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Mary's Place 2022-2023 Teen Safety Program Menu

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EVERYSTUDENTDESERVES TOFEEL SAFE,PROTECTED,ANDEMPOWERED.95% OF INTERPERSONALVIOLENCE ISPREVENTABLE IF YOUTHAND ADULTS AREEDUCATED ABOUT THESETOPICS.Mary's Place partners withschools and youth servingorganizations to offerevidence-basedprogramming that armsyouth with the tools andlanguage they need to helpadults keep them safe.2022-2023TEEN SAFETYPROGRAM MENU

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As adults, it is our responsibility to keep children safe and protected from abuse. We shouldalso acknowledge that we can help children protect themselves by teaching them torecognize, respond to, and report unsafe behavior and situations—especially sexuallyinappropriate, unsafe touch. For 36 years, the Rape Crisis Center of the Coastal Empire'sprevention education and outreach department has provided multiple services that includeawareness presentations, community outreach, personal safety and boundaries education,bullying prevention, digital safety programming, and healthy relationships education.Sexual violence is 100% preventable and we can create a culture that is free of violence wheneveryone C.A.R.E.S. Community, Autonomy, Reflection, Empathy, and Society are fivefoundational blocks of prevention that we strive to promote in our program offerings. Connected communities are inclusive, respectful, and safe. Our healthy relationshipseducation programming promotes the development of relationships where young people feellike they matter, are comfortable being themselves, and feel empowered to call out behaviorthat makes their communities less safe. Social norms that recognize and respect boundariesare a protective factor against all forms of sexual violence. Our boundaries educationprograms empower young people to support and respect others' autonomy, or the ability tomake decisions about yourself and your body without feeling pressured. All of our programsencourage young people to reflect on how their words and actions affect others. Everymember of your school community can start the work of preventing sexual violence bybuilding empathy and setting an example for others on how to be kind, compassionate, andconsiderate. We would love to partner with you to provide your students, parents, and staffwith additional evidence-based tools to make this a reality! Our services also make it easy foryour schools to fulfill the responsibilities under Erin's Law, which requires public schools toprovide age-appropriate child sexual abuse education for children in school, without requiringadditional investments from your budgets or staff. Working together as a community, we canprotect children and keep them safe from abuse. It is estimated that 1in 10 youth are sexually abused by thetime they reach age 18. Youth have higher rates of sexualassault victimization than do adults; however, 60% of childsexual abuse victims never tell anyone (Darkness to Light). Why are we reaching out to you ? Contact or visit to schedule a program.

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Middle School Prevention Education ProgrammingMulti-Session Prevention ProgrammingSafer, Smarter Teens : Personal PowerThis six session curriculum teaches Middle schoolstudents about the warning signs of unsafe situationsand what actions they can take to reduce risks, stay safe,and access help. Time commitment: Lessons are 40-50minutes.MBF Teen Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-informed prevention education program for middle schoolstudents in grades 6 - 8. The program addresses emotional,physical, and digital safety, and teaches students and adultshow to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to thefour types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual,neglect), exploitation, trafficking, sexual assault, relationshipabuse, bullying, cyberbullying, and digital dangers. These two60-minute fun and engaging classroom lessons can bepresented in four shorter lessons to prevent informationoverload. This program helps schools meet many requiredbullying, child safety, and child abuse preventionrequirements. *The supplemental three session MentalHealth Matters curriculum can be added to the Teen SafetyMatters program.

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POWER UP, SPEAK OUT! Is a five lesson program thatencourages middle school students to think critically abouthealthy relationships, power dynamics, boundaries, andeveryday consent. Time commitment: Lessons are 40-50minutes.BoundariesHealthy RelationshipsBullyingInternet SafetyResponsible Use of TechnologyDecision MakingSingle session 45 minute presentations are also available on the subjects of: Middle School Single Session ProgrammingPaperbacks with Prevention utilizes curated books for middleschool students to address topics such as Internet safety,bullying, and healthy relationships in a book club format.To schedule a program for middle school students , or to learn more about our single session offerings,please e-mail our Prevention Education coordinator at

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High School Prevention Education ProgrammingMBF Teen Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-informed prevention education program for middle schoolstudents in grades 9 - 12. The program addresses emotional,physical, and digital safety, and teaches students and adultshow to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to thefour types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual,neglect), exploitation, trafficking, sexual assault, relationshipabuse, bullying, cyberbullying, and digital dangers. These two55-minute fun and engaging classroom lessons can bepresented in four shorter lessons to prevent informationoverload. This program helps schools meet many requiredbullying, child safety, and child,abuse preventionrequirements.Safe Dates is a curriculum that educates youth andadolescents on how to identify and prevent dating violence.Through ten engaging sessions, students will learn anddiscuss the causes of dating violence, how they can help afriend in an abusive relationship, common gender stereotypesregarding dating violence, and important preventiontechniques.BoundariesSexual HarassmentHealthy RelationshipsResponsible Use of TechnologyDecision MakingSingle session presentations are also available on the subjects of: High School Single Session ProgrammingTo schedule a program for middle school students , or to learn more about our single session offerings,please e-mail our Prevention Education coordinator at

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Our services are offered free of charge thanks to funding from localand government agencies to includeMary's Place: Sexual Assault Center ofthe Coastal Empire