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May 8, 2024

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The Anthony Republican: Vol. 145 - No. 19 • The Anthony Bulletin: Vol. 125 - No. 19Established October 9, 1879: Oldest continuous business in Anthony • Wednesday, May 8, 2024To advertise your business or event in our “Hot Spot”call the Anthony Republican at 620-842-5129. Photo By: Don HoltTOP HONORS FOR CHS SENIORS: Pictured (L-R) is the Chaparral High School Class of 2024 Salutatorian Auburn Hill and Valedictorians Joshua Welch, Darla Hennessee, Allison Redgate and Innslee Albright. Photo By: Don HoltTIME TO BOOGIE: The Anthony Rec held their Daddy Daughter dance this past Sunday at the Anthony Municipal Hall. The theme was a 50’s Sock Hop Dance. Chris Cox and his daughter Kamille are pictured dancing to the classic music.By BarBara WrightDespite the recent threatening weather the morning of Saturday the 27th was perfect for Cinna-mon Roll Alfresco #5 held at the Anthony Theatre. Cus-tomers were anxiously wait-ing for the doors to open and upon entrance they were greeted to two long tables laden with delicious home-made cinnamon rolls. The tables were also inviting as the attractive sunflower theme prevailed throughout the theatre lobby giving the customers the added incen-tive to purchase their choice. We appreciated the custom-Another Successful Cinnamon Roll Alfresco Held At The Historic Anthony Theatreers that took advantage of the ALFRESCO (outdoor dining) as the tables were also decorated with sun-flowers giving the diners an extra flavor to their choice of rolls along with their cup of free coffee, as well as giv-ing the passing truck driv-ers the temptation to want to stop in middle of street and join in (at least the honking sounded neat as they traveled on). We even had a few surprise kolache donated which one of our Czech decedent customers quickly purchased. We certainly appreci-ated the generous donation of cinnamon rolls from the ladies in the community. This really added to our to-tal sales of $610.00 that we were able to deposit. As long as the theatre committee gals agree to wake up before daylight and head to the theatre, we will continue to see you next year at the Cinnamon Roll Alfresco #6. We just want you (the community)to know how much we appreciate your patronage to this fun event. You are helping keep the at-tractive doors open to our prized possession, “The His-toric Anthony Theatre”.Do you want to enjoy a relaxed, family-oriented atmosphere? Do you want a break from the routine? There’s one huge festival in a small town (Anthony, Kansas) that you probably haven’t heard of (or maybe you have) that’s positively bursting with excitement for this balloon extrava-ganza. Wonder what it is? Sounds like the Sunflower Balloon Fest in Anthony, Kansas is just the ticket. “The One of A Kind Balloon Festival You Won’t Find Anywhere But Kansas”. You’ve never seen any-thing like it, as hot air bal-loons rise from the green pastures to dot the clear blue sky of Kansas. You’ll see hot air balloons of all shapes, sizes and colors! The first balloons take to 26th Annual Sunflower Balloon Fest Is Set - Fun For The Whole Family!the air on Friday evening May 17th and continue to take flight through the weekend (permitting the wind is cooperative).To kick off the weekend of fun plan to attend the bal-loon launch, tethered bal-loon rides, and the balloon glow Friday, May 17th from 6 pm to sunset at the An-thony Airport. Parking and admission are free. Friday evening the balloons will be inflated as the weather per-mits. Flights are possible; if not, balloons may stand and glow. Festival-goers will be able to walk among the bal-loons and visit with pilots and crew. Tethered rides are scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday evening. On Saturday, May 18th a full day of events are planed. There will be he-licopter rides, paraglid-ers and parachutes at the Anthony Airport. Higher Gounds & Leather Bounds will have carnival games. The annual Shown & Shine Car Show will be held at the Courthouse. A food court and vendors will be set up on Main Street. The Anthony Theatre will have a movie and live stage mel-droma. Try you hand at the Ax Throwing Booth, the eS-ports tournament held at Plains State Bank, or the Dunk Tank sponsored by the Anthony Police Depart-ment. An inflatable obstacle course will be set up down-town. There will be live musice at the Frakes Diner Health Care Communicators’Marketing/Public Relations Efforts Honored in Statewide CompetitionKansas hospitals and health systems were re-cently recognized for excel-lence in public relations and marketing efforts by the Kansas Association of Health Care Communica-tors through its Emerald Awards competition. Emer-ald Awards are given annu-ally to Kansas hospitals and health systems that excel in communications, special events, advertising, video, and other categories. Three marketing professionals from Alaska, Southern Cal-ifornia, and the District of Columbia with extensive experience in health care marketing evaluated this year’s entries for planning and research, implementa-tion, cost-effectiveness, and results.The 2024 Emerald Awards were presented at the Kansas Association of Health Care Communica-tors Spring Conference on April 26 in Topeka, Kan. In addition to the 19 Em-erald Awards and 29 Cer-tificates of Merit presented this year, judges selected one entry as Best of Show. This year’s Best of Show winner was “Margaret Pot-ter – Shave to Save,” by the AdventHealth marketing team in Shawnee Mission, BALLOON Continued on next pageAWARDS Continued on next page

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Page 2 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024Parking Lot Party from Jake Gill. The Balloon Fest Parade will start at 2:00 p.m. Local musician Hunt-er Spicer will perform at the Anthony Airport, where there will be face painting and a hay scramble. The balloon launch and glow will follow. Join The Goons at the Idle Hour for live mu-sic starting after the glow.On Sunday, May 19th the balloon launch will start at 6:30 a.m. You won’t want to miss the 26th Annual Sunflower Balloon Fest in Anthony, KS sponsored by Anthony Chamber of Com-merce. Look inside this issue for a full schedule of events.Kan. This video told the story of an oncology nurse at AdventHealth Cancer Center who has shaved her head for the last 12 years to raise awareness and funds for patients going through cancer treatment. The vid-eo garnered national media attention and more than 20 million impressions. The following awards were pre-sented to 2 Harper County organizations.Video Category - Em-erald Award: “Bringing Your Care Home,” Kristen Birket, Patterson Health Center, Anthony, Kansas.Wildcard Category - Certificate of Merit: “Not Defined by Dialysis,” Pat-terson Health Center and Harper County Health Foundation, Anthony, Kan-sas.AWARDS Continued from previous pageBALLOON Continued from previous pageGOT NEWS OR PICS TO SHARE?anthonyrepublican@att.netSchool Board Holds Special Meeting To Discuss Staff HiresEditor’s Note: This article contains minutes frommultiple meetings.Unofficial Minutes from the USD #361 Board of Education MeetingApril 22, 2024Special MeetingBoard Members Present: RoseAnn Teel, Jan Misak, Bret Walker, Dusty Albright, Lindsay Zimmerman. Ab-sent: Jarrett Schmidt, Sa-mantha Troyer. Others Present: Josh Swartz, Robyn Liebelt, Cody Liebelt, Vance Williams, Clay Wilcox.1. Staff hires for open positions (Action Item): Mo-tion by Albright, second by Misak: I move to go into executive session to discuss non elected personnel un-der KOMA to include addi-tional personnel as needed, from 6:02- 6:22 pm. Motion passed 5-0. Others present in executive ses-sion: Mr. Swartz: 6:02-6:22 pm, Mr. Wilcox: 6:07-6:12 pm, Mr. Liebelt: 6:12-6:18 pm.Motion by Albright sec-ond by Misak: I move to go into executive session to discuss non elected person-nel under KOMA to include additional personnel as needed, from 6:23-6:33 pm. Motion passed 5-0. Others present in ex-ecutive session: Mr. Swartz: 6:23-6:33 pm.Motion by Albright sec-ond by Misak: I move to go into executive session to discuss non elected person-nel under KOMA to include additional personnel as needed, from 6:34-6:39 pm. Motion passed 5-0. Others present in executive ses-sion: Mr. Swartz: 6:34-6:39 pm.Motion by Albright sec-ond by Misak: I move to go into executive session to discuss non elected per-sonnel under KOMA to in-clude additional personnel as needed, from 6:40-6:50 pm. Motion passed 5-0. Oth-ers present in executive session:Mr. Swartz: 6:40-6:50 pm.Motion by Misak, second by Walker: I move to ap-prove the personnel chang-es as recommended. Mo-tion passed 5-0. Hires: Amy Zogleman, HES Music. Hailey Rieg-er, HES 6th Grade. Darla Brown, AES 5th Grade. Jeana Hatcher, AES 6th Grade. Beth Zahradnik, JH Science. Lydia Deviney, Guest Teacher. Valerie Wil-liams, Custodian.Resignations: Caity Wetherill, Contracted Guest Teacher. Ivon Castillo, 6-12 Band. Mallory Intemann, CHS English.AdjournmentMotion by Walker, second by Misak: I move to adjourn. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 pm. Dusty Albright, PresidentRobyn Liebelt, Board ClerkUnofficial Minutes from the USD #361 Board of Education MeetingApril 29, 2024Special MeetingBoard Members Present: RoseAnn Teel, Bret Walker, Dusty Albright, Jan Misak, Jarrett Schmidt, Lindsay Zimmerman, Samantha Troyer. Others Present: Josh Swartz, Barbara Muse, Tracy Fredrick.1. Great on Their Behalf Book Study Conversation (Discussion).2. Goal Setting & Vision Work (Discussion)Troyer joined the meet-ing at 7:20 pm. Tracy Fredrick from the Kansas School Board Re-source Center led a work session. AdjournmentMotion by Misak, second by Troyer: I move to ad-journ. Motion passed 7-0 The meeting was ad-journed at 10:15 pm. Dusty Albright, PresidentRobyn Liebelt, Board Clerk* * WWW.ANTHONYREPUBLICANNEWS.COM * *Catching Up With The County CommissionersOfficial Meeting MinutesRegular MeetingSubmitted By HarperCounty Clerk’s OfficeApril 15, 2024The Harper County Board of County Commis-sioners met in regular ses-sion, with Chairman Struble calling the meeting to order with Commissioner Wald-schmidt and Commissioner Vornauf. Shonda Larson, Assistant to the Board, and Ami DeLacerda, County Clerk, were present. Commission Wald-schmidt motioned to approve 4/15/2024 accounts payable, less a $90.05 charge from the Appraisers office, for a total of $99,262. The motion passed unanimously.Commission Wald-schmidt motioned to ap-prove funding the 4/15/2024 payroll in the amount of $145,210.89. The motion passed unanimously. Commission Vornauf motioned to approve the 4/8/2024 meeting minutes. The motion passed unani-mously. Mike Bennett and Janet Slankard, Public Works, gave a department update. Per our initial agreement, Plumb Thicket Landfill is COUNTY Continued on next page

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the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024 Page 3Courtesy PhotoSETTING RECORDS: The Jr. Runners 7th grade girls broke two records on Friday at CHS. The rst in the 4x100 with a time of 55.92, and in the 4x200 with a time of 1:56.06. Pictured (L-R) Aniston Blanchat, Brianna Hazel, Jocie Easter and Keyaira Hodson. Courtesy PhotoNEW BUG TAKES FLIGHT: One of the latest creations to come out of Where Bugs Come Alive Studio is the Balloon Fest Bug. It can be found at the Chamber of Commerce ofce.Courtesy PhotoKRAZY QUILTERS MEETING: Pauletta Hinkle shows her Lady of the Lake quilt to the Krazy Quilters Quilt Guild.responsible for maintain-ing the access road, and will handle the chip sealing of that road, more than likely in 2025. The new back hoe for Special Bridge should be delivered this week. Fur-ther discussion was held on bridge repair progress, and noxious weed spraying needs. Chad McCullough with Kaw Valley Engineering en-tered the meeting to discuss recently announced funding opportunities from KDOT to repair/replace county bridges. This year the maxi-mum award amount has been increased to $2 Million per project. They discussed potential bridge projects to submit for funding, and the possibility of permanently closing certain bridges due to low utilization and high maintenance and repair ex-pense. Our application for funding might appear more attractive to KDOT if we are willing to vacate one or more bridges, a process that would bring additional fund-ing. At this time, the Board chose to submit the Baker and Manchester bridges for repair. Catherine Rohrer, SCKC-CA Director met with the Board to discuss the FY 2025 Comprehensive Plan, and projected needs. Com-missioner Waldschmidt mo-tioned to approve the FY 2025 Adult Comprehensive Plan; the motion was ap-proved unanimously. Com-missioner Vornauf motioned to approve the FY 2025 Ju-venile Comprehensive Plan; the motion was approved unanimously.Heather Struble, Health Department Administrator, gave a department update, including utilization num-bers and recent staff train-ing. The Health Depart-ment will participate in the May 8th Sports Physical event at Patterson Health Center. A travel request was submitted and approved. Inordinate Spending Re-quests were submitted for the purchase of the follow-ing vaccines: Vaxelis, $1,038.68 for 10 doses. Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to approve the request; the motion was approved unanimously. Shingrix, $1,976.97 for 10 doses. Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to approve the request; the motion was approved unani-mously.ProQuad, $2,701.43 for 10 doses. Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to approve the request; the motion was approved unani-mously.HPV, $2,785.30 for 10 doses. Commissioner Wald-schmidt motioned to approve the request; the motion was approved unanimously.Prevnar 20, $5,164.04 for 20 doses. Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to approve the request; the motion was approved unani-mously.Flu Vaccines, $20,545.20 for 400 doses. Commission-er Waldschmidt motioned to approve the request; the motion was approved unani-mously.Ms. Struble also request-ed building improvements, including replacing carpet with laminate flooring, re-painting the interior, and re-COUNTY Continued from previous pageCOUNTY Continued on next pageCHS TRACK - AUBURN HILLPhoto By: Don HoltPhoto By: Don HoltRUBBER STAMPS BANNERS • SIGNSVINYL STICKERSLD’s Printing • 620-842-5129

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Page 4 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024HARPER COUNTYDISTRICT COURT REPORTIndividuals listed below are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.PAID TRAFFIC CITATIONS8/18: Derrick D. Coleman Jr.: 1) Speeding - 101/65. 2) Driving while cancelled/suspended/revoked; $593.00. 23-TR-280.3/2: Brodie W. Bush: 1) Failure to yield at stop or yield sign; $183.00. 24-TR-53.CRIMINAL CASE FILINGSState of Kansas vs. Richard J. Fogel: 1) Possession of methamphetamine. 2) Possession of drug paraphernalia. 24-CR-35.COUNTY COURT DOCKETJUDGE SCOTT E. McPHERSONMonday, May 6, 20241:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Fanklin Sowter, motion; 23-CR-106.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Eligio Zarate, rst appearance; 24-CR-31.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Reesee R. Tambunga, status conference; 24-TR-48.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Christopher D. Kirkpatrick, status conference; 24-TR-551:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Osvaldo J. Mancilla Aguilar, rst appearance; 24-TR-77.Tuesday, May 7, 20241:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Derek R. Vandolah, status conference; 24-CR-23.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Jerid D. Wilson, status conference; 24-CR-26.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. John P. Williams, rst appearance; 24-CR-29.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Richard J. Fogel, status conference; 24-CR-35.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Bradan R. Salsberry, status conference; 24-TR-59.1:30 p.m. State of Kansas vs. Reagan J. Peters, status conference; 24-TR-85.Thursday, May 9, 20249:00 a.m. Rain and Hail LLC vs. Gary Shellhammer, aid in execution; 23-LM-17.9:00 a.m. Synchrony Bank vs. Kaye Clifton, answer hearing; 24-LM-25, 24-LM-27.HARPER COUNTY JAILARRESTS & BOOKINGSTravis N. Tambunga, 31: Arrested: 4-30-24; Released: N/A. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Hold for Gray County, Texas.Eric C. Little-Coyote, 34: Arrested: 5-3-24; Released: 5-5-24. Arrested By: HCSO. Charges: 1) Serving 48 hour quick dip.HARPER COUNTY DEEDSBOOK D108#1254 - Warranty Deed: Lane Bruce and Rachel Bruce to Lane M. Bruce and Rachel Bruce, Trustees of the Lane M. Bruce an Rachel Bruce Family Revocable Living Trust, the SW/4 of the NE/4 of Sect. 25, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., and all of the SW/4 of Sect. 25, Twp. 32 S, Range 5 W of the 6th P.M., lying west of the railroad; all in Harper County, Kansas.#1255 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Ronald G. Holt and Rebecca A. Holt to Robert Ritter and Cynthia Ritter, a tract in the SW corner of Lot 12 in Blk. 28 in the Original Townsite of the City of Harper, Harper County, Kansas.#1256 - Statutory Warranty Deed: House Buyers USA LLC to Mariano Sicairos Villarreal, Lot 12 and the S/10’ of Lot 9 in Blk. 76 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.#1257 - Statutory Warranty Deed: Mariano Sicairos Villarreal to Mariano Sicairos Villarreal and Alejandro Martinez, Lot 12 and the S/10’ of Lot 9 in BLk. 76 in the City of Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.COUNTY Continued from Page 2moving popcorn from ceil-ing tiles. She does have enough cash carryover in the department budget to cover the expense. Josh Teel, Building and Grounds director was in the room and joined the conversa-tion. He will work on put-ting the project out for bid, with bids to be returned and opened during the May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting at 10:00am. Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to approve putting the proj-ect out for bid; the motion passed unanimously.At 9:52, Commissioner Waldschmidt motioned to recess for 5 minutes; the mo-tion passed unanimously. The meeting resumed at 9:57amRobert Casad with Blue Flame Biopower met with the Board to discuss Green-house Gas Reduction grant opportunities related to Natural Gas. Rachel Hani-gan with Plumb Thicket was present via conference call. Plans were made for Rachel Hanigan to attend the May 6th Regular Meeting to dis-cuss available options and our current Host Agreement in more detail. Melinda McCurley met with the Board to update them on the latest Tax Sale project. A list has been sent to the title company to begin research. The cur-rent list consists of 42 resi-dential lots, 24 vacant lots, 4 commercial lots and 13 farmland parcels. The total amount owed is $384,000. Property owners may pay unpaid taxes through 2019 to be removed from the list. Once the properties are filed in District Court, an owner must pay 100% of the past due taxes in order to be re-moved from the list.Josh Teel, Building and Grounds/IT Director, and Don Gebers and Chris Rothenbush with the Jail, met with the Board to dis-cuss a grant recently award-ed from KDHE intended to help with HVAC needs & PPE materials at the jail. It is a reimbursement grant, meaning we will pay for product and receive 100% reimbursement. Mr. Gebers and Mr. Rothenbush left the meet-ing.Mr. Teel continued to meet with the Board. The Count is on the agenda for the City of Anthony meeting sched-uled for 4/16/2024 to discuss the potential purchase and utilization of additional lots East of the Courthouse for parking and for a shelter for Public Transportation ve-hicles. Discussion was also had regarding the updated MOU for the Attica Day-care building. Emily Tomp-kinson, Childcare Director, entered the meeting at this time. The County has been awarded $170,500.00 addi-tional funding for the Attica location, the County match is a little over $50,000. There was discussion about potentially partnering with the Attica School District to provide a space in our build-ing for a Pre-K classroom. The Board reviewed the preliminary drawings for the new Dispatch facility to be located in the Health De-partment basement. We are anticipating a September or October move-in date.Ami DeLacerda, County Clerk, gave a Department Update. A Personnel Status Form was submitted for re-view and approval, a request to use the Southwest corner of the courthouse campus was reviewed and denied, discussion was held on the progress of collecting for juvenile housing expenses, and the Board requested quarterly updates. Several compliments on how the Ap-praiser’s Office is handling hearings were discussed, as well as some complaints from tax payers. Ms. DeLac-erda notified the Board that the $90.05 accounts payable voucher that was denied earlier in the meeting was a credit card charge and must be paid through this process, but the Department Head would be reimbursing the count for the expense. Commissioner Waldschmidt moved to amend his earlier motion approving accounts payable less that amount; the motion passed unani-mously. Commissioner Vor-nauf moved to approve the full amount of the account payable file for 4/15/2024, in the amount of $99,352.05; the motion was passed unanimously. Commission-er Waldschmidt asked about a charge for Acorn Resort, which was researched and found to be for lodging at a conference held at the re-sort. Commissioner Struble motioned to recess for five minutes at 11:21am; the motion was approved unani-mously. The meeting re-sumed at 11:26am.Commissioner Struble motioned to enter executive session at 11:26am. The justification for closing the meeting is to discuss per-sonnel matters of nonelected personnel. The open meet-ing will resume at 12:00pm in this room. The motion was approved unanimously. Ami DeLacerda remained in the meeting. The meet-ing resumed at 12:00pm, no binding action taken.Commissioner Wald-schmidt asked for details on how a petition would be drafted, and started related to a recent resolution passed by USD 361. Ms. DeLacerda will research.As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:02pm. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, April 15, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner Room at the Harper County Courthouse. Approved: Darrin Stru-ble, ChairmanAttest: Ami DeLacerda, County ClerkEMAIL YOUR NEWS

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the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024 Page 5Advertise your business or eventwith the AnthonyRepublican!Email or call today for rates:anthonyrepublican@att.net620-842-5129Free Developmental Screening Planned For Children Under 5Arrowhead West In-fant-Toddler Services and South-Central Kansas Spe-cial Education Cooperative District will be hosting a free screening clinic for children from birth-to-5 years of age in Harper. The clinic will help parents de-termine if their child’s de-velopment is age-appropri-ate. The screening is Friday, May 17th, at the United Methodist Church, 1268 E 14th St. Appointments are necessary to accomplish ap-propriate screening.Areas to be screened in-clude concepts, motor skills, social development, speech, hearing, and vision. Immu-nization, physical and nu-tritional information will also be available. Staff will assist in iden-tifying any special needs your child may have and lo-cate services to meet those needs.To schedule an appoint-ment to screen your child, please call (620) 672-7500.Courtesy PhotoMARTHA VAIL ATTEND CONFERENCE: April 25 through the 27th seven members of Martha Vail went to conference. We learned that the Kansas daughters are very busy people and exceeded our service hours goal by 2000 hours. The nurses were honored and a impressive historical accoun-tant about the Spanish War was shared. Most important was the presentation to graduates that completed classes to improve there knowledge about Membership, New Hori-zons, and Committee Leadership. Pictured are (L-R) Linda Chambers and Phyllis Anderson completed their Membership course and Barbara Thomas not present completed the Com-mittee Leadership course. It was a fun weekend for all that went: Deniese Fawcett, Joyce Kaup, Frances Smalley, Karen Younce, Linda Chambers, Barbara Thomas, and Joy Gideon.By Jennifer WolffWell the spring showers have definitely beautified our flower beds, yards & weeds! Got to take the bad with the good. If you don’t have your flower seeds or gardens sown, now is the time to get busy. I keep it simple with zinnias, mari-golds, a variety of lettuce & cherry tomatoes. It’s so re-warding to me to be able to grab a salad from the back yard. If you are interested in starting small & not sure of the mechanics of a contain-er garden we have just the informational session for you. “Tuesdays Together”, a well-being initiative by the Aging Office, Harper Co Health Foundation, Patter-son Health Center & KSU Extension Office, is open to all residents of Harper County to learn a variety Harper Co. Dept. On Aging: How Does Your Garden Grow?of topics to help us all live longer & healthier in Harp-er County. Join us Tuesday May 21st at 11:30 in the Patterson Meeting Room to learn about Container Gar-dening from our Extension Agent Jenni Carr. We will have containers available as well as seeds & cherry tomato plants. Jenni will explain the best varieties of veggies, how to keep pests away & how to set up a suc-cessful container garden. TEFAP Food Commodi-ties will be available for income qualifying Harper Co residents Thursday 5/23 at the County Courthouse 201 N. Jennings 8:30 am – Noon. First come first served. Call 620-842-5104 for information.The Public Transporta-tion Service assists ALL Harper Co residents of any age to stay indepen-dent with transportation to work, medical appoint-ments, shopping, errands, Patterson Health Center & locations less than 70 miles. Hours of operation: 8:30am– 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. Every Harper Co resident can ride with pub-lic transit regardless of age or mobility. Equal access is provided to the public. Al-though we are available to make trips M-F out of coun-ty, rides need to be sched-uled 24 hours in advance & the bus returns for Harper Co by 3pm. CALL 620-842-5104 for ride reserva-tions & rates. 1st come, 1st served. We currently have an opening for a full time driver which will affect our availability until a driver is hired. Advance reserva-tions are recommended for in-county as well as out of county rides.Out of County Transit Schedule: Mon 5/13: WichitaTues 5/14: WichitaWed 5/15: Wichita Thurs 5/16: WichitaFri 5/17: Wichita All routes are subject to change without notice. Krazy Quilters Visited By ‘Lady Of The Lake’ QuiltBy LeAnn HodsonThe May 4th meeting of the Krazy Quilters Quilt Guild had them seeing half-square triangles. The members present all told their favorite way to con-struct them for their proj-ects. They shared examples and some finished projects using the techniques. Long time member, Susie Young, inspired the group with some beautiful wool pieced blocks that looked like post-age stamps. She plans to get one done for each month of the year. Other inspiring Show N' Tells came from Sherry Rishell with a fabu-lous foundation pieced star quilt; a patchwork and em-broidered pillow by Jean Lyman; a panel project and stack n' whack from Connie Troyer; Pauline Oliver had a finished daffodil panel quilt; a wonderful Lady of the Lake quilt made by Pauletta Hinkle and some of her friends. Twila Strong educated the group on the process of making snippets from bits and pieces of left-over scraps. Rayann Rucker was not able to attend but she sent along two cute quilts she had finished for her Great Grandkids based on the book The Little Ghost QUILT Continued on next page

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Page 6 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024(Published in The Anthony Republican, Wednesday, May 1, 2024) 2tNOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEAnthony Police Department Abandoned Vehicles The vehicles listed below were abandoned and have been impounded by the Anthony Police Department, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash if the owner thereof does not claim within 10 days of the date of the second publication of this notice by way of paying the removal and storage costs incurred by the Anthony Police Department.List is ordered by last registered owner, followed by year, Make, Model, VIN, and notice mailed to last registered owner.Joshua Merrell - 1993 Infi niti Q45VIN# JNKNG01C9PM224895/ Date: 04/10/2024Travis Roberts2000 Volkswagen JettaVIN# 3VWSA29M8YM013236/ Date: 04/10/2024Misty Roberts2004 Dodge Stratus 4DVIN# 1B3EL36X74N255273/ Date: 04/10/2024Jeff Jarvis1986 Jeep Cherokee SW VIN# 1JCWL7743GT215432/ Date: 04/10/2024K Leven Nathan R1980 Chevrolet Camaro 2D VIN# 1P87LAL559656/Date: 04/10/2024Buck Blout1965 Chevrolet C15 P/U VIN# C1545Z153892/Date: 04/10/2024Kimberly Davidson1992 Cadillac 4D passenger carVIN# 1G6CD53B8N4283410/Date: 04/10/2024Lesley Hobbs1995 Dodge Dakota P/UVIN# 1B7GL23X5SS258922/Date: 04/10/2024Carlene Hobbs - 1989 Ford SV VIN# 1FMDA31UXKZC45996/Date: 04/10/2024Ramon Valderas1994 Nissan Sentra 4DVIN# 1N4EB31F8RC820980/Date: 04/10/2024Ramon Valderas1998 Lincoln Navigator UTVIN# 5LMFU28L1WLJ05994/Date: 04/10/2024Buck Blount - Unknown 60’s Model Chevrolet C15 P/UVIN# 255S048497/Date: 04/10/2024Disclaimer: These vehicles have no keys and sold as is. The buyer will receive all paperwork necessary to title the vehicle in the State of Kansas.PUBLIC NOTICEAnthony, Kan. – Wheat-land Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WEC) is proud to an-nounce that Innslee Al-bright, senior at Chaparral High School, was awarded a $1,000 scholarship Wednes-day, April 24, 2024, at WEC’s annual meeting in Great Bend, Kan. Each year, WEC awards a $1,000 scholarship to one high school senior from each of the thirteen high schools in WEC’s ser-vice territory, as well as one at-large scholarship for a student who does not attend one of these schools but has a parent or guardian that is a WEC member. A panel of the WEC Board of Trustees reviewed and selected all the scholar-ship recipients. “Wheatland Electric is committed to the leaders of tomorrow and is proud to award these schol-arships to assist students in obtaining their educational goals,” said CEO/General Manager Bruce W. Mueller. To learn more about the Scholarship Program, please visit WEC be-gins accepting scholarship applications each Novem-ber. Further questions may be addressed to Alli Conine, Director of Member Servic-Albright Receives Scholarship From Wheatland Electric es & Corporate Communi-cations at 620-874-4563 or Who Was a Quilt by author Riel Nason. Several other items were shown that went along with the theme of Grandma's Attic Rescue. This month the members were to make items using crocheted items-trim, doi-lies... Next month's meet-ing will be held on June 1st and the group will show off their clothing inspired creations. QUILT Continued from previous pageInnslee AlrightGOT NEWS???Send It To Us Atanthonyrepublican@att.netWheatland Electric HoldsAnnual Meeting For MembersGREAT BEND–Mem-bers of Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (WEC) have elected a new trustee and two incumbents to its 10-member board, results which were announced at this year’s 2024 Annual Meeting, held April 24, 2024, in Great Bend, Kan., and at seven remote meeting loca-tions across southwest and central Kansas. Members of the electric cooperative, who voted by mail for the first time in cooperative history, voted to elect Kevin White (1682 Road Q., Tribune, Kan.) as their District 3 trustee. White ran against another candidate, John Niehues (612 Haskell St., Tribune, Kan.), and secured just over a two-thirds of the total vote: 1,065 vs. 508. Both White and Niehues were nominated for their candidacy by WEC’s nomi-nating committee, comprised of seven co-op members, each representing one of the cooperative’s seven districts across southwest and central Kansas. White will replace out-going trustee Mike Thon of Tribune, Kan., who was first elected to the board in 2018 and served two three-year terms. District 3 serves members across Greeley County, Kan., and portions of Kiowa and Cheyenne Coun-ties in Colorado. Co-op members also vot-ed to elect John L. Sullivan (5906 16th Street Ter., Great Bend, Kan.) in District 6, which serves Great Bend, and re-elect Mark Arnold (203 S. Market St., Caldwell, Kan.) in District 7, which covers portions of Harper, Kingman, Sumner, and Sedgwick Counties. Both Sullivan and Arnold ran uncontested and were also nominated by the nomi-nating committee. Sullivan will begin his first three-year term; he was first appointed to the board to replace an outgoing trustee in 2022. Arnold will begin his third, three-year term. He was first appointed to fill a vacating seat in 2016 and was later elected by the co-operative membership in 2018. Trustees are limited to six three-year terms on the WEC board. This year’s ballots re-ceived by mail represent a total of 9.55% of the co-op voting membership overall (1,918 ballots received from an eligible 20,087 eligible voters). A total of 1,918 bal-lots were cast in this year’s trustee election, managed by Survey and Ballot Systems, an independent third-party. Last year, a total of 654 reg-istered members at the 2023 Annual Meeting cast their ballots in person or by proxy. The co-op membership ap-proved bylaw changes at that time to allow trustee elections to transition to mail-in voting starting in 2024. This year’s transition to mail-in voting has resulted in an 193% increase in voter engagement from last year’s trustee election. A total of 527 individu-als (including co-op mem-bers, special guests, and other non-members) were in attendance on April 24 at WEC’s 2024 Annual Meeting across eight meeting loca-tions: Great Bend, Scott City, Leoti, Tribune, Syracuse, Garden City, Harper, and Caldwell. Of that total, 383 attendees were registered WEC members. This year’s theme – “Il-luminating Connections” – provided WEC with a unique and enlightening opportu-nity to share the CONNEC-TIONS the co-op works to create every day – not just through the energy it deliv-ers, but through the part-nerships it builds, projects it helps fund, and new pro-grams it has implemented – all with the goal of EMPOW-ERING the communities it serves. Additionally, members at every location were able to ask questions and offer com-ments in real time as they viewed the primary meeting location in Great Bend. At-tendees enjoyed a meal at every location and took home a set of outdoor string lights as a thank you from WEC. Alli Conine, WEC’s Direc-tor of Member Services and Corporate Communications, also presented awards to 14 high school seniors from across WEC’s service terri-tory who were recipients of $1,000 scholarships. High school juniors who were se-lected to attend the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour in Washington D.C., and Co-operative Youth Leadership Camp in Steamboat Springs, Colo., later this year were also recognized. In addition, Mark Arnold, trustee and board president, recognized several WEC employees and trustees for their dedication to the co-operative, ranging from five years to 30 years of service. Our 2023 Annual Report, distributed to those in atten-dance, can now be download-ed at WEC wishes to thank all members in attendance. Members with questions are free to contact their local of-fice or send their questions to

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the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024 Page 7FOR RENT - Low income housing for people age 55 and older. Mainte-nance lives on site. Water, sewer and trash paid. Storm shelters. Contact Meadowlark Housing, 924 E. Spring in Anthony, KS 67003. Phone: 620-842-5331. 32-4-5-tfcFOR RENTKCAN ADSKCAN ADSKCAN ADSFor SalePlace your 25-word classied in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300/ week. Find employees, sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association @ 785-271-5304 today! kpa-5-8Misc.Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS US-ERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-866-481-0668 kpa-5-8Misc.Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration and mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our rst application special! 1-877-559-9593. kpa-5-8Misc.TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUI-TARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 1-877-560-1992. kpa-5-8Misc.PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Day-tona, GMT, Submariner and Speed-master. Call 1-866-481-0636. kpa-5-8Misc.GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DO-NATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patri-otic Hearts’ programs help veterans nd work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-877-560-5087. kpa-5-8Misc.BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Life-time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-866-481-0747. kpa-5-8Misc.STOP OVERPAYING FOR HEALTH INSURANCE! A recent study shows that a majority of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-888-519-3376 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right provider. kpa-5-8Misc.INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? Don’t Accept the insurance company’s rst offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $10,000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% Free Evaluation. Call Now: 1-888-920-1883. kpa-5-8Misc.AGING ROOF? NEW HOMEOWN-ER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-877-589-0093 Have zip code of property ready when calling! kpa-5-8Misc.WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RES-TORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage and mold growth in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-877-586-6688. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! kpa-5-8Misc.NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduc-tion? New, energy efcient windows may be the answer! Call for a consul-tation & FREE quote today. 1-866-766-5558 You will need to have your zip code to connect to the right pro-vider. kpa-5-8SWEETEST ESTATE SALE BY CANDY: Living Estate/Moving Sale for Cathy Spicer at 124 Walnut Creek Drive in Derby, KS. Wed., May 15th, Thurs., May 16th, & Friday May 17th from 9am-5pm. Sat., May 18th from 9am-2pm. Antiques, collectables, house-hold items, couch, love seat, some-thing for everyone! 47-5-8-2tc FOR SALE60 YEARS AGO - 1964Sherri Hughes and Linda Watkins were in Manhattan attending Hospitality Days. Sherri was a guest of the Clovis House and Linda was a guest of Barbara Whaley.Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zuber, Anthony, announced the en-gagement of their daughter, Mary Jane, to Charles Drew, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Meyer, Manchester, Okla. announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Janet Sue, to Bill Arnold, Anthony, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ar-nold, Anthony.50 YEARS AGO - 1974Sheriff Clayton Thur-man had just returned from Criminal Investigation school in Hutchinson.About 75 youths and adults tackled a huge 44-foot long banana split at the Central Baptist Church. It took five gallons of ice cream, nine dozen banan-as mixed with chocolate, strawberry and pineapple trimmings and only a few minutes for banana split lovers to dispose of what could be the largest single banana split in the state.Top spellers in Harper County were: Darla Smith-hisler, first; Jacki Honn, sec-ond; and Kathy Sherman, third.Jack Hartman, head basketball coach at Kansas State University, was the speaker at the athletic ban-quet at Chaparral.40 YEARS AGO - 1984Jim and Dollie Mathes of Harper announced the ar-rival of their first child, Bret Ryan, born April 7, 1984 at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita. Bret weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 inches long. The choir of the First Baptist Church of Anthony presented an Easter Can-tata during the moring wor-ship hour on Palm Sunday, April 15. The contata inlud-ed solos by Dwight Brown-ing and Shirlee Hoopes; du-ets by Clotene Masner and Shirlee Hoopes, and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Lytle; a ladies’ trio number by Rebecca Buck, Mary Lear and Elsie Fly. Other choir members included Benjean Browning, Steve Timken and Robert Fly. The contata was direct-ed by Dorthea Huffman and accompanied by Marguerite Ellis. Glenn Hoppes was the narrator.Janell Hughbanks, fresh-man in interior design, and Linda Hughbanks, sopho-more in general, both of An thony had joined the ranks of the Kansas State Univer-sity crew team.30 YEARS AGO - 1994Students from nine Kansas high schools were honored by the University Alumni Association and the KU Endowment Asso-ciation. The students, se-niors from Barber, Harper, Kingman and Pratt coun-ties were named Kansas Honor Scholars at a din-ner program held in Medi-cine Lodge. Students from Chaparral were: Barbara A. Drouhard, Kelly K. El-liott, Jennifer S. Ellmore, Chris-tina M. Ghere, Jessi-ca I. Mathes, Tiffani D. Mc-Gonigle and Lesley Reber. From Norwich, Curtis Lee Robertson and James Fred-rick Gosch II. From Attica: Kyle E. Rogers, and Holly J. Bane. The eighth grade class and first grade class at An-thony Elementry School put their heads together to write and illustrate a story-book. Each eighth grade stu-dent was paired with a first grade student and eighth grader wrote the story while the first grader drew the pictures. The second and seventh grade selected the winners. The eighth winners were Jyle Wald-schmidt, Michele Conrady, Shauna Slusser and Kelsey Patterson. First grad-ers were Allison Forsyth, Mely-ssa McKown, Vanessa Rob-ert and Kayla Roth.20 YEARS AGO - 2004The Chaparral youth wrestling club had three contestants compete at the Kansas 6-year-old cham-pionship held in Ottawa. Those attending from Chap-arral were Lane Vornauf, Chandler Calderon and Bryce Duhon.Lindsay Hoover, a junior at Kansas State University, and daughter of Stan and Patricia Hoover of Anthony, was crowned Miss Wichita 2004 in the Masonic Retir-ment Community Audito-rium. Placing the crown on her head was long-time friend, Miss Wichita 2003, Summer Williams, daug-ter of Bob Williams of An-thony and Julia Williams of Wichita. Both girls gradu-ated form Çhaparral High School. Ashley Twyman, Antho-ny, toured with the South-western College A Cappella Choir in March. The tour included concerts at First United Methodist churches in Tulsa, Okla., in the Little Rock area and in Paris, Ark. and in Wichita.10 YEARS AGO - 2014The Brownie Girl Scouts Troop 51 and parents helped John Gates with his spring yard cleaning. Da-vid Chavez, Gerald Kaup and Kevin Kaup helped get equipment together and helped organize the groups of girls in different areas of the yard. Girls involved were: Alexis Denwalt, Alexis Kaup, Amber Car-roll, Madison Haley, Tegan Haynes, Jenna Jenkings, Emma Kristek, Kellee Poe, Emilie Rothenbush, and Emry Schrant. Scout lead-ers were Joyce Kaup and Sarah Schmidt.The Chaparral Video Production class had com-peted in a state wide video competition on the Manhat-tan campus of Kansas State University. The Chaparral students placed first out of eight competing teams in the PSA category. Members of the group were Jimmy McDowell, Conner Nygaard, Alicia Pack, Morgan Hamill, Taylor Jacobs, Alex Mortim-er and Ashton Bohnert. 5 YEARS AGO - 2014Among the 51 new law enforcement officers grad-uating from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center was Jacob Walter, Harper Police Department, patrol officer.Anthony Farm Bureau safety poster winners were Macy Upton, first place; Jorja Coy, second place and Danielle Oster, third place. Harper winners were Cart-er Hostetler, first and grand champion; David Lopez, second; and Kayden Welch, third. Attica winners were Carlene Loesch, first; Libby Swingle, second and Zander Starr, third place. Cub Scout Troop 855 held their Pinewood Derby at the Revolution Church with winners announced: Dakota Kaup, Kenny Ger-lets and Johnny Hargis.MANHATTAN — Kan-sas Farm Bureau is con-tinuing in 2024 its recogni-tion for “Sesquicentennial Farms” in conjunction with its annual “Century Farm” program. The Century Farm program honors Farm Bureau members who own farms of at least 80 acres within the same family for 100 years or more. The Ses-quicentennial Farm recog-nition goes to farms in the same family for at least 150 Kansas Farm Bureau To Recognize Tradition, Heritage Of Family Farmsyears. “Kansas farmers and ranchers have a lot to be proud of,” Joe Newland, Kansas Farm Bureau presi-dent, says. “One thing we take pride in is our value in the traditions and strong family ties through genera-tions of rural living. Kansas Farm Bureau is honored to celebrate those through the Century Farm and Ses-quicentennial Farms pro-grams.” The deadline for con-sideration to be part of the 2024 programs is May 15. Kansas Farm Bureau has recognized 3,144 Century Farms and 112 Sesquicen-tennial Farms since their inception. Complete details for qualification and appli-cations for both programs can be obtained at county Farm Bureau offices across Kansas or on the KFB web-site,

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Page 8 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024CHS Senior ProlesPROFILES Continued on next PageTyce Jaden PfaffWho are your parents? Dusty Storck and Erick PfaffWhat are your achievements and honors? All league honorable mention for baseball and football, roadrunner classic all tournament team my junior year.What are your future plans? Attend Butler Community College.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t take candy from strangers.Who is your most influential person and why? My brothers because they always help me with sports and other goals I have.What is your favorite high school memory? Donut shop runs.Laken CowherdWho are your parents? Kristin Dory Brad DoryWhat are your achievements and honors? Making moneyWhat are your future plans? Become a lineman.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Try in school.Who is your most influential person and why? My mom she works hard.What is your favorite high school memory? Hanging with the boys.Dillon Thomas AlbrightWho are your parents? Chris and Brandy AlbrightWhat are your achievements and honors? Welding.What are your future plans? Welding.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t be a sally.Who is your most influential person and why? My Papa Ron, he showed me what life really was.What is your favorite high school memory? Prom.Josef PlananskyWho are your parents? Nick and Christene PlananskyWhat are your achievements and honors? 3 time academic all state, national all state.What are your future plans? College.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Make it a good day.Who is your most influential person and why? Sir Tyler Clubine.What is your favorite high school memory? Pass.Noah Joseph BarkerWho are your parents? Robb & Denise BarkerWhat are your achievements and honors? Chaparral Band Percussionist, 2022 Chaparral Singer.What are your future plans? Attend Cowley Community College and Wichita State University for Computer Information Science/Programming.What is the best advice your parents gave you? It’s not the mistake that defines you, it’s how you bounce back from the mistake.Who is your most influential person and why? It’s not just one person, it’s everyone I have surrounded myself with. It’s a whole bunch of people.What is your favorite high school memory? Any time in the lunchroom or in the choir room my freshman year.Pake Dean GreenWho are your parents? Jeff Green, Angel GrahamWhat are your achievements and honors? 4x varsity wrestler.What are your future plans? Go to college and get a business degree.What is the best advice your parents gave you? It don’t matter what other people think of you, just be you.Who is your most influential person and why? My mom, she is the most influential person in my life for three reasons: she inspires me, she has taught me many important life lessons, and she has always encouraged me.What is your favorite high school memory? Tyler Clubines class, always a laugh in there and a incredible teacher.Anakyn smithWho are your parents? Matthew & Melinda Goertz, Jermey & Brandie Smith.What are your achievements and honors? I have lettered in football three years and one year in wrestling I have don’t trap shooting for seven years. I have been involved with FFA for the last five years.What are your future plans? Go to Pratt Community College for two years and go into farm & ranch management and sprayer applicators and be on the trap team. Then move back to Bluff City and work on the farm and eventually take over.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Stay strong and stay positive keep your head in the game.Who is your most influential person and why? Bobby Waldschmit because he has helped me weld so much better.What is your favorite high school memory? Football.Zachery Wray GravesWho are your parents? Jeremey and Jessica GravesWhat are your achievements and honors? Participated in Trap and Skeet, FFA officer for 3 years Secretary, Vice President, President.What are your future plans? Attend Butler Community College, Major in Farm and Ranch Management.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Your dreams can always come true if you work hard enough.Who is your most influential person and why? My Dad He is a role model showing me strong work ethic, teaching me how to dream big and knowing the value playing hard.What is your favorite high school memory? Going to the Donut Shop in 2nd Hour.Darla HennesseeWho are your parents? Phil Hennessee and Gabby WedmanWhat are your achievements and honors? Honor Roll 4.0 Student, State Music Festival (I solo rating) for multiple years, US State Department Youth Ambassador, recipient of the National Scholarship for Foreign Exchange in Brazil sponsored by the U.S. State Department and Georgetown University, 2024 Kansas Governor’s Scholar, Basketball Varsity (2020-2022), and Volleyball Varsity (2020, 2021, and 2023).What are your future plans? My future plans are to graduate from Vanderbilt University and work for the U.S. State Department.What is the best advice your parents gave you? My dad’s best advice was, “Do the hard stuff first.” My mom’s best advice was, “Being thankful for what you have is important; with gratitude, good things come in life.”Who is your most influential person and why? My dad’s support, wisdom, and selflessness, combined with my mom’s soft, kind heart and unconditional love, make them the most influential people in my life. Together, they have shaped me into the person I am today.What is your favorite high school memory? It’s hard to pick just one memory because I have so many, but I would have to say all the small moments spent with my friends. Whether it was laughing really loud in the hallways, pulling harmless pranks on Ms. Earls, or talking about our inside jokes, those are the moments I cherish the most.Alaina BellesineWho are your parents? Brandon and Kristen BellesineWhat are your achievements and honors? All American Award, Pin it Forward Award, 1st place in League Art for 3 years, 5th at State Cheerleading, Lettered in Varsity Cheer all 4 years, National Honors Society, A-Honor roll, Lead a young girls bible study, and Varsity Cheer Captain for 2-years.What are your future plans? Attend Wichita State University to obtain a bachelors degree in Elementary Education.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Let your roots grow down into the Lord, and let my life be built on him.Who is your most influential person and why? The most influential person in my life is my brother, Brett Bellesine. Although struggles daily with autism, his goal in life is to bring happiness to everyone he runs into through his bright light, even if they are a stranger.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite high school memory was attending Key Club Convention and all of the laughs I had with my friends. Especially when we won the talent show with a dance we made up completely last minute.Chloe Danielle DodgenWho are your parents? Catherine Thomas and Jeff DodgenWhat are your achievements and honors? Cheer Captain, NHS, All-American Cheer Team, KCCTO Certification, Pin-it-Forward Cheer Award, 5th at State Cheer, A-Honor RollWhat are your future plans? I plan to go straight into working in childcare.What is the best advice your parents gave you? The best advise my mom has given to me is that God puts people into my life for a reason, and I should treat them in a way that Jesus would. whether I want to or not.Who is your most influential person and why? Jesus is the most influential person to me. He showed me the way I should live my life.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite high school memory is going to Attica and watching friends play donkey basketball for the Chaparral FFA team. It gave me some of the most genuine laughs.Paige SwingleWho are your parents? Russ and Jennifer SwingleWhat are your achievements and honors? My achievements are I received honorable mention for basketball this year, being accepted into NHS, and I am the Farm Bureau Ambassador.What are your future plans? I am going to pursue a degree in agribusiness at Pratt Community College.What is the best advice your parents gave you? The best advice my parents have given me is work hard for your money and it will pay off.Who is your most influential person and why? My most influential person is my dad he is always teaching me how to work hard and support his family at the same time.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite memory is going out to eat with the basketball team after the Sedgwick tournament.Joseph JaegerWho are your parents? Mark and Amanda JaegerWhat are your achievements and honors? I was TSA member of the year, TSA Vice President, Honor Roll, FFA Treasurer.What are your future plans? Go to Cowley College for Precision Agriculture.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Always try your best.Who is your most influential person and why? My Grandma Penny Jaeger. She went through a lot but still had a good attitude and worried about everyone else.What is your favorite high school memory? Going to National Convention.Kabrie Dawn ChanceWho are your parents? Tracy Chance and Corey YeagerWhat are your achievements and honors? A Honor Roll for 5 semesters, B Honor Roll for 2 semesters, awarded the Harper County Grand Prize in photography for 4-H, Girls tennis - qualified for the state competitionWhat are your future plans? Attend The University of Kansas for a bachelors in Human BiologyWhat is the best advice your parents gave you? In terms of the medical field, my dad has told me since a young age “think of it like working on a machine not a person”. This will allow me to perform the care necessary without human nature getting in the way.Who is your most influential person and why? My most influential person in my life, without a doubt would be my mom. My mom is so incredibly kind and thoughtful to anyone that she encounters. I strive to be as kind as her one day. “My ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend, the dazzling woman from whom I received my name and my life’s blood” - Rory GilmoreWhat is your favorite high school memory? My favorite memory without a doubt would be sophomore year in its entirety. From first meeting Ms. Earls, to starting class with Mrs. Fallis, to now. Its been a wonderful

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the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024 Page 9• CHAPARRAL FACULTY & STAFF •Kourtni Berryman Tanatcha Bertman Ivon Castillo Jennifer Clark Tyler Clubine Diane Drouhard Lori Drouhard Brittiny Earls April EckertAzure Eslinger Pam Fallis Christel Francis Susan Gamill Joel Gerber Leslie Gerber Craig Hadsall Rachel Hadsall Christine HeadrickHayley HoltPayton Horn Ashley Hostetler Jody Iams Mallory Intemann Amber Knolla Randy Lemon Ellen Love Deborah MurphyShawn Nulik Barbara Patterson Kristen Radcliff Mike Reed Sean Reeves Theresa Ricke Steve Roberts Pamela Roe Cheryl SwartzErin Teel Michelle Vasquez Brande Vogele Mia Wade Ronalda Weston Vance Williams Matthew WilsonAllie WoodsAmanda TalbottPROFILES Continued from previous pagePROFILES Continued on Page 11Janet Ardery Robert Ardery Sonya Battin Leah Beckner Kara Bellojourney and a part of me is devastated to see it go.Ocean Taylor ReedWho are your parents? Stacy Reed, Jim BeasleyWhat are your achievements and honors? Going to State for band solos, carpentry technical certificate.What are your future plans? Go to WSU Tech for carpentry.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t eat the yellow snow.Who is your most influential person and why? Mrs. Harrison, taught her students to love music and created an amazing environment for them to learn and grow in.What is your favorite high school memory? Playing with my friends in band in Freshman and Junior year.Allison Brianna RedgateWho are your parents? Landon and Nikki RedgateWhat are your achievements and honors? Being a shocker honor scholar, a member of NHS and FFA, and our class valedictorian. I also maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school while playing golf and volleyball.What are your future plans? I plan to attend college at NWOSU to get my prerequisites and then transfer to OSU to become a dental hygienist.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Stay to true your morals.Who is your most influential person and why? Taylor Swift, she has taught me throughout life that you’re going to have plenty of struggles but what really matters is how you persevere through it.What is your favorite high school memory? Going to state in volleyball.Innslee Eileen AlbrightWho are your parents? Dusty and Erin AlbrightWhat are your achievements and honors? Some of my greatest accomplishments are being inducted into National Honor Society, going to state tennis for two years, and being Key Club President.What are your future plans? I will be attending Friends University in Wichita to pursue a degree in finance.What is the best advice your parents gave you? “If you’re early, you’re on time, if you’re on time, you’re late, if you’re late, you’re left.”Who is your most influential person and why? The most influential people in my life are my parents. They never seize to amaze me with their perseverance and willingness to help others, I hope to be like them in my adulthood.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite memory in high school would be the late nights in the student section cheering on our sports teams, as well as the KISS competitions.Brenton Michael SheplerWho are your parents? Austin and Brandy McCrightWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? Going into the work force then hitting the road for rodeo circuit.What is the best advice your parents gave you? If you want something then work for it and go get it.Who is your most influential person and why? My dad because he’s pushed me to be the better person and make me the man I am today.What is your favorite high school memory? Hanging out with all my friends and getting closer with people.Hunter David DackWho are your parents? Brian and Jamie BombergerWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? my future plans are to pursue welding.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Take pride in everything you do.Who is your most influential person and why? My mother because she has made it farther than anyone I know.What is your favorite high school memory? Cruising back roads before football games.Daelyn RodriguezWho are your parents? Misty Buchanan & Alvin TurnerWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? I am joining the Marines.What is the best advice your parents gave you? When you need some help, reach for the Root Beer Shelf.Who is your most influential person and why? The most influential person for me would be Barrington Devaughn Hendricks, this is because he shows self-acceptance, tenacity, and skill when it comes to music. He also stood up for what was right even though it cost him his job. He also inspired me to create music.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite memory from high school would be when I created the ‘Pake Brown Cologne’ out of “Walgreens Cheese” with Jim Welch and Braden Smith.Markus Ross LearWho are your parents? Christy & Tim LearWhat are your achievements and honors? I have several medals from various Special Olympic events. I am a Published author in the 2023 poetry book Empowered by The America Library of Poetry.What are your future plans? Undecided.What is the best advice your parents gave you? To always be thankful.Who is your most influential person and why? My mom and dad have both influenced me tremendously. They took care of me my entire life and gave their all to raising me to be a good, successful person.What is your favorite high school memory? When I danced to Footloose on stage during a performance for one of my music class concerts.

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Page 10 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024Timothy Adams Innslee Albright Jordan Baker Noah BarkerKabrie Chance Hunter Cowherd Laken Cowherd Hunter DackZachery Graves Pake Green Kenzie Haydock Tegan HaynesVeronica Hostetler Joseph Jaeger Bailey Johnson Christopher KirkpatrickWilliam Parsons Tyce Pfaff Josef Planansky Jaycee PlantJohnny Reyes-Guillen Daelyn Rodriguez Jasmine Ryckman Bradan SalsberryAudrey Befort Alaina Bellesine Ashlynn CarrascoChloe Dodgen Elliott Evans Landry FloresDarla Hennessee Auburn Hill Lanni HoldtMarkus Lear Paul Mancilla Cruz Atiana Mendoza-WardAllison Redgate Ocean Reed Abigail ReevesAlexis Shelton Brenton Shepler Anakyn SmithBraden Smith Kyler Smith Paige SwingleFaith Teeter Brooklyn Vincent Joshua Welch

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the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024 Page 11CONGRATULATIONS,GRADUATES!www.kanza.bankWilliam ParsonsWho are your parents? Lisa Parsons Wade ParsonsWhat are your achievements and honors? Getting OSHA and NCCER certified.What are your future plans? Attend Hutch Community College for Auto Technology.Who is your most influential person and why? My brother, he’s helped me through my entire high school career.What is your favorite high school memory? My mechanics class.Joshua Andrew WelchWho are your parents? Megan & Barry WelchWhat are your achievements and honors? Lettered in Tennis, Straight A’s .What are your future plans? Attend Wichita State University to study computer science.What is the best advice your parents gave you? To pray without ceasing.Who is your most influential person and why? The most influential people in my life have been my parents. They have taught me many lessons and have consistently given me good advice.What is your favorite high school memory? Creating a slideshow presentation connecting our history teacher to the Funyuns brand.Chris KirkpatrickWho are your parents? Andrew Kirkpatrick and Jessica JonesWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? Community College, then University.What is the best advice your parents gave you? “You’re not dumb, you just don’t want to do it”.Who is your most influential person and why? Dad. He’s pushed me to where I am.What is your favorite high PROFILES Continued from Page 9school memory? Seeing friends.Faith TeeterWho are your parents? Jessica Martinez and Brent TeeterWhat are your achievements and honors? Published Poet, 1st Chair Trumpet, Varsity Scholars Bowl.What are your future plans? I plan to attend Cowley Community College for one year then transfer to Emporia State University to get a Bachelor’s in Ecology.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Confidence is not about will they like me, confidence is I don’t care if they don’t.Who is your most influential person and why? The most influential person in my life is my cousin Mia Smith. She has always been there to advise me and help me with life and school. I look up to and admire her a lot.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite high school memory is every event I’ve been to as a member of the band. Every year it’s a completely different experience full of laughter and fun.Lanni JoAnn HoldtWho are your parents? Brian Holdt and Loni KrausWhat are your achievements and honors? Got a 1 rating at Arkalalah for marching band.What are your future plans? I plan to attend Butler CC and major in radio broadcasting.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Pretending to be brave is brave.Who is your most influential person and why? My great grandma. She stands up for what she believes in while remaining kind.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite memory is sitting at lunch with all of my friends. We made plans for the weekend and complained about the week. I am going to miss that the most.Bailey G. JohnsonWho are your parents? Anna and Travis JohnsonWhat are your achievements and honors? I participated in Debate for 2 years and Forensics (speech) for 3 years.What are your future plans? After attending culinary school and gaining a business permit, I plan to start a bakery! Destination is still to be planned in the future but keep an eye out for “Galaxy Goods” several years down the road.What is the best advice your parents gave you? “If you get it done now, you won’t have to bother with it in the future.” Sound advice from my father.Who is your most influential person and why? Growing up it was mostly my great aunt Rocky, she seemed to have a steady looking life. Plus she a huge bonfire going every other night! Who wouldn’t want to aspire with that?What is your favorite high school memory? It was the second to last day of our Sophomore year and we (Lanni H., Jasmine R., and Jenna J.,) were outside for lunch, gossiping and celebrating another year done. Or most us were at least, as Lanni with sprayed on blue bangs sat on the table over heating from the sun. Probably not a memory most would cherish, but hey! We were young and didn’t have the same anxieties as we do now, I miss those days.Abigail Leanne ReevesWho are your parents? Jarom and Trina ReevesWhat are your achievements and honors? Performed in 7 musical theater performances, Lettered in tennis, lettered in Chaparral Singers, Distinguished graduate for service hours, 1 ratings at vocal music state, regionals, and league, 1 ratings at league art in watercolor.What are your future plans? To attend NWOSU with hopes of pursuing graphic design.What is the best advice your parents gave you? To live for experiences, travel, and happiness instead of materials.Who is your most influential person and why? My friends and family, they are the most loving people and have done so many great things. I am so thankful and proud of them.What is your favorite high school memory? Every moment spent with my fellow Chaparral Singers and in The Arts Center Kids productions. These groups have brought me loving friendships and self worth that I am forever grateful for.Alexis Danielle SheltonWho are your parents? Kari NuszWhat are your achievements and honors? 4 years of varsity cheer, 1 of track, 1 year of softball, 2 years of key club and pep club.What are your future plans? I plan to work at a preschool and do online courses at Fort Hays State University to get my teaching degree this coming fall.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t wait till the last minute to get your school work done.Who is your most influential person and why? My mom, she has been through and done everything for me the past 17 years.What is your favorite high school memory? Eating lunch on the floor with my best friend making time lapse videos.Brooklyn Jace VincentWho are your parents? Susan Vincent, Bjay VincentWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? I plan on Attending Fort Hays State this coming fall. I will be majoring in Art History.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Go at each day with a smile on my face. Don’t look bad at the failures just the success.Who is your most influential person and why? My mother she’s just the most amazing person in my life.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite memory is eating with my sister at lunch.Paul Bryan MancillaWho are your parents? Raul and Liliana MancillaWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? Attend Hutchinson Community College and transfer to WSU to get a degree in marketing.What is the best advice your parents gave you? 2+2 is always 4.Who is your most influential person and why? My dad has been my most influential person because he has helped me throughout high school when I would struggle and has always motivated me.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite High school memory was getting adrenaline rush right before football games and wrestling matches.Auburn HillWho are your parents? Justin and Angela HillWhat are your achievements and honors? National Honor Society, Senior class president, Key Club officer, Pep Club officer, member of the Prepare to Launch Squad, member of the Live to Lead Leadership Group, Lettered all 4 years of basketball, Lettered all 4 years of track and field, Lettered 3 years of volleyball, Volleyball All-League Honorable Mention ‘24, Basketball All-League Honorable Mention ‘23, Basketball All-Tournament Team - Sedgwick Invitational ‘23, ‘24, Basketball Cheney All-Tournament Team ‘24, Central Plains League First Team Basketball ‘24, 1st Place Sculpture, League Art 2021-2022, 2nd Place Mixed Media, League Art 2021-2022, 3rd Place Glass, League Art 2021-2022, People’s Choice Sculpture, League Art 2021-2022, 2nd Place Best of Show Sculpture, League Art 2021-2022.What are your future plans? Attend McPherson college continuing my academic and basketball career, double majoring is Sports Media and Communications.What is the best advice your parents gave you? The best advice my parents gave me was to “leave things better than the way you found them”. I have carried this with me and applied it in my life through teams, clubs and my everyday life.Who is your most influential person and why? My parents are the most influential people to me. They are tenacious and have taught me the value of hard work. They have pushed me and supported me throughout everything I’ve done and have always believed in me even when I had doubts. I would not be the person I am today without them and I am grateful for them everyday.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite high school memories are Key Club District Convention, watching donkey basketball with Chloe, the off topic conversations in Ms. Earls’ class and the countless times I’ve laughed with Darla.Audrey Elise BefortWho are your parents? Jerid and Karen BefortWhat are your achievements and honors? President of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Multiple pieces of first place photography at League Art, Grand Champion Swine Project at the Harper County Fair, President of Sunnyside 4-H Club, CPR Certified, multiple Grand champion and champion photography pieces in the fair.What are your future plans? Attend Hesston College for my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.What is the best advice your parents gave you? It doesn’t matter what people say as long as you are true to yourself.Who is your most influential person and why? My third grade teacher Mrs. Hoopes. We still have a bond so many years later. She is always so happy and wants the best for people in her life. Her support the past nine years has been more than I could ask for. Mrs. Hoopes’ heart is bigger than anyone I know. I am forever thankful for the impact she has had on my life.What is your favorite high school memory? Graduation Day.Kenzie Jae HaydockWho are your parents? Jerred & Rhonda HaydockWhat are your achievements and honors? Lettering in tennis, Vice president of the senior class, honor roll, lettering in Track, Vice president of Pep club.What are your future plans? Enter the workforce as a certified phlebotomist.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Everything will workout in the end.Who is your most influential person and why? My grandpa who supported me through everything.What is your favorite high school memory? League tennis senior year.Kyler William SmithWho are your parents? Skyler SmithWhat are your achievements and honors? 4 letters in football.What are your future plans? Attend Manhattan techs linemen program.What is the best advice your parents gave you? To always respect others.Who is your most influential person and why? My grandpa Fred Smith. He is the hardest worker I know. He does everything with pride and is the most humble persons you will ever meet.What is your favorite high school memory? 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Page 12 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024Elizabeth Beard Kolten Boice Eva Bollman Landon BombergerRoss BradleyNickolaus Brittain John Budd Chloe CannonJayden Denwalt Jeslin Durham Gabriel Duvall Marshall Eslinger Braxtin Francis Jovani Garcia Ayelet Garcia-Reyes Savannah GardnerLinden Greve Trace Hadsall Macelyn Haley Justin Hargis Jaryd Haynes Grayson Hill Miley Hodson Maia HoldenJade Hoy Alexandria Jones Kayden Koehler Brody Latta Arya Louthan Makiya Maka Brody Mathews Andrea MendozaJayce Mercer Brenden Miller Piper Miller Madysen Ord Christian Planansky Henson Reames Lleyton RichardsonElizabeth RickerRamanna Rozi Elijah Ryan Zaden Snyder Lilly Sowter Mason Stitt Chase Swingle Parker TessendorfMaddox AndersonSavannah BakerAiden Toddunder the Friday Night Lights.Johnny Reyes-GuillenWho are your parents? Mom: Irma Carolina Guillén color . Dad: Conrado Reyes CarranzaWhat are your achievements and honors? My achievement are, 3.0 gpa, did sports for 2 years.What are your future plans? My future plans are, after Highschool got to the Work Field, then work for 2 years until I decide what I really want to do, what to study.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Never give up, no matter what is happening, it’s going to pass, is going to be hard, of course it, but there 2 way to go trhought that hard time, one you let all the problems win you, or you fight those problems you have and just keep going forward.Who is your most influential person and why? My parents and Uncle. Because they doing everything do I can have the opportunities that they didn’t had.What is your favorite high school memory? I think, when we went to the no zero hero trips.Ashlynn Jade CarrascoWho are your parents? Andrew and Marcie CarrascoWhat are your achievements and honors? Pep club president 3 years of honor roll lettering in volleyball 3 years lettering softball 4 years.What are your future plans? Attend Bellus academy in manhattan ks obtain my cosmetology license.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Always portray yourself as the person you want to be.Who is your most influential person and why? My father, he never fails to give me the best advice, whether it comes to school, sports, or just life. He pushes me to be the best version of myself every day, and to never do things half way.What is your favorite high school memory? There’s too many memories to choose from but to sum it all up let’s just say sophomore year was a blast.Jordan BakerWho are your parents? Jason Baker, Angela BakerWhat are your achievements and honors? I have lettered in basketball and been an officer in FFA for 4 years.What are your future plans? I plan to attend Hutchinson community college and study Farm/Ranch management.What is the best advice your parents gave you? The best advice my parents have given me is to work hard for what you want.Who is your most influential person and why? My parents, they have helped me throughout my high school career.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite high school memory is playing basketball and being involved in FFA activities.Braden Michael SmithWho are your parents? Jeremie and Erica SmithWhat are your achievements and honors? Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Pep Club, FFA, Honor Roll, Eagle Scout, Kansas National Guard.What are your future plans? My future plan as a member of the Kansas Army National Guard is to attend Basic Training this summer at Ft. Jackson, SC, then to AIT at Camp Eustis, VA., for Black Hawk Mechanic training in the Fall. I will attend Pitt State University in the Spring, while continuing to serve for the National Guard. My goal is to fly Black Hawks and to either receive a Business Degree or become a National Park Ranger.What is the best advice your parents gave you? It’s Mind over Matter.Who is your most influential person and why? My Poppy.What is your favorite high school memory? Hanging out with my friends.Hunter Lynn CowherdWho are your parents? Brad/Kristin Dory and Jason CowherdWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? Work for now.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Just leave it be.Who is your most influential person and why? Great Grandma Lyon because she always believed in me not matter what I did.What is your favorite high school memory? Long talks with Vance.Atiana WardWho are your parents? Lindsey WardWhat are your achievements and honors? Vice president of FCCLA, 4 years of tennis.What are your future plans? Attend Pittsburg State University for Interior Design.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Make good choices.Who is your most influential person and why? My most influential person is my mother, because she teaches me lots of life lessons.What is your favorite high school memory? Working on the homecoming floats.PROFILES Continued from previous pagePROFILES Continued on Page 12

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Isabel Alexander Peytyn Carlisle Ava DarkThomas Deviney Caleb Fahring Devilyn HarrelChase Rogers Drake SchmidtMicahlynn WyattCongratulationsto theAttica BulldogsClass of 2024!THIS PAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE FINE SPONSORS:Page 14 the Anthony Republican • May 8, 2024Isabel AlexanderWho are your parents? Kevin & Angie AlexanderWhat are your achievements and honors? NHS, HOPL All-League 1st Team 2023 Volleyball & Basketball, KVA All-State Honorable Mention 2023, 2024 Governor’s Scholar, KWCH Top of the Class.What are your future plans? Attend the University of Kansas and major in financial planning.What is the best advice your parents gave you? “All you gotta do is survive.”Who is your most influential person and why? My mom, she’s always there for me and she’s the mayor.What is your favorite high school memory? The boys beating Norwich for homecoming in basketball my sophomore year.Peytyn CarlisleWho are your parents? Ginger & Chad CarlisleWhat are your achievements and honors? 4-H & FFA officer, NHS inductee, Stuco representative, Presidential Honor Roll (all A’s all four years), member of rodeo associations, basketball through high school.What are your future plans? I will attend Fort Hays State University to major in Agriculture Business and minor in Accounting. I will also be a member of the FHSU rodeo team.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t do stupid “stuff” and you won’t get yelled at.Who is your most influential person and why? My Grandma because she has always been rooted in her faith no matter what. She also works hard for what she wants and continues to every day.What is your favorite high school memory? When Drake cried because of mod minutes in math Freshman year.Ava DarkWho are your parents? Eric and Toni DarkWhat are your achievements and honors? Volleyball letter 4 years, State qualifier in Track & Field 2 years in pole vault & javelin, Kansas Volleyball Association All-Academic Team 4 years, Volleyball H.O.P.L. All-League Honorable Mention, Student Council Vice-President, Senior Volleyball and Basketball Captain, National Honor Society 3 years, Honor Roll 4 years.What are your future plans? Attending Hutchinson Community College in the fallWhat is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t listen to what other people have to say.Who is your most influential person and why? My mom because she has always been there for me no matter what. I know that I can go to her if I need anything. She has also coached me throughout my whole volleyball career, so I have always looked up to her in the sport and as coach.What is your favorite high school memory? Going to Florida for our Senior Trip.Thomas DevineyWho are your parents? Jack & Jamie DevineyWhat are your achievements and honors? Citizenship Award, Eck Excellence Award.What are your future plans? I plan to attend Cloud County Community College and receive Attica Senior Prolesmy certificate as a Wind Technician.What is the best advice your parents gave you? “Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours any brighter.”Who is your most influential person and why? My oldest brother Jack because he’s showed me that life throws you curveballs, but you can always come out on top.What is your favorite high school memory? Riding a tandem bike to Prom.Caleb FahringWho are your parents? Jason & Michelle FahringWhat are your achievements and honors? A&A Titans 8 man Division 1 District 3 All-District Team Honorable Mention Offensive Line 2022 & 2023, NCCER Carpentry Level 1, OSHA 10-hour General Industry Safety and Health, Pratt Community College certifications in Welding & Automotive, WSU Tech Carpentry Level 1 courses.What are your future plans? I plan to go to WSU and live in the dorms and through the Shockers Experience attend WSU Tech South Campus and get a certificate in computer science and later get a associates.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Having a kind heart in a cruel world is courage, NOT WEAKNESS.Who is your most influential person and why? Jesus is my most influential person because he drives me to be good every day.What is your favorite high school memory? Looking for Chase Rogers tooth during football practice.Devilyn HarrelWho are your parents? Mary Struble, Heather & Jeremy SchrinerWhat are your achievements and honors? None.What are your future plans? Automotive at Pratt.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Get your head our of your butt.Who is your most influential person and why? Ms. Cris, she has helped me get through my school work. Ms. Geisen for encouraging me to be creative with my designs.What is your favorite high school memory? Senior Lock In!Chase RogersWho are your parents? Christine Rogers, Kirk RogersWhat are your achievements and honors? EMT Junior year, Advanced EMT Senior year.What are your future plans? Attend Cowley County College for my paramedic. After completing my paramedic I plan to attend WSU for my PA.What is the best advice your parents gave you? The best way to eat a poop sandwich is as fast as possible.Who is your most influential person and why? My parents, because they have always supported me, which has helped me reach my goals. They teach me everyday by example which has helped me build important values and principles.What is your favorite high school memory? When me and Thomas chased down an ice cream truck on the freeway.Drake SchmidtWho are your parents? Craig and Shelon SchmidtWhat are your achievements and honors? Superintendent Honor Roll, Wichita State Honor Roll.What are your future plans? I plan to attend Wichita State University and study Real Estate Entrepreneurship.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Hard work can get you through anything.Who is your most influential person and why? Rocky. He never gives up and shows people how to win.What is your favorite high school memory? Shop class trip to Pitt State.Micahlynn Kaye WyattWho are your parents? Carolyn & Eugene WyattWhat are your achievements and honors? STUCO President, Fall 2023 HOCO Queen.What are your future plans? I plan on attending Fort Hays State University in the fall to pursue a bachelors degree in biology.What is the best advice your parents gave you? “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.”Who is your most influential person and why? My sister, Mariah, because of our shared experiences and her ability to be a role model to me.What is your favorite high school memory? The late nights on the senior trip.Veronica Rose HostetlerWho are your parents? Tyra HostetlerWhat are your achievements and honors? CNA/HHA certificate, J.B Student Teacher Scholarship.What are your future plans? Health and Sports science.What is the best advice your parents gave you? Don’t rely on others.Who is your most influential person and why? My mom, she has always been there and continues to show up for things for my brother and I.What is your favorite high school memory? Homecomings and Proms.Landry Isabella FloresWho are your parents? Hollie Flores and Calvin FloresWhat are your achievements and honors? I am CPR Certified. I completed and EMT class.What are your future plans? I plan to attend Northwestern Oklahoma State University to study law to eventually become a paralegalWhat is the best advice your parents gave you? The best advice my parents gave me was to not talk to strangers Who is your most influential person and why? I couldn’t pick just one person for who influenced me the most because there is so many people who have influenced me in one way or another.What is your favorite high school memory? My favorite high school memory would be graduation.Timothy AdamsWho are your parents? Lee + Sheila AdamsWhat are your achievements and honors? Distinguished graduate, 3 years varsity cross country.What are your future plans? Attend the University of Kansas and major In Biology/ Pre-medWhat is the best advice your parents gave you? PROFILES Continued from Page 12Never stop working hard for what you want to achieve.Who is your most influential person and why? My brother is the most influential person to me. His success and ambition has always inspired me.What is your favorite high school memory? Attending the past 3 Kansas District Key Club Conventions!Elliott Chelle Evans who are your parents brian evans and september evans what are your achievements and honors? cna, cpr, nutrition aid, what are your future plans? i will be attending cowley college in the fall for costomlgy what is the best advice your parents have gave you? who is your most influential person and why? my mom, she takes care of me and is a strong women.what is your favroite high school memory? my favroite memory in high school would probably be anytime i was with bella. we always have so much fun together.