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May 2024 Newsletter

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When it comes to giving your home a fresh paint job, you might be tempted topull out your roller and do it yourself. But should you? While rolling on a coat ofpaint or two might seem simple, there are some serious considerations whentaking on a project yourself. It's dependent on the skill level of the individual,the tools they have, the details of the project, and the amount of prep thatneeds to be done.WHEN TO DIY A PAINT JOB ANDWHEN TO HIRE A PROFESSIONALGo Forward and DIY If...Touching up small spots or repainting a child's room, for example, doesn't necessarily require a pro. Paintingsomething like a bedroom is as simple as taking your furniture out and getting out a step ladder. It doesn’trequire a lot of time or energy. However, just because you're not using a pro, doesn't mean you shouldskimp on tools. If you're going to go to a quality level, invest in quality tools. If you use the properequipment, your result could be just as good as a professional's work.PAINT FINISHES & USESINTERIOREXTERIORCeiling andLow TrafficSpacesWalls, LivingRooms, DiningRooms,BedroomsHigh TrafficWalls, Trim,Doors,CabinetsDoors &TrimHigh TrafficWalls, Trim,Doors,CabinetsDoors,Trim, Cabinets,WainscottingDoors,Trim,Cabinets,ArchitecturalDetailsSiding &TrimSiding,Trim, Shutters,DoorsDoors, ArchitecturalDetailsTrim, Shutters,Doors,ArchitecturalDetailsMORE FORGIVING OFIMPERFECTIONSMOREDURABLEFLAT MATTE EGGSHELLLOWLUSTERPEARL/SATINSEMI-GLOSSHIGH-GLOSSYou Have High CeilingsYou're Using a Specialty FinishHOW MUCH PAINT TO BUYTOTALSQ. FT.400ESTIMATEDNUMBEROF GALLONSYOU NEEDHIRE A PRO IF...Your Walls Are in Poor ConditionYou Need to Strip Old Paint

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WHAT HURTS PROPERTY VALUE?7 THINGS TO ADDRESS NOWFrom unappealing renovations to neglecting maintenance on your home, some projects, or lack thereof, cannegatively impact your property value. It’s best to be aware of what hurts property value so you can protectyour home and get the most ROI when it comes time to sell.Not only do offensive smells leave a bad andlasting impression, but they can also hurtyour property value. Whether the lingeringodor is cigarette smoke, pet odor, or mold, it’sbest to identify the root of the smell andeliminate it. Routine cleaning includesvacuuming and dusting regularly, wipingdown countertops and surfaces, and cleaningthe bathroom and kitchen.Just as dirt and grime build-up, so can clutter.If your room is overcrowded with stuff, it’s agood idea to clear some of your belongingsout. Donate items you no longer need orwant, and find hidden, permanent homes forthe items you use just once in a while. DIY PROJECTSGONE WRONGWhether it be a bathroom addition, adding adeck, or purchasing a fixer-upper with thepromise of profit for flipping it – mostpeople start a project with the idea that itwill increase the value of the home. Asexciting as the projects may be, they cansometimes turn out not as expected andhurt your property value. Hire a professionalto come and finish any projects leftover.Letting your home fall into disarray andneglecting it will hurt your property valueand could have consequences on your listprice. If something breaks, be sure to fix it.And if you don’t know how to fix it, hiresomeone who does.Just like exterior house paint, streaky,chipped, or dirty walls could discouragepotential homebuyers and hurt yourproperty value. Busy and bright wallpaper,tiles, or flooring can also divert the attentionof the buyers away from your home. Thebest rule of thumb is to always chooseneutral colors, then incorporate color withyour décor and furnishings.Your carpet will be in great condition duringthe first few years of owning your home, butwill quickly begin to show signs of use, startretaining odors, and can be difficult to keepclean. Not only will buyers be wary of wall towall carpeting because it can be expensive toreplace, but it can also collect indoorallergens. UNSIGHTLYWALL PAINTUNPLEASANTSMELLSCARPETEVERYWHERE EXCESSIVECLUTTERLACK OFUPKEEP

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READY TO PLANT YOURROOTS THIS SPRING?L E T ' S F I N D T H E P E R F E C T H O M E F O R I T !SCAN THIS QR CODETO GET STARTEDYou've probably heard about using coffee grounds in the garden torepel insects and to fortify plants, or remember using them to"antique" paper in school, but do you know that coffee grounds canalso be used for cleaning?DEGREASE PANSCoffee grounds work in two ways to help scour away buildup,including stubborn oil and grease, from pots and pans. Coffee alsohas natural degreasing properties, it will cut through oily buildup asit lifts stuck-on food.ABSORB FOUL FRIDGE ODORSAfter cleaning out the cause of the smell, set a small bowl or cup ofdry coffee grounds in the refrigerator to absorb lingering odors. Thenitrogen in the grounds reacts with carbon, neutralizing andeliminating the foul smells.REMOVE SCUFFS FROM WOODEN FURNITURE AND FLOORSMake a thick paste by mixing the grounds with a small amount ofwater or cooking oil and applying it to the scuffs. Gently rub it intothe damaged areas and allow it to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then,wipe away the excess coffee grounds and buff the wood dry. TAMP DOWN ASHES FOR EASIER FIREPLACE CLEANUPTo help keep ash and other fine particulates from forming cloudswhen shoveling, sprinkle coffee grounds on top of the ash beforecleaning. The grounds will weigh down the ash, making it easier toscoop it up and dispose of it.ALL THESE HOMESBUT I STILL NEED A HOME FOR MY BUYER INYOUR NEIGHBORHOOD!If you would be interested in selling please DMme ASAP. I am happy to send over my buyer'spre-approval.SOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDHAVE SOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDCLEAN WITHCOFFEE GROUNDS