informed Joe Alsop about it in a letter where she also expresses her joy at the election result in the US: “As President Kennedy is one of our benefactors, we owe him prayers and special good wishes.”It was then that Nathan Newman decided to board a plane to Macau with his wife, to finally get to know the project to which he had devoted so much time and dedication in the previous year. Once Kennedy was sworn in, he wrote to congratulate him on his election and on his “wonderful inaugural speech”, also sending him a copy of “some notes” he was planning to deliver in Macau. Here’s an excerpt of his speech to the school students:“Remember in your prayers our new young President Kennedy, assist him in your thoughts and deeds in holding high the ‘Torch of Freedom’, freedom for all peace loving people throughout the world. I want to impress on you all, that your future, and all of ‘your’ – and your children’s tomorrows depend on just a quote of our president’s speech – ‘What I can do for my country, not what my country can do for me’.”We have found no record of Newman’s visit to Macau, which began at the end of January 1961. Around that time, Joe Alsop also spent a few hours in Macau, but he didn’t write about the Stella Matutina school again until April of the following year, on another visit to the territory. In the column he then sent from the Portuguese colony, he adopted an even more personal and in-formal tone than in the one that triggered this whole story:“This reporter once wrote a piece suggesting that the best bargain in this bargain-famous part of the world was an investment in Mother Tolmira’s work for the poor children here. This helped to start a chain of events in which a retired New York jeweler, Nathan Newman, and Mary Lasker, and President Kennedy all played their generous parts. But the chain was still $15,000 short of producing a solid result when Mrs. Elizabeth Godfrey Bird walked in out of the blue, so to say.“What are you going to do for the rest that you need?” Mrs Bird asked the Reverend Mother, after subjecting the School of the Morning Star to a severely practical inspection.“‘The Lord will provide,’ replied Mother Tolmira and, quite sincerely one may be sure, since the Lord has helped the Reverend Mother as often as a bull-market helps a wise investor.“‘Well, I’ll give the other 15 thousand,’ said Mrs. Bird.“So that was that; and an orphanage for 145 wonderfully clean, gay, bright little girls has now been added to the school for 750 day pupils. “Besides frail-seeming, beautiful, iron-strong Mother Tolmira, 11 other nuns, a few day teachers, and three cooks do all the work the children cannot do, including providing a daily total of 2,400 meals – filling breakfasts, lunch-es, and suppers. As all this is done on a cash income of $1,200 a month, plus flour and the like from the Catholic Welfare, the Morning Star is still the best bargain in the Far East.“But in Macao, bargain-hunting is less important than goodness-hunt-ing. Among so many reminders of man’s inhumanity to men, one needs people like the slender Polish Reverend Mother, and her bustling Spanish friend, Fa-ther Ruiz, to restore one’s faith in the human race.”深刻的痛在孤兒院完成建造和對外宣傳後,參與籌款各方的溝通幾乎完全停止 —— 在某些情況下,甚至再無法恢復。1963 年 9 月,Nathan Newman在紐約西奈山醫院去世,享年 73 歲。不到兩個月後的11月22日,甘迺迪在訪問德州休士頓時遇刺身亡,事件震驚了美國和全世界。數百萬美國人哀悼他的去世,許多人花了數月甚至數年的時間才從這場悲劇中恢復過來。Joseph Alsop便是其中之一。隔年8月,Tolmira修女首先打破了兩人之間的沉默,告知Alsop首次有18名中學生戴維理主教主持的儀式上從學校畢業。曉明中學當時有950 名學生就讀各級教育的學生,並已計劃進一步擴建新的設施。在 8 月 7 日的信中,修女表示自甘迺迪總統去世後沒有收到Alsop的消息而感到遺憾。在回信中,Alsop感謝修女送來的好消息,坦言他需要這種刺激,因為他正「明顯地感到很沮喪」。他承認總統的去世對他來說是一個「巨大的打擊」。在接下來的幾年裡,兩人之間有零星的書信往來,但大多都是修女主動寄出,她向他介紹了澳門發生的變化,例如從香港出發的水翼船航線的開通、賭場收入增長和經濟發展等等。儘管如此,學校負責人仍不斷要向外界尋求幫助去為新擴建項目籌集資金。然而沒有紀錄顯示是否有成果。據知Alsop從修女那裡收到的最後一封信的日期是1967年2月3日,信中要求回信要寄到香港的一個地址。當時,儘管政府先前已就「一二· 三事件」後社會復常事直與華人社區代表簽署了一份協議,澳門仍正受到與文化大革命有關的政治動盪因素的影響,而天主教會的未來仍然受到最革命派別反宗教運動的威脅。「學校的一切看起來都很正常,但這只是外表,」曉明中學的負責人說,「許多人在恐慌中逃到香港避難。有能力逃離的就逃。其餘的人仍在主的庇護下留在這裡。我們還在觀望發生甚麼,但大逃亡似乎越來越近了。」而這一次Alsop主動寫信到澳門,他擔心Tolmira修女的處境。修女的回信讓他平靜少許,但未能完全放心。在記錄中的他們最後一封信函中,Alsop試圖鼓勵她,指孤兒院的狀況絕不會受到威脅,又預計中國此時的政治局勢不會「持續太長時間」。文化大革命一直持續到1976年毛澤東逝世。在此前一年,曉明中學併入了聖羅撒女子中學。1989 年 8 月,Joseph Alsop在撰寫回憶錄時與世長辭。但我們沒有發現Tolmira修女的更多蹤跡- 除非她加入了赤足加爾默羅會,該會的特點是在修道院內過著沉思和與世隔絕的生活。僅有的消息只說有一位同名修女於 1923 年出生於華沙,後來加入了位於波蘭東部盧布林省的一個叫Dys的城市中的聖母瑪利亞修道院,並在2009 年 9 月於修道院辭世。1964 年,Paulo José Tavares主教在畢業典禮上。Tolmira修女是右邊的修女Bishop Paulo José Tavares at graduation day ceremony in 1964. Mother Tolmira is the nun on the right 就職典禮當天,約翰· 甘迺迪和Jacqueline Kennnedy甘迺迪在白宮Jack & Jacqueline Kennnedy at the White House, on innauguration dayCLOSING STORY |特寫故事