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May - June 2022 Virtual Buletin

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Rotary Club of MiamiVirtual BulletinMay - June 2022Meetings are now held in-person at the Miami Yacht Club on many Thursdays at 12:30 PM. Our meetings are also transmitted via ZOOM. Periodically meetings are only on ZOOM. Please check our website for specifics: With our latest tree planting on May 14thin Crandon Park, we have reached a total of 900 trees planted in Miami-Dade.

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Message from PresidentNoreen Timoney3Dear Fellow Rotary Club of Miami Member and friends:I finish my presidency of the Rotary Club of Miami for the 2021–2022 Rotary year with anexpression of thankfulness to each one of you for being on this journey with me. You areour Club’s greatest asset and your ideas and commitment have been an inspiration andcatalyst for finding great ways to fulfill the Rotarian mission of “Service Above Self.”We realized many successes this year as we explored new and different ways to achieveour service goals. The Board and I are grateful for your membership and for your role inachieving these remarkable accomplishments. This year has been filled with wonderfulprojects, events, and programs. We launched new service plans to complement ourexisting ones. Under the leadership of our immediate past president, we added ESMAG,which provided many of our members with an opportunity to engage in protecting andpreserving our environment through different, amazing efforts while carrying out projectsinvolving all community service areas.We faced difficult changes and challenges, so we worked harder. We hoped we could putvision together with actions and produce an impact. We chose to believe that “we couldsucceed” and we did. We learned to adapt to this new reality where we saw andcommunicated with people in little tiles on a digital screen via technology. We found thatHappy Hours can still be fun online. Thanks to our innovative team members, we wereable to capture all of these projects and events, in these digital magazines, our website,social media posts, and in personal conversations.Looking at the images on these pages will provide an opportunity to remember thiswonderful year where we worked together, laughed together, and, sadly, mournedtogether during the loss of two incredibly special and treasured friends. We walk awayfrom this year feeling valued as proud members of the Rotary Club of Miami, as people ofaction, who accepted the challenge to make a difference in our world. I am so gratefulthat each of you answered that call to move forward with passion and commitment tobring positive change.I am especially humbled and honored that you provided me with the opportunity to bepart of this great team that focused on bringing hope and goodness to our communityand continue the exceptional legacy of The Rotary Club of Miami during this past year.Thank you again for your dedication, support, well wishes, and your membership thisyear and for making our Club stronger through your dedication!Sincerely Yours in Rotary Service,On behalf of the 2021 - 2022 Board of Directors of The Rotary Club of Miami,Noreen L. Timoney105thPresident

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===========================================================================================================================Kahlia Bersson, Nat'l Dir. of Telehealth Services at Banyan Treatment Centers. Ms. Bersson addressed the issue of addiction (drug/alcohol), mental health and the alarming rate of increase of these problems since the COVID lockdown.City of Miami Chief of Police, Manuel Morales spoke about the innovative approaches to crime prevention and community protection to make our City safer. Matt Haggman, Executive Vice President of the Beacon Council, leads the strategic initiatives to shape the economic development of our County. He discussed the economic future of Miami-Dade County. Engaging Keynote SpeakersIn recognition of their effort and time as our keynote speaker, each one will have a tree planted in their honor on May 14th. 4==========================================================Christopher Hodgkins, Miami Access Tunnel Chief Executive Officer, spoke to our Club about the impact of the Port of Miami Tunnel to our community.==========================================================Michael Miller, co-owner of Miami’s Community Newspapers talked with us about the latest trends in this unique media field. The “news” business is facing challenges and new opportunities.

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VIRTUAL MEETING ON MAY 5THThe Chihuahua is the tiniest dog in the World, while the State of Chihuahua is the largest State in Mexico.5

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MAY 7TH, 20226

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MAY 7TH, 20227

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Miami Senior High School Interact Club has had a difficult past few years, between losing advisors and COVID, they almost closed. This year they recovered strongly with support from the Activities Director, a new President and a new Faculty Advisor 2021 – 2022 Outgoing Board2022 – 2023 Incoming Board8

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Tree Planting, May 14 9

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10===========================================================Soccer Supplies Donated To The Little Haiti Football ClubLittle Free Libraries Placed in Under-Served Communities

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Create Your Own Charitable Legacy Through Our FoundationIf you are 70 ½ or older, you may direct your IRA administrator to distribute a gift from your IRA to the Rotary Club of Miami Florida Foundation, Inc. This is known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. Any You may want to establish a legacy that will honor a loved one, or memorialize your name, in perpetuity or for a time frame you choose. Just set up a charitable award program within our Club'sfoundation. They are so many options you might want to address: educational scholarships, musical instruments, sensory toys for children with special needs, planting trees, feeding the poor and the list goes on and on. amount you transfer to the Club’s Foundation, up to $100,000, counts towards your RMD. Simply roll over part of your RMD to a charity, like the Rotary Club of Miami Florida Foundation, Inc. Your charitable contribution will be distributed tax-free. There are several individual awards that our Clubs manages, such as the Thomas Brown McClelland Trust, the Griffitts Award (Police Officer of the Year), the Grace & John DeLury Leadership Award (Four-Way Test at Miami High School) and recently, Richard Pagliarulo, a former Member who moved to Montana, left in his will a donation to fund educational scholarships in honor of a dear friend. 11

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VIRTUAL BANNER EXCHANGERC MIAMI & RC LVIV INT’L (UKRAINE) Donations – Stethoscopes for TBM ScholarsMarcia Brod has been reaching out to our TBM alumni through this newsletter. Over $100,000 has been donated to the TBM Trust by alumni through her effort.Recently, Marcia made a generous donation to the Club’s Foundation through a Qualified Charitable Distribution. These funds will be used to provide our scholars with stethoscopes. Please note the photo on the side.Robin & Susan Shelley, and Cathy Cahill have also been generous donors to this project. ==============================================================Long time Member, Stephan Schenk, made a generous donation to the Club’s Foundation to provide assistance to Ukraine. Additionally, Members of our Club also assisted with this effort. Assisting Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief EffortsOur Club partnered with the RC of Lviv Int’l in Ukraine for the relief efforts.12

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Everyone is invited to join the Investment Club• Each Member pays initial formation costs $100• Investment requirement/Members is $300/semester. The next semester investment is due as of June 30th.• AGIC does not offer investment advice. It is believed that Members may decide to follow some of the Club’s strategies in their own investments.• For further details, please contact Robert BullThe Alpha Generator Investment Club, LLC (AGIC) and the Rotary Club of Miami Evening Club have decided to join forces and hold joint meetings on a monthly basis. This will reduce ZOOM meeting fatigue and allow for greater attendance. 13Alpha Generator Investment Club: consistently beating the market

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JOIN ESMAG! We need to address environmental issues in our area. Everyone is invited to join ESMAG (Environmental Sustainability Miami Action Group). There are NO Membership fees. We need your help to come up with new ideas and plan/participate with our projects. Contact Robert Bull.ESMAG has its own website: and its own Facebook page: Club is the ambassador for EndPlasticSoup and the ESRAG organizer in our District. Our goal is to expand these efforts. Help is needed to accomplish these goals.14

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R.I. Convention in HoustonKiss from RI Pres.16

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Charlotte Gormsen Nagjyoit Bollapragada Ian BalcombeFrequent International Rotarian VisitorsWhat happens to the left over food from our in-person meetings? Some of it is packed in individual containers and delivered to day workers at Home Depot who have not found a job.CITY OF MIAMI CHIEF OF POLICE, Manuel Morales, spoke at our May 19th meeting, and subsequently was recognized as an Honorary Member of our Club. Also pictured are Club President, Noreen Timoney, and Norm Kassoff.17

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====================================================================LONG TERM CARE (LTC) COSTS can be a financial drain for most families. Currently, the annual cost of a private room for LTC is $114,000. If medical insurance inflation is just 3.5%, in ten years it will cost $168,000/year and in twenty years it will be$249,000. In the case of Alzheimer’s, the cost could be double. Have you planned for this probable event? If not, contact me and I may provide you with reasonable alternatives. Please contact me: Cell: 305.733.3704, Website: IN THE BULLETINFLEXIBLE TIMING DATESCOST:¼ Page - $10½ Page - $25Full Page - $50Contact: Robert BullRobert H. BullVIDEOS19Look at these exciting Four-Way Test videos.Renel NoelRIPOur friend and fellow Rotarian, Renel Noel, passed away on June 7thin the midst of a humanitarian mission to his hometown in Haiti. May his memory be for a blessing. May God console his family