BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP1The 2023 Nominating Committee of BEK Communications Cooperative met Tuesday, February 28, 2023 to nominate members of the cooperative to run for the Board of Directors. BEK Communications Cooperative member-owners residing in Districts I, II and III will elect one director from each district to serve a three-year term. Serving on the 2023 Nominating Committee are Burnell Paul, Wing; Luanne Schonert, Wilton; Randy Kapp, Medina; Tim DeKrey, Steele; Sandy Baumgartner, Hazelton; Elaine Mittleider, Hazelton.There are two ways to become nominated for Director: 1) by the nominating committee, or 2) by petition, as provided in the Cooperative’s bylaws (Article IV, Section 4). The bylaws are printed in the BEK/West River Missouri Slope Telephone Directory and are available on the BEK Communications Cooperative website.On June 8, 2023, members of the BEK Communications Cooperative will have the opportunity to vote for these candidates for the Board of Directors. Nominations for Director 2023 Nominations Committee Selects CandidatesBEK COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE MARCH 2023BEK TV PURCHASES NEW STATION Find out how BEK TV has become the state’s leading network.PAGE 12SOLAR OUTAGESHow the sun may aect your TV service.PAGE 12DAKOTA TABLESOUTH SEA ISLAND MEATBALLS Catch the island vibe with this sweet meatball recipe!PAGE 9888.475.2361bek.coopDISTRICT I: DISTRICT II: DISTRICT III: DISTRICT IV:McKenzie, Regan, Sterling, Wilton, WingSanford Williams Wing (Incumbent)Pettibone, Robinson, Steele, Tappen, TuttleBob Subart Robinson (Incumbent)Hazelton, Kintyre, Linton, StrasburgKevin Bernhardt Linton (Incumbent)Vickie MartinLintonLehr, Napoleon, Wishek, ZeelandNo ElectionBack L to R: Tim DeKrey (Steele), Randy Kapp (Medina), Burnell Paul (Wing)Front L to R: Luanne Schonert (Wilton), Sandy Baumgartner (Hazelton), Not pictured - Elaine Mittleider (Hazelton)
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP2Join us for the 71st BEK Communications Cooperative Annual Meeting! The annual meeting gives members the opportunity to hear about the cooperative’s financial status and topics that could aect the organization’s future.As a shareholder in a cooperative business, your voice and vote are important to the well-being of the business. The 2023 Annual Meeting will take place Thursday, June 8th, in the Kidder County School gymnasium. Registration and a beef supper will be served from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, and the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. For your convenience, free childcare will be provided during the meeting.DERRICK BULAWA Chief Executive Ocer Make Your Vote CountAnnual Meeting ElectionsFROM THE CEOWhy should you attend this year’s annual meeting in Steele? The great food and fellowship, of course! Plus, it’s an important opportunity to: • Learn how the cooperative is performing. • Learn where the cooperative is investing. • Vote for the people you want to make decisions on your behalf. • Vote on the issues that directly aect your services.This year, your Board of Directors and I are asking all members to attend the annual meeting and vote in person. Our members are the most important part of BEK Communications Cooperative, and cooperatives survive through member engagement. Your participation plays an integral role in how we operate because how you vote directly aects the future of our cooperative.New this year, if you are unable to attend this year’s annual meeting, you must request a mail-in ballot. Each member will receive, by mail, a request form that needs to be signed and mailed back in. You will find more detailed information regarding this new procedure in this issue of The Beacon.Thank you, in advance, for participating in this year’s annual meeting. I look forward to seeing you there.The BEK Beacon is a bimonthly newsletter published by BEK Communications, © 2023. It is distributed without charge to all customers.BEK COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVEwas founded in 1952 as a local telecommunications cooperative serving Burleigh, Emmons and Kidder Counties. Since then, we’ve invested in state-of-the-art infrastructure, developed new products and services, and expanded to also serve Morton, Oliver, McLean, Logan, McIntosh, Barnes, Griggs, Cass, and Steele counties. BEK has changed quite a bit in 70 years, but we’re still a small-town cooperative at heart.BEK COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE 888-475-2361P.O. Box 230 200 East BroadwaySteele, ND 58482220 4th Street NortheastValley City, ND 58072923 East Interstate AvenueBismarck, ND 58503BOARD OF DIRECTORSDISTRICT IShane MorrisReganSanford WilliamsWingDISTRICT IIBob SubartRobinsonPresident Brett StrohTappenDISTRICT IIISecretary/Treasurer Kevin BernhardtLintonHolly WillHazeltonDISTRICT IVVice President William (Bill) BeckerWishekGerald BurlackWishekMARCH 2023BEK Communications Cooperative 71st Annual Meeting2023 Theme: ‘Innovating Together’
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP3Procedural, director, and bylaws voting may be done by mail or in person at the Annual Meeting, subject to a quorum. Fifty members or two percent of the membership shall comprise a quorum, whichever is more significant. An armative vote of not less than a majority of participating members, voting in-person or by mail-in ballot, is required for procedural and bylaw action. A plurality of votes is required for the directors election.If you are unable to attend the 2023 BEK Communications Cooperative Annual Meeting, and wish to vote, you must REQUEST a mail-in ballot. Each member will receive a ballot REQUEST form and a postage-paid return envelope in the mail around mid-April 2023.When you receive the mail-in ballot REQUEST form, sign and return it in the included postage-paid envelope with a postmark date by May 5, 2023. Ballot REQUEST forms must be mailed; they can not be delivered in person or left in the drop box. A ballot will only be mailed if REQUESTED. Members must attend the annual meeting to vote if they do not REQUEST a mail-in ballot.Members requesting mail-in ballots will receive the mail-in ballot along with an Ocial Meeting Notice, an Ocial Slate of Candidates, and Proposed Bylaw Amendments in the mail after May 19, 2023.On the mail-in ballot are sections for approving the 2022 annual meeting minutes, director election if applicable, and approving the amendments to the cooperative bylaws. Members are asked to clearly mark their votes with blue or black ink and sign the mail-in ballot.All mail-in ballots must have a signature by the addressee on the top of the ballot, must be postmarked by May 30, 2023, and must be received at the BEK Communications Steele oce before 5:00 PM on June 7, 2023, to be counted for the election. If you vote by mail and then decide to change your vote, you may do so in person at the June 8th Annual Meeting.Advanced Notice of Annual MeetingMail-in-Ballot Request InformationNotice is hereby given that the 71st Annual Meeting of the members of BEK Communications Cooperative will be held in Steele, North Dakota, on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at Kidder County School. As a cooperative member, you are encouraged to come and share our year in review. Your participation in the business meeting of your cooperative is greatly appreciated. For your convenience, free child care will be available during the meeting. Procedural, director, and bylaws voting may be done by mail-in ballot or in person at the Annual Meeting. Members must request a mail-in ballot; the mail-in ballot request forms will be mailed to all members around mid-April.Registration & Beef Supper | 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Enter at the north entrance of Kidder County School.BEK Communications Cooperative Annual Meeting | 7:00 pm Meeting is conducted in the Kidder County School gymnasium.
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP4At the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting, June 8, 2023 at 7:00 p.m., the Members of the Cooperative will be asked to consider the following proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the Cooperative which have been approved by the Cooperative’s Board of Directors. The proposed amendments are as follows:Proposed Amendment #1Article I, Sections 1(a).Definition of “Communication Service” will now include services oered by BEK Communications Cooperative and its subsidiaries and aliates.Shall this section be amended to modify the definition of “Communication Service” to include services oered by subsidiaries and aliates of the Cooperative. The Board in consultation with the Cooperative’s auditor and lawyer have established a corporate structure which includes subsidiaries and aliates owned by the Cooperative to maximize both regulatory flexibility and tax benefit for the members. This corporate structure results in some services being provided by subsidiaries of the BEK Communications Cooperative. The proposed amendment clarifies that customers taking services from a subsidiary will be eligible for Cooperative Membership.ARTICLE I MEMBERSHIPSECTION 1. REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or body politic or sub-division thereof who or which has been designated by the board as being part of the BEK Communications Cooperative (“Co-op”) territory, or who or which has been designated by the board as being eligible for membership, under rules of general application, based on patronage, shall automatically become a member of the Co-op by:(a) Making either an oral or written application for retail communication service or other retail service oered by the Co-op (Communication Service shall be defined as: The employment by the Co-op or any of its respective subsidiaries and aliates of various communication mediums, including, but not limited to, wire, paired cable, coaxial cable, glass fiber cable, laser beam, satellite, microwave, and all classes of radio frequencies for the purpose of oering all communication services.)Proposed Amendment #2Article III, Sections 1 and 2.Board authority concerning the establishment of the location within the territory of annual and special meetings of the members.Shall these sections be amended to authorize the Board of Directors to set the location of the annual meeting and any special meeting of members in any community served by the Cooperative or its subsidiaries.ARTICLE III MEETINGS OF MEMBERSSECTION 1. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting shall be held at such time during the month of June in each year, commencing with the year 2001, as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, and at such places as may be designated by the board in Burleigh, Emmons, Kidder, Logan, Sheridan, McLean, or McIntosh Counties, State of North Dakota, for the purpose of electing directors, passing upon reports for the previous year, and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. It shall be the responsibility of the board to make adequate plans and preparations for the annual meeting. Failure to hold the annual meeting at the designated time and place will not work a forfeiture or dissolution of the corporation.SECTION 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the members may be called by resolution of the board, or upon a written request signed by any three directors, by the president or by not less than 200 members or 10 percentum of all the members, whichever shall be the lesser, and it shall there upon be the duty of the secretary to cause notice of such meeting to be given as hereinafter provided. Special meeting may be held at any place within the counties of Burleigh, Emmons, Kidder, Logan, Sheridan, McLean, and McIntosh Counties, State of North Dakota, the Co-op’s territory as defined by the board and as specified in the notice of the special meeting.Proposed Amendment # 3.Article III, Section 6(a), (c), (d), and (e).Article IV, Section 2(b). Technical amendments to clarify the multiple methods of voting for the members of the Cooperative.PROPOSED BYLAW AMENDMENTS
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP5Shall the sections be amended to clarify the methods of voting by members of the Cooperative. The Board is encouraged by the expanded participation of the members during the last two annual meetings and has proposed this change to more clearly state the expanded voting options of members available to the Board when providing notice of a Cooperative meeting.ARTICLE III MEETINGS OF MEMBERSSECTION 6. VOTING. (a) Each member shall be entitled to only one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of the members. All questions shall be decided by a vote of a majority of the members voting thereon in person or participating electronically, voting by signed vote or voting by mail, except as otherwise provided by law, the articles of incorporation or these Bylaws. If a husband and wife hold a joint membership, they shall jointly be entitled to one vote and no more upon each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of the members. Signed votes shall be valid and entitled to the same force and eect as a vote in person if the member has been previously notified in writing of the exact motion or resolution upon which the vote is taken. Signed votes and votes by mail shall be used only when specifically authorized by resolution or vote of the Board of Directors. An individual may represent more than one member who is other than a natural person, and may also vote as an individual if he is a member. If a member who is other than a natural person is not represented by any of its principal ocers, that member may designate an individual to represent it by giving the Co-op a written notice at or before the member meeting, which shows that the designated individual has been authorized by the managing board of such member to represent it at the meeting of this Co-op. An individual person may vote that person’s individual membership and may represent more than one member that is not a natural person.(b) All questions, except those involving multiple choice issues or determinations, shall be decided by a vote of a majority of the members voting thereon except as otherwise provided by law, the articles of incorporation, or these Bylaws. Multiple choice issues or determinations shall be decided by a plurality vote. In the election of directors, a voice vote of the members present may be permitted if there is no competition for the seat or seats to be filled. All mail and electronic votes shall also be considered.(c) Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by the board, a member may vote by mail, including electronic mail, or by electronic transmission in conjunction with a member meeting, but only in a manner prescribed by the board.i. A member may vote by mail or act by electronic transmission on any matter, or as otherwise provided by the directors, in conjunction with a member meeting by the Co-op delivering or providing access to a written or electronic mail ballot (“Mail Ballot”) to each member entitled to vote on the matter and from whom the Co-op received a written request for a Mail Ballot at least 1030 days before the member meeting. A member submitting a completed Mail ballot Ballot may revoke the ballot and vote at the member meeting regarding a matter described in the ballot in a manner prescribed by the board. The Co-op must count completed Mail Ballots received before the member meeting in determining whether a member quorum exists at the member meeting as to the matters included in the ballot. The Co-op must count as a member’s vote a properly completed Mail Ballot received on or before the time and date stated in the ballot. ii. Mail or Electronic Ballot. A Mail Ballot must: (1) set forth and describe a proposed action, identify a candidate, and include the language of a motion, resolution, bylaw amendment, or other written statement, upon which a member is asked to vote or act; (2) state the date of a member meeting at which members are scheduled to vote or act on the matter; (3) provide an opportunity to vote for or against or to abstain from voting on the matter; (4) instruct the member how to complete, return, or cast a mail or electronic ballot, and (5) state the time and date by which the Co-op must receive the completed mail or electronic ballot.(d) A member’s failure to receive a mailMail or electronic ballot Ballot does not aect a vote or action taken by Mail Ballot. (e) Material soliciting approval of a matter by Mail Ballot, must: (1) contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the matter, (2) state the member quorum required to vote on the matter; (3) for all matters other than the election of directors, state the percentage of approval necessary to approve the matter; and (4) state the time and date by which the Co-op must receive a completed mailMail or electronic ballot Ballot.(f) A Mail Ballot may not be procured or cast through fraud or other improper means. As determined by the Co-op, a Mail Ballot procured or cast through fraud or other improper means is invalid.ARTICLE IV DIRECTORSSECTION 1. GENERAL POWERS. The business and aairs of the Co-op shall be managed by a board of directors which shall exercise all of the powers of the Co-op except
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP6such as are by law, the articles of incorporation or these Bylaws, conferred upon or reserved to the members. Based on the armative vote of two-thirds of the board, the board shall have the authority to modify the number of directors to any number less than or equal to 9 as allowed by North Dakota law, and to create the number and geographic territory of voting districts.SECTION 2. ELECTION AND TENURE OF OFFICE. (a) All directors shall be elected by districts to serve for terms of 3 years. Only the members residing in a district shall be entitled to vote for the director from that district. If an election of directors shall not be held on the day designated herein for the annual meeting, or at any adjournment thereof, a special meeting of the members shall be held for the purpose of electing directors within a reasonable time thereafter. Each director shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast from that district.(b) All election of directors shall be by secret ballot cast at the annual meeting, by signed ballot, or by Mail Ballot, except that there shall be no requirement of election by ballot for a non-contested election, and in such case the sole candidate may be elected by voice vote. If the balloting shall result in a tie between two or more persons for a plurality of the votes cast, the winner shall forthwith be determined by a flip of a coin by the chairman of the meeting.Proposed Amendment #4Article III.Article IV, Sections 4(a) and (b).Expanding the timing to achieve the key steps required for the proper execution of a special or annual meeting of the members.Shall the sections be amended to change the timing of events related to the annual meeting and special meeting of members. The proposed amendment expands the timeline for the tasks related to the Annual Meeting of members, including the timing of the work of the Nominating Committee and the deadline for nominations to the Board by petition. These proposed changes provide the members more opportunity to participate as a candidate and as a voting member.ARTICLE III MEETINGS OF MEMBERSSECTION 4. NOTICE OF MEMBERS’ MEETINGS. Written notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in case of a special meeting or an annual meeting at which business requiring special notice is to be transacted, the purpose or purposes for which the You set the rules, we’ll enforce them.The BEK Freedom app is included with your BEK Lightband Ultimate Wi-Fi experience. It manages all your family's devices and content access, and oers customizable online safety.Download the BEK Freedom app today in the Apple App Store or Google Play.
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP7meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than ten days nor more than twentyfifty days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by mail, by or at the direction of the secretary, or upon a default in duty by the secretary, by the persons calling the meeting, to each member. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail, addressed to the member at the address as it appears on the records of the Co-op, with postage thereon prepaid. The failure of any member to receive notice of an annual or special meeting of the members shall not invalidate any action which may be taken by the members at such meeting.ARTICLE IV DIRECTORSSECTION 4. NOMINATIONS. (a) It shall be the duty of the board to appoint, not less than one-hundred-twenty (120) days before the date of a meeting of the members at which one or more directors are to be elected, a committee on nominations composed of members from each district that will be electing a director. The committee on nominations shall be composed of resident nominating committee members of a number equal to the number of directors from each district that will be electing a director. No members of the board may serve on such committee. The committee shall prepare and post at the principal oce of the Co-op at least thirty (30)seventy-five (75) days before the meeting a list of nominations for directors, which shall include as many nominees for each Board position as the committee deems desirable.(b) Any fifteen or more members acting together may make other nominations by petition not less than twenty (20) sixty (60) days prior to the meeting for a director from their district, and the secretary shall post such nominations at the same place where the list of nominations made by the committee is posted. The secretary shall mail with the notice of the meeting, or separately, but at least ten (10) days before the date of the meeting, a statement of the number of directors to be elected and the names and addresses of the candidates from each district specifying separately the nominations made by the committee and the names of the candidates nominated by petition, if any.Proposed Amendment #5Article V, Sections 2, 3, and 4.Procedural changes for calling and participating in special meetings of the Board of Directors.Shall these sections be amended to change the procedures for special meetings of the Board of Directors including the procedure for calling a special meeting, notice requirements and participation.ARTICLE V MEETINGS OF DIRECTORSSECTION 1. REGULAR MEETINGS. A regular meeting of the board shall be held without notice immediately after the annual meeting of the members at a location chosen by the board. A regular meeting of the board shall also be held monthly at such time and place as the board may provide by resolution. Such regular monthly meetings may be held without notice other than such resolution fixing the time and place thereof.SECTION 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the board may be called by the president or by the Co-op’s manager at the president’s direction, or by any three directors, and it shall thereupon be the duty of the secretary or the secretary’s designee to cause notice of such meeting to be given as hereinafter provided. The president or directors calling the meeting shall fix the time and place for holding of the meeting.SECTION 3. NOTICE OF DIRECTORS’ MEETINGS. Written notice of the time, place and purpose of any special meeting of the board shall be delivered to each director not less than five days twenty-four hours previous thereto either personally, by mail, or by email, fax, or other electronic means designated by the board of directors, by or at the direction of the secretary or upon a default in duty by the secretary, by the president or the directors calling the meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the director at the address as it appears on the records of the Co-op with postage thereon prepaid. If notice is given by electronic means, it shall be deemed to be delivered when sent to the email address, fax number, text number, or other electronic address appearing in the records of the Co-op.SECTION 4. QUORUM. A majority of the board participating in person or through electronic means shall constitute a quorum, provided, that if less than such majority of the directors are present participating they may adjourn the meeting from time to time; and provided further, that the secretary shall notify any absent directors of the time and place of such adjourned meeting. The act of a majority of the directors present participating at a meeting at which a quorum is present participating shall be the act of the board.
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP8The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC program that helps connect families and households struggling to afford internet service.The Affordable Connectivity Program provides: • Up to $30/month discount for broadband serviceThe Affordable Connectivity Program is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.Who is Eligible?A household is eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program if the household income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or if a member of the household meets at least one of the following criteria:• Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;• Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider’s existing low-income internet program;• Participates in one of these assistance programs: • SNAP • Medicaid • Federal Public Housing Assistance • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • WIC • Veterans Pension or Survivor Benefits • or LifelineCheck out for a Consumer FAQ and other program resources.Two-Steps to Enroll1. Go to to submit an application or print out a mail-in application; and2. Contact your preferred participating provider to select a plan and have the discount applied to your bill.Some providers may have an alternative application that they will ask you to complete.Eligible households must both apply for the program and contact a participating provider to select a service plan.Aordable Connectivity Program Helping Households ConnectLearn more at bek.tvHosted by Gary EminethWeekdaysat 8:30pmSundaysat 9:00pm
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP9South Sea Island MeatballsSUBMITTED BY: KRISTI VETTER FROM MENOKEN, NDINGREDIENTS:Meatballs1 c. soft breadcrumbs¼ c. chopped onion2 tsp. soy sauce1 tsp. salt⅛ tsp. pepper1 lb. ground beefSauce1 can pineapple tidbits w/juice¼ c. sugar¼ tsp. ginger2 tbsp. vinegar1 tsp. soy sauce¼ c. onion1 c. green pepper, chopped1 tsp. butter1 ½ tsp. cornstarchDIRECTIONS:1. Mix all the meatball ingredients together and form into 1 inch balls. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.2. In a saucepan, add all sauce ingredients except the cornstarch and cook at a low heat until onions and peppers are softened.3. Add cornstarch and a little bit of water and cook until thickened. Usually happens pretty fast.4. Pour over meatballs and bake an additional 30 minutes or until done. Serve over rice. Submit your favorite recipe to Dakota Table by mailing it to: PO Box 230, Steele, ND 58482 or email bekcomm@bektel.comRecipes will be randomly drawn for a chance to be published in the Beacon.Submit a recipe to Dakota Table. If we publish your recipe, we will mail you some kitchen goodies!
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP10BEK Communications Privacy Policy1. Privacy Policy and Statement.(a) Customer Privacy. Protecting the privacy of our customers is important to us. Any contact information you provide in an information request will be used only for purposes of selling, distributing, fulfilling or settlement of the Services or Products. Without your express authorization, we will not divulge any information to a third party for purposes other than the sales, distribution, fulfillment or settlement of Services and Products except as otherwise provided herein.(b) Use of Customer Information. The privacy of your information is important to us. The privacy policy and statement in this Section 20 tells you how we collect information from you and how we use it.(i) BEK Partners. BEK sells various “co-branded” services on its website, in newspapers, via phone sales and other mass media. Although BEK requests all partners to have a privacy policy consistent with the policy listed below, it is recommended that you view the privacy policy adopted by the BEK partners when taking their services.(ii) Customer Information. It is a fact of modern life that companies, including BEK, must collect information about their customers in order to carry out business and oer services. Privacy concerns focus on protecting customer information that an individual expects to be kept private. Such information is information associated with a specific individual or entity, including, for instance, email address, Services oered and information about that customer’s usage activities. You consent to BEK’s collection of such information from you.(iii) Customer Proprietary Information. From time to time, BEK Communications changes its Service and Product oerings and makes available additional features and Services and Products, which may enhance and augment the Service or Product to which you are already subscribed. For us to determine which customers may benefit from the new Services and Products, we will use information about your account from our databases, legally referred to as Customer Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”) unless you restrict that use in the manner described below. CPNI includes information such as the long-distance carrier and calling plan to which you are subscribed, calling features and plans to which you are subscribed, calling patterns and usage of various features, and charges associated with the Services you subscribe to. Use of this data will allow BEK to identify Service and Product oerings to meet your individual needs. For this purpose, CPNI data will be used by BEK only. This data will not be shared by BEK with any other outside source except as necessary to provide the Services and Products to which you are already subscribed and when we are legally compelled to do so.(iv) Restricting CPNI Usage. You have the right under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your account information and restrict the use of CPNI data, and we have a responsibility to protect your data. To restrict the use of your CPNI data, you must call the business oce toll free at 1-888-475-2361 during regular business hours, or email us at within 30 days of your receipt of this notice to request that we not utilize your CPNI data. Your denial or approval for BEK to use this data will not aect the provision of any Services or Products to which you subscribe. You may change your decision at any time and your decision will remain valid until you tell us otherwise. Again, we will only use your account information to market other communication Services and Products oered by BEK. No action is required unless you wish to restrict our use of your CPNI. You will still receive monthly bill inserts, newsletters and other publications that are sent to all customers at the same time, so that you are kept up to date on what is happening at BEK.(v) Non-CPNI Collected Automatically. In some cases, we may collect information about you that is not personally identifiable such as the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, the domain name of the website and/or Internet Service Provider from which you linked to our site advertisements, and the like. You consent to BEK’s collection of such information from you.(vi) “Cookies”. Pieces of information that a website transfers to a customer’s hard drive are called “Cookies.” When you view our website or advertisements, we store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a “Cookie” or similar file and will be used to determine ways to improve our website, advertisements, Products or Services. For example, Cookies allow us to tailor a website to better match your interests and preferences. You consent to BEK’s storage of “Cookies” or similar files on your hard drive.(vii) BEK Freedom App. BEK collects and processes information provided directly by you when you install the BEK Freedom App on any device and register for an account to use the BEK Freedom App, including:
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP11(a) your name, email address, location, user’s phone or contact book data, user’s inventory of installed apps, and user’s screen recording; (b) browser information and session cookies related to your access and use of the BEK Freedom App; (c) data insights BEK attains based on correlation and analytics of your information collected in providing the BEK Freedom App, which may be used in aggregated and dis-aggregated formats or to obtain trend analytics, to provide the BEK Freedom App; and (d) use of the above-described collected information in aggregated and dis-aggregated formats to enhance BEK’s current BEK Freedom App or to provide BEK Freedom App features. BEK uses the information collected as described in this Section 20, including personal information, to: (a) provide you with the BEK Freedom App; (b) implement improve and/or enhance the BEK Freedom App, including to make future releases available to you; (c) carry out BEK’s obligations as described or authorized in any applicable Service Order and these Terms and Conditions; (d) enforce BEK’s rights arising from any applicable Service Order and these Terms and Conditions; and (e) fulfill any other purpose authorized by you and reasonably required for the BEK Freedom App. You consent to BEK’s collection, processing, and use of the information collected and processed as described in this Section 20.(viii) Information Security and Data Retention. BEK maintains strict customer information privacy policies and uses current technology to safeguard customer information from unauthorized disclosure. Employees are trained on the importance of protecting privacy and on the proper access to, use and disclosure of customer information. Personally identifiable and other sensitive records are retained only as long as reasonably necessary for business accounting, tax, or legal purposes. If during the provision of services for customer, private information provided to customer by third parties, as part of customer’s business activities, is unintentionally or unavoidably disclosed to BEK, BEK will not copy, tamper with, remove from the place where found, retain, disclose, or use in any way the information. Although we work hard to protect personal information that we collect and store, no program is 100% secure and we cannot guarantee that our safeguards will prevent every unauthorized attempt to access, use, or disclose personal information.27KNGF | FARGO • GRAND FORKS26KNDB | BISMARCK • DICKINSON24KNDM | MINOT • WILLISTONUpcoming Rodeos on BEK:Minot NDRAMarch 31-April 1Bowman County Fair RodeoMay 27bek.tvCatch NDRA rodeo actionall summer onBEK TV!
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP12BEK TV ACQUIRES NEW STATIONSOLAR OUTAGESBEK TV has launched a new television station in Eastern North Dakota, allowing the network to expand its broadcast programming, uninterrupted, 24 hours a day to the viewers of North Dakota and Western Minnesota. This makes BEK TV the only North Dakota-owned station with complete statewide coverage. BEK-owned KNGF broadcasts over-the-air on Channel 27 in Eastern North Dakota. This new station adds to BEK TV’s already expansive cable, satellite, and over-the-air oering, which includes KNDM located in Minot, and KNDB located in Bismarck. KNGF was purchased via a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auction in 2022. Prior to that, BEK TV was sharing KRDK airtime in Eastern North Dakota, which limited BEK’s ability to broadcast its original, unique, and award-winning programming. It also limited the hours it could broadcast to afternoons and evenings. BEK TV broadcasts two separate genres of content. BEK Sports produces more than 400 live, local sporting events each year. BEK News consists of a variety of uncensored news and opinion programs hosted by local and nationally renowned personalities and thought leaders. BEK TV is the only North Dakota-owned broadcasting company remaining in the state.BEK TV programming is available on all cable and satellite providers. It also can be viewed online at and on the BEK Play app on all streaming devices.Please be aware that the 2023 solar outage period will take place in March and may briefly aect your EPIC IPTV service. Temporary disruptions may occur between March 1-9, 2023. You may experience brief signal pixelization, interference, or complete loss of signal as the sun passes behind various satellites. The phenomenon occurs twice each year, for a few weeks in the spring and then again in the fall. If you experience disruption to your service, please know that they are temporary. Picture quality will be restored within a few minutes. Most solar outages occur around midday and last anywhere from five to 15 minutes. Some outages may occur at other times.Abraham Harvey 668-2329 PageBaldwin Greenhouse & Nursery 255-0736 BaldwinBridges Car Wash 845-5500 Valley CityDavenport Daniel 734-6473 BaldwinHeritage Insurance 754-4511 NapoleonHiam Gary 668-2020 PageIronsides Concrete Construction 673-5681 MenokenLinton Fitness 254-4646 LintonPolionpee Auto 204-7393 BismarckPueppke John 347-4030 AmeniaNEW PHONE LISTINGSNAME PHONE CITY
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP13Customer Proprietary Network InformationAnnual Notice Regarding Your Account InformationThe Federal Communications Commission asks that we periodically update you about your privacy and what’s called “Customer Proprietary Network Information” or CPNI.CPNI, at its core, is simply information about your phone service with BEK Communications. “Information” includes the long-distance carrier and calling plan to which you subscribe, calling patterns, usage of features and your billing data. We do not share, nor are we permitted to share, this information with anyone outside of BEK Communications or our wholly-owned subsidiaries, with the following exceptions: court orders or other activities authorized by law, such as fraud prevention; aggregate (grouped) information that doesn’t identify you individually; or if we have your prior permission.PROTECTING YOUR ACCOUNTWith the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Congress provided for the protection of CPNI. Enacted for the consumer’s protection, this FCC rule requires a customer to provide a password when requesting account details from their telecommunications carrier. BEK Communications takes your privacy and security seriously and have established a suggested 3-point level of security for your protection.In addition to the 1) Account Password required by the FCC, we ask that you establish two (2) more levels of security for your account:2. Pre-identified Authorized Account Contacts3. Security Questions with answers known only to you and your Authorized Account Contact(s)Before information is released over the phone, in writing, or when visiting, your established Account Password and/or Security Questions will be used to verify that only you or your Authorized Account Contact(s) are receiving the requested information. As part of our commitment to protection of your privacy: • When you or an Authorized Account Contact(s) request to discuss your account, BEK personnel will immediately ask for the required Account Password; if a password has not been established, we will ask that you establish one at that time; Photo ID will be requested if visiting in person • If you are the only person authorized on your account, BEK personnel are permitted to disclose account and CPNI information to you only. Spouse, immediate family, friends or others may receive information once you add them as an Authorized Account Contact. • Each time a change is made to your security information (address change, password change, security questions utilized, etc.) you will receive a letter via US Postal Service notifying you of the change or access. If you did not authorize the change/access, contact us immediately.OPTING-OUTFrom time to time, BEK Communications changes its service oering and makes available additional features and services, which may enhance or augment your subscribed service. In order to determine which customers may benefit from the new service(s) and enhancement(s), CPNI information will be consulted unless you restrict that use in the manner described below. To restrict use of your CPNI data for marketing purposes, you must contact us within 30 days of your receipt of this notice. You may speak with a BEK representative during business hours (voicemail does not qualify) by calling 888.475.2361 or you may place your request in writing by emailing Your denial or approval for BEK to use this data will not aect the provisioning of any service to which you subscribe. You may change your decision at any time and your decision will remain valid until you tell us otherwise. Again, we will only use your account information to market other BEK telecommunications services and products; no action is required unless you wish to restrict your use of your CPNI. You will still receive monthly bill inserts, newsletters and other publications that are sent to all customers so that you are kept up to date on what’s happening at BEK.It is your right and duty under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI. If you have questions about CPNI, Account Passwords, Authorized Account Contacts, Opting-Out or are ready to further protect your account, call us today at 888.475.2361 and we will be happy to assist you.Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We appreciate you choosing BEK Communications.
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP142023 Appointment of Voting Representative2023 APPOINTMENT OF VOTING REPRESENTATIVEIf you are attending the Annual Meeting of BEK Communications Cooperative as the Voting Representative of a church, school district, cooperative or other organization, the following “Appointment of Voting Representative” form must be completed. This form may be submitted to BEK Communications Cooperative Steele Oce or presented during check-in at the Annual Meeting on June 8, 2023.This is not a Proxy Statement. Residential and sole proprietorship business customers cannot use this form. Completed forms may be dropped o at the BEK headquarters oce in Steele before June 8, 2023 or presented during check-in at the Annual Meeting.Forms may also be mailed to the following address: BEK Annual Meeting BEK Communications Cooperative PO Box 230 Steele, ND 58482-0230If you’re mailing this form, please allow adequate mailing time. 2023 Appointment of Voting Representative FormA membership in the BEK Communications Cooperative may be held in the name of a church, school district or other political subdivision, corporation, cooperative, association or other organization. If your organization is to be represented at the Annual Meeting, complete this form and deliver to BEK Communications Cooperative OR present during check-in at the Annual Meeting.This certifies that_______________________________________is appointed the voting representative for the following organization ______________________________________________at the June 8, 2023 BEK Communications Cooperative Annual Meeting.Said voting representative is authorized to cast the vote of, and otherwise represent this organization in all matters at the Annual Meeting of the members of BEK Communications Cooperative or any adjournment thereof. Only ONE Appointment of Voting Representative Form per organization is allowed. Signed: ____________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ After Hours Cell Phone No. : _____________________________BEK Annual MeetingBEK Communications CooperativePO Box 230Steele, ND 58482Authorized contact if verification is needed at the Annual Meeting.
BEK COMMUNICATIONS | BEK.COOP154:00PM CTMON-FRITrent on the Loos4:30PM CTMON-FRILadies of Another View10:00PM CTMON-FRIThe Stew Peters Show8:00PM CTSUNNo Apologies10:00PM CTSUNThe Right Side with Doug Billings7:00PM CTSUNDakota Cowboy7:00PM CTMON-FRIFlyover Conservatives2:30PM CTTUE-FRIEducated2:30PM CTMONDr. Duke Show2:00PM CTMON-FRICounter Culture Mom Show6:30AM CTMON-FRIAcross the Pondwith Trent Loos & Andrew Henderson27KNGF | FARGO • GRAND FORKS26KNDB | BISMARCK • DICKINSON24KNDM | MINOT • WILLISTON
BEK COMMUNICATIONS COOPERATIVE200 East Broadway, PO Box 230, Steele, ND 58482ECRWSS LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER123TRIVIA ENTRYENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY APRIL 13, 2023Name: ______________________________________________________________________Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________Town: _______________________________________________________________________Clip and send to BEK at:PO Box 230, Steele, ND 58482 You also can email answers to We will be drawing for twenty $5.00 credits to be applied to the winners’ bill.CONGRATS! TO OUR BEACON JANUARY WINNERSBEACON TRIVIAJohn F. Fehr | LintonKaren Hager | LintonAllen Koth | BismarckIrene Blotsky | MenokenAnn Moch | KintyreHarriet Dimmer | Valley CitySharon DeWitz | TappenJane Vander Wal | StrasburgKathy McCormick | MenokenRodney Eberle | HaguePhil Volk | HagueDuane Mehlho | DriscollLaVerna Kaseman | WishekLarry Knecht | NapoleonWilma Wiest | WishekRebecca Bosch | StrasburgRoger Hasse | TappenMildred Entzi | LehrGerald Laine | KintyreGertrude Loibl | FingalWhat is the date of this year’s Annual Meeting?What is BEK TV’s newest television station?What is this year’s theme for the Annual Meeting?