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may 2024 grow good news

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GrowGOOD NEWSINFRARED SAUNA PROVIDESCLEAR HEALTH BENEFITSS U M M E R 2 0 2 4 | V O L 5“We believe this is the first suchcommunicative exchangebetween humans and humpbackwhales in the humpback‘language,” says Dr. BrendaMcCowan of U.C. Davis. After a 20minute “conversation” with anAlaskan humpback whale namedTwain, scientists are seeing it aslead into true communication withnon-human species. In the depthsof the ocean, researchersbantered with the humpbackwhale, interacting with theTwain’s calls and songs.The ancient practice of sauna use can befound in cultures all over the world forit's health benefits. An infrared saunauses the power of infrared light topenetrate the body as opposed to asteam sauna, which increases thetemperature of the air around you.Infrared saunas mimic the nature toprovide a variety of health benefits.They can be found in hospitals, wellnesscenters and beyond today as the safestand most effective way to boost yourbody's healing, longevity and vibrance.Through the use of hydrophonesand AI that matches languagepatterns for effectivecommunication, scientists arehoping that this can open a door toa more thorough understanding ofnature around us. Due to thisincredible news, there is talk ofusing these techniques forextraterrestrial communication!Humpback whales havesophisticated social structures,human-like brain cells, and anextensive language. There is muchto learn from these beautiful beingsMARINE BIOLOGISTS ENGAGE IN “CONVERSATION”WITH A HUMPBACK WHALEFrom a spiritual perspective, the energy of the humpback whale is nothing short of majestic. In most cultures around the world,they are seen as sacred, ancestral beings. They symbolize wisdom, love and healthy communication. So, embrace the vibrationof the humpback whale this season!BENEFITSDetoxificationCollagen growth and skin rejuvenationChronic pain relief Reduces InflammationImproves circulationWeight lossAnti-aging and cellular healthImproves mental healthWhere do I find a high quality local sauna?Grow Wellness, in Ridgefield CT, providesa quality sauna experience with a fullspectrum infrared sauna available withina meditative rain shower room. To bookyour experience, call 203-403-3710FREE NEWSPAPER

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GOOD NEWSGrowA LETTER FROM THE DESIGNER Kathleen Jaramillo Kweskin LMT RYT RMTCEO & Founder of Grow Wellness WELCOME TOWelcome to your dose of good vibes! The intentionof Grow Good News is to contribute to the balance ofinformation we allow into our realities! We hope tonurture all that is good in this world! This is not toignore the serious and heavy news out there, beingeducated of current events helps to create positivechange. Grow Good News seeks to feed your nervoussystem dopamine and reduce stress cortisol levelssimply with well rounded awareness. So, take amoment with us to acknowledge that there is also somuch goodness, love, oneness and connection in theworld!Love You,Table of Contents Attend your Grow Wellness classes in a sacredsanctuary! Experience your classes in person witharomatherapy and herbal tea or tune in on zoom!On demand library is available as well, updatedweekly with new yoga videos! Conversations with Whales ; InfraredSauna Has Clear Health Benefits1. Letter from the Designer ; SummerClass Calendar ; Table of Contents2. Deforestation Has been Cut in Half! ;Power of Affirmations3. The Lesson ; Reiki, Who Knew?4. Can Gratitude Change Your Brain? ;Body Hacking5. Wellness Offerings; Meet Your Authors6.Kathleen Summer Wellness ClassesPractice YogaUpcoming Summer EventsReserve Your Spots at Chakra Workshops-Monthly Therapy Dog Yoga-Non-profit Rescue Kitten Yoga-Medium workshops and Moon Workshops-Soul Glow & Rhythm Yoga & Drumming Workshop July 21 @ 12pm-Group Past Life Regression July 28th @ 11am-Member Exclusive free events-Drum Circle 7/27; Sound bath 8/31Grow WellnessRidgefield, CT2034033710Tues. 6pm Yoga for JoyWed. 9:30am Slow FlowWed. 6:15pm Restorative YogaThurs. 6pm Yoga for JoySat. 10:30am Shanti Yoga

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DEFORESTATION HAS BEEN CUT IN HALF!In other great news, satellite studies show that deforestation in the Amazon has plummeted 55.6% inthe last year! The Amazon is our largest rainforest in the world, often referred to as the “lungs” of theEarth. It plays a vital role in cleaning the Earth’s air. The Brazilian government committed topreserving the rainforest and got to work with the promise that deforestation would be completelygone by 2030. They have made good on their word under climate-passionate leadership.Deforestation is the act of clearing massive plots of land by burning trees. Why is deforestation bad?Deforestation itself is a chemically toxic practice for the environment. Following deforestation, thepollution continues with use by the farm and meat industries, which have been proven to haveextensive impact on our climate. Then, of course, there is the fact that deforestation cuts down ourEarth’s largest resource to clean our air. So, CHEERS to loving the Earth and making huge moves toprove it! Take a moment to feel grateful to the people fighting for our world and that we have such abeautiful Earth to live on. THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONSWhat a tribute to the power of the word. When spoken, words are sounds carrying avibration. All vibrations are energy pulsations. Quantum physics tells us that all physicalmatter is really composed of energy waves moving at different rates of speed—therefore all words carry a vibration that interacts with matter. How powerful then, touse affirmations which are a collection of interrelated, intentional words capable ofinteracting with matter.Of course, all words are generated from thoughts—one must have a thought beforespeaking words. And so, your thoughts also carry a certain energy vibration. Inaddition, emotions are often attached to those thoughts, influencing the quality of thevibration.The energy that words carry is the power to influence matter. If God, or the universal intelligence, is what is behind the creation of all matter, then itwould stand to reason that the more you are in tune with the vibration of the universalintelligence, the more powerful and effective your words will be. When you are inharmony with it, you and your words easily become a part of that powerful vibration atthe center of all creation.AMAZON RAINFORESTBy: Michael RosenbaumGrow Wellness HypnotherapistTo book a hypnotherapy or past life regression session with Michael,call 203-403-3710 or email“Affirmations are statements of Truth that are repeated over and over – aloud or mentally,with deep concentration – until one actually experiences that truth through realization.” Paramahamsa Yogananda

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There is a story called the FlowerSermon in Zen Buddhism where theBuddha gave a wordless sermon to hisdisciples and students. The story of theFlower Sermon was originally titled inChinese Niān huā wēi xiào, which means“pick up a flower and smile.” One day, the disciples and students ofthe Buddha gathered to hear himspeak. When he arrived, however, hedid not speak a word. A wordlesssermon followed with the Buddharevealing a white lotus flower toeveryone.The LessonTherapeutic Benefits:Relieves anxiety and depressionLowers stress hormones in the bodyIncreases circulationCreates clarity of mind and balanceImproves focus and memoryActivates the parasympathetic nervous systemRelieves chronic pain Reduces inflammationTreats insomnia Cultivates peace with trauma and grief+SO MUCH MORE*For full list of medical research sources,visit FLOWER SERMONLet’s talk about Reiki. What is it? The practicewas founded by Mikao Usui in Japan. Reiki isan energy healing modality where thepractitioner uses specific hand techniques,intuitive channeling and therapeutic trainingto balance the mind, body and spirit. Reiki. practitioners are trained to channel healingenergy into any areas that may be carryingtension, trauma, or anything that doesn’tbelong. Hospitals and western medicine havejoined the Reiki movement, witnessing firsthand how impactful and effective Reiki is inthe lives of patients. You can find it inhospitals and rehab centers all over theworld. Reiki has also transcended boundariesof religion, with it’s use in almost all majorreligions as well as scientific communities. By: Kathleen Jaramillo Kweskin LMT RYT RMT No one understood the sermon andlooked at each other confused. Noone understood the sermon exceptfor one disciple, Mahaksyapa, whosmiled. He saw that the flower was awonderful reminder that while allforms can be appreciated andenjoyed, they are fleeting. Our mostsacred value is in the moment, righthere, right now. As the sermon came to a close, the Buddha then transmitted ZenBuddhist leadership toMahaksyapa.Message: The teaching is in the EMBODIMENT of mindfulness, beyond practice. Mindfulness is moment tomoment awareness of sensations, feelings, and perceptions. A meditation practice allows us to enjoy the nectarof our life by not living in the past or the future. By putting the BEING back into humanBEING, we can learn howto live freely. This is our true natural state therefore we are also unlearning social norms and conditioning thatmay be keeping us blocked. So, your homework is to pick a flower and smile. Soak in its fleeting beauty and thesweetness of the moment. Back to basics, back to peace.REIKI... WHO KNEW?Where can I experience Reiki Sessions?Grow Wellness in Ridgefield, CT is your energy healing sanctuary.Not only can you find Reiki Masters here to guide you through yourown healing, but this center also offers Reiki Certification Courseswith Kathleen Jaramillo Kweskin. To book your appointments call203-403-3710 or email office@growwellnesstherapy.comAccess even more information at growwellnesstherapy.comMillions of people around the world areobtaining certifications to bring the modalityinto their homes to use on themselves andtheir families.

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BODY HACKING The world of women's fitness is gettingsmarter by the day…actually, by 30days. The fitness trend commonlyknown as, cycle syncing, is all aboutadjusting your workouts based on thefour phases of the body’s menstrualcycle. The practice of cycle syncing notonly signals good news for women,but for men as well; now men areable to better support theircounterparts with solid scientificallyaccurate knowledge. It really bringsa new meaning behind “the moreyou know”!The four phases are known as thefollicular, ovulatory, luteal, andeveryone’s favorite, the menstrualphase. The hormones in a woman’sbody are on a 30 day cycle, opposed totheir male counterparts 24 hour cycle.This means that you can sync the typeof exercise you do during each phase ofyour cycle to get top results. CAN CAN GRATITUDEGRATITUDE CHANGE YOUR BRAIN CHANGE YOUR BRAINGratitude is a super power that can behoned and developed to change theway you see your reality. When wepractice gratitude and begin to live ourlives from a vantage point ofgratefulness and therefor wisdom, weadjust the vibration and frequency thatwe operate from. Why does gratituderequire wisdom? Eventually in age comes the discoveryof impermanence, that tomorrow reallyis not promised. If you can embrace thisTODAY, you are able to soak in theblessings of what you have. You seethese simple things, such as the roofover your head, the food in your belly,your family, for what they are... gifts.The day you are experiencing right nowis a gift, and the only appropriateresponse is gratefulness.When we adjust our mindset towardsgratitude and away from complaining,away from negativity, we readjust ourbrains filter of our reality. Interruptanxiety with gratefulness. The reticularactivating system within our brainsserves as the filter we create, and itfilters information according to what wedeem a priority. So, if you areconsistently focusing on the fact thatyou never have enough, your brain willfilter your reality to match this. If youare practicing gratitude and aware ofthe abundance of your life, your realitywill be filtered to match this.After a three week study at Berkeley of100 participants, practicing gratituderevealed a changed MRI scan.There was more activity in the medialprefrontal cortex, the brain areaassociated with learning and decisionmaking. Gratitude = The secret key to alife of abundance! Compassion is in our blood -The Dalai LamaPRACTICING GRATITUDEWays to practice gratitude:1. Gratitude Journal 2. Meditation 3. Embody grateful perspective 4. Gratitude letters 5. Connect to nature and familyBuild a gratitude ritual! Pick out crystals or rocks to symbolize gratefulness, rub aromatherapy into your temples and lay in a comfortableposition to meditate on all that you are grateful for!By: Adriana WelbyMantra & PranayamaRepeat aloud, feeling the vibrationof your voice empower the mantrathrough your mind and body"I embrace and surrenderto the power of gratitudefor my many blessings"Deep breaths with audiblesighs, letting go and adjustingyour frequency

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Grow WellnessReiki Energy Healing60 Mins Reiki, crystal healing, aromatherapy & sound therapy Wellness Massage60, 90 & 120 minsTherapeutic massage,aromatherapy, hot stones Hypnotherapy60 & 90 MinsReleasing the root cause of aproblem and remapping thebrain for what you want!Private Yoga & Meditation30 & 60 MinsCustomized classes and seriesto advance your practiceReadingsAkashic, Clairvoyant & MediumExplore lifetimes to understandyour pathThai Bodywork 60, 75 & 90 MinsDynamic-assisted stretching andbalancing energy flow CBD SalveDeep Heat Keratin FootEnhancement Herbal Head & NeckMassage Energetic Healing Zen Digestion CuppingUjayii Sinus Treatment Cupping TherapyHerbal Steam TherapySound BathHerbal mud wrapDivine CBD Face MassageInteractive Sound TherapyReflexologyGrow Detox JourneyGrow Peaceful Journey 90 & 120 minsLymphatic Cupping, Rosemary CBD, Sinus Treatment90 & 120 minsSwedish massage, Reiki healing, head massage, CBD120 & 150 minsStretching, Reiki, Full body massage, cupping, CBD, enhancement 90 & 120 minsCBD Mushroom latte, smudging,Reiki, Massage, Aromatherapy Cocoon120 minsPowerful hypnosis to explore pastlives and create positive, life-alteringchanges90 & 120 minsSwedish massage with Digest Renew Abdomen Cleanse90 minsSwedish massage, head massage and foot massage90 & 120 MinsMassage with Deep Tissue Cuppingfor joint flexibility and vitality insports90 minsUplifting CBD Facial with Earth andSky Herbal Cocoon. Finished withhead massage and foot massage.90 and 120 MinsAromatherapy Meditation with full body massage, cuppingtherapy, CBDGrow Combo JourneyPast Life Regression Journey Mama Bear Postpartum Time Renew JourneySoothe and Melt Journey Athletic JourneyMama To Be JourneyWonderland Journey Cielo y Tierra Journey90 & 120 minsMassage Therapy, Earth and SkyAromatherapy Cocoon, CBD SalveReflexology Journey90 & 120 minsFull Reflexology foot treatmentwith therapeutic body massageTreatmentsCraniosacral TherapyEarth & Sky Herb Cocoon Eucalyptus Foot ReleaseUplifting CBD FacialEnergetic Healing RebootSound Bath ImmersionPranayama Breathing Herbal Head & Neck Digest Renew AbdomenCleanse ReflexologyAkashic Records Reading30 MINUTES15, 30 & 60 MinsOur Niyama Full Spectrum Infrared Saunaroom is a one-of-a-kind experience! Benefitsinclude: reducing inflammation, soothinganxiety and depression, nurturing heart health,improving circulation, pain relief, decreasesstress, weight loss, improves mood, anti-aging,and more!Herbal Apothecary - CBD Products - Smudging ToolsCrystals - Aromatherapy - Soy CandlesMeditation Tools - Yoga Props - Teas & AdaptogensYoga ClassesMeditation ClassesChakra and Moon WorkshopsKids yoga classesPrivate events and partiesand so much more!Mama To Be Pregnancy MassageHypnotherapy for PregnancyMaternity HennaPrenatal and Postpartum YogaMama Bear Postpartum MassageReiki Energy Healing

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10% OFFLocal, Quality Painting & Restoration203-885-5739qualitykpainting.comThe Secret Hair Studio - Danbury, CT 203-456-6224thesecrethairstudio.comHeartfelt businesses WE RECOMMEND!SOUTHWEST CAFESOUTHWEST CAFESouthwest Cafe, Ridgefield, CTSouthwestcafe.com203-431-3398ANCIENT MARINERANCIENT MARINERAncient Mariner Ridgefield, CTSouthwestcafe.com203-438-4771Unpaid Promotion of seriously good people

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Heartfelt businesses WE RECOMMEND!Unpaid Promotion of seriously good peopleMANNEN SUSHIMANNEN SUSHIMannen, Ridgefield, CTmannenrestaurant.com203-438-8727Titan Accounting, Ridgefield, 664-5970Ridgefield Operation for Animal 438-0158Cavazzi Marble & Tile, Fairfield 305-5636VERONICA’S GARDENVERONICA’S GARDENGarden Stand, Ridgefield CTDanbury Roar, Next to Bobos Cafeveronicasgarden.netGROW WELLNESSHerbal BarWholesale Herbal Productskj.kweskin@growwellnesstherapy.com2034179969