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May 14 2021 THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR MESORAH 7 40 PM Dear Parents One of the minhagim of Shavuos is the recital of Chazal tells us that the author of this megillah was The Mishna Brurah in writes that a reason for this minhag is to teach us that Torah was given through pain and poverty To properly acquire Torah one will sometimes experience challenges and difficulties The offer another explanation When the story of Rus took place there was a major Halachic debate Rus stemmed from the nation of Moav While her was not in question Moavim both male and female are permitted to convert her ability to marry into Klal Yisrael was a matter of controversy The possuk states A Moavi is forbidden from marrying into the Jewish people was of the opinion that this restriction was solely on the male members of Moav while the initial by virtue of his closer familial relationship to Naomi was of the opinion that this included the women as well It wasn t until declared that was the Mesorah he received and has the status of that this debate was quieted and Rus was permitted to marry This same debate arose many years later when was questioning the kashrus of s Rus descendant yichus At that point Yeser declared May 16 Erev Shavuos 2 8B 12 00 noon dismissal May 17 18 Shavuos No School May 19 School begins at 10 00 AM The Megillah thus confirms the authenticity of that was transmitted by Moshe at together with the It is therefore appropriate that on the day of Matan Torah we do not only demonstrate our belief in but also our in the authenticity of Let us all be zoche to a true this and merit the opportunity that once again with the Rabbi Ochs We have been counting sefirah and we have reached Shavuos Zman Matan Torahsenu Enjoy the cheesecake the learning Shavuos night the beautiful divrei Torah the wonderful projects and the special family together time Our students have been learning and are ready to share their learning with you The girls in grades one through eight finally went on the highly anticipated trip to Zoo New England The eighth grade G O prepared a scavenger hunt as part of the experience Thank you Mrs Blumberg and the eighth grade girls for a great experience Thank you Mrs Ochs for designing the scavenger hunt Today 2G celebrated their the upcoming yom tov with the annual Rus Play While Covid restrictions added a new dimension to the number of people in the audience the girls performed beautiful Thank you Mrs Nussbaum for the musical accompaniment Thank you Mrs Fontek for preparing the girls

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Bulletin Board WEEK OF LEARNING 27 Iyar 3 Sivan sponsored by the Rosenberg Family as a zechus for a complete refuah sheleima for Gavriel Aryeh ben Aliza 29 Iyar 3 Sivan sponsored by Yaakov and Miriam Gruenstein l zecher Nishmas Rivkah bas Ahron a h Mrs Evelyn Metchik May her neshama have a tremendous aliya DAY OF LEARNING 28 Iyar sponsored by Rabbi Mrs Henoch Plotnik l iluy Nishmas Alta Ruda bas Avraham a h 3 Sivan sponsored by Joshua Beth Sydney in honor of Josh s birthday MAZEL TOV TO Rabbi Michael Mrs Nina 7 8G Social Studies Greene on the birth of their daughter

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HAMILTON SNAPSHOTS 6G prepare centerpieces for the annual bas mitzvah program Grades 1 8G at Zoo New England Lag B Omer trip 4G girls perform skits about the Giv onim tricking Yehoshua into making a peace treaty with them Rus Play performed by second grade girls

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PRESCHOOL SNAPSHOTS Preschool in Action K2 creating their All about Me booklets T week in PreK Meet our Tigers Making and decorating Har Sinai in PreK After studying about the life cycle of butterflies PreK and Kindergarten students set them free in the park

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WILLISTON SNAPSHOTS 5B enjoy bonfire barbecue rescheduled from Lag b Omer when it rained The boys had a great time and even Mr Carey attends Thank you to the Riesel family for hosting the outing 2B enjoy Millennium Park Lag B Omer trip 2B predicts how many words they have learned SHNAYIM MIKRA Mazel Tov to learners for Parshas Behar Bechukosai 4B 6B 7B 8B Netanel Atar Eliezer Feuerstein Yehuda Ezra Feuerstein Moshe Beilin Elchonon Frohlich Shmuel Loketch Aaron Sanieoff Yisrael Feldman Yosef Hoffman Tzvi Posy Shlomo Rosmarin Uri Katz Tuvia Schonberg Moishe Leff 5B Yosef Yaakov Mermelstein Ezra Klompas Mendel Meyers Uri Knisbacher Binyomin Septimus Moshe Aryeh Riesel Avrami Shimanovich Yaakov Septimus Noam Youshaei

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Congregation Chai Odom Invites you to join shiurim on Shavuos Night 12 20 am 1 15 am 1 20 am 2 15 am 2 20 am 3 15 am 3 15 am 4 10 am Halochos of Shmita Megilas Rus Hilchos Lashon Hara Hilchos Bitachon 4 15 am 4 21 am 4 35 am 5 21am Tehillim Tallis Shacharis Sunrise

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