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MAREI Newsletter - DEC 2024

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MAREIMemberReal EstateEntrepreneursMASTERINGTHE ART OFNETWORKINGAt the core of growing any business ismaking new connections. pg #4The Corporate Transparency Act hasbeen ruled Unconstitutional #3 Breaking NewsHow one MAREI member createdmillions in private money. pg #9Private MoneyFree Fair Housing Training and RentPerfect pg#12Benefits UpdateFind the events you need to Learn,Connect and Do Business pg#2CalendarUpcoming Events Page 2Is always being busy actually helpingyou or your business? pg #7 Stuck in BusyLearn about the resources and discountswe receive as a Chapter. pg#14National REIAFind the products & services you needwith MAREI Business Associates pg#16Directory

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DEC 2024 / JAN 202510 DEC: MAREI ANNUAL SPEED NETWORKINGGrab your business card and find a new unwrapped toy andjoin us for our Annual Speed Networking in the Round as wecollect yoys for Toys for Tots. In Person. Not Recorded10 DEC: Lifeonaire’s 3 Day Business BuilderThis is a live 3 - Day Event on Zoom. MAREI Members jointhis event for FREE to Build Your Business to provide youwith the time, money and freedom you’ve always wanted. NotRecorded, Must Attend to Participate.14 DEC: MAREI Master Class Private MoneyHow to Find & Work with Private TRUE Private Lenders whooffer more flexible rates and terms and don’t advertise foryour business. Taught by Will Pritchett (Virtual Recorded andFREE for MAREI Members.Member Hosted Events: 1st WED: Landlords of Johnson County2nd SAT: Northland Real Estate Investors3rd TUE: Cass County Landlords Association4th MON: Eastern KAREI4th TUE: Landlords Inc in Kansas City Missouri Weekly Member Hosted EventsTUE: Home Resource NetworkWED: WinVestors WeeklyTHU: Lunch & Learns Most Thursdays Starting 2025THU: CashFlow Game NightsGet more details and register for all of these events call / text (913) 815-0111MAREI memberIS DIGITALA digital version of MAREI member isavailable online where you will find thatthe links are clickable in the onlineversion and you can download andprint only the pages you TuckerCo-Founder of MAREIW elcome to Mid-America Association of RealEstate Investors (MAREI). Since2004, we have been serving the realestate investment community acrossthe Kansas City Metro Area.Made up of real estate investors,rental property owners, creativebuyers, note buyers, wholesalers,apartment owners, syndicators,private lenders, and people whoprovide products and services tothese members.Since 2004, MAREI has providedsome of the most comprehensiveeducational events and networkingopportunities for our members andguests, providing them with theresources they need to invest inthemselves.Whether you are new to investing orwant to grow your business to thenext level, the community here atMAREI is ready to help you.2 MAREI member

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BREAKING NEWS The National Law Review is reporting that on December 3rd, 2024,the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas granted anationwide preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of theCorporate Transparency Act (CTA). However, they caution that theCourt’s order is not a final decision, so businesses should remaincautious and be prepared to comply with the CTA reportingrequirements if they are revived as the case proceeds, or if theinjunction is lifted.We also received notice from one of our trusted advisors JeffWatson:On December 3, 2024, a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas (Sherman Division) issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against theenforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). A federal judge has the authority to determine if a lawpassed by Congress is unconstitutional, meaning it exceeds the scope of authority given to Congress as toregulating things that happen inside a state.In addition to determining that the law is unconstitutional, the judge granted a preliminary injunction, whichmeans he stopped the requirement for people to file their beneficial ownership interest reports under theCTA.In a 79-page decision, this judge determined that Congress does not have the authority to pass suchlegislation influencing how states regulate and allow the operation of businesses. He went on to say that thedecision applied to all businesses in the United States, and that the entire process must stop.If you have not yet filed under the CTA, there is no need to do so (yet). The court did not address what willhappen with the information already filed by those who reported. I know that I had to report for one entityalready because of the timelines. I suspect that after January 20, 2025, when we have a new AttorneyGeneral of the United States, the Department of Justice will receive different instructions as to how to moveforward with these cases. I expect the CTA to eventually go away completely.CTA -**"Corporate Transparency Act Ruled Unconstitutional"** 3

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P R A C T I C E A T M A R E I Ice BreakersInitiating a conversation can be the mostdaunting part of networking. Having afew openers ready can ease the tensionand start the conversation:"What brought you out to thisevent?" This question is a classicopener that immediately gets to theirpurpose for attending and allows youto connect on shared goals."What do you do in real estate?"Encourage them to share their nicheor expertise, which can lead todiscussions about common interests."What are your thoughts on thecurrent market?" This shows youvalue their opinion and creates anopportunity to discuss trends andstrategies.Leverage Name Tags: If they’re aguest, ask, “Is this your first timehere?” If they’re a member, ask,“What’s been your favorite part ofbeing involved with MAREI?”Know Your Goals: Are youlooking for partners, deals,funding, or guidance? Definingyour objectives will help yousteer conversations in the rightdirection.Research the Event: Familiarizeyourself with the attendees,sponsors, and speakers. Knowingwho will be there allows you toidentify key individuals you’d liketo meet.Bring Essentials: Pack plenty ofbusiness cards, a notebook orapp to jot down notes, and a fewconversation-starter questions toease into discussions.Rehearse Your Pitch: Yourelevator pitch is your chance toshine (more on that later).Practice it beforehand so it feelsnatural and confident. Whether you're a seasoned investor,just starting out, every conversation holds the potential for collaboration,learning, and growth. You might be atan industry meeting, a familygathering, or on an airplane. We want you to be ready. Today weare talking about the MAREI meeting,but you can use these tips anywhere. This guide will walk you throughplanning ahead, breaking the ice,delivering a concise pitch, andfollowing up effectively to turnconnections into opportunities.Plan Ahead: Prepare for SuccessIt all starts before you even step intothe room. A little preparation canensure your conversations are bothmeaningful and memorable. B U I L D I N G R E L A T I O N S H I P SMAREI’S ANNUAL SPEED NETWORKING IS DECEMBER10TH. BE SURE TO COME PREPARED MASTER THE ARTOF NETWORKING4 MAREI member Practice at the MeetingTuesday December 10th

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Pro Tip: Add a creative tagline to your name tag, such as “I buyhouses” or “Ask me about lending.” This invites others to strikeup a conversation with you. Even with MAREI’s printed nametags you can always add your tagline, just ask for a sharpie.Craft Your Elevator Pitch: Tell Your Story in 10 SecondsIn fast-paced networking situations, first impressions matter.Your elevator pitch—a brief, impactful summary of who you areand what you do—can make all the difference.Here’s how to craft an effective 10-second pitch:Start with Your Name and Role: For example, “Hi, I’mAlex, and I specialize in helping investors find off-marketdeals.”1.Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition: Sharewhat sets you apart. “I focus on creative financingsolutions that make deals work for everyoneinvolved.”2.Add a Call to Action: Finish with an invitation for furtherconnection. “If you’re interested, I’d love to connect andlearn how we can collaborate.”3.Example Pitch:“Hi, I’m Jamie, a local real estate investor who flips properties inthe Kansas City area. I specialize in finding homes that need TLCand creating win-win solutions for sellers and buyers. If you’relooking for deals or partnerships, let’s trade digits!”At Speed NetworkingAt a true speed networking event where you share your pitchover and over in rapid fire succession we recommend havingseveral pitches ready to go. That way you can adjust and changebased on the person you are speaking with. You might havesomething different to say depending on who is sitting acrossfrom you. At MAREI’s Speed Networking in the RoundWe get one shot to share our pitch. So write it down andpractice. And keep in mind you will be using a microphone. Don’t get intimidated, its just a tool to help everone else HEARwhat you have to say. So speak, into the microphone . . . like arock star!!Follow Up: Turn Conversations into ConnectionsThe value of networking lies in the follow-up. After the event, it’sessential to nurture the connections you’ve made to transform brief encounters into lasting relationships.Organize Your Contacts: Review your notes and categorizecontacts by priority—potential deals, partners, or serviceproviders.Send a Quick Email or Message: Within 24 hours, reachout to thank them for the conversation. Mention somethingspecific you discussed to personalize the message.Connect on Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn or realestate groups are excellent for maintaining visibility andcontinuing the conversation.Schedule a Meeting or Call: For high-priority contacts,suggest a coffee meeting or phone call to dive deeper intopotential collaboration.At MAREI, keep in mind that we quite often have a meeting afterthe meeting. So for that key person you met before the meetingor perhaps right in th middle of the meeting, you might want tosit down after for further conversation.Pro Tip: Be consistent. Building relationships takes time, so stayin touch by attending future MAREI events to reconnect. Your Opportunity AwaitsEvery real estate investor networking event, from monthlymeetings to our annual Speed Networking Event, is a chance tobuild your business. Practice your pitch, come prepared, andengage in meaningful conversations that could lead to your nextbig deal. Remember, connections don’t happen by accident—they’re cultivated through preparation, authenticity, and follow-through.You might even find yourself networking at holiday parties andfamily gatherings.Join us Tuesday December 10th at MAREI’s upcoming SpeedNetworking Event to sharpen your skills, make valuableconnections, and leave with actionable opportunities. We can’twait to see you there!

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MAREI Members Attend FREESee Calendar of

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satisfaction that keeps us coming backfor more.Cultural Norms: Our society glorifies thehustle and grind, equating busyness withimportance and success.The Consequences of BusynessWhile being busy might feel productive inthe short term, it often leads to long-termconsequences like:Burnout: Overworking yourself canresult in physical and emotionalexhaustion.Lost Connections: Busyness takes atoll on relationships, leaving littletime for family, friends, andmeaningful connections.Missed Opportunities: Beingcaught up in day-to-day tasks canprevent you from seeing the biggerpicture and pursuing your true goals.Jason notes that many people end up B U S I N E S S B U I L D I N GWhy Do We Stay So Busy?The reasons people fall into the trapof constant busyness are deeplyrooted in societal and personalfactors:Avoidance: For some, staying busy isa way to avoid dealing with internalstruggles or difficult emotions.Validation: Others seek externalvalidation through their work, tyingtheir self-worth to how much theycan accomplish.Dopamine Hits: Completing tasks orachieving goals releases dopamine,creating a cycle of temporary by Kim TuckerIn our fast-paced culture, being“busy” is often seen as a badge ofhonor. We measure our success byhow packed our schedules are, howmany hours we work, and how muchwe can accomplish in a day. But isthis relentless busyness actuallybringing us closer to the life we want?According to Jason Wojo fromLifeonaire, it’s not. In fact, busyness isoften a mask for deeper issues likefear, lack of creativity, or even astruggle with self-worth.Learn More at the RetreatDecember 10, 11 and 12A R E W E D O I N G I T W R O N GWE RECENTLY CAUGHT A VIDEO ON YOUTUBEFROM LIFEONAIRE WHERE THEY TALK ABOUT OURCULTURE OF ALWAYS BEING BUSY . . HERE’S WHATWE LEARNED.ARE YOU STUCKIN “BUSY” 7

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usyness, remember this: it’s never toolate to make a change. Here at MAREI weare working to help you through this atthe January 14th MAREI Meeting.ourguest speaker is Jason Wojo from thevideo and he will be sharing how tocreate a simple, actionable, and realisticroadmap to get you from where you arenow to where you want to be – as quicklyand easily as possible.Busyness might feel productive, but it’soften a distraction from the life you’remeant to live. stuck in this cycle because they don’thave a clear vision for their life.Without a roadmap, they default tostaying busy because they don’t knowwhat else to do.Breaking Free . . . . What Can You Do?Breaking free from the trap ofbusyness starts with self-awarenessand intentional action. Here are somepractical steps:Simplify Your Life and WorkSimplifying isn’t about doing less—it’sabout focusing on what truly matters.By cutting out unnecessary tasks anddistractions, you create space forwhat brings real value to your life.Set Yourself Up for SuccessJason encourages taking tangiblesteps to stack the deck in your favor.This could mean automating tasks,delegating responsibilities, orcreating systems to make your workmore efficient.Take Action on What MattersIt’s not enough to plan or learn—youhave to act. Whether it’s small,consistent steps or big, bold moves,taking action is the only way to createmeaningful change.Focus on Giving BackJason highlights that true fulfillmentcomes from helping others. Whetherit’s mentoring, volunteering, orcontributing to a cause, giving backshifts the focus from yourself to thebroader impact you can make.8 MAREI member Why It’s Time to Rethink “Busy”The ultimate goal isn’t to accomplishmore—it’s to live better. As Jasonputs it, busyness is often a sign offear or intellectual laziness. It’s easierto stay busy than to pause, reflect,and make changes that align your lifewith your true priorities.Breaking free from this trap requirescourage, creativity, and a willingnessto take a step back and ask, “Am Iliving the life I truly want?”The Path ForwardIf you find yourself overwhelmed by New Member Benefitsfrom Lifeonaire

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rules. We have a great master classon December 14th with Will Pritchettthat you should really attend.But to get you started, here are somethings that I have learned over theyears:Don’t advetise for lenders online. Posting I have a deal and needfunding on Facebook can get you insome serious trouble with the SEC, sojust DON’T Do It.Common ways to pay your lender:Flat Fees: Some private lendersprefer a simple flat fee, which,depending on the deal’s duration,can translate to high effectiveinterest rates.Profit Sharing: Others mightrequest 40-50% of the profits.While it can be pricey, it’s oftenworth it for the right partner.Interest Rates: Straightforwardinterest rates, usually 8-10%, areanother option. However, longholding times can eat into profits.P R I V A T E M O N E Yby Kim TuckerWhen Don and I were fairly brandnew to real estate investing wewere using bank loans and ahome equitly line of credit. Forinsurance our guy was selling us 6months at a time per house andthen after we flipped it, herefunded us the amount we didnot use. At one of those settle upmeetings, he asked if he couldlend us money to do deals. Hebecame our first private lender. (We had never heard of this.)Then after doing several housesLearn More at the Master ClassSaturday December 14thand showing them off to theparents, they asked how muchwere we paying the bank andcould they get in on the action.We also had an office on GregoryBoulevard in Waldo and two ofour major private lenders that wedid millions in deals with quiteliterally walked in the front doorand asked if they could partnerwith us.So how does this help you? Wellfirst we highly recommend youeducate yourself on PrivateMoney, how it works and all the F U N D I N G D E A L SOVER THE YEARS DON AND I HAVE UTILIZEDMILLIONS IN PRIVATE MONEY. OUR FIRST LENDERS,QUITE LITERALLY WALKED INTO OUR DOOR ANDASKED TO LEND TO US.FINDING MYPRIVATE MONEY

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Custom Terms: Every lender-borrower relationship isunique, making privatemoney both creative andversatile.But where did all these lenderscome from . . . really, I think Icreated them and here’s how:Brag a LotThe first step to finding privatelenders? Talk about what you’redoing. Our first private lendersthey saw what we were doingbecause we TOLD them. Ourparents, asked to tour our houses. We were not walking themthrough the rehabs in hopes ofgetting money, instead we werejust proud of what we were doing.I see many investors these dayswho do this right on Facebook. Here’s a video tour of my latestdeal. Here’s before and afters.Here’s what I learned on mylatest deal. This works for finding fundingand for finding deals.So if you are talking to someoneat sitting at the bar at Paulo andBills or striking up a conversationon the plane, or you make newfriends while on vacation . . don’tbe afraid to brag a little.Teach Real Estate InvestingWant more money or more deals,teaching is a great way to attractboth. Many people are attractedto the concept of real estateinvesting. Some of them have themoney but no time to really do time to build relationships.Relationship building is a bit more thanexchanging business cards. It takestime to see people each month, talk tothem. Get to know them. Offer themyour assistance as they need it.Think about it . . .when you need help inreal estate . . or otherwise . . do you callsomeone you know to help you or torefer help or do you go to that stack ofnetworking business cards and startrandomly calling people.So go to the MAREI or your local REIAmeeting every month. Pick out a fewsmaller networking or even a trainingevent or too. Take time to get to knowpeople. Cultivate other groups likeChurch or Business Networking orevent the Company Christmas Party,you never know who might be yournext private lender.Creative Deal MakingHere your seller might become yournext private lender by carrying thepaper. And after you pay them off,perhaps they might want to do it again.Private lending is a relationship-driven,flexible way to fund real estate deals.Whether through teaching, networking,or creative partnerships, theopportunities are abundant if you knowwhere to look. If you’re in the Kansas City area, join usat MAREI for meetings, workshops, andmaster classes. You’ll learn, connect,and build relationships that can helpyou grow your portfolio with privatemoney.the work it takes. They would begreat private lenders. Othershave the time to do the work, butno money or access to it to do thedeal, these can be your propertysuppliers.Our current private lender camefrom teaching and I’m pretty sureteaching a few times at MAREI,sitting through several trainingclasses with this lender and thenchatting him up at the meetingafter the meeting sealed the deal.Become a MentorSharing your over all knowledgeand becoming a go to resource onreal estate investing topics is alsoa great way to position yourselffor private money to find it’s wayto you.I know several investors in townthat write articles for BiggerPockets and one who made it a goal several years ago to be on100 Podcasts. Yet another, he justshares a few videos a month onFacebook and Instagram aboutwhat he learned.Find what works for you and keepin mind we are always looking formentors and case studies here atMAREI who are willing to shareand give back.NetworkScratch that, it’s not about“Networking” because that seemsto be all about meeting a lot ofpeople, collecting a lot of businesscards and maybe following up. Instead, we want to attendnetworking events and take the Brag a Lot - Develop Your Pitch10 MAREI member

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PRIVATE LENDERSFOR THE REAL ESTATEENTREPRENEURHOW TO FIND AND WORKWITH PRIVATE LENDERS TOGROW YOUR BUSINESSDecember 14th8 am to 2 pm CentralOn Zoom - FREE FOR MEMBERSEver wonder how other investors seem tohave all the funding they need to do deals -it’s all in their private Master ClassLearn the LingoFinding the LendersStart with Private Money 101 to learnthe basic structures, the legal stuff, andthe terms so you can talk the talk.These are not high rollers, they arenormal every day people hiding in plainsight. Learn how to find them.Avoid Rookie MistakesLike a lender that backs out last minute,wants their money back early, or wantsto micromanage the project.Be Super LendablePaperworkShow potential lenders what makes youthe smarter choice for their money evenif you have a long term loan.The documents, insurance and processes you need to make sure your lender is protected.Other MattersCreating Your Own Lendersand making them super fans.Instructor Attorrney Will Pritchett

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GovernmentAffairsbenefitsNEW & NOTEWORTHYRentPerfectTenant ScreeningLandlord ResourceScreening, LeaseSigning, Storage, Movein , Move Out, RentCollection, Training andmore. AdvocacySee the latest issue, callto action or change inrules and HousingTrainingWhat Is Fair Housing?Fair housing laws ensure everyone has equal access to housing, free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin.For housing providers, this means creating practices that are inclusive, ethical, andcompliant with federal, state, and local laws.Why Is Fair Housing Education Critical for Housing Providers?Protect Yourself: Avoid costly legal mistakes and potential lawsuits.Boost Your Business: Build trust with tenants and maintain a positive reputation in thecommunity.Stay Compliant: Keep up with ever-changing fair housing laws and avoid penalties.Be a Leader: Set the standard for professionalism and inclusivity in real estate.Exclusive for MAREI Members!Not a member? Join today for as little as $25/month or $149/year and gain access to thisand many other benefits!Visit the Learning Vault under Resources at MAREI.orgMake Fair Housing Education Your Competitive Advantage.Because Equal Housing Opportunity Isn’t Just a Right — It’s the Law!MAREI BlogGet updates onstrategies, data, currentaffairs and MAREI member from a private investigator.Members can sign up torun background for $0.95

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EXPRESSEXPRESSSuccessSuccessMonthly Group Coaching WebclassOver 100 Hours of On Demand Basic Skills VideoEmail Coaching for When You Need HelpRoadmap for Creating YOUR Business PlanA Full Year’s Worth of MAREI MasterClasses (these range in price from $47 to $97 for members - We had 24 in 2024Bought separately, these benefits would be over $2,000 - Member Price $ Our Website913-815-0111Call MAREI for Infoor other participating REIAMust be a Member of MAREIVENA JONES-COXVENA JONES-COXInvestor -- Educator - CoachInvestor -- Educator - CoachCoaching by Vena Jones-Cox, classes taughtby Vena & other Hand Picked Experts

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NATIONAL REIAThe one most used discountis with the Home Depot and includes a 2% rebate and 20% off paint.You may know them by Office Depot or Office Max, but combined they are ODP where we get valuable discounts on products and printing services in store and online.When it’s time to screen your renters,RentPerfect is the only privateinvestigating company owned by a lazylandlord that has built a ton of otherservices into their systemSee all Discounts at REIA publishes the REJournal quarterly to keep ourmembers up to date nationally.REIA Sense keeps members updatedon what’s happening at the FederalLevel in Government.And the ROI is their annual Magazine on Is an Award Winning ChapterEarning many distinguieshedservice awards, honors of merit, andthe Award of Excellence in 2017 for our outstanding programs. DISCOUNTS PUBLICATIONS OTHER BENEFITSIn February when its super cold inKansas City, National REIA host ainvestor cruse to some place warm.In 2024 they leave from MiamiFlorida on a 5 night cruise to Jamaicaand Nassau Bahamas. With 2 dayscruising at sea, they will pack in a tonof real estate investor training. All 5packed with amazing networking.NationalREIAcruise.comLastly National REIA works hardto keep us informed on the nationalissues that matter.NationalREIA.org14 MAREI member

Page 15 15EMAIL NEWSLETTEROur weekly updates goout on Friday mornings.It includes local andnational news as itpertains to real estate,upcoming events,member properties, andadvocacy issues.Member? Do youproduce content? Tellus about it!Subscribe to our emailthat comes throughConstant Contact and ifyou already receive ouremails make sure yousubscribe to the weeklynewsletter. Otheroptions include eventupdates and LATEST UPDATESON SOCIALOn our social media channelswe keep members updated onthe issues. We look at the localmetro area, Kansas andMissouri, and at the NationalNews as well. The most activeis our Facebook Page.Join us on your favorite socialmedia MAREIBLOG UPDATEWhen there is an important issue you need to know about or take action on, you will find it on the MAREI Blog. And note we will continue keep you updated.So be sure to book mark it.When there is a video replay of a MAREI, National REIA, or memberevent that we think you need to see it will be posted here as THE CONVERSATIONDo you have a question you need help with? Need a referral for a contractor or other service provider?Our online community that seems torarely sleep is our Facebook Group.Take your questions to the group, share your knowledge, anddiscuss the local issues.Group is moderated to keep us on topic and remember be YOU KNOWThat MAREI has been servingthe Kansas City Metro realestate investment communitysince 2004. We’ve nevermissed a meeting due to snow,floods, COVID or ChiefsChampionship games!YOUTUBE CHANNELMAREI records all of ourmonthly meetings. They areshared publicly to ourYouTube Subsribers for abouta week and then they aredelisted and added to ourreplay archive are three ways to getour meeting replays:be a member and log intoaccess at any time, subsribeto our YouTube Channel, orcatch the public replay whenwe send it out via email.

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AttorneyAnderson & AssociatesLandlord Tenant & Real Estate LawJulie Anderson 931-2207See site for Free FormsAttorney Spence StoverBusiness & Real Estate 778-2992Stockton & Kandt, LLCElder & Business LawCarrie Stracy & Blake 856-2828B uilding SupplierDeMayo EnterprisesWholesale CabinetsMark 980-426016 MAREI member Better Service, Inc.HVAC, Plumbing, ElectiralSean 756 - 4244Olson Foundation RepairJohn Murphy(913) ConstructionMatt 337-7037Home Depot2% Rebate for Members20% off PaintHomeDeopt.comCleaning & Trash OutCleaning Maids In & OutVeronica Bolton(816) 659-2929CleaningMaidsInandOut.comContractorAll Pro AC & HeatingMike 210-0809businessdirectoryFind the directoryonline 24-7 at

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InspectionsKC Property ExpertsAdam Pointer(913) 709-3199KCPropertyExperts.comInsurance Capitol AgencyBrian (816) 436-1016Forsythe AgencyFarmer‘s InsuranceChris Specialty InsuranceLandlords, Builder’s Risk, 898-8110IRA Self Directed CNB CustodyJenny 680-0340Mainstar TrustMainstarTrust.comJordan Scafe1-800-521-9897Lending Crossroads Investment LendingHard MoneyBritton 766-2900Finish Line FundingShort Term FundingBruce 346-8090Flat Branch Home LoansSenior Mortgage BankerBeth 679-4000Longhorn InvestmentsHard MoneyKeith 207-3380Merchants MortgageMushy MoneySusan 522-2650North Oak InvestmentBernie Richter(816) 249-1001 x 402NorthOakInvestment.comCPA - BookkeepingESSISTANT KCBookkeeping & Payroll & MoreAngie (816) 287-1818ExchangeHeartland 1031 Solutions1031 Exchange, DSTTodd 365-8010Insight Investment Advisers1031 Exchange, DSTJoshua Wright & Julia 800-0954 Joshua(816) 589-1509 JuliaFinancial PlanningUnbridled WealthJason K 458-6900Fractional InvestmentGroundfloorInvest in part of a Short Term HighInterest Rate Real Estate BuyerHouse MaxHerb Brown(913) 17MAREI Trade ShowJoin us at the Main Meeting from 6 to 7pmEvery Month to Learn What Many of Our Business Associates Have to Offer

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Office SupplyODP Log into for discount informationProperty ManagerDan Reedy Inc.Dan 564-5265Home Rental ServicesPaul 627-9543Mark etingCarrotHigh converting websites InvestorData, Skip Trace & MachineData, Lists, Unlimited Contact InfoFree Trial + 50 Free, Research, BlackBookTotal Marketing PackageWebsite, CRM, Tracking, in action & M Property ProsMichael & Michele 490-6745PMI Destination PropertiesCory Brockert(913) 583-1515PMIDestination.comResource KCAngie Austin 200-0232Trailhead Property ManagementJenny 791-7077(913) 406-0701Property Management SoftwareBuildium14 Day FREE Trial of PropertyManagement MAREI member Join the Conversationtake part in MAREI’sFacebook questions, share thoughts, get referrals.

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Title CompanyAccurate Title CompanyDave 338-0100Overland Park & KC & Gladstone Advantage Title LLCBud Whisler(816) 279-8484AdvantageTitleLLC.comSt Joseph & Blue SpringsRD Title + ExchangeRick 777-4RDT (4738)Free Real Estate FormsReal Estate ServicesiFinder OffersiBuyer NetworkiFinderOffers.comAnne Lakusta(214) 502-7395Realty ResourceScott 406-0701ScreeningRent PerfectTenant Screening 922-2547Log into fordiscount informationMid-America Association of real estateinvestors (MAREI) does not exist to renter anddnoes not provide legal, tax, economic orinvestment advice and dislcaims all liability forthe actions or inaction taken or not taken as aresult of communictions from or to its members,officers, directors, employees, contractors, andguests. Each individual should consult theirown professional adviro.MAREI provides general real estateeducational information to help further your fullor part time real estate career. Our goal is toeducate the investor based on informationedicted from material contributed by leaders inthe real estate investing, legal, accounting,property management, financial, legislative andother related professions.MAREI makes every effort to produce andpublish the most current and accurateinformation possible. Moreover, because of theever-changing laws relating to landlord-tenantrelationships and other aspects of real estate,specific application of any of our material to amember’s individual situation should be madeonly with the advice of local legal counsel. Nowarranties, expressed or implied, are providedfor the data we publish, its use or itsinterpretation.MAREI, its officers and the contributingmembers specifically disclaim any liability forloss or risk, personal or otherwise, which maybe incurred as a consequence, directly orindirectly, of the use or application of any of theideas, concepts, techniques, forms, documentsor contents presented or implied at meetings orother educational forums presented by thisassociation.By attending any of the activities provided bythis association, the member hereby releases,discharges and agrees to indemnify MAREI, itsrespective officers, directors, members,employees and/or contractors, past or present,from any and all liabilities associated with ourorganization.The viewpoints expressed and methodspromoted by speakers at MAREI events are notnecessarily those of the board, staff, or leadersof the association.Contact Us 105 East Street, #29125Parkville, MO 64152 (mail only)www.MAREI.orgwww.MAREIMember.cominfo@MAREI.org913-815-0111

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There are a lot of different benefits of being a member ofMAREI. We offer three options to become a part of MAREI. There is the FREE option that gives you no benefits otherthan access to our free public social media groups, anemail subscription, and pay as you go at the meetings. Our Investor member that comes with all benefitsincluded. Our Business members that get all benefits for 2people, plus advertising opportunities. Compare below.PICK YOUR MAREI MEMBERSHIPBENEFITSAttend Monthly Meetingv i s i t w w w . M A R E I . o r g / M e m b e r s h i p t o f i n d o u t m o r ePublic Facebook / LinkedInMember Digital LibraryAdd Additional up to 2Discounts on WorkshopsJoin Express Success (fee)Investor Website (Basic)Properties MarketedMember DirectoryFREEINVESTORBUSINESSA$35 Fee$50 Each$50 EachOn Business DirectoriesHome Depot DiscountHost Vendor Table for FeeAnnual Auto Renwal PriceFREE$149 $699Monthly Option for 1 Person - $25 / MonthQuarterly Option is$249 / Quarter