PORTFOLIOfor Screenwriting classby Iuliia MatselevichIncludes:reflective essaya small writing exercisecomedy scripthorror scriptthe final script2021
REFLECTIVE ESSAYAfter taking Fiction Writing last semester, I felt that Ineeded to proceed doing something connected with writing,but in a different form, so when I saw Screenwriting class,I took it without hesitation. And I did not regret it,writing scripts was a fun experience to me, and tryingdifferent genres let me understand what I like to do most.Of course, it was challenging for me since English is not myfirst language (I am from Russia), but I feel that mywriting skills improved a lot.In this portfolio, I included several small writingexercises and the big final script. The first exercise wasbased on real life, the dialogue was changed a little but isbased on a real conversation that I beheld myself. Whilewriting the next exercise, the comedy, I was inspired byDisney TV-shows that I used to watch in my childhood. Inthose shows, everything was so ridiculously exaggerated, andI tried to do the same in my script. The horror exercise isbased on one of scary stories from my childhood. Honestly, Iwould be scared while watching the short movie filmed by myscript. The big final script was actually a small writingaction exercise that I enhanced into the first act of afull-length movie. I wanted to write a fantasy but in afamiliar setting, which is why while describing theFrostlands I was thinking about Siberian forests where I amfrom. I planned to write a story where all the charactersare neither good nor bad and reveal their contradictorytraits throughout their journey.Overall, I enjoyed the Screenwriting class and hope that Icould create something that is interesting not for me only.
EXT. CAMPUS - DAYThe day is sunny and windless. We can hear CICADAS' NOISEamong the bright green plants and trees. People are walkingaround, carrying books and laptops, some of them arestopping to TALK. At a picnic table, there are two collegestudents. One of them is a girl named JINNY, she's lying,stretched out on the seat and looking at her phone. Theother student is a guy named ALEX, he's sitting with hislaptop. Alex looks focused and tense, working on hisproject.ALEX(tired)Damn it... I hate her!Jinny stops chatting and looks at Alex.JINNYWho?ALEXLacey! I'm editing her pics for myproject!JINNYWhy do you hate her?ALEX(becomes angry)Because! She's irresponsible anddoesn't know what she wants! Iasked her to send me the answersfor 3 questions, do you know howmany she's done? Zero!JINNYAnd what's with the pics?Alex looks at his watches.ALEXShe's got to be here soon if she'snot late again. You'll see whatshe's like when I show her thepics.LACEY, another college student, comes out of a building,looks around, sees Alex, smiles to him and goes to thepicnic table.ALEX(rolls his eyes)Here she is.LACEYHey!
2.ALEX(friendly, smiling)Hi! I've done with your pics! Gocheck them out!Alex moves to give Lacey some space, she sits down with him,Jinny resumes chatting but is listening to what Alex andLacey are going to say. Alex begins to show Lacey herpictures. These are Lacey's portraits with college buildingsin the background.ALEXWhat about this one?LACEYI don't know... Don't you think myknees look fat here?As Alex shows Lacey the next pictures, she sounds more andmore displeased. Alex, meanwhile, remains calm.LACEY(pointing at thepictures)And here my hand is like a chickenleg! Like an alien or something.And here my eyes are on differentlevels. Don't you think?ALEX(hiding his impatience)How about I edit them a little moreand send them to you later?LACEYOkay... But make sure I don't looklike an alien-chicken!As Lacey stands up and leaves, Alex stops smiling and looksat Jinny.ALEXI think I'm a real professional.Jinny puts her phone away and looks at Alex.JINNYYeah? How so?ALEXDid you hear what she was saying?(imitates Lacey'sintonation)"An alien-chicken!" You don't knowhow much I hate her!JINNYHow does it make you professional?
3.ALEXWell, I didn't show it to her! Iremained calm like a pro!
INT. LIVING ROOM - EVENINGA girl named RUBY is sitting on the couch with her laptop.The room has a TV, several armchairs, a coffee table,shelves, and a couple of stands. There are many decorationson the shelves and the stands, on the walls family pictureshang: mom, dad, grandma and the daughter.Ruby is 12-14 years old. Her hair is a little messy, andshe's in an old T-shirt and shorts.Suddenly, her MOTHER comes in. She wears office clothes,carrying bags with groceries.MOTHER(loudly, trying to scareher)A-ha!Ruby is not scared. She gives her mother a look, letting herknow that Ruby is used to her mother appearing unexpectedlylike this.RUBY(patiently)Hi, Mom.Mother goes to the coach and puts the bags on Ruby's knees,wanting her to take the groceries to the kitchen. Rubydoesn't move.MOTHERDid you clean the house?RUBYYep.MOTHER(suspiciously)Really?RUBY(annoyed)You wanna check it?Mother looks around the room, slowly going around.MOTHERThat is what I'm doing right now.Mother goes to the kitchen. Ruby watches her. As soon asmother leaves the room, Ruby rapidly jumps off the couch,puts the bags on the coffee table, lifts the blanket on thecouch, there are empty chip bags under it. Ruby takes them,turns around, ready to rush outside and throw them away.MOTHER(angrily shouting fromthe kitchen)Ruby!!!
2.RUBY(to herself)Damn it!Ruby looks around, looking for a place to get rid of thetrash, then she puts the chip bags under the couch. Hermother comes back the second Ruby's done. Mother is holdinga broom.MOTHERRuby. Did you sweep the floors?RUBY(trying to remain calm)I did.MOTHERAnd you left the broom by the oven?RUBYYeah, so?MOTHERSo poor grandma confused it withthe spatula! Now we don't have ameat stew. We have a litter stew!RUBYMom, I- I did it on purpose!Because- because I love litterstew!MOTHER(shocked)You love litter stew?Ruby approaches mother and slowly takes the broom.RUBYYes, I do. But let's talk about itat the dinner. You better changeyour clothes...Ruby takes her mother's shoulder and leads her upstairs tothe bedroom.RUBYYou wanna keep it clean, don't you,Mom?INT. UPSTAIRS - CONTINUINGMOTHER(looks down)Did you wash the floors as well?RUBYYep. And in your bedroom too.
3.Mother grabs the doorknob of her bedroom.MOTHERI hope you didn't use too muchwater so it could dry fast.When mother opens the door, there is a huge wave of waterthat goes fast out of the bedroom and rashes to the firstfloor, filling it with soapy water.INTERCUTThe water reached the level of coffee table and takes thechip bags out from under the couch, making them floatingaround the room. Pillows, magazines, the TV remote arefloating as well.Mother looks down from the stairs, not knowing what to say.INTERCUTRUBY(trying to soundoptimistic)Hooray! You wanted a house with apool, remember, Mom?Mother keeps silent.RUBYNow we have one and we don't evenhave to go outside to swim.MOTHERHow- How...RUBYAnd we'll always have the floorsdownstair clean!MOTHERHow are we supposed to get out fromthe house now?RUBYWell... Through the windows! SinceI cleaned them too.Mother slowly turns round and enters her bedroom to see thewindows.INT. BEDROOM - CONTINUINGEverything is wet. The floor is covered with soggy papersand clothes. Instead of the windows, there are justrectangular holes in the walls.
INT. BEDROOM - NOONTwo young women are cleaning up the room, packing old toysin cardboard boxes. The owner of the place is LISA, and herfriend ROXANA is there to help her. Lisa stands on a chairto reach the top of the closet. She takes out toys fromthere and passes it to Roxana, who puts them in the box.When Lisa takes out almost all the things, she founds an olddoll.The doll is in a light pink dress, with curly fair hair andblue eyes. It looks like the doll used to be pretty but nowits face is dirty, with ink stains on it, its hair is messy,and the dress is torn in some places. Lisa is pleasantlysurprised to find the doll. She shows it to Roxana.LISAOh my gosh! Roxana, look! It'sSamanta!ROXANAWho? You mean, the doll?LISAYes! Oh, I adored her when I waslittle... She also had a toy phonethat could play tunes if you pressthe button...Roxana takes the doll and looks at it.ROXANAWell, Lisa... Honestly, it's apretty ugly doll now. And creepy.LISA(pretends to be offendedbut keeps smiling)Hey! She was prettier back then!ROXANA...but not anymore. It belongs tothe trash.Roxana moves to put the doll in a black bag already filledwith old and broken toys. Lisa tries to stop her.LISAHey, wait!ROXANAWhat? Why do you need it?LISAShe was my favorite toy!ROXANASo what? You're gonna put it on ashelf? I doubt it can be restored.
2.LISA(gives up)Okay...Lisa sadly looks at the doll while Roxana puts it in thebag.LISABye, Samanta.ROXANA(looks around)Is that everything you've got?LISAYeah...Roxana takes the black bag and goes to the door. Lisa takesone of the boxes.INT. LIVING ROOM - CONTINUINGLisa and Roxana are going to the front door.LISAThanks again for helping me withthis.ROXANAAny time, Lisa.Lisa opens the front door.ROXANAWe gotta hurry before they take thetrash.EXT. OUTSIDE LISA'S HOUSE - CONTINUINGRoxana throws the bag in the trash, Lisa puts the box in theback of her car, parked in front of her garage. The women goback inside to take the rest of the boxes. A garbage trackarrives and takes the trash with the black bag.INT. BEDROOM - EARLY EVENINGThere are no boxes in the room anymore. It looks clean but alittle empty, having lost the toys from the shelves. Lisa isorganizing her clothes in the closet. Her phone RINGS. Lisalooks at it, the number is unknown. She takes it.LISAHello?A quiet female voice answers her.VOICEHi! It's Samanta.
3.Lisa freezes.VOICEYou threw me away, but I'm comingback.LISA(nervous)Ha-ha, very funny, Roxana.The call ends. Lisa rolls her eyes and continues organizingthe clothes.INT. KITCHEN - A FEW MOMENTS LATERLisa is making coffee. The Unknown CALLS again. Lisa hangsit. A few seconds later, the phone RINGS again. Lisahesitates a little, but takes the call.VOICEHi! It's Samanta.LISA(smiling)Hi, Roxana.VOICEI'm back in town. Soon we'll meetagain.LISAYeah, I'll make sure the coffee'sstill warm.The call ends.INT. LIVING ROOM - A FEW MOMENTS LATERLisa is watching TV. Her phone RINGS, her phones reads"Unknown". Lisa takes it.LISAHey, you coming?VOICEHi! It's Samanta. I'm on yourstreet. Do you miss me?LISAOf course, my love. You're latethough...The call ends.LISAHey!..Lisa opens messenger and texts Roxana "When are youcoming?". It takes a while for Roxana to answer. Finally,
4.she sends "???". Lisa texts: "Where are you? It's almostnight". Roxana replies: "What r u talking about?". Lisabecomes a little nervous and types: "Didn't you call menow?". Roxana answers: "No?.."The phone's RINGING again, and Lisa takes it.VOICEHi! It's Samanta. I'm at your door,open up.The call ends, but Lisa keeps holding it in her hand. Tenseand nervous, she comes to the window and looks outside, noone is there. Lisa feels relieved, but the phone RINGSagain. Lisa shudders from the suddenness but takes it.VOICEHi! It's Samanta. I'm behind you.
EXT. AT THE GATES OF SAPPHIELD - NOONIt's mild winter, the sun is high and shining brightly, thesnow is slightly melted, the day is windless, and it wouldbe quiet outside if not for the SINGING BIRDS. A red hairedyoung woman is coming towards Sapphield, a littlesettlement, almost extinct because of the closed mines, theonly source of profit for the residents of Sapphield. Thewoman's name is TESSA, she is wearing a dark cloak, hidingher bright hair under the hood.When Tessa comes closer, she notices a group of threeARGUING men in front of the rickety gates. The first one isKENDALANU, who is wearing a dark green cloak with goldennature ornaments on it. The second man, RUDY, is well-built,though dressed too lightly even for such mild weather: ashirt, a fur vest, pants. On his belt there is an axe. Thethird man, TORGAN, is standing quietly. He's tall and pale,his shoulder-length black hair match the color of his furcoat. Behind his back, there is a war hammer with runesengraved on its head. Torgan has his arms crossed on hischest, and he's looking tirely on Kendalanu and Rudy.KENDALANUThey're not even gonna talk to you!RUDYCan you change how I look then? Sothey don't recognize?KENDALANU(squints and smiles)I can make your hair red.RUDY(thoughtfully)Well... That's a good idea... Youcan also give me a mustache, alsored. And with curls!Tessa comes closer to them.TESSANo mustache can hide your muscles.Kendalanu and Rudy stop talking, and everyone looks at herwith a question in their eyes.TESSAI'm Tessa.Kendalanu bows down a little.KENDALANUAhh, that's you. I'm Kendalanu,this is Rudolf.(pats on Rudy's shoulder)And this is Torgan.(nods towards Torgan)
2.Rudy nods to greet Tessa. Torgan doesn't do anything butbegin to stare at her.TESSA(crosses her arms,cautious)Why there're so many of you?KENDALANUIt's too dangerous to travel alone.TESSAI handle it.KENDALANUWell, because you know theseplaces.(looks at Rudy andTorgan)Don't you worry about them, they'resimply my helpers.Tessa gets bothered by Torgan's stare.TESSA(irritated)Something's wrong?RUDYDon't mind him, he just ain't gotin a fight yet.Rudy elbows Torgan a little and starts gaggling.TORGAN(quietly)Agha...Torgan looks away.KENDALANUSo, why did you invite me to meetwith you?TESSABecause you're a mage?KENDALANU(shrugs his shoulders)I can do some tricks.RUDYAgha, tricks! Don't sell yourselfshort!TESSA(trying to remain calm)And... You do healing tricks aswell?
3.KENDALANUI do.Tessa gets silent, looking at the men, not knowing if shecan trust them.KENDALANU(softly)Well? Something serious happened?TESSAIt's my little sister... She gotsick, no one can help her.The men stop smiling, Rudy looks at Kendalanu with his eyeswide open.TORGANIt seems like it got into fashionfor little sisters to get sick withGods know what...Kendalanu gives Torgan a strict look.KENDALANUWhat are the symptoms?TESSAShe can't get out of bed, thirstyall the time, headaches, pale...With each Tessa's word Kendalanu becomes more serious andthoughtful.KENDALANUI'll help...RUDY(interrupts)Whatcha paying?TESSA(looking at Kendalanu)Gold, jewelry... Whatever you want.KENDALANUHow do you have all that?TESSA(shrugs her shoulders)I'm a merchant, so I haveeverything.Kendalanu looks at Rudy, Rudy smiles supportively and nods,then Kendalanu looks back at Tessa.KENDALANUI agree.
4.RUDYHow far's the place?TESSANot so far. Shieldbrook.RUDYLet's go then.(turns to Torgan)Ready?Torgan nods.KENDALANU(winks at Rudy)Yeah, let's go now before thelocals get too angry at us.(looks to Tessa)Lead the way.Tessa cautiously turns round, not trusting the people she'sjust met, the men follow her. As they leave Sapphieldterritory, Tessa tries not to go in front of them, but moreon the side. Through the forest, a black cat with brightgreen eyes named DARSIA watches them from a tree branch.INT. CASTLE - CONTINUINGWhat's in Darsia's eyes is in a green glowing magic ballwhich barely lights the dimmed room. We can see a shoulderof a woman named DOROTHY, watching the group as well. Wecannot see her face.EXT. FOREST - EVENINGThe group goes through thick coniferous forest, looking fora place to spend the night. The tree branches are filledwith snow, pink-ish from the setting sun, and little of itsits on the ground. Rudy is vivaciously telling a story,helping himself with gestures.RUDY...and we saw the prints leading toa cave, and there was a littlejacket nearby. Without thinkingtwice, we went in, and there was abear this big!(spreads his arms wide)Covered in blood, it was snorting,and growling... I looked, and itwas already running on me!Tessa opens her eyes widely, Kendalanu smiles.RUDYI barely managed to jump aside,while Torgan - swoosh! - and hithim right here!
5.Rudy points at the middle of his forehead.RUDYIt numbed, and I kicked his ass!KENDALANU(laughing)Literally.RUDYThat's what I say! Well, we put itdown fast, did we?(elbows Torgan)TORGANYeah...RUDYAnd I thought that the boy was donealready! We go deeper, and - gah! -he was there, without a leg,choking on his blood...Tessa grimaces picturing the grisly scene.RUDYKen took him and ran back toSapphield, while Torgan and Istayed to butcher the bear.TESSA(discontented)You didn't go with Kendalanu?RUDYAnd leave all that meat? No way!Tessa looks at Kendalanu waiting for support.KENDALANUIt was fine, I was keeping the boystable the whole way. I came to theheadman, but he said that hewouldn't pay us! Because the boylost his leg and couldn't workanymore!(sad)He didn't care at all that he wasstill alive!TESSA(shocked)Cruel!RUDYAnd he told us to get out! An oldgoat!(MORE)
6.RUDY (cont'd)(to Tessa)It's a good thing that you cameright after, and we left with you.TORGAN(pointing at a clearance)Look, a clearance.EXT. CLEARANCE IN THE FOREST - CONTINUINGTorgan breaks off some tree branches and puts them down tomake a fireplace. Kendalanu snaps his fingers, creating aspark, and the fire appears on the branches, lighting theplace. Everyone sits down around it. Tessa is impressed howeasy it is for Kendalanu to control fire.TESSASo, you decided to go after the boyjust because you arrived earlierthan me?KENDALANU(shrugs his shoulders)Well, there wasn't much to do thereanyway.RUDYLet's bake the meat!Rudy takes out his bag some bundles with blood stains onthem.RUDY...before our bear goes bad.TESSA(doubtful)Won't it be too tough?Rudy opens his mouth but doesn't have time to answer: behindhis back we hear a ROAR. Rudy quickly gets up, everybodyturns their heads to the forest. A lurching lynx comes out.Its eyes are red, its mouth is pink-ish from the blood fromthe foamy saliva dripping down. From its torn side,something like a snail is ticking up and wriggling.Kendalanu stands up.KENDALANU(frightened)It has parasites!Rudy takes a step back with his axe ready.RUDY(to the lynx, trying tosound confident)What, you smelled blood?
7.Tessa takes a step back too, but falls and crawls to thenearby bush.KENDALANUHit it with fire!The lynx is ready to jump, but Torgan swings his hammer andpins its tail to the ground. The lynx jumps at Rudy, itstail comes off, but the lynx doesn't seem to care. Kendalanuthrows an air wave at it, but misses, and the lynx bitesRudy's arm. Rudy SCREAMS from pain.Tessa is frozen, hiding in the bushes, watching the fightand covering her mouth with her hand, hiding her breath.Kendalanu, panicking, reaches out to the fire and turns itto Rudy, making a fire wall around him and the lynx. Torgan,not knowing what to do, runs closer to Kendalanu with hishammer ready.KENDALANU(loudly, to Rudy)Push it into the fire!However, Rudy doesn't follow Kendalanu's advice. Instead, hestops screaming and looks into the lynx's face.RUDY(to the lynx)Stronger, you say? Will I remain incontrol over myself?KENDALANU(in shock)Rudy!? What are you doing!?Rudy doesn't respond. He leans to the lynx, it startsshaking and leaves Rudy. We can see a black worm going intohis arm.TESSA(quietly, to herself)What in the world...TORGAN(terrified, to Kendalanu)What's happening?KENDALANU(angry and disappointed)Rudy, you idiot!Kendalanu spreads his arms, taking down a part of the firewall, and goes there. Rudy's arm is pulsing with dark purpleveins. He pushes Kendalanu away with force. Torgan runs tothem, but when he comes closer, the lynx jumps on him andputs him on the ground.
8.KENDALANURudy, you're such a jackass!Kendalanu stretches his arms forward, the fire goes out,and, instead, black roots grow out of the ground under Rudy,breaking the snow and wrapping around his legs. Rudy ROARS,but his voice is much deeper now, ECHOING through theforest. Rudy desperately tries to free himself, Kendalanubecomes more tense, and the roots go around Rudy's waist andhis arms, spreading them up to the sides.Meanwhile, the lynx is standing on Torgan's chest with itsmouth open. A twisting black worm crawls out of it. Torganis holding the lynx's head with both his hands, SCREAMINGand trying to push it away from his face. Kendalanu noticesit but can't put his hands down.KENDALANU(desperately)I can't help everyone!Tessa is still hiding in the bushes and watching what'sgoing on. She looks around her, trying to find anything thatcan help, then she looks in her sack. She takes out abottle, wrapped in a piece of cloth. She opens it, it's abeautiful bottle of expensive wine. Tessa looks at it withsorrow, opens it, puts the part of the cloth inside, comesout the bushes, lights the cloth from the burning downbonfire, and throws it into the lynx. The animal is knockedoff Torgan, the bottle breaks, the lynx is on fire, and theworms inside the lynx are SQUEAKING. Having seen that Torganhas been helped, Kendalanu directs the roots up, hangingRudy by his arms on the pine's branches, and, exhausted,falls on his knees.KENDALANURudy, you... Arsehole...Kendalanu looks up, Rudy GURGLES something in response. Onfire, the lynx doesn't move, neither do the worms inside it.Tessa gives her hand to Torgan and helps him to get up,Torgan runs to Kendalanu.TORGANKen, you alright?KENDALANU(sad)You should worry about Rudy, notme...Torgan looks up, Rudy's unsuccessfully trying to freehimself.TORGANWhat's with him?Kendalanu angrily looks at the lynx body.
9.KENDALANUThe Devil's Worm. It offered somekind of a deal to Rudy, and he,pumpkin-head, agreed. Of course, ittricked him and took over his body!Tessa is standing behind the men, listening with interestand worry, and looking at Rudy.TORGANDidn't know worms could speak...KENDALANUIt's magic.Kendalanu stands up and shakes the snow off his clothes.KENDALANUA dark creature of a sick mage.TORGANHow did it end up here?KENDALANUEscaped? Hunted here? Who knows?TESSACan you do something about it?KENDALANU(sighs)I can try... But you...Kendalanu turns to Tessa.KENDALANUWhy didn't you help?Tessa crosses her arms on her chest.TESSAI'm a merchant, not a fighter.Besides,..(nods toward Torgan)I did help.KENDALANUWhat if we all died here?Tessa goes to the bonfire and sits down on the trampledsnow.TESSADon't you have your guards toprotect you?KENDALANUThey aren't my guards, they are myhelpers. And I'm not a battle mage.
10.TESSAAnd I'm not your, guys, friend.It's trade and market relations.Kendalanu sits down too.KENDALANUWe don't have to be friends, but weneed to help each other if we wantto make it through the forest.Tessa leans her head to the side a little, but doesn'tanswer.TORGANWhat about Rudy?KENDALANUOh, let me gather some strength.Kendalanu takes out his bag a blanket, puts it on the snowand lies on it. Tessa looks at Rudy who is trying to freehimself and MUMBLES something in a weird voice.TESSAYou gonna leave him like that?KENDALANUHe won't go anywhere. I'll performthe ritual at midnight. When themagic's the strongest.Tessa looks at the sky. The moon's just risen.Torgan squeamishly takes the lynx body and throws it intothe woods, far from the clearing, then sits down as well,moves the coals with a stick to bring the fire back, andstarts to put the bear meat on the sticks. Tessa looks athim, not understanding.TORGAN(to Tessa)Before some animals come hereagain.When the first stick with the meat is done, Torgan passes itto Tessa.TORGANIt was a nice move. With thebottle.TESSAWell, thank you.TORGANAnd with fire, just what wasneeded.
11.KENDALANUIndeed, well thought out. Whotaught you that?Tessa becomes tense.TESSAMy father.KENDALANUHmm... Who is he?TESSAWas.KENDALANUOh...TESSAI don't remember.(grins)Besides, who has living parentsnowadays?Kendalanu raises his eyebrow. Torgan has another stick withmeat ready.TORGANKen, you want some?KENDALANUNah. Tessa, sorry for asking, butdid your parents die because of thesame disease as your sister has?Torgan bites large pieces of the meat.TESSA(tense)No. But it doesn't matter.Tessa looks into the fire.INT. TESSA'S OLD HOUSE (FLASHBACK)Through the fire, Tessa sees rapid pictures of her memories:a gang of outlaws break into the house; Tessa, yet young,and her little sister, CHANDRA, embrace each other,terrified; their mother hide them behind the stove, Tessacovers Chandra's mouth so she doesn't scream; Chandra cries;the gang THREATENS the parents; furniture FLIPS, dishesBREAK; the sisters see their dead parents, lying on thefloor in the empty house.EXT. FOREST - NIGHTTessa and Chandra run away, holding hands. They are scaredand don't know what to do and where to go.
12.EXT. CLEARANCE IN THE FOREST - NIGHT (BACK TO REALITY)Tessa hugs her knees.TESSAI suppose you also have a sister,Kendalanu?Kendalanu takes a deep breath.KENDALANUYeah... Same symptoms as yours has.I can feel it black magic.Kendalanu makes a fist.TESSAYou sure?KENDALANUIf you thought otherwise, youwouldn't have called for me.Torgan grins. Kendalanu looks up at the moon.KENDALANUMidnight.Kendlanu sits up, takes out a flask from his sack, opens itand drinks from it, then stands up and approaches Rudy, whois not so active anymore. Kendalanu reaches his hand, and,with magic, weakens the roots, lowering Rudy to the samelevel as him. Rudy bucks up, ROARS and tries to free himselfagain.Tessa comes closer.TESSACan't we chop his arm off, and youjust grow it back after?Kendalanu looks at Tessa with indignation and surprise.Torgan comes closer to them.KENDALANUWhat!? Magic doesn't work likethat!TORGAN(simultaneously withKendalanu, parodyinghim)Magic doesn't work like that!Kendalanu gives Torgan a quick indignant look, then looksback at Tessa who becomes embarrassed and looks away.
13.KENDALANUBesides, it's too late to chop offanything.Kendalanu points at Rudy's veins which have already reachedhis neck. Rudy smiles widely and HUMS something.KENDALANUI can only perform a ritual. Yougot some candles? Any will work.Tessa puts her hand in her sack.TESSA(hiding her awkwardness)Yeah... About three...KENDALANU(nods)That's enough.Tessa takes out of her sack three candles and gives toKendalanu, he takes only two, gives one to Torgan and keepsthe second to himself. Kendalanu points at Rudy's spreadedarms.KENDALANU(to Tessa and Torgan)Stand by his sides.Kendalanu moves his hand and lights all three candles.Tessa, who stands closer to the affected side, looks at Rudywith worry, not willing to come closer. Torgan notices herface, comes to her and taps on her shoulder.TORGANThat's fine, I'll stand here.Cautious, Torgan stands by the affected side. Tessa looks athim with gratitude and stands by the other side, but stillworried. Kendalanu is standing in front of Rudy, looking inhis face. The candle fire reflects in their eyes.KENDALANUBe ready for unexpected things.Tessa widens her eyes, looks at Kendalanu, then at Torgan,who remains serious. Kendalanu takes a deep breath andstarts to read a spell.KENDALANUDyr bul shchyl, Ubiesh shchur,Skum...Rudy looks at Kendalanu with curiosity, then, havingrealized what's going on, ROARS and fiercely tries to freehimself again.
14.KENDALANUVy so bu, Er el ez...Rudy throws his head back, rolls his eyes which are alreadypurple, and opens his mouth. Instead of the tongue, there isthe worm's tail. Rudy HUMS.KENDALANUMisha raia, Kharie krishna...The fire of the candles goes wild, Torgan's candle fades, sodoes Tessa's. Panicking, Tessa looks at the men, not knowingwhether she should run.KENDALANUVarkalos, Khlivkiie shorki.Kendalanu's candle fades with his last word. The worm fallsout of Rudy's mouth and lands on Torgan's boot. Rudy loseshis consciousness. The worm quickly goes up Torgan's leg.Torgan GIVES A CRY, drops the candle and starts slappinghimself, but misses the worm. Tessa drops her candle too,puts her hand in her sack and takes out a pouch. When theworm is already on Torgan's chest, Tessa catches it with thepouch, ties it and throws it into the bonfire. The worminside the pouch SQUEAKS. Torgan keeps slapping himself, notrealizing that he's safe now. Tessa puts her hand on hisshoulder.TESSAHey! Hey! It's over!Without looking at Tessa, Kendalanu gives her the candlehe's been holding, and takes Rudy's face with both hishands. The purple veins became lighter. Torgan calms down.TORGAN(heavily breathing)Well?Kendalanu leaves Rudy's face and moves his hands, weakeningthe roots. Rudy falls in Kendalanu's arms.KENDALANU(exhales)He'll leave. That's all I canpromise.(to Rudy, with sadness)You, fool...Torgan is relieved. Kendalanu puts Rudy on the blanket andsits next to him.TORGAN(to Tessa)It was a nice move, with the worm.Tired, Tessa shrugs her shoulders, takes out of her sack arolled blanket, straightens it on the ground and lies down
15.on it.TORGAN(to Tessa)If not for you, I'd be like Rudymyself.TESSA(turning her back toTorgan)Good night.Darsia watches them going to sleep from a pine branch.INT. CASTLE - CONTINUINGDorothy sees the group as well through the green glowingball. We still can't see her face.DOROTHYYou think they handled it well? Ididn't expect one of them toactually make the deal.DARSIA (V. O.)Mage did well... Perhaps, watchmore, my lady?Dorothy changes her pose, crossing her legs.DOROTHY(interested)We'll see if all of them wake up inthe morning...EXT. CLEARANCE IN THE FOREST - MORNINGTessa wakes up, breathes steam out of her mouth because ofthe cold, shrugs and wraps up in her cloak. The bonfire hasalready gone out. Tessa looks at Torgan and Kendalanu, theyare both sitting by Rudy. Kendalanu touches Rudy's cheek.TORGANIs he alive?KENDALANUHe is.(to Rudy, softly)Hey, buddy...Kendalanu shakes Rudy's shoulder.KENDALANUTime to wake up.Rudy opens his eyes, looks at the men, and, in fear, springsback. Kendalanu reaches his hand to Rudy.
16.KENDALANU(smiles)Hey... It's just us.RUDY(confused and scared)Who are you!?Kendalanu stops smiling and looks at Torgan, Tessa quicklyturns her body to them.TESSA(to herself)What in the world...RUDYYou hear me!? Who are you?.. Andwho am I?..TORGAN(to Kendalanu)How long he's gonna be like this?Kendalanu touches his forehead.KENDALANU(to Rudy)I removed the worm but it lookslike I couldn't restore yourmind...RUDYWhat the hell are you talkingabout!?TORGAN(to Kendalanu)Can you fix him now?KENDALANUI don't think so...Tessa stands up and approaches them.TESSA(irritated)Oh, Gods...KENDALANUWe're your friends, Rudy. And Rudyis your name.RUDYWhy can't I remember anything?KENDALANUBecause your mind was affectedbadly. Trust me, we're not gonnahurt you.
17.TORGANYeah, you're not tied up orsomething...Rudy mistrustfully looks at them, not saying anything.TESSAAre we really gonna do babysittingnow?KENDALANU(to Tessa)Oh, no, we can just go back if youwant.TESSANo! I mean... We don't have all dayfor this.KENDALANUHe's our friend. I'm not leavinghim.TESSAFine! Whatever! Let's just take himto Shieldbrook. No point stayinghere in this cold.KENDALANU(to Rudy)Rudy, you gotta trust us. We're notleaving you here. Let's go.Kendalanu gives his hand to Rudy to help him get up, Rudyaccepts it. Torgan purses his lips and friendly slaps onRudy's back.TORGANYou gonna be fine.KENDALANU(to Tessa)You wanna go through the forest?TESSAWell, yes.KENDALANUI know a shorter way, through thecave. Come, I'll show the way.The group takes their belongings, Torgan covers thefireplace with snow, using his foot. The group goes afterKendalanu. Darsia watches them leaving from the tree.INT. CASTLE - CONTINUINGDorothy sees what's going on through the magic ball. Shebangs her fist on the table and stands up.
18.DOROTHY(irritated)How did he lose his memory??DARSIA (V. O.)My lady, there are still morethree...Dorothy goes around the room. She is in her middles, wearinga long dark purple dress with golden ornament. Her long hairis braided.DOROTHYFeels like I'm wasting my time withthem.DARSIA (V. O.)You can't be wrong, my lady...Dorothy turns to the ball and touches her chin, thinking.DOROTHYI think I can turn this situationin my favor.EXT. FOREST - MORNING, LATERThe group is going through the forest. It's not so sunnyanymore, and it's a little windy. Rudy is listening towhat's Kendalanu saying with shock and mistrust on his face.Tessa is also impressed by the story.KENDALANU...and you're running on it,screaming and waving with your axe.So, you jump over it and cut therope in the air.RUDYCan't believe I did all that. Ithink I'd never do it now. You sureit was me?KENDALANU(sad and missing the oldRudy)Absolutely.Torgan puts his hand on Rudy's shoulder, Rudy is seeminglyuncomfortable with that.TORGANHey, you'll do not only that oncewe bump into someone.RUDY(worried)Hope, not.
19.EXT. AT THE CAVE ENTRANCE - CONTINUINGTessa sees the cave and points at it.TESSAIs this the cave you've beentalking about, Kendalanu?KENDALANUYes.The group comes closer. At the entrance, runes are carved.Some of them are lined up and curved like a snake. Torganpoints at them.TORGANWhat do these mean?Kendalanu comes closer to the runes and examines them.KENDALANUHmm... They say that it's a holyplace. Lots of them are ofreligious topic. If you need anaccurate translation, I will needsome time,(turns to Tessa)...which we don't really have.TESSA(to Kendalanu)I've never heard of a saint placenear Shieldbrook. How do you knowaboit it?KENDALANUThis used to be one of Erisia'stemples. Actually, there should beone more somewhere East.TESSAErisia? The goddess of fire?KENDALANUYes.Rudy points at a carved rune on the lowest part of theentrance. This rune doesn't look so ancient as the rest.It's also more sloppy and cramped.RUDYWhat does this say?Kendalanu squats to see it better. He examines it for acouple of seconds.KENDALANUHmm... Can't really understand whatit says...
20.TORGANSomething about holiness as well?KENDALANUI wouldn't say so. It's about theentrance but I don't think it'simportant.Kendalanu stands up.KENDALANUWell, who wants to go first?TESSAYou're the one who brought us here,so you should go first.RUDYShe's right.Torgan and Kendalanu look at Rudy with a great surprise.KENDALANURudy, where's your bravery?RUDY(crosses his arms)I don't remember being this brave.I don't even remember being Rudy.Kendalanu and Torgan look at each other.TESSASo you go first, Kendalanu.KENDALANU(raises his hands alittle, giving up)Fine, follow me.The group goes inside: first Kendalanu, then Torgan, Rudy,and Tessa.INT. INSIDE THE CAVE - CONTINUINGTo help themselves in the cave, they hold on the walls. WhenTessa enters the cave, she accidentally presses something inthe wall, and the entrance quickly and LOUDLY CLOSES behindthem, leaving the group in the dark.RUDY(scared)Oh, no...KENDALANUAh, so THIS is what that rune wassaying...
21.Kendalanu snaps his fingers, creating a little flying light.The place becomes lightened, Rudy sees two skeletons by oneof the walls and CRIES OUT.TESSA(hiding her worry)Seems like the entrance closedbehind these two as well...RUDYKendalanu, you sure we're not gonnadie here?KENDALANUWe'll just go through the templeand go out on the other side.(to Rudy)And, please, call me Ken.Torgan looks at the skeletons.TORGANLet's go before we join these guys.Kendalanu puts the little light higher, above his head, andgoes further in the cave. The little light follows him, andso does the group.INT. ERISIA'S TEMPLE, THE MAIN HALL - CONTINUINGThe group enters a long tall hall with stone columns aroundthe perimeter. The walls and the floor are overgrown withgrass and moss, the only light source, besides Kendalanu'slittle light, are small holes in the ceiling which let in alittle sunlight. Each step taken on the stone floor ECHOESthrough the hall. The group is impressed by the size of theplace as they move further.A black snake, HISSING, approaches Tessa's feet. She jumpsaside a little.TESSAOh, Gods!Torgan rapidly takes his hammer and smashes the snake. Whenhe lifts the hammer, there's no sign of the snake.TORGAN(frowns)Where did it go?Tessa and Rudy look around.RUDYWhat if it's not the only one...KENDALANUPraise the gods and the goddesses!
22.Tessa, Rudy and Torgan turn to Kendalanu, he is looking at aflower in the grass. He squats to collect it.KENDALANUIsn't it Medula Darosa!?(to the flower)How did you end up here?When Kendalanu touches the flower, it turns into the blacksnake, HISSES, and tries to bite him, but vanishes withouthaving touched him.KENDALANUOh! Oh... I see... It's anillusion.TESSAAn illusion?KENDALANUI know, it's weird for this place.Kendalanu stands up.KENDALANUBesides, I think I sense blackmagic here, which is also nottypical for this temple.RUDYAre we in danger?KENDALANUNot yet.Tessa raises her eyebrows.TESSARemember, guys, that I'm not goingto pay you if we all die here.As the group moves further, there's more and more vegetationaround.KENDALANUIf we turn here, we'll enter thechambers wing. There's usuallyanother exit.INT. ERISIA'S TEMPLE, THE CHAMBERS WING - CONTINUINGThe group turns the corner and enters another long corridor.It's more narrow and more dimmed, so the only significantlight source is Kendalanu's little light. Here, there's notso much vegetation, though, some mushrooms begin to appear.On both sides of the corridor there are old heavy stonedoors. As the group goes further, HUMAN VOICES are heard.
23.RUDYYou hear?TORGANAre these illusions too?KENDALANUIf they are, we're safe.RUDYAnd if they're not?Torgan points at Rudy's axe. Rudy looks at it, without aclear understanding of how to use it.TORGANWe smash them.KENDALANUWell, let's find out what's goingon here.The group proceeds to the SOUND OF HUMAN VOICES, as theycome closer, the voices become LOUDER and remind chanting.Also, a light is coming from one of the room, where there'sno stone door. Torgan has his hammer ready, Rudy is tryingto walk behind Torgan, Tessa is going with her arms crossedon her chest as she is willing to arrive at Shieldbrooksooner, Kendalanu is listening to the chanting, frowning.Kendalanu gives Torgan a sign with his hand, and, withouthesitation, they both come in the room.INT. ERISIA'S TEMPLE, THE PLACE OF THE RITUAL - CONTINUINGThis is a stone chamber with no furniture inside, however,there are lots of lightened candles. There are eight people,cultists, forming a circle around a boy lying in the center.The people are dressed in dark red cloaks, their faces arehidden under the hoods. One of them is THE LEADER, his cloakis with golden ornament, and he is taller than the others.They are all CHANTING, calling for Erisia.CULTISTS(chanting,simultaneously)Siiaiushchaia volza, Oh, Erisia,Zhelaiemykh riesnits...Seeing this, Kendalanu freezes, surprised, for a second,then becomes furious.KENDALANUI. Hate. Black! Magic!The cultists turn their heads toward Kendalanu and stopchanting.
24.THE LEADER OF THE CULTISTS(to his followers)Why did you stop!? The ritual's notfinished!The leader makes a move with his hands and throws a fireballin Kendalanu. Reflexively, Kendalanu covers his face withhis arms, but Torgan steps forward and hits the fireballwith his hammer, throwing it back into the cultists. One ofthem is on fire now, SCREAMING.KENDALANU(to Torgan)Don't hit the boy!INTERCUTTessa and Rudy are standing by both sides of the doorway,pressing against the wall, worried and frightened. In theroom where the ritual was there are bright flashes andSCREAMS AND SMASHING NOISES.TESSAGods, not a fight again... Rudolf,you gonna do something?A fireball LOUDLY flies out of the room and fleetinglypasses between them.RUDYWhat do you want me to do?!TESSAI don't know! You're the one withweapon here!INTERCUTKendalanu makes a move with his hands and creates aprotective dome above the boy that doesn't let the cultistsin. Torgan GIVES A WAR CRY and runs toward the foes,swinging with his hammer and hitting everyone who stands inhis way. The leader of the cultists flies up in the air andspreads his arms widely. Kendalanu watches him, not knowingwhat the leader is going to do. One of the cultists jumps onKendalanu, but Torgan hits him in the air, and the cultistflies into the wall.KENDALANU(to Torgan)Thanks...The leader of the cultists starts to shoot fire beams,Kendalanu and Torgan jump aside. The fire beams leave blackmarks on the stone.Another cultist throws a fireball into Kendalanu, he bendsdown to avoid it, and Torgan hits the cultist with hishammer, then points at the leader.
25.TORGANHe's the only one left!The leader shoots Torgan with fire beams, Torgan dodges sothe fire barely touches the end of his hair.KENDALANUI can't avoid him and hold theshield!INTERCUTRUDY(frightened, begging)Tessa, do something!TESSAYou're really not Rudy anymore, areyou?Tessa picks up a weighty stone and throws it to Rudy, hecatches it.TESSAHere! Throw it into the flying guy!RUDYI can't!TESSAYou're stronger than me! Come on!Rudy looks at the stone, then comes in the room.INTERCUTThe leader starts to shoot Kendalanu, but Rudy throws thestone into him. Having been hit, the leader moves his bodyand the beams as well, hitting the stone joists that holdthe ceiling. From the impact, they crack, and the roombegins to fall apart. One of the stones from the ceilinghits the leader, pinning him to the floor. Kendalanu removesthe shield above the boy, points Torgan with his head at theboy, Torgan runs to him, picks the boy up, and runs withKendalanu out of the room. Tessa comes in to grab the arm offrozen Rudy and to take him out. They all leave the crushingroom.INTERCUTThe group runs further from the doorway of the LOUDLYCRUSHING room and stops. Torgan puts the boy on the floor.His name is AURON, he's 9-10 years old, dressed in pants, ashirt, an old fur coat and winter boots with holes in thesoles. He is holding a dark book with leather cover. Auronis conscious but weak.TESSAHey, I know him!
26.KENDALANUYou do?TESSAHe's from Shieldbrook. His father'sa miner, and his mother's a thiefand a drunk.RUDYHow do you know all that?TESSABecause, first, everyone knowseverybody in Shieldbrook, and,second, she tried to steal from me.RUDYOh...Auron MOANS not loudly. Kendalanu leans to him.KENDALANUHey, how do you feel?AURONI'm tired...KENDALANUWhat's that you holding?Kendalanu takes the book, Auron doesn't resist. Kendalanuopens the book and starts examining it.TESSAAuron, right?AURONI know you too...TESSAOf course you would. So how did youget here? Who were those people?AURONI don't remember...(whines)I wanna go home...TESSAWe'll take you there, buddy.KENDALANUThey are the reasons for thoseillusions!The group turns to Kendalanu.
27.KENDALANUThose people! They were cultists,trying to get power from Erisia.TESSA(worried)They got Erisia's power? I thoughtthey were just mages like you...KENDALANUThey tried. But they were not verysuccessful.TORGAN(showing his burned hair)They definitely got some power...KENDALANUI mean, they clearly didn't knowwhat they were doing.(demonstrates the book)Looks like they just tried everyritual from this book. See? TheDevil's Worm is one of them.Rudy looks at Kendalanu with a misunderstanding. Kendalanunotices it.KENDALANU(to Rudy)The one that took your mind away.RUDYAre you saying that these ruins arefull of such creatures?KENDALANUNot necessarily. They clearly lostcontrol over them, otherwise wewouldn't meet one wildly roamingthe forest.TESSAWhat about Auron? What did they doto him?Kendalanu turns the pages of the book.KENDALANUHmm... I can see a ritual thatlooks like what I saw and involvesa child. But it has reallyconfusing instructions.AURONWhen are we gonna go home? I'msleepy... And I want water...
28.Torgan takes out his flask, opens it, and helps Auron todrink from it.KENDALANULooks like if one performs theritual incorrectly,(looks at Auron over thebook)...the subject'll get deadly ill...Everyone looks at Auron. He's pale, greedily drinking thewater.TESSA(serious)And the symptoms are?..KENDALANU(serious and tense,looking at Auron)They're not stated here, but lookslike paleness, great thirst andlack of energy...Tessa and Kendalanu look at each other.TESSAThat's what my sister has.KENDALANU(simultaneously withTessa)That's what my sister has.TESSA(serious)Is she gonna die?Kendalanu gives the book to Torgan and squats by Auron. Theboy almost fell asleep.KENDALANUI'm sure I can cure Auron on thisstage if we bring him toShieldbrook soon enough.(to Tessa)Can't promise anything about yoursister though. I need to look ather first.TESSA(hiding her despair)I'm not paying if she dies.KENDALANUI know. But it's not the issue.RUDYWait, are we sick as well?
29.KENDALANUNo, we were not a part of theritual.RUDYYou sure?TORGANWhy you so worried about it?RUDYBecause I don't want to die?TORGANKen told us we won't.RUDYLook, I don't know what reactionyou expect of me! I don't know howRudy would react! I am not Rudyanymore!TESSACalm down! Everyone got problemshere, okay? We'll think about yoursa bit later!RUDYWe don't even know where the exitis!TORGANActually...Torgan opens the book, there is a map of the temple. Hepoints at one of the exits.TORGANLooks like an exit to me.RUDYGreat! Let's get out of here!Kendalanu takes the book back, points Torgan at Auron,Torgan takes the boy, and the group moves further. Darsiawatches them from one of the dark corners of the temple.INT. CASTLE - CONTINUINGDorothy watches them through the ball. She's thinking aboutthe situation.DOROTHYI don't think he's in the lines.DARSIA (V. O.)Perhaps, he shouldn't, my lady...
30.DOROTHY"The truthseeker, the greatestthief, the one who's cursed, thetwins, the child with the power,and the guide". The one with thememory loss could be thetruthseeker, but he's not strongenough to hold the key.DARSIA (V. O.)Send invitations?DOROTHYFor now, you can reveal yourself alittle. Not here, though, so theydon't take you for an illusion.DARSIA (V. O.)Yes, my lady...EXT. AT THE CAVE EXIT - LATERThe group come out of the cave and find themselves at thetop of the hill. Beneath them, there's forest and a largesettlement a little further. The snow is untouched and isforming snowdrifts.TESSADidn't know there was a cave soclose to Shieldbrook...TORGAN(fixing Auron in hisarms)It's good that it's so close.KENDALANUAh, I told you it was a shorterway.TESSAGood that you didn't die there.Tessa goes forward through the snowdrifts and slides downthe hill.TESSA(excited)Ah!Rudy, Torgan and Kendalanu don't slide down but walk throughthe snowdrifts. Torgan tries to be especially careful. Tessais waiting for them.RUDYSo what we gonna do after we cureTessa's sister?
31.KENDALANUGo home? Cure my sister.RUDYWhat if I don't wanna go home.KENDALANUYou what?RUDYI mean... Judging by the storiesyou told me, looks like Rudy was agreat guy, likely had lots offriends. I'm not him anymore, youclearly noticed that, and so willpeople back home.Kendalanu and Torgan exchange glances.RUDYI just don't want anyone to expectme to behave like him. And everyonewill be like: "Oh, Rudy! Why didn'tyou do that? Why didn't you saythis?" I don't need that.TESSASo whacha gonna do? Stay inShieldbrook?RUDYCan I?KENDALANUWhat?TORGANWhat?TESSAYou can...EXT. THE ROAD TO SHIELDBROOK - CONTINUINGEveryone has already gone down from the hill and goes on theroad through the forest in the direction of Shieldbrook.KENDALANURudy, do you understand what you'resaying?RUDYSee? You think that Rudy wouldn'tsay this! And I'm not him!TORGANRudy...
32.RUDY(interrupts)Don't call me Rudy anymore! I'm adifferent person now! I'm gonnastart a new life in Shieldbrook!Present myself as who I am now!TESSAWhatever. You can work in themines, you know?RUDY(not so enthusiastic)The mines?..TESSAAuron's father is a miner, we'lltake the boy home and ask aboutplacing you there, Ru... How do youwant us to call you now?RUDYEmm... Nathan. Are the mines theonly option?TESSANice to meet you, Nathan.KENDALANU(to Rudy)What about your house? What do wetell the people who knew you?NATHANYou can tell them I died.Torgan and Kendalanu look at Nathan with shock.NATHANMake up a good story in Rudy-stylehow he went on a dragon with hisbare hands. About the house, letsome homeless guy move in there orsomething.Kendalanu and Torgan listen to Nathan seriously.NATHANDid I have any family?Torgan looks at Kendalanu. Kendalanu takes a few momentsbefore answering.KENDALANUNo.NATHANGood. Less people to grief.
33.When Nathan turns his head back to the road, Torgan widenshis eyes to Kendalanu, Kendalanu puts his hand on Torgan'sshoulder and shakes his head.KENDALANU(quietly to Torgan)He wouldn't know what to do aboutit.Tessa sees all that but doesn't say anything.