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TRUE SOURCE OF BRACHA 7: 49 PM May 31, 2019 כ“עשת רייא ו“ט יתוקוחב תשרפ  June 2– Rebbeim faculty mtg. 11:30 dismissal gr. 2-8  June 7 – special Erev Shavuos schedule, Williston bldg. gr 1-8B Noon dismissal, Hamilton bldg. preschool and gr. 1-8G no school  June 9-10 - Shavuos –no school  June 11 - School begins at 10:00 am Rav Yaakov Galinsky ל״צז explains this idea with a לשמ: A group of Bedouins dwelt simply and peacefully in the middle of the desert. However, to obtain their greatest need, water, they were compelled to travel great distances by donkey to carry water back to where they lived. This was certainly a very tiring process. One day, one of the Bedouins traveled to the big city where he was astounded to discover a most fascinating invention: the water faucet. This faucet supplied cold running water just by turning a knob! Realizing that this could dramatically revolutionize the lives of his fellow Bedouins, he immediately entered the nearest hardware store and purchased a number of faucets. He then hurried home and installed the faucets with great fanfare. When he tried the knob, however, nothing came out. Enraged, he ran back to the hardware store and berated the proprietor for the obviously defective product. The owner sent a representative to investigate. As soon as he apprised the situation, the representative began to laugh. “Fools!” he said. “The faucet itself is just a simple piece of metal. It can only produce water if it is attached to complex network of pipes that is connected with a water source. Without the water source, a faucet is worthless.” Similarly, explains Rav Yaakov, the parsha lists many brachos for those who toil in Torah and perform the mitzvos scrupulously. The Torah is compared to water and is the source of all blessings in the world. If we attempt to take shortcuts in our mitzvah observance, or abandon Torah learning for other pursuits, we were be left with useless water faucets and no water to drink, no source of bracha in our lives. The next full bulletin will be Erev Shabbos Parshas Naso, June 14. It will be the last bulletin of the year. Have a תבש טוג and a בוט םוי טוג! Rabbi Ochs This week’s Parsha opens with the following possuk: םתעב םכימשג תא יתתנו ורומשת יתוצמ תאו וכלת יתוקוחב םא׳וכו. Rashi comments that when the possuk states וכלת יתוקוחב םא, it cannot be referring to תווצמה םויקbecause the end of the possuk, ורומשת יתוצמ תאו is explicitly referencing Mitzvah performance. Therefore, he concludes, וכלת יתוקוחב םא is an exhortation הרותב םילמע ויהתש, that we should toil in Torah study. This would then imply that the study of Torah is the source of all the תוכרב that the Parsha lists. The bulletin is sponsored by:  As part of their א-ב party, the sweet kinderlach in Prek 2 performed songs for parents and grandparents. Thank you Miss Chavi Fireman, Mrs. Goldman and Mrs. Exler. We wish Miss Fireman a בוט לזמ on her upcoming marriage. She will be missed.  Last Friday, 8th grade boys joined Rabbi and Mrs. Moskovitz for the Shabbos meal. The students shared inspiring Divrei Torah and sang zemiros with such taam. Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Moskovitz for opening your home and hosting the boys.  On Wednesday, 8B went to Albany, New York visiting various attractions. They traveled to Monsey and were hosted by Rabbi Eli Moskovitz. The following day after breakfast they were fortunate to be joined by Rabbi Sholom Rubashkin who shared with them Divrei Torah. The itinerary included a visit to both the Satmar and Skever Rebbeim who provided them with divrei hizuk. Their day included a rainy hike and a bbq. Thank you Rabbi Moskovitz for coordinating all the details of the trip and giving the boys such a great and exciting time. Thank you Mr. Sadetsky for driving the boys.  4th grader boys went to laser tag for their end of year trip. Thank you Rabbi Frager for coordinating the trip!  The annual girls middle school Shabbaton is taking place this weekend. This morning the girls had an outing to Plaster FunTime. It will be flowed by a pizza lunch in Café Eilat. This evening the 8th grade girls Shabbos meal will be hosted by Rabbi and Mrs. Blumberg. Shabbos day all the girls in grades 5-8 will be together for the Shabbos programs. There will be a lunch seuda in Chai Odom, preceded by workshops arranged by Shifra Shanske and Chayale Blumberg. Special yosher koach to Mimi Feuerstein for presenting a workshop. The 8th grade has also planned special games. The Shalosh Seudos meal is being hosted by the Mintzes Family. To thank all the wonderful people involved in all aspects of making this happen would take up all of this column, but Mrs. Blumberg deserves a special thank you for coordinating this project with her unique flair.

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Bulletin Board DAY OF LEARNING  25 Iyar - sponsored by Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Moskovitz L'ilui Nishmas Chava Rivka bas Avrohom a"h on her yahrtzeit May she be a meilitz yosher for her family and for all of Klal Yisroel  26 Iyar - sponsored by Ellen & Ira Millman in memory of Pesach ben Moshe Aharon z”l  26 Iyar - sponsored by Rabbi Raphael and Mrs. Sara Polter in memory of Rivka bas Yonason Binyomin a"h, Great-grandmother of Yosef and Shana Polter REBBEIM MEETING this SUNDAY, June 2 Dismissal for grades 2-8B at 11:30 AM CONDOLENCES TO:  Mr. Eli Dovek and family on the petira of his sister Mrs. Ruth Plotnik MAZEL TOV TO:  Yeshaya (‘06) & Gitty Coriat on the birth of their son and to parents, Mr. Moshe & Mrs. Rikki Coriat  Avrohom & Aliza (‘10) Shugarman on the birth of their daughter and to grandparents, Mr. Binyomin & Mrs. Rachel (PreK2) Exler WANTED Have you upgraded your camera? TA is looking for a camera similar to a Canon SX 30 or Canon Rebel model. Contact the office if you can help. UPCOMING TORAH ACADEMY EVENTS June 6 9:30 am 2G Rus Play June 12 10:00 am Kindergarten Siddur Party June 12 9:15 am PreK1 Siyum א-ב June 13 10:00 am 3G Shmoneh Esrei Play June 18 1:00 pm 4G State Fair June 18 8:00 pm 8G graduation June 19 8:00 pm 8B graduation

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS 1. For V week in Prk1– Mrs. Ledewitz brings in her violin. For W week the children receive whistles to try out in the park and enjoy playing with snow for weather. 2. The PreK 2 א-ב show. 3. K1 Shabbos Mommy, Havah Bakke 4. Lamed –Tes melachos siyum in the Kindregarten, including Rabbi Frohlich speaking to students and music by Yehoshua Shepard (‘09). 5. K2 students involved in Hebrew word search sheets. 5. 4. 1. 1. 3. 2. 2. 2. 1. 4.

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1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. 5. 5. 1. During the 1G unit on finance, they go to a store to work on budgeting money. In Navi, 6G is learning about Dovid and Golias . Hands on learning includes making a slingshot. 2. 8G social studies Freedom Trail trip . 3. As a culminating writing/social studies activity, girls in 4G wrote a letter asking Columbus for a specific job on one of his ships and why they felt he should hire them. 4. Girls in grade 4 enjoy the treats the class won as part of the monthly raffle of the Chofetz Chaim Shomrei Haloshon program. 5. Grades 5-8 enjoy Plaster FunTime as part of their Shabbaton HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS

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1. 3B Lag b’Omer barbecue/bonfire. Thank you to the Riesel Family for hosting the class. Thank you Mrs. Johnson and Rabbi Kamoun for coming. 2. Bubble Fun in grade one 3. Ralph Sevinor and Nathan Raustad from Wayne Alarm teach the 6th grade boys about the evolution of alarm systems and how they work. 4. 2B creating bar models in math. 5. Third graders working on understanding "setting" during their writing unit 6. Yosef Hoffman shares the joy of receiving a new sefer Torah with his 2B classmates. 7. Fifth graders being polled by Mr. Carey during a geometry lesson WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 4. 3. 2. 4. 3. 3. 4. 5. 7. 7. 6. 1. 1.

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Torah Academy is proud to “menschen” the following Talmidim who had MIDDOS ALL DAY, in both Kodesh and General Studies. 1st GRADE Nechemia Berzansky Zelig Bier Nochum Dessler Yitzy Fine Yehuda Greenblatt Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Levi Meir Klompas Nesanel Luria Baruch Marshall Asher Nesanel Mintzes Dovid Plotnik Dovid Sebbag Moshe Segal Tuvya Sternfield Tzvi Sussman Yaakov Wallin 2nd GRADE Eli Benmergui Yaakov Bier Yosef Hoffman Yehoshua Kashnow Eliyahu Youshei 3rd GRADE Uri Hain David Knisbacher Aron Luria 4th GRADE Mordy Bier Naftali Ochs 5th GRADE Moishy Blumberg Yehoshua Feldman Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Feuerstein Yisroel Leib Greene Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff Daniel Simnegar Yehuda Wolf 6th GRADE Yoni Faintuch Yisrael Feldman Dovid Tzvi Krochmal Moishe Leff Chaim Mordechai Moshe Rodkin Binyomin Septimus 7th GRADE Malkiel Miara 8th GRADE David Faintuch Yosef Feldman Yonah Gluckin Meir Hain Manny Ledewitz JJ Ledewitz Yosef Aryeh Leff Shmuel Meir Solomon Manny Tarllin Yishai Wasserman Nesanel Wilhelm Daniel Youshei Yehuda Zyto

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Bais Yaakov Auditorium 198 Strathmore Rd. Brighton 6-4-2019 א ‘עשת ,ןויס“ט 8:00PM $15, Students $10

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