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May Chai 2024

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CHAIM A Y 2 0 2 4B E T H E L T X . O R Gt h e C e n t e r o f J e w i s h L i f e i n F o r t B e n d C o u n t ya t C o n g r e g a t i o n B e t h E l

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WELCOMEto another look into our active communityCONTACT USCONGREGATIONBETH EL3900 Raoul Wallenberg LaneMissouri City, TX 77459281.499.5066admin@betheltx.orgwww.betheltx.orgBOARD OF TRUSTEESIRENE HELSINGERPresidentDEB PARASDANIELLE KRANTZFRADA BOXERVice PresidentsMARK SHAPIROTreasurerANN SCHNEIDERLETICIA HIMMELSTEINMembers at LargeCLERGY & STAFFCANTOR RENEEWAGHALTERClergyMARILYN GORELOffice ManagerERIN BERSINFinance ManagerThe mission of Congregation Beth El shall be to maintain aplace of worship for the Reform Jewish Community, as theCenter of Jewish Life in Fort Bend, County. It is to advanceJewish education, promote Jewish Culture and providefacilities for social interaction. We will achieve this byconducting ourselves in accordance with our name “Houseof GOD.”Congregation Beth El is affiliated with the Union for ReformJudaism. Becoming a synagogue member and joining aJewish community is a deeply personal experience. Wewarmly welcome those who seek to be part of ourcongregation, regardless of age, marital status, race, orsexual orientation. We encourage you to meet the manywonderful people who are a part of our kehillah k’dosha.We seek to create a close-knit community bonded togetherby the highest ideals of our faith. Most importantly, Beth Elprovides a warm and welcoming environment that likefamily is ready to extend a hand to all who seek to enrichtheir faith in Judaism, support for the State of Israel, andbecome engaged in the community. NORMA GONZALESDigital SpecialistCAROL SCHORNSecretaryMICHELLE RENFROWYouth Program DirectorJODI KESSLERImmediate Past President

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2023 - 2024P R E S I D E N T ’ SR E P O R TC O N G R E G A T I O N B E T H E LM I S S O U R I C I T Y , T E X A SI R E N E H E L S I N G E RP R E S I D E N TWRITTEN BY:

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“HOW A TORAH CHANGED MYLIFE FOREVER” WITH SHEILA PALLAYZoom PresentationTHUR | MAY 2 | 7:30 PM Hear Shelia’s story of how a 250 year old Torah that wasrescued from the Shoah changed her life forever.Rescued from the Shoah and now 250 years old, aCzech Torah sat before her. As she reached outto touch that Torah, Sheila felt a sudden,unanticipated, and intense personal connectionwith the generations whom had held in theirhands that very Torah. Chanted from it. Kissed it.And carried it around their synagogue with greatpride. It was this seminal event that changed herlifeforever.Sheila spent 3 1/2 months in the Czech Republicvisiting synagogues that once housed theHolocaust Torahs now housed in synagogues allover the world and photographing what is leftJudaically after the Shoah. CBE has a Torah thatno one knows where it came from or its history.Many stories have been floating around like itcame from Europe BUT no one really can confirmits origins. What if ………….. ?CLICK TO REQUEST ZOOM LINK

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Join us on Saturday, May 4, 6-8pJoin us on Saturday, May 4, 6-8pJoin us on Saturday, May 4, 6-8pas we celebrate Havdalahas we celebrate Havdalahas we celebrate Havdalah with a Star Wars twist! (Costumes optional)with a Star Wars twist! (Costumes optional)with a Star Wars twist! (Costumes optional)Please bring a side dish or appetizerPlease bring a side dish or appetizerPlease bring a side dish or appetizerto share, and the main course will be share, and the main course will be share, and the main course will be provided.RSVP here for locationRSVP here for locationRSVP here for locationJoin, orJoin, orJoin, orJoin NotJoin NotJoin Not- There- There- Thereis nois nois noMaybeMaybeMaybe HELP US BEFTY - YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPEHELP US BEFTY - YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPEHELP US BEFTY - YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPE

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SHAMBA YA AMANIFARM OF PEACEJoin fellow congregants for a free Shamba Ya Amani—Farmof Peace tour. This amazing farm in Alief was created toprovide a community garden for resettled immigrants togrow food for their families. In addition to learning how thefarm/garden has expanded to sell fresh produce to localrestaurants and even the Houston Food Bank, you can buyfresh vegetables. For a $10 contribution, you can pick yourfresh floral bouquet (bring a vase).8401 DAIRY VIEW, HOUSTON 77072FRIDAY, MAY 3 - 10AMMEET OR CARPOOL TOCLICK HERE TO RSVPLEARN MORE ABOUT THE FARM

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ShabbARTJoin us as we transform our sanctuary into a showcase of works of art produced bymembers of our community--kids and adults. Experience a lively musical Shabbat service--featuring our young people-- in an art-gallery atmosphere with a performance space. Following the service, we will have an“open mic” for songs, musical performances, dance, poetry, comedy, andmonologues. 7:00 - 7:30p Showcase viewing and Creative Stations will be open to Adults andchildren of all ages to create a unique piece of art.7:30p Shabbat service followed by our Afterglow Oneg, partake in delightfulappetizers, have a glass of wine and mingle with the artists and your friends. A celebration of the great artistic talent in our congregational family!MAY17T HFRI7PMCLICK HERE TO SUBMIT ART WORK

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TINYDETAILS OFNATUREMissouri City Annual Edible Earth Festival - March 2024Mazel Tov to this year’s First Place winner, Carol Schorn! Carol loves being one with nature.You could easily find her nurturing her own African Violets or quietly observing critters in theirnatural habitats. For decades, Carol has also enjoyed nature photography as a hobby, so itwas a no-brainer for her to combine her two passions and enter a few of her photos into thefestivalphoto Contest. The three categories were Garden & Harvest, Wildlife & Animals ofMissouri City, and Tiny Details of Nature. Voting was done by her peers, and Carol was beyondexcited to learn that she had been awarded First Place. She says it is even more poetic that itwas a picture of butterflies, which reminds us of Ethan.

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Bagel Making Fundraiser 2024

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Bagel Making Fundraiser 2024

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CLICK HERE TO RSVPSaturday, May 119:30am-11amShabbat PlayDateShabbat PlayDateShabbat PlayDate Congregation Beth El presentsJoin us for singingand dancing andtime to play.

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May 3: Shir Shabbat Service*May 10: Shabbat Service via ZoomMay 17: ShabbART*May 24: Shabbat Service via ZoomMay 31: Shabbat Service via Zoom*In-person services will not be live-streamedFriends and Guests of CBE can request the Zoom link here.Shabbat at Beth ElF R I D A Y S A T 7 P MCURRENT EVENTSMay 14 and 28 W E W I L L M E E T I N T H E L I B R A R Y A T B E T H E L .H A V E Q U E S T I O N S ? C O N T A C T E D C A R L I N A T E D W R C A R @ Y A H O O . C O M , ( 8 3 2 ) 8 8 6 - 4 6 6 6 O R B A R B Z A C K A T B A R B A R A 3 1 3 2 0 0 1 @ Y A H O O . C O M , 8 1 3 - 3 4 0 - 8 8 1 9BRING YOUR LUNCH AND SMOOZE AT 12:30DISCUSSION STARTS AT 1:00BRING A TOPIC AND JOIN IN.OPEN TO ALL ADULTS

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A get-together for schmoozing & interfacingThe R.O.M.E.O. group will be meeting for lunchFriday, May 31 - 12pLocation to be AnnouncedFor more informationCall or text Steve Raskin713-822-1883R.O.M.E.O.RETIRED OLD MEN EATING OUTJ.U.L.I.E.T.Jewish Uber-fun LadiesInterested in Eating TogetherOur next Juliet lunch will beWednesday, May 15 at 11:30 am Los Tio’s3308 Hwy 6, Sugar Land 77479 For more information, feel free to call Jan Poscovsly at 281.468.9185 with questions.RSVP to so we can set up appropriately. We are looking forward to schmoozing with everyone.

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Congregation Beth El ConfirmationThe Hopeful Young GenerationWednesday6:30pm - 8:30pm May 15Join Cantor Waghalter and Michelle Renfrow for the Spring semester of Confirmationclasses. We will continue to explore what Judaism has to say about issues relevant toteens today, such as substance abuse, dating/sex ethics, anti-semitism, physical andmental health, and the religions of their peers.If you have already registered, we can’t wait to see you.If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Click here and join the fun.YOM HASHOAH OBSERVANCEMAY 5, 2024 - 3 PMPlease join us in observance of Yom HaShoah, a dayof remembrance for the 6,000,000 Jewish peoplewho lost their lives during the Holocaust. During thisannual commemoration, we will mourn the loss of allwho perished, honor those who survived and cometogether as a community to remember and reflect. Coordinated by the Yom HaShoah Steering Committee and Holocaust Museum HoustonFunding for this service is generously provided by:The Morgan Family Endowment Fund, the Morgan Family Center and the Morgan Family FoundationTo live stream this eventplease visit:bethyeshurun.orgCongregation Beth Yeshurun4525 Beechnut St., Houston, Texas 77096

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MaySU NMO N TU E WE D TH U FR ISA T65 87 9 11101312 1514 16 18172019 2221 23 25242726 2928 301 2 43 2 0 2 43110aFarm of PeaceField Trip7p Shir Shabbatservice(in person)7p Shabbatservice(via Zoom)7p Shabbatservice(via Zoom)12p ROMEO lunch7p Shabbatservice(via Zoom)7p ShabbARTservice(in person)9:30aPlaydate Shabbat9a Last Day ofReligious School3pYom HaShoah Beth Yeshurun1p Private Event7:30pHow A Torah Changed My Lifelecture via Zoom6pBEFTY Havdalah6:30p Zikaron BaSalon12:30pCurrent Events12:30pCurrent Events1p CBE Book Club 11:30a JULIET lunch6:30pConfirmationClass

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'Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who hath created joy & gladness, bridegroom and bride, mirth and exultation, pleasure and delight, love and brotherhood, peace and friendship.' HappyAnniversaryMAY 2024May 8Beau & Elizabeth NewlinM ay 15Maury & Michelle Marlowe Michael & Erin BersinM A Y 2 0 2 4May 1 Danielle KrantzMay 3 Barry ShapiroMay 5 Amy OkieMay 9 Joanne MustMay 11 Debra PachtMay 20Mark & Lorin NussbaumMay 25Alan & Francine RosenthalMay 28Alan & Ann Schneider Jonathan & Amy OkieMay 17 Janice Poscovsky Peggy NovyMay 18 Larry Rushefsky Avi Ettinger Jodi KesslerMay 20 Ellen EllisonMay 21 Marc HelsingerMay 24 Douglas ScheinerMay 26 Russell SchnitzerMay 27 Sophie Friedman Douglas BaysingerMay 28 Steven LangMay 31 Jim Paras

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YAHRZEITSM A Y 2 0 2 4May 1 Bertha NotowichMay 2 Reena Appelberg James MoodyMay 4 Joseph Maurice Asnes Nathan BeckmanMay 5 Ann StudnaMay 6 Vera Helena RosenheimMay 8 Gladys Feldstein Morris WolchMay 9 Linda LevyMay 11 Julia Milewits Steven Lee RosenMay 12 Ruth TawilMay 13 Alan Chapman Ruth Cohen Eli RothbergMay 14 Esther Gamache Joseph Nicholas May their memory be for a blessing.The congregation extendsheartfelt condolences to thefamily and friends of Darrell Caraway.May 16 Daniel SoffarMay 17Brenda Blagman Morrie SelbstMay 18 Mitchell GordonMay 20 Pearl Altman Raymond LevinMay 21 Pati MandellMay 22 Benny Goldman Sylvia KostnerMay 23 Sam BatogowerBobbie EisenbergMay 24 Helen Amhowitz RosenfeldtMay 26 Esther Melasky Leona Rushefsky Jane ShaneMay 28 Betty WeltmanMay 29 Edward Fink

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Cantor Fund Ms. Joy Caraway Darrell & Joy Caraway Landscape FundIn memory of Darrell Caraway Mr. & Mrs. Jim Paras Sandy Lessig Ms. Carol Katz Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kessler Brenda and Marshall Gordon Mr. & Mrs. William Asnes Mr. & Mrs. Barry Shapiro Dora & Daniel Soffar Operating Fund Ms. Laveryne (Belle) JordanMs. Carol CooperMr. & Mrs. Kevin Lipson In memory of Becky Slater Mr. & Mrs. Jim ParasIn memory of Dora Soffar Mr. & Mrs. Jim Paras In memory of Regina Osher Mr. & Mrs. Marc FrankIn memory of Darrell Caraway Dr. Marshall Frumin Ms. Carol CooperIn memory of Bertha Notowich Ms. Joy CarawayIn memory of Chalon Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. David RosenIn honor of Jim Paras Mr. & Mrs. Jim ParasIn honor of The Bagel Man experience Mr. & Mrs. Larry RushefskyCaring Committee Fund In memory of Max Must, father of Joanne Ms. Joanne Must BETH ELDONATIONSAPR I L202 4A very specialthank you toHarry & LeticiaHimmelsteinfor their continuedsupport to ourOneg Fund.Their commitment toBeth El makes ourOnegs delicious.