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MB Wealth Management Group Introduction Packet

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MB Wealth Management Group 2023Introduction PacketPLANNING WITH A PURPOSE

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Welcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2021Welcome!-THE MAWBY BRIGEMAN WEALTH MANAGEMENT GROUPAt the Mawby Brigeman Group, we combine our investment philosophy and experience withstate-of-the-art tools to provide our clients with strategies that meet their specific needs. Ourpriority is helping you take care of yourself and your family. We want to learn more about yoursituation, identify your dreams and goals, and understand your risk tolerance. Long-termrelationships that encourage open and honest communication have been the cornerstone ofour foundation of success. We look forward to getting to know you and serving your specificneeds for years to come.W E A R E G L A D Y O U A R E H E R EL E T ' S C O N N E C THELLO@MBWEALTHMANAGEMENTGROUP.COMMBWEALTHMANAGEMENTGROUP.COMBEN BRIGEMAN MICHAEL MAWBY MATTHEW BRIGEMAN JOHN CONRY BRITTAN LEISERMB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Welcome Packet 2021About Us O U R P H I L O S O P H Y"Successful investing isabout managing risk,not avoiding it."Benjamin GrahamWhat motivates us How we can help youOur team will execute your investmentstrategy and be your main point ofcontact for your financial reporting,communications, and results. Oursolutions are cost-effective, thorough, andcustomized for your specific needs. Wealso aim to surround you with highlysuccessful, experienced professionals,such as attorneys and Certified PublicAccountants. Ultimately, we look todevelop long-term relationshipsgrounded in trust, communication, andresults.The Mawby Brigeman Group is morethan just the typical investmentmanagement firm. Our customizedapproach, advice, and solutions aredesigned to address the core of whatreally matters to you, tap into life-changing opportunities, grow yourwealth, and build legacies around thethings you truly care about.Welcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Welcome Packet 2021Welcome Packet 2021Michael Mawby, CFP Matthew Brigeman, CFPMichael is a Co-Founder of The Mawby Brigeman Group and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional withmore than 30 years of experience as a wealth managementadvisor. What Michael enjoys most is organizing andproblem-solving for clients, as well as listening closely tohelp simplify their financial lives.Matt is a Financial Advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIALPLANNER™ Professional at The Mawby Brigeman Group.Matt takes the time to understand the intricacies of eachclient’s unique situation to develop in-depth, customizedrecommendations, and takes pride in being able to articulatecomplex concepts in ways that are easier to understand.F I N A N C I A L A D V I S O RJohn Conry Brittan LeiserJohn Conry has over 25 years of financial servicesexperience, working with both institutional and individualclients. Prior to specializing in the institutional equityresearch field, John worked at Fidelity Investments wherehe was ranked as one of their top financial advisors. Johnhas an MS in Accounting from Boston College and receivedhis MBA in Finance from Case Western Reserve University.Brittan is a Financial Advisor with One Seven as well asthe Founder and CEO of SavviHer: The FinancialResource for the Modern Woman. A graduate of theUniversity of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business,Brittan is passionate about helping clients understandtheir financial options in order to achieve their truepotential.F I N A N C I A L A D V I S O RF I N A N C I A L A D V I S O RF I N A N C I A L A D V I S O ROur TeamMB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Our priority is helping you take care ofyourself and your family. We want tolearn more about your situation,identify your dreams and goals, andunderstand your risk tolerance. Long-term relationships that encourageopen and honest communication havebeen the cornerstone of our foundationof success.

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Our ValuesRelationships, Trust, and Understanding are Critical to Achieving Your SuccessWe will always strive to understand your needs and will always serve as a fiduciaryby placing your best interest above ours.We strive to find the highest quality investments with cost-efficient annual fees. Webelieve that even the small differences in fees can add up to thousands of dollarsover the life of the investment.We will develop a well-defined plan that is specific to your goals, risk tolerance, timehorizon, income, tax status, and liquidity needs....but over-diversification wastes money. We take the time to appropriately diversifyeach portfolio based on geography, industry sectors, security types, and duration.We look at risk from as many perspectives as possible: credit, liquidity, business,market, industry, company specific, people, etc. We have a deep understanding ofwhat we invest in.We develop plans for long-term and short-term goals but are nimble whenadjustments are needed. We have a strong bias to quality. We believe in the long run, quality wins.01020304050607Welcome Packet 2021The Mawby Brigeman Group Principles of Wealth Management:Expenses MatterPlanning is CriticalDiversification is ImportantThere are many forms of RiskInvestment Discipline is ImportantQuality vs. QuantityWelcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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What We DoSome of the products and services we may recommend for you include:Our team will execute your investment strategy and be your main point of contact for yourfinancial reporting, communications, and results. Our solutions are cost-effective, thorough, andcustomized for your specific needs. We also aim to surround you with highly successful,experienced professionals, such as attorneys and Certified Public Accountants. Ultimately, we lookto develop long-term relationships grounded in trust, communication, and results. Cost-Effective Investment SolutionsIndependent Market ResearchProactive Cash ManagementOngoing GuidanceDelivering results does not need to break thebudget. We employ cost-effective strategies soyou can continue living a life you love. Our team utilizes world-class market researchtools to help us sift through the noise andcome to well-educated conclusions. In order toeliminate conflicts of interest, we do not investin proprietary products.One of our specialties is helping you plan for retirement. We knowthat it can be complicated and overwhelming, but rest assured thatas we create your personalized retirement plan, we first start bylooking at the big picture. We consider what is going to work bestfor you, and then we help you understand your available resourcesso that you can live out a happy retirement. Finally, we develop athoughtful, strategic plan that will help you put your mind at easeso that you can enjoy those well-deserved retirement years. Our solutions ensure you are investedappropriately while allowing for enoughliquidity to meet your short-term needs.Our team will meet with you quarterly or asdefined by your Investment Policy Statementto update you on performance, the economicenvironment and outlook, as well asrecommending appropriate changes.2021Retirement PlanningMB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Our ServicesInsightful advice delivered through ongoing collaborationOur ApproachThe Mawby Brigeman Group provides objective, insightful advice to help clients of all different stagesof life manage their assets. The personal relationships we build with clients are long-term andcollaborative, not transactional. Our process begins the moment you engage us. From the start, we focus on learning everything wecan about your unique situation. Our approach is high-touch and proactive so that we are able toprovide the customized solutions your needs require. In addition, because we are backed by the vastresources of TD Ameritrade. we offer you viewpoints grounded in a global perspective.Investment Planning Strategy AlignmentAsset Allocation Ongoing Advisory ServicesDevelop and present a personalized financial plan that will serve as a roadmap for your financialfutureAssess your current portfolio with an eye toward expense management, suitability, and fitCreate a customized Investment Policy Statement (IPS) with a recommended course of actiondesigned to meet your short-term needs and help you achieve your long-term goalsSophisticated modeling and portfolio evaluation toolsManager search databases and selection where appropriateInnovative investment and reporting solutionsMarket research and analysis with proactive macro environment updatesDue diligence reviews of investment managersStreamlined reporting with semiannual meetingsFee transparency and full disclosure of total investment expensesBefore we make recommendations, we will:We offer a structured approach designed to manage the complexities of investing, capitalpreservation, and growth using comprehensive investment strategies and a focus on expensemanagement. Our services include:At the Mawby Brigeman Group, we understand that the needs of every client and family are different.Our professionals have the experience, understanding, tools, and knowledge to provide you and yourfamily with the attention and professional guidance you need.MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Our FocusMB Wealth Management GroupOne of our specialties is helping you plan forretirement. We will develop a thoughtful, strategicplan to help put your mind at ease so that you canenjoy those well-deserved retirement years. Without commission incentives and conflicts of interests, we’re able to deliver recommendationsthat solely serve your best interests. Please ask us about our:Cost-Effective Investment SolutionsDelivering results does not need to break thebudget. We employ cost-effective strategies thatalign with your risk tolerance so you can continueliving a life you love. Complementary Second OpinionDo your investments need attention? Let us prepare a"second opinion" to see how your portfolio isperforming. We will review your current assetallocation, financial goals, risk profile, fees/expenses,and provide additional strategies for consideration.Comprehensive Financial PlanningFinancial Consulting MembershipWe will dissect your most immediate financialfocus areas, provide thoughtful and actionablerecommendations on a timely basis, and inspireyou to take the proper next steps in your financialjourney. Cost-efficient investment solutions Trust & Estate planningHolistic retirement & financial planning Wealth protectionCash management & budgeting Insurance reviewsTax planning Debt management strategiesSome of our other products and services we may recommend for you include:401(k) & pension consultingLong-term wealth planningEducation funding strategiesTax-efficient income distributionProviding you with the knowledge and resources you need to besuccessful is what we do best.2023

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We We OfferComprehensive Quarterly ReportingAnnual Financial ReviewsTax AssistanceEducational Seminars and WorkshopsEach quarter, we are happy to review your portfolio with you and discuss possible investment ideasand suggestions for your consideration. Additionally, elect to receive your quarterly reportingpackage physically by mail or sent electronically to your email.We know that a lot of change can transpire in a year. We look forward to meeting with our clientseach year to check in and measure progress for your most important short- and long-term goals. Need assistance in navigating your tax situation? We are happy to work with your tax advisor oraccountant to assist in tax matters and tax preparation. We believe education is a life-long pursuit. To that end, we aim to provide our clients with manyopportunities to learn and stay informed with educational workshops, seminars, and other relevantmacroeconomic updates..Complimentary Review for Family MembersWe appreciate the importance of your family relationships and would be glad to assist yourimmediate family members with complimentary in-person or virtual financial planning discussionsas needed. MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Welcome Packet 2021Our ProcessTHE STEPS TO SUCCESS010203040506Discovery and Client InterviewOnboardingStrategic PlanningPresent our Customized RecommendationBeyond the Balance SheetOngoing CommitmentBefore we offer solutions, we listen to you carefully and develop a clear understanding ofyour goals and priorities for your life, business, and your family.We will work closely with you to ensure all new client paperwork and/or account applicationsare completed in a timely manner, and are glad to help you access your account information.After completing our Riskalyze questionnaire, we will customize an investment proposal thataligns with your goals, risk tolerance, and strategic priorities.Next, we will share our investment proposal and strategic recommendations with you. Atthis time, we will also set expectations for ongoing reviews and communication.We strive to simplify your life by being your main point of contact - surrounding you withhighly successful, experienced professionals such as attorneys and CPAs. We look forward to developing long-term relationships, not transactions. We will continue tomonitor your portfolio's performance and review adjustments with you as needed. We willalso keep you informed of our group's unique offerings including in-person events, seminars,webinars, educational workshops, and charitable involvement.Welcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Riskalyze is award-winning technology that quantifiesyour acceptable levels of risk and reward. Using thistool, we ensure that your portfolio defines yourinvestment goals and expectations.By implementing Riskalyze, we are now able to honeand adjust your financial plan according to yourcomfort level. This advanced technology allows us tocraft more specific recommendations that aligndirectly with your risk tolerance, individualpreferences, and strategic priorities.The first step is to answer a 5-minute questionnairethat covers topics such as portfolio size, topfinancial goals, and what you're willing to risk forpotential gains. Then, we'll pinpoint your exact RiskNumber to guide our decision making process.After pinpointing your Risk Number, we’ll craft aportfolio that aligns with your personal preferencesand priorities, allowing you to feel comfortable withyour expected out-comes. The resulting proposedportfolio will include projections for the potentialgains and losses we should expect over time.Working with RiskalyzeASSESSING RISKWhat is this program about?How it will help you?Define your Risk NumberAlign your PortfolioDetermine your Retirement GoalsWe will also review your progress toward your financialgoals by building a Retirement Map. When we arefinished, you’ll better understand what we can do toincrease the probability of success.Welcome Packet 2021Let's Get StartedWelcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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What to Expect fromOur TeamOUR COMMITMENTWorld-Class ServiceWelcome Packet 2021Our dedicated team of skilled professionals has decades of experience. Weutilize the most up-to-date technology while simultaneously communicatingour strategy and results in a way that is relevant and easy to understand.Clear & Transparent FeesWe know how important every dollar is to you, so we developed a clear feestructure that eliminates the guesswork and allows you to make the most ofyour total portfolio.Comprehensive Financial PlanningWe pride ourselves on putting together a plan together that aims to not onlydeliver on your investment goals, but does so in a way that is cost-effective,strategic, and transparent.Ongoing GuidanceOur team will meet with you quarterly or as defined by your InvestmentPolicy Statement to update you on performance, the economic environmentand outlook, as well as recommending appropriate changes.Welcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Our Commitment toYour PrivacyOur Partnership with Click ITEmail Encryption Click IT Connect Corp utilizes a suite of security software both internally developed andoutsourced from reputable sources. We have partnered with their team to receive Antivirusprotection, Anti-Malware protection, Ransomware protection, and Intrusion protection. All email systems in use by Click IT as well as hosted systems for Click IT Clients utilizes the TLSEncryption Scheme. TLS is the latest and greatest of encryption for email delivery and receipt.This ensures a total point to point encryption during transit. We also utilize SPF authenticationto ensure accurate delivery of mail and prevention of spoofing addresses. Lastly, we utilizeDKIM to prevent unauthorized services from utilizing both Click Its email system as our hostedsystems email as a mule for spam or other malicious activity. All suspicious emails are blockedand monitored as we well as sending traffic patterns to ensure that all email is deliveredappropriately as well as received in a timely manner. We utilize advanced spam controlsystems in addition to phishing control exercises and training.At the Mawby Brigeman Wealth Management Group, we know how important it isto keep the details of your personal, professional, and financial lives secure.Therefore, we make every effort to protect your security and privacy through the useof these world-class tools and services:Cloud Storage We now proudly offer our clients a safe and secure way to store important financial documents.Now, all financial statements, estate planning materials, and trust documents can be storedsecurely on our internal servers.MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Next StepsGOING FORWARDLet's Get AcquaintedDefine your Risk NumberOur Discovery SessionExplore our ResourcesWe would welcome the opportunity toassist you with your financial needs. If youhave questions about our services or arelooking for guidance, please feel free toschedule time with one of our advisors for acomplimentary discovery session.We understand that every client's financialsituation is unique. Before we offer solutions,we listen to you carefully and develop a clearunderstanding of your goals and prioritiesfor your life, business, and your family.Ultimately, our discovery session lays thefoundation for our ongoing relationship.Looking to learn more about a particulararea of interest? Explore our comprehensivesuite of articles, videos, and other helpfulresources on our MB Wealth ManagementGroup website. If you would like to learnmore about any specific focus area, pleaselet us know. We'd be happy to furtherdiscuss.01030204Do you know your risk tolerance? Before wecreate a proposal for you, we seek tounderstand your true risk tolerance. Wemay ask you to complete a 5-minutequestionnaire that covers topics such asportfolio size, top financial goals, and whatyou're willing to risk for potential gains.Then, we'll pinpoint your exact Risk Numberto guide our decision making process.MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Client FAQsI'm new to investing. How can I access my account and view performance?What does it mean to be a fiduciary?What types of fees are involved with your services?Do you charge per phone call or interaction?Do you have recommendations for accountants or other financial professionals?0102030405Welcome Packet 2021Transparency and open communication are very important to us. To access your accountinformation and performance, we encourage you to utilize the Schwab Alliance platform as well asBlack Diamond reporting services. Further instructions as to how to set up your account with eachplatform are included in this packet. A fiduciary is a person or organization that is tasked with putting the needs and best interests of theclient ahead of their own. We take our fiduciary responsibility very seriously and strive to provideguidance that is aligned with your financial, professional, and personal goals. We know how important every dollar is to you, so we developed a clear fee structure that eliminatesthe guesswork and allows you to make the most of your total portfolio. Depending on thecomplexity of your portfolio, we will charge a percentage of your assets under our management.This fee is priced on an annual basis and billed quarterly. Note* there may be a separate fee for ourfinancial planning membership.We do not. We encourage our clients to reach out to us with questions and as their lifecircumstances change. We welcome the opportunity to connect with you and make adjustments toyour financial plan or investment portfolio as needed.Our team strives to simplify your life by being your main point of contact - surrounding you withhighly successful, experienced professionals such as attorneys and CPAs. If you would like access toour network or are seeking a referral, please let us know and we would be happy to facilitate anintroduction.Welcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Important DetailsHello@MBWealthManagementGroup.comOffice: 440.589.4902 | Fax: 440.589.4910We pride ourselves on providing a high level of service and being readilyaccessible to our clients. Our main office is staffed from 8am - 5pm EST, but weencourage you to reach out to your advisor directly via telephone or email outsideof these hours as needed.36 South Franklin Street | Chagrin Falls, OH 44022*Parking is available in front of our building or nearby in the heart of the Chagrin Falls village. We are happyto reserve a spot for you via the Park Mobile app in advance of your meeting as a courtesy. Please provideyour license plate number and we'd be happy to assist. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you virtually or in-person. To scheduletime with your advisor, please feel free to do so with this link here. Welcome Packet 2021Contact UsBusiness HoursSchedule a MeetingOur Office LocationWelcome Packet 2021MB Wealth Management Group 2023

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Have a question for our team?Send an Email Schedule a callFor more information, please visitwww.MBWealthManagementGroup.comWe pride ourselves on being highly accessible and readily available for ourclients. If you have a question, suggestion, or would like to schedule a meeting,please feel free to do so using the links below. MGO One Seven LLC (“MGO One Seven”) is a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration with the SEC does not implya certain level of skill or training. Services are provided under the name MB Wealth Management Group, a DBA of MGO One Seven. Investment products are not FDIC insured,offer no bank guarantee, and may lose value. Information in this message is for the intended recipient[s] only. Please visit our website forimportant disclosures.