MAREIMemberReal EstateEntrepreneursHOW TOMAKEMONEY A case study from the John BurleyTraining on the many ways to makemoney in his buy & hold model. pg #3Make sure you have these 4 documentsin your estaet plan. pg #6 4 Legal ToolsGuide to finding and using privatelenders in your business. pg #9Private MoneyChanges to Home Depot rebate, NewLifeonaire, and Resources pg#12Benefits UpdateFind the products & services you needwith MAREI Business Associates pg#16DirectoryUpcoming Events Page 2
NOV / DEC 202412 NOV: MAREI Monthly Meeting & Trade ShowStop Chasing Unicorn Flip Deals. How to Buy & Hold RealEstate to Build Wealth with Eric Grannemann with MarketUpdate from Kyle Niemann16 NOV: MAREI Master ClassKeep Generational Wealth & Peace of Mind with the RightEstate Plan taught by Attorney Lee Phillips (Virtual Fee)21 NOV: MAREI Lunch & Learn How to Use Self Directed Retirement Accounts in Your RealEstate Investing with CNB Custdoy. (Virtual FREE)10 DEC: MAREI Monthly Meeting & Trade ShowJoin us for our Annual Speed Networking Meeting (Free &Open to the Public with a New Unwrapped Toy)14 DEC: MAREI Master ClassHow to Find & Work with Private TRUE Private Lenders notHard Money with Will Pritchett (Virtual Fee)Member Hosted Events: 1st WED: Landlords of Johnson County2nd WED: KCLend Whiteboard Meeting Virtual2nd THU: InvestHER KC Meeting2nd SAT: Northland Real Estate Investors3rd TUE: Cass County Landlords Association4th MON: Eastern KAREI4th TUE: Landlords Inc in Kansas City Missouri Weekly Member Hosted EventsTUE: Home Resource NetworkWED: WinVestors WeeklyTHU: Lunch & Learns Most Thursdays Starting 2025THU: CashFlow Game NightsGet more details and register for all of these events call / text (913) 815-0111MAREI memberIS DIGITALA digital version of MAREI member isavailable online where you will find thatthe links are clickable in the onlineversion and you can download andprint only the pages you TuckerCo-Founder of MAREIW elcome to Mid-America Association of RealEstate Investors (MAREI). Since2004, we have been serving the realestate investment community acrossthe Kansas City Metro Area.Made up of real estate investors,rental property owners, creativebuyers, note buyers, wholesalers,apartment owners, syndicators,private lenders, and people whoprovide products and services tothese members.Since 2004, MAREI has providedsome of the most comprehensiveeducational events and networkingopportunities for our members andguests, providing them with theresources they need to invest inthemselves.Whether you are new to investing orwant to grow your business to thenext level, the community here atMAREI is ready to help you.2 MAREI member
Sure, there were some incredible dealswhere we did nothing and madesignificant profits. We used this to buymore properties, make necessary fixes,and sell for substantial profits rangingfrom $20,000 to $120,000. Really.And, if we were proficient at short sales,like David Randolph from St. Louis, wewould be making $50,000 to $150,000 inprofit on every house we bought andsold.But here we are 20 years in, sure we putthe kids through college, paid off debtand created a nest egg, we could havedone so much more with buy and wasn’t until that Saturday workshopwith John Burley in September, and moreimportantly, when I was listening to anaudio segment from his training course,that the light bulb finally went off for me.Sure, Don and I have sold a few houseson a lease with an option to purchase.For the most part, every one of thosedeals worked as they were supposed to.But we didn’t do enough of them.L E AR N M OR E N O V 1 2rent for several months. Then wefound someone willing to take on theheadache of these problematicproperties for $30,000 each. I figuredout what we made on these in a lumpsum:$1,400 / mo for 7 months =$9,800Depreciation for 7 months(recaptured when we sold) = $0Profit on sale = $4,000Total profit = $13,800, which wasstraight income into ourcompanyNo other fancy deductionsWe sold these to EricGrannemann (our speaker thismonth, by the way)by Kim TuckerHave you ever sat down andconsidered all the ways you can makemoney with just one single-familyhouse? I had read the articles andseen the different benefits. I hadnever truly gone through an averagehouse and put it all down on paper.Mostly, Don and I have wholesaledour houses. Sometimes this yielded afew thousand dollars in profit. Therewere the little townhouses we boughtwith tenants for $28,000 way back inthe day using cash. We rented themout and pocketed $1,400 a month in Learn More at the MeetingTuesday November 12thM A KI N G MO N EYWITH THE THE GOOD WHOLESALE & FIX N FLIPDEALS BECOMING HARDER & HARDER TO FIND,CONSIDER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU CAN MAKEWITH AN AVERAGE MLS LISTED PROPERTY TODAY.MAKE BANK WITHBUY & HOLD 3
We bought properties, including a few brand-new houses, andothers, like one that had a tree through the roof for monthsbefore the bank finally auctioned it off to us, which neededextensive work. The buyer paid an option fee, leased theproperty from us, and received rent credits. I assume we got taxbenefits, though our bookkeeper and CPA handled that.Eventually, the buyer secured a loan and paid us off. It workedexactly like John Burley said it would.If you missed the September events, let me explainthe JohnBurley model: This involves raising private capital from apartner, with whom he splits everything in exchange for theircash and sometimes their credit. He buys an average house in atypical B-class neighborhood—think median price—that doesn’tneed extensive repairs. He then sells it on a lease with an optionto purchase, commanding a premium price and rent. The buyerhas ten years to complete the purchase.During his Saturday class and in his training materials, heshared the sales pitch he uses when speaking to potentialcapital partners. While he doesn’t give a typical real estateseminar, he does walk them through the numbers to illustratethe returns on an average house, so they can compare it to whatthey might earn from the bank or stock market.This is a shorten condensed version, there is a lot more salestechnique learned in the class.These are My Notes from that Saturday Class.This first page is just an overview of the cash flow if the propertywere purchased with a bank loan. The cash flow is thedifference between the $2,400 monthly lease payment and the$1,600 he pays for principal, interest, taxes, and insurance.Note that he pays interest to his capital investor if they fund theentire deal, typically at a rate of 3% to 4%. Alternatively, he paysthe prevailing interest rate to the bank if the capital investoronly provides the down payment. The capital investorcontributes additional funds to cover working capital andreserves.In this example, the capital investor provided the downpayment. In the first year, their cash flow would be $9,600.Now this is where things start to get interesting.Make Money with Cash Flow:Cash flow is what we just went through $800 a month for 12months to earn $9,600 the first year, but in 10 years, that addsup to $96,000Make Money with Rent Increases:These are the annual rent increases each year added ono Yr 2: $100 Increase x 12 mo = $1,200 for 9 yrs = $10,800o Yr 3: $100 Increase x 12 mo = $1,200 for 8 yrs = $9,600o Yr 4: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 7 yrs = $4,200o Yr 5: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 6 yrs = $3,600o Yr 6: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 5 yrs = $3,000o Yr 7: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 4 yrs = $2,400o Yr 8: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 3 yrs = $1,800o Yr 9: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 2 yrs = $1,200o Yr 10: $50 Increase x 12 mo = $600 for 1 yr = $600Total Profit from just rent increases: $37,200Make Money with Option FEE:This is a lease option and in this example it was between 2.5 &3% at $8,00Make Money with Principle Reduction:Remember there was a down payment and a loan with Principleand Interest that needs to be paid. Each payment reducesprinciple and increases equity. We didn’t do the math on thisone, but were given a number of $20,000 that seems aboutright. This comes out of the tenant buyer lease payment.Make Money with Section 179:This is an immediate expense deduction owners can take onnew or new to them capital assets. This is something we willhave to learn more about with our tax advisor. Burley sharedthat his advisor allows him to use this and on this example itwas a tax deduction of $30,000. He said on average 8 to 10% ofpurchase price.Make Money with Depreciation:Depreciation is standard on every rental house and for this 4 MAREI member 5example, it works out to about $9,000 per year over 10 years,totaling $90,000. While it’s not income, it serves as a deductionthat can be used to offset other income and reduce your taxes.Make Money with Appreciation:Appreciation refers to the increase in the value of houses overtime. For this example, Burley used a 3.5% annual appreciationrate over 10 years, which amounts to $198,000.Adding it all up gives you $359,200 in dollar value, plus another$110,000 in tax deductions. Altogether, you have $469,200. Wedidn’t do the exact math here, but it equates to an Internal Rateof Return (IRR) of 67%.Of course this is assuming the Lease to Own Buyer does notexcercise their option. In this model, they can buy anytime afterthe first year and have 10 years to do so. He shared that quite afew do, in which case your income stream gets cut short andyou get your equity in profit.But don’t cash out that equity. Instead, you use a 1031Exchange to roll that equity into a new, larger property. Youcould almost buy the next property outright or use it as a downpayment on several new properties, repeating the process.And many of us are busy wholesaling and fixing and flippinghouses for quick cash…why? I’d wager this is something we’regoing to learn more about from Eric Granneman this Novemberat MAREI. He primarily focuses on buy and hold investing,though I know he enjoys buying distressed properties, fixingthem, renting them out, leveraging all the benefits we’vediscussed, and then 1031-exchanging them into something evenbigger.Hope to see you at the meeting! Members, if you missed JohnBurley or David Randolph, we have their replays available in thelibrary. And if you would like to learn more about John Burley’sbusiness model beyond the replay in the member library, getwith me – I can get you the Saturdayclass, probably Johns Training Course he sold . . . and Don canwalk you through the
L E AR N M OR E N O V 1 6estate, has good business sense, and canbe fair with your heirs, is the person youare looking for. It is basically malpracticefor the attorney to name himself orherself as the personal representative. The will names the guardian for yourminor children. If you have minorchildren or grandchildren, you had bettersee to it immediately that a guardian isnamed in the parent’s will. The willshould put restrictions on the guardians.Most wills simply state, “John and Maryguardians to my minor children.” You cando better than that. Coach the judge inyour will. It should read, “John and Mary;provided they raise the children in ourfamily home where the children are livingat the time of my death.” “John and Mary;provided they are still happily marriedand harmoniously living together.”“Grandma and grandpa; provided theyhave the health to take care of the kids.”“Grandma and Grandpa; provide theydon’t sell the kids.” You get the picture. The basic foundation of wealthconsists of four legal tools. If youunderstand the tools and know howto use them, your chances forsuccess are much better. If youand/or your parents don’t have thefour tools already, it is time to getmoving. It’s worth every effort youmake and every dime you spendgetting the foundation in place.Here’s a basic overview of the fourtools: Testamentary Will Everyone needs a will. Even if youhave a revocable trust, you need awill. The will name the personalrepresentative (the executor orexecutrix). A family member, who isgeographically near the bulk of yourby Lee PhllipsJust like a house, you can’t build afinancial fortune from the roof down.You need to build a foundation first. Have you ever noticed that somepeople seem to have wealth flowingto them? Yes, some professions tendto pay more than others, but in everyfield, those with the most wealth arethe ones that have a legal foundationalready in place. This foundation is set up using anunderstanding of the legal strategiesassociated with wealth accumulation.Unfortunately, many people are“taken to the cleaners” by less-than-competent lawyers who fail toeducate their clients. Learn More at the Master ClassSaturday November 16K E EP I N G M O NE YFOUR LEGALTOOLS YOU MUST HAVE6 MAREI member
document. It deals only with the medicaltreatment, not the right to die, which isaddressed in a living will. Living Will A living will directs the doctors to keepyou alive or pull the plug. You need oneand so does the rest of your family. Thebest place to get one is in your hospital.Hospitals give them away free, and thehospitals like to see their own documentrather than the 30-page beautiful, veryexpensive document you get from yourlawyer. These four legal documents form thebasic foundation for all wealthy people.They are always there. They are what Icall the “basic tools of wealth.” Use them,and it will be worth every effort you makeand every dime you spend. To learn more about the best steps totake for Estate Planning we highlyrecommend a 1 2 punch.First, Attend the Lee Phillips Master Classon November 16th or register to get thereplay. Attend and watch it a couple oftimes.Second, Get your Estate Plan Complete,here locally you will find that StocktonKandt on the MAREI Business Directoryspecializes in Estate Planning and ElderLaw. They would be an excellentresource for building or updating yourestate plan.Third, Go back in a few months aftereverything is in place and rewatch theLee Phillips Master Class to see wherethings that were on YOU to get donemight have slipped through the cracks.Fourth . . write your Dear Honey Letterand updated it as assets and loans andagreements are added or removed. Forthat matter build out a complete accountlist with user names and passwords.Durable powers of attorney allow anindividual to control the property of aperson who is unable to control theirown property. As a physician, youknow that people of all ages, not justold people, fall victim and arerendered unable to control theirbusiness life. A good living trust willhave a provision that automaticallylets a successor trustee manage trustproperty if you, acting as a trustee,become incompetent. The durablepower of attorney lets the person ofyour choice manage all of your otherbusiness affairs when you can’t do it.Power doesn’t transfer from you untilthe criteria outlined in the documentare met, then there is an automatictransfer of power. This preventsmessy court proceedings that arerequired to name aguardian/conservator for anincompetent individual. The emotional and financial drain ofa court proceeding when a familymember has an accident of gets sickis the last thing the family needs atthat time. The durable power ofattorney prevents all of the legalproblems at a time of crisis in thefamily when a family memberbecomes incompetent. Many powers of attorney include asection which addressed anindividual’s instructions and desiresfor their health care. This is a durablepower of attorney for health care,which appoints an “agent” and grantsthem the power to interface with themedical industry. You may not have ahard time getting what you want in ahospital, but it will be very frustratingfor your spouse or children if you arethe one who suddenly becomesunable to direct your own medicalcare. The durable power of attorneyfor health care can be part of thedocument entitled durable power ofattorney or it can be a separate If you already have a will and don’thave a living trust, you will have toget a new will that goes along withyour living trust. It is called a “pour-over will,” because it “pours” all ofyour property, not already in thetrust, into the trust for ultimatedistribution after your death. Theliving trust is the next part of thefoundation. Living Revocable Trust The living trust allows an estate toavoid probate, get twice the estatetax exclusion, and provide for asmooth transfer of property. It isdefinitely worth having for mostfamilies. Yes, there is a big argumentin the legal profession between thestandard will and probate guys andthe living trust “hawkers.” I comedown in favor of the living trust, but Ithink it is your decision. In ProtectingYour Financial Future, I go throughthe pros and cons in detail. FrankSinatra was called the “Chairman ofthe Board,” and he knew how tohandle money. His living trustprovided his estate with total privacy,much to the media’s chagrin, eventhough on a $130+ million estate thefinancial impact of the trust was onlya few hundred thousand dollars. The problem with the trusts is notwith the trust, but with the lawyerand user of the trust. The trust has tobe maintained, and it has to “own” allof your estates. It isn’t hard tomanage, but the lawyer never takesthe time to teach you how to do themanagement, and you can’t afford topay the lawyer to do it for you. As aresult, a majority of people who get aliving trust don’t get the benefits theycould from the trust. The living trustwill “overlap” with a durable power ofattorney. Durable Power of Attorney 7
ESTATEPLANNINGFOR THE REAL ESTATEENTREPRENEURHOW TO MAKE AN ESTATEPLAN NOW & NOT TORTUREYOUR FAMILY LATERNovember 16th9 am to 3 pm CentralOn ZoomDon’t leave heirs with a mess of assets &and debts that they don’t understand orknow how to deal with. Do right by yourloved ones, before it’s too Master ClassThe Right TrustAssembling DocsHow one of several kinds of trusts mightbe the best solution for owning assetsnow, and passing them on WITHOUTprobate when you’re gone.How your will, powers of attorney,LLC’s, and trusts all fit together to makeit eaise for heirs to take care ofeverything if you are disabled.A Dear Honey LetterWhy an updated asset list plus a lettercan take most of the stress of the peopleyou leave behind, even if they knownothing about real estate.Who to TrustLife InsuranceHow to pick the right person to overseeyour estate and how to avoid disaster ifthey become the wrong person throughdeath, divorce, or other issues.Why it should NOT be a part of yourestate, to keep it away from creditorsand taxes.Other MattersLand Trust are not part ofthe estate plan andProtecting Assetsfrom Medicade.Instructor Attorrney Lee Phillips
L E AR N M OR E D E C 1 4It can help investors build theirportfolios faster.Identify Potential Private Lenders inYour NetworkMany investors assume that privatelenders are only people with obviouswealth, but that isn’t always true.According to Will and Veronica, potentiallenders are often people you alreadyknow. Friends, colleagues, or familymembers might have funds available intheir savings or retirement accounts andcould be interested in investing in realestate if approached correctly.Here’s how to identify potential lenders:Start with close connections: Friends,family, and acquaintances mayalready trust you and be open to theidea of lending.Look for under-the-radar investors:Many people with stable careers(such as teachers, firefighters, orlawyers) often have savings orretirement accounts that they wantto grow.Understand What Private LendingIs and Why It MattersPrivate lenders are individuals (oftenfriends, family, or acquaintances)who loan funds to investors to buyreal estate. These loans are usuallysecured by the property itself,meaning that the lender hascollateral if the borrower defaults.The loan terms—interest rates,duration, and repayment—arenegotiated directly between you andthe lender, which can lead to moreflexibility than traditional financing.Private lending is advantageousbecause:It allows investors to fund dealswithout going through the bank.It enables creative financingstrategies.Do you utilize TRUE Private Money inyour real estate business? We cauththe Pritchetts on a podcast talkingabout Private Money and we wantedto share our notes.Real estate investors often face achallenge when it comes to securingfunding, especially if they want toavoid traditional financing or largedown payments. This is where privatelenders come into play. Privatelenders can provide the funds youneed to purchase properties,renovate them, and scale yourportfolio—all without the hurdles ofbank loans. Learn More at the Master ClassSaturday December 14P R IV A T E M O NE YWORKING WITHPRIVATELENDERS 09by Kim Tucker, based on a Podcastfeaturing Will & Veronica Pritchettfrom Step Stone Realty
10 MAREI member Get Comfortable Talking About MoneyMany people hesitate to discuss money,but Will and Veronica encourageinvestors to shift their perspective: you’renot asking for charity; you’re offering agreat investment opportunity. Whenpitching to potential lenders, explain howtheir money will be used, how it will besecured, and what kind of returns theycan expect. A clear and confidentapproach helps build trust and credibility.Understand and Present the Basics ofSelf-Directed IRAsSome potential lenders may not realizethey can use funds from their retirementaccounts to invest in real estate. A self-directed IRA allows individuals to investin various assets outside the stockmarket, including real estate. Learningthe basics of self-directed IRAs can helpyou educate potential lenders on howthey can use their retirement funds toearn higher returns through real estate.NOTE: We have a Lunch and Learn onNovember 21st on this topic.Build a Track Record and ReputationIt’s important to establish a track recordbefore asking for substantial funds. Willand Veronica started with smaller privateloans to build credibility. Aftersuccessfully completing a few deals,lenders were more willing to fund largerprojects, often covering both thepurchase price and renovation costs.Here’s how you can build a strongreputation:Start small: For your first privateloan, consider asking for a portion ofthe deal (such as 50% of thepurchase price) to minimize thelender’s risk.Communicate regularly: Keeplenders updated throughout theproject. Transparency fosters trust, straightforward “elevator pitch” thatexplains your strategy, whether it’sbuying and holding rental properties,flipping, or using the BRRRR (Buy,Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat)strategy. Your elevator pitch shouldbe a quick, clear statement aboutwhat you do, the type of propertiesyou invest in, and why your approachis profitable.Example:“I specialize in buying undervaluedproperties, fixing them up, andrenting them out to create passiveincome. This allows us to buildwealth over time and provide ourlenders with solid returns on theirinvestments, secured by real estate.”Explain the Benefits of Real EstateLendingMany people are interested in realestate investing but lack the time orexpertise to manage properties. Asan investor, you can offer them achance to earn passive incomewithout the day-to-day hassle. Hereare a few benefits you can share withpotential lenders:Secured by real estate: Unlikeother investments, private loansfor real estate are typicallysecured by the property itself.This means that if somethinggoes wrong, the lender hascollateral.Better returns than traditionalsavings: Private loans often yieldhigher returns (usually around 8-12%) compared to savingsaccounts or even stock marketinvestments.Hands-free income: Real estatelending allows lenders to benefitfrom the property marketwithout getting involved inproperty management.Connect through networkingevents: Attending local real estatemeetups, REIA (Real EstateInvestor Association) meetings,and industry conferences canhelp you find people interestedin lending to real estateinvestors.Leverage Social Media to AttractPotential LendersSocial media is a powerful tool forbuilding credibility and showcasingyour real estate activities. Willrecommends treating social medialike a resume. When you consistentlyshare what you’re doing in realestate, you show potential lendersthat you’re serious and active.Here are some effective ways to usesocial media:Post about your progress:Share stories about recentpurchases, renovations, orproperty tours. Even smallupdates can show you’re activelyworking in real estate.Share educational content:Post articles or quick tips aboutreal estate investing. This canhelp build your reputation as aknowledgeable, trustworthyinvestor.Highlight success stories: Ifyou’ve completed a project orclosed a profitable deal, sharethat story. Success storiesreassure potential lenders thattheir funds will be in capablehands.Develop an “Elevator Pitch” toExplain Your StrategyWhen you meet a potential lender, beready with a concise explanation ofwhat you do and how they canparticipate. Will and Veronica stressthe importance of having a
6-8% or fund rehabs at 10% with nopoints—this is the workshop you’ve beenwaiting for! Join us on December 14th fora master class taught by Will Pritchett, anexpert in leveraging private money tobuild a successful real estate portfolio.(Class is FREE for members of MAREI)In this workshop, you’ll discover:How to meet and connect withpotential private lendersWhat to say to build trust and getthem interestedTechniques to negotiate and securethe financing deals you needDon’t miss this opportunity to learnactionable strategies that can transformyour funding approach and scale yourreal estate business.Present the Partnership as a Win-Win OpportunityFinally, when discussing privatemoney with lenders, present it as apartnership rather than a traditionalborrower-lender relationship. Willand Veronica frame it as a “businesspartnership,” emphasizing that eachside brings value: you, the investor,bring expertise and deal-findingcapabilities, while the lenderprovides capital to make the projectpossible. This perspective makes thetransaction feel more like acollaboration, which can ease anyconcerns the lender might haveabout risk.Learn MoreIf you’ve struggled with finding andworking with true private lenders—the kind who’ll finance your rentals at making them more likely to work with you again.Follow through on promises:Paying lenders back on timebuilds credibility and opens thedoor for larger investments infuture projects.Be Prepared to Offer CompetitiveReturnsPrivate money is often more flexiblethan hard money, but it still requiresan attractive return to entice lenders.Private money lenders usually expectreturns of 8-12%, depending on thedeal. Calculate and communicate theexpected returns and emphasize howthese compare favorably to otherinvestment options. You may alsoconsider structuring the loan asinterest-only for a set period, whichoften appeals to lenders looking forpredictable cash flow.MAREIAnnual SpeedNetworkingT O B E N E F I T T O Y S F O R T O T ST U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 0 T HD O U B L E T R E E - O V E R L A N D P A R K6 T O 9 P MB R I N G A N E W U N W R A P P E D T O YY O U R E L E V A T O R P I T C HB U S I N E S S C A R D S & N O T E B O O KR E G I S T E R M A R E I . O R G / C A L E N D A R
GovernmentAffairsbenefitsNEW & NOTEWORTHYHomeDepot2 % Rebate UpdateThe Miniimum Purchaseon our Home DepotRebate Program isChanging January 1.Minimum PurchaseIncreasing from $5,000every 6 months to$12,500 betweenJanuary to June andthen July to December. AdvocacySee the latest issue, callto action or change inrules and is LifeonaireJust think “millionaire”, except with life. The’ve been helping investors and business owners worldwide achieve incredible levels of succsss since 2007. Their proven strategies and principles will help you make moremoney while working less and enjoying life.The BenefitIn addition to receiving ongoing valuable training, insights, andtips to support you along your entrepreneurial journey, you alsoget free tickets to the Get-A-Life Getaway and Business BuilderWorkshops (these tickets retail on their website for $997 each!).Get A Life GetawayDiscover and clearly define what YOUR ideal life looks like . . . and just asimportant . . . how to make it a concrete reality . . not a pipe dream. Walk step-by-step through the process of designing your own Lifeonaire vision, and aplan to attain that vision in the shortest amount of time. It’s an intense 3 dayswhere you take a rock hard examination at your life now and what you want itto be. Then ceating the steps to make it happen.Business Builder WorkshopThe proven process to create a “Lifeonaire-style business” you love, that iswildly profitable, runs on autiopiolot, and gives you the time, peace ofmind, and freedom to enjoy life. If you’re working too much and / ormaking too little, this event is for you.In Person and Virtual Workshops through out the year to fit YOUR needs.o non naa. ah o mlMAREI BlogGet updates onstrategies, data, currentaffairs and MAREI member
EXPRESSEXPRESSSuccessSuccessMonthly Group Coaching WebclassOver 100 Hours of On Demand Basic Skills VideoEmail Coaching for When You Need HelpRoadmap for Creating YOUR Business PlanA Full Year’s Worth of MAREI MasterClasses (these range in price from $47 to $97 for members - We had 24 in 2024Bought separately, these benefits would be over $2,000 - Member Price $ Our Website913-815-0111Call MAREI for Infoor other participating REIAMust be a Member of MAREIVENA JONES-COXVENA JONES-COXInvestor -- Educator - CoachInvestor -- Educator - CoachCoaching by Vena Jones-Cox, classes taughtby Vena & other Hand Picked Experts
LEARN CONNECT DO!MEETINGSHeld on the 2nd Tuesday ofevery month since 2004, ourmonthly meetings have been amainstay in Kansas City. Withour trade show & networkingcombined with an informativespeaker you can aquire theknowledge you need and theconnections to put thatknowledge to CLASSESWhile we have offered severalSaturday workshops for the past20 years, this past October wehave partnered with REIA groupsacross the nation to be able tobring you on average 2 weekendMaster Classes every month. Mostly taught online, this givesyou the ability to attend fromanywhere. SUCCESSIt’s crucial to have knowledgeabout the particular real estatepath you choose, the ability toapply that knowledge effectively,and to build relationships in yourreal estate investing community.We have partnered with VenaJones-Cox & Express Successhelps you put all the piecestogether.AS A VALUED CHAPTER OFNATIONAL REIA, MAREI ISDEDICATED TO PROVIDINGEXCELLENT EDUCATIONAL &CONNECTING OPPORTUNITIES.OUR EVENTS CATER TOINVESTORS OF ALL LEVELS –WHETHER YOU'RE A BEGINNERSEEKING TO LEARN THE ROPES,AN INTERMEDIATE INVESTORLOOKING TO IMPROVE YOURBUSINESS, OR AN ADVANCEDINVESTOR WANTING TO GROWAND GIVE BACK TO THECOMMUNITY.14 MAREI member 15AFTER HOURSLots of relationship buildinghappens at the meeting after themeeting. We lost this informaltime with friends during COVID.They are back and better thanever at our new meeting locationat the Double Tree. After themonthly meeting connect withfriends over food and beverageswith no agenda.Where Deals Get Done!MEMBER EVENTSOur members are looking toconnect with you and help yousucceed. From local LandlordGroups, Regional Networking,Master Minds and a few online,you are sure to find a few moretimes a month to makeconnections. We have all theseevents posted for yourconvenience on our FORUMThe MAREI Facebook Groupstarted as a way for a few membersto chat online about who to call forproducts and services. We startedsharing deals with local and out ofarea investors. And today we alsoask for how to help and discuss theissues. Won’t you join us onlineand talk real estate and to are the people who youare going to be doing businesswith. Where you will find deals,money, services, and help.Nothing helps put your mind atease more than having anexperienced pro give you expertadivce, show you little knowntechniques and powerfulsolutions to keep you movingforward or to help you out whenthings don’t go quite they waythey should.VENDORSThese are the people who youare going to be doing businesswith. Where you will find deals,money, services, and help.Nothing helps put your mind atease more than having anexperienced pro give you expertadivce, show you little knowntechniques and powerfulsolutions to keep you movingforward or to help you out whenthings don’t go quite they waythey should.VOLUNTEERSThe members who give of theirtime to help us pull off a rehabhouse tour, a monthly meeting orraise 60,000 meals for Harvestersare committed to helping yousucceed. While they may or maynot have all the answers, theycan point you to the people whodo. And when we ask for help,they are always there with asmile on their face and a get ‘erdone attitude.
AttorneyAnderson & AssociatesLandlord Tenant & Real Estate LawJulie Anderson 931-2207See site for Free FormsAttorney Spence StoverBusiness & Real Estate 778-2992Stockton & Kandt, LLCElder & Business LawCarrie Stracy & Blake 856-2828B uilding SupplierDeMayo EnterprisesWholesale CabinetsMark 980-426016 MAREI member Better Service, Inc.HVAC, Plumbing, ElectiralSean 756 - 4244Olson Foundation RepairJohn Murphy(913) ConstructionMatt 337-7037Home Depot2% Rebate for Members20% off PaintHomeDeopt.comCleaning & Trash OutCleaning Maids In & OutVeronica Bolton(816) 659-2929CleaningMaidsInandOut.comContractorAll Pro AC & HeatingMike 210-0809businessdirectoryFind the directoryonline 24-7 at
InspectionsKC Property ExpertsAdam Pointer(913) 709-3199KCPropertyExperts.comInsurance Capitol AgencyBrian (816) 436-1016Forsythe AgencyFarmer‘s InsuranceChris Specialty InsuranceLandlords, Builder’s Risk, 898-8110IRA Self Directed CNB CustodyJenny 680-0340Mainstar TrustMainstarTrust.comJordan Scafe1-800-521-9897Lending Crossroads Investment LendingHard MoneyBritton 766-2900Finish Line FundingShort Term FundingBruce 346-8090Flat Branch Home LoansSenior Mortgage BankerBeth 679-4000Longhorn InvestmentsHard MoneyKeith 207-3380Merchants MortgageMushy MoneySusan 522-2650North Oak InvestmentBernie Richter(816) 249-1001 x 402NorthOakInvestment.comCPA - BookkeepingESSISTANT KCBookkeeping & Payroll & MoreAngie (816) 287-1818ExchangeHeartland 1031 Solutions1031 Exchange, DSTTodd 365-8010Insight Investment Advisers1031 Exchange, DSTJoshua Wright & Julia 800-0954 Joshua(816) 589-1509 JuliaFinancial PlanningUnbridled WealthJason K 458-6900Fractional InvestmentGroundfloorInvest in part of a Short Term HighInterest Rate Real Estate BuyerHouse MaxHerb Brown(913) 17MAREI Trade ShowJoin us at the Main Meeting from 6 to 7pmEvery Month to Learn What Many of Our Business Associates Have to Offer
Office SupplyODP Log into for discount informationProperty ManagerDan Reedy Inc.Dan 564-5265Home Rental ServicesPaul 627-9543Mark etingCarrotHigh converting websites InvestorData, Skip Trace & MachineData, Lists, Unlimited Contact InfoFree Trial + 50 Free, Research, BlackBookTotal Marketing PackageWebsite, CRM, Tracking, in action & M Property ProsMichael & Michele 490-6745PMI Destination PropertiesCory Brockert(913) 583-1515PMIDestination.comResource KCAngie Austin 200-0232Trailhead Property ManagementJenny 791-7077(913) 406-0701Property Management SoftwareBuildium14 Day FREE Trial of PropertyManagement MAREI member Join the Conversationtake part in MAREI’sFacebook questions, share thoughts, get referrals.
Title CompanyAccurate Title CompanyDave 338-0100Overland Park & KC & Gladstone Advantage Title LLCBud Whisler(816) 279-8484AdvantageTitleLLC.comSt Joseph & Blue SpringsRD Title + ExchangeRick 777-4RDT (4738)Free Real Estate FormsReal Estate ServicesiFinder OffersiBuyer NetworkiFinderOffers.comAnne Lakusta(214) 502-7395Realty ResourceScott 406-0701ScreeningRent PerfectTenant Screening 922-2547Log into fordiscount informationMid-America Association of real estateinvestors (MAREI) does not exist to renter anddnoes not provide legal, tax, economic orinvestment advice and dislcaims all liability forthe actions or inaction taken or not taken as aresult of communictions from or to its members,officers, directors, employees, contractors, andguests. Each individual should consult theirown professional adviro.MAREI provides general real estateeducational information to help further your fullor part time real estate career. Our goal is toeducate the investor based on informationedicted from material contributed by leaders inthe real estate investing, legal, accounting,property management, financial, legislative andother related professions.MAREI makes every effort to produce andpublish the most current and accurateinformation possible. Moreover, because of theever-changing laws relating to landlord-tenantrelationships and other aspects of real estate,specific application of any of our material to amember’s individual situation should be madeonly with the advice of local legal counsel. Nowarranties, expressed or implied, are providedfor the data we publish, its use or itsinterpretation.MAREI, its officers and the contributingmembers specifically disclaim any liability forloss or risk, personal or otherwise, which maybe incurred as a consequence, directly orindirectly, of the use or application of any of theideas, concepts, techniques, forms, documentsor contents presented or implied at meetings orother educational forums presented by thisassociation.By attending any of the activities provided bythis association, the member hereby releases,discharges and agrees to indemnify MAREI, itsrespective officers, directors, members,employees and/or contractors, past or present,from any and all liabilities associated with ourorganization.The viewpoints expressed and methodspromoted by speakers at MAREI events are notnecessarily those of the board, staff, or leadersof the association.Contact Us 105 East Street, #29125Parkville, MO 64152 (mail only)www.MAREI.orgwww.MAREIMember.cominfo@MAREI.org913-815-0111
There are a lot of different benefits of being a member ofMAREI. We offer three options to become a part of MAREI. There is the FREE option that gives you no benefits otherthan access to our free public social media groups, anemail subscription, and pay as you go at the meetings. Our Investor member that comes with all benefitsincluded. Our Business members that get all benefits for 2people, plus advertising opportunities. Compare below.PICK YOUR MAREI MEMBERSHIPBENEFITSAttend Monthly Meetingv i s i t w w w . M A R E I . o r g / M e m b e r s h i p t o f i n d o u t m o r ePublic Facebook / LinkedInMember Digital LibraryAdd Additional up to 2Discounts on WorkshopsJoin Express Success (fee)Investor Website (Basic)Properties MarketedMember DirectoryFREEINVESTORBUSINESSA$35 Fee$50 Each$50 EachOn Business DirectoriesHome Depot DiscountHost Vendor Table for FeeAnnual Auto Renwal PriceFREE$149 $699Monthly Option for 1 Person - $25 / MonthQuarterly Option is$249 / Quarter