Welcome Packet 2023New ClientWelcome PacketA Guide for Our Future CollaborationPLANNING WITH A PURPOSE
Welcome!On behalf of the entire Mawby Brigeman Wealth Management Group, we wouldlike to extend a warm welcome to our team. We are thankful to have you as aclient and look forward to getting to know you and serving your specific needsfor years to come.To ensure your onboarding process is as seamless as possible, we have included in thispacket a list of our comprehensive tools and resources, set-up instructions for our tworeporting platforms, as well as an outline of next steps and helpful links for yourreference. If you have any questions as you review the information, please do nothesitate to reach out to a member of our team. We are more than happy to help youhowever we can.Again, welcome to the Mawby Brigeman Wealth Management Group. We appreciateyour trust in our team and look forward to working with you.-THE MAWBY BRIGEMAN WEALTH MANAGEMENT GROUPBEN BRIGEMAN MICHAEL MAWBY MATTHEW BRIGEMAN JOHN CONRY BRITTAN LEISER
O N B O A R D I N G T I M E L I N EW E L C O M E !Thank you for your trust and confidence in our team. We are grateful to bepartnering with you and look forward to working together. You will be receivingan email from our team detailing your specific onboarding instructions. If youhave any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact youradvisor or our office at any time. E X E C U T E N E W C L I E N T A G R E E M E N TTo solidify our relationship, we will send you documents to complete eitherelectronically (via DocuSign or Schwab Digital Envelope) or by hand. Weappreciate your prompt attention to these documents as this allows us toexpedite the account opening process.A C C E S S Y O U R A C C O U N T SOnce your accounts have been established, we will notify you directly. To gainaccess to your accounts and to view your portfolio's performance, please followthe instructions outlined in this packet. T R A N S F E R A S S E T S O R R O L L O V E R A C C O U N T SIn the event that you plan to transfer or roll over funds from an outside accountor previous retirement plan, please let us know as we are more than happy toassist you. We can help you coordinate transfer details with the current account'sprovider to make this as seamless a process as possible.A L I G N O N I N V E S T M E N T S T R A T E G YOnce accounts have been established and funded, we will begin investingaccording to a mutually agreed upon strategy (as discussed in previous discoverysessions).
Welcome Packet 2020RiskalyzeWe know that all of our clients have their own unique financial goalsand challenges, and every individual processes risk differently.Therefore, we now proudly utilize Riskalyze as an objective,measurable way to assess our clients' tolerance for risk. To take theinitial risk survey, please use this link here.eMoneyWe use the sophisticated eMoney Financial Planning software whenassisting clients with their comprehensive financial planning needs.To learn more about our financial planning services, please ask youradvisor today.Did you know that we have an entire library of great articles, videos,and other helpful resources on our website? To learn more about aparticular area of interest or to access any of our tools and resources,please feel free to head to our resource center on our main website.Black DiamondTo view comprehensive reporting for your portfolio on BlackDiamond, please follow the instructions provided in this packet. Welcome Packet 2023The MB Wealth Management Group WebsiteTools & ResourcesSchwab AllianceTo view your account information on Schwab Alliance, please followthe instructions provided in this packet. To access the ClientLearning Center, please use this link.
Welcome Packet 2020Welcome Packet 2023HolistiplanTo add additional value to our clients' financial plans, we utilize theHolistiplan software to identify potential opportunities for taxefficient investing.Trust & WillThis tool serves as a cost-effective, state-specific online solution forestablishing and maintaining key elements of a client's estate plan.Webinar JamWe regularly host webinars, events, and educational seminars forour clients using the secure, easy-to-use Webinar Jam software.Advice PayAdvice Pay is a compliant, secure, and industry-specific billing andpayment solution for financial advisors. DocuSignWe routinely use this secure electronic signature platform forsending and receiving fillable documents, forms, and contracts. TechnologyScheduleOnceScheduling time to meet with a member of our team or yourspecific advisor has never been easier. Now, you can schedule timethat works directly for your calendar by using this scheduling linkhere.
Welcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2021Setup: Schwab AllianceBegin by navigating to the Schwab Alliance home page andclicking "New User?"Verify your personal information. You'll need to enter your SocialSecurity number and brokerage account number through theirsecure interface. Your account number is the eight-digitnumber at the top of your statement. If you own more than oneaccount, you can enter any one of those account numbers. Verify your identity. As an additional layer of security, Schwab willtext you an access code to your mobile phone or call you directly.Please enter your access code provided by Schwab once youreceive it. Please review and accept user agreements and sign up forelectronic delivery of key account documents. You can enroll alleligible accounts or select specific accounts for documents youwish to enroll.Next, please create your login ID, password, and security questionand answer. Choose a secret question and an answer to makeany future resets easier. Answers must be at least five characterslong and can contain spaces, but cannot contain symbols (e.g.!@#%). You will then receive confirmation that your login ID andpassword were created. Click on the "continue to your account"link to log in.Welcome Packet 2023Select "New User?" to gain access.
Setup: Black DiamondPlease use the link provided to establish access and set yourpreferences. To get started with Black Diamond reporting, your advisor willsend you a customized invitation link.Once you have completed the set up process, bookmark this pagefor quick-access in the future: https://login.bdreporting.com/Auth/SigninWelcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2023
Welcome Packet 2021Next StepsGOING FORWARDLet's Get AcquaintedAccess Your AccountsDefine your Risk NumberExplore our ResourcesPlease take a few moments to complete ournew client onboarding process. This processhelps us to better get to know you so thatwe can best serve your needs for years tocome. *Note: please be sure to monitor yourSPAM folder as our onboarding email mayhave inadvertently been markedaccordingly.Open communication and transparency arethe foundation of any lasting relationship.These principles guide our decisions andsuggestions as we help you down the pathof financial wellness. We encourage you toset up client access to TD Ameritrade'sAdvisor Client portal so that you can viewyour account information and performance.Do you know your risk tolerance? The firststep is to answer a 5-minute questionnairethat covers topics such as portfolio size, topfinancial goals, and what you're willing to riskfor potential gains. Then, we'll pinpoint yourexact Risk Number to guide our decisionmaking process.Looking to learn more about a particular areaof interest? Explore our comprehensive suiteof articles, videos, and other helpful resourceson our MB Wealth Management Groupwebsite. If you would like to learn more aboutany specific focus area, please let us know.We'd be happy to further discuss.When to Contact UsWe encourage our clients to reach out to us. We know that there are times you willexperience a change that may impact your financial future, and we are happy to helpguide you through those changes. We want to congratulate you when you experiencesuccess and provide support when you face a challenge. It is always a good idea to reach out to us whenever you experience changes to youroverall financial picture, your business, changes that may impact your estate plan, orchanges to your personal life. 01030204Welcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2023
Important DetailsHello@MBWealthManagementGroup.comOffice: 440.589.4902 | Fax: 440.589.4910We pride ourselves on providing a high level of service and being readilyaccessible to our clients. Our main office is staffed from 8am - 5pm EST, but weencourage you to reach out to your advisor directly via telephone or email outsideof these hours as needed.36 South Franklin Street | Chagrin Falls, OH 44022*Parking is available in front of our building or nearby in the heart of the Chagrin Falls village. We are happyto reserve a spot for you via the Park Mobile app in advance of your meeting as a courtesy. Please provideyour license plate number and we'd be happy to assist. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you virtually or in-person. To scheduletime with your advisor, please feel free to do so with this link here. Welcome Packet 2021Contact UsBusiness HoursSchedule a MeetingOur Office LocationWelcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2023
Have a question for our team?Send an Email Schedule a callFor more information, please visitwww.MBWealthManagementGroup.comWe pride ourselves on being highly accessible and readily available for ourclients. If you have a question, suggestion, or would like to schedule a meeting,please feel free to do so using the links below. MGO One Seven LLC (“MGO One Seven”) is a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration with the SEC does not implya certain level of skill or training. Services are provided under the name MB Wealth Management Group, a DBA of MGO One Seven. Investment products are not FDIC insured,offer no bank guarantee, and may lose value. Information in this message is for the intended recipient[s] only. Please visit our website www.WeAreOneSeven.com forimportant disclosures.