Laura Ice William ZimmermanLIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD MAY 2024VOL. 39 NO. 05 O F F I C I A L P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E W I C H I T A B A R A S S O C I A T I O NHOWARD C. KLINEDISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDCongratulations!Congratulations!
Bar-o-Meter (ISSN 0893-6056) is published monthly by the Wichita Bar Association, 225 N. Market, Suite 200,Wichita, KS 67202-2023. (316) 263-2251. Inquiries should be sent to 225 N. Market, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67202-2023.Non-member subscription rate is $25.Periodicals Postage Paid at Wichita, KSPOSTMASTER Send address changes to Bar-o-Meter, 225 N. Market, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67202-2023©2024BAR-o-METER | MAY 20242Bar-o-MeterW i c h i t a B a r A s s o c i a t i o nOfficersPRESIDENT: SCOTT HILLPRESIDENT-ELECT: MICHELLE MOE WITTEVICE PRESIDENT: RACHEL WETTASECRETARY TREASURER: MEGAN TOWNSLEYBar-o-Meter Committee & Writing StaffMEGAN TOWNSLEY, CHAIR AND EDITORWichita Bar AssociationEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: VIRDENA GILKEYMEMBERSHIP AND OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR: LUPITA REYESMICHAEL ANDRUSAKMONIQUE K. CENTENOKRYSTLE DALKESUZANNE DWYERHON. JAMES R. FLEETWOODJACK FOCHTLACY GILMOURMATTHEW GORNEYMEL GREGORYCHRISTINA HANSENTYLER HEFFRONCHASITY HELMJENNIFER HILLSCOTT HILLHON. KELLIE E. HOGANDAVID JOHNSONNORMAN KELLYJ. MATTHEW LEAVITTJENNIFER MAGANAAMANDA MARINOBRIAN K. MCLEODSARAH NEWELLAMBER NORRISJASON ROACHMEGAN STORIEJESSICA SUHRELISABETH WILDERMARCIA A. WOODBoard of GovernorsJANUARY BAILEYHON. MICHAEL HOELSCHERJACQUELINE KELLYJESSICA LEAVITTRICHARD SAMANIEGOJESSICA SUHRInside the May Bar-o-Meter:Continuing Legal Education Calendar ......................................................................................................... 2024 WBA Law Day & Awards Luncheon ...................................................................................................2024 Award Recipients ........................................................................................................................KALA CLE Seminar ..................................................................................................................................April Happy Hour & Social ......................................................................................................................The House Band Flyer .............................................................................................................................Kansas Women Attorneys Association 35th Annual Conference ..................................................................Triad Legal ............................................................................................................................................Sedgwick County Veterans Treatment Court ..............................................................................................Inside Every Issue:From the President .................................................................................................................................. WBA Events Calendar .............................................................................................................................Criminal Jury Summary ..........................................................................................................................Hearsay ...........................................................................................................................................WBA Members .......................................................................................................................................Classified Advertising .............................................................................................................................3161718 - 191920456 - 991011121314
From the PresidentBAR-O-METER | MAY 20243Scott HillMy time here as President of this WBA is winding down to an end. While my term officially expires on June 30, theWBA Installation Dinner is the ceremonial changing of the guard and will be held on June 20. Over the past decade,the Installation Dinner has changed from a large, open WBA event to a smaller event among the Board, our affiliateorganization officers, and “plus 1” guests. With the event now a small, private event, I unfortunately do not have anopportunity to provide a public “thank you” to a few important people. So I wanted to take this opportunity to thanka few individuals who initially made my service possible, as well as a few who made this year what I consider to be asuccess.None of us get to a position of leadership on our own or alone. The support of spouses, friends, and colleagues, allof whom act as personal mentors, enable us to lead. I am fortunate to have the support of my family and inparticular my wife, Jennifer, who has shared in my journey of bar leadership at various levels. Jennifer too served asPresident of the WBA nearly a decade ago. I greatly appreciate her encouragement and support, both on the homefront and in the leadership of the WBA. While we have served in two fairly distinct eras of the WBA, her institutionalknowledge has been irreplaceable. Next, I thank my firm. I will not focus on my particular practice development and mentorship, but instead on myexperiences that that have drawn me towards bar leadership. While my firm has historically embraced barinvolvement and bar leadership with individuals like Dick Hite, Dick Honeyman, and Jon Newman, just to name afew, two of my partners have been particularly encouraging in my continued involvement with bar associations.Linda Parks and Jim Robinson both continue to be devoted stewards of our profession, serving in often thanklessand difficult leadership positions. Both have recognized the value of our profession in devoting countless non-billable hours for the greater good. Thank you to them for that encouragement. There are a few of my contemporaries that I would like to recognize as having been very influential in my barinvolvement. I am certain these individuals may not appreciate the effect they have had. Judge Amy Cline and AaronBreitenbach have both helped shape my attitude toward bar leadership. Thank you for that positive influence. I would also like to thank this year’s Board of Governors, who have been willing to make hard decisions. Michelle, asPresident-Elect, has been instrumental in the guidance of the WBA this year, and on so many occasions has beenthe source of a more reasoned approach. As I mentioned in my last President’s Column, Virdena Gilkey and our staffhave gone the extra mile to help keep up the appearance of “business as usual” despite some dramatic changes,including staff size. I again thank my wife for her efforts in carrying the water at home. I thank my law partners, myassociate Evan Hathaway, and my secretary Kristi Tremblay, for allowing me to focus so much time with the WBA. In the end, I leave you with the message that I have shared throughout the year; Bar associations and your WBAprovide incredible benefits to our lives and our profession. Please consider devoting time and talent to yourassociation, whether that be serving on a committee or serving as an officer or board member. At the very least,enable and encourage those around you – your young associates or law partners – to serve and lead.
4W W W . W I C H I T A B A R . O R GC O N T I N U I N G L E G A L E D U C A T I O N(316) 263-2251 ext. 102vgilkey@wichitabar.orgVirdena GilkeyExecutive DirectorC HE A PE R B Y D O ZE N B ET T ER BY TH E B U LKWBA Members who choose CBD thisyear can fulfill their 12 hours annualCLE requirements at the modest costof only $320.For the law firm members, hours maybe used by any member of apartnership, professional association,LLC or LLP who is a member of theWBA.25 CLE Hours ..... $775.0050 CLE Hours ..... $1,450.00CLE Discount ProgramsUpcoming CLE SeminarsPretrial and Discovery RelatedProcedures in U.S. District CourtThursday, May 2, 20248:00 am - 12:00 pm | 4 HrsFamily LawFriday, May 3, 20248:00 am - 2:20 pm | 6 Hrs Intellectual Property andArtificial Intelligence Friday, May 17, 202410:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | 2 HrsReal Estate Friday, May 24, 20248:00 am - 4:00 pm | 2 - 4 Hr SessionsDiversityFriday, June 7, 20249:00 am - 12:00 pm | 3 HrsEthics - Courageous Attorneysand how to become oneFriday, June 14, 202410:00 am - 12:00 pm | 2 HrsCLE Seminar Hosted bythe Inn of CourtBAR-o-METER | MAY 2024Friday, June 21, 20241:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | 4 Hrs
5THE WICHITA BAR ASSOCIATIONCORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTENDTUESDAY, MAY 14TH, 202411:45 A.M.BOTANICA GARDENSLOTUS HALL MEETING ROOM701 N. AMIDON STREETWICHITA, KS 67202Voices of Democracy$40 per person, RSVP by Monday, May 6, 2024 to lreyes@wichitabar.orgor click here to register individual registrations.The 2024 WBALaw Day & Awards LuncheonJoin us in congratulating our award recipients for their outstandingcontributions to the Wichita Bar Association and the legal community.Law Day Luncheon TableReservationsReservations for a table of 8 is $320. Please directly email Lupita Reyes,Office/Membership Coordinator @ to reserve your table. *Do Not Register Online If You Will BeReserving a Table*Lifetime Achievement AwardLaura IceHoward C. Kline Distinguished Service AwardWilliam ZimmermanChester I. Lewis Diversity Achievement AwardChief Judge of the City of Wichita Municipal CourtHonorable Jennifer JonesJonalou Pinnell AwardKaren GalePresident's AwardChristy CampbellHonorable David DahlCharles HarrisMegan TownsleyLiberty Bell AwardMarisol GarciaBenson-Batt AwardJustin WaggonerBAR-O-METER | MAY 2024
2024 Award Recipients6Wichita Bar AssociationThe Lifetime Achievement Award isgiven for sustained superior performancethat recognizably sets the recipient apartfrom peers. The recipient is one whoseaccomplishments have brought creditand recognition to the profession andwho has demonstrated exemplary ethicalstandards and high personal values.Laura Ice retired last year as Senior Vice President &General Counsel at Textron Financial Corporation inWichita. At TFC, she was a member of the seniormanagement team and managed the legal andcontracts groups. Laura was responsible for retainingand directing outside counsel and for negotiating,structuring and documenting aircraft and otherequipment finance transactions worldwide, formanaging workout, repossession and litigation issuesand served as TFC’s Chief Compliance Officer. Prior tojoining TFC, she was in private practice with Adams &Jones in Wichita. She received her J.D. degree fromWashburn University School of Law, and her Bachelorof Science degree from the University of Kansas. She isa 4th generation Kansas lawyer and a 6th generationKansan. Laura is currently the President of the KansasBar Association and is a past President of the WichitaBar Association and the Kansas Bar Foundation. Sheserved on the Kansas Board of Law Examiners from2015-20. She has received the Outstanding ServiceAward and Professionalism Award from the KBA, theHoward C Kline Distinguished Service Award from theWBA, the JMK Attorney of Achievement Award fromKansas Women Attorneys Association and the LouisMattox Attorney of Achievement Award from WichitaWomen Attorneys Association. The Howard C. Kline DistinguishedService Award recognizes members who,through the years of their practice, haveexemplified integrity, professionalism,and service to the bar. The recipient isone whose accomplishments havebrought credit and recognition to theprofession and who has demonstratedexemplary ethical standards and highpersonal values.William H. Zimmerman, Jr. practiced in the areasof bankruptcy, reorganization, and commercial lawsince after earning his J.D. in 1979 from CreightonUniversity School of Law.A 1975 graduate of the University of Notre Dame,Bill was admitted to the bar in 1979 in NebraskadChester I. Lewis Diversity AchievementAward is given in recognition of anindividual, law firm, or organization’ssignificant contributions to theadvancement of diversity in the legalprofession. and subsequently in Kansas in 1982. After servingas an Assistant District Attorney in Sedgwick Countyhe entered private practice in Wichita in 1983specializing in bankruptcy and commercial law. Bill authored a chapter of the Kansas BarAssociation Bankruptcy Handbook (2nd Edition1986) and was a frequent CLE presenter for theKansas and Wichita Bar Associations as well asserving as an adjunct instructor in bankruptcy lawat Wichita State University and Newman Universityfrom 1985 through 2005.Bill was a member of and at various times chairedthe Kansas Bar Association Bankruptcy Section, theCommittee for Title Standards Examination as wellas the Banking and Corporate Law Section.Additionally, he served on many WBA committeesincluding Fee Disputes, Ethics, Service to the Bar,and Bankruptcy practice chairing the Bankruptcyand Service to the Bar committees. He also servedthree years on the WBA Board of Governors. In2002, Bill was honored by the KBA with its Pro BonoPublico Award and was twice awarded the WBAPresident’s Award for service to the WBA.In 2022, Bill retired after 43 years of practice. Honorable Jennifer Jones is a native of Wichita,Kansas. She obtained her Juris Doctorate Degreefrom the University of Oklahoma in 1985. After graduating from law school, Judge Jonesbegan her career in the office of the DistrictAttorney in Muskogee, Oklahoma. While in thisposition, she actively prosecuted all types of casesand later developed a specialty in prosecuting sexoffenses, child abuse, and juvenile cases.In May 1988, she returned to Wichita and becameassociated with the law firm of Bruce and Davis,becoming a partner in January 1992. Shemaintained an active general practice in the areasof commercial, juvenile, family, bankruptcy, andprobate law.BAR-o-METER | MAY 2024
2024 Award Recipients7In 1992 she successfully ran for the position ofSedgwick County District Court Judge, becoming thefirst African American woman judge in Kansas.In 1999 Judge Jones was selected by the Supreme Courtto serve as a member of the Commission on JudicialQualifications. She served as Chair of the Commissionin 2006 and 2007 before ending her tenure in 2012.In January 2001, Judge Jones began her current positionin the municipal court for the City of Wichita, Kansas,and was selected to serve as the Chief Judge in 2003.In addition to meeting the demands of Kansas’ largestcourt, Judge Jones still finds time to give back to thecommunity. She serves as an officer in the WichitaChapter of The Links, Inc., and as Chair of the Trusteesat Tabernacle Bible Church. She maintainsmemberships in the Kansas and Wichita BarAssociations. Judge Jones is a wife and mother of two sons whoenjoys sports, traveling, shopping and spending timewith her extended family. The Jonalou Pinnell DistinguishedService Award is given for outstandingvolunteer services to the Wichita BarAssociation by a non-lawyer. The awardrecognizes long-standing service or theaccomplishment of a single task orservice in any given year.Karen Gale, with a degree in Environmental Science,and experience in solid waste management, wasperfectly trained to work with attorneys. As the wife ofretired United States Magistrate Judge Ken Gale, Karenhas volunteered with the WBA Auxiliary, including aterm as president. Somehow her theatre experienceled to helping with set design and construction for thelast five Bar Shows, including 2023’s triumphant Returnof the Bar Show. In 2023, Karen was awarded a lifetimehonorary membership to the Kansas Bar Association. Inher spare time, Karen travels to Europe, makes quilts,entertains the two local grandsons (one more lives inSpain), and plays the bodhran (an Irish drum) with thelocal band, Mead’s Ghost. The Liberty Bell Award is given by theYoung Lawyers Section in recognition ofan individual’s or organization’soutstanding community service anddedication to the rule of law.Marisol Garcia was born and raised in Wichita,Kansas. She attended Northeast Magnet HighSchool and graduated in 2014. During her time atNortheast, Marisol participated in the Wichita BarAssociation's Grow Your Own Lawyer Program andSummer Internship Program. It was these programsthat convinced Marisol that she wanted to explore acareer in the legal profession. Upon graduating highschool, Marisol attended Kansas State Universityand received her Bachelors of Arts in History and aMinor in Leadership Studies. Still intent on pursuinga career in law, Marisol continued her education atThe University of Kansas School of Law where shewas actively involved in First GenerationProfessionals, Outlaws & Allies, KU Law Dean'sFellows, and received the Robert F. Bennett award,which is given to a graduate who has demonstratedleadership qualities through public service, prior tograduating in May 2021. After passing the bar inAugust 2021, Marisol returned to Wichita, Kansas topractice law. During her time in Wichita, Marisol hasbeen involved with the Wichita Business JournalDEICT, Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, andthe Wichita Bar Association.Most notably, Marisolhas acted as chair and co-chair of the Grow YourOwn Lawyer program for the past two years, over10 years after participating in the program herselfin the Spring of 2013.Benson-Batt Award is given by the Law-in-Education Committee in the names ofJudge Fred Benson and Beverly Batt, tohonor their years of organizing law-related events for local students. Justin Waggoner was appointed as the SedgwickCounty Counselor in 2023. He originally joined theCounty Counselor’s Office in 2013. During his 11years with Sedgwick County, Justin has thoroughlyenjoyed the variety of the work and also the publicinterest aspect of representing a local government.Before joining the Sedgwick County Counselor’sOffice, Justin worked as an Associate Attorney atMaughan & Maughan and Case, Moses, Zimmerman& Martin.Within the WBA, Justin previously served as Chair ofthe Law in Education Committee. He is a member ofthe Kansas Association of Counties GoverningBoard and also serves on the County CounselorsAssociation of Kansas Board of Directors.BAR-O-METER | MAY 2024Wichita Bar Association
8The President's Award is given in recognition ofoutstanding service in the current year or within the pastfew years. It recognizes the successful accomplishment of alaw-related project or service where the recipient’s worksubstantially exceeds that which is normally expected. Therecipients also must demonstrate high ethical standardsand hold the respect of his/her peers.Christy Campbell started her careerat Kansas Legal Services where sheworked for over 10 years as a generallitigation attorney and then 3 years asthe Statewide Pro Bono Director. Her primary area of practice is family law. She is a past President of the WichitaBar Association Young LawyersSection and the Wichita WomenAttorneysHonorable David Dahl is the Judgeof Division 2 of the Sedgwick CountyDistrict Court. He was formerly apartner with the law firm of Johnson,Kennedy, Dahl & Willis, specializing inemployment law and small businessstart-ups.Dave continues to serve as a member of the Board ofTrustees of the Sedgwick County Law LibraryDave received his undergraduate and master’s degreein business from Wichita State University and his lawdegree from Washburn University. He was a three-yearletter winner and two-time most inspirational player onthe Shocker Basketball team. He has been a radio colorcommentator on the WSU basketball games for 43years, and he was inducted into the Wichita Sports Hallof Fame in 2010 for his broadcasting. Dave is an active member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parishand recently served on a small committee whichdAttorneys Association, and she chairs the WBA ProBono Committee. She is a member of the Kansas BarAssociation, Kansas Women Attorneys Association,Wesley E. Brown Inn of Court, and is a Kansas BarFoundation Fellow. She sits on the StepStone board,the statewide Kansas Legal Services board, and theAccess to Justice Committee. In 2020, she spearheadedthe resurrection of the WBA Bar Show before it wascancelled due to the pandemic, and in 2023, shesuccessfully resurrected the Bar Show with help fromthe entire bar and production team. In 2018, shereceived both the Washburn Law Graduate of the LastDecade Award and he WBA President’s Award. She’sreceived the WBJ’s 40 Under 40 award, and the KBA’sOutstanding Young Lawyer award. 2024 Award Recipientsprepared the 10-year strategic plan for the church,parish and school.Dave has taught “Introduction to Entrepreneurship” atWSU for the past forty-six (46) years and has been anaward-winning Adjunct Professor several times. He alsoreceived the Wichita State University AlumniRecognition Award in 2012.Dave has served on many civic and community boards.He was President of the Shocker Athletic SupportOrganization in 2004 and is also a past President of theWichita State Alumni Association and the NewmanUniversity Athletic Council. He is also a former boardmember of the Wichita Bar Association, the KansasSports Hall of Fame, and the Sedgwick County Zoo.I have been one of the speakers at the Kansas JudicialConference on multiple occasions and I have been oneof the speakers at the New Judge Orientation a greatnumber of times.Dave has been married to Tonya for 53 years. Theyhave twin sons, Brock and Kalle, and 6 grandchildren.Charles F. HarrisB.A. Wichita State University, 1971Active Duty U.S. Army, 1971-1975J.D. Washburn Law School, 1978Partner, Kaplan, McMillan and Harris,Wichita, Kansas 1978-2009Solo practitioner Law Office ofCharles F. Harris 2010 to 2017B.A. Wichita State University, 1971Active Duty U.S. Army, 1971-1975J.D. Washburn Law School, 1978Partner, Kaplan, McMillan and Harris, Wichita, Kansas1978-2009Solo practitioner Law Office of Charles F. Harris 2010 to2017President, Family Law Section, Kansas Bar Association,1989-1990Member, Kansas Supreme Court Child SupportGuidelines Advisory Committee, 1989-presentChairman, Family Law Advisory Committee to KansasJudicial Council, 2000-2019Member, Family Law Advisory Committee to KansasJudicial Council, 1992-2020Volunteer Attorney, Eighteenth Judicial District FamilyLaw Self Help Center 2017- presentChairman, Family Law Committee,Wichita Bar Association, 1992-1993, 1997-1998Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers,1995-2017BAR-o-METER | MAY 2024Wichita Bar Association
9Author of the Child Support Chapter of theKansas Bar Association Family Law HandbookAuthor - Alias Charley Hart (Book)Author - Under the Black Flag (Book)Author - Catalyst for Terror, Collapse of Women’sPrison in Kansas City (Article)Author - Captain Tough, Chief of Scouts (Book)Author – Blood on the Border (Book)Author – Affair at Circleville (Article)2024 Award RecipientsMegan L. Townsley is an associateat Fleeson, Gooing, Coulson, & Kitch,LLC, where her practice focuses on arange of areas, with an emphasis inpersonal injury, insurance defense,and workers compensation.Born and raised in the Wichita area,MEMegan attended the University of Kansas where sheearned her Bachelor of Science in Journalism with aMinor in Psychology. She received her Juris Doctor fromWashburn University School of Law in 2015.In law school, Megan authored a published Note, IsThere Any Body Out There? A call for a New Body of Law toProtect Individual Ownership Interests in Tissue SamplesUsed in Medical Research, 54 Washburn L.J. 101 (2015),and received the John F. Kuether Memorial FacultyAwarAward for “Best Note.” Additionally, she served as theResearch Editor for Volume 54 of the Washburn LawJournal. After practicing in the area of criminal defensefor several years, Megan joined Fleeson Gooing in Aprilof 2022.Ms. Townsley has been a member of the Wichita BarAssociation since she started practicing in Wichita. Sheis currently the WBA Secretary/Treasurer, the chair ofthe Bar-O-Meter, the president-elect of the WichitaWomen Attorneys Association, and the past presidentof the Young Lawyers Section. She also serves on theProfessional Diversity Committee and the Civil PracticeCommittee.Megan is also a member of the Kansas Bar Associationand the Wesley E. Brown American Inn of Court. Ms.Townsley was also a member of the Wichita BusinessJournal Emerging Leaders for 2019-2020, the recipientof the KBA’s Outstanding Young Lawyer in 2023, and aparticipant in the KBA’s Leadership Institute Class of2024. Megan is also a member of the Junior League ofWichita.In her free time, Megan is an avid hiker and camper,enjoys photography and gardening, and is a committedfan of KU basketball (some years are easier thanothers).KALA CLE SeminarKansas Association of Legal Assistants *ParalegalsThe Kansas Association of Legal Assistants *Paralegals (KALA), extends an invitation to all legalassistants/paralegals to join us for our annual all-day seminar that provides six (6) continuing legaleducation credits. Our seminar will be held on June 14, 2024, at the Aloft Hotel, 3642 N. Oliver, Wichita,Kansas. For a list of legal topics and speakers as well as to RSVP, please go to our website If you have any questions, you may contact Annette Meece, KALA President at316-290-4685 or THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 19JUDGES' DAY 2024JUDGES' DAY 2024Golf TournamentBike Ride Clay Shoot Pickleball and Tennis Pool Tournament Trivia EventGolf TournamentBike Ride Clay Shoot Pickleball and Tennis Pool Tournament Trivia EventBAR-O-METER | MAY 2024Wichita Bar Association
April Happy Hour & SocialWichita Bar AssociationCongratulations Hite, Fanning & Honeyman L.L.P. for the most participants!10BAR-o-METER | MAY 2024
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M A Y 2 0 2 4W B A e v e n t s C a l e n d a rAll committees meet at the WBA at Noon unless otherwise noted.J U N 2 0 2 4M/3 Medical Legal Committee MeetingT/4 Professional Diversity Committee MeetingEstate Planning & Probate Committee MeetingW/5 YLS Nuts & Bolts @ 4 p.m.Th/6 Bar-o-Meter Committee MeetingF/7 Diversity CLE SeminarTh/13 Executive Committee MeetingBankruptcy Committee MeetingF/14 Ethics - Courageous Attorneys and howto become one CLE SeminarW/19 SCLL/WBA Closed for JuneteenthTh/20 Board of Governors Committee MeetingEthics Committee Meeting @ 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.F/21 CLE Seminar Hosted by the Inn of CourtT/25 Continuing Legal Education CommitteeMeeting W/26 Criminal Practice Committee Meeting16Th/2 Pretrial and Discovery RelatedProcedures in U.S. District Court CLESeminar Bar-o-Meter Committee MeetingF/3 Family Law CLE SeminarM/6 Medical Legal Committee MeetingT/7 Professional Diversity Committee MeetingEstate Planning & Probate Committee MeetingTh/9 Executive Committee MeetingBankruptcy Committee MeetingT/14 Law Day & Awards LuncheonW/15 Fee Dispute Committee MeetingTh/16 Board of Governors Committee MeetingEthics Committee Meeting @ 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.F/17 Artificial Intelligence and CopyrightCLE SeminarW/22 Criminal Practice Committee MeetingF/24 Real Estate CLE SeminarM/27 SCLL/WBA Closed for Memorial DayT/28 Continuing Legal Education CommitteeMeeting BAR-o-METER | MAY 2024
JUDGECASEPROSECUTORDEFENSEATTYMOST SERIOUS CHARGERESULTBrown21CR2242Dan VigiliusSharon Barnettct 1-aggravated burglaryct 2-possession of opiateGuilty;GuiltyKaufman22CR1600 Atticus DisneyBrad Sylvesterct 1-aggravated batteryGuiltyMagana22CR0148 Shauna LesleySam Kepfieldct 1-poss. int. to distributect 2-possession of opiateMistrial;MistrialFleetwood23CR1628Jason RoachJennifer JamesonPhil WhiteSteve MankJacob Ladaynict 1-1st deg. felony murderct 2-1st deg. int. murderct 3-1st deg. felony murderct 4-1st deg. int. murderct 5-crim. discharge weaponct 6-aggravated batteryct 7-batteryct 8-batteryGuilty;Guilty of Lesser;Guilty;Guilty of Lesser;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Guilty;Williams23CR0431Jack Mitchell Shannon WilsonHayley Wrightct 1-crim. poss. weaponGuiltyCriminal Jury SummaryThank you to the District Attorney’s office for providing criminal jury results each month!17BAR-O-METER | MAY 2024Sedgwick County District Attorney’s Office
Hearsayby Gabby TattlerWBA Members Giving Back...Congratulations are in order...HearsayMargaret Lyons (Stinson Lasswell) was admitted as afellow to the American Academy of MatrimonialLawyers. Robert McFadden (Foulston Seifkin) wasnamed a Wichita Business Journal 40 Under 40 honoree.Diane Sherwood (Center for Peace and Forgiveness)presented Forgiveness as a Tool in Alternative DisputeResolution to the ABA in San Diego, California. CandiceFarha (Penner Lowe) and husband Jeff Wilson(DeVaughn James) welcomed baby boy, Kareem, into theworld on April 9, 2024. Amanda Wilwert and Gary Ayers(Foulston Siefkin) received Community Partner of theYear honors from the Enlisted Association of the KansasNational Guard. Diane Sorensen (Morris Laing) provided the treats forthe openings at the Carriage Factory Art Gallery. JoniFranklin (Franklin Law) and Aaron Breitenbach(District Attorney) attended a breakfast honoring theBoy Scouts. Kelly Rundell (Hite Fanning) spoke at theKansas Rural Water Association’s Annual Conference.Megan Storie (Kansas Legal Services) attended theopening of the new location of the Wichita Women’sNetwork to which she is on the Board of Directors. BenWinters (Patterson Legal) performed the NationalAnthem and America the Beautiful at the NaturalizationCeremony. Jackie Williams (Kansas Attorney General’sOffice) was the speaker, and the Honorable GwynneBirzer was the presiding Judge at the Ceremony. SaraZafar (Franklin Law) was a panelist for Love Unlocked:Navigating Relationships in Real Talk put on by theWichita Family Crisis Center. Scott Sanders (McDonaldTinker) attended Catholic Charities Night of Joy. Traveling attorneys...Erica Case (St. Francis) visited a ghost-town in Arizona.Kurt Kerns (Ariango, Kerns, Mank, & White) celebratedSt. Patrick’s Day in Germany. Scott Sanders (McDonaldTinker) swooshed down the slopes at Copper Mountainin Colorado. Jeff DeGraffenreid (Foulston Seifkin)enjoyed the sunshine in Islamorada, Florida. JoniFranklin (Franklin Law) and Aaron Breitenbach(District Attorney) attended opening Day at the “K” andcheered on the KC Royals. Matt Flesher (Textron) andAmber Norris (Butler County Attorney) cruised thewaterways in Venice, Italy. Ben Winters (PattersonLegal) went to Tannenbaum, Arkansas to experiencetotality of the eclipse. Christy Campbell (Franklin Law)made her way to totality in Paris, Arkansas via a stop tosee Big Brutus and the Precious Moments Chapel.Diane Sorensen (Morris Laing) was seen lookingupward in Paris, Arkansas. Don Peterson (Graybill &Hazelwood) took some incredible photos of the eclipsein Little Rock, Arkansas. Sara Zafar (Franklin Law) alsowent eclipse hunting. Margaret Lyons (StinsonLasswell) spent her spring break in Chicago, Illinois.Matthew Hesse (Ascension) experienced his 31st NCAAFinal Four game in Glendale, Arizona. Calvin Rider(Fleeson Gooing) also attended the big game. JessicaSuhr (Ward Law) enjoyed the beauty of Lima, Peru. 18Attorneys Getting Together...Megan Storie (Kansas Legal Services), Gaye Tibbets(Hite Fanning), Jennifer Hill and Stacy Ortega(McDonald Tinker) went to Hutchinson CommunityCollege to listen to author David Grann. Martin Pringlegathered together to watch the Eclipse.Candice Farha and Kareem Amanda Wilwert and Gary AyersDiane and Conrad Sorensen Ben Winters. Hon. Gwynne Birzerand Jackie WilliamsMegan Storie, Gaye Tibbets,Jennifer Hill and Stacy OrtegaMartin PringleErica and Phillip Case Kurt and Nicole KernsBAR-o-METER | MAY 2024
19NEW MEMBER:John Sill, Fleeson, Gooing, Coulson & Kitch, LLC; Caleb Smith, Cordell and Cordell; Amanda Stafford, TextronFinancial Corporation; Alice VanDoren, Cordell Law, LLP.WBA MembersPlease send news, gossip, pictures, et cetra to Gabby at or you can also reach Gabbyat the WBA, 225 North Market, Suite 200, Wichita, Kansas 67202 or by fax 316/263-0629.Trina and Scott Sanders Joni Franklin andAaron BreitenbachMatt Flesher andAmber NorrisAshley and Ben WintersClint and Jessica SuhrBAR-O-METER | MAY 2024
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGMonnat & Spurrier, Chartered - Criminal Defense Lawyer - Are you passionate about criminal defense? Do you thrive in the courtroom orexcel at meticulous research and writing? Look no further! Monnat & Spurrier, Chartered, a prestigious law firm dedicated exclusively tocriminal defense is seeking extraordinarily talented individuals to join our team.Positions Available: Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer involved in the frequent preparation and trial of criminal cases in Kansas and beyond ($90,000 to $150,000).Misdemeanor Trial Lawyer to handle trials for DUI, misdemeanor, and lower-level felony cases ($50,000 to $80,000+).Please submit resume to Firm President, Dan Monnat, at For any questions, feel free to contact us at (316) 264-2800.Job OpportunitiesTHE LAW OFFICE OF SEAN M. DWYER handles all types ofemployment litigation for plaintiffs and defendants, includingdiscrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful termination matters, andfederal employee civil service or discrimination claims. Please call316/689-4268.Referrals AcceptedSANTO LAW OFFICE, P.A. handles copyrights, trademarks, tradesecrets, business/corporate law, and civil litigation. Please call316/689-4245 or visit for more information.Convenient east side location.Office SpaceSHARED OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE at 2121 W. Maple; use of copy machine, internet and conference room. Davis & Jack, L.L.C. ContactKenneth Jack at 316/945-8521.Sedgwick County Law CenterFor Lease 225 N. Market, Suite 230, 333 & 355, Wichita KSOFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE at the Sedgwick County Law Center, 225 N. Market St.Three offices available: Suite 230 – 1,060 sf including a kitchenette, Suite 333 – 920 sfincluding a kitchenette, and Suite 355 – 3,648 sf including a kitchenette. Offered exclusively by:Ryan Smith316-263-2215rsmith@weigandomega.comSCLC Contact:Virdena Gilkey316-263-2251 x 102vgilkey@wichitabar.orgBAR-o-METER | MAY 202420
21BAR-O-METER | MAY 2024