AD DIGESTThe Ofcial Newsletter of the CIAAAMAY 2024Content:2024 National ConferenceLTP WebinarsResource of the Month CertificationsPartnersciaaa.cainfo@ciaaa.ca1.888.618.45302024 National Conference HighlightsIn April, the CIAAA hosted the 8th Annual National Athletic Directors Conference in Regina, Saskatchewan. Although there was a little uncertainty with the Saskatchewan Job Actions, the event came together wonderfully and brought together Athletic Directors from across the country. It is always reinvigorating to see the connections, networking and exchange of ideas. The com-mon theme was “I wish everyone could be here”. Thursday Night, our Banquet celebrated our Dave Rozdeba Award Winner, Tim Murdy and nished with an inspiring talk from Tyler Smith of the Humboldt Broncos. His message was reective and left everyone a bit more appreciative of the little things. The days were lled with Leadership Train-ing Courses, including the new Mental Health for Student Athletes, that was a great success and we are excited to start offering in our next webinar series. Addi-tionally, we had a variety of workshops, from Educational Athletics and Teaching Life Skills, to injury taping and creating
an environment against bullying. Check out our CIAAA Membership Portal for the workshop recordings if you were not able to join in per-son. Friday crowned a new Baggo Championship team, had an inspira-tional story from Ted Jaleta, and nished with our social. The passion our Athletic Directors bring to their job and the desire to continue to grow and improve was apparent throughout the event. What is often an isolated job, at this event, allows connection. Friday afternoon held the annual Discussion Forum, where hot topics are shared and then discussed to get some different perspectives and approaches. All of our discussion topics are recorded in the CIAAA Discussion Forum, so you can keep the conversation going. Need a login for the Discussion Forum? Email Throughout the event, the message stayed consistent. “I want to come back” and “I want to have more ADs here”. Start planning for next year, check out options for PD funding through both districts/provinces/grants and see what is available. We would love to see this event continue to grow!Got an idea for a workshop you would like to see? Have a presenter in mind? Send your ideas to, as we kick off our planning for the 2025 National Conference! Congratulations again to our 2024 Dave Rozdeba Ath-letic Director of the Year, Tim Murdy from Shawnigan Lake School in BC. With over 35 years as a Coach and Athletic Director, Tim was praised fo his “ability to adapt and evlove. In my tme working with him, I have seen him introduce new and exciting initiatives, increase awareness and support for current student athletes and alumni . . .” Tim was supported by collegues, as well as former Rugby Student, Harry Jones, who wrote “Tim’s com-mitment to character development extended beyond the sporting arena and became fundamental life values for many of us . . . he also focuesd on athlete empowerment, ensureing we recognize our poten-tial and capacity to inuence change.” Know a deserving Athletic Director? Nominate them for the Dave Rozdeba 2025 Athletic Director of the Year Award.
There is still time to take advantage of the CIAAA Annual Membership. Members receive access to the CIAAA Resource Bank, which now in-cludes the 2024 Conference Workshop Recordings. Email for activation instructions and discount code for Partner Province ADs.
AD DIGESTThe CIAAA is looking for feedback! Our organization is in the process of creating our next ve year Strategic Plan and feed-back from our membership will be critical. Keep an eye out for an email survey and please take a few moments to complete to help us shape our CIAAA Future. Strategic Planning
Want to add designation to your Resume and your Ofce Wall?Interested in completing your CIAAA Certication?Check out our website for details & application forms.Note: LTP 501C is needed for all certication levels - sign up today!
IT TAKES A TEAM TO BUILD A TEAM For More Information Conta: T 574.527.3865
Master of Athletic Administration EDUCATION TAILORED TO FIT YOUR NEEDS AFFORDABLE • Earn your master's degreer $13,248 (2023-24 pricing)• No fees or textbook costsCONVENIENT • No entrance exam• Open enrollment• OnlinePART NERSHIP WITH CIAAA • LTP courses are a prerequisite to graduate courses• Project based learning links to CIAAA Certification• Program prepares r CIAAA Certification• Applicants must be CIAAA membersCOURS ES • Athletic Decision-Making• Athletic Finance & Marketing Management• Athletic Organization & Administration• Athletic Program Assessment• Current Issues & Trends• Educational Athletics• Facility & Event Management• Facility Planning & Management• Foundations of Athletic Administration• Practical Experience I• Practical Experience II• Risk Management & Ethical Issues• Sport Medicine & Strength TrainingProgramPRACTICAL • Work at your own pace• Past LTC's accepted• Athletic based projects• Team Cohesion and CharacterDevelopmentG ONLINE COLLEGE