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INFORMATION2025HANDBOOKContemporary, Creative, Christian

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Welcome to Mamre AnglicanSchool I N F O R M A T I O N H A N D B O O K 2 0 2 52

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PRINCIPAL’S WELCOMEMamre Anglican School is a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 co-educational school, offering a rich,academic and co-curricular program. Our school is located in a beautiful landscape. The School isoperated by the Anglican Schools Corporation and is distinctively Christian in its stance. We are part ofseveral networks of schools, and affiliated with the Association of Independent Schools (AIS), theChristian Schools Sports Association (CSSA) and the Combined Independent Schools Sports Council(CIS).We offer a range of programs to suit every child. Our extra-curricular programs include an outstandingFootball Coaching Academy involving hundreds of students, and we encourage our students to beengaged in competitions and excursions with academic inclusion.At Mamre Anglican School we are Contemporary, Creative and Christian. While parents of studentsneed not be Anglican or Christian, you should be supportive of the School’s Christian philosophy andprinciples. We will strongly encourage your child to engage in the wide variety of programs at Mamre.Active involvement and everyday learning activities in the classroom create happy memories of schoolingthroughout life.Welcome to Mamre Anglican School and our Programs for 2025.20 25 Ross WhelanPrincipal 4

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Mrs Julie-Ann Thomas Deputy PrincipalMr Steve Nott Head of Junior SchoolMrs Katie Gillespie Head of Senior SchoolKEY STAFF 20 25Mrs Elizabeth Cumming Director of StudentWellbeing & Growth 7-12 5Mrs Marijana Mitrovic Business ManagerMr Sergio Malfara Head of Sport & FootballMs Josephine Schembri School Counsellor Mrs Sharon MeyersDirector of StudiesMr Reuben Melendez Director of Wellbeing &Development P-6Mr Glenn WilkinsDirector of Operations &Head of Faculty HSIE

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OFFICE STAFF20 256Mrs Sue Pritchard Principal’s AssistantEnrolments RegistrarMrs Emma ThompsonOperations AssistantMrs Rebecca BellinghamAdministrative Assistant toHeads of SchoolMrs Vittoria Pasqua Principal’s AssistantEnrolments RegistrarMs Anne Lynch Main ReceptionMrs Amanda HoffmanStudent ReceptionMrs Alison Wahlen Student Reception Mrs Heidi LattyMain Reception

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SCHOOL CONTACTS 7Mamre Anglican School 02 9834 1881 | Ross Whelan Principal Julie-Ann Thomas Deputy Principal Steve Nott Head of Junior Katie GillespieHead of Senior School Marijana Mitrovic Business Manager Glenn WilkinsDirector of Operations &Head Faculty of Sharon Meyers Director of Studies P-12 Mr Reuben Melendez Director of Student Wellbeing Development P-6 Elizabeth Cumming Director of Student Wellbeing & Growth 7-12 Mr Sergio Malfara Head of Sport & Josephine Schembri School Counsellor

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SCHOOL CONTACTS 20 258Mrs Sue Pritchard Mrs Vittoria Pasqua Principals Assistants & Enrolments Emma Thompson Operations Assistant Rebecca Bellingham Administrative Assistant to Heads of School Anne Lynch Mrs Heidi Latty Office Reception Amanda Hoffman Mrs Alison Wahlen Student Reception Mrs Tracey Walsh Bus Manager Kathleen Chambers Canteen Manager

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SCHOOL CONTACTS 20 259SENIOR SCHOOL HEADS OF FACULTY Mrs Lorraine DredgeHead of Faculty - Mathematics/ Fiona Lavender Head of Faculty - English/LOTE/ Sergio MalfaraHead of Faculty - Sport & Football Daniel Sellen Head of Faculty - TAS/Visual Arts Mr Glenn Wilkins Head of Faculty- HSIE Olivia WintertonHead of Faculty - PDHPE/Music/Sport SCHOOL YEAR COORDINATORS Year 7 Mr Anth Toutounji Year 8 Ms Rebekah 9 Mrs Marianne Matthews Year 10 Mr Ben Carter Year 11 Mrs Elizabeth Year 12 Ms Danielle Roberson

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SCHOOL CONTACTS 20 2510JUNIOR SCHOOL STAGE COORDINATORS Mrs Rachel Guirguis Early Stage 1 Coordinator Emily Downes Stage 1 Coordinator Amy Sheens Stage 2 Coordinator William Rodgers Stage 3 Coordinator

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GENERAL INFORMATION20 25PARENT PARTNERSHIP We regard our School families as partners in the process of educating our young people at Mamre AnglicanSchool. We provide many opportunities for you to be involved and we encourage families to participate,including at Parent Information Evenings, Special Assemblies, Book Fairs, Concerts, Musicals, Events,Carnivals, and perhaps even at a Spring Fair. The School is very appreciative of the ways in which parents,grandparents, family and friends assist by offering time and expertise or the donations of goods andservices. Mamre does not have a P&F but does invite parent helpers for each organised activity. Sub-committees organise activities under the direction of the Principal.PARENT PORTAL - EDUMATE Edumate is the School’s database and allows parents to log in through the Parent Portal to see informationabout their child or children and to update the data held at the school. Using the Parent Portal allows you toedit and update personal details including changes of address, phone number, email and medicalinformation, and to verify your child’s absences from School. Prior to your child’s commencement atMamre, you will be sent your login and password details to enable you to access the Parent Portal. Weencourage you to log in to Edumate to familiarise yourself with the Portal. The first time you log in you willbe asked to change your password, so please ensure you do this, and please update all personal details.Current and correct email addresses are critical to ensure that you receive our regular communications.Some parts of the Parent Portal will not function without a current and correct email address. STUDENT ABSENCE If your child is absent from school for any reason, you may access the Parent Portal after 4.00pm on theday of the absence to record the details of their absence. Alternatively, you may call the School Office on9834 1881. If your child is late to school or needs to leave early for an appointment or other engagement,parents will need to obtain a pass from Student Reception. The School uses an automated attendancereporting tool which forwards an email to parents to advise if their child has been marked absent. Parentshave a maximum of 7 days to be able to verify these absences via the Parent Portal. Instructions on how tocarry out this procedure will be forwarded to you at the time of issuing your username and password.Should you have a question regarding your access to the Parent Portal or information on the Parent Portal,please email the full details of your query to and we will assist youas quickly as possible.All student absences, including partial absences and late arrivals are recorded on student semesterreports. NB: Special leave, holidays etc. longer than two days: A Student Extended Leave Application Formmust be completed and returned to the office for approval by the Principal. These are available to downloadfrom our website under the Mamre Parent Information tab.11

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GENERAL INFORMATION20 25SCHOOL FEES Mamre Anglican School offers affordable fees with special consideration to second and subsequent siblingenrolments. A fee schedule is included in your package. School fees are payable in the first week of eachterm. Payment may be made by Direct Debit, BPay, Credit Card (via Parent Portal), cheque or cash. Weencourage parents to use the Parent Portal for payment of School Fees. Mrs Marijana Mitrovic is theSchool Business Manager and is responsible for the oversight of student fees. Please contact her by emailif you require any assistance - A copy of the Fees and Charges2025 is available under the Mamre Parent Information tab on the school website UP TO DATE We place general announcements about school activities on the Parent Portal. Notes for school excursionsare available on the Parent Portal and are also emailed. Parents are required to grant permission via theParent Portal. The Mamre Newsletter is published once a fortnight.BELL TIMES12

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GENERAL INFORMATION20 25PUBLIC BUSBusways provides a government bus service to students in the local area. Suburbs include St Clair, ErskinePark, Mt Vernon, Colyton, St Marys, Kingswood, Werrington, Wallacia, Luddenham, Claremont Meadows,Twin Creeks, Mt Druitt and Oxley Park. Busways also picks students up from St Marys and Mt Druitt trainstations. The bus timetable is available from Student Reception and is also available on our School websiteunder the Mamre Parent Information tab. Buses drop-off and pick-up students from the bus bay on BakersLane. Students who live within the requisite distance from the School may be eligible for an Opal Card.Applications are made online at BUSThe School has 5 private buses which transport students from outlying areas to and from school each day.Bus routes are available from the Bus Manager. There are limited places available and a waitlist on someof the runs. Please be advised that there is a $280 fee per term/per child to assist with the running costs.For further information about seat availability please email our Bus Manager, Mrs Tracey Walsh AND SAFE TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE CAMPUSA large number of students are driven to and from the School by their parents. Students may be droppedoff in either of the Kiss and Drop areas. Please be aware of the 10km/h speed limit, and maintain caution atall times. Please only park in the designated areas. Senior School students who drive their cars have adesignated student parking area.CANTEENThe canteen operates every day. Our canteen provides fresh home style cooking which is prepared on thepremises. Parents may order student lunches online through the Flexischools Junior School students' lunches must be ordered through Flexischools. SeniorSchool students can order online or from the canteen directly. The current Canteen Menu, Flexischoolsregistration information and a canteen volunteer helper note are available on our School website under theMamre Parent Information tab.OUT OF SCHOOL CAREMamre Anglican School, in partnership with Trinity Catholic School next door, and Ambrose School AgeCare, offers a Before and After School Care Program, for those parents who need their children to arrive atschool before 8.00am or cannot pick their children up by 3.30pm. This can be booked on a regular oroccasional basis. The program is accredited with the Department of Community and Family Services and isregistered with Centrelink, therefore some families may be entitled to a rebate. For more information onyour eligibility, please contact Centrelink Family Line directly on 136 150. Fees include a nourishingbreakfast, afternoon tea and activities.Contact Ambrose on: 0406 021 659 or email Hours:Monday—Friday 6.30am —8.00amMonday—Friday 3.15pm —6.30pmPlaces are available for children in Kindergarten to Year 6.GETTING TO AND FROM MAMRE 13

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MEDICAL & PERSONAL MATTERS20 2514Upon enrolment, it is important that you complete the Medical Information Forms and Media ConsentForms as part of your enrolment application. This is the information we use when we have to contact youabout your child. It is kept secure. Parents are responsible to keep it up to date. Please update andreview any changes on a regular basis via the Parent Portal.Students will inevitably get sick from time to time. Sicknesses, such as coughs and colds may just requiresome rest time and a bit of TLC to help students back to school. Other illnesses may be more serious oreven infectious and may require longer periods from school. If your child is unwell, please keep themhome and ensure they are well again before returning to school. This will prevent illnesses fromspreading to other children in the class or staff.Mamre Anglican School is ‘Allergy Aware’ and the following strategies have been implemented:• All staff are provided with training to manage anaphylaxis. Students with this condition must have an upto date management plan.• Our canteen does not knowingly sell anything which contains nut products.• We inform our School community not to send students to School with any food containing nutproducts such as peanut butter, nutella and nut bars.• Please check food labels, particularly snack foods.ALLERGY AWARENESSIf your child suffers from Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes or Epilepsy please visit your family GP and havethem complete an Action Plan relevant to the medical condition and ensure that it is received by Student Reception staff. Please provide your child’s puffer and/or EpiPen to Student Reception along with an Action Plan. Please ensure it is labelled with your child’s name.ANAPHYLAXIS, ASTHMA, DIABETES AND EPILEPSYIf your child requires the School to administer regular medication, please fill in a Medication AuthorityForm available from Student Reception. Student Reception staff cannot administer medications such asPanadol or Nurofen to students unless parents/guardians have given permisson in the relevant sectionof the Medical History/Conditions and Consent Form. Medications are not to be carried with the student.MEDICATIONSStudents who become ill at School or who have an accident are taken to Student Reception, adjacent toMain Reception. Students are treated by an Admin staff member who has been trained in First Aid.Should it be necessary, parents/carers/guardians will be contacted so that they can take their child home.It is, therefore, essential that reliable and up-to-date contact numbers are provided to the School.ACCIDENT AND ILLNESS AT SCHOOL

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PASTORAL CARE FOR EVERY STUDENT20 25At Mamre we strive to create an environment where young people feel safe and supported, and areable to develop their gifts and individual passions. We believe that every young person is created byGod in His image. Each person is unique and valued. Our aim is to support all young people indeveloping learning habits for life, and celebrate the many positive contributions each one can bringto our school community and beyond. Having opportunities to know your child well and understandtheir needs and support particular areas of well-being, discipline and pastoral care is our goal. 15STUDENT WELL-BEINGAt Mamre Anglican School, the school counselling service is available to assist in the well-being of ourstudents and their families. Our School Counsellor, Ms Josephine Schembri, is an experienced andqualified clinical counsellor. Her passion lies with helping children and adolescents to address theirissues, and then encouraging them to set and achieve their life goals. Her areas of work with studentsincludes • Family Separation and Divorce • Anxiety and Depression • Stress Management • Behaviouraland Anger Management • Bullying Issues • Transitions in Life • Conflict Resolution. Ms Schembri is accessible from Monday to Thursday, every week of the school year. School counselling is a confidential service. Confidentiality will be maintained unless the AustralianChild Protection Legislation overrides it. Confidentiality will not be maintained where a student is at riskof significant harm or where a student is at risk of harming another person. In this case, confidentialinformation will be passed onto the Principal and/or external agencies. The school counselling servicemay be accessed through a referral process. A parent, carer or guardian is required to complete aParent Referral Form and return it to the School (the form may be obtained through the School office orby emailing the School counsellor directly). Once a referral form has been received, Ms Schembri willinform the student of the arrangements as to how the School counselling service will be accessed. Theparents, carers and/or guardians will be included from the onset of counselling unless (on limitedoccasions) a student refers themselves to counselling. Ms Schembri will inform a parent, carer orguardian of their child’s initial counselling session, however no confidential information will be disclosed. The School Counsellor works with students to aid them in improving their mental well-being. At MamreAnglican School, teachers also have the ability to make referrals on behalf of a student to access theSchool counselling service. If this occurs, the parent, carer or guardian will be advised of this referral. In the Junior School, Stage Coordinators are supported by the Director of Well-Being andDevelopment, Mr Reuben Melendez, working in close collaboration with Mr Stephen Nott, Head ofJunior School, and the School Counsellor. Our aim is to partner with parents to develop your child, andto see our students think and flourish in character, leadership and faith.In the Senior School, the students first point of contact for any pastoral care is their Connect Teacher.The Connect Teacher will also function as a support for your child. Connect Teachers at Mamre reportto, and are supported by, Year Coordinators. Their role is to oversee pastoral care and co-ordinate thewell-being needs of all students within their year group and to deal with more complex disciplinematters should they arise. You should feel free to contact your child’s Year Coordinator or ConnectTeacher to alert them to any well-being needs or practical matters relating to the day-to-day needs ofyour child or to ask for their assistance in any matter. Contact can be made by email or through StudentReception. In Senior School, Year Coordinators are supported by the Head of Senior School, Mrs KatieGillespie, and the School Counsellor. SCHOOL COUNSELLOR

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PASTORAL CARE FOR EVERY STUDENT20 25SENIOR SCHOOL STUDENT DIARYEvery student in Year 7-12 has a Student Diary. Students are expected to have this on them in all classesand for all learning activities. We require all parents to sight and sign the Student Diary each weekendto review the week that has concluded. Teachers often write encouragement and provide any feedbackwhere required improvement needs to be made. Parents and carers can also use the diary to write shortnotes to teachers. Students should be using this tool as a way of being prepared and well planned. Moststudents will require continued support in building organisational skills. Once developed, these positivehabits will serve students well beyond schooling. LAPTOPS IN SENIOR SCHOOL - BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE POLICYLaptops are required for all students in Years 7 - 12. Where available, textbooks are uploaded onto thestudent’s device and they are also used for interactive learning across a range of subjects. Please takesome time to review the Technology@Mamre Handbook under the Mamre Parent Information tab on ourwebsite to ensure your child has a laptop with appropriate RAM, memory, battery life and screen size.Students are expected to bring a fully charged device every day.MOBILE PHONE USE & EXPECTATIONSWe have clear and firm expectations for all Mamre students who choose to bring mobile phones to school. When students arrive at school all mobile phones must be placed in the student lockers for theremainder of the day. Mobile phones should not be taken off-site to sport, on excursions or to formal school activities,including our camping programs. Students arriving early or remaining after school for co-curricular activities (Including the MamreFootball Academy) need to have their mobile phones off and in their school bags for the entirety of theprograms.Students are not permitted to use their mobile phone to pay at the school canteen. Physical Debitcards, pre-ordering or cash are to be used. After the end of day bell, students may turn their phones on to check important communication withparents/carers. However, students are not to use mobile phones for any other purpose includinggames, social media, or entertainment. Phones then need to be placed back in their bags for safekeeping. Any students travelling home on a public/private school bus must ensure that all mobile phone use isrespectful, responsible and safe at all times. Any important/urgent communication required between students and parents/carers during schooltime needs to be conducted through Student Reception who will be more than happy to assist. Significant consequences will be issued for inappropriate phone use, which could include suspension. 16

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PASTORAL CARE FOR EVERY STUDENT20 25PERSONAL PROPERTYStudents must show regard for other students’ property, as well as their own. It is important that ALL itemsof property are labelled clearly with the name of the owner. Lost property is placed on the lost propertyshelves in the Junior School. It is the responsibility of the students to retrieve any lost property. Allunclaimed lost property is donated to the Mamre Second Hand Uniform Shop at the end of each term. SENIOR SCHOOL STUDENT LOCKER USE Students in Years 7 - 12 will be issued with a student locker. Lockers need to be kept clean and tidy andlocked with a combination lock when not in use. Students must only use the locker that is assigned tothem, and may not open or access another student’s locker for any reason. If deliberate damage is causedstudents/parents will be expected to pay for any required repairs or replacement. Student lockers remain aschool resource and, if required, staff may need to access student lockers as approved for varied reasons. CARE OF SCHOOL FACILITIESStudents are expected to treat school property with respect and care. Liquid Paper correction fluid is notpermitted at School. All students are encouraged to place all rubbish and litter in the bins provided.LIBRARYThe Library is a vibrant hub located at the heart of the school, both physically and within our learningprogram. Our aim is to enhance and enrich teaching and learning across Pre-K to Year 12 curriculum ofthe school. We aim to instill a love for reading, teach students to be effective and ethical users ofinformation, and prepare them to be life-long learners.The Library offers a diverse range of programs and services for students from Pre-K to Year 12. Ourcollection includes resources for pleasure and research, alongside digital access to autoritative platformssuch as World Book Online, Brittanica, Wheelers eBooks, eTextbooks, and ClickView Online.Junior School: Students borrow weekly in their Library lessons under the supervision of the LibraryTeacher and Library Technician. Senior School: Students are issued textbooks, including e-versions, and frequently visit the Library duringEnglish lessons to select books leisure reading. Lunchtime Activities: Students can visit the Library during lunchtimes to complete homework, printassignments, or simply unwind. Popular lunchtime activities include Lego, book crafts, colouring, puzzles,board games and of course reading.Programs and Events: The Library hosts a variety of engaging programs including:Premier’s Reading Challenge (Kindergarten to Year 9)Scholastic Book ClubNational Simultaneous StorytimeHome ReadingBook Week Celebrations, featuring Book Character Parade, author talks, and fun classroom activitiesTo access the Library’s online catalogue and other digitatl resources, please visit the Mamre Dashboard at For all library inquiries, feel free to contact us at

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MAMRE FOOTBALL ACADEMY20 25The Mamre Football Academy is structured to cater for players who have been identified as being at, or havingthe potential to be at an elite level. Across our program there are ability based places available for students inKindergarten to Year 12. All Mamre Football Academy players are required to attend 2 or 3 training sessionsper week. Our Academy is based on a player’s technical ability as we believe this ability is the fundamentalbuilding block to creating a successful player. We recognise that all players develop at different rates and atdifferent times. Mamre have groups and coaches to cater for different playing abilities and to create asuccessful, enjoyable environment for all participants. We believe that building technically strong players willfacilitate confidence in their play and decision making abilities, on and off the field.In the Mamre Football Academy, we believe that playing games within the school environment is highlybeneficial and expect all of our players to participate in school teams as much as possible. We compete in avariety of competitions including the WSW Cup, CSSA State Gala Days, Regional and State FutsalChampionships, U15’s Bill Turner Cup and Open CIS Cup as well as progressing our players throughrepresentative pathways. All Football Academy students are expected to demonstrate the Mamre Values onand off the field and remain up to date with all Mamre student study programs.For more information contact Mr Sergio Malfara, Head of Sport & Football

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MAMRE CADET RURAL FIRE BRIGADE20 25The Mamre Cadet Rural Fire Brigade is a joint activity of the NSW Rural Fire Service (Cumberland Zone) andMamre Anglican School. Cadet members of this Brigade are NOT operational in the sense of being available forresponse to fires or other incidents – they are involved in training, championships and community activities. TheBrigade has a sequential program of training utilising resources from the NSW Rural Fire Service and otherorganisations. During the probation period, Cadets are expected to complete the RFS Member Induction course.In Year 11, Cadets have the opportunity to undertake the course VET Firefighting Operations as part of their HSCstudy, which may result in the awarding of the nationally recognised qualification Certificate II in Public Safety(Firefighting Operations) and up to seven NSW Rural Fire Service qualifications. Students can remain a Cadetuntil the end of Year 11. Training takes place on Friday afternoons from 3.30pm until 5.00pm at school for about30 weeks per year. Cadets need to make their own transport arrangements to get home after training as nobuses are available at this time. Rural Fire Brigades compete in competitions to test their skills against the clockensuring that correct procedures are followed and safety is maintained. Championships take place at the local,regional, state (every two years) and national (every two years) levels. Most Cadets will attend one camp eachyear. Depending on individual Cadet interests, level of training and involvement in wider RFS activities, someCadets will attend additional camps and other overnight activities. We will be accepting a limited number of newmembers at our 2025 intake. To join, students must be in Year 7 to Year 10 in 2025 and at least 12 years old.Application forms will be available in Term 1. All Cadet students are expected to demonstrate the Mamre Valueswithin all Cadet programs and in our school community. They are also expected to remain up to date with allMamre student study programas. For more information contact Mr James Thomas, Cadet Coordinator -

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UNIFORM CODE BOYS GIRLSPre-KSummer - Term 1 & 4Sports PoloSports ShortMamre Ankle SocksWinter - Term 2 & 3L/S Sports PoloTrackpantsHalf-Zip TopAll-Year Mamre Bucket HatPrimary BackpackPredominantly White Sneakers Summer - Term 1 & 4Sports PoloSports ShortMamre Ankle SocksWinter - Term 2 & 3L/S Sports PoloTrackpantsHalf-Zip TopAll-Year Mamre Bucket HatPrimary BackpackPredominantly White Sneakers Junior School Kindy - Year 6 SummerS/S Mamre Shirt Half Elastic Shorts Ankle Socks WinterL/S Mamre ShirtHalf Elastic TrousersLoop TieBomber JacketKnitted JumperGrey SocksScarf (Optional) Sports Mamre Sports Polo Sports Shorts Mamre Cap Sports Socks Half Zip Top (Winter) Track Pants (Winter)All-Year Mamre HatPrimary BackpackSummer Jnr Dress Jnr Blouse & Shorts (Optional) Mamre Ankle Socks Mamre Scrunchie WinterWinter Tunic Peter Pan Blouse Jnr L/S Blouse & Slacks (Optional)Knitted Jumper Bomber Jacket Tab Tie Cotton Black Tights Mamre Scrunchie Scarf (Optional) Sports Mamre Sports Polo Sports Short Mamre Cap Sports Socks Half Zip Top (Winter) Track Pants (Winter)All-Year Mamre HatPrimary BackpackMAMRE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS20 2520

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MAMRE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS20 25UNIFORM CODE BOYS GIRLSSenior School 7- 10SummerS/S Mamre Shirt Belt Loop Shorts Black Leather Belt - Simple SilverTone Metal Buckle Boys Tie (Optional) - Shirt Tucked in Mamre Ankle Socks Winter L/S Mamre Shirt Belt Loop Pants Blazer Knitted Jumper Black Leather Belt - Simple SilverTone Metal Buckle Boys Tie- Shirt Tucked in Grey Socks Scarf (Optional) Sport Sports Polo Sports Shorts MF Jacket (Winter)Track Pants (Winter)Sports Socks Mamre CapAll-YearSecondary BackpackSummer SR Dress SR Blouse & Shorts (Optional) Mamre Ankle Socks - White Winter SR Blouse Winter Skirt Knitted Jumper Blazer Ladies Slacks (Optional) MF Tights Black Girls Tie Scarf (Optional) Sport Sports Polo Sports Shorts MF Jacket (Winter)Track Pants (Winter)Sports Socks Mamre CapAll-YearSecondary BackpackSenior School 11-12SummerS/S Mamre Shirt Belt Loop Shorts Black Leather Belt - Simple SilverTone Metal Buckle Boys Tie- Shirt Tucked in Mamre Ankle Socks Winter L/S Mamre Shirt Belt Loop Pants Braided Blazer Knitted Jumper Black Leather Belt - Simple SilverTone Metal Buckle Boys Tie- Shirt Tucked in Grey Socks Scarf (Optional) Sport Sports Polo Sports Shorts MF Jacket (Winter)Track Pants (Winter)Sports Socks Mamre CapAll-YearSecondary BackpackSummer SR Blouse SR Skirt Senior Scarf Mamre Ankle Socks - White Winter SR Blouse Winter Skirt Knitted Jumper Braided Blazer MF Tights Black Girls Tie Scarf (Optional) Sport Sports Polo Sports Shorts MF Jacket (Winter)Track Pants (Winter)Sports Socks Mamre CapAll-YearSecondary Backpack21

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MAMRE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS20 25GENERAL UNIFORM INFORMATION Correct uniform, as determined by the Principal, is to be worn at all times.Uniforms must be kept clean, well pressed and in good condition at all times.Only Mamre approved uniform items are to be purchased, from our chosen uniform supplier Back toBasics. Any items purchased from other suppliers are unacceptable.Clothing should be maintained in a tidy manner. FootwearBlack leather polishable lace-up shoes are the only footwear that may be worn with the summer andwinter uniforms for children in Years 3 to 12. Black skate, casual, futsal or sneaker style are notpermitted. Kindergarten to Year 2 may have Velcro. Buckles and other fastenings are notpermitted.Soles must not be crepe or heavily rippled, and must not be greater than 10mm in thickness, so theshoe remains neat rather than chunky. Shoes must not be chunky or decorated with coloured stitching,brass eyelets or any patterned etching and must not be patent leather.The following guidelines must be followed when purchasing black leather school shoes for children inYears 3 to 10:Plain black, leather shoes which fully cover the entire foot must be worn.‘Mary Jane’ or ‘Peep Toe’ styles are not permitted as they do not cover the entire foot.Sports Shoes The following guidelines must be followed when purchasing sport shoes:Predominantly black, white or grey, predominantly leather sports shoes with raised “grippy” non-markingsole, PURPOSE-BUILT for exercise and activity.Rabens, Dunlop Volleys, Air Force, Futsal Boots, mesh-type shoes and other such shoes are notpermitted. Shoes must not be skate or fashion shoes.Laces on sports shoes must be the same colour as the shoes. i.e. black, white or grey.Hair & Hairstyles Hair must be neat & tidy, natural colour, of a safe length & brushed daily. Hair extensions, tints and dyes arenot permitted. Hair styles must be tasteful and conservative. All fringes must be cut above the eyebrows so as not toimpede the student’s face or eyes at any time. If it grows to reach the eyebrows it must be cut immediately.A small amount of hairspray may be used in Junior School to help prevent nits, provided it is discreet andnot noticeable. Girls Hair Girls’ hair that is long enough to tie back must be properly tied up behind the head at all times. Plain black ornatural colour bands. Scrunchies and ribbons are permitted in school colours Senior School students in Year 11 and12 ONLY may have hair half up half down. Hair must be tied off theface at all times. Hair must be tied, plaited, fashioned to the BACK of the head. No hairstyle may come to the side of the headas this is a WHS issue. Girls with shorter hair than the top of their dress collar must not allow it to hangforward when they are working.Hanging locks of hair (bangs) of any form are not permitted.22

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MAMRE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS20 25Boys Hair • Short back and sides (school boys haircut) is the preferred hairstyle for boys. • Hair should be shaped and cut around the ears. At the front, a fringe must not reach the eyebrows.• If the back of the boys’ hair touches the shirt collar, they will need to wear it tied back neatly.• Hair worn long on top must not hang in the face and must be worn neatly tied up away from the face.• No part of the hair should be cut shorter than a ‘number 2’.• Undercuts, tracts, lines, shapes, patterns or any other hairstyle deemed ‘radical’ is not permitted. • Sideburns must not be longer than the center of the ear. All male students must be clean shaven atall timesWhile the acceptability of any hairstyle is at the discretion of the Principal, all students are expected to abide bythe Policy. Refusal to do so may result in disciplinary action.MUFTI CLOTHING During the allocated mufti days and when students are on excursions, swimming carnivals and campingprograms, students must ensure that modest and appropriate clothing is worn at all times. Students’ shouldersand midriff must be covered and no skin tight legging or tights are to be worn. When swimming costumes arerequired, girls must be in modest, full one piece swimwear and rashies are strongly recommended for bothmales and females. Enclosed footwear is required. No crocs or thongs permitted. 23

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MAMRE SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOPThe Mamre Second Hand Uniform Shop opens on a Tuesday morning once per fortnight during SchoolTerms, from 8.15am until 9.30am. Parents may donate good quality pre-used uniform items to the MamreSecond Hand Uniform Shop for re-sale to other parents/families. The proceeds of the sales are used topurchase teaching and learning materials. Payments can be made by cash or via our Eftpos facilities.BACK TO BASICS UNIFORM SUPPLIERFor each student in Kindergarten - Year 12 there are three uniforms - Summer, Winter and PE/Sport. Allitems can be purchased from Back to Basics Schoolwear - 52 Cox Avenue Kingswood 2747 Uniforms can always be purchased online at students wear the sports uniform only. School bags are supplied by Back to Basicsand are part of the School Uniform.House shirts can be purchased through Trybooking at or via theSecond Hand Clothing Shop. School bags are also supplied by Back to Basics and are part of the School uniform.SCHOOL FUNCTIONSRegulation School Uniform must be worn to all functions connected with the School unless permission todo otherwise is given by the School in a specific instance. The School is judged by members of the widercommunity by the general standard of each student’s dress and appearance. Students are thus expectedto understand, appreciate and comply with the dress regulations of the School. Parents are requested toread this information carefully and to ensure that the clothing and appearance requirements are fullyobserved. Students will be asked to change any items not in accordance with the School’s requirements.Students are required to keep their clothes clean and in a good state of repair.MAMRE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS20 2524

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SCHOOL ORGANISATION OVERVIEW20 25CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PROGRAMSWe present a distinctly Christian education, expressed in the School’s motto ‘To Serve Christ’,and through programs such as:• Class Devotions and Christian Education Lessons • Chapel Program• Christian perspectives throughout the curriculum • Staff Devotions and Prayer• Mission and service trips to areas of Australia & Overseas25

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Mamre Anglican School’s Pre-Kindergarten is a wonderfully balanced, co-educational environment ofactive and inquiry-based activities, explicit teaching and play-based learning. It is a place where thepastoral care of each student is valued and nurtured and the role of the family is seen as crucial to eachchild’s development. Our aim is to develop in our students an excitement and passion for learning aboutGod’s World. Pre-Kindergarten is staffed by fully qualified room leaders. Children in the Pre-KindergartenProgram progress to Kindergarten the following year. The program operates 5 days a week during schoolterm time, offering families the choice of enrolling in our 2 or 3 day sessions.The program provides a dynamic, vibrant place of learning. Students visit the school Library for a lessononce a week, students have a Music class with the specialist Music teacher, and, towards the middle ofthe year, Pre-K children attend Chapel with the Junior School. Students are provided with daily fine and gross motor opportunities and music, dance and drama form anintegral part of regular activities. The students are regularly involved in a range of incursions that we call“Wanders” and have regular Buddy class activities. We share our learning daily with parents through ourcommunication app called Seesaw. The children wear the Mamre sports uniform which serves as afurther link to the Junior School.The Pre-Kindergarten classes are instructed daily in the PreLit program which is systematic, skills- basedand taught in a hierarchical sequence. It is designed to complement a play-based learning environmentand is an evidence-based, best practice program which is appropriate for all children regardless of theirskill level. It focuses on phonological awareness and oral language is further developed throughstructured storybook reading.Mamre Anglican School’s Pre-Kindergarten program is well established and has been warmly receivedby parents and the community. The children come with excitement and anticipation each day and we seeextraordinary growth in social and emotional ability and independence throughout their time with us. Wewelcome the chance to share with you our inspiring learning environment where wonder and curiosity arefostered and encouraged amongst our youngest learners.PRE- KINDERGARTEN 20 2526

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JUNIOR SCHOOL 20 25The Junior School at Mamre is a co-educational learning environment for children from Kindergarten toYear 6. The Junior School is a welcoming, friendly and happy place. It is a place where boys and girlsthrive in an environment of respect, care and trust. It is a place of learning — learning about God, learningabout self and learning about God’s world.Within the framework of Biblical principles and values, staff support the spiritual, emotional, physical, socialand intellectual development of each child entrusted to their care. Teaching staff seek to develop lifelonglearners that encourage, build and promote positive relationships — relationship with God and relationshipwith each other. They encourage each child to develop a positive view of themselves as a unique andindividual creation of God. All teaching and learning experiences at Mamre Anglican School are taughtfrom a Christian worldview, incorporating Biblical principles and values throughout the curriculum.Devotions and Christian Studies sessions allow children to spend time in the word of God, learning to prayand to praise Him. The School follows the curriculum of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA),incorporating a Christian focus throughout. STAFFThe Head of Junior School is responsible to the Principal of Mamre Anglican School for the managementof the Junior School. The teachers of Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 are responsible for the teaching andlearning programs, together with the pastoral well-being of each child in their class. The class teachers arewell supported by a team of specialist teachers to assist in student learning. The Junior School StageCoordinators will oversee the curriculum and well-being of their respective stage.FACILITIESThe Junior School resides on the same campus as the Senior School. The Junior School is able to utiliseall school facilities including the School Hall, Visual Arts Room, Stadium and School Library as well as thevast playing fields.CHAPELChapel forms an integral part of the week in the life of a Junior School student. Junior School Chapel isheld each Friday at 8.45am in the School Hall or Stadium and parents are most welcome to attend. Inconjunction with the School Chaplain, each class in the Junior School is on a roster to present Chapel.Chapel is a culmination of what has been taught in Christian Living lessons every week.27

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JUNIOR SCHOOL 20 25CURRICULUMThe Junior School provides learning experiences that cater for the individual needs of our students. Throughdifferentiated programs we ensure all students are able to access content and build knowledge, skills andunderstandings. This is done in a manner that allows our young learners to experience success and to bechallenged in meaningful ways.Learning experiences comprise Modelled, Guided and Independent activities. Staff demonstrate and explicitlyteach key concepts and ideas. These learning experiences are followed by hands-on and interactiveopportunities for students to get involved and direct their own learning under teacher guidance. We also ensurea balance of co-operative and independent learning experiences as well as inquiry based learning. The JuniorSchool offers breadth and depth in all curriculum areas with a particularly strong emphasis in the teaching of thebasics in English and Mathematics. We understand that technology forms an important part of a child’seducation. Each classroom is equipped with an electronic smartboard/television and with a bank ofChromebooks, Laptops and/or iPads, ensuring our children are being well-equipped for the future. The Junior School recognises and understands that girls and boys learn differently. Our teaching and learningpractices reflect the individuality and uniqueness of girls and boys in a class setting. We also recognise thatindividual learning rates and abilities are best met in a differentiated and integrated curriculum. The emphasis ofteaching and learning is directly related to the level of a child at that point in time. Classes are structured tomaximise social relationships in an academically parallel environment. Each Junior School classroom is acommunity of learners working towards a shared purpose – “To Serve Christ”. The children enjoy a safe andcaring community where they can develop their character, personality and a lifelong love of learning.Mamre Anglican School follows current NESA requirements in regards to syllabus implementation. We arealways reviewing our scope and sequences and curriculum to ensure that our students are experiencing themost current and relevant content.KEY LEARNING AREAS:ENGLISHOral language and communication, vocabulary, phonological awareness, print conventions, phonicknowledge, reading fluency, reading comprehension, creating written texts, spelling, handwriting,understanding and responding to literature.MATHEMATICSNumber and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Geometry.SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYInvestigations of changes, physical and living systems depend on energy, sustainable solutions, design anddigital systems. The School has developed a STEM component which encourages students to problem solvereal life issues that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering (Design Production) and Mathematics.HISTORYPeople have lived in the past. We learn about the past from stories, images, objects and sites. Historyuses resources to construct narratives about the past and give a perspective on the past.GEOGRAPHYPeople are connected to places and groups, geographical information is used to understand the world andhelp plan for sustainable futures.PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATIONMovement skills and physical education, respectful relationships and safety, identity, health and wellbeing,self management and interpersonal skills.CREATIVE ARTSDance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts.28

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JUNIOR SCHOOL 20 25MORNING ROUTINEAcross Kindergarten to Year 6, our Morning Routine is our thirty-minute warm up to a busy day of learning.Our launch pad into learning comprises of an analysis of the day, date and weather information; numbersense development; opportunities to talk as part of learning; and a sentence of the day/word of the weekactivity that focuses upon grammar, punctuation and vocabulary.THE GET READING RIGHT SYNTHETIC PHONICS PROGRAMImplemented from Kindergarten to Year 2, this program focuses on developing our students’ reading andspelling abilities through a thorough, explicit and systematic program focusing on the phonemes of theEnglish language.SPELLING MASTERYFour lessons a week, students from Year 3 to Year 6 participate in ability-grouped spelling lessonsdesigned to develop phonemic, morphemic and whole-word awareness. This program helps our studentscomprehend how spelling works in order for them to become proficient writers. ASSESSMENT & REPORTINGAssessment in the Junior School embraces the outcomes model as outlined by the NSW EducationStandards Authority (NESA).Assessment strategies are varied and ongoing. Achievement Grades are given on a 5 point scale. Effortgrades are also given. Standardised Tests are administered throughout the year. This assists in the settingof academic benchmarks, the establishment of learning groups, and the tracking of student progress.Diagnostic tests are administered when required to assist teachers in establishing benchmarks and areasfor further development. Teachers use a range of formalised assessment tools and informal assessmentssuch as observation, professional teacher judgment etc. to assess student abilities.REPORTING TO PARENTSParents receive two full reports each academic year, one in each semester. Parent-teacher interviews areprovided in Term 1 (interim interview) and Term 3. Additionally, a ‘Tell Us About Your Child’ meetingoccurs early in Term 1.Further interviews can be arranged on request at any time throughout the year. This can be done throughcontacting the Office or alternatively emailing the teacher.29

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HOMEWORKAIMS• To enable students to assimilate and consolidate learning undertaken as part of the regular program andto prepare for future learning.• To train and cultivate habits of self-directed study.• To stimulate cultural and recreational interests that will lead to profitable use of leisure time.ORGANISATIONHomework is set on a regular basis. The amount of homework should follow these guidelines:• Kindergarten-Year 2: 15-20 minutes each evening• Years 3-4: No more than half an hour each evening• Years 5-6: 45 minutes-1 hour each eveningIt is also recognised that at the end of each school day children need time to play and relax.GENERAL POINTSIt is important that teachers and parents, carers and/or guardians work together to ensure homework is aworthwhile activity. To assist in the communication between home and school, a homework book and/orstudent diary (Years 5-6) will be used. Messages or comments from teachers to parents, carers and/orguardians, or from parents, carers and/or guardians to teachers, may be written in the book or diary.If homework is taking longer to complete than the guidelines above suggest, parents, carers and/orguardians are requested to notify the teacher. Students in the Junior School have a very full life and it isimportant that a balance be maintained between school commitments and outside interests.TEXT BOOKS AND STATIONERYIn the Junior School, text books and stationery are issued to students and are part of the Service Fee.JUNIOR SCHOOL 20 2530

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JUNIOR SCHOOL 20 25STUDENT LEADERSHIPStudent leadership is a very important component of the Junior School Pastoral Care Program. At Mamre,student leadership is seen as leadership at the student level. Mamre students are afforded formal andinformal opportunities to develop skills necessary for them to realise their full potential. Mamre believes ineducating its students to raise their emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence or EI is held to be morerelevant to future success than IQ. Research shows children’s behaviour as young as three to five yearsold, can determine their achievements as adults. The critical factors are:Emotional Self AwarenessAccurate Self AssessmentEmotional Self ControlSelf ConfidenceEmpathyAt Mamre, student leadership is implemented in the Junior School in several explicit ways:1. Every week we teach the above points explicitly through our Pastoral Care Program, focusing on thegoal of social-emotional-behavioural well-being.2. In alternate weeks, through the Class Buddy Program, we link leadership with mentoring topromote positive influence. Our older students spend time working with younger studentspromoting social development through activities such as reading and games.3. The Peer Buddy Program develops empathy in our existing students as they support the newstudents to our school. The goal here is to help assimilate new students to Mamre while expandingleadership and social opportunities amongst current students.4. The Peer Activity Leader Program promotes self-assessment and emotional self-control in our olderstudents. Year 6 students receive formal training in how to lead younger students. Then, at lunchtimes,students from Year 6 run organised games for our Pre-Kindergarten to Year 4 children.Mamre also recognises the importance of formally developing positive leadership qualities in ourstudents. The Junior School Captains, Prefects and House Captains have many designated roles withinthe Junior School. These roles aim to develop their leadership skills as they become positive role modelsto all Junior School students. The Student Leadership body actively participate in a range of interactivetraining days throughout the year.“True leadership is an internal quality of spirit and requires no external show of force.HOUSE SYSTEMThe Junior School is divided into 4 Houses. Students are allocated to a House and represent their Housein sports and other co-curricular activities. The Houses and their colours are listed below. A House Pointscompetition operates throughout the year. Students are able to earn House Points for variousachievements and positive behaviour. These points may be given by a staff member both inside andoutside the classroom. House points are collected each week and announced during Chapel. At the end ofyear presentation events, the House Shield is presented to the House gaining the greatest number ofpoints over the course of the year.MAMRE ANGLICAN SCHOOL HOUSESAndrews House (RED)- Mary Andrews 1915-1996Flynn House (BLUE) - John Flynn 1880-1951Molloy House (GREEN) - Georgiana Molloy 1805-1843Nicholls House (YELLOW) - Pastor Douglas Nicholls 1906-198831

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The Senior School journey for most students is a new environment and learning opportunity.STAFFThe Head of Senior School is responsible to the Principal of Mamre for the management of the Senior School.The teachers of Year 7 to Year 12 are responsible for the teaching and learning programs together with thepastoral well-being of each child in their class. Heads of Faculty are responsible for the oversight of teachingand learning working with the Year coordinators to support student well-being. All students are supported by aConnect teacher who assists with daily routines and pastoral care. CHAPELChapel forms an integral part of the week in the life of a Senior School student and is held each Friday in theSchool Hall or Stadium.CURRICULUM Our program of study follows NESA requirements in all eight KLAs as listed below. At Mamre, we alsomandate the study of Christian Education:1. English2. Mathematics3. Science4. Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)5. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)6. Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA)7. Technology and Applied Studies (TAS)8. LanguagesThe program of study aims to:• Achieve maximum satisfaction and enjoyment for students• Offer a wide range of courses for students to engage with• Challenge, engage and empower students on a lifelong journey of learning• Understand, recognise and accept oneself• Develop active, responsible and contributing citizens of the School, community, nation and the world• Develop 21st century learners• Challenge and enhance one’s own understanding and recognise limitations• Provide opportunity for and encourage exploration, deep thinking, metacognition, teamwork and self-awareness• Nurture love of and for God, the Creator and Sustainer of every lifeSENIOR SCHOOL 20 2532

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SENIOR SCHOOL 20 25Stage 4 (Years 7&8) students are placed into mixed ability classes for most subjects and Year 8 studentsalso study Italian. Stage 5 (Years 9&10) provides students the opportunity to choose electives that interest them. Studentscan choose two elective courses from a large variety of options. This will further help them chooseappropriate subjects as they enter Stage 6.In Stage 6 (Years 11&12) students can choose courses that interest them and create the pathway for theirfuture. All courses are elective except English which is compulsory. Mamre offers a large range of courses,including vocational (VET) courses. Not all courses offered may run every year as class sizes will dictatethe running of each individual course.We also access courses through Sydney Distance Education High School, NSW School of Languages andKey Alliance to meet tailored individual student needs. The following pages briefly outline the coursesoffered in each KLA.33

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SENIOR SCHOOL 20 25ENGLISHEnglish is taught in all stages and is a compulsory course that must be completed in order to gain HSCcredentials and the ATAR.Stages 4 & 5 (Years 7-10)As they move into secondary years, students enter into a more specialised study of English. They areincreasing their control over their abilities to read, write, listen, speak, view and represent experience. Intheir growth towards adulthood, students engage with a wider and more challenging range of texts toreflect their maturing view of the world. Their increasing ability to consider with detachment enables thedevelopment of a formal language repertoire for an increasing range of purposes, audiences andsituations. They are able to engage in close textual analysis and reflect on the purposes and effects ofconventions in texts.Stage 6 (Years 11-12)Study in English at Stage 6 is characterised by students’ increased awareness of the ways in which theyorganise and participate in learning, and by greater self-direction.In Stage 6, as students explore more complex texts, as well as simple texts in more complex ways, theyrefine their knowledge of language forms and features, and of the structures of texts. They apply thisknowledge to develop communication skills in specific post-secondary contexts for personal, academic,workplace and social purposes.Courses offered in Stage 6 at Mamre:• English (Standard)• English (Advanced)• English (Extension 1 and 2) - Optional• English StudiesMATHSStage 4 Mathematics classes are a rich environment that reinforce K-6 content and extends and enriches many mathematical skills.Stage 5 Mathematics continues themes developed in Stage 4 and in addition introduces new topics thatare pivotal in further studies in Stage 6. Students in Year 9 will study a common 'core' course which willthen branch into pathways that will specifically prepare students either for the Mathematics Standard orMathematics Advanced courses in Year 11. The two pathways in Stage 5 are called 'Core and Standard'and 'Core and Advanced' and students will study one of these two pathways on their journey to their Stage6 studies.Each of the levels target students who are at different stages of ability and is designed to enable studentsto participate at the level they are competent. This gives the opportunity to attempt a higher level ofMathematics.Stage 6 MathematicsCourses offered in Stage 6 at Mamre:• Mathematics (Standard)• Mathematics (Advanced)• Mathematics (Extension 1 and 2)34

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SENIOR SCHOOL 20 25SCIENCEStages 4 & 5The aim of the Science Years 7–10 Syllabus is to develop students’:• interest in and enthusiasm for science, as well as an appreciation of its role in finding solutions tocontemporary science-related problems and issues• knowledge and understanding of the nature and practice of scientific inquiry, and skills in applying theprocesses of working scientifically• scientific knowledge of and about phenomena within the natural world and the application oftheir understanding to new situations and events• appreciation of the development and dynamic nature of scientific knowledge, its influence inimproving understanding of the natural world and the contribution of evidence-based decisions in informingsocieties’ use of science and technology.Stage 6Courses offered in Year 11 and 12 at Mamre:• Physics• Chemistry• BiologyHISTORY & GEOGRAPHY (HSIE)Stages 4 & 5In Stage 4 & 5 students complete the mandatory component of NESA’s requirement of History andGeography.ELECTIVESIn Stage 5 students are given elective choices:• Elective History• CommerceStage 6Courses offered in Year 11 and 12 at Mamre:• Business Studies• Ancient History• Economics• Modern History• Legal Studies• History ExtensionPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PDHPE)Stages 4 & 5The aim of the PDHPE Years 7–10 Syllabus is to develop students’ capacity to enhance personal health andwell-being, enjoy an active lifestyle, maximise movement potential and advocate lifelong health and physicalactivity. Students in both Stage 4 and 5 are required to complete the PDHPE course. Students in Stage 5 areoffered the elective course Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS).Stage 6Courses offered in Year 11 and 12 at Mamre:• Community and Family Studies• Personal Development, Health and Physical Education35

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SENIOR SCHOOL 20 25CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTSStages 4 & 5Students in Stage 4 are required to complete both Visual Arts and Music as part of their pattern of study.In Stage 5, students can choose from the following elective courses:• Drama• Music• Visual ArtsStage 6Courses offered in Year 11 and 12 at Mamre:• Drama• Music 1• Visual ArtsTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED STUDIES - TASStages 4 & 5Stage 4 students are required to complete Technology Mandatory as part of their pattern of study.In Stage 5, students can choose from the following elective courses:• Design and Technology• Food Technology• Industrial Technology MultimediaStage 6Courses offered in Year 11 and 12 at Mamre:• Design and Technology• Food Technology• Industrial Technology MultimediaLANGUAGESStage 4• Italian - Year 8 CompulsoryStage 5 & 6• Italian• Other languages available through NSW School of Languages.Stage 6• French Beginners• Other languages available through NSW School of Languages. 36

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SENIOR SCHOOL 20 25TECHNOLOGY Students of all ages across the school have access to high speed internet.Students in the Senior School are required to supply their own laptop. Mamre students have access to alearning platform called CANVAS, which teachers utilise to extend learning to the home. Students haveaccess to their electronic files 24/7.Teachers use many apps to enhance student learning. Formative assessment takes place regularly tomeasure student engagement and achievement. Apps such as KAHOOT, Socrative, Verso, Google Driveand File Manager are used by teachers in classrooms to create and deliver innovative lessons.*Please refer to the Technology @ Mamre Handbook for device specifications and requirements. ThisHandbook is available on our School Website under the Mamre Parent Information Tab

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SENIOR SCHOOL 20 25SPORTMamre Anglican School values sport, and the participation in sport for our students. We understand thatstudents at all levels of ability must be given the opportunity to participate, learn and compete in sports.Our Senior School students participate in weekly sports on a Tuesday where they are offered a variety ofsports such as cricket, badminton, netball, lacrosse, rock climbing, ice skating, various coachedcompetitive sports, mini golf, self-defence, cheerleading, gymnastics, and many others. Students will beencouraged by our teachers to participate each week, and they will be rotated regularly to allow them toexperience new and varied sports. In Senior School we seek to participate in many gala days in sportsincluding Netball, Basketball, AFL, Football, Futsal, Oztag, Rugby League 7’s and others.Students who excel in a chosen sport will also be given the opportunity to represent both themselves andthe School through our representative pathways: CSSA, CIS, and All Schools.HOUSE PROGRAM & ACTIVITIESStudents in Senior School participate in regular, informal games and competitions to promoteconnection and belonging to their House. House activities also incorporate service and fundraising, andpromote causes aligned with the school’s mission.House Shirts can be purchased through Trybooking ANGLICAN SCHOOL HOUSESAndrews House (RED) - Mary Andrews 1915-1996Flynn House (BLUE) - John Flynn 1880-1951Molloy House (GREEN) - Georgiana Molloy 1805-1843Nicholls House (YELLOW) - Pastor Douglas Nicholls 1906-198838

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CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES20 25Mamre students have the opportunity to participate in a number of exciting activities throughout theschool year. Some of these are conducted out of hours or on weekends for which an additional fee ischarged. Details will be advised. Throughout the year students are encouraged (but not compelled) tocontribute voluntarily to a limited number of Christian charitable and missionary projects.ACADEMIC PROGRAMS• The High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) Program• Da Vinci Decathlon• Mathematics Olympiad• ICAS Academic Competitions• Gateway 8CO-CURRICULAR PROGRAMS• Football Academy (Soccer)• Cadet Rural Fire Brigade• Debating• Public Speaking CompetitionsMUSIC PROGRAMS• Vocal Groups• Chapel Band• SS Elective Music Performance EveningSERVICE PROGRAMS• Peer Activity Leaders• Pastoral Care Program• Samaritan’s PurseCOMMUNITY PROGRAMS• Weekly Class Chapel Program• Charity Days & Mufti Day Fundraisers• Book Week Author VisitSTUDENT LEADERSHIP• Year 7- 11 Student Leaders• School Captaincy (Year 12 Students)• House Prefects (Year 12 Students) 39

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DIVERSE LEARNING AND PATHWAYS20 25At Mamre Anglican School, we recognise, value and cater for the needs of all of our students and aim toprovide a learning environment which challenges and inspires our students and fosters their love oflearning. Our Diverse Learning Centre supports students from Kindergarten to Year 12 who may needsupport or enrichment for their learning. It is overseen by our Head of Diverse Learning and Pathways. Tobest respond to students’ diverse needs, we think holistically about them as a person at school, outside ofschool and the pathways of learning and engagement that will see them flourish into their post school life.Students who need support for their learning are provided with Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) to outlinethe adjustments that will be implemented to support their goals. Collaborative planning is undertaken withteachers, parents and external providers to ensure a student-centered approach. Structured literacy andnumeracy intervention programs are provided to students requiring support to increase their understandingof reading comprehension and vocabulary as well as mathematical thinking. The MultiLit program isincorporated from Years K-10. Our Diverse Learning Team consists of teachers and teacher’s aides whowork closely with classroom teachers to provide support for students both in-class, in small groups andindividually with students as needed. We also run small withdrawal groups for Mathematics. Theseprograms are included within the School’s daily timetable to assist those students who need extraassistance in these subjects. Where required, students are provided with access to specific learning tools,specialised equipment and technology as well as support for assessments, exams and study. Subjectselection guidance and pathway career planning is provided to students as part of the collaborativeplanning process. Students are supported to connect their learning at school to their plans for life beyondschool.Enrichment Learning - Gifted & Talented - High PotentialGifted students are provided with support and enrichment through the High Potential and Gifted EducationProgram (HPGE). The HPGE provides students the opportunity to engage in tasks where critical thinkingskills are embedded and their strong sense of curiosity is fostered. These lessons are fast-paced andchallenging and designed for independent learners who are abstract thinkers needing instruction beyondthe general curriculum. The HPGE Program operates on a needs basis where children are referred byteachers and in consultation with parents. Entry to the program is through students sitting academicassessment and testing. Problem solving is of high importance within our curriculum and our students areprepared for many academic competitions. Teams represent our school at both GATEway8 and the daVinci Decathlon each year. These competitions all have a problem-solving focus and are very challenging.We also enter students into the APSMO Mathematics Olympiad. We are very pleased with our results inthis competition with our Senior School team winning the event in previous years.Our students also have the opportunities to attend short courses at Mindquest, Gerric and CSIROprograms. We compete in writing competitions, debates, public speaking tournaments and University ofSydney’s ICAS exams.40

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202545 Bakers Lane, Kemps Creek NSW 217802 9834 School within the The Anglican Schools Corporation