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May Newsletter

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Ryan's Time as aPCV inSwazilandEsmeeh and I are departing on July 4 for home leave. We’revisiting our eldest son, Ryan, his wife, and our two-month-oldgranddaughter. I may have briefly told some of you that Ryanworked as a Volunteer in Swaziland (now Eswatini) as anHIV/AIDs Community Health worker. Today, I want to tell youhow my son came to join the Peace Corps and how hisexperience impacted his life.NOVIDADES DIAK - JUNE 2024 EDITIONRYAN'S TIME AS A PCV IN SWAZILANDWhy Peace Corpsis strict about yourwhereabouts? Leave PoliciesVica deadlinesRabies cases &New MedicalHealth cardTetun timeRecipe-Mungbean &BananaResourcesWe were vacationing in Kandy, Sri Lanka, home of the Templeof the Tooth, when I asked Ryan about his plans aftercollege. A senior, majoring in international affairs at theUniversity of Colorado, I had pictured Ryan following in myfootsteps of serving in the Peace Corps and then joining theForeign Service. I was taken aback when he said, “You know,I’m not that interested in Peace Corps. I feel like I’ve been inPeace Corps or had a similar experience my whole life.” Fair enough, we had traveledand lived overseas for much ofhis life, and I could understandwhy he would want to set downsome roots. Voting InformationNext Holidays NOVIDADES DIAKMAY 2024INSIDE THISISSUEMid-service trainingGlobal connection sign upinformationProject Design Management WorkshopGrant InfoTetun TimeResources for jobs after Peace CorpsVICA deadlineNext national holidays inTimor-Leste

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I said, that’s OK, but you might want to look at the Peace CorpsHotline (now the RPCV Career Link) and see what kind of jobsor graduate school opportunities there are for RPCVs. Back inGuangzhou, I showed him some old Hotlines, and I think itpiqued his interest because he applied to the Peace Corpsthat spring. Before he departed, I remember telling him thesame thing I’ve told many a PCV: Your time is short, so domeaningful work that will help your career.Unlike me, Ryan did not travel after he finished his Peace Corps service. Instead, he camedirectly to Dhaka, Bangladesh, where we were living at the time, to see his brother graduatehigh school. He knew he wanted to live in DC but wasn’t sure what job to do until I suggestedhe check out Peace Corps. Within a month of being home, he was offered a job at the Officeof the Third Goal. About a year later, he considered applying to work in the CommunicationsOffice or as a Desk Officer, like I did when I worked at HQ. Despite Esmeeh’s and my advice,Ryan took the Communications Office job, where he worked on the new Peace Corps logodesign and traveled to Mongolia and El Salvador to shoot videos of PCVs’ lives. Peace Corpspaid for him to learn Adobe Suite, which included Premier, Photoshop, and Lightroom. Ryan served two years at a health clinic and high school in Hhohho, an area in thenorthwestern part of Swaziland. Esmeeh, his younger brother, Brett, and I visited him duringhis service. He lived in a rondavel on a host family compound, and his host parents werekind and caring. About 4 hours from Mbane, Ryan would infrequently go to Mbane, thecapital. He spent much of his free time hanging out with his counterpart and host family.One thing Ryan enjoyed doing was making stop-motion movies. He made one video thatused pieces of felt to show how HIV is transmitted; he was hoping to show the video notonly in his school but also in the combis that drove between towns. Ryan was also a PSNand got a SPA grant to get a containerload of books from Books for Africa.His video editing skills were so good that a former supervisorrecommended him to work at National Geographic as a filmeditor, which he did for three years. Confident and ambitious,Ryan continuously asked the executive producers to give him ashot as a producer, which they eventually did. He went on to beexecutive producer for several documentary films for NatGeo,plus Earth Moods for Disney Plus. Unfortunately, NatGeo laid offa large part of their production staff a little over a year ago,and Ryan was one of those layoffs. Undaunted, Ryan started hisown production company, Same Same, with some formerNatGeo and Vice News colleagues. Esmeeh and I are relievedhis company is doing quite well. PROGRAMMING & TRAININGPROGRAMMINGGLOBAL CONNECTION AND HOW TO SIGN UPDuring Mid-Service Training (MST) sessions, the TL11 Education PCVs had the opportunityto learn about the English curriculum revision facilitated by Sra. Olivia Soares from theMinistry of Education (MoE). The revision will encompass textbooks for 7th to 9th gradersacross all subjects, with a focus on English textbooks. PCVs shared their experiences andinsights regarding the challenges of the current curriculum, anticipating a new curriculumthat will facilitate easier English learning for both teachers and students. Sra. Olivia has engaged the help of PCV’s Jade and Horacio to work with the MoE on theframework for the curriculum, and, in the coming months, more ED volunteers will have theopportunity to test out the new session plans and offer valuable feedback forimprovement. What is Global Connection? Promoting the Peace Corps’ Third Goal of teaching Americansabout the world through intercultural exchange and educational resources. The same program you know as Paul D. Coverdell World Wise Schools. 1. Founded in 1989 with a mission to broaden perspectives, promote cultural awareness,appropriate global connections, and encourage continued service. A way for Volunteers to share about their service with American communities. 1.A way for Volunteers to share about their service with American communities. 2.An opportunity for Volunteers to work with their host community members to amplifytheir voices and engage them in intercultural exchange. 3. 4.There are three ways to sign up: Bring Your Own Teacher (BYOT) 1.a. The person with whom you are connecting fills out this form Bring the World to YourCommunity (, including the Volunteer’s name and email. b. Peace Corps will send an email with resources to both the Volunteer and the requestor. 2.Find a connection using the Global Connection LearningSpace course for current Volunteers or local staff and counterparts. a. The Global Connections for Peace Corps Volunteers eAuthentication ( course is on LeaningSpace in the Third Goal category. b.Click Enroll to join the course. 3.Sign up in the RPCV Porta for returned Volunteers. a.The RPCV Portal Sign In · RPCV Portal ( is where you can update your current US address and sign up for Global Connections exchanges after service.

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As you continue to serve, reflect on what you love and don’t, dream about what truly makesyou happy, read for pleasure and growth, and indulge in your hobbies. Cherish every PeaceCorps moment, especially the tough ones, which will only make you stronger. Let Ryan’s storyinspire you to move ahead with confidence. As Bob Marley wisely said, “Don’t worry about athing, ’Cause every little thing gonna be all right.”So, what’s my point? Like my own story, which many of you know,Ryan’s Peace Corps experience changed his life’s trajectory. InHhohho, he had time to think, dream, read, and pursue hobbies.His first job after Peace Corps got his foot in the door, where hemet people and built a reputation. He took advantage of trainingopportunities, improved his skills, and networked. Like any PCV, hefaced challenges head-on, leaned on his community for support,and dealt with ambiguity.WHY PEACE CORPS IS STRICT ABOUT YOUR WHEREABOUTS? Ever wonder why Peace Corps is so strict about your whereabouts?Click on the link below to read the full GAO report.The Peace Corps Failed to Properly Supervise Missing Volunteer andLost Track of Him (20-JUL-01, GAO-01-970R). Walter J. Poirier, a Peace Corps volunteer in Bolivia, was reportedly last seen on or aboutFebruary 22, 2001, in La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. This report reviews (1) whether thePeace Corps failed to properly supervise Mr. Poirier's activities and (2) the actions taken bythe Peace Corps and the U.S. Embassy in Bolivia when informed that Mr. Poirier wasmissing. GAO found that Mr. Poirier failed to follow certain Peace Corps location andnotification procedures. Although the Peace Corps Associate Director responsible for Mr.Poirier while he was in Bolivia knew that Mr. Poirier was not following these procedures, hetook no steps to correct the situation and, as a result, lost track of Mr. Poirier. Furthermore,the Associate Director's failure to adequately monitor Mr. Poirier contributed to thedifficulties encountered by the U.S. Embassy in its efforts to locate Mr. Poirier. Once it wasdetermined that Mr. Poirier was missing, the U.S. Embassy, Peace Corps, multiple entities ofthe Bolivian National Police, and fire/rescue teams in and around La Paz and throughoutBolivia conducted an extensive search. To this date, Mr. Poirier has not been found. Please remember to send in your whereabouts notification any time your "head is not in yourbed." Also, let whereabouts know when you return to your site. TRAININGPC staff interviewed PCVs and their counterpartsregarding their experience during the workshop.Please visit PCTL-Facebook page to see thoseinterviews. It was great to see the enthusiasm, energy andactive participation from TL-12 PCVs and theircounterparts in the Project Design andManagement workshop from May 13th to May15th. The workshop was held at the Hotel theRamelau and participated by 11 PCVs and 15counterparts.PCV and Counterpartbrainstorming and discussingproject ideasPCV & his counterpart presenting theirproject idea to other participantsThrough the workshop, PCVs and theircounterparts learned and worked together toidentify their project vision, goals, objectivesand determine action plan of the project.They also learned how to do proper projectmonitoring and evaluation in making sure thatthe identified projects are sustainable andcreating impacts for the community wherethey served. Two panelists from IADE and SASCAS presented how they can support different types oforganizations in Timor-Leste. Aside from that PC staff also presented how to access to thePC grants. PCVs and Counterparts are encouraged to keep refining their project ideas afterthe workshop and feel free to reach out to PC staff if they have any questions regarding theproject design.

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LEAVE POLICIESGlobal PolicyYou must comply with the Post’s Whereabouts Reporting policyand Peace Corps’ transportation and travel policies when you leaveyour community. Except for medical evacuation and emergencyleave, which must be authorized by Peace Corps Washington, youmust obtain your CD’s authorization before you leave your countryof assignment. Additionally, whenever you travel to anothercountry that has Peace Corps programs, you must adhere to thatpost’s travel policies.The Peace Corps continues to provide necessary medical coverageduring your leave. If you become ill or injured while on leave, contactthe Office of Medical Services (Peace Corps Washington).Annual leave, also known as vacation leave, generally providesVolunteers the opportunity to increase their understanding oftheir host country and region or to travel to areas outside of theircountry or region, while allowing time for rest and relaxation. Youaccrue annual leave at a rate of two days for each month ofservice and receive an annual leave allowance, set globally byPeace Corps Washington, with your monthly living allowance. Annual Leave- Global PolicyAnnual leave is discouraged during the beginning or end of service and should not be taken during thefirst three months or last three months of service, except when your CD approves leave under specialcircumstances, or in conjunction with an authorized emergency leave.CDs have the discretion, consistent with policies established in-country, to advance annual leave, not toexceed the amount accruable during your service. CDs also can reduce accrued, unused or future annualleave as a disciplinary action for violation of policies. GRANTSGENERAL SERVICES Congratulations TL12s for your Project and Design Management (PDM) training with you counterparts. Thismeans that you have met the criteria to apply for two existing PCTL managed grants are PCCP and SPA. Our esteemed GSM, Maun Deolindo Gusmao, had hislast day with Peace Corps on May 30. Maun Deo hasdedicated nine years of exceptional service to PCTL.As he embarks on new and exciting opportunity inKorea with his family, we want to extend ourheartfelt gratitude for his outstanding contributionsto our post. His dedication and hard work have beentruly appreciated. We wish him all the best in hisfuture endeavors. He will be greatly missed!Congratulations to PCV Paul, PCV Kyle, and PCV Jacob for your hard work in submitting your grants in theQ3 round. We’ll be sending feedback this week. The next submission round is August 15th. If you have anygrant questions to be addressed before submission, please contact VSA/SGC Marfi. A few new limitations came up during this recent round of grant discussions. The items below cannot becovered under USAID funding (i.e. SPA): Construction related materials such as cement, steel, etc. This goes to remodeling and renovations offacilities as well. It also includes greenhouses. Purchase of pesticides. If your project hinges on these, you can consider switching your proposal to a PCPP grant or discuss howthe community can cover these aspects of the project costs while SPA covers training or other components.MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION In the meantime, while we are in the process of hiringhis replacement, DMO Rachel will serve as the actingGeneral Services Manager. As usual, please route allGeneral Services-related support requests to the GSemail address:

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When requesting leave for travel outside of your country of assignment, you must inform your CD ofthe planned travel destinations and receive the CD’s prior approval before commencing leave.You must take annual leave any time you travel out of your country of assignment for vacationpurposes. Annual leave for out-of-country travel is computed in terms of calendar days, includingweekends and host country and U.S. holidays. The day after departure from the country ofassignment through the day of return to the country of assignment are counted as annual leavedays. The computation of annual leave days does not include the necessary minimum time to travelbetween your site and the point of exit out of or entry into the country of assignment.When annual leave is taken within your country of assignment, host country holidays are notcounted in computing annual leave days. However, all weekends and U.S. holidays that fall withinthe annual leave period are counted in computing annual leave days.It is the policy of the Peace Corps that Volunteers participate fully in the culture of their hostcommunities. However, the Peace Corps recognizes that you may need occasional days away fromyour community to take care of personal needs. Such time away from your community does notconstitute annual leave. However, such breaks should be taken infrequently and must not beabused. Reporting under your post’s Whereabouts Reporting policy is still required. Time Away from Community- Global PolicyPeace Corps Timor-LesteAcruing and Using Annual LeaveYou earn two annual leave days per month starting from the first month after you swear in. Over atwo-year assignment, you will accumulate 48 days of annual leave.Volunteers should plan their leave according to their annual work calendars. Education Volunteers,in particular, should take leave during school holidays, mainly between terms in December-Januaryand during two one-week breaks within the school year. They are expected to participate in allactivities required of Timorese teachers, including proctoring exams and organizing extracurricularactivities during grading periods. Leave during these periods requires permission from both the PMand the school director. PCTL understands that there may be a need to take leave during classsessions and will approve up to 5 workdays per school year, subject to site supervisor, PM, and CDapproval. VICA DEADLINEPlease remember to submit hotel and taxi (blue taxi) receipts with your VICAform if you are claiming those items for reimbursement. Please submit theBicycle Reimbursement form with your receipt if requesting reimbursementfor a bike or bike lock and get a helmet from the PC office. VICA reimbursement form submission deadlines: TETUN TIMEThe Use of “Na’in” The word “na’in” is used in several different ways depending on the contextof the conversation. We use na’in as a prefix with a number to refer to the quantity of people.We can only use it to refer to people, not to anything else, except somefishermen use it for counting fish. 1.e.g. … na’in + a number Ha’u hasoru ema na’in rua iha merkadu. Fisheremen: ha’u ba hakail hetan ikan na’in-lima de’it We do not say “asu na’in-lima” or “livru na’in-lima”. We use na’in + hira in question form to find out the quantity of people. 1. E.g. Ita haree ema na’in hira? – Ha’u haree ema na’in-haat. We use na’in as a suffix to show possession and profession. 1. e.g.: … a noun + na’in…. Possessions: uma-na’in, festa-na’in, kareta-na’in, etc. Professions: lia-na’in, hakerek-na’in, to’os-na’in, etc.

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In your first year, the Country Director can advance you up to six days of annual leave beyond whatyou have accrued since Swearing-In. After completing one year of service, and with approval fromboth your site supervisor and PM, you may request advance leave up to the 48-day total. If youterminate your service early, you must repay any days used beyond what you have earned.Advancing annual leaveWork and Semester BreaksPer Peace Corps global policy, you must use annual leave anytime you are away from your site, evenwhen your school, organization, and government office close for long local holidays or semesterbreaks. Please see the exceptions below.Weekends You are permitted to be away from your site on Saturdays and Sundays that are not workdayswithout utilizing annual leave days. The weekend commences after the conclusion of work on Fridayand concludes on Sunday evening. While no formal request form is necessary, you must submit aWhereabouts notification. Three-Day Weekend for Personal Care In line with Peace Corps global policy, PCTL acknowledges that Volunteers need occasional timeaway from their community to address personal needs. Volunteers (mostly ED PCVs) working ascheduled six-day week (Monday to Saturday) may request approval from their site supervisor andPM for one three-day personal care weekend per month, excluding months with local three-dayweekends. Note that annual leave is not deducted for these personal care weekends, and you stillmust report your whereabouts. Work-Related BusinessVolunteers may engage in work-related travel, provided they are accompanied by a work partner,after obtaining approval from their PM. Practice—Identify the mistake and cross it out! E.g. Lisensa na’in uma / uma na’in! VICA reimbursement form submission deadlines: Ha’u haree asu rua / na’in rua tata malu. 1.Maria buka hela na’in-karau / karau-na’in. 2.Ohin ami hasoru voluntáriu tolu / na’in-tolu 3.Funsionáriu hira / na’in hira mak ohin la tama serbisu? 4.Sira presiza aluga karreta rua / na’in-rua hodi tula sira bá Lospalos. 5.Lee / Lee-na’in sira kontente tebes ho poezia ne’ebé Voluntáriu hakerek. 6.Peace Corps Hiring Benefit (PCHB) and Noncompetitive Eligibility (NCE) As you near you end of service, remember that you are eligible for the non-competitive eligibility with Peace Corps Hiring Benefit (PCHB) and NoncompetitiveEligibility (NCE) for Federal jobs. Please see the Peace Corps website for moreinformation. Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) Career Link The RPCV Career Link is a publicly available job board on the Peace Corpswebsite managed by the Office of the Third Goal (3GL) and Returned VolunteerServices. All RPCVs are welcome to browse the nearly 400 positions listed on thesite. Resources for jobs after Peace CorpsNational Holidays in 2024 Timor-Leste National Holidays in 2024 National holidays in 2024 « Government ofTimor-Leste The next 3 public holidays to plan for are: 1. May 30th – Corpus Christi (variable date public holiday); 2. June 17th – Idul Adha (variable date public holiday); 3. August 30th– Popular Consultation Day (fixed date public holiday);

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The Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL) creates an official list of national holidays every January andposts it publicly on their website. Some of these are fixed dates and some dates move year to year.The holidays on this list are the only holidays that Volunteers are approved to take off work withouttaking leave. The GoTL also frequently calls “tolerance days,” when government officials are allowed to take timeoff, often near holidays, voting periods, or other important events. Peace Corps Timor-Lesterecognizes only the official national holiday calendar as days when Volunteers can be officiallyexcused from work. Make sure to verify dates before planning your vacation. If you are left alone while your host family travels away from home or your host family travels to acultural event, you may request permission from your PM to travel with them without being chargedannual leave. You still must send a Whereabouts notification. Host Family TravelMedical You may leave your community to seek medical attention and comply with PCMO instructions. Youmust receive PCMO approval before leaving your site.Official Peace Corps Business When you are required to travel for official Peace Corps business, including attending training,committee meetings, or other PM-approved tasks, make sure to inform your site supervisor inwriting (i.e., text message or letter) with anticipation. Remember that it is professional courtesy togive your site supervisor ample warning of your absence." Project Collaboration Collaborative projects (e.g., grant projects, camps) may be approved by your PM(s) with plannedscheduled activities across communities. Project collaboration requests require justification from thePCV(s) and approval is not guaranteed.Local Holidays and Tolerance Days

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When planning international travel, please follow the usual process to request annual leave throughthe VSA. The VSA will check your accumulated leave days and confirm with the PM for approval.After that, your leave request will be passed to the CD for final international leave approval. Beforemaking any airline or hotel reservations, you should wait for the CD to approve your leave. If thereare any delays in your return, you must communicate with the CD.International TravelThe Safety and Security Manager (SSM) will contact you beforeyour departure and ask for a detailed summary of your travelplans, including your accommodation details. If you aretraveling to a country with a Peace Corps program, you MUSTfollow that post’s transportation policy. For example, you arenot permitted to ride on a motorcycle. Some Peace Corpscountries may require a Travel Safety Plan, which must beapproved by the country’s SSM.Your health and safety are our top priority. Therefore, you must also inform the Peace CorpsMedical Officer (PCMO) about your international travel plans for vaccination, malaria prophylaxis,and medical coverage details.ABSENT WITHOUT OFFICIAL LEAVE (AWOL) You may only extend annual leave with the CD’s advanced written approval. A Volunteer whoextends leave without permission and does not return as planned will be considered absent withoutofficial leave (AWOL) and may face disciplinary action up to and including administrative separationfrom the Peace Corps. If you experience difficulties in returning to Timor-Leste, you must alert theCD as soon as possible.

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VisitorsPCTL encourages your friends or family to visit. Whenfriends or family, you must either continue your normalwork activities or request annual leave. PCTL prohibits visitsfrom family and friends during pre-service training andstrongly discourages visits during the first six months ofservice. Visitors are not permitted to attend official PeaceCorps training activities. Please discuss accommodationsfor any visitors with your host family well before they arrive.Away from Site Approval Table

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Note that all overnight travel away from site, regardless ofpurpose, requires you to send a whereabouts notification tothe SSM. It is also polite to inform your host family andcounterparts of when you are leaving and when you willreturn.[1] MS 220; MS 450

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VICA DEADLINES &FORMSPlease remember to submit hotel and taxi (blue taxi) receipts with your VICA form if you are claimingthose items for reimbursement. Please submit the Bicycle Reimbursement form with your receipt ifrequesting reimbursement for a bike or bike lock and get a helmet from the PC office.Please see attached for the most recent VICA reimbursement form. VICA reimbursement form submission deadlines: **EFT Date is an estimate. Log into your BNU online banking if you need to confirm the arrivalof funds. MedicalWe learned from Health Office in Maliana/Bobonaro that theyhave identified 5 positive cases: 1 from Holsa, 2 from Odomau,and 2 from Ritabou. Until this Novidades Diak is released, thereis no report of symptomatic Rabies of those who are bitten bythe Rabies+ dogs. Health Office has given postexposureprophylaxis vaccination to victims and is closely monitoringtheir conditions. Health Office is actively providing healthinformation/health education to community re Rabies diseasesand preventions. Government Veterinary Department continuestheir campaign for dogs' Rabies vaccination, especially inMaliana/Bobonaro, Liquisa and Dili Municipalities.Identified Rabies Case in Timor-Leste

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Health Unit would like to ask all PCVs not only who works in Maliana/Bobonaro but also in other sites,please ensure to follow measures as following: 1. The best way to prevent people dying from Rabies are avoid getting bitten by rabid mammals (dogs,cats, monkeys, bats) and to know what to do if they are bitten. And it is best to leave all wildlife alone.Do not touch or pet wild or unknown animal. 2. If someone is bitten, Rabies is prevented with appropriate immuno-prophylaxis. Two strategies existfor this purpose: Pre-exposure Rabies vaccination, which you already received. Post-exposure Rabies vaccination and Rabies immunoglobulin, that are available in PC Health Unit. 3. If you are bitten, scratched, or unsure: Call your PCMO IMMEDIATELY, especially if the bite or scratch has broken the skin and theanimal’s rabies vaccination status is unknown.Wash any animal bite or scratch IMMEDIATELY with soap and water and rinse the area withabundant running water for 5-10 minutes.4.Talk to your host family, coworkers, students and community about Rabies: Encourage community to share any information about Rabies – worth of mouth is powerful. Encourage people to report to Health Office or Police or Chefe Suco if they see rabid dogs/cats,including their own pets.Discourage people travel to different Suco or Municipalities carrying their pets – to preventspreads to other regions. FYI, rabies vaccination coverage for dogs is still low. For example, in Bobonaro Municipality,current coverage is around 40%. Inform the people that the odds of vaccinated dog transmittingrabies is unlikely. So please encourage people to vaccinate their pets to local veterinarian services. Encourage people to go to nearby health center if they are bitten or scratch bydogs/cats/monkeys/bats, even though the animal does not show Rabies symptoms (anxious,excess saliva or drooling, irritable, more active than usual, walk unsteadily or stagger).

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5. Following contacts can be shared to people who is willing to vaccinate their pets: Provides free Rabies vaccination: Ministeriu Agrikultura in Dili, contact number: 7836 7115. Operational: Monday to Friday. Location:-8.554674440128908, 125.53441878494421. Ministeriu Agrikultura in Maliana, contact number: 7742 5260. Operational: Monday to Friday. Private Vet Clinic in Dili:Nilon Vets Clinic (24/7), contact number: 7483 0492. Location: -8.55900686572893 4,125.59412833029499Castela Pet Care, contact number: 7814 2099. Location: -8.565123289565603, 125.58643226553245Veterinario Manuel, contact number: 7734 0259Let us know if you have any questions. Remember, don’t delay contacting PCMOs if you are bitten orscratched by dogs/cats.New Health Benefit CardOffice of Health Service (OHS) updated Health Benefits Card for PCVs. Here how it looks like now: Please be informed that your new card is placed in your mailbox at PC Office. When you take thecard from your mailbox, please sign the paper and put it back into your mailbox. This card shouldbe brought anytime you are traveling out of your country of service.

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New recipe

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Tetun Time- Fatin sira1.Ita sei lembra fatin sira nia naran iha Tetun? Prienxe to’ok koluna mamuk iha figura sira kraik ne’euza naran ba fatin sira.

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Tetun Time- Fatin siraResourcesPeace Corps Hiring Benefit (PCHB) and Noncompetitive Eligibility (NCE)As you near you end of service, remember that you are eligible for the non-competitive eligibilitywith Peace Corps Hiring Benefit (PCHB) and Noncompetitive Eligibility (NCE) for Federal jobs.Please see the Peace Corps website for more information. Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) Career LinkThe RPCV Career Link is a publicly available job board on the Peace Corps website managed by theOffice of the Third Goal (3GL) and Returned Volunteer Services. All RPCVs are welcome to browsethe nearly 400 positions listed on the site. National Holidays in 2024Timor-Leste National Holidays in 2024 National holidays in 2024 « Government of Timor-Leste The next public holiday is:1. August 30th– Popular Consultation Day (fixed date public holiday)

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Voting InformationThe Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) provided clear instructions on how to request aballot from your respective state.How to Vote Absentee from Abroad:, however, that each state is different, and some may be easier to get the ballot than others.As a Colorado resident, I can download my ballot online and send it to an email address. Otherstates require that you send in a physical ballot. The unfortunate reality is that if your state sendsout ballots 45 days before the election, there's a very good chance you won't receive it throughthe local mail system. If you receive your ballot in time, Peace Corps can arrange to send it through the U.S. EmbassyDili's diplomatic pouch. Please note that mail can take up to four to six weeks to reach itsdestination if sent by an embassy or consulate via diplomatic pouch. U.S. Embassy - Dili's Consular Section webpage: is so important that you check FVAP for more information.