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March - PADdy's Post

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Inside:Doctors 'Practice' MedicineBlockage in SFA(Thigh)Paddy's Post 2021March, Vol IIIAtherectomy(Plaque removal)Collaterals reconstitute just above the knee Angioplasty(Inflation of balloon)Final ResultRetored Blood FlowBECAUSE EVERYBODY DESERVES A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFEWhere does the SFA begin??LaserAtherectomyDeviceInflatedBalloonAngioplasty"Low & Slow"FinalResultSFACathetercoming upfrom Tibialto SFAThe blockageends here atthe knee

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Paddy's Post 2021Doctors 'Practice' Medicine From page 1What do you consider frontline therapy for treating Peripheral Artery Disease? Medical Therapy - What does this consist of and how do you make the decision as to what is right for me?Exercise Therapy - Do you have access to a Supervised Exercise Therapy/Cardiac Rehab program in which you can refer me?What is your threshold for medical/exercise therapy before deciding next step is surgical?What types of procedures do you offer to unblock arteries?Endovascular AngioplastyDo you use the newer 'low & slow" balloon inflation technique or 'high & hard' as used in coronary?When do you use Plain Old Balloons (POB) vs. Drug Coated Balloons (DCB)?AtherectomyWhat tools do you have in your medical toolbox and when do you decide which one to use & why?How do you mitigate the risk of downstream emboli? Do you use a filter?ThrombectomyMinimally Invasive Bypass: PQ Bypass/Limflow (Investigational and not commercially available but some doctors are in study)What approaches are you skilled in using for access? Groin? Pedal? Tibial? Radial? How do you decide which to use & why?BypassTwo small scars or one large scar? What are the most durable grafts? Are my veins healthy enough to use?What is your criteria for determining whether to perform endovascular, bypass, or amputation? page 2March, Vol. IIICritical Questions to Ask Your DoctorW I T H C A R D I O L O G I S T D R . J O H N P H I L L I P S"If I were to do it all over again I wouldn't have settledfor amputation. I would've gotten a second opinion."An excerpt from Podcast interview with PAD Patient 'Kim'Dr. John Phillips: I met you in 2015 after you had your right leg amputated.You've been on quite the journey. What drove you to find me?Kim: It's been a long road, one battle after another. I've had aortic bypass twice.I am in stage 4 renal failure. But I have to keep fighting! I have 13grandchildren, my kids, and my wonderful husband. I couldn't handle thethought of being wheelchair bound when my left leg was on the chopping block. It was very scary. For years doctors had told me that a pinched nerve in myback was the reason for my leg pain that hurt so bad I couldn't walk. My footwas cold and constantly ached and throbbed. By the time they discovered it wasa blockage in my arteries, the vascular surgeon told me that I had a choiceDescribe what it was like to be faced with amputation and what led to it?of either dealing with the pain for the rest of my life, eventually dyingwith it, or to go ahead and take off my leg now. I opted to have themtake it off because I was in excruciating pain and didn't know otheroptions were available. I took their word. I now know differentWhat would you say to others who are faced with amputation?I wish to God I would have found you or a doctor like you before I letthem amputate. You saved my left leg when my other doctor told meit couldn't be done. With my right leg, that's one step in my life that Ifeel like now I can look back on and say, "I gave up and I shouldn'thave given up." The pain got so bad, though, I couldn't imaginethere was any other option. But with what you've done with my leftleg in saving it, I would tell people to always get a second opinion. How do you continue to persevere? What motivates you?Here's a funny story. Abot a year ago, my husband came home tofind me standing in my wheelchair on my one leg changing curtainsout in my living room. Don't do this. It's not safe. I know. He yelledat me for it. I said, "Somebody has got to do it." And that's whatkeeps me going. I push myself & no matter what it is, I try to do it.@SaveMyPiggies

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Paddy's Post 2021page 3March, Vol. IIIDerrick & ToniMandyFur-ever Heroes Among UsAda MayMarvelCaraBellaCassieRedd

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page 4 Paddy's Post 2021March , Vol. IIIStep 1: Make a firm commitment saying, "Idesire to quit."Step 2: Identify the triggers which cause you toreach for another which will help you to decidewhether stopping cold turkey, using a patch,reading a book, or watching a webinar will beeffective for you.Step 3: Find something to do with yourfingers/hands such as a rubber band or pen totwirl or have a small bag of a portioned mix ofnuts, dried wasabi peas, and sunflower seedshandy.Step 4: Don't kick yourself for lighting up. Thenegative reaction can cause you more stress &anxiety, leading to even more puffs. Instead,remind yourself that it's ok to be where you arein this journey and that you maintain yourcommitment to quitting.Step 5: Surround yourself with friends who willsupport you, not shame you. Stress is one ofthe leading triggers to light up. 5 Steps to Smoking CessationI tried hypnosis twice & nicotine replacement therapy. Then after 40+ years of smoking, I quit 31/2 years ago using Alan Carr's 'Stop Smoking the Easy Way' that I ordered for $8 on Amazon.I also used the 'Easy Quit' app, which I still use to remind me how much money I havesaved since I quit. Today is $10,863 by NOT smoking my regular 36,662 cigarettes! ~ MaryTime to Quit?Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Always check with your own healthcareprovider before acting on any information provided here. Ask your healthcare provider to test your oxygen levels regularly. If you think you are having amedical emergency call your local emergency line or go to the nearest open emergency care facility.Excerpt fromher new book:Page 53Take Chantix, gum, patches etc. But if you're not fully committed and absolutelycertain you want to quit, it's not going to happen. Willpower is key, and lots of it.Wellbutrin helped me, but the commercials where people had half their faces gonereally opened my eyes and 'scared me smokeless.' 3 and 1/2 year's clean! ~TracyOxygen: Are You Breathing? I remember being told that if you smoked 20 a day, 5 were for addiction and therest, habit. I gave up immediately the 15!!! I smoked 5 a day from then till 15months ago when hypnosis worked and I gave up the rest completely. ~ Kay

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Paddy's Post 2021What nutrients does this drug deplete?What supplements should I be taking for nutritionalsupport along with these drugs to preventdeficiencies?What dietary supplements/food have the potentialfor interaction with these drugs, and should I avoidthem? (So important as there are many!)Would you schedule bloodwork and a follow-upappointment to assess my prescription list and howthey're working, along with my nutrient levels likelyimpacted by these drugs?Ask Your Doctor about prescribed drugs:Cholesterol's Krytonite?Pre-heat oven: 200Very thinly sliceapplesSpread on metalbaking sheetSprinkle 1 side withcinnamon & monkfruit sugarBake 1 hourFlip apples over.Sprinkle cinnamon& monk fruit sugarBake 1 hourApple Chips!Sprinkle or add astick to coffee & teaB Vitamins (especially B12)MagnesiumSodiumPotassiumZincCoQ10Folic AcidCalciumFat Soluble Vitamins (A, D, E, K)Ask Your Doctor for regular bloodwork of:What You NeedTo 5Drugs, Supplements, & BloodworkPossible Nutrient DeficienciesMarch, Vol. IIIAdd + monk fruitsugar to warm milk.1 CupCashew/AlmondYogurt,unsweetenedHandful oforganic berriesSlivered almonds& choppedwalnutsTouch of organiclocal honeySprinklecinnamon Breakfast!

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Paddy's Post 2021Heart Healthy EatingLunch Time!What is low calorie, has more vitamin C than a blueberry,keeps blood sugar low, is high protein, and you can growit in your patio or windowsill?Grow WhatYou 6Pea Shoots!March, Vol III

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Paddy's Post 2021A Friend with PAD's Big Bounce-Backpage 7March, Vol. III

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Paddy's Post 2021Endovascular NowThe Heart of InnovationSurgical Repair & Bypass Nowpage 8March 1, Vol III

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Paddy's Post 2021ArteryStent Connectionfrom Artery to VeinVein, which now has only forward flowThe Heart of Innovationpage 9March , Vol IIIWhat's Next?Contact Kym@The Way To My for help finding a vascular specialist with advanced tools & techniques such as the PQ BypassDetour System and Limflow so you can weigh all of your options before deciding with your doctor on a treatment strategy that's right for you. Superficial Femoral Artery (SFA)Vein, which now has approx 50% forward flowBlockageStent Connection

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Call: (415) 320-7138Email: Paddy's Post 2021March, Vol. our Support Groups!Chat with friends who have PAD!Chat with vetted Vascular Specialists!Learn new diagnosis & treatment options!Find a virtual walking buddy! Get community support for lifestylemodifications!Learn about research opportunities!Get help finding a doctor!Get critical questions to ask your doctor!Get support preparing for appointments!Have an advocate with you during appointments!Get help understanding diagnosis & treatment options!Get real-time lifestyle modification compliance supportafter appointments!Get A Free Advocate! us online:Or Contact Us Directly: SCAN QR CODE(Use Phone Camera) BECAUSE EVERYBODY DESERVES A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFETO:Get PADdy's Postmailed to you!Send Address To: