MARKET COMMENTARYJANUARY 2022I N T E G R I T YT R U S TE X P E R I E N C EAdvisors associated with North Point Advisor Group, LLC may either be (1) registered representatives with,and securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA and SIPC, and investment advisorrepresentatives of Great Valley Advisor Group; or (2) solely investment advisor representatives of Great ValleyAdvisor Group, and not affiliated with LPL Financial. Investment advice offered through Great Valley AdvisorGroup, a registered investment advisor. Great Valley Advisor Group and North Point Advisor Group, LLC areseparate entities from LPL Financial. Since the COVID-related low in March 2020, the market has experienced very littledownside volatility as the S&P 500 raced to twice the value of that low. The worstpeak-to-trough decline in 2021 was 5% (see chart below).Only three weeks into 2022, we are getting a reminder of what “normal” volatility lookslike as the S&P 500 is down approximately 10% year-to-date as of January 24th. A RETURN TO VOLATILITYSources: FactSet, Standard & Poor’s, J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Guide to the Markets. Data is as of January20, 2022. Analysis is based on the J.P. Morgan Guide to the Markets – Principles for Successful Long-termInvesting.
MN | MAHTOMEDI12 Long Lake Rd #5 651.447.2235 WI | ALTOONA903 S Hillcrest Pkwy715.598.7011 WI | BLACK RIVER FALLS503 N Water Street715.284.2240 northpointadvisorgroup.comSince 1980, the S&P 500 has had calendar year declines of 10% or more on onlyfive occasions, despite having intra-year 10% declines in 23 of the 42 years.Don’t let short-term volatility impact your long-term plans.2020 served as good lesson – the S&P 500 had an intra-year decline of 34%, yetstill finished up 16% for the year.Investors who panicked during the volatility missed out on some strongreturns.QUESTIONS? CONTACT YOURADVISOR FOR MOREINFORMATIONSOME OTHER HELPFUL REMINDERS TO TAKEAWAY FROM THIS CHART INCLUDE: Approximately three-fourths of the years had positive returns.Rebalancing your portfolio to your asset allocation targets duringmarket declines allows you take advantage of the declines,rather than becoming a victim of them.25 of the 42 years had double-digit positive returns. Returns cancome in large chunks. Stay invested to participate in these gains.The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specificadvice or recommendations for any individual. All performance referenced is historical and is no guaranteeof future results. All indices are unmanaged and may not be invested into directly. Rebalancing a portfolio may cause investors to incur tax liabilities and/or transaction costs and does notassure a profit or protect against a loss. All investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss.