Fullerton FinancialPlanningThe Official Newsletter of
TAKE A LOOKINSIDE03 040608Upcoming EventsFullerton Family Volunteer OpportunityTax Season 2022
UPCOMINGJoin us for this great volunteeropportunity! Learn more on page 6.9Bunk Bed BuildCoffee Talk EVENTSFullertonfp.com/client-eventsCheck Out OurUpcoming Eventsthis Spring!Join us at our Peoria office for our nextcoffee talk! We'll be talking about"Understanding Your Statements."14To celebrate the Easter weekend, ouroffices will be closed on Friday, April 15.15Good FridayFULLERTON FINANCIAL PLANNING
New Babies atFullerton!TW O TI NY T OB EY S ON T HE W AY !ER IC K & BA BY M AT EODE BB IE & B AB Y RI LE Y
Meet The Team!Rebecca ValenciaRebecca joined the Tempe First Impressions Team inFebruary. Originally from Tucson, Rebecca has been adesert dweller her whole life. Welcome aboard, Rebecca! Melanie OrtizMelanie joined the Fullerton team as our amazing schedulerin January. She's originally from Dallas, Texas but hascalled Arizona home for 4 years now!Dorean TaylorDorean joined the Marketing Team in February. She'soriginally from Florida & has called Arizona home for13 years now! We're excited to have her.Do you know someone who would be a great fit for our team? Send them to fullertonfp.com/careers! Employee of the MonthCaryn BortCongratulations, Caryn! Thank you for putting our clientsfirst and exhibiting excellence in what you do everyday!
BUNK BED BUILDVOLUNTEER WITH US Vo l u n te e r Re q u i re m e n tsApril 9thOur team at FFP along with our partners at LifeBridge Alliance,will be working alongside an organization called 'Sleep InHeavenly Peace' (SHP) on Saturday April 9th. SHP is a nonprofit that believes that a bed is a basic need for theproper physical, emotional, and mental support that a childneeds. That's where WE (us and YOU) come in. We will be workingas a group of volunteers to build, assemble and eventuallydeliver top-notch bunk beds to children and familes in need.No child under the age of 12 is allowed to participate in a Build Day.Underage minors are required to be accompanied by a legalguardian.Don’t be intimidated by the noise, the sawdust, or the fact you’ve nevertouched a power tool before. We’re simply looking for willing hearts tohelp turn lumber into bunks. We’ll teach you everything you need toknow. A few things to note:
We serving our community!Fullerton teamed up with Lifebridge Alliance, serving 850 K-8th grade students inthe downtown Glendale area. We transformed their cafeteria into a huge shoe andclothing store; distributing 600 pairs of new shoes, 3,000 pairs of socks, 3,000pairs of underwear and 200 bras to children in dire need. We served joyfully with40 new volunteers! Keep an eye out to a similar event coming this August. love
How investments affect your taxes dependson the types of investments you have andwhat you did with them during the previoustax year. The funds and investments innormal brokerage accounts are treateddifferently than funds in pre-tax 401(k)s andafter-tax Roth IRAs.If you sell investments in your own personalbrokerage account that isn’t specifically aretirement account, you might need to payeither short-term or long-term capital gainstaxes. Whether your sale is taxed on thehigher short-term rate or the (usually) lowerlong-term rate depends on how long youheld the investment.Investments sold after holding them for lessthan a year are charged the short-termcapital gains tax, while investments soldafter more than a year are taxed based onthe long-term rate.Short-term investments sold in a regularbrokerage account are taxed like regularincome at your tax rate (up to 37 percentfor the highest income bracket). As of the2021 tax year, the long-term capital gainstax rate is either zero percent, 15 percentor 20 percent, depending on your taxbracket.The income level range for the 15 percentlong-term capital gains rate is particularlywide. Any single person with an incomebetween $40,401 and $445,850 shouldpay 15 percent on long-term capital gains(the profit from the sale of stock held formore than a year).You can learn about the specific rates foryour income and filing status from theIRS.At Fullerton Financial Planning, we are committed to helping ourclients develop tax-efficient retirement investment strategies.Do Taxes Affect Your Financial Portfolio?2022 Tax Season:Schedule a Tax Strategy Session Today!Call our office at (623) 974-0300Tax preparing is looking at the past. Tax planning is looking at the future.-Stephanie Fullerton
How are IRA withdrawals taxed? Thisdepends on whether you have a regularIRA or a Roth IRA and when you startwithdrawing funds. The 59½ rule appliesto all qualified retirement savings plans,including IRAs. If you withdraw moneybefore that age, you will need to pay the10 percent penalty fee at tax time. Roth IRAs are a partial exception. You mustonly pay the penalty for early Roth IRAwithdrawals if you take earnings from theaccount. Traditional IRAs are pre-tax dollars like a401(k). Roth IRAs are post-tax dollars.When you withdraw money or takedisbursements from a traditional IRA, you’llneed to pay taxes on it as income. Yougenerally don’t have to pay income taxeson withdrawals from a Roth IRA. One of the benefits of a traditional IRA aretax deductible contributions. You don’thave the option to deduct Roth IRAcontributions from your yearly taxes. Thetax-free Roth IRA withdrawals also only gointo effect if you’ve had the account for atleast five years. Want to understand how you can maximizetax savings with your retirementinvestments?At Fullerton Financial Planning, we arecommitted to helping our clients developtax-efficient retirement investmentstrategies. We’ve even incorporated estateplanning professionals into our team toensure our clients have all their retirementplanning bases covered. If you’d like to learn about the mosteffective way to grow your retirementsavings while minimizing your tax exposureand safeguarding your legacy, request aconsultation with our team. Call us at (623) 974-0300 to schedule ameeting with a financial advisor. How Are IRA Withdrawals Taxed?2022 Tax Season:Read more at Fullertonfp.com/blog
On February 11th, someof our lovely ladiescelebrated Galentine'sDay at the Spicery TeaHouse in Glendale. Theydecorated tea hats andenjoyed an authenticEnglish Tea Party. It wasa fabulous day! WillyoubemyGalentine?
We've found it so rewarding to help people likeyou pursue financial freedom. Thank you forchoosing us - and for trusting us with your hard-earned assets.REFERRALProgramFor Every Referral WhoBooks An Appointment We want to say thank you everytime youshare us with your family and friends. Eachquarter all clients who have reffered afriend that quarter will be entered into aprize drawing. But Wait, There's MoreEvery client who sends us a friend orfamily member will ALSO be invitied to an exclusive refferal event at the end of the year. We Want to Say THANK YOU Furthermore, with every referral you sendus, who becomes a client, you can expect toreceive a small token of our appreciationfollowing their appointment. To learn more about our exciting referralprogram please visit, FullertonFP.com/Referor call our office today and ask for Kristin. SHARING IS CARINGMany of our clients want to share their positive financialexperiences with friends and family. But oftentimes theyfind it hard to figure out just the right way to do it. Ourhope is this will help you make a referral to us becausechances are, the people you like would be a good fit for us,too. What Do You Say?We believe the beauty of our referral program is that it's awin-win-win. You get to help someone you care about. Theperson you referred gets help with their retirementstrategy. And we get to help another pre-retiree pursuetheir dreams. Here's how to start the conversation: Tell your friend orfamily member how Fullerton Financial Planning hashelped you with retirement planning. Then, say that you'd like for them to have the opportunityto talk with us. Perhaps you've heard them expressconcerns about:Running out of moneyPaying for long-term careReducing taxes in retirementAnother easy way to break the ice is by inviting them toattend one of our dinner workshops with you! For moreinformation and a list of our upcoming investmentworkshops, scan here. Fullertonfp.com/seminars
Contact UsLet's Get Social!Corporate Phone: (623) 974-0300 Tempe Phone: (480) 912-4500Fax: (623) 974-0330Email: Info@fullertonfp.comAs Seen & Heard OnWatch us weekly on Saturdays on 12News at 4:30am, and on Sundays on CBS Channel 5 or KUTP FOX 10 at 09:30am.Listen to us on 92.3 KTAR FM on Saturdays at 1:00pm or Sundays at 6:00pm.Stream the Fullerton Financial Hour podcast on both Apple Podcast and Spotify.Watch us nightly on NBC Channel 12 News.Grab Stephanie Fullerton’s book, “What to Look for in an Advisor”, available in our office or online at Amazon.comFullerton Financial Planning (FFP) is an independent financial services firm and uses a variety of different investment methods. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Bycontacting FFP, you may be provided strategies that utilize insurance products, those guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurancecompany. Investment advisory services are offered through Kingdom Financial Group, LLC (KFG), an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. KFG maintains a co-advisory relationship with AE WealthManagement.Neither the firm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.The information contained is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation. None ofthe information contained on this website shall constitute an offer to sell or solicit any offer to buy a security or any insurance product.14155 N. 83rd Ave.Suite 144Peoria, AZ 85381Corporate Office:Tempe Office:600 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Suite 102Tempe, AZ 85281F A C E B O O Kfacebook.com/fullertonfinancialplanningT W I T T E Rtwitter.com/fullertonfpI N S T A G R A Minstagram.com/fullertonfinancialplanningY O U T U B Eyoutube.comSearch: Fullerton FinancialPlanningL I N K E D I Nlinkedin.com/company/fullerton-financial-planning