Message MARCHWhatSpring MeansWhatSpring MeansSelf Defence ClassesSelf Defence ClassesJob FairJob FairUpdates and More!2025
I hope this issue of our monthly newsletter finds you well. Itfeels like we’re finally past the worst of the cold months—while the crisp air has its charm, I’m certainly lookingforward to warmer weather and longer days.This past winter has been a busy one at the Centre. Thingsare really moving, and attendance at our weekly eventscontinues to grow. With activities happening every day ofthe week—such as beading, drum night, drum socials,karaoke, Kiizhaay programming, and youth programs likecooking classes—there’s always something engaging forour community.In July 2024, I was elected as the 2nd Vice President of theOntario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres. Thisrole has been a tremendous learning experience and hasfurther motivated me to advocate for Indigenous people inurban areas. As our population grows, so does the need forresources that support the Urban Indigenous community.Ensuring that our programs incorporate Indigenous values isessential, allowing our people to feel at home even whenliving off-reserve.I look forward to seeing you around the Centre!Chi MiigwetchKathy FortinI hope this issue of our monthly newsletter finds you well. Itfeels like we’re finally past the worst of the cold months—while the crisp air has its charm, I’m certainly lookingforward to warmer weather and longer days.This past winter has been a busy one at the Centre. Thingsare really moving, and attendance at our weekly eventscontinues to grow. With activities happening every day ofthe week—such as beading, drum night, drum socials,karaoke, Kiizhaay programming, and youth programs likecooking classes—there’s always something engaging forour community.In July 2024, I was elected as the 2nd Vice President of theOntario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres. Thisrole has been a tremendous learning experience and hasfurther motivated me to advocate for Indigenous people inurban areas. As our population grows, so does the need forresources that support the Urban Indigenous community.Ensuring that our programs incorporate Indigenous values isessential, allowing our people to feel at home even whenliving off-reserve.I look forward to seeing you around the Centre!Chi MiigwetchKathy FortinOUR MISSIONA MESSAGE FROM OUREXECUTIVE DIRECTOR:Cultural ResourcesMarch MoonPrenatal/Family SupportEaster Egg Hunt EventChildren’s Mental HealthUpcoming Events/ProgramsLil ChefsLil Chefs at HomeI am a Kind ManArt ContestApatisiwinCell Phone DriveStaff Directory 0304050607080910111213,141516Table ofContentsTable ofContentsTo support urban First Nations, Mètis, and Inuit people in pursuing Mno Bimaadziwinthrough quality programming that welcomes the participation of our non-Indigenousneighbours. We advocate for full urban Indigenous social and cultural resurgenceand economic prosperity.
March Moon:March Moon:Sugar MoonSugar MoonNew Years!What does the March Full & New moon meanto Indigenous peoples?The third moon of creation isZiinzibaakwadooke-Giizis (Sugar Moon). Asthe maple sap begins to run, we use animportant medicine given to us which helpsbalance our blood and helps us recover fromthe long winter. During this time, we areencouraged to balance our lives as we wouldbalance our blood sugar levels, by using thebeautiful nectar from the trees.Moons in Different Regions:Hard Crust Moon:Onaabani-giizis/Onaabdin-giizisBroken Snowshoe Moon:Bebookwedaagime-giizis/Pokwaagami-giizisCrow Moon: Aandego-giizisGoose Moon: Nika-Giizis Suckerfish Moon:Namebini-giizisThe Spring Equinox marks the start of the new yearin many Indigenous cultures! Because this yearsEquinox falls on March 20th, it falls during the timeof the Sugar Moon.Spring is the time for the plants towake up, new life to be born, and forthe birds to come back from the south.It’s time for a new start and newbeginnings! Happy New Years!
It's been a busy few months settling intothe Cultural Resources Coordinatorposition, and I'm so happy to share theCommunications work with the NBIFC'Snew Communications Assistant, Alex. The Community Action Circle, which isan opportunity for representatives fromorganizations in the city to cometogether, network, share news,reconciliaction work, challenges and workon solutions together. Its been rebuildingsince the pandemic, and we have about15- 30 regular participants each month.It's been great seeing steps thatorganizations are taking in showinginitiatives to address community issues,the Calls to Action, or improvingservices. People who are passionateabout their work can accomplish somuch. Leo DeLoyde has been such agreat help in keeping it going andtogether. I've been helping bring cultural supportto groups, like the Walking With Griefprogram, and regularly spending timewith the students at Niizhwaas AsiniikSkoonweh Kahn, and Suswin Village. I'maround the building a lot, and beingacross from the gym, I see a lot ofpeople coming and going. I am so proudof everyone I see making lifeimprovements and seeing people movingforward from learning, healing, findingsobriety, or even learning to cooksomething new. It's been a busy few months settling intothe Cultural Resources Coordinatorposition, and I'm so happy to share theCommunications work with the NBIFC'Snew Communications Assistant, Alex. The Community Action Circle, which isan opportunity for representatives fromorganizations in the city to cometogether, network, share news,reconciliaction work, challenges and workon solutions together. Its been rebuildingsince the pandemic, and we have about15- 30 regular participants each month.It's been great seeing steps thatorganizations are taking in showinginitiatives to address community issues,the Calls to Action, or improvingservices. People who are passionateabout their work can accomplish somuch. Leo DeLoyde has been such agreat help in keeping it going andtogether. I've been helping bring cultural supportto groups, like the Walking With Griefprogram, and regularly spending timewith the students at Niizhwaas AsiniikSkoonweh Kahn, and Suswin Village. I'maround the building a lot, and beingacross from the gym, I see a lot ofpeople coming and going. I am so proudof everyone I see making lifeimprovements and seeing people movingforward from learning, healing, findingsobriety, or even learning to cooksomething new. Full Moon Ceremonies have been wellattended, and I have to say chi-miigwetchto Penny and Sid over at Big MedicineStudios for allowing us to use their tipispace. As well we have to be so gratefulto Grandmother Lorraine Whiteduck-Liberty for sharing so much with all of us,as we learn our ceremonies, roles andresponsibilities as women in ourcommunity. We will be having Full MoonMarch 14, 6:30pm. at Big MedicineStudio, 161 Couchie Memorial Drive. If youneed a ride, please call or email, we oftenhave people carpool. As always our firekeepers Nodin and Krisare so helpful and do a great job. Wehope to have Firekeeper teachings in thenext few months. If you, or perhaps one ofthe men in your family are interested inbeginning to do that work, feel free to getin touch, so we can get you signed up. It'simportant to understand that we all haveto do what we can to help our communitygrow and reclaim our traditions. Soon the water will begin moving, in thetrees, the rivers and on the lakes. This isour new year, and I like to think aboutwhat I'd like to work on this year. Spring isso full of life and possibilities! Full Moon Ceremonies have been wellattended, and I have to say chi-miigwetchto Penny and Sid over at Big MedicineStudios for allowing us to use their tipispace. As well we have to be so gratefulto Grandmother Lorraine Whiteduck-Liberty for sharing so much with all of us,as we learn our ceremonies, roles andresponsibilities as women in ourcommunity. We will be having Full MoonMarch 14, 6:30pm. at Big MedicineStudio, 161 Couchie Memorial Drive. If youneed a ride, please call or email, we oftenhave people carpool. As always our firekeepers Nodin and Krisare so helpful and do a great job. Wehope to have Firekeeper teachings in thenext few months. If you, or perhaps one ofthe men in your family are interested inbeginning to do that work, feel free to getin touch, so we can get you signed up. It'simportant to understand that we all haveto do what we can to help our communitygrow and reclaim our traditions. Soon the water will begin moving, in thetrees, the rivers and on the lakes. This isour new year, and I like to think aboutwhat I'd like to work on this year. Spring isso full of life and possibilities! Update From CRC/Communications!Sandra
Prenatal andFamily SupportsPrenatal and Family Supporthave a lot going on in thenext couple months withprogramming and specialactivities. We are so excitedto be able to bring theseactivities to you and yourfamilies!Prenatal and Family Supporthave a lot going on in thenext couple months withprogramming and specialactivities. We are so excitedto be able to bring theseactivities to you and yourfamilies!Upcoming Activities toLook Out For:Trip to Horse AbilityPrevention of Early Childhood Cavities PresentationNobody’s Perfect Parenting ClassTea & Chats Ribbon Skirt WorkshopsFamily DenMeet & Greet With K’Tigaaning Midwives
Bus for the Adult Hunt willleave at 12:30 pm and returnat 3:30 pmEASTEREgg HuntSaturday, 12 April 202509:00 AM - 12:00 PMAdult HuntTO REGISTER CONTACT AMANDAOR YOUR PROGRAM COORDINATOR705-472-2811 ext. 213 email: amhn@nbifc.orgincluding an Adult Egg Hunt!! OUTDOOR12:00 PM - 3:00 PMYouth HuntBus will leave NBIFC at 9:00 amfor the children/youth eastegg hunt and return approx12:00 pm. Children must besupervised by an adult.FUN + Games + PrizesFUN + Games + PrizesFor Clients and/or Families registered with a program at the NBIFCContact Amanda or your program coordinator to register!
A Message FromChildren's MentalHealth The new year has proven to be a busy timefor us at the NBIFC. I am happy to have anew work partner since Allyson left theagency a while ago. Melissa Minor has beena great help to me and the youth that weserve. She has a lot of experience runningprograms and we are looking to do somefun things in the near future, includingsome amazing camping trips with ourclients this summer. I am looking forward tofishing trips and being out on the land oncespring gets here. Being outside can truly behealing and this summer will be spentencouraging folks to get outside and beactive. Being a social worker meanscontinuously educating myself in ways thatcan help the people who seek my services.Currently I am working towards my secondcertification in CBT and have recentlycompleted training on how to identify andhelp those who may be facing humantrafficking. That along with the traditionalteachings I receive at the Centre by bothmy coworkers and outside resources havekept my brain and my heart full. I am alifetime learner and will always welcomeany knowledge that is offered to me. I am so happy to call the NBIFChome and looking forward tomeeting everybody at one (or all)of the fun events that the Centreruns. If you’re are seeking mentalhealth support for somebody upto and including the age of 18,please reach out to myself orMelissa. We will do what we can tosee the person as soon as possibleand make referrals if we areunable to help. Always rememberto call 911 in an emergency and toutilize helplines when needingsomebody to talk to immediately,such as 988 which allows for textsor phone calls. They are bothavailable 24/7.Sarah Ledoux
Self defense training teaches youhow to protect yourself indangerous situations and providesnumerous other benefits for yourphysical and mental well-being. REGISTER TODAY!Email: amhn@nbifc.orgPhone 705-472-2811 ext 213980 Cassells Street, North BaySELFDEFENSECLASSAges 18+MARCH 8, 2025MARCH 8, 20251:00 pm to 4:00 pmInstructor: Chris WorkmanFull Moon CeremonyMarch 14th, 20256:30 PMBig Medicine Studio161 Couchie Memorial DrivePlease bring your ribbon skirts.For more info: Call/email Sandra orcall (705)472-2811 ext 242March Break Activities for Youth!Call or Email to register for activities. Christine - Andrew - uahlkp@nbifc.orgGina -
All ParticipantsMust beRegisteredto register contact: AmandaCurran at emailamhn@nbifc.orgAll ParticipantsMust beRegisteredto register contact: AmandaCurran at emailamhn@nbifc.orgSubmission deadlinesand details including agecategories to beannounced.Submission deadlinesand details including agecategories to beannounced. All entries must beoriginal, culturallyappropriate andsuitable for all ages(no nudity or vulgar entrieswill be accepted ordisplayed) All entries must beoriginal, culturallyappropriate andsuitable for all ages(no nudity or vulgar entrieswill be accepted ordisplayed)RED DRESSRED DRESSDAYDAYArt ContestArt ContestKeep An Eye Out!Youth Drop InNights!Come and enjoy a safe space tocatch up on homework, access ourcomputers and printerPainting and movie nightsBoard games, drawingNeed someone to talk to?Thursdays in March6, 13, 20, & 24 4pm-6pmApatisiwin building (housebeside IFC- 962 Cassells)
Pre-Employment Training Access to local job listings & jobboardTelephone, Internet, & ComputerAccessPhotocopy & Fax ServicesResume & Cover Letter Support Job Search SupportAccess to WorkshopsResource MaterialsNetworking OpportunitiesPre-Career Development &Exploration Securing paid on the jobtraining opportunitiesSelf-Employment Supports Employment SupportsStudent Summer JobsFunding for TrainingStay in School InitiativeYouth InternshipsApprenticeshipsLet us help you find a path to success!RESOURCE CENTRESERVICES Apatisiwin is an Indigenous employment and trainingprogram that offers skills development and trainingopportunities to eligible participants living in North Bay andsurrounding area(705) 472 2811 Ext. 202 or 243 Your paragraph textYour paragraph textYour paragraph textRegistered ClientPrograms
MONDAY 1PM-4PMTUESDAY 1PM-4PMWEDNESDAY 1PM-4PMTHURSDAY 9AM-11AMFRIDAY 9AM-11AMSATURDAY CLOSEDSUNDAY CLOSEDYOUTH DROP-IN EVERY THURSDAY4PM-6PM (OPEN TO YOUTH WHO ARE 14YEARS OLD TO 18 YEARS OLD)What is OurResource Room?North Bay IndigenousFriendship Centre Presents: TUESDAY18 March 20259:30 AM TO 3:30PMLOCATION: NBIFC705 472 2811 Ext 202 or 243apatisiwin@nbifc.orgRESOURCE ROOMHOURSOur resource room is a space forpeople to help navigate jobsearches, create resumes, and otheremployment related activities, forfree! 1ST ANNUAL JOB FAIR1ST ANNUAL JOB FAIR CAREER EXPOCAREER EXPODon’t miss the opportunityto network with leadingemployers at our job fair,offering career advice,interviews, and jobopenings!
NBIFC IS COLLECTING UNLOCKED , GENTLY USED WORKING CELL PHONES TO PROVIDE TO NORTH BAY’S VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALSPLEASE DROP OFF AT 980 CASSELLS, NORTH BAY INDIGENOUS FRIENDSHIP CENTREMIIGWETCHTHANK-YOU FOR YOURSUPPORTFor someone in crisis, a phone is far more than just a device—it’s a lifeline. Whether fleeing anabusive situation, facing houselessness, or transitioning from an institution, access to a phonecan mean the difference between isolation and opportunity.A donated phone provides a direct link to emergency services, medical care, and social supports.It enables people to search for housing, apply for jobs, and stay connected with loved ones. Forthose with accessibility needs, features like text-to-speech and voice commands can be crucial innavigating daily challenges.More than just a tool, a phone represents a step toward independence and stability. By donating,you’re not just giving someone a device—you’re helping them rebuild their life.USED CELL PHONE DRIVE