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HOPE FOR MOSHIACH 7:28 PM May 3, 2019 כ“עשת ןסינ ח“ט תומ ירחא תשרפ  May 27 - Memorial Day –Hamilton dismissal for Preschool and 1-8G 11:50 AM, Williston dismissal grades 1-8B 12:00 noon I hope everyone enjoyed a beautiful and meaningful Pesach. Thank you again to the Rabbeim and Moros for preparing our children so well with הרות ירבד and projects. When we EAT the ךרוכ, the הצמ and רורמ sandwich commemorating the way the Korban Pesach was eaten in the Mikdash, we declare: רורמו הצמ ךרוכ היה ...ללהכ שדקמל רכז, Hillel would combine the Matzah and Maror with the Korban Pesach to fulfill the possuk לעוהולכאי רורמו תוצמ. The Sar Shalom of Belz wonders why the לעבהדגה references the possuk in ךתולעהב תשרפ which is discussing the ינש חספ. Why would it not reference the possuk in אב תשרפ which refers to the first bringing of the Korban Pesach? The Sar Shalom answers by explaining that on רדסה ליל, the ךרוכ serves as a reminder that in the שדקמה תיב we ate the Matzah and Maror together with the חספ ןברק. Now that we are in Galus, we only have this remembrance. This evokes some sadness that we have not merited to eat the Korban Pesach this year. Therefore, we employ a possuk discussing the ינש חספ. It is an expression of hope and prayer, that although we may not have merited to eat the חספ ןברק on רדסה ליל, we should at least be zoche to offer it on ינש חספ. Just as we finished saying הלדבה and were in the process of switching our houses to ץמח from חספ we learned that םילפכב וניקל we were struck twice. On the national scene we became aware of a terrorist attack in a shul in San Diego ןלציל אנמחר in the middle of davening. Locally we received the tragic news that one of our former םידימלת was רטפנ. Words are inadequate. The only things we can say ונוברםלוע לש please give the respective families and communities the strength to move on and let us finally merit the day that חצנל תומה עלב with the coming of ןמא הרהמב ונקדצ חישמ. Have a תבש טוג! Rabbi Ochs The bulletin is sponsored by:  Pesach break is over and the classes are back learning with geschmack.  Rabbi Yoel Burstyn, Menahel of Bais Yaakov of Los Angeles, spoke to the students in grades 6-8B about the ripple effect of their words and being sensitive to other people's feelings  2,950 perakim of mishnayos learned this year for the Chemdas Yosef Program!!! This was an incredibly successful year of extra learning at Torah Academy. Thank you once again to the Halperns for sponsoring the special program as zechus for the neshama of Rabbi Halpern’s father, Reb Yosef ben Nachum Yoel z”l. His neshama should continue to have an aliyah. Mazel tov to the recent raffle winners. Grades 3-5: Shua Feldman (grand prize), Eli Feuerstein, Asher Katz, Aron Dovid Luria, Naftali Ochs, and Shlomo Rosmarin. Grades 6-8: Aron Fireman, Yaakov Fontek, Yitzi Gould, Moishe Leff (grand prize), and Chatzkel Wilhelm (grand prize). Perakim for Adar Sheini and Nissan: grade3– 34, grade 4 – 51, grade 5- 85, grade 6 – 241, grade 7– 215, grade 8 – 140. Torah Academy Grand Total for this year - 2950 perakim of mishnayos!!!! Ashrei mi she'amel ba'Torah!  Twenty-six Hamilton girls in grades 4-8 completed their חספ learning packets on םירבד תונוא and handed them in to be checked. Thank you Mrs. Sternfield for preparing the material.  Gary Alpert of Gateways Educator came to facilitate an Understanding Our Differences Program in grade 3G. The focus of the lesson was deafness. Thank you to The Ruderman Family Foundation for funding this valuable program for our students.

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Bulletin Board WEEK OF LEARNING  Starting 25 Nissan — sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Habachur Reuvain ben Tsvi Yehuda Levin z”l, former Talmid of Torah Academy DAY OF LEARNING  10 Nissan - sponsored by Rabbi Aaron & Mrs. Rena Krochmal in memory of Mrs. Rose Carnam a”h, mother of Mrs. Rena Krochmal  25 Nissan - sponsored by Tania Gad l’ilui nishmat Rafael ben Yaakov Vaira z”l. May the study of Torah in his merit, and the connection to Hashem this mitzvah brings, be a z’chus for his neshama  26 Nissan – sponsored by Miram, Nosson & Elisheva Kowall for a refuah shelaimah for Yechiel Moshe ben Dvora  26 Nissan - sponsored by Torah Academy in memory of Yehudit bas Levi Yitzchok a”h, mother of Michelle Fuhrman  27 Nissan - sponsored by Ellen and Ira Millman in memory of Perel Rascha bas Chaim Yitzchak a”h CONDOLENCES TO:  Mrs. Michelle Fuhrman on the petira of her mother, Yehudit bas Levi Yitzchak a”h  The Levin family on the petira of the habachur Reuvain ben Tsvi Yehuda z”l  Mrs. Norit Sack on the petira of her brother, Gimpel Yitzchak ben Moshe z”l MAZEL TOV TO:  Yechezkel & Shifra Leah (’03) (Rosenbloom) Millstein of the birth of their son and to grandparents, Mr. Chaim & Mrs. Miram Sara Barlow Rosenbloom  Rabbi Tsvi & Mrs. Dina Esther Levin on the birth of their grandson to Moshe Yehoshua  Rabbi Shiya & Sharone Zuber on the birth of a great grandson to Binyomin and Chaya Tova Goldstein  Rabbi Shiya & Sharone Zuber on the birth of a great granddaughter to Yanky & Sara Rivka Veck  Yehuda & Rivka Rochel Shepard on the birth of their daughter  Chaim & Sarit (‘02) ( Miara) Lousky on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents Rabbi Shimon and Mrs. Mireille Miara  Rabbi Shloimy & Mrs. Devory Halpern on the birth of their son  Avi (‘08) Rynderman & Baila Silverman on their engagement and to parents, Mr. Michel & Mrs. Sima Rynderman  Moshe (’02) & Rachel Hamaoui on the birth of their son and to grandparents Rabbi Aharon & Mrs. Ruti Hamaoui COMMUNITY EVENTS  This Shabbos, Parshas Acharei Mos Kiddush at 11:15 AM, at the home of Yehuda & Rivka Rochel Shep-ard 18 Wiltshire Rd. Brighton, in honor of the birth of their daughter, Shaindy  This Shabbos, Parshas Acharei Mos Kiddush spon-sored by Aryeh and Rachelle Laks at 10:45 AM at the Kollel, in honor of their daughter, Shoshana Bracha SPRINGTIME ALLERGY ALERT It is now allergy season. Sniffles and sneezes abound. Many children has used up their supply during the winter cold season. Please make sure that your child has a sufficient supply of tissues to wipe their noses.

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1. Preschoolers enjoy the outdoors after Pesach vacation 2. K1 went around picking up garbage for "Earth Day"! They encourage everyone - Be a team! Keep the yard clean! 3. Prek1 is creative during S and the number 8 week. They design spiders with 8 legs and sunflowers with 8 petals 4. Purim crown by students. 5. K2 social studies unit - after learning all about the Galapagos Islands, the children design their own Galapagos Islands. PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 2. 4. 5. 1. 3. 3. 5. 5. 5.

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 1. Innovative methods of learning, Slurpees math in grade 7. 2. Picasso style art in5G. 3. Gary Alpert of Gateways Educator facilitates an Understanding Our Differences program on deafness in grade 3G. 4. 4G discover how potential and kinetic energy is affected by balls of different weights going down a ramp. 5. Watercolor pencil elective art in 8G designing a Pesach theme. 6. 2G are proud of their spring bulletin board. 3. 1. 2. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6.

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5B Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Feuerstein Yisrael Leib Greene 6B Yisroel Feldman Moshe Leff Chaim Moshe Mordechai Rodkin Binyomin Septimus Chatzkel Wilhelm 8B Meir Hain Natan Katz Yosef Aryeh Leff Shmuel Meir Silberman Nesanel Wilhelm Raffle Winner: Yehuda Feuerstein Binyomin Septimus SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Tazria! SHEMOS CHASSANIM Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 8. 1. 3. 3. 6. 2. 4. 5. 1. Spring has sprung at the Williston building. The garden outside is in bloom. 2. Boys in grade 4 celebrate an upsherin as they learn about the melacha of gozer in Lamed Tes Melachos. 3. Before Pesach 2B make pillows to lean on. 4. 2B working on their Leshon Hatorah dikduk workbook 5. Chemdas Yosef raffle winners in grades 3-5. 6. Rabbi Yoel Burstyn of Los Angeles speaks to the boys. 7. Chemdas Yosef raffle winners in grades 6-8. 8. Our students are dedicated learners, in 6B the boys work on Loshon HaTorah dikduk workbook 5. 4. 7.

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Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. 1st GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Nochum Dessler Yitzy Fine Yehuda Greenblatt Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Levi Meir Klompas Nesanel Luria Baruch Marshall Asher Nesanel Mintzes Dovid Plotnik Dovid Sebbag Moshe Segal Tuvya Sternfield Tzvi Sussman Yaakov Wallin 2nd GRADE Natanel Atar Eli Benmergui Yaakov Bier Ari Block Yosef Hoffman Yehoshua Kashnow Yehudah Leib Rodkin 3rd GRADE David Knisbacher 4th GRADE Mordy Bier Shlomo Feldman Eli Feuerstein Ephraim Kashnow Asher Katz Shmuel Loketch Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Schonberg 5th GRADE Moishy Blumberg Yehoshua Feldman Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Feuerstein Yisrael Leib Greene Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff Daniel Simnegar Yehuda Wolf Eitan Youshei 6th GRADE Yisrael Feldman Yaakov Fontek Uri Katz Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Moishe Leff Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Binyomin Septimus David Simnegar Chatzkel Wilhelm 7th GRADE Akiva Feuerstein Ahron Fireman Yitzy Gould Malkiel Miara Aharon Sack 8th GRADE Yosef Feldman Yonah Gluckin Meir Hain Natan Katz Manny Ledewitz Yosef Aryeh Leff Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarlin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm Daniel Youshei

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