BREAK THE YOKE 7:52 PM May 27, 2022 כ‘‘ב״פשת רייא ו יתוקוחב תשרפ Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day. Early dismissal 11:50 AM Hamilton bldg., 12:00 noon Williston bldg.. Fri, June 3 - Erev Shavuos, No school for 1-8G, PreK and K. Noon dismissal for 1-8B. Sun-Mon, June 5-6 - Shavuos, No school. School starts June 7 at 10:00 AM. Dear Parents, The last possuk of the תוכרב in this week’s Parsha just prior to the החכות reads: וכו ׳ה ינא ‘תויממוק םכתא ךלואו םכלע תטמ רבשאו. Hashem promises those who have faith that he will break the pegs of their yoke and lead them upright to the land of Eretz Yisrael. The yoke referenced in the possuk is an allegory of Klal Yisrael in Golus. Hashem promises that if we have הנומא in Him, He will redeem us from Golus and bring us back to Eretz Yisrael. This possuk is seemingly incorporated into Birkas HaMazon where we ask Hashem ןמחרה תויממוק ונכילוי אוהו ונראוצ לעמ ונלע רבשי אוהונצראל. There is, however, a slight difference between the phrase used in bentching and our possuk. In the possuk, the promise is that Hashem will remove the pegs from the yoke. In the ןמחרה we daven that Hashem should remove the actual yoke. Why the difference? Rav Shlomo Zalman Ulman, the Rov in Makava in the late 1800’s explains: A farmer yokes his oxen each year to plow his fields. At the beginning of the new plowing season, he changes the worn pegs from the season prior, and replaces them with new pegs. However, if a farmer retires or sells his fields, he doesn’t only get rid of the pegs. He disposes of the yoke as well. The החכות in יתוקוחב foreshadows the Golus we experienced after the destruction of the first Beis HaMikdash. Thus the brachos state that Hashem will remove the pegs and bring us back. Unfortunately, although we did merit to return to Eretz Yisrael after this first golus, we reentered Golus after the destruction of the second Beis HaMikdash. Thus the pegs were only replaced, not discarded. However, when we say the ןמחרה in Birkas HaMazon, we are referring to our current and final Golus. We daven for the final הלואגwhere the yoke of exile will be completely removed, not just the pegs. !תבש טוג Rabbi Ochs On Monday, PreK1 took the trolley to the Boston Public Gardens and a ride on the Swan Boats - their rain delayed Lag B’Omer trip. Morah Kagan read the story Make Way for Ducklings, and the children had fun sitting on the duckling statues. Thank you Morah Kagan and Morah Wolf. 1-8G girls enjoyed their rain delayed Lag B’Omer trip on Tuesday. They spent the morning hiking in the Blue Hills. Thank you to Mrs. Blumberg for coordinating the trip and to all the Moros! Also on Tuesday, 1-8B boys were able to go to Millennium Park as their raincheck day for their annual Lag B'Omer trip. As usual, the boys had a blast! In the last 20 minutes, the boys had an exciting baseball game of Rebbeim vs Talmidim. Even though they could not finish the game, because the buses arrived, the Rebbeim were in the lead with three runs! Thank you to the Rebbeim! Tuesday afternoon, those boys in grades 6-8B that had accumulated 2,000 points in learning for the Masmid Govoha program, joined boys from Providence and Waterbury for the annual special banquet. They arrived in Connecticut early and went to Kosher World and the Waterbury Yeshiva. Afterward, they played an exciting game of volleyball and had a BBQ supper. At the banquet, each school had one boy say a D'var Torah. Yehuda Feuerstein spoke on behalf of Torah Academy. There was a special performance from Rabbi Baruch Levine. Thank you Rabbi Ochs and Rabbi Nulman for taking the boys on this exciting trip! Thank you Mrs. Septimus for lending your van to help make this trip happen. Continued on page 2
PreK 2 finished learning their ABC and made ABC vegetable soup to celebrate. Each student and morah brought in one vegetable so preK2 could create their own delicious recipe. They also read books about how communities can come together to help each other. K2 is working on a unit about the Galapagos Islands. 2B played a new version of banana grams using their spelling words. 4B celebrated completing their math book with a pizza party. Thank you Miss Jacubowicz. The girls in 4G finished up their European Exploration unit with a role-playing game. In the game, they became spice traders and owners of large sailing ships that sail out of Lisbon, Portugal to trade goods around the world. The girls had to decide how to prepare for the journey and what route to take. Players who succeeded became extremely wealthy and cemented their reputations as spice traders, ensuring future trips. But players who failed could go bankrupt, and lose their ships and reputations. MAZEL TOV TO Bassie Pichey (’16) and Yaakov Zev Waxman on their recent engagement, and to parents, Rabbi Eli & Mrs. Shaindy Pichey. BULLETIN BOARD continued DAY OF LEARNING 23 Iyar — sponsored by Mrs. Edie Dovek & family l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Eliyahu ben Avrohom z”l on his shloshim. 26 Iyar –sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Shaul Goldstein on the yahrzeit of ל"ז ןרהא השמ ןב חספ, father of Mrs. Goldstein. UPCOMING EVENTS June 1 - 9:30 AM - PreK2 Alef Beis Siyum June 2 - 9:45 AM - 2G - Rus Play June 8 - 9:30 AM - K-1 - Siddur Play June 8 - 10:30 AM - K-2 - Siddur Play June 8 - 6G - Bas Mitzvah Program
SHNAYIM MIKRAH Mazel Tov to learners of Parshas Emor! 4B Zelig Bier Avrohom Halpern Levi Yitzchok Horowitz Mioshe Segal Tuvya Sternfield 5B Natanel Atar Moshe Bark Eli Benmergui Yosef Hoffman Shua Kashnow 6B Ezra Klompas Aron David Luria Yaakov Septimus Moshe Uminer Mendel Zaklos 7B Mordy Bier Eliezer Feuerstein Naftoli Ochs Tzvi Posy Tuvia Schonberg Yonatan Zazula 8B Yehuda Feuerstein Eliyahu Meyers Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieoff WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS
cordially invites you to aend the Graduaon Exercises for the Class of 5782 Girls’ Division Sunday, June 12, 2022 י‘‘ב"פשת ןויס ג At 1:30 PM to be held at Sack Family backyard 25 William Jackson Avenue Brighton, Massachuses Our Graduates Golda Lieba Abrams Ea Leeba Benmergui Chaya Mirel Block Rina Cywiak Ora Bracha Homan Tamar Shira Kamoun Rivka Hene Ledewitz Nechama Rosengard Yehudis Sepmus Sara Rivka Shimanovich Shterna Sara Uminer Naomi Maya Zyto
cordially invites you to aend the Graduaon Exercises for the Class of 5782 Boys’ Division Sunday, June 12, 2022 י‘‘ב"פשת ןויס ג At 3:30 PM to be held at Sack Family backyard 25 William Jackson Avenue Brighton, Massachuses Mincha will follow the ceremony Our Graduates Moshe Yehuda Blumberg Asher Yaakov Bressel Yehoshua Feldman Yehuda Leib Feldman Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Meir Zev Gelernter Yisrael Leib Greene Eliyahu Chizkiya Meyers Yosef Polter Shlomo Rosmarin Aaron Sanieo Yehuda Wolf Eithan Yousheei
The community is invited to the Kiddush this Shabbos, יתקחב תשרפ at Chai Odom commemorating the Shloshim of Reb Eli Dovek z”l (23 Iyar) and for the yahrzeits of his sisters: Rebbetzin Chava Rivka Margolis a”h (25 Iyar) Mrs. Ruda (Ruth) Plotnik a”h (26 Iyar) *********** Please note: There will be articles about Reb Eli Dovek, z”l in this week’s editions of the Yated and Hamodia newspapers.