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May 2024 NBIFC Newsletter

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Victorian. TVictorian. TNEWSLETTERNEWSLETTERNEWSLETTERMay 2024May 2024May 2024North Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreNorth Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

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Executive Director‘s Message50th Gala Photos & Special NotePow-Wow PosterRed Ribbon Skirt Making - LLC Taco SaleRed Dress Day PosterCar Wash Fundraiser NBIFC Dance PartyGarage Sale Fundraiser Moose Hide Campaign Walk PosterJob OpportunitiesIndigenous Cultural Awareness TrainingWeekly Men’s GroupApatisiwinJust another Bannock MondayMembership Spring DinnerFamily Support ProgramOpen Mic EventStaff Directory03040607080910111213141516171920202122TABLE OFTABLE OFCONTENTSCONTENTS

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EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S MESSAGENBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 3Kathy FortinAniin Boozhoo, Wachay, Last month's whirlwind of activities was a bitoverwhelming, but you know what? It was so wellworth it. To start off, we had a great turnout for thelanguage conference. Much was learned, and itencouraged me and the people who attended to learnour languages. The feedback was all positive. I’m soglad it was so well received, and we hope to do thisagain next year. One of the biggest and best events ever in the historyof the NBIFC was the 50th-anniversary gala; what agreat job well done by the planning committee; theythought of everything, I mean everything; it was anight of laughter and pure enjoyment. It could nothave been expressed more than the letter written bythe Favreau family, Miigwetch, for your kind words,the spirit of your mother, Jackie, along with the otherfounders who have gone on ahead of us were amongus that night, I’m sure they are so proud of where weare now, and I am so grateful to them for ensuringthat Indigenous people in North Bay have a safe placeto gather. Miigwetch to each and every one of you forcontinuing to keep their vision alive and thriving. Our staff continues to work hard to support ourpeople and provide fun, educational programmingthat supports the growth and development of ourcommunity. Things have changed a lot in 50 years,but the need for our time together remains the same.I hope to see you at some of our activities and events! MiigwetchA beautiful quill box gifted to theNBIFC from the N'Swakamok NativeFriendship Centre POW WOW SHUTTLE AVAILABLE THISYEAR!To help with the parking issue at LeePark, we have arranged a FREESHUTTLE BUS from North Bay Transitthat will run from Lee Park toNorthgate Square on both Saturdayand Sunday! Overnight parking willrequire a permit (also free). POW WOWFundraiser Day May25th!Hosting an event as big as ourpow wow is only possible withyour support! Come on out onMay 25th to take in the Yard Sale,or get your Car Washed, or comeon out to the All Ages Dancehappening in the evening.

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NBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 450th Gala Anniversary

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Aanii,Jackie Favreau's children would like to takethis opportunity to first acknowledgeCatherine Fortin for her 25 years of dedicationand her positive contributions to the NBIFC.She took the lead and, with all herachievements and accomplishments, hasdirected the Centre towards the success it istoday.Secondly, to the awesome staff for all thecreativity and hard work that they put intomaking the Gala the huge success that it was.The room was filled with laughter, sharing,music and dancing (the band was great) and afantastic feast. We were hypnotized, had ourphotos taken, and at the end of the night, weall went home with lots of candy. So,Miigwech to all of you for paying specialtribute to the founders and their families andfor inviting us to come out and celebrate theNBIFC's 50th Golden Anniversary.It was surely a night to remember.Miigwech,The Favreau Family.A Special Note Each of the founding families was presented with aspecial feather to commemorate their contributionsLeft: There was a photo booth, that was a huge hit,with everyone getting pictures while dressed in theirbest. Check out this spiffy crowd!

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KindaaswinKindaaswinpow-wowpow-wowCelebrating 50 years of FriendshipCelebrating 50 years of Friendshipjune 8 & 9, 2024june 8 & 9, 2024 North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre PresentsScan & Sign up toScan & Sign up tosave the datesave the dateand get updates!and get updates! THE 16THTHE 16THANNUALANNUALMaamwiMaamwiFor more information, (705) 472-2811Limited Vendor Spaces Available For more information, (705) 472-2811Limited Vendor Spaces Available Indigenous Craft Vendors Food TrucksWater Truck Info Booths FREE SHUTTLE Northgate Square to Lee Park Indigenous Craft Vendors Food TrucksWater Truck Info Booths FREE SHUTTLE Northgate Square to Lee ParkSunrise Ceremony 5:30am Saturday & SundayCommunity Feast - Saturday 5pmAll Registered Dancers Paid No Camping Available & No dogs please. Sunrise Ceremony 5:30am Saturday & SundayCommunity Feast - Saturday 5pmAll Registered Dancers Paid No Camping Available & No dogs please. This is a drug & alcohol free eventThis is a drug & alcohol free eventBring yourFeast Bundle, water bottle & chairBring yourFeast Bundle, water bottle & chairLee ParkLee Park800 Memorial Park Drive,800 Memorial Park Drive,North Bay, ON P1A 1T6North Bay, ON P1A 1T6

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LLC Red Ribbon Skirt Making forRed Dress DayNBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 7A number of programs at the NBIFC pooledresources to host a couple of red ribbon skirt-making workshops. They filled quickly, and thefinal results were definitely worth the effort.Now, all the participants will have a lovely redribbon skirt to wear on Red Dress Day. The NBIFC will be hosting a special event forRed Dress Day. Be sure to check out the posterto learn more and how you can participate.

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CLASSICINDIANTACOSSALE!CLASSICINDIANTACOSSALE!PRE-ORDER NOW!980 Cassells St North Bay, ON P1A 4V8(705) 472-2811A Symphonyof Flavors inEvery Bite!North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre$15ONLY FORCome by the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre for a classicIndian Taco Sale priced at $15, which includes a complimentary drinkof your choice (such as any pop or water). To pre-order, please call705-472-2811, or simply drop in while supplies last! This fundraiser isset to happen at the NBIFC on Friday, May 10th & 24th, kicking offat 12pm until we run out of goodies. Kindly note that we can onlyaccept cash payments. All proceeds will go towards supporting ourMaamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow.

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NorthbayindigenousfriendshipcentreNorthbayindigenousfriendshipcentreIn Honour of Missing & Murdered IndigenousWomen and Girls.In Honour of Missing & Murdered IndigenousWomen and Girls.Join us in solidarity by honouring missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.Guest speakers will share insights, emphasizing remembrance and justice for all.Walk together to honour their memories and make a difference.Join us in solidarity by honouring missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.Guest speakers will share insights, emphasizing remembrance and justice for all.Walk together to honour their memories and make a difference.All are welcome!All are welcome!Sunday, May 5, 2024Sunday, May 5, 2024Sign Making & Lunch at the NBIFC Gymnasium March from NBIFC to the Waterfront BandstandOpening CeremoniesSpeaker - Resilient Inuk - Vanessa BrosseauSpeaker - Mary ZacharchukSpeaker - Mary MorneauSign Making & Lunch at the NBIFC Gymnasium March from NBIFC to the Waterfront BandstandOpening CeremoniesSpeaker - Resilient Inuk - Vanessa BrosseauSpeaker - Mary ZacharchukSpeaker - Mary Morneau11:00 am - 12:30 pm12:30 pm - 1:00 pm1:00 pm - 3:00 pm11:00 am - 12:30 pm12:30 pm - 1:00 pm1:00 pm - 3:00 pmFor more information contact: events@nbifc.orgKANAWAYHITOWIN “Taking Care of Each Other’s Spirit” is an Indigenous campaignto raise awareness about the signs of woman abuse in our communities, so thatpeople who are close to an at-risk woman or abusive man can provide support. KANAWAYHITOWIN “Taking Care of Each Other’s Spirit” is an Indigenous campaignto raise awareness about the signs of woman abuse in our communities, so thatpeople who are close to an at-risk woman or abusive man can provide support.

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$10$10MinimumMinimumDonationDonation980 Cassells St, North Bay, ON P1B 4A8NBIFC Back Parking LotNBIFC Back Parking Lot11am - 2pm11am - 2pmMay 25, 2024May 25, 2024 Don'tDon'tMiss It!Miss It!Pow-Wow FundraiserPow-Wow FundraiserAll proceeds go to the Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow-WowFor more information,

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$10/ TICKET3 FOR $25Pick up your tickets at reception!DJ DJ all agesalcohol/drug freeall agesalcohol/drug free980 cassells street, north bay, on p1b 4a8980 cassells street, north bay, on p1b 4a8All Proceeds go to the Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow WownbifcpresentsDANCESpot Dances&Door PrizesSpot Dances&Door Prizes6.00 PM - 10.00 pm 25 MAY 2024NBIFC gymnasium6.00 PM - 10.00 pm 25 MAY 2024NBIFC gymnasium

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POW WOW FUNDRAISERPOW WOW FUNDRAISERGARAGE SALEGARAGE SALESaturday, May 25 8:30 AM - 2:30 PMNBIFC Gymnasium980 Cassells St, North Bay, ON P1B 4A8One to collect good used items from communityNo fridges or freezersDonations will be sold for fundraisingfor the Maamwi Kindaaswin 2024 Pow WowAny unsold items will be donated to a local non-profitFor more information, proceeds go to the Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow-Wow

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(705) 472-2811 Ext. 228 more information on these postings, go to:Please send a cover letter,resume, and 3 references to:Human Resources CoordinatorEmail: hrc@nbifc.orgWE AREWE AREHIRING!HIRING!Open PositionPrenatal NutritionProgram WorkerCultural ResourceCoordinatorLife Long Care Driver- Part TimeHealth OutreachWorkerCasual Part TimeRelief Workers -Suswin TransitionalHouse WaabanFAS Community SupportIASSE Assistant

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From April 8th to the 11th CorrectionalOfficers and Support Staff attendedCultural Awareness Training at NBIFC.Leading this training was Elder RichardAssiniwe, who was the NILO (Native InmateLiaison Officer) at the North Bay Jail from2002 until 2013.While in this role, Richard was instrumentalin implementing many things such as aSweat Lodge and Teepee in the yard forthose in custody, programming,counselling, and teachings, as well asIndigenous Cultural Training for staff.With the assistance of Shelley Boucher,CCW (Criminal Court Worker) and SkyeBradshaw (current NILO), Richard was ableto share his amazing journey, giveteachings about our medicines, themedicine wheel and what it signifies inevery direction and why it’s important tohave this Training for Institutions.The staff at the North Bay Jail stated, “thetraining provided insight and knowledgeabout the Indigenous Culture whileproviding insight to Indigenous Trauma.The knowledge provided by RichardAssiniwe to help better understand andwork more effectively with those NorthBay Jail in invaluable.”Skye (NILO), and Shelley (CCW) agree thatthere is Power in Knowledge, and theJourney is ongoing. We look forward tocontinuing this journey.INDIGENOUS CULTURAL AWARENESSTRAINING WITH THE NORTH BAY JAILNBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 15

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My name is Kaleisha Gignac and I am 24 yearsold from Mattawa, Ontario, and a proudmember of the Algonquin Nation. I grew upwith a passion for animals and an interest inbiology, which led me to explore my optionsfor becoming involved in veterinary medicine.I reached out to the Callander Animal Hospitalduring the pandemic in hopes to gain someinsight on how to become involved inveterinary medicine. The clinic gave me somany opportunities to build my experience,skills and confidence which only excited me topursue this even further. I made the decisionto attended Northern College for theVeterinary Technician program and take mycareer to the next step. Throughout myacademic journey, I have gained theoreticalknowledge and hands-on experience whichhas given me the opportunity to be workingfull-time at the Callander Animal Hospital as aVeterinary Technician. I have been so gratefulfor the clinics support and opportunities theyhave given me to help push me pursue mydreams. I would also like to thank the NBIFCApatisiwin program for giving me a positiveexperience through my journey. I was able tofocus on my studies without having to worryabout the cost of tuition, books, and livingexpenses. My name is Kaleisha Gignac and I am 24 yearsold from Mattawa, Ontario, and a proudmember of the Algonquin Nation. I grew upwith a passion for animals and an interest inbiology, which led me to explore my optionsfor becoming involved in veterinary medicine.I reached out to the Callander Animal Hospitalduring the pandemic in hopes to gain someinsight on how to become involved inveterinary medicine. The clinic gave me somany opportunities to build my experience,skills and confidence which only excited me topursue this even further. I made the decisionto attended Northern College for theVeterinary Technician program and take mycareer to the next step. Throughout myacademic journey, I have gained theoreticalknowledge and hands-on experience whichhas given me the opportunity to be workingfull-time at the Callander Animal Hospital as aVeterinary Technician. I have been so gratefulfor the clinics support and opportunities theyhave given me to help push me pursue mydreams. I would also like to thank the NBIFCApatisiwin program for giving me a positiveexperience through my journey. I was able tofocus on my studies without having to worryabout the cost of tuition, books, and livingexpenses. THE APATISIWIN PROGRAM SEES ANOTHER CROPOF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS FOR THE 2023/2024ACADEMIC YEARNBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 17Kaleisha Gignac - Veterinary Technician Any questions or concerns I had wereanswered promptly, and resolutions werealways made in a timely manner. This hashelped me greatly, and I wouldn’t be where Iam today without their support. I stronglyencourage all eligible students to take fulladvantage of this program as it relieves thestress and worries that come with post-secondary education. I would also like tothank Steve Guilbeault and everyone at theNBIFC Apatisiwin program for everything youhave done for me over the past 3 years.

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Caleigh Porter, an Anishnaabe whose familycomes from Sheguindah First Nation iscurrently a first-year Chiropractic Student atCanadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Porteris proud of her strong roots in the North BayArea, with fond memories of her childhoodgrowing up here. Additionally, a NipissingUniversity alumni, she started her post-secondary journey as a Physical Health andEducation student. Porter attributes her stronginspiration to follow her passion forChiropractic to her family, local coaches andteachers, who greatly helped her personalgrowth. She is extremely grateful to the NorthBay Indigenous Friendship Centre’s ApatisiwinProgram for their generosity in helping fosterher future and making her dreams come true.NBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 18Caleigh Porter - Chiropractic CollegeAPATISIWIN ~ CONT'D

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bannocktea coffeebannocktea coffeeNorth Bay IndigenousFriendship CentreNorth Bay IndigenousFriendship CentreFor More Information:Kim StephenIndigenous Mental Health & Wellness Worker(705) 472-2811 ext 217daw@nbifc.orgFor More Information:Kim StephenIndigenous Mental Health & Wellness Worker(705) 472-2811 ext 217daw@nbifc.orgJust Just Another Another Bannock Bannock MondayMondayIndigenous Mental Health and Wellness ProgramIndigenous Mental Health and Wellness ProgramMay 13th & 27thfrom 1-3 pmMay 13th & 27thfrom 1-3 pm

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Spring Dinner North Bay Indigenous Friendship CentreMAY 16, 2024DOORS OPEN 4:45 PMDINNER SERVED @5:00 PMMEMBERSHIP*Must have a valid NBIFC Membership**Must have a valid NBIFC Membership*NBIFC Gymnasium - 980 Cassells St., North Bay, ONRSVP - (705)472-2811RSVP - (705)472-2811

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The NBIFC family support program offers a greatsupport team to young urban Aboriginal families withchildren ages 0-6. We love to incorporate traditionalteachings and knowledge into every program to do ourpart in keeping the traditions alive.Over the past month, we’ve had several great activities,including but not limited to a community kitchen,traditional crafts, shake rattle and stroll, little eaglets,and dad’s den, and they also host parent relief andfamily drop-ins. These programs are for registered clients, and wecurrently have spaces available to anyone interested. We could not create and host these great programswithout your support so Miigwetch to everyone foryour enthusiasm and participation. Yours in community service, Cindy & Kayla.Family Support Program NBIFC NEWSLETTER MAY 2024 | PAGE 21

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NorthbayindigenousfriendshipcentreNorthbayindigenousfriendshipcentreOPENOPENMICMIC1 PM TO 5 PM1 PM TO 5 PMMAY 18TH, 2024MAY 18TH, 2024NBIFC Gymnasium980 Cassells St.North Bay, ON karaokekaraoke++BRING YOUR OWNINSTRUMENTS!LIGHT REFRESHMENTS

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